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Hibanobambusa kamitegensis (Poaceae-Bambusoideae), a New Species from Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan PDF

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Preview Hibanobambusa kamitegensis (Poaceae-Bambusoideae), a New Species from Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan

J. Jpn. Bot. 87: 229–235 (2012) Hibanobambusa kamitegensis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a New Species from Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan Mikio kobayashia, * and Takao wakasugib aDepartment of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University, 350, Mine, Utsunomiya, 321-8505 JAPAN; bFukui Botanical Garden, 17-3-1, Asahi, Echizen-cho, Fukui, 916-0146 JAPAN *Corresponding author: [email protected] (Accepted on March 29, 2012) A new species of Hibanobambusa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), H. kamitegensis M. Kobay. & Wakasugi is described from Fukui Pref., Honshu, Japan. H. kamitegensis is distinguished from H. tranquillans (Koidz.) Maruy. & H. Okamura in having glabrous prophylla borne on mid-culm node, culm-sheaths slightly pubescent with retrorse minute hairs and scattered spreading long hairs, slanted upper margin of foliage leaf-sheaths with sickle-shaped auricles, leaf surface pubescent with scattered deciduous long hairs, and slightly shorter and wider leaf-blades with longer petioles. Key words: Bambusoideae, Fukui Prefecture, Hibanobambusa kamitegensis, Japan, new species. The genus Hibanobambusa was described m. The stand was surrounded with scattered by Maruyama et al. (1979) based on its type, H. vegetation including Cryptomeria japonica, tranquillans (Koidz.) Maruy. & H. Okamura Castanea crenata, Paulownia tomentosa, as a putative intergeneric hybrid between Armeniaca mume, Phyllostachys bambusoides Phyllostachys and Sasa. Its distribution range and others. The specimens of the bamboo were was restricted to only four localities, i.e., Mt. precisely studied with vegetative organs in Hiba-yama (the type locality of Semiarundinaria comparison with the specimens of H. tranquillans tranquillans Koidz.), Shimane Prefecture, from the type locality (M. Kobayashi & Y. Shôbara, Hiroshima Prefecture (Hirose 1986), Sugimura 161-1–5, FUK 15046–15050) and some Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture (Katayama clumps cultivated at the Fuji Bamboo Garden, 2007), and Fukui, Fukui Prefecture (Kobayashi Shizuoka Prefecture, originally introduced from 2001, 2011). During an inventory for the "Flora of the type locality (H. Kashiwagi, 23 Dec. 2010, Fukui Prefecture" (2003), one of us (TW) found TNS-VS-1140662–1140666). After comparing the a clump of unknown bamboo that apparently specimens from Kamitega with H. tranquillans in has an affinity with H. tranquillans, at Kamitega, detail, we concluded that the plants represent an Fukui, Fukui Prefecture in 2000. A small clump undescribed species of Hibanobambusa. Here we of the plant about 4×5 m-wide was located in describe H. kamitegensis as a distinct, new species the vicinity of an old shrine at an altitude of 150 endemic to Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. —229— 230 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第4号 2012年8月 Fig. 1. Holotype of Hibanobambusa kamitegtensis M. Kobay. & Wakasugi (T. Wakasugi 6081–10, FUK 15010) from Fukui Prefecture, Japan. August 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.4 231 Fig. 2. Hibanobambusa kamitegensis. A. Culm with a sympodial rhizome in the amphipodial system. B. Young shoot with reflected sheath-blades. C. Auriculated oral setae. D. Prophyll at a mid-culm node. Scale: 10 cm (A, B), 1 cm (C, D). 