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Specifier Reports HID Accent Lighting Systems Low-wattage high-pressure sodium and metal halide lamps and accent luminaires Volume 4 Number 2 October 1996 Program Sponsors CINergy Energy Center of Wisconsin Introduction Iowa Energy Center Lighting Research Center Low-wattage high-pressure sodium (HPS) and metal halide (MH) New England Electric Companies* lamps are increasingly popular among lighting specifiers (see Figure 1). These high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps are rated at New York State Energy Research 175 watts (W), have higher efficacy, longer average rated life, and and Development Authority greater light output than the incandescent lamps typically used for Northern States Power Company accent lighting applications. Some low-wattage HID lamps also offer Southern California Edison Company color properties comparable to those of incandescent sources. As a result, low-wattage HID systems can be used in applications that United States Department of Energy require efficacious sources with high intensities, good color rendering United States Environmental properties, and long life. However, because low-wattage HID systems Protection Agency are relatively new, specifiers and users may have questions about the *The New England Electric Companies include performance of these systems in accent lighting applications. The New England Power Service Company, New electronic ballasts developed for some low-wattage HID lamps also England Power Company, Massachusetts add decisions in the specification process. Electric Company, The Narragansett Electric Company, and Granite State Electric Company. Figure 1. Low-Wattage HID Accent Lighting of a Grocery Store Floral Display Contents Introduction...............................................1 Lamps.........................................................2 Ballasts.......................................................6 Luminaires.................................................8 Alternative Technologies.......................13 Performance Evaluations.......................13 Further Information ...............................15 Data Table Terms & Definitions...........16 List of Tables...........................................18 Publication Ordering Information.........48 from DELTA Portfolio, Vol.1 No.1 In this issue of Specifier Reports, the and appearance to luminaires for incandes- Findings National Lighting Product Information cent lamps. • With a few exceptions, low- Program (NLPIP) evaluates the following Low-wattage HID lamps are also wattage HID lamps meet characteristics of HID accent lighting alternatives for incandescent reflector their manufacturer- systems: lamps that do not meet the lamp efficacy reported ratings. •Photometric performance of low-wattage requirements of the Energy Policy Act of • Tilting universal-burn MH HID lamps from six manufacturers. 1992 (EPACT) (U.S. Congress 1992). lamps has little effect on •Effects of tilting on the light output of State energy codes that establish power their light output. medium-base, universal-burn MH lamps. limits for lighting, usually based on • Electronic ballasts for ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, are also •Effects of voltage variation on the light double-ended MH lamps more easily met with HID systems than output, color, and lamp power of double- provide more consistent with incandescent systems. Although lamp performance over ended MH lamps from four manufactur- lamp manufacturers offer incandescent variations in supply voltage ers, operated on electronic and magnetic reflector lamps that do meet EPACT than magnetic ballasts do. ballasts. requirements (see NLPIP’s Specifier •Ease of aiming and relamping of recessed Reports: Reflector Lamps), the efficacies of and semi-recessed adjustable luminaires and these lamps are still significantly lower track luminaires from seven manufacturers. than those of low-wattage HID lamps. Table 1 on p. 19 lists the manufacturers of HID lamps and their telephone num- bers. Tables 2–4 on pp. 20–29 list manufacturer-reported information for many of the lamp characteristics de- Lamps scribed in this report. Information about NLPIP’s evaluation of HID lamps is Specifiers have used incandescent reflec- available in “Lamp Evaluations” on p. 13. tor (R) and parabolic aluminized reflector The results of the evaluations appear in (PAR) lamps