Higgs picture of the QCD-vacuum C. Wetterich1 Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik Universit¨at Heidelberg 4 Philosophenweg 16, D-69120 Heidelberg 0 0 2 t c O 4 June 12, 2006 1 v Abstract 7 5 0 The functional integral for QCD is reformulated by introducing 0 explicitly an integration over the fluctuations of composite quark- 1 antiquark bound states. Chiral symmetry breaking by the color sin- 4 0 glet scalar fieldinducesmassesforthefermions. Ourformulation with / scalar fluctuations may be useful for lattice gauge theories by modify- h p ing the spectrum of the Dirac operator in the vacuum and permitting - a simple connection to chiral perturbation theory. We propose that a p e “condensate” of quark-antiquark boundstates in thecolor octet chan- h nel generates masses of the gluons by the Higgs mechanism. A simple : v effective action for quarks, gluons and (composite) scalars yields a i X surprisingly good description of the charges, masses and interactions r of all low mass physical excitations - baryons, pseudoscalars and vec- a tor mesons. Dressed quarks appear as baryons and dressed gluons as vector mesons. 1e-mail: [email protected] 1 Introduction An analytic description of the vacuum in QCD remains a central goal in quantum field theory. We have witnessed convincing progress of numerical simulations of QCD on a lattice. Still, even an approximate analytic under- standing would be a highly valuable complement. Computations of strong cross sections and decay rates are very hardin lattice QCD. Simulations have a long way to go before the properties of nuclei can be explained. Further- more, a huge present and future experimental program tries to gather infor- mation about the QCD phase transition and the phase diagram as function of baryon density and temperature. Simulations for high baryon density are notoriously difficult and an analytical understanding would be very helpful. Akey issue forthesimplicity andsuccess ofananalytical description isan efficient description of the relevant degrees of freedom. In QCD the relevant degrees of freedom depend on the momentum scale. Processes involving high momenta (more precisely high virtuality) are well described by quarks and gluons. Perturbation theory based on the microscopic action for quarks and gluons with a small gauge coupling yields reliable results. In contrast, the relevant degrees of freedom at long distances or small momenta are mesons and baryons. An efficient description of the vacuum should therefore involve degrees of freedom for the low mass mesons. Typically, the lowest mass ex- citations in the QCD vacuum should comprise the pseudoscalar meson octet andsinglet(η ), thevector mesonoctetandthebaryonoctetintherespective ′ channels. We observe that this spectrum of real QCD differs strongly from pure QCD (gluodynamics) without quarks where the low excitations consist of glueballs. This simple fact suggests that an efficient analytic description of real QCD at low momentum differs substantially from gluodynamics. As the momentum scale is lowered an analytic description of real QCD should effectively switch from gluons and quarks to mesons and baryons. The most prominent long distance degrees of freedom are scalar quark- antiquark (q¯q) bound states. The expectation value of such a composite scalar field induces spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. The excitations of this scalar field describe then the associated (pseudo-) Goldstone bosons π, K, η as well as the η . Our first task for an analytic description will there- ′ fore be to supplement quarks and gluons by the degrees of freedom for com- posite scalar (and pseudoscalar) meson fields. In the first part of this work (sect. 2) we will reformulate the functional integral for QCD in an exactly equivalent form which comprises an integration over explicit scalar degrees of freedom. Thesescalarsareofminorimportanceathighmomentabutbecome crucial for the properties of the vacuum. Besides the analytical advantage of a simple connection to chiral perturbationtheory this reformulation may also 1 offer important benefits for lattice simulations. The spectrum of the Dirac operator acquires a mass gapeven in the chiral limit andthe contact to chiral perturbation theory at long distances should become straightforward. Concerning the QCD phase transition the