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Hg-Ho 1 Hg-Ho (Mercury-Holmium) Phase diagram Experimentally determined phase equilibria are not known. Moffatt [86Mof1] assumed that the phase diagram is similar to that of Hg-La and Hg-Pr systems. Supposing this, he sketched a phase diagram at constrained pressure, which has been redrawn by Massalski [90Mas1]. From there information was taken to construct Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Hg-Ho. Phase diagram at constrained vapor condition. Crystal structure The crystallographic data of intermediate phases are summarized in Table 1. There are some discrepancies concerning Hg Ho (see Massalski [90Mas1], Iandelli et al. [79Ian1], 4 Kirchmayr et al. [66Kir1] and Merlo et al. [79Mer1]). Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-Ho 2 Table 1. Hg-Ho. Crystal structure and lattice parameters of intermediate phases. Phase Structure Type a [nm] c [nm] Ref. Hg Ho hex Ni Sn 0.6526 0.4872 66Pal2 3 3 Hg Ho hex AlB 0.4803 0.3464 64Kir2 2 2 Hg Ho hex Cd Ce 0.4798 0.3470 68Ian1 2 2 HgHo cub CsCl 0.3660 65Ian1 References 64Kir2 Kirchmayr, H.R.: Monatsh. Chem. 95 (1964) 1667 65Ian1 Iandelli, A., Palenzona, A.: J. Less-Common Met. 9 (1965) 1 66Kir1 Kirchmayr, H.R., Lugscheider, W.: Z. Metallkd. 57 (1966) 725 66Pal2 Palenzona, A.: J. Less-Common Met. 10 (1966) 290 68Ian1 Iandelli, A., Palenzona, A.: J. Less-Common Met. 15 (1968) 273 79Ian1 Iandelli, A., Palenzona, A.: "Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths", K.A. Gschneidner jr., L. Eyring, (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co., Vol. 2 (1979) 1 79Mer1 Merlo, F., Fornasini, M.L.: J. Less-Common Met. 64 (1979) 221 86Mof1 Moffatt, W.G.: "Binary Phase Diagrams Handbook", Gen. Electr. C., Schenectady, N.Y. (1986) 90Mas1 Massalski, T.B. (editor-in-chief): "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams", Second Edition, Vol. 3, T.B. Massalski (editor-in-chief), Materials Information Soc., Materials Park, Ohio (1990) Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-In 1 Hg-In (Mercury-Indium) Phase diagram Investigations of phase equilibria have been performed mainly by Morawietz [64Mor1], Claeson et al. [66Cla1] and Hellner et al. [70Hel1]. Phase equilibria have been reported and discussed by Ito et al. [51Ito1], Spicer et al. [53Spi1], Kozin et al. [61Koz1, 69Koz1, 70Koz1], Chiarenzelli et al. [62Chi1], Eggert [62Egg1], Jangg [62Jan2], Coles et al. [63Col1], Mascarenhas [70Mas1] and at last a comprehensive review has been given by Okamoto [90Oka1]. The latter author has constructed an assessed phase diagram, which has been taken as a basis of Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Hg-In. Phase diagram. Crystal structure Crystallographic data of intermediate phases are listed in Table 1. Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-In 2 Table 1. Hg-In. Crystal structure and lattice parameters of intermediate phases. Phase Structure Type a [nm] b [nm] c [nm] Ref. HgIn hex HgIn 0.3576 1.3068 70Hel1 Hg In tetr 0.3484 0.3310 70Mas1 4 Metastable phase Hg In orth γPu 0.3522 0.4847 1.0872 79Mah1 4 Thermodynamics Enthalpies of mixing of liquid Hg-In alloys have been determined calorimetrically by Laffitte et al. [71Laf1], Bros [66Bro1], Kleppa [60Kle1], Wittig et al. [60Wit3] and Kleppa et al. [57Kle1]. The results are, as Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] show, in good agreement. The optimal values for 298 K are plotted in Fig. 2 (see Hultgren et al. [73Hul1]). Several works have been performed to measure vapor pressure of Hg above Hg-In alloys. Thermodynamic activities have been determined from the vapor pressure results. Also, EMF measurements have been performed rather often to determine a -values. Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] have, Hg discussing results from both methods, selected optimal activity data, which are plotted in Fig. 3 (see also Predel et al. [67Pre1]). From optimized basic data Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] have calculated excess entropies of mixing, which are plotted in Fig. 4. Thermodynamic data of intermediate phases are given in Table 2 (taken from Predel et al. [67Pre1]). Table 2. Hg-In. Thermodynamic data of intermediate phases (Predel et al. [67Pre1]). Phase ∆HS [kJ g-atom(cid:150)1] ∆SS,ex [kJ g-atom(cid:150)1K(cid:150)1] HgIn 3.25 7.0 "Hg In" 1.15 0.8 6 Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-In 3 Fig. 2. Hg-In. Enthalpy of mixing for liquid alloys at 298 K (solid line) and 473 K (dashed line). Fig. 3. Hg-In. Thermodynamic activities for liquid alloys at 298 K. Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-In 4 Fig. 4. Hg-In. Excess entropy of mixing for liquid alloys at 298 K. References 51Ito1 Ito, H., Ogawa, E., Yanagase, T.: J. Jpn. Inst. Met. Sendai B 15 (1951) 382 53Spi1 Spicer, W.M., Banick, C.J.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75 (1953) 2268 57Kle1 Kleppa, O.J., Kaplan, M.: J. Phys. Chem. 61 (1957) 1120 60Kle1 Kleppa, O.J.: Acta Metall. 8 (1960) 435 60Wit3 Wittig, F.E., Scheidt, P.: Naturwissenschaften 47 (1960) 250 61Koz1 Kozin, L.F., Tananaeva, N.N.: Zh. Neorg. Khim. 6 (1961) 909; Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. (Engl. Transl.) 6 (1961) 463 62Chi1 Chiarenzelli, R.V., Brown, O.L.I.: J. Chem. Eng. Data 7 (1962) 477 62Egg1 Eggert, G.L.: Trans. ASM 55 (1962) 891 62Jan2 Jangg, G.: Z. Metallkd. 53 (1962) 612 63Col1 Coles, B.R., Merriam, M.F., Fisk, Z.: J. Less-Common Met. 5 (1963) 41 64Mor1 Morawietz, W.: Chem. Eng. Technol. 36 (1964) 638 66Bro1 Bros, J.P.: Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 8 (1966) 2582 66Cla1 Claeson, T., Merriam, M.F.: J. Less-Common Met. 11 (1966) 186 67Pre1 Predel, B., Rothacker, D.: Acta Metall. 15 (1967) 135 69Koz1 Kozin, L.F., Deragcheva, M.B.: Zh. Fiz. Khim. 43 (1969) 249; Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.) 43 (1969) 134 70Hel1 Heller, M.W., Musgrave, L.E.: J. Less-Common Met. 20 (1970) 77 70Koz1 Kozin, L.F., Sudakov, V.A.: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Met. (1970) 197; Russ. Metall. (Engl. Transl.) (1970) 145 70Mas1 Mascarenhas, Y.P.: J. Appl. Crystallogr. 3 (1970) 294 71Laf1 Laffitte, M., Claire, Y., Castanet, R.: J. Chem. Thermodyn. 3 (1971) 735 73Hul1 Hultgren, R., Desai, P.D., Hawkins, D.T., Gleiser, M., Kelley, K.K.: "Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Alloys", Am. Soc. Met., Metals Park, Ohio (1973) 79Mah1 Mahy, T.X., Giessen, B.C.: J. Less-Common Met. 63 (1979) 257 90Oka1 Okamoto, H., in: "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams", Second Edition, Vol. 3, T.B. Massalski (editor-in-chief), Materials Information Soc., Materials Park, Ohio (1990) Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-Ir 1 Hg-Ir (Mercury-Iridium) Phase diagram Jangg et al. [73Jan1] stated that no intermediate phases are existing in this system. The solubility of Hg in solid Ir is extremely small. At 773 K, under constrained Hg-pressure, < 10(cid:150)5 at% Ir are soluble in liquid Hg. This information was taken by Moffatt [86Mof1] to sketch a phase diagram, which has been redrawn by Massalski [90Mas1] and also is given in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Hg-Ir. Phase diagram at constrained vapor condition. References 73Jan1 Jangg, G., D(cid:246)rtbudak, T.: Z. Metallkd. 64 (1973) 715 86Mof1 Moffatt, W.G.: "Binary Phase Diagrams Handbook", Gen. Electr. C., Schenectady, N.Y. (1986) 90Mas1 Massalski, T.B. (editor-in-chief): "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams", Second Edition, Vol. 3, T.B. Massalski (editor-in-chief), Materials Information Soc., Materials Park, Ohio (1990) Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-K 1 Hg-K (Mercury-Potassium) Phase diagram The phase equilibria have been investigated rather often. A summarizing phase diagram has been constructed by Vol et al. [79Vol1], it was redrawn by Massalski [90Mas1] and, also, was taken to construct Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Hg-K. Phase diagram. Crystal structure Crystallographic data of intermediate phases are listed in Table 1. Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-K 2 Table 1. Hg-K. Crystal structure and lattice parameters of intermediate phases [55Duw1]. Phase Structure Type a [nm] b [nm] c [nm] Hg K cub BaHg 0.96455 11 11 Hg K orth Hg K 0.810 0.516 0.877 2 2 Hg K orth Hg K 0.999 1.923 0.825 7 5 7 5 HgK tricl HgK 0.659 0.676 0.706 α=106.08(cid:176) β=101.87(cid:176) γ=92.79(cid:176) Thermodynamics By direct reaction calorimetry Kleinstuber