to illuminate displays and Tables 5 and 6 on pp.30–31. merchandise because of their color properties and their diversity of size, beam Operation and Construction intensity, and beam spread. Compared to existing HID lamps, these incandescent HID lamps start when a high voltage [3–5 lamps were relatively expensive to operate kilovolts (kV)] is applied to the electrodes because of their relatively short lives and through a gas mixture in a discharge low efficacies. Conversely, HID lamps (arc) tube. The discharge tube of an MH offered long average rated life and high lamp contains mercury and halide com- efficacies but were too large and produced pounds and usually is made of quartz, too much light to be effective in accent although ceramic is sometimes used (see lighting systems. New low-wattage HID sidebar “Ceramic Discharge Tubes for lamps offer much longer life and better MH Lamps” on p. 3). The discharge tube efficacy than incandescent lamps, and their of an HPS lamp contains mercury, sodium color rendering characteristics approach amalgam, and xenon, and it is made of those of incandescent lamps. These new ceramic which resists the corrosive HID lamps also are available in compact sodium environment better than quartz. A sizes. Luminaires for these low-wattage ballast supplies the starting voltage that HID lamps frequently are similar in size strikes an arc within the discharge tube of an HID lamp. As pressure and temperature increase, the materials within the discharge tube Comparison of 100-W PAR Lamps vaporize and emit light and ultraviolet (UV) energy. A bulb, usually made of Incandescent MetalHalide Incandescent MetalHalide Flood Flood Spot Spot borosilicate glass, provides a stable thermal environment for the discharge CBCP(cd) 2,400 15,000 6,600 28,000 tube and reduces the amount of UV InitialLightOutput(lm) 1,200 6,500 1,200 7,000 radiation that the lamp emits. MH lamps often have a phosphor finish on the inside AverageRatedLife(h) 2,000 7,500 2,000 7,500 of the bulb that both diffuses the light and 2 Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems Light Output Ceramic Discharge Tubes Figure 2. Low-Wattage, Medium-Base Ratings. Initial light output is the quan- for MH Lamps ED17 MH Lamp tity of light in lumens (lm) produced by GE Lighting and Philips the lamp when it is new, usually after Lighting Co. have introduced operating for 100 hours (h). Manufactur- MH lamps with ceramic Outer bulb discharge tubes. According to ers report the light output of a lamp in its the manufacturers, ceramic recommended operating position. For discharge tubes offer 10 to universal-burn lamps, some manufactur- 20% more light output, Quartz discharge tube ers report light output for both vertical improve color stability and Gas mixture and horizontal operating positions uniformity compared with MH Discharge tube support lamps with quartz discharge (see “Tilting” on p.4). tubes, and increase the color For PAR (parabolic aluminized reflec- rendering index (CRI) value tor) lamps, manufacturers commonly to more than 80 (see p. 5). provide the light intensity and beam spread instead of the initial light output. Base Manufacturers report the light intensity at the center of the beam as the center beam candlepower (CBCP) or the maximum beam candlepower (MBCP), measured in candelas (cd). The beam spread is de- Figure 3. Low-Wattage, Medium-Base scribed by the beam angle at which the ED17 HPS Lamp lamp produces 50% of its CBCP, as shown in Figure 4. Lamp manufacturers provided the initial light output, CBCP, and beam Outer bulb angle for each of the MH PAR lamps included in this report; these values Ceramic discharge tube appear in Table 4 on p. 26. In NLPIP’s photometric measurements, Gas mixture most of the lamps equaled or exceeded their rated light output, although all of the Discharge tube support MH PAR lamps had lower CBCP ratings in NLPIP’s test than manufacturers reported. Base Figure 4. Beam Angle changes the lamp’s color properties. HPS lamps sometimes have a diffuse finish, similar to that used in incandescent lamps, on the inside of the bulb to diffuse the light output. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate a = beam angle the construction of typical low-wattage, medium-base HID lamps. With an appropriate ballast and control system, HID lamps with wattages as low as 100–150-W can be dimmed. See NLPIP’s Lighting Answers: Dimming a Systems for High-Intensity Discharge Lamps (1994). 