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Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 Friday, July 10, 2009 Note: Sirians are 12th dimensional beings secrets and triangular emblem and Orions are 5th dimensional beings. traveled to Egypt where they served the foundation for new lodges in S a r North Africa. The Sirian symbol irianS and nunnaki eptilianS This chapter presents clues that there was later passed down within the is an invisible hierarchy of Reptilian In his book, Return of the Serpents European lodges of Freemasonry, relative races [Orion Rigelians, Orion of Wisdom Mark Amaru Pinkham such as the Illuminati, and later Anunnaki and Sirians] that have been explains a Sirian connection when he incorporated into the Seal of the deeply involved with humanity—its describes their connection to Atlantis United Sates of America. origins as well as its destiny. and the Freemasons: Connections that point to the presence Some intersteller serpents arrived S e ’ G itchen on arthS uardianS of invisible races as well as their in the Atlantic motherland from involvement with humans—is this Zecharia Sitchen’s Earth Chronicles […] Sirius, and brought to the chapter’s major theme. With new contains a timeline showing Earth’s 35 Atlanteans the wisdom of awaken- evidence about a Sirian presence on the million year-old history that begins ing the serpent power through planet, it’s possible that ENKI and with an etheric civilization being given alchemy. Leading up to their EN.LIL, the Anunnaki/Reptilians who the task of Earth guardianship—who arrival, the Sirians had become landed from Nibiru [and their descen- “were to find physical guardians also.” galactic guardians of the secrets dants], are being set up as scapegoats to The beginning of the timeline that I of uniting the polarity. They were take the rap—for Earth’s involvement have reproduced here—leaves off at adept alchemists who sought to in a possible upcoming Galactic War. seed their alchemical wisdom to A Peter Farley quote that I added to humanoids evolving in other parts Chapter 9 provides clues about a pos- of the galaxy. Their definitive sym- sible chain of manipulation: bol, which was a cosmic reflection of their spiritual accomplishments …it is much simpler to control a and alchemical knowledge, was race of people who are 3rd dimen- comprised of three straight lines sional [humans] and believing that which together formed a triangle— they are so, than it is to control a sometimes with an all-seeing eye 5th dimensional race with 12th in the center […] dimensional capabilities. The bullies of the Universe [Anunnaki] According to legend, when the pick on the ‘younger’ kids. Sirians arrived on Earth, they over- saw the creation and expansion of Farley concludes that it’s the Anunnaki The Freemason symbol of a triangle with an “all-see- the Atlantean arm of the Great who are the bullies but evidence of a ing” eye in the center is described in Mark Amaru White Brotherhood […]. When Pinkham’s Return of the Serpents of Wisdom as a Sirian presence on the planet tells Atlantis was later destroyed, their Sirian symbol # 5576747 me that they are not acting alone. Part X, Chapter X 1 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 8 million years—right around the time - Pre-cataceans provide ample food Ural Mountain range (with the that a primitive aquatic species starting for all 3 colonies in exchange for Earth Spiritual Hierarchies giving to emerge from the oceans was discov- technology (which would in turn them the permission to do so) in a ered on the fourth planet of the Vega improve their production rate further) preemptive counter strike system—and identified as a guardian - 3 civilizations coexist in harmony - Pre-cataceans divide into two species who could become “physical trading among one another for 8 groups : 1 group evacuates out of guardians on Earth.” million years, all 3 civilizations our solar system (to the constella- develop advanced forms of space/ tions of Pegasus and Cetus), and the Note: Questions for God will reveal time travel other group begins to alter them- that the etheric civilization that was - The pre-cataceans develop their selves physically so that they may given the task of Earth guardianship spiritual side extensively (psychic enter the oceans and there find a was the Sirian race. However, the abilities, etc.) haven. This