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Preview HI absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies

MNRAS000,1–22(2002) Preprint26January2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 i H absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies M. Glowacki1,2,3(cid:63), J. R. Allison2,3, E. M. Sadler1,2, V. A. Moss1,2, S. J. Curran4, A. Musaeva1, C. Deng1, R. Parry1, M. C. Sligo1 1Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics A28, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 2ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO), Australia 3CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science, PO Box 76, Epping NSW 1710, Australia 4School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6140, New Zealand 7 1 26January2017 0 2 n ABSTRACT a HiabsorptionstudiesyieldinformationonbothAGNfeedingandfeedbackprocesses. J This AGN activity interacts with the neutral gas in compact radio sources, which 4 are believed to represent the young or recently re-triggered AGN population. We 2 present the results of a survey for Hi absorption in a sample of 66 compact ra- dio sources at 0.040 < z < 0.096 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. In ] A total, we obtained seven detections, five of which are new, with a large range of peak optical depths (3% to 87%). Of the detections, 71% exhibit asymmetric, broad G (∆v >100kms−1)features,indicativeofdisturbedgaskinematics.Suchbroad, FWHM . h shallow and offset features are also found within low-excitation radio galaxies which p is attributed to disturbed circumnuclear gas, consistent with early-type galaxies typ- - ically devoid of a gas-rich disk. Comparing mid-infrared colours of our galaxies with o Hi detections indicates that narrow and deep absorption features are preferentially r t foundinlate-typeandhigh-excitationradiogalaxiesinoursample.Thesefeaturesare s attributed to gas in galactic disks. By combining XMM-Newton archival data with a [ 21-cm data, we find support that absorbed X-ray sources may be good tracers of HI content within the host galaxy. This sample extends previous Hi surveys in compact 1 radiogalaxiestolowerradioluminositiesandprovidesabasisforfutureworkexploring v the higher redshift universe. 6 3 Key words: galaxies:active–galaxies:ISM–galaxies:nuclei–radiolines:galaxies. 0 7 0 . 1 1 INTRODUCTION sion beyond redshifts of z > 0.2 (e.g. Verheijen et al. 2007; 0 7 Catinella et al. 2008; Freudling et al. 2011). Compact radio galaxies are thought to represent the 1 youngest or most recently triggered active galactic nuclei There is no such redshift limit for detecting the tran- : v (AGN Fanti et al. 1995; Readhead et al. 1996; Owsianik & sition in absorption, as the line strength only depends on i Conway1998).Studiesareongoingonthesignificanteffects the brightness of the background source, and the spin tem- X AGNfeedbackhaveonthehostgalaxy,suchaswhetherthis perature and column density of Hi along the line of sight. r activity triggers or suppresses star-formation, and what its Therefore, Hi can be detected towards sufficiently strong a role is in galaxy evolution (see review by Heckman & Best continuumradiosourcesregardlessofgasredshift(e.g.Mor- 2014).Thiscanbeexaminedviathekinematicsofcircumnu- ganti et al. 2005). Absorption from Hi gas located in front clearneutralgas,sometimesexhibitingfast(>1000kms−1) of an AGN is a good tracer for the kinematics of gas, and andmassive(upto50M(cid:74) yr−1)outflows createdbyinter- hence Hi associated absorption surveys allow us to investi- actions from radio-loud AGN (e.g. Morganti et al. 2005). gate how AGN feedback directly interacts with the clumpy The21-cmlineofatomichydrogen(HI)isausefultool medium in the host galaxy in compact radio sources (e.g. for tracing the neutral gas within galaxies in emission to Wagner et al. 2012). study the diffuse neutral gas in galaxies (see Giovanelli & It was suggested that intrinsically compact sources - Haynes 2016, and references therein). However, due to flux primarily, gigahertz peaked spectrum (GPS) ((cid:54) 1 kpc in limitations, it is currently difficult to detect Hi in emis- size) and compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio sources (∼1 - 10 kpc) - have higher detection rates of Hi than extended sources(e.g.withdetectionratesof∼20-40%inVermeulen (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] et al. 2003; Gupta et al. 2006; Chandola et al. 2011). Fur- (cid:13)c 2002TheAuthors 2 thermore,Curranetal.