0(cid:176) (center beam) Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems 3 Tilting. In accent lighting systems, HPS lamps at 50% of rated lamp life and for luminaires and lamps are often tilted so MH lamps at 40% of rated lamp life. Ac- that their light output can be aimed. All cording to manufacturer ratings, light low-wattage HPS and most medium-base output typically decreases by the percent- low-wattage MH lamps are designed for ages shown in the chart below. NLPIP did universal operating positions. Manufactur- not measure LLD for this report. ers recommend that double-ended lamps be operated, and even stored, horizon- Lamp Lumen Depreciation Over Time tally. Outside the specified operating range, which is available from the manu- Decrease Decrease facturers, the light output of a low wattage at50% at40% MH lamp may decrease and its color ofRated ofRated LampType CRI LampLife LampLife appearance may shift. NLPIP evaluated the effects of tilting HPS 60–69 10–20% NA on the light output of medium-base, universal-burn MH lamps and found HPS ‡ 70 20–25% NA insignificant changes in light output when MHmediumbase all NA 15–40% lamps were tilted. See “Lamp Evaluations” on p. 13 for details about the evaluation. MHdoubleended all NA 10–20% Lamp lumen depreciation (LLD). LLD Efficacy describes the gradual decrease in a lamp’s light output as the lamp ages. The primary Efficacy is the initial light output of a lamp cause of LLD in HID lamps is the evapora- divided by its active power, expressed in tion of tungsten from the electrodes, which lumens per watt (LPW). Lamp efficacy blackens the inside of the discharge tube. values listed in Tables 2–4 on pp. 20–29 A secondary cause of LLD in MH lamps is include only the active power of the lamp degradation of the bulb’s phosphor finish, and do not include ballast power. Low- if it has one. wattage HPS lamps have efficacies between Manufacturers usually use a lumen 40–73 LPW. Low-wattage MH PAR lamps maintenance curve to illustrate the de- range in efficacy from 46–70 LPW. Other creasing light output of a lamp over its life. low-wattage MH lamps range in efficacy They also publish “mean lamp lumen” from 60–95 LPW. values, which indicate a lamp’s light output at a certain percentage of lamp life. Most manufacturers report mean light output for Safety Precautions for MH Lamps Shrouded MH and MH PAR Lamps MH lamps operate at very high pressures and may burst when they are operated outside normal electrical and thermal parameters or are near the end of their life. As a safety precaution, Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Standard 1572-1990 requires that luminaires that use MH lamps have a lamp containment barrier to prevent injury from broken lamps (UL 1990). Luminaires that have a lamp containment barrier are referred to as enclosed luminaires; those without such a barrier are referred to as open luminaires. A lamp containment barrier is not required if the lamp manufacturer specifies that the lamp can be used in open lumi- naires, or if the major axis of the lamp is oriented – 15(cid:176) from vertical when the luminaire is installed as intended (UL 1990). Some low-wattage MH lamps can be used in open luminaires. These lamps have a glass shroud inside the outer bulb that surrounds the discharge tube (photo, bottom row). If the tube bursts, the shroud pre- vents the outer bulb from shattering. MH PAR lamps also may be used in open luminaires because they have a hard glass lens that contains the discharge tube (photo, top row). 4 Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems Color discharge tubes and high-CRI HPS lamps HID Lamp Shapes undergo minimal color shift over time. Manufacturers use two measures to The shape and size of an HID specify lamp color: correlated color Lamp aging. As an MH lamp operates, lamp’s outer bulb is desig- temperature (CCT) and color rendering nated by a letter, or group of the mixture of the vaporized metal halides index (CRI). letters, followed by a number. changes, which changes the lamp’s CCT The letter(s) describes the (Meyer and Nienhuis 1988). Manufactur- shape of the bulb (see be- CCT. The correlated color temperature ers customarily report color shift due to low), and the number de- (CCT) describes the color appearance of a lamp aging as the maximum change in scribes the bulb’s diameter in lamp in terms of a reference light source eighths