transformation process “extra” physical race was not a direc- occurs over a period of 4 million tive from God. As readers will see in 10 Million Years Ago years and the Pre-cataceans become Sitchen’s timeline, the written history - Dinoid /Reptoid Alliance (from the present day cataceans (i.e. the that Sitchen discovered is skewed to Bellatrix) come to stop the dolphins and whales). justify Sirian genetic experiments. cooperation with the pre-cataceans - Pre-cataceans then implode their 35 Million Years Ago - Bellatrix Dinoid /Reptoids believe fusion reactors, thus destroying they are superior and should there- • Etheric intelligent civilization fore control all other beings. created and are designated the guardians of Earth, but they were - Over next 10,000 years the Earth to find physical guardians also. Dinoids and Reptoids become more and more influenced by the 26 Million Years Ago Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance. • Dinoid (from Bellatrix system in the - Dinoid/Reptoids decide -during constellation of Orion) and Reptoid these 10,000 years- to destroy the colonies (from one of the lesser entire pre-catacean race through known stars in the constellation of various psychological war tactics Sagittarius) arrive and inhabit Earth - Pre-cataceans sense this aggression - Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth send (through their high psychic abilities) much love to these colonies and realize the threat presented now There are approximately 80 modern species in the - Reptoid and Dinoids allow a by the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations. order Cetacea [aka Catacea] including whales, mammalian species to evolve to dolphins and porpoises who are descendants of 8 Million Years Ago sentiency. These mammals were land-living mammals. Archaeologists in Pakistan have made recent discoveries that show stages in cetacean called the pre-cataceans - Pre-cataceans decide to implode transition from land to sea #2276577. their fusion reactors located in the Part X, Chapter X 2 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civiliza- “No.” “Does this chain of manipulation go up tions; the remaining 2% evacuated “Do the civilizations who You have any further than the Sirians?” to the planet Maldek (a planet created need any intermediaries?” “Yes.” within our solar system). “No.” “Can I find any information about “Did the Sirians encourage the Bellatrix this?” Note: Questions for God reveal that Dinoid /Reptoids to colonize?” “Yes.” Maldek and Marduk are the same “Yes.” “Were You ‘Earth’s Spiritual Hierar- planet—now existing only in 4D. “Is the guardianship story meant to chy that the Pre-cataceans consulted?” - With the Dinoid/Reptoid now no camouflage?” “Yes.” longer being present on Earth, the “Yes.” “Was the primitive aquatic species that Earth Spiritual Hierarchies and the “Had the Pre-cataceans with their high the Sirians found in the Vega system— cataceans had to find a suitable psychic ability developed a relationship the pre-Nibiruans? [before the Sirians guardian for the land. They searched with You?” modified their genetics]. the galaxy to a distance of approxi- “Yes.” “Yes.” mately 80 light years from the Sun. “Was this the reason that the Bellatrix B d /r - After 2 to 3 million years of search- Dinoid /Reptoids [and Sirian partners] ellatrix inoid eptoidS ing the galaxy, a primitive aquatic wanted to destroy the Pre-cataceans?” Exopaedia [formerly Hyperbase, www. species that was starting to emerge “Yes.” exopaedia.org], written by therapists from the oceans was discovered on who work with abductees, provides the fourth planet of the Vega system. the following information about the This species had creation myths, a Bellattix Dinoid/Reptoids: language, as well as a hunting and This system is the home of dinoid gathering culture. and reptoid civilizations, or, to put - The Spiritual Hierarchies of the Vega it in other words, of lizzies and system were then asked if they would reptilians. It is also said to be the permit this particular species to be home of several species of Greys. vastly altered genetically to acceler- (Types A, B and C. Type C is appar- ate their evolution so that they may ently only found in the Bellatrix become a guardian species. The and Rigel systems). The Instrumental Trans Communication [ITC] Web site Vega Spiritual Hierarchies