task for an analytical descrip- tion becomes even more involved: the formalism should now describe simul- taneously quarks, gluons, mesons and baryons. Above the critical temper- ature a quark gluon plasma is a valid approximation and explicit mesons or baryons play no important role. In the hadron gas below the critical temperature the mesons (and baryons) dominate whereas quarks and gluons become irrelevant. A simple analytical description has to capture all these degrees of freedom andprovide for a mechanism explaining why their relative importance changes abruptly as a function of temperature. Associating spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking with the phase transi- tion yields a simple explanation why the quarks disappear from the relevant spectrum below the critical temperature. T : the fermions get massive for c T < T . What is needed is a similar mechanism for the gluons. For the c electroweak phase transition the effective generation of a mass for the W- and Z-bosons is well known. As the universe cools down below the critical temperature both the gauge bosons and the fermions acquire a mass due to the Higgs mechanism associated to the “spontaneous breaking” of the elec- troweak gauge symmetry. The second part of this work will review a similar “Higgs mechanism” for QCD, namely the “spontaneous breaking of color” by the expectation value of composite q¯q-scalars in the color-octet channel [1]. Strictlyspeaking, localsymmetries cannotbebrokenspontaneouslyinthe vacuum. This has led to the realisation that the confinement and the Higgs description are not necessarily associated to mutually exclusive phases. They may only be different facets [3] of one and same physical state2 We stress that this observation is not only of formal importance. For example, the high temperature phase transition of electroweak interactions with a small Higgs scalar mass ends for a larger scalar mass in a critical endpoint. Beyond this endpoint the phase transition is replaced by an analytical crossover [4]. In this region – which is relevant for a realistic Higgs mass in the standard model – a Higgs and a confinement description can be used simultaneously. Our picture of the QCD vacuum resembles in many aspects the “strongly coupled electroweak theory” at high temperature3. We will present a Higgs 2The complementarity between the Higgs and confinement description has been con- sidered earlier for toy models with fundamental colored scalar fields [2]. 3Withoutadirectconnectiontothe standardmodeltheSU(2)-Yang-Millstheorywith strong gauge coupling and fundamental scalar has been first simulated on the lattice in [5]. 2 description of QCD as a complementary picture to the usual confinement picture. Both the Higgs description and the confinement picture are consid- ered as valid descriptions of one and the same physical properties of QCD. A valid Higgs picture has to be consistent with the well established results of the confinement picture and of lattice QCD. With respect to color the composite scalar q¯q-bilinears transform as sin- glets and octets, each in the (¯3,3)-representation of the SU(3) SU(3) L R × chiral flavor symmetry. We will explore the hypothesis that the scalar octets induce “spontaneous color symmetry breaking” while a “physical” global SU(3) symmetry is preserved. This global symmetry can be used to classify the spectrum of excitations according to the “eightfold way”. We find that all gluons acquire a mass by the “Higgs mechanism” and belong to an octet of the physical SU(3)-symmetry. Our picture provides an effective infrared cutoff for real QCD by mass generation. (The cutoff for gluodynamics is expected to be different!) The Higgs mechanism also gives integer electric charge and strangeness to all physical particles according to their SU(3)-transformation properties. Furthermore, the expectation value of the quark-antiquark color octet breaks the globalchiral symmetry. In consequence thefermions become massive and the spectrum contains light pions and kaons as pseudo-Goldstone bosons. In the limit of equal masses for the three light quarks the global vector-like SU(3)-symmetry of the “eightfold way” becomes exact. The nine quarks transform as an octet and a singlet. We identify the octet with the low mass baryons – this is quark-baryon duality. The singlet is associated with