of an inch (in.). For CCT from its initial value to its value at 40% (blackbody radiator) operated at a given example, a T10 lamp is of the lamp’s rated life. NLPIP did not tubular in shape and has a temperature, measured in kelvin (K). Lamps with CCTs of 3100 K or less measure color shift due to lamp aging for diameter of 10/8, or 11/4, in. this report; manufacturer-supplied color usually are considered warm in appear- B: bulged shift values are provided in Tables 2-4. ance, those with CCTs of 4000 K and BD: bulged dimpled greater are cool, and those with CCTs T: tubular Tilting. Tilting MH lamps can also cause between 3100 and 4000 K are considered TD: tubular dimpled color shift because it changes the mixture neutral. Low-wattage MH lamps typically of the vaporized metal halides. NLPIP did E: elliptical have CCTs of 2700–4300 K; low-wattage not measure color shift from tilting for ED: elliptical dimpled HPS lamps have CCTs of 2200–2800 K. In this report, but recommends that specifi- PAR: parabolic aluminized NLPIP’s evaluations, the median CCTs for ers evaluate the specific lamp, ballast, and reflector most lamps were close to their rated luminaire combination in a mock-up to values; a few differed by 500 K or more. determine possible effects of tilting on MH-lamp color. CRI. The color rendering index (CRI) value of a lamp describes the shift in color Manufacturer variation. Lamps from appearance of a set of reference color different manufacturers that have the samples when illuminated by the lamp, same rated CCT, and even new lamps compared with the color appearance of the B-shaped BD-shaped from the same manufacturer, can have (bulged) (bulged dimpled) same color samples when illuminated by a different color appearances and undergo reference light source of comparable CCT color shift at different rates. To reduce (IESNA 1993). The maximum CRI value is the likelihood of noticeable color differ- 100. Low-wattage MH lamps commonly ences between lamps, NLPIP recom- have CRI values of 65–96. Low-wattage mends that specifiers use lamps from the color-corrected HPS lamps typically have same manufacturer whenever possible CRI values of 65–85. HPS lamps with CRI and that specifiers encourage group values greater than 60 are called color- T-shaped TD-shaped relamping in their installations. improved lamps; HPS lamps with CRI (tubular) (tubular dimpled) values of 70 or greater are called high CRI lamps. In NLPIP’s evaluations, the median Life values for most lamps were within five Most lamp manufacturers report the points of their rated CRI values; a few average rated life of a lamp, which is the differed by more than five points. number of hours at which 50% of the lamps in a large test group are still Color Shift and Variation operating under standard test conditions. E-shaped ED-shaped For HID lamps, lamp life ratings are (elliptical) (elliptical dimpled) HID lamps with the same rated CCT can based on a 10-hours-on-1-hour-off operat- appear to be different in color because of ing cycle. Lamp life decreases if the lamps color shift and variations in manufactur- are on for less than 10 h per start. Operat- ing. Color shift occurs when a lamp’s CCT ing lamps for 5, 2.5, and 1.25 h per start changes due to age, a change in the lamp’s decreases life by approximately 25, 50, position, or a variation of the supply and 60%, respectively (GE Lighting 1993; voltage. MH lamps are more susceptible to Venture Lighting 1991). Lamp manufac- color shift than HPS lamps; in fact, color turers generally publish derating factors PAR-shaped concerns are often cited by specifiers as so that specifiers can estimate average life (long neck) (regular) the principal barrier to more widespread for different operating cycles. use of MH lamps. Manufacturers report that newer MH lamps with ceramic Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems 5 For universal-burn lamps, many manu- the amount of UV energy emitted by facturers report different life values for specific HID lamp types. UV filters horizontal and vertical positions. sometimes are used in applications where Universal-burn lamps have longer average fading is of concern. rated lives for vertical positions than for horizontal positions. For example, the average rated life of a 100-W MH lamp is 10,000 h for the horizontal position and 15,000 h for the vertical position. NLPIP did not measure lamp life for this report. Ballasts Warm-Up