(2016c)showsthattheHidetection 2 SAMPLE SELECTION, OBSERVATIONS rate is proportional to the turnover frequency, which is in- AND DATA REDUCTION versely proportional to source size. Morganti et al. (2001) searched for Hi in 23 nearby (z < 0.22) radio galaxies and 2.1 Observations foundadetectionrateofHiof23%inthecompactsources, 2.1.1 Sample Selection higherthanthatofasubsetofextendedFanaroff-Rileytype IandII(FR-I,FR-II)sources(10%).Pihlstro¨m,Conway,& To study the Hi content of the inner circumnuclear regions Vermeulen (2003) also suggest an anti-correlation between ofgalaxies,wechoseradiogalaxiesknowntohaveabright, theHicolumndensityandsourcesize.Curranetal.(2013a) compact core. Targets were selected at 20 GHz from the attributed this to a source size anti-correlation with optical AT20G survey catalogue (Murphy et al. 2010), which were depth,proposingthisisduetoaneffectofgeometrywitha cross-matched with the 6dF Galaxy Survey (Jones et al. larger covering factor for smaller source sizes. 2009) to obtain redshift information (Sadler et al. 2014). These studies reveal evidence for disturbed neutral gas In order to select compact sources, those with extended ra- kinematicsnearyoungAGN.Ger´ebetal.(2015)foundthat dioemissiononscalesgreaterthan15arcsecondsat20GHz asymmetric,broadabsorptionfeaturesappearmoreoftenin wereremoved.Followingthis,thesamplewasrestrictedto45 compactsources,suggestingagreaterinterplaybetweenthe sourcessouthofdeclinationδ = −20◦,withintheredshift AGN feedback of the host galaxy and the neutral gas envi- range of 0.04 < z < 0.08. This range was chosen to search ronment. Such interplay, where the ultra-violet luminosity for the 21-cm Hi line within a convenient and available fre- of the active nucleus has a direct impact on the neutral gas quencyrangeoftheATCA,andtoavoidcontaminatingthe in the host, has been suggested by Curran et al. (2008), spectrawithHiemissionlinesbyprobingsufficientlynearby who first noted a decrease in the detection of associated Hi galaxies.Theinstrumentsalsoimposedaminimumfluxden- absorption with redshift. They attributed this to the flux sitylimitof50mJyat1.4GHz(asabsorptionlinestrength limitations of optical surveys, biasing towards increasingly depends on the brightness of the background source). UV luminous sources (further demonstrated by Curran & The results from observations of 29 sources were re- Whiting 2010). The detection rate reaches zero at ionising ported by Allison et al. (2012a). Two sources within our photonratesofQHi ∼3×1056sec−1(LUV ∼1023WHz−1at sample (J062706–352916 and J164416–771548) were previ- λ=912˚A),atwhichpointalloftheneutralgasinthehost ously observed by Morganti et al. (2001) to optical depths galaxy is believed to be ionised (Curran & Whiting 2012). upper limits of τ < 4.7%, and so were not re-observed by This critical UV luminosity limit has been observed several us. These observations have since been extended by three timessince,throughthenon-detectionofHiabovethisvalue separateobservationrunsmadewiththeATCAinorderto (Curranetal.2011a,2013b,c;Curranetal.2016a;Grasha& expand to the sample: Darling2011;Allisonetal.2012a;Ger´ebetal.2015;Aditya • 14 targets in February 2013 with the same selection et al. 2016). criteria as that by Allison et al. (2012a). Of these targets, Here we present the results of the search of Hi ab- the source J091856–243829 was included for an intervening sorption complementrary to Allison et al. (2012a), who Hi search, but while we give its spectrum, it is not part of searched for Hi in 29 targets as part of a sample of 66 our sample. nearby (0.04 < z < 0.08) compact sources selected from • 9 targets in June 2013, in a higher redshift range the Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey (AT20G; Murphy (0.080 < z < 0.096). This redshift range was within the et al. 2010), with the Australian Telescope Compact Array receiverlimitsandavoidedspecificradiofrequencyinterfer- (ATCA) on the Broadband Backend (CABB). A total of ence (RFI). three detections were made by Allison et al. (2012a), two • 14targetsinSeptember2014.Thesewerepartofasep- ofwhichwerepreviouslyunknown.Thesampleexploresthe arate sample of 68 compact GPS sources imaged with the Hicontentwithinnearbycompactradiogalaxieswithyoung Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). They had also been se- ornewlytriggeredAGN.Wealsopresentouranalysismade lectedfromtheAT20Gsurveywithredshiftsidentifiedinthe through consideration of infrared and X-ray properties. 