the Λ (1405) baryon and has parity opposite to the nucleons. Similarly, the eight gluons carry the quantum numbers of the light vector mesons ρ,K ,ω. The ∗ identification of massive gluons with the vector mesons is called gluon-meson duality. Weproposethatthemainnonperturbativenewingredientfortheeffective action of low-momentum QCD consists of scalar fields representing quark- antiquark bound states. Once these composite operators are treated on the same footing as the quark and gluon fields, the description of propagators and vertices becomes again very simple. We will investigate the phenomeno- logical consequences of an effective action that adds to the usual gluon and quark (gauge covariant) kinetic terms the corresponding kinetic terms for the scalars with quantum numbers of the q¯q-composites. Furthermore, this is supplemented by a scalar potential and a Yukawa interaction between quarks and scalars. It is very remarkable that such a simple effective action can account for the quantum numbers, the masses and the interactions of the pseudoscalar octet and the η mesons, the vector meson octet and the baryon ′ octet! Once the free parameters of this effective action are fixed by match- 3 ing observation, several nontrivial properties of hadrons can be “predicted” without further unknown parameters. These findings suggest that the long- sought dual description of long-distance strong interactions can be realized by the addition of fields for composites. The situation would then be quite similar to the asymptotically free nonlinear sigma model in two dimensions where the addition of the composite “radial excitation” provides for a simple dual description of the low momentum behavior [6]. Spontaneous breaking of color has also been proposed [7] for situations with a very high baryon density, as perhaps in the interior of neutron stars. In this proposal a condensation of diquark operators is responsible for color superconductivity and spontaneous breaking of baryon number. In particu- lar, thesuggestionofcolor-flavorlocking[8]offersanalogiestoourdescription of the vacuum, even though different physical situations are described (va- cuum vs. high density state) and the pattern of spontaneous color-symmetry breaking is distinct (quark-antiquark vs. quark-quark condensate; conserved vs. broken baryon number). This analogy may be an important key for the understanding of possible phase transitions to a high density phase of QCD. In the second part of this work we first present in sect. 3 our proposal for a simple effective action for QCD. Sect. 4 describes the “Higgs picture” with a non-vanishing expectation value of the scalar octet field. The gauge invariantdescriptionintermsofnonlinearfieldsisintroducedinsect. 5. Sect. 6 discusses the role of a hidden local symmetry in the nonlinear description which will permit a direct connection to ideas of “vector dominance”. The elctromagnetic interactions can be used as an efficient probe of our picture since no new free parameters are introduced (sect. 7). In sect. 8 we turn to the interactions of the vector mesons and the decay ρ 2π. Here we → also make direct contact with the description of vector mesons as gauge invariant q¯γµq bound states in sect. 2. Sect. 9 discusses the interactions of the pseudoscalar mesons. We will see that the strength of the vector and axialvector couplings of the nucleons as well as the pion interactions beyond leading order chiral perturbation are successfully accounted for by our simple effective action. Sect. 10 finally presents conclusions and discussion and makes a simple proposal for the QCD phase diagram. 2 Functional integral with composite fields Our starting point is the partition function for QCD Z = ψ A e S (1) − D D Z 4 where S is the gauge invariant classical action for quarks and gluons. Here the quarks are described by Grassmann variables obeying ψ(x), ψ(y) = { } 0 , ψ(q), ψ(q ) = 0 in position and momentum space, respectively. ′ { } The difficult part in the functional integral (1) is the functional measure ψ A which includes the regularization , for example on a lattice, or the D D gauge fixing and ghost parts for a continuum formulation. We do not need R a specification here and only assume that the functional measure preserves the gauge symmetry. It is well known that local gauge symmetries cannot be spontaneously