agreed. contains images of humans that have been captured The negative image people some- To check how much of this section of from the astral dimension [4D Marduk]. This image of times associate with Orion mainly Sitchen’s timeline is correct, I asked: Anne Guigne of France was captured by ITC research- has to do with Bellatrix (which is ers Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach in Luxem- “Are You God? [3 variations]. Latin for ‘fighter’ or ‘warrior’). The bourg.. Anne died in 1922 at age 11. She’s shown here “Yes.” during lifetime, and also in spirit, via computer and TV. lizzie-inhabitants of the Bellatrix “Were the Sirians the etheric civilization For more details, see: www.worlditc.org. system focus upon expansion and asked to guard Earth and its inhabitants?” Part X, Chapter X 3 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 colonization. Other keywords to majority of the races in this region Extraterrestrial don’t want to describe its civilization are oppres- is service to self and as such they bother with that stuff, since that is sion and control. They have an are always subverting, invading not permanent. Extraterrestrials extremely advanced technology. and manipulating less advanced value genetics. What they do is Stories about abductions and im- races using their technology for they come in, conquer a race and plants as controlling devices that control and domination. genetically alter it. From that are linked to Orion, nearly always moment on, that race is genetically They are taught that Draconian have to do with Bellatrix. altered. history of the Great Galactic War. The Branton material mentions “a To find how much of Exopaedia’s The version or opinion that the huge colony of hybrid Reptilian- Dinoid/Reptoid section and Michael humans were at fault for the inva- insectoid mercenaries, the result of Salla’s “Typology of Extraterrestrial sion of the Universe and how we Reticulan genetic engineering” in Races” article is true, I asked: selfishly wanted the Draconian the Bellatrix system. It also mentions race to starve and struggle for the Are You God? [3 variations]. a lizard-like race, “snake men,” as basic materials for their society to “Yes.” well as a dinoid civilization. exist. Therefore they are brain- “Is the Exopaedia information about the Bellatrix also functions as a link washed at a young age just like we Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoids correct?” between the Orion Empire and the humans have done to our younger Draconian Empire. generations by all human races in the galaxy. Michael Salla’s “Typology of Extrater- restrial Races: According to Alex Collier The Andromedans say that and the Andromedans” supplies addi- Draconians believe that this uni- tional information about the Draconians: verse was here for them - that their history teaches them that they Alpha Draconians have colonized were left here to rule it. But, when many star systems and have they started traveling, [4 billion created many races by genetically years ago] they ran across other altering the life forms that they races. They were able to conquer encountered. many of those races through ge- The most densely populated area netic manipulation. of sub-races of Draconia is the Now, our government, the constellation of Orion, Rigel, and In September, 2007, Britain’s Human Fertilisation and United States government, the the star system known as Capella. Embryology Authority gave the go-ahead for the New World Order - whatever you Here lies a very dangerous part of creation of human-animal embryos [called cybrid] for want to call it - wants to implant the Universe for human beings. The research. Aside from the moral issues, there are varying everybody. From the Andromedan degrees of interspecies incompatibility between mind set or consciousness of the perspective that means ownership. mitochondrial and nuclear functions. Part X, Chapter X 4 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 “Yes.” Exopaedia’s information about the gradually it changed into service to “Does the line that says, “Bellatrix Orion Wars says the groups became self, if necessary, at the expense of functions as a link between the Orion polarized around the concepts of others—which results in “victimiz- Empire and the Draconian Empire service to others [STO] and service ers” and “victims.” imply that the