6dFGalaxySurvey.Thesetargetshadadditionalconstraints This work also involved the development of a data of declinations of δ > -40◦, redshifts of 0.04 < z < 0.08, a reduction pipeline for wide-band data, and an automated minimumfluxdensityof50mJyat1.4GHz,andanangular spectral-line finding method based on Bayesian inference. size of 0.2 arcseconds or less at 20 GHz. These tools are part of preparation for the First Large Ab- sorption Survey in Hi (FLASH) with the Australian SKA SeveraloftheVLBA-imagedsourceshadbeendetected Pathfinder (ASKAP; Deboer et al. 2009; Johnston et al. in the continuum with the Australian Long Baseline Array 2009; Schinckel et al. 2012), and has been successfully em- (LBA) by Hancock et al. (2009) at 4.8 GHz, where all tar- ployed in the ongoing ASKAP-FLASH commissioning sur- gets were observed but unresolved on scales of ∼100 mas, vey (e.g. Allison et al. 2015). FLASH’s redshift regime of implyinglinearsizesoflessthan100pc.TheVLBAimaging 0.4 < z < 1.0 will explore both associated and intervening spatialresolutionis0.5mas,andhencewillallowforacom- (withinanothergalaxyalongthelineofsight)Hiabsorption, prehensive study of the radio source morphology on parsec andallowustoextensivelyexaminehowtheHicontenthas scales. evolved with redshift in a largely unexplored epoch. Intotaloursampleconsistedof66targetswhicharede- In this paper the standard cosmological model is tailedinTable2.Ashortdescriptionofeachofthecolumns used, with parameters ΩM = 0.27, ΩΛ = 0.73 and follows. H = 71kms−1Mpc−1. All uncertainties refer to the 0 68.3percent confidence interval, unless otherwise stated. Column (1): The AT20G source name. MNRAS000,1–22(2002) Hi absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies 3 Table 1.Summaryofobservations,includingthosemadebyAllisonetal.(2012a).Inorderofcolumn,welisttheobservinggroupID (obs.ID),observingdates,theATCAarrayconfiguration,centralfrequencyofthezoomchannel,averageintegrationtimepersourcein hours,thenumberofobservedsources,theaverage1-σ noiseinthechannels,andnotes. Obs.ID Dates Arrayconfig ν tint n σchan Notes MHz hr mJy/beam A 2011Feb03-06 6A 1342 3.5 14 4.0 PublishedbyAllisonetal.(2012a). B 2011Apr23-26 6A 1342 3.5 15 4.0 PublishedbyAllisonetal.(2012a). C 2013Feb13-16 6A 1342 4.0 14 6.3 Carriedoutin3contiguous24hourperiods. D 2013June08-10 6C 1310 1.5 9 7.4 Madeacrossthreeseparateperiodsof6–10hours. E 2014Sept25-28 6A 1340 4.0 14 3.4 Carriedoutin3contiguous24hourperiods. Columns (2) & (3): The right ascension and declination of the source at J2000. Column(4):TheAT20G20GHzfluxdensity(Murphyetal. 2010). Column(5):S istheNVSS1.4GHzfluxdensity(Condon 1.4 et al. 1998). Column (6): S is the SUMSS 843MHz flux density 0.843 (Mauch et al. 2003). Columns (7) & (8): The corresponding spectral indices be- tween the two lower-frequencies and 20GHz are given by α20 and α20 respectively. 1.4 0.843 Column(9):ObservationID.RefertoTable1forthedetails of each run. Column (10): z is the optical spectroscopic redshift. opt Column (11): SC is the optical spectroscopic classification as defined by Mahony et al. (2011). Aa means only absorp- tion lines were detected, Ae corresponds to only emission Figure1.Spectralindicesforthe49sourcesinoursampleswith lines, AeB broad emission lines, and Aae means both were measurements at 20 GHz, 8.4 GHz and 4.8 GHz. All but nine observed. fall in a flat-spectrum regime in either axis (spectral indices of Column (12): M is the Two Micron All Sky Survey -0.5 < α < 0.5), with 26 flat in both indices. The majority are K foundtohaveeitheradecreasingspectralenergydistributionwith (2MASS) K-band absolute magnitude (Skrutskie et al. frequency(steep/falling)orwithaspectralpeakbetween4.8and 2006). 20GHz(GPS). Column (13): The 20 GHz compactness, 6km , defined as vis theratioofthemeasuredvisibilityamplitudeonthelongest ATCA baselines to that on the shortest baselines (Chhetri either a decreasing spectral energy distribution with fre- et al. 2013). They find a lower limit of 0.86 for unresolved quency (steep/falling) or with a spectral peak between 4.8 sources. and 20 GHz (GPS). Column(14):FRistheFanaroff-Rileytypeatlowfrequency (1.4 GHz) (Fanaroff & Riley 1974; Baldi & Capetti 2009; Ghisellini 2011). 