232 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第4号 2012年8月 Taxonomic treatment Wakasugi 20505 (FUK 15035–15045); loc. cit., 24 June 2000, M. Kobayashi 1672 (TNS 1140667–1140668). Hibanobambusa kamitegensis M. Kobay. & The plant has an amphipodial rhizome system Wakasugi, sp. nov. [Figs. 1–4] combining with monopodial and sympodial Type: JAPAN. Honshu: Fukui Pref., Fukui- rhizomes (Fig. 2) suggesting that one of the shi, Kamitega, 8 June 2000, T. Wakasugi 6081- parental taxa belongs to the Sasa group. The plant 10/11 (FUK 15010–holotype, Fig. 1; T. Wakasugi has monocladal, i.e., one-branch per node, branch 6081-1–9/11, 11/11, FUK 15000–15009–isotypes). complement of several wide ellipsoidal, lanceolate Rhizome amphipodial–mainly monopodial leaf-blades on the top of the twig with long and partly sympodial. Culm 1 cm in diameter, brushy oral setae born on each culm node, the 3–4 m in height, erect or slightly procumbent at culm-sheaths partially persistent at distal nodes base, hollow, slightly sulcate with monocladal on each branch complement, while deciduous on branching. Prophylla borne on mid-culm glabrous, the mid-culm (Figs. 1, 3), showing that the species margin minutely ciliate. Culm-sheaths deciduous, is a member of the genus Hibanobambusa, thus, slightly pubescent with retrorse, minute hairs and diagnostic morphological features of the genus scattered, spreading long hairs, or persistent on the Sasa on one hand, appear with characters of the distal internodes of branch complements. Foliage genus Phyllostachys on the other hand. Sheath- leaf-sheaths pubescent with scattered, deciduous, blade on the mid culm nodes of young shoot long hairs, upper margin slanted, with sickle- reflect (Fig. 2) suggesting that one parental species shaped auricles, ligule 1.5 mm long, truncate. Oral of Phyllostachys belongs to sect. Phyllostachys setae brushy, ca. 10 mm long. Foliage leaf blades (Renvoize and Hodkinson 1997). tesselated, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 172–274 The specimen has several distinct mm long, 40–70 mm wide, abaxially pilose along morphological features as shown in Table 1. the midribs and/or veins only at base. Petioles Prophylla embracing buds borne on mid-culm 8–15 mm long. Flowers unknown. are glabrous and its margin has minute ciliate Japanese name: Echizen-Inʼyô (nom. nov.). hairs (Fig. 2D), while H. tranquillans is pubescent 新和名:エチゼンインヨウ with dark brownish short hairs on the upper Additional specimens examined: JAPAN. Honshu, half surface and the margin is ciliated. Culm- Fukui Pref., Fukui-shi, Kamitega, 8 June 2000, T. Wakasugi 6082–6085 (FUK15011–15034); loc. cit., 5 May 2002, T. sheaths are slightly pubescent with retrose minute Table 1. Comparison of diagnostic morphological features between Hibanobambusa kamitegensis and H. tranquillans H. kamitegensis H. tranquillans pubescent with short, dark brown hairs Prophyll on the mid-culm bud glabrous, margin minutely cilliate in upper half, margin cilliate pubescent with retrorse, minute hairs pubescent with a mixture of spreading Culm-sheath and scattered, spreading hairs hairs and retrorse, long hairs pubescent with deciduous, scattered, Leaf-sheath glabrous long hairs Upper margin of leaf-sheath slanted horizontal Auricle sickle-shaped ellipsoidal Ligule truncate obtuse pubescent with short hairs along the Abaxial surface of leaves glabrous midrib and veins at base Petiole length (mm) 10.1 ± 1.8 (max: 15) 9.4 ± 2 (max:13) Leaf blade length (mm) 243.2 ± 12.7 (max: 274) 263.2 ± 30.9 (max: 308) Leaf blade width (mm) 52.9 ± 6.0 (max: 70) 51.0 ± 7.0 (max: 62) August 