Sirians, Orions [and to self [STS]. To clarify the difference between Nibiruan Aninnaki] and Draconians Questions for God that I’ve included in service-to-other and service-to-self, are all partners?” this section reveal that although this I asked: “Yes.” much is true, Exopaedia’s information Are You God? [3 variations]. My intuition told me to investigate the gets clouded when they try to explain “Yes.” “Great Galactic War” to search for more the difference between service-to- “Is Exopaedia’s definition of service- information about possible alliances others and service-to-self: to-self correct?” between the Sirians, Nibiruan/Anunnaki Initially the philosophy of service “No.” and the Draconians. to self implied that when everybody “Is the whole taken care of when every- takes care of him- or herself, then one takes care of him or herself?” G W alactic arS the whole is taken care of, too. But “No.” “Is the whole taken care of— The Exopaedia site says that Galactic with service-to-others?” Wars broke out in the constellation of “Yes.” Lyra following space exploration by “Do victims and victimizers emerge in humanoid races approximately 22 a world of beings who only take care million years ago and that the first of themselves?” clashes were between the Lyrans and “Yes.” the Vegans. The site says that encoun- “Do victims and victimizers emerge in ters with non-humanoid races followed a world of beings who take care of and territorial conflicts erupted. The The Exopaedia site says that movies like Star Wars tap others?” wars lasted for millions of years and as our collective memory about the real Galactic Wars “No.” that engulfed our galaxy for millions of years. ideologies were blended into the con- Star Wars’ Planet Tatooine, with it’s two suns, is the flict, two groups emerged: t r M destination where R2-D2, along with his counterpart he eBelS and erlin C-3PO ,escape at the beginning of the trilogy. It’s also • The Federation a plot location in Episode IV: A New Hope. At the start Exopaedia also includes information • The Empires of the trilogy, Princess Leia Organa has been about a third group that it calls the captured by “Lord Darth Vader” after hiding plans of [Draconians and Orions] Rebels consisting of races that had the massive Death Star inside R2-D2. On Tatooine, the droids are purchased by Luke Skywalker [son of been conquered by the Draconian/ The constellation of Orion became Anakin] and his step-uncle and aunt. While cleaning Orions who rebelled and aligned with the battlefield and because of this, the R2-D2, Luke accidentally triggers a message from groups who broke away from the Fed- Galactic Wars are often called the Princess Leia, who asks for assistance from Obi-Wan eration. Although this third group [May 25, 1977]. Orion Wars. Part X, Chapter X 5 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 shifted the balance of power, the shift “Yes.” Alex Collier [speaking for the Androm- did not end the Wars. Exopaedia says a “Did Merlin or a Merlin archetype edan Council] says the human race orig- “Merlin” or a “Merlin archetype” emerge during the Orion Wars—and inated on Lyra. [Note: Salla’s interview helped end the Wars and calls Merlin teach spiritual laws?” may be found at www.galacticdiploma- an “unexpected development:” “Yes.” cy.com]. “Was his name Merlin?” Within the ranks of the rebels, he Based on the age of the Suns and “No.” [Merlin] grew up as a young boy the planets in our galaxy, it was “Does it matter if we know his real with remarkable talents. When he decided that the human life form name?” reached manhood, he started teach- was to be created on Lyra. “No.” ing about universal spiritual laws, Salla does not stop Collier and say “Who “Did he teach unconditional love and about unconditional love and for- decided?” In Sitchen’s timeline, it was a forgiveness?” giveness. He pointed out that all primitive aquatic species [later called the “No.” parties, including the rebels, were Nibiruan] who grew up on Lyra. “Did he teach The Law of One?” still caught in a dualistic and polar- “Yes.” ised perception of reality, that this S S irian pin dualistic perception is an illusion Territorial conflicts seem to be and that only unconditional love emerging again—over claims about Sheldon Nidle is a California-based and forgiveness would be able to humanity’s origins. Sitchin’s timeline psychic and