2.1.3 ATCA Observations AllobservationsweremadeusingtheCABBsystem(Ferris & Wilson 2002), with a 64 MHz zoom-band across 2048 2.1.2 Spectral indices of radio sources channels. This band was centred at either 1310, 1340 or 1342 MHz to allow a simultaneous search for associated Hi Instead of selecting by spectral index, our survey targeted absorptionovertherespectiveredshiftrangesforeachsetof compact radio galaxies selected at 20 GHz, including both targetswithinasinglezoom-band.TheATCAobservations steepandflat-spectrumsources,andsooursourceselection are detailed in Table 2. differed from similar surveys, such as Gupta et al. (2006) Like the survey of Allison et al. (2012a), sources were and Chandola et al. (2011), which targeted GPS and CSS observedin20or30minutescansandinterleavedwith1.5or radio sources. Of the full sample, 38 (58%) are classified as 2minuteobservationsofanearbybrightcalibratorforgain flat-spectrum sources (-0.5 < α < 0.5 between 1.4/0.843 andphasecalibration.PKS1934–638(Reynolds1994)1 was GHz and 20 GHz; Table 2). observedregularlyastheprimarybandpassandfluxcalibra- We examined additional flux density measurements to tor, and for some nearby targets as a secondary calibrator. confirm how many of our compact core-selected sources are All2048zoomchannelswereusedcorrespondingtoaband- classifiedas flat-spectrum. Fig.1 shows thespectralindices width of 64 MHz, although channels affected by RFI were from the AT20G survey (Murphy et al. 2010) for 49 of our removed during data reduction. sources with flux measurements at 20 GHz, 8.4 GHz and 4.8GHz.Consideringonlythesefluxmeasurements,thema- jority have flat spectral indices. Most were found to have 1 http://www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au/calibrators/ MNRAS000,1–22(2002) 4 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ( A 12121212121109090908060606050504040303030303030303030202020201010100000000 1) T 5553142104520523355543311155432105311 2 7641053884375727042169175399378127962 0 1154433505505105215431155552242343001 G 1578498622965204207503472756690294855 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– n 1143412201433324626231541313585770223 a 7142301490159782168747249929626391238 m 2421553350522255353423410534134052244 4643435890199868201326146460229263036 e 3351354235410305011140414033453002051 4564704979465683137160864357229948128 **(cid:63)*(cid:63)*(cid:63)****†*(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63)*******(cid:63)*(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63)*(cid:63)*(cid:63)(cid:63)(cid:63) • (cid:62) T a b 1111110000000000000000000000000000000 le 25252523211492919084656260555243433535353433333131312525242312111005030101 (J 2: 7641053884375727042169175399378127962 (2R P 1154433505505105215431155552242343001 2)00A ro 1578498622965204207503472756690294855 0 p . ) e 9671725633738583071963966341748558713 rt ie s ------------------------------------- 1143412201433324626231541313585770223 o 724146424213354053135438959000151529929728856258132650831743422736241414906954236940612232649302956123220343846 (3)(J200Dec fthe 34355613375044283759441605360853011316114600481644033537425239090428015218 0). fu . ll s a ( m 83123344106129733286460465668879824311914898681221028755258108789271114501897411355496880 (4)mJy20S ple ) o f A 98.454.4···165.1···102.4267.755.6182.3293.6···4632.9108.8301.8574.1······86.5···5340.21724.5170.0······100.1597.1518.1984.8···············5370.0t113.5275.865.4 (5)(mJy)1.4S T20Gs o u ······368.1137.5122.7···············727.54592.084.3457.5···173.22790.0···409.4···1789.4···51.01915.0···917.6···1552.0181.9457.382.686.4837.9·········52.2 (6)(mJy)0.843S rcesse a r c -0.060.31···-0.17···-···-0.72-0.12-0.49-0.97······0.05···-1.42-1.06-0.00······0.03-0.77-0.65-0.99···············-1.72-0.32-0.530.08 (7) 1.4α20 hedfo r ······-0.02-0.080.02···············-0.81-0.60-0.02-0.54···-0.12-0.93···-0.57···-0.90···0.02-0.63···-0.78···-0.97-0.15-0.700.26-0.05-0.63·········0.13 (8) 0.843α20 Habi s o r O p EEADAEBCEED–CABACCDCCECDEDDBABACBEBBA (9) bs.I tion. D S e e 0.04700.05790.04110.08840.06930.07740.05200.05610.05340.04290.09100.05490.04540.04480.06700.04750.05550.06500.06570.06570.05380.06560.06660.07590.06710.08030.08670.06620.06370.07540.06660.06650.05700.04470.06440.06400.0755 (10) optz endof a a a a a a g a a a a a a a a a a a l a f a e d a a a a a a a a c d b a a S e c AaAaAaeAaeAaeAa···AaeAaAaAaAaAaAeAeAaeAaAa···Ae···Aa······AeAaAaeAaeAeAaeAeAa·········AeAae (11) SC tion 2 .1 -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ( M .1 6.835.065.475. 