and Restrike Time Ballasts provide the proper voltage to Warm-up time is the time required for a start lamps, and they regulate starting and cold HID lamp to start and reach a stable operating current. Many low-wattage HID operating temperature and pressure. lamps can operate on either magnetic or Some manufacturers publish warm-up electronic ballasts, although electronic times to 100% of maximum light output; ballasts are not presently available for all others publish warm-up times to 95, 90, lamp types. Electronic ballasts are lighter or 80% of maximum light output. Most and smaller than their magnetic counter- HPS and MH lamps listed in Tables 2–4 parts. They require less power to operate on pp. 20–29 have rated warm-up times to lamps but have higher initial costs. 90% of maximum light output of 2–5 Magnetic ballasts for low-wattage lamps minutes (min). operate the lamps at 60 hertz (Hz); If an HID lamp is extinguished, it must electronic ballasts can operate the lamps cool before being restarted. Restrike time at 60 Hz or at much higher frequencies, is defined as the time required before the such as 25 kilohertz (kHz). lamp will restart (IESNA 1993), although Table 1 on p. 19 lists the manufacturers some manufacturers publish restrike of ballasts for HID lamps and their times as the time required for the lamp to telephone numbers. Specifiers should cool, restart, and reach 90% of maximum contact ballast manufacturers for compre- light output. The time required for the hensive ballast information and specifica- lamp to restart and warm up again is tions before specifying a ballast. Every usually longer than the warm-up time for ballast should have an American National a cold lamp. HPS lamps have shorter Standards Institute (ANSI) code that restrike times than MH lamps. NLPIP did identifies the electrical operating charac- not measure warm-up or restrike times for teristics of the lamp it will operate. this report. Electronic Ballasts for Low-Wattage Fading HPS Lamps In addition to light [between 380 and Philips Lighting’s high-CRI HPS lamps 770 nanometers (nm)], low-wattage HID operate on series controller ballasts, also lamps also emit ultraviolet (UV) energy called hybrid ballasts, from Advance (between 280 and 380 nm). MH lamps Transformer Co. These ballasts use an usually emit more UV energy than do electronic circuit in series with a mag- HPS lamps. If objects such as denim blue netic transformer and operate the lamps jeans, meats, and museum artwork and at 60 Hz. Philips claims that these ballasts artifacts are exposed to high levels of compensate for variations in supply these wavelengths for an extended time, voltage and thus provide uniform light the color of these items may fade. Both source color characteristics within a – 10% MH and HPS lamps emit more UV than line voltage variation and constant lamp incandescent lamps. Specifiers should voltage and power over lamp life (Philips consult lamp manufacturers to determine Lighting 1991; Brabham 1990). 6 Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems Electronic Ballasts for Low-Wattage decreases light output, increases CCT, MH Lamps and decreases lamp power. Lamps oper- ated by electronic ballasts maintain more NLPIP identified two manufacturers of consistent performance than those electronic ballasts for low-wattage MH operated by magnetic ballasts because lamps: OSRAM SYLVANIA INC. and WPI electronic ballasts maintain constant Electronics. According to OSRAM voltage to the lamp regardless of the SYLVANIA, its ballast is designed specifi- supply voltage. cally to operate its own 70-W double- NLPIP evaluated the ability of ballasts ended MH lamp. to maintain lamp light output, CCT, and WPI’s ballasts operate lamps at 60 Hz, power during fluctuations of the supply whereas OSRAM SYLVANIA’s ballasts voltage (see “Ballast Evaluations” on p. 14 operate lamps at between 20 and 25 kHz. for more information). NLPIP varied the Lamps operated at a frequency above supply voltage to four 70-W double-ended 8 kHz can experience acoustic resonance, MH lamps operating on 120-volt (V), which can cause light output to fluctuate 60-Hz magnetic and 120-V electronic and lamps to flicker or even extinguish. ballasts and obtained the following results: OSRAM SYLVANIA’s ballast operates lamps at a center frequency of 22.5 kHz and periodically shifts frequency up or down 2.5 kHz to overcome acoustic resonance, stabilize lamp