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.4 233 Fig. 3. Hibanobambusa kamitegensis. Culm and branch complements. Scale: 10 cm. 234 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第4号 2012年8月 new species of Hibanobambusa, H. kamitegensis after the type locality in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture. In which the Japanese name, Echizen-inyo; i.e., “Echizen” means the ancient name of the Fukui area. We are indebted to Mr. Harutsugu Kashiwagi, the Fuji Bamboo Garden for providing us a cultivated specimen of Hibanobambusa tranquillans. We also thank Mr. Kazuhiro Miki for providing us a scarce reference on the distribution of H. tranquillans in Hiroshima Prefecture. References Hirose S. 1986. A note on Inyochiiku, Hibanobambusa sp., Fig. 4. Hibanobambusa kamitegensis. Juncture of foliage Bambusaceae from Shobara, Hiroshima Prefecture. leaf-sheath and blade. Scale: 1 cm. Hibakagaku 13: 1–6 (in Japanese). Maruyama I., Okamura H. and Murata G. 1979. On a new hybrid genus Hibanobambusa. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30(4–6): 148–152 (in Japanese). hairs and scattered spreading long hairs, while Katayama H. 2007. Hibanobambusa tranquillans (Koidz.) H. tranquillans is mixed with spreading and Maruy. & H.Okamura was found at Kawakamicho and retrose long hairs. Leaf-sheath in the specimen another newpoint, Kosecho. Both are in Takahashi-City, are scattered with deciduous long hairs, whereas Okayama Pref., The Reports of the Fuji Bamboo Garden 51: 27–30 (in Japanese). glabrous in H. tranquilans As shown in Fig.4, Kobayashi M. 2001. Bambuseae. Flora of Fukui Prefecture; upper margin of foliage leaf-sheaths were slanted, Bryophytes, Lichens & Supplement. pp. 185–214. Fukui with sickle-shaped auricle, truncate ligule, and Prefecture, Fukui (in Japanese). pubescent only at the leaf-base alongside the rib or Kobayashi M. 2011. Graminae: Bambusoideae. In: Kato M. and Ebihara A. (eds.), Endemic Plants of Japan. pp. veins, while in H. tranquillans, the upper-margin 169–176. Tokai University Press, Hadano (in Japanese). horizontal, with ellipsoidal auricle, obtuse ligule, Renvoize S. A. and Hodkinson T. R. 1997. Classification of and glabrous at the blade-base. When comparing Phyllostachys. In: Chapman G. P. (ed), The Bamboos. foliage leaf blade length among the leaves longer pp. 96–106. Academic Press, London. than 20 cm, foliage leaf-blade of the specimens Wakasugi T. 2003. Noteworthy plants of Fukui Prefecture, with special reference to phytogeographic relationship to were a little bit shorter and wider with longer flora of Atetsu area – As a consideration for the Flora of petioles than those of H. tranquillans (Table 1). Fukui Prefecture–. J. Phytogeogr. & Taxon. 51: 103–112 These features made us classify this specimen as a (in Japanese). 小林幹夫a,若杉孝生b:福井市で発見されたインヨウ チク属の1新種エチゼンインヨウ(イネ科:タケ亜科)  インヨウチクは基準産地の島根県比婆山,及び広島県 い芽溝が発達する.稈鞘は枝を残して脱落する.葉は広 庄原市,岡山県高梁市,福井県福井市のみに知られる, 楕円状披針形で,肩毛はブラシ状である. マダケ属とササ属を両親種とする推定属間雑種である.  2000年に福井県福井市上天下(旧丹生郡清水町)か 稈は直立もしくは斜上し,単軸型地下茎を主とした両軸 ら得られた標本について,花はまだ知られていないの 型地下茎を発達させ,1節より1本の枝を出し,幅の狭 で,栄養器官の標本と,基準産地由来のインヨウチ August 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.4 235 クの標本を詳細に形態比較した結果,未記載の新種 出する長毛が出る(開出および逆向する長毛を密生す という結論に達したので,エチゼンインヨウ(新称) る).葉鞘には脱落性の開出長毛が出る(無毛).葉鞘の Hibanobambusa kamitegensis M. Kobay. & Wakasugi 上縁は強く斜上し(水平),中位にある盤状体,すなわ として報告した.種形容語は基準産地の上天下(かみて ち葉耳は鎌形(楕円形)である.葉下面は無毛であるが, が)に因む. 葉脚部にのみ,中肋や側脈に沿って短毛がある(無毛).  エチゼンインヨウは次のような形態的特徴を有して 葉身の長さ20 cm以上の葉を比較した結果,葉柄はイ いる(インヨウチクに見られる形質を括弧中に示す). ンヨウチクに比べやや長く,葉身は短く幅が広い. 稈中部の芽を抱く前出葉は無毛で上縁には細かい毛が ( a宇都宮大学農学部森林科学科, 生える(上半分が黒褐色の短毛で覆われ,縁には繊毛状 b福井総合植物園) の毛).稈鞘にはうっすらと逆向短毛が生え,疎らに開

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