12) K for c o 6 lu 0.880.980.980.991.040.901.001.050.810.780.780.691.030.700.720.920.850.970.510.280.920.960.930.330.200.200.790.470.990.781.000.930.551.000.890.91··· (13) viskm mnde s c 000000 i0 iiii0000 i00 iiii000 i00000000 i000 (14) FR riptio n s . MNRAS000,1–22(2002) Hi absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies 5 4),), 06 07 6kmFRvis (13)(14) iii0.86/1.0300.9900.9900.9901.000ii1.00···00.930···0i0.920.8000.830···0i0.94i0.860.980i0.980.8500.960i0.940.7801.0301.0500.710···0i0.790.9700.8600.800 mithetal.(2s&Wills(19 eSWill 940131635830512668308726786237 MK (12) -26.3-25.1-25.7-24.3-25.1-25.7-25.0-25.0-25.7-25.2-25.9-25.0-26.2-25.0-26.3-25.5-25.0-25.5-25.3-25.6-25.0-25.5-24.4-25.4-26.2-25.2-26.1-24.5-26.2-24.1 (1998),k003), SC (11) AaeAaAeAaeAaeAaeAaeAaAaeAeBAaAe?AaAaeAaAaAaeAaAaAaAae·········AaAaAae······Aa etal.al.(2 tt re zopt (10) a0.0506a0.0502a0.0977a0.0747a0.0864a0.0490h0.0427a0.0712a0.0492a0.0697a0.0726i0.0641i0.0631a0.0452a0.0485a0.0430a0.0429a0.0754a0.0524a0.0745a0.0518d0.0806j0.0489m0.0573a0.0626a0.0575a0.0543k0.0477j0.0517a0.0649 dKatgeColless ),j Obs.ID (9) BBDEDE–CAACA,BEBCEBCAACDAECBABBE tal.(1978al.(2011), e 20α0.843 (8) -0.49···············-0.34-0.27-0.40-0.11-0.29-0.78···-0.43-0.77···-0.20-0.55-0.68-0.50-0.17-0.570.05······-0.81-0.57········· 2.1.1)unceyantiet nag 20AT20GnameRADec.SSSα201.40.8431.4(J2000)(J2000)(mJy)(mJy)(mJy)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) J131124–442240(cid:63)131124.04-442240.544···208.3···J132920–264022(cid:63)132920.70-264022.2101102.4···-0.01J135036–163449*135036.14-163449.5186109.2···0.20J135607–172433*135607.02-172433.1239180.1···0.11J140912–231550*140911.97-231549.5137599.4···-0.55J151741–242220*‡151741.76-242220.234492041.9···0.20J164416–771548*†164416.03-771548.5399···1165.9···J165710–735544*165710.08-735544.542···99.3···J171522–652018(cid:63)171522.19-652018.653···190.5···J180957–455241(cid:63)180957.79-455241.21087···1530.0···J181857–550815*181857.99-550815.075···185.6···J181934–634548(cid:63)†181934.99-634548.21704···19886.0···J191457–255202*191457.79-255202.8147367.6···-0.34J192043–383107(cid:63)192043.13-383107.163239.7247.8-0.5J204552–510627*204552.29-510627.754···620.9···J205306–162007*205306.00-162007.456116.5···-0.27J205401–424238(cid:63)205401.79-424238.786···160.2···J205754–662919*205754.01-662919.649···282.7···J205837–575636(cid:63)205837.39-575636.597···846.2···J210602–712218(cid:63)210602.92-712217.9246···1206.0···J212222–560014*212222.81-560014.658···100.9···J214824–571351*214824.27-571351.548···292.5···J220253–563543(cid:63)220253.31-563543.069···58.4···J220538–053531*220538.59-053531.967187.2···-0.39J221220–251829*221220.77-251829.071304.4···-0.55J223931–360912(cid:63)223931.26-360912.564661.0842.5-0.88J231905–420648(cid:63)231905.92-420648.9150···911.6···J233355–234340(cid:63)233355.28-234340.8957782.1···0.08J234129–291915(cid:63)234129.72-291915.3120239.6···-0.26J234205–160840*234205.82-160840.443151.9···-0.47 *Sourceobservedinour2013/2014ATCAprogrammes(thispaper)(cid:63)SourcesearchedinAllisonetal.(2012a)i(cid:62)SourcesearchedforHabsorptionbyLedlowetal.(2001)i†SourcesearchedforHabsorptionbyMorgantietal.(2001)i‡SourcesearchedforHabsorptionbyvanGorkometal.(1989)i•SourcesearchedforHabsorptionbutnotpartofthissurveysample(seeSectioabcSpectroscopicredshiftreference:Jonesetal.(2009),Vettolanietal.(1989),JfghiDrinkwateretal.(2001),Petersonetal.(1979),Simpsonetal.(1993),MorlmMahonyetal.(2011),Cavaetal.(2009) MNRAS000,1–22(2002) 6 2.2 Data Reduction detection rate of ∼10% within both the flat-spectrum and steep-spectrum sources (indicated in Table 2). All flagging, calibration and imaging of the data were Table 4 gives the optical depth and Hi column density performed using tasks from the miriad2 package (Sault, for each of the sources observed in 2013-2014. The 21-cm Teuben,&Wright1995)andimplementedusingapurpose- optical depth is given by built Hi data reduction pipeline written in Python (Allison (cid:18) (cid:19) etal.2012a).Channelsthatareknowntocontainsignificant τ(ν)=−ln 1− ∆Sline(ν) , (1) RFI (e.g. birdies, CABB-generated self-interference due to fSC(ν) clockharmonics)wereflaggedoutontheflybythecorrela- where S is the continuum flux density at the optical spec- torandappliedwhendatawasloadedusingatlod.pgflag C troscopic redshift, ∆S is the spectral-line depth (detec- andblflagwereusedbothbeforeandaftercalibrationfor line tion)or3-σrmsnoise(non-detection),andf isthecovering eachtargetandcalibratortoidentifyandflagoutremaining factorofthebackgroundsource.Intheopticallythinregime RFI.Carewastakentoavoidexcessiveflaggingofdataand (∆S /S (cid:46) 0.3), the above expression reduces to: line C hence the removal of any putative spectral