operation, and minimize flicker (Faehnrich et al. 1988). Lamps operated at 60 Hz do not experi- ence acoustic resonance (Rasch and Ballast and voltage effects on lamp performance Statnic 1991). Magnetic Electronic Results of NLPIP Ballast Evaluations At130V At110V At130V At110V Fluctuations in the supply voltage can Lamp +16to+26% -18to-28% 0to+2% -2to-6% affect an MH lamp’s light output, color, LightOutput and power. Depending on the ballast NoChangeto NoChangeto CCT -100to-400K +300to+600K used, higher voltage generally increases -100K +200K light output, decreases CCT, and in- LampPower +13% -14to-29% NoChange NoChange creases lamp power; lower voltage Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems 7 Figure 5. Components of an Adjustable Accent Luminaire Recessed in a Ceiling Luminaires 9 10 8 NLPIP evaluated the ease of aiming and 1 relamping of recessed and semi-recessed adjustable luminaires and track luminaires 2 7 from seven manufacturers for this report. 6 Table 1 on p. 19 lists the manufacturers of HID accent luminaires and their telephone numbers. Tables 7–12 on pp. 32–45 contain manufacturer-supplied information for HID accent luminaires. 3 NLPIP’s methods for evaluating lumi- 4 5 naires are described in “Luminaire 1 Luminaire housing 2 Junction box Evaluations” on p.14. The results of 3 Trim NLPIP’s evaluations of HID accent 4 Reflector cone luminaires are listed in Tables 13 and 14 5 Ceiling on pp. 46–47 and described in “Results of 6 Ballast 7 Yoke assembly NLPIP Luminaire Evaluations” on p. 11. 8 Lamp socket (Adapted with permis- 9 Lamp sion from Kurt Versen 10 Upper reflector Inc. 1995) Luminaire Types Recessed and semi-recessed adjust- able luminaires. Recessed and semi- recessed HID accent luminaires appear very similar to recessed and semi- recessed accent luminaires for incandes- cent lamps. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the components used in typical recessed and Figure 6. Components of an semi-recessed adjustable accent lumi- Adjustable Accent Luminaire naires, respectively. Semi-Recessed in a Ceiling Track luminaires. Track and track 10 6 1 luminaires for HID lamps are similar to track luminaires for incandescent lamps. They mount similarly, have similar 2 optional accessories for additional optical control, and allow track heads to be electrically controlled individually or in 7 groups. The track head is the part of the 8 luminaire that moves along the track and 5 usually comprises the lamp housing, 3 lamp, socket, and reflector cone. The 9 track head also typically contains the 1 Luminaire housing 4 ballast for the HID lamp, unless the 2 Junction box 11 specifier chooses a monopoint mount, 3 Trim when the ballast is recessed into the 4 Reflector cone ceiling plenum. 5 Ceiling The track can be recessed into the 6 Electronic ballast and ignitor 7 Yoke assembly ceiling, mounted to the surface of the 8 Lamp socket ceiling, or suspended from the ceiling 9 Lamp (Adapted with permis- (pendant mounted). The track luminaires 10 Transformer sion from INDY Lighting can be suspended from the track with a 11 Lamp housing Inc. 1995) 8 Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems pendant mount, as shown in Figure 7. prevents damage to the lamp and ballast if Some individual track luminaires can be there is a voltage surge. mounted directly to a junction box in the ceiling without a track (see Figure 8). Adjustability and Maintenance This option usually is called a mono- point mount. NLPIP evaluated the ease of use of some Manufacturers of track luminaires for of the components illustrated in Figures 5 HID lamps offer accessories that change and 6, some of which are used to adjust the optical control of the luminaire. These and aim HID accent luminaires. When options include spread lenses that convert these components are easy to use, the a round beam into an elongated beam and labor costs of installing and maintaining barn doors, louvers, and tubular shields the luminaires are minimized. Components (“snoot” shields) that help prevent direct that are easy to use also make the lumi- glare. Specifiers should request the naire less susceptible to being incorrectly photometric information of a luminaire adjusted or damaged during installation with any desired options before specifying and maintenance. the options. Filters also are available in many colors to change the color appear- Yoke assembly. The yoke assembly is ance of