author of several books end the conflict. describes Earth’s mammalian Pre- catacean species with psychic abilities And so Merlin succeeded at first in [who developed a close relationship with changing the mind sets of the rebels, God]. Several humanoid races are skew- and soon afterwards those of the ing the story by placing humanity’s Federation and the Empires, too. He origin’s on Lyra. If these groups are taught them to transcend and value collaborating, a partial thread of this their differences. Peace agreements story may be true. If Sitchen’s work is between parties were reached, and correct [which will be questions for with this peace and the change of God], he says the Sirians genetically mind sets came a dramatic increase altered a primitive aquatic species from in awareness and raise in con- the fourth planet of the Vega System. sciousness. Entire masses of people Note: Lyra is the fourth planet orbiting ascended into a higher dimensional around a star known as Vega. reality. To clarify whether Exopaedia’s informa- a c S ENKI [the Nibiruan] is often shown with fish and tion about Merlin is correct, I asked: ndroMedan ouncil pin streams of water. ENIKi’s original name was Ea that Are You God? [3 variations]. In an interview with Michael Salla, means, “He whose house is water.” Source: Wikipedia. Part X, Chapter X 6 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 who has been contacted by the Tiamat. A war with the Reptiles fact that the Sirians altered the Lyran Sirians [and the Galactic Federation] later caused the destruction of aquatic species DNA?” since shortly after his birth. In his Tiamat. The upper half became “Yes.” book, You Are Becoming a Galactic Earth, while the lower half “Has the second half of the story—or, Human, [1994], who he channeled became fragmented into the the combining with human DNA been on behalf of the Galactic Federation Asteroid Belt. completely altered?” and a being named Washta, he says “Yes.” that humans originated in the Vegan p S “Is the timing meant to coincide with leiadian pin system of the Lyran Constellation. human Ascension?” Lyssa Royal, who channels the “Yes.” Note: The Galactic Federation is a very Pleiadians, says Lyra is considered “Are all of these groups interested in real Reptilian galactic organization the “birthplace” or the “womb” of the human DNA?” with a field office in a suburb of humanoid race [she does not say ‘hu- “Yes.” Kansas City, Missouri! See: Nibiruan man’] within Earth’s area in the Milky “Does the Nibiruan Council give this Council’s Spin. Way and that all subspecies such as deception away with their offer of a Sirians, Orions, Earth/Terrans, Pleiadi- ‘DNA de-coding service listed on their n c ’ S iBiruan ouncilS pine ans, Vegans, Zeta Reticuli, Centauri- Web site?” ans, Altairians (and many lesser-known Jelaila Starr, who runs the 3D “Yes.” groups) are descendants of the Lyran Nibiruan Council field office for the “Have the Humanoid and Reptilian races. Lyssa’s site, titled “Royal Priest Greater Nibiruan Council, confirms races who are interested in human DNA Research,” is located at www.lyssaroy- the connection between Nibiru and been infiltrating Earth for a long time?” al.com. the Constellation of Lyra mentioned “Yes.” in Sitchen’s time line. In Genesis of To clarify whether Andromedan Man, June Austin, relays what Jelaila Council, Sirian, Nibiruan Council or has had to say about human origins: Pleiadian spin is correct, I asked: Humans originally evolved on Are You God? [3 variations]. a Planet named Avyon within “Yes.” the Vegan star system of the “Did any of the human race grow up on constellation of Lyra. They were Lyra?” then moved to Sirius B, where “No.” they were split into two groups; “Are neighboring Humanoid and those with and without physical Reptilian races [in the Milky Way] form. The physical ones went skewing the story of the aquatic race’s The Nibiruan Council has an Earth office in a suburb of to live on Orion, alongside the origins?” Kansas City, Missouri. Their Web site lists a “DNA Reptiles, while the etheric ones “Yes.” re-coding service” and says that candidates for the were sent to a Planet named “Are they stretching the truth due to the Ascension must be able to “value the Dark in all ways.” Part X, Chapter X 7 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 “Is there evidence of this infiltration?” “Did