lines, and com- parisons were made between flagged and unflagged data. τ(ν)≈ ∆Sline(ν) ≈ τobs(ν), (2) Typically less than 0.1% of data was flagged by the corre- fSC f lator, and less than 2% in total, although the spectra for where τ (v) ≡ ∆Sline is the observed optical depth as a theJune2013observationswerefarmorecorruptedbyRFI obs SC function of velocity. The Hi column density (in cm−2) is (upward of 10% removed in a few cases). related to the integrated optical depth (km s−1) as follows The absolute flux scale and spectral index corrections (e.g. Wolfe & Burbidge 1975): based on the flux model of PKS 1934-638 (Reynolds 1994) (cid:90) were applied to each of the secondary calibrators. We then N = 1.823×1018T τ(v)dv calculated the time-varying bandpass and gain corrections HI spin for the amplitude and phase for each of these, and applied T (cid:90) ≈ 1.823×1018 spin τ (v)dv, (3) their calibration solutions to their paired target sources. f obs We repeated the remaining methods and process described where T is the harmonic mean spin temperature of the by Allison et al. (2012a) for obtaining the source spectra. spin gas (in K). Fig. 1 displays the extracted spectrum for each of the tar- gets sources, where the arrow below the spectra indicates the expected position for any associated 21-cm Hi absorp- 3.2 Notes on detections tion lines, calculated using the known optical spectroscopic OurfournewHidetectionshavealargerangeofpeakopti- redshift of the target. caldepths(fromashighasτ ∼87%toatentativedetec- We analysed the spectra through a Bayesian linefinder obs tionatτ ∼3%).Ournon-detectionsshowasimilarrange and parameterisation pipeline (Allison et al. 2012b). Im- obs ofupperlimitsonthepeakopticaldepths(Table4),anex- provements made to the pipeline made since Allison et al. pectedresultgiventherangeoffluxdensitiesandsensitivity (2012b)haveallowedforhigher-orderpolynomialmodelfits of our survey (Fig. 3). Some sources had higher upper lim- to be made for the continuum, to account for any spectral its found for their line strengths due to shorter integration artefacts that could not be successfully removed, e.g. band- times in the June 2013 observation run (Table 2). passcalibratorripples.Asaresult,therearenowfewerfalse J031552-190644 (z = 0.0671)-Apreviouslyknown positive detections. strongHiabsorptionfeature(Ledlowetal.2001)isdetected against the compact flat spectrum core of this well-studied FR-I radio source. The AGN is hosted by a disc-dominated 3 RESULTS spiralgalaxy(Ledlowetal.1998).Thehostgalaxyislocated close to the centre of the galaxy cluster A428. 3.1 Detections of HI Ledlow et al. (2001) found that the very narrow peak We obtained four detections of Hi absorption (three pre- absorption in the host galaxy gave a large apparent optical viously unknown) in addition to those obtained by Allison depthof0.98±0.06thatisonlyseenagainsttheradiocore et al. (2012a). Fig. 4 shows the optical SuperCosmos Sky andnot against eitherofthe twoobserved radiojets,hence Survey(Hamblyetal.2001)andourobservedradiocontin- ruling out a large, diffuse Hi halo. They measure a column uum images for the targets with Hi absorption, and results density of NHI (cid:39) 1.82 × 1018TfSτ∆νFWHM cm−2, with a ofspectralmodelfitting.Table3summarisestheproperties FWHM velocity width of ∆νFWHM = 34 km s−1 giving a of the individual Gaussian components which were fitted value of NHI (cid:39) 6.19 × 1019TfSτ cm−2. Ledlow et al. (2001) using Bayesian model comparisons of the new detections. suggests that, given this high optical depth, the absorbing Thesefourdetectionsaddtothepreviousthree(Allison gas is either of a high density, or the sightline goes through et al. 2012a), giving a total of 7/66 detections, or a detec- thediscinsuchawaytomaximisetheamountofabsorbing tion rate of 11%. Of these seven detections, four have been gas (e.g. through a spiral arm or very dense cloud, possibly categorised as a flat-spectrum source (-0.5 < α < 0.5 be- originatingintheISMofthehostgalaxyduetothenarrow tween1.4/0.843GHzand20GHz;Table2;alsoseeninFig. linewidth they observe). 