broken (in a strict sense). Therefore only gauge invariant quantities can have nonzero expectation values. A prominent example concerns the correlation functions for scalars and pseudoscalars which are contained in ¯ ¯ G (x,y) = ψ (x)ψ (x) ψ (y)ψ (y) . (2) s L R R L −h i Here (ψ¯ ψ ) = (ψ¯1+γ5ψ) and(cid:0) brackets de(cid:1)n(cid:0)ote contract(cid:1)ions of spinor and R L 2 color indices, while we have not displayed the (open) flavor indices. For the example of the pion channel the two point function decays for large x y as | − | G exp( m x y ) and this is the way how the pion mass is measured, s π ∼ − | − | for example on the lattice. Similarly, the ρ-meson mass can be extracted from the gauge invariant correlation function in the vector channel Gµν(x,y) = ψ¯(x)γµψ(x) ψ¯(y)γνψ(y) . (3) V h i (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) A convenient way for the computation of correlation functions for gauge invariant quark-antiquark bilinears is the introduction of gauge invariant sources S = d4x (ψ¯ (x)j (x)ψ (x)+h.c.)+ψ¯(x)γµj (x)ψ(x) . (4) j − L s† R Vµ Z n o Here j is a complex N N matrix and j denotes a hermitean N N s f f V f f × × matrix, with N the number of quark flavors. We will concentrate here on f the three light flavors of quarks (N = 3) while considering the two flavor f case as a pedagogical example below. Then the physical values of the scalar sources are given by the current quark masses m u j = j = m = m (5) s s† q d m s while the vector source vanishes j = 0. Adding S to S the partition V j function Z[j] (1) becomes now a functional of the sources. 5 As an example, we may write the expectation value of the scalar quark- antiquark bilinear as (a,b are flavor indices while color and spinor indices are contracted) δZ ψ¯ (x)ψ (x) = σ (x) = Z 1 . (6) Lb Ra ab − h i δj (x) a∗b Similarly, the (unconnected) two point function obtains from the matrix of the second functional variations4 G(u)(x,y) = ψ¯ (x)ψ (x) ψ¯ (y)ψ (y) s −h R L L R i δ2Z = Z (cid:0)1 (cid:1).(cid:0) (cid:1) (7) − δj(x)δj (y) ∗ As usual, the expectation value or the connected Green’s function can be derived from W[j] = lnZ[j], (8) as δW σ (x) = (9) ab δj (x) a∗b or δ2W G (x,y) = G(u)(x,y) σ (x)σ(y) = . (10) s s − ∗ δj(x)δj (y) ∗ Finally, the effective action Γ is a functional of the “classical field” σ Γ[σ] = W[j]+ d4x tr j (x)σ(x)+σ (x)j(x) (11) † † − Z (cid:0) (cid:1) whereσ correspondstoagivensourcej andj = j[σ]iscomputedbyinversion of δW σ[j] = . (12) δj ∗ The field equation reads δΓ = j (x). (13) δσ (x) a∗b ab Furthermore, thesecondfunctionalvariationofΓwithrespect toσ equalsthe inverse connected two point function, i.e. the inverse of the second functional variation of W with respect to j Γ(2)W(2) = . (14) 1 4Inflavorspace(G ) isaN2 N2 matrix,withrowsandcolumnslabeledbyflavor s ab,cd f× f index pairs (ab) and (cd). 6 (Note that for this matrix notation all internal and space or momentum labels of σ are collected into a vector.) Of course, this setting can be gen- eralized to other gauge invariant composite operators, like vector fields, in a straightforward way. Let us concentrate here on the scalar sector and, for simplicity of the demonstration, on N = 2. For x-independent values σ(x) = σ one has f Γ = d4xU(σ) where the effective potential U is now a simple function of the complex 2x2 matrices σ. By construction U(σ) is invariant under the R chiral flavor rotations SU(N ) SU(N ) . If we expand U(σ) in powers of f L f R × σ only invariants can appear ν U(σ) = m2 tr(σ σ) (detσ +detσ ) † † − 2 2 2 λ λ 1 1 2 + tr(σ σ) + tr σ σ tr(σ σ) +... (15) † † † 2 2 − 2 ! (cid:18) (cid:19) and we note that the axial U(1) -anomaly is reflected in the term ν. The A ∼ expectation value of σ follows from the field equation ∂U = j = m . (16) ∗ q ∂σ This suggests to define ∂U j U = U tr(j σ +σ j) , = 0. (17) j † † − ∂σ In particular, forequal up-and-down-quark masses the minimum of U occurs j typically for σ¯ σ = (18) h i σ¯ (cid:18) (cid:19) and breaks the chiral SU(2) SU(2) symmetry to a vectorlike “diagonal” L R × SU(2) -symmetry. Werecallthatσ¯ isdirectlyrelatedtothequark-antiquark V condensate 1 ¯ σ¯ = ψψ . (19) −2h i One of the advantages of our formulation is the explicit chiral symmetry of U(σ) independently of the quark masses, since m enters only through q the source term in the field equation (16). In particular, one can make direct contact to chiral perturbation theory by representing the pseudoscalar (pseudo-) Goldstone bosons by a nonlinear field5 U(x) σ(x) = σ¯U(x) , U U = 1. (20) † 5ThecoincidenceofthesymbolU forthenonlinearchiralfieldandtheeffectivepotential is unfortunate but kept here for the sake of agreement with widely used conventions. 