the Orion/Rigelians evolve from “Yes.” the aquatic race from Lyra [fourth planet in the Lyran system] that the n n p Sirians ‘vastly’ modified to become iBiru iS ot a lanet what they called a ‘guardian race?” If Nibiru is a starship and not a “Yes.” planet, then the Nibiruans are not “Is Peter Farley correct when he says really from Nibiru. Dan Winter, this race is 5th dimensional with 12th who wrote an article called, “Thoth dimensional capabilities?” Identity Links Anunnaki to Orion “Yes.” and Rigel” calls Thoth a “human “Were these capabilities given to the Exopaedia says Rigel is the second largest star in the DNA defender” and says that Thoth/ constellation of Orion and that Rigel was originally Orion/Rigelians through gene splicing Hermes [ENKI’s son] is from Rigel: inhabited by a humanoid race of ‘Blonds.’ (per with their own DNA?” Matthew, as well as the late Bill Cooper). “Yes.” Rarely do we compare specific Notes: “Did this gene splicing combine Sirian detailed information which • Exopaedia connects “Tall Whites” and “Souce A:” etheric DNA with the DNA of the explains that he (also named April 2008, ‘Source A,’ who leaked information about aquatic species?” Quetzalcoatl - THE subject of a secret UN meeting on extraterrestrials, referred to “Yes.” “Tutankhamon Prophecies”), Tall Whites as one of the races he was aware of. “Is Sirian/Lyran gene splicing similar was the son of ENKI, brother to • William Cooper [1943 - 2001], who wrote Behold a to the Neanderthal human/Orion/ Marduk /Ra - thus clearly the Pale Horse, was a well-known American UFOlogist Rigelian splicing that ENKI performed pride of the human DNA defenders and radio broadcaster who died in a dispute with the to produce a Homo Sapien?” police near his home in Arizona. part of the Anunnaki fleet. “No.” • Matthew is an extraterrestrial who speaks to his Thoth states unequivocally that he “Was the ENKI splicing done with mother Suzy through the voice of her son Matthew is of PURE ORION / Rigelian de- Neanderthal genes?” Ward who died at the age of 17 on April 17, 1980 scent. Putting these 2 notions to- [www.matthewbooks.com]. Topics listed on the site “No.” gether may give us new insight into include: Reptilian commander’s message, NESARA. “Was it done with the more advanced Thought form transference, ET assistance from space, the Anunnaki Origins in the Orion Cetacean genes?” ascended masters and Planet Nibiru.. sector, “Yes.” To clarify whether Dan Winter’s infor- “Did the Orion/Rigelians know of the mation about Thoth and the Nibiruans advanced Cetacean genes because the “No.” is correct, I asked: Dinoid/Reptoids co-existed with them ‘Did ENKI combine Cetacean genes on Earth for over 8 million years?” Are You God? [3 variations]. with a Neanderthal human?” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Were there any Orion/Rigelian genes “Are the Nibiruans from Orion/Rigel?” “Was the new race capable of in the mix?” “Yes.” re-producing?” Part X, Chapter X 8 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 “Yes.” resembled serpents, lizards, chame- “Did Reptilian genetics only show up leons and fish, that they had horns, red in humans after Orion/Rigelians began eyes and sharp, pointed teeth, and that to interbreed with human women?” all were self-fertilizing. To find out “Yes.” what part of this story is true, I asked: “Are You God? [3 variations]. West Africa’s Dogon tribe have a “Yes.” reputation as a race who remember “Did ENKI and the Orion/Rigelians [through their oral history] an associa- encounter the Dogon in Egypt? tion with aquatic space beings who “Yes.” landed near their tribe in Egypt thou- “Did ENKI use Dogon DNA in any sands of years ago. The Dogon lived in Egypt when they first encountered genetics experiments?” In 1947, French anthropologists Mar- space beings thousands of years ago. The Dogon “Yes.” name for the space beings who they say looked like cel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen “Were the experiments successful?” fish, lizards and amphibeans is “Nommo.” Their spent a month interviewing the “No.” advanced description of the Nommo planet matches tribe’s oral historian [a Dogon named “Was the Dogon’s description of Sirius A [a dense, planet-like starship called Nibiru]. Ogotemmeli]. While most accounts Photo: Dogon village in West Africa. Orion/Rigelians as ‘self-fertilizing’ of the Dogon focus