1for5to8GHzand8to20GHz).WehaveaHiabsorption Ourmeasurementofthepeakopticaldepthissimilarto that of Ledlow et al. (2001); we find the Hi column density to be N = 5.62 (± 0.27) × 1019TS cm−2 (Table 4). The HI f 2 www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/miriad/ absorptionlinefeatureinourspectrumisbestfittedbytwo MNRAS000,1–22(2002) Hi absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies 7 AT20GJ005734-012328 AT20GJ011132-730209 AT20GJ025955-123635 AT20GJ031357-395403 AT20GJ031552-190644 AT20GJ033114-524148 AT20GJ033913-173600 AT20GJ034630-342246 AT20GJ035145-274311 AT20GJ035257-683117 AT20GJ035410-265013 AT20GJ043022-613201 AT20GJ060555-392905 AT20GJ065359-415144 AT20GJ084452-100059 AT20GJ090802-095937 Figure2.CABB21-cmspectrafornewlyobservedsourcesinoursample(seeTable2),withtheamplitudeinflux(mJy)plottedagainst the Doppler corrected barycentric velocity (cz, in 103 km s−1). The arrow indicates the optical redshift of the host galaxy, where any associatedHiabsorptionfeaturewouldbeexpected.The1σ redshifterrorisindicatedbythehorizontallineonthearrow. MNRAS000,1–22(2002) 8 AT20GJ091856-243829 AT20GJ114539-105350 AT20GJ123148-321314 AT20GJ125615-114635 AT20GJ125711-172434 AT20GJ135036-163449 AT20GJ135607-172433 AT20GJ140912-231550 AT20GJ151741-242220 AT20GJ165710-735544 AT20GJ181857-550815 AT20GJ191457-255202 AT20GJ204552-510627 AT20GJ205306-162007 AT20GJ205754-662919 AT20GJ212222-560014 Figure 2.Continued. MNRAS000,1–22(2002) Hi absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies 9 AT20GJ214824-571351 AT20GJ220538-053531 AT20GJ221220-251829 AT20GJ234205-160840 Figure 2.Continued. tive new detection of a weak broad line against this steep- spectrum source (spectral index of α = −0.7). As with J060555-392905,itwasspectroscopicallyidentifiedasanAa galaxy in Mahony et al. (2011). It is classified as a FR-I type galaxy due to its extended low-frequency emission in NVSS.Beyondthatthereisalackofinformationregarding the morphology of the galaxy within the literature. Its in- frared colours are similar to those of elliptical galaxies, and its optical image suggests this morphology as well (Fig. 2). The feature is best modelled by a wide, weak absorp- tion line centred slightly blueward of the source galaxy’s optical redshift (shifted by ∼ 180 km s−1). This detection has low significance compared to the other detections (Ta- ble3).However,thelogarithmicoddsratioofR=13.9±0.3 means the spectral line model is favoured over the contin- Figure3.The21-cmlinestrengthversusthemeasuredfluxden- uum fit (where there is a higher probability for a model to sity of the source. Blue points give our detections, and red the betruerelativetoanotherifithasa(log)Bayesoddsratio upperlimitsofournon-detections.Afewsourceshadshorterin- R > 1). tegrationtimesandsolieabovetherangeforourdetections(see Itisararebroadfeaturewithoutanassociatednarrow, Table2). deeper line. Like the previously reported Hi detection in J205401-424238 (Allison et al. 2012a), this line is apparent throughout the observation in both polarization feeds, and narrow Gaussians, both located around the spectroscopic does not appear in spectra that are extracted from spatial optical redshift, and matches the narrow, deep feature that positionssignificantlyoffthesource.Ifreal,thisisthesecond Ledlow et al. (2001) observed. such feature within our sample (Fig. 4, and Allison et al. J060555-392905 (z = 0.0452) - This is a flat- spectrumradiosourcewithanewHidetection.Itwasspec- 2013) that may have been dismissed by visual inspection if notforourspectrallinedetectiontechnique.Tofullyverify troscopically classified as an AGN source with only absorp- thisdetectionhowever,werequirefurthermoresensitive21- tion features (Aa) within its optical spectrum by Mahony cm observations. etal.(2011).Thepresenceofaforegroundstaraffectsboth thespectrumandthevisualclassificationofthemorphology As the WISE mid-infrared colours indicate this galaxy of the host galaxy (Fig. 4). has a low star formation rate, the absorbing gas we ob- A one-component, narrow Gaussian fit slightly serve may only lie close to the AGN rather than being dis- blueshifted (∼ 68 ± 4 km s−1) from the spectroscopic op- tributed throughout the galaxy, possibly fuelling the radio tical redshift was the most statistically likely in modelling AGN (Maccagni et al. 2014, 2016). It may also represent (Table 3). Given the narrow absorption line and its slightly an outflow of gas created by the AGN feedback, given the blueshifted location, the cold Hi gas we observe could be blueward offset of the line peak. located close to the host galaxy’s AGN, and perhaps be J125711-172434(z=0.0475)-Wefindanewdetec- an outflow of a clump of gas. However, the galaxy’s mid- tion against this flat spectrum radio source, which is clas- infrared colours suggest at a star-forming host galaxy with sified as a cD4 elliptical galaxy with a very faint yet