7 Inserting the nonlinear field (20) into the effective potential (17) yields ν U (U) = const m σ¯tr(U +U ) σ¯2(detU +detU ). (21) j q † † − − 2 In the chiral limit m = 0 the potential only involves the η meson - the q chiral U(1) -anomaly produces a mass term for the η-meson. In this limit A the pions are massless Goldstone bosons. For nonvanishing quark masses also the pions acquire a mass m2 m . π ∼ q Let us neglect the η-meson and discuss explicitly the interactions of the pions i~τ~π(x) detU = 1 , U(x) = exp . (22) f (cid:26) π (cid:27) The kinetic term for σ results in the nonlinear kinetic term for the pions 2Z¯σ¯2 Z¯tr(∂µσ ∂ σ) Z¯σ¯2tr(∂µU ∂ U) = ∂µ~π∂ ~π +... (23) † µ → † µ f2 µ π where we identify the pion decay constant f = 2Z¯1/2σ¯. (24) π The effective action takes now the form familiar from chiral perturbation theory f2 [U] = π tr(∂µU ∂ U) 2Bm tr(U +U )+... (25) † µ q † L 4 − n o with ¯ 2σ¯ ψψ B = = h i. (26) f2 − f2 π π In this treatment, however, [U] is already the effective Lagrangian from L which the 1PI-vertices follow directly by taking suitable derivatives with respect to the fields. No more fluctuations have to be incorporated at this stage. In particular, there are no explicit meson fluctuations. In order to recover chiral perturbation theory we want to reformulate our problem such that explicit pion fluctuations are incorporated in the com- putation of the effective action. Indeed, it is possible to reformulate the original functional integral for QCD (1) into an exactly equivalent functional integral which now involves explicitly an integration also over scalar fluctua- tions. This is achieved by means of a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation [9]. Let us denote the scalar fermion bilinears by ¯ σ˜ = ψ ψ , σ˜ = σ . (27) ab Lb Ra ab ab h i 8 We next introduce a unit into the functional integral (1) d4q = N σ exp tr (σ λ σ˜ j) λ 1(σ λ σ˜ j) 1 D ′ − (2π)4 ′ − σ − † −σ ′ − σ − Z (cid:26) Z (cid:27) n o (28) where N is an irrelevant normalization constant. The functional integral for the partition function Z[j] involves now an additional integration over the scalar field σ ′ (σ) Z[j] = ψ A σ exp( S ). (29) D D D ′ − j Z (σ) Here the action S in eq. (4) is replaced by S , i.e. j j d4q S(σ) = S + tr σ λ 1σ (σ σ˜ +σ˜ σ )+λ σ˜ σ˜ j 0 (2π)4 ′† −σ ′ − ′† † ′ σ † Z n (j λ 1σ +σ λ 1j)+j λ 1j (30) − † −σ ′ ′† −σ † −σ o where S is the QCD-action for quarks and gluons without the quark mass 0 term. Indeed, the quark mass term tr(j σ) is canceled by a corresponding † ∼ term from eq. (28) such that the nonvanishing quark masses appear now as a source term multiplying the scalar field σ . e′ Ineq. (28)σ standsforσ (q)andλ 1(q)isanarbitrarypositive function ′ a′b −σ of q2 such that the Gaussian integral is well defined and rotation symmetry preserved. If we choose 1 λ = (31) σ M2 +Zq2 we can identify the term σ λ 1σ with a kinetic and mass term for σ such ′† −σ ′ ′ that λ corresponds to the “classical scalar propagator”. The term σ˜ σ de- σ † ′ notes a Yukawa coupling of the σ field to the quarks. Finally, the expression ′ λ σ˜ σ˜ denotes a four quark interaction that is nonlocal for Z = 0. σ † 6 The explicit four-quark-interaction is cumbersome and we may wish to omit it. This can be done if we introduce into the original action for quarks and gluons an additional four-quark-interaction with the opposite sign - this is then canceled by the piece arising from the Hubbard-Stratonovich trans- formation. At first sight, this seems to be a high prize to pay since we are not dealing any more with the standard QCD action where the quarks interact only via gluon exchange. With a second look, however, this is no problem. Implementing this modified QCD action for lattice simulations will even re- sult in an “improved” QCD action if suitable values for M2 and Z are chosen in eq. (31). The basic ingredient for this argument is universality. In QCD the pre- cise form of the short distance action (classical action) is actually irrelevant, 9