on the tribes ad- correct?” vanced knowledge of astronomy [the “Yes.” tribe preserved details about Sirius A “Did ENKI attempt to combine […] the creations of ENKI—they that modern astronomers did not Orion/Rigelian genes with indigenous seem to be neither male nor discover until 1862], one point that is human genes?” female as well as neither divine missed is the Dogon’s description of “Yes.” nor human, [were] a kind of the aliens as “self-fertilizing.” “Was it possible for ENKI to cross a android—automatons in human When Griaule and Dieterlen visited self-fertilizing species with a species form. the Dogon, Ogotemmeli told the that is not self-fertilizing [humans] anthropologists that they [the Dogon] and successfully produce a new o ’ l a dna c rionS aWS GainSt roSSinG were created by beings called the re-producing human species?” “Nommo” who genetically engi- “No.” In, “Thoth Identity Links Anunnaki neered their DNA. Ogotemmeli to Orion and Rigel” Dan Winter In his book, Peter Farley describes described the amphibious aliens from explains that Orion had strict ENKI’s failed attempts at producing the Sirian star system and said that laws “against spontaneous and the first Homo Sapien: landed on earth with “great noise and psychokinetic and unregulated DNA wind” on a 3-legged spacecraft, that …the creation of Adam by the crossing” and wonders why Thoth’s the aliens combined their DNA. Anunnaki was not a success at family wanted to rebel against the Ogotemmeli said that the Nummo first, […] Orion Queen. He explains that such Part X, Chapter X 9 Hidden Alien Agendas, Part I www.godsebook.org July, 2009 crossing would fractionate a gene To find out what part of this story is pool “without providing the stellar true, I asked: magnetic environment to re-embed “Are You God? [3 variations]. that bloodline back into a Star: “Yes.” …if you split off a branch […] “Does Orion have strict rules of a DNA familial, without against DNA crossing?” the responsibility to provide “Yes.” a sacred temple format to re- “Did ENKI rebel against this integrate the memory of that Orion rule?” Human scientists have identified two strands of DNA. bloodline back into timelord “No.” They know that there are remnants of ten other star families, then you get bad “Do the Anunnaki believe that they strands present—but refer to these as “junk DNA.” The karma (your hand gets slapped are stuck on Earth until they help ten strands that are now missing will be regenerated by some Galactic Board). harvest the ‘errant” genepool?” at a “biological Ascension” that is different than a “Yes.” “spiritual Ascension.” Dan refers to author V.S. Ferguson’s “Is this an impossible task?” Inanna Returns to explain what “Yes.” this means for a race who performs “Did ENKI split off a DNA ‘unregulated gene crossing:” familial?” their bodies and taking human “No.” females to their temples for …this translates into the “Is this due to the fact that he used sexual intimacy. Anunnaki being told that their cetacean DNA in the crossing?” present kin are stuck back on Chapter 1 in Genesis refers to “Yes.” Earth till they help harvest Orion/Rigelians as “Nephilim” and “Are the Anunnaki stuck on Earth?” redeem the whole errant uses the word “cohabited:” “No.” genepool they started! This “Does this mean they can choose becomes a fearsome task. The Nephilim were upon Ascension?” the Earth in those days, and In his article, Dan makes it clear “Yes.” thereafter too, when the sons of that he’s convinced that ENKI the Elohim cohabited with the Peter Farley’s work explains how successfully crossed Orion/Rigelian daughters of the Adam and they the Orion/Rigelians transformed DNA with Neanderthal human DNA: bore children to them. themselves from a self-fertilizing It took a fair amount of trickery species into a species that can To find out if sexual organ transplant to get such radically self procreate: is the same as splitting off a DNA replicating DNA droids installed familial, I asked: …the Anunnaki began the on the mining planet, without grafting or transplanting of “Are You God? [3 variations]. arousing too much suspicion on animal sexual organs onto “Yes.” the home star. Part X, Chapter X 10

and Orions are 5th dimensional beings. SIRIANS AND ANUNNAKI REPTILIANS. In his book, Return of the Serpents of Wisdom Mark Amaru Pinkham.
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