sig- alowAGNaccretionrate(Section5.1.1),andhencetheab- nificantly extended corona (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991). It sorptioncouldbeduetoagas-richgalacticdisc.Moreinfor- is also the brightest source in the cluster A1644 (Hoessel mationaboutthemorphologyofthishostgalaxyisrequired etal.1980;Postman&Lauer1995).Thisclusteristhehost to aid this interpretation. of a few X-ray sources, including 3XMM J125712.0-172431 J084452-100059 (z = 0.0423) - We find a tenta- whichhasaX-rayfluxof1.39×10−13ergscm−2s−1(Rosen MNRAS000,1–22(2002) 10 Table 3. The inferred values for parameters from fitting a multiple Gaussian spectral-line model for the new sources we detect Hi absorption. See Allison et al. (2012a) for parameters on the other Hi detections. zcentre is the redshift of the centre of the absorption component;∆vFWHM,i istheFWHM;∆Si isthedepthandRisthenaturallogarithmoftheratioofprobabilityforthismodelversus thenospectral-linemodel(theBayesoddsratio). AT20G name z ∆v 1σ error ∆S 1σ error R centre FWHM,i i (kms−1) (kms−1) (mJy) (mJy) J031552-190644 0.0671 29 +4 26 +2 284.6±0.3 −6 −5 0.0672 19 +22 12 +3 − 5 −2 J060555-392905 0.0448 50 +1 51 +1 471.4±0.3 −1 −1 J084452-100059 0.0423 450 +40 4 +1 13.8±0.3 −80 −1 J125711-172434 0.0474 100 +110 8 +1 91.1±0.4 − 30 −2 0.0477 210 + 10 5 +2 −120 −1 Table 4. A summary of derived Hi absorption properties from model fitting for our 2013 and 2014 observing runs. See Allison et al. (2012a) for information on the other observations. σchan is the estimated uncertainty per channel; SC is the spectral flux density of the continuum model at either the position of peak absorption or the optical redshift estimate; 1σ error is the continuum model’s flux (cid:82) density error, ∆S is the peak spectral-line depth; τ is the observed peak optical depth and τ dv is the observed velocity line obs,peak obs integratedopticaldepth.UpperlimitsassumedasingleGaussianspectrallineofFWHM=30kms−1,andpeakdepth=3σ . chan AT20G name σ S 1σ error ∆S τ (cid:82) τ dv log (cid:16)NHIf(cid:17) chan C line obs,peak obs 10 Tspin (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (kms−1) cm−2 K−1 J005734-012328 3.70 677.2 +0.5 <11.1 <0.02 <0.52 <18.0 −0.5 J011132-730209 2.96 66.5 +0.1 <8.9 <0.13 <4.26 <18.9 −0.1 J025955-123635 4.93 452.1 +0.2 <14.8 <0.03 <1.04 <18.3 −0.2 J031357-395403 7.79 521.4 +0.2 <23.4 <0.04 <1.43 <18.4 −0.2 J031552-190644 2.00 44.5 +0.1 25.9+1.5 0.87+0.09 31.16+1.73 19.75+0.02 −0.1 −1.6 −0.08 −1.76 −0.02 J033114-524148 2.66 29.4 +0.1 <8.0 <0.27 <8.66 <19.2 −0.1 J033913-173600 2.40 123.4 +0.1 <7.2 <0.06 <1.86 <18.5 −0.1 J034630-342246 2.99 57.1 +0.1 <9.0 <0.16 <5.01 <19.0 −0.1 J035145-274311 2.84 12.0 +0.1 <8.5 <0.71 <22.76 <19.6 −0.2 J035257-683117 4.33 149.0 +0.2 <13.0 <0.09 <2.78 <18.7 −0.2 J035410-265013 3.26 70.5 +0.1 <9.8 <0.14 <4.43 <18.9 −0.1 J043022-613201 3.29 181.0 +0.1 <9.9 <0.05 <1.74 <18.5 −0.1 J060555-392905 2.96 106.4 +0.1 34.8+1.4 0.40+0.02 31.86+1.41 19.76+0.02 −0.1 −1.5 −0.02 −1.44 −0.02 J065359-415144 7.49 159.4 +0.3 <22.5 <0.14 <4.50 <18.9 −0.3 J084452-100059 2.65 134.3 +0.2 4.1+0.6 0.03+0.01 14.20+2.64 19.41+0.08 −0.2 −0.7 −0.01 −2.71 −0.08 J090802-095937 2.57 137.0 +0.1 <7.7 <0.06 <1.80 <18.5 −0.1 J091856-243829 2.04 53.1 +0.1 <6.1 <0.12 <3.68 <18.8 −0.1 J114539-105350 3.75 46.7 +0.1 <11.2 <0.24 <7.69 <19.1 −0.1 J123148-321314 8.71 146.9 +0.3 <26.1 <0.18 <5.68 <19.0 −0.3 J125615-114635 2.82 89.5 +0.1 <8.5 <0.09 <3.02 <18.7 −0.1 J125711-172434 2.83 111.9 +0.1 10.8+1.2 0.10+0.01 18.46+1.76 19.53+0.04 −0.1 −1.3 −0.01 −1.65 −0.04 J135036-163449 8.44 35.6 +0.3 <25.3 <0.71 <22.72 <19.6 −0.3 J135607-172433 2.70 185.2 +0.1 <8.1 <0.04 <1.40 <18.4 −0.1 J140912-231550 11.40 583.4 +0.4 <34.2 <0.06 <1.87 <18.5 −0.4 J151741-242220 3.22 2336.3 +0.2 <9.7 <0.01 <0.13 <17.4 −0.2 J165710-735544 2.48 58.4 +0.1 <7.4 <0.13 <4.07 <18.9 −0.1 J181857-550815 2.37 35.8 +0.1 <7.1 <0.20 <6.33 <19.1 −0.1 J191457-255202 2.99 189.4 +0.1 <9.0 <0.05 <1.51 <18.4 −0.1 J204552-510627 3.52 64.7 +0.1 <10.6 <0.16 <5.21 <19.0 −0.1 J205306-162007 2.41 69.2 +0.1 <7.2 <0.10 <3.34 <18.8 −0.1 J205754-662919 2.29 46.0 +0.1 <6.9 <0.15 <4.77 <18.9 −0.1 J212222-560014 2.43 19.2 +0.1 <7.3 <0.38 <12.15 <19.3 −0.1 J214824-571351 8.84 90.1 +0.3 <26.5 <0.29 <9.40 <19.2 −0.3 J220538-053531 2.94 157.1 +0.1 <8.8 <0.06 <1.79 <18.5 −0.1 J221220-251829 4.57 145.6 +0.1 <13.7 <0.09 <3.01 <18.7 −0.1 J234205-160840 2.78 52.2 +0.1 <8.3 <0.16 <5.10 <19.0 −0.1 MNRAS000,1–22(2002)

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