the light. used to aim the lamp. Some manufactur- Tracks have one, two, or three circuits, ers provide mechanisms on the yoke so allowing switching of up to three groups that it can be locked into position once of track heads. An individual track head the luminaire is aimed. Some lockable can also have its own switch at its connec- yokes have wing nuts that can be tightened tion to the track so that each head can be by hand, while other yokes have bolts that switched independently. Some track should be tightened with a wrench. luminaires offer a ballast fuse, which Figure 7. Pendant-Mounted Figure 9. Horizontal and Vertical Track Luminaire Aiming with Yoke Assembly a. Horizontal Horizontal rotation Lower ring allows 0(cid:176) horizontal rotation of yoke assembly b. Vertical Figure 8. Monopoint Mounting of a Aimed angle Track Luminaire 0(cid:176) aiming Yoke assembly allows vertical adjustment 0(cid:176) Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems 9 Adjustable luminaires can be aimed Figure 10. Interchangeable Reflectors vertically and horizontally using the yoke assembly as illustrated in Figure 9 on p. 9. Recessed adjustable luminaires typically have vertical aiming ranges from 0–45(cid:176) , where 0(cid:176) is straight down, and horizontal rotation ranges from 0–360(cid:176) . Semi- recessed adjustable and track luminaires typically have vertical aiming ranges from 0–90(cid:176) and horizontal rotation ranges from 0–360(cid:176) . Upper reflector. The upper reflector directs light out of the luminaire in a specific direction and pattern. Three reflector system types are used in accent luminaires: interchangeable, adjustable, Figure 11. Adjustable Reflector and fixed. An interchangeable reflector system allows a user to change the reflectors on- site if necessary. Luminaires that use tubular MH and HPS lamps often have interchangeable reflector systems. Manu- facturers commonly offer reflectors having spot, medium flood, and flood distribu- tions. The number of available reflectors and distributions varies by luminaire. Figure 10 shows a luminaire that has two interchangeable reflectors. Adjustable reflector systems usually have a mechanism that moves the reflector which changes from a spot to a some viewing angles. A semi-specular flood distribution. Luminaires with finish scatters the light and provides a adjustable reflectors usually house T10 brighter cone appearance. HPS lamps. Figure 11 shows a luminaire Reflector cones for recessed adjustable with an adjustable reflector. accent luminaires are typically round, A fixed reflector system is neither although rectangular cones are available. adjustable nor interchangeable. Lumi- Cones are available with either a flat or naires for ED17 and B17 lamps have fixed angled cut, as shown in Figure 12 on reflector systems and upper reflectors. p. 11. Angle-cut cones typically are avail- A PAR lamp has an integral reflector, able in 20, 30, 35, and 45(cid:176) angles; some so luminaires for PAR lamps do not manufacturers offer custom angles. The require an upper reflector and have a angle-cut cone enables the specifier to aim fixed reflector. the lamp at greater vertical angles than the flat-cut cone allows, without trapping Reflector cone. The reflector cone as much light within the luminaire. provides a finished appearance to the Manufacturers use either springs or luminaire, redirects any stray light from tension clips to attach reflector cones to the upper reflector, and controls glare. the luminaire. Springs usually attach to Reflector cones are available in either the reflector cone and to the yoke and pull specular (polished) or semi-specular the reflector cone flush with the trim ring. finishes in colors such as clear, gold, Tension clips usually mount on the back black, bronze, and pewter. The most side of the reflector cone and require the common combination of finish and color is installer to push the reflector cone flush specular clear, which is a shiny silver with the trim ring. If the cone is not flush, finish. Specular cones often appear dark light can escape between the reflector because they reflect almost no light at cone and trim ring. Sometimes manufac- 10 Specifier Reports: HID Accent Lighting Systems

performance of these systems in accent lighting applications. The electronic .. from 60–95 LPW. Shrouded MH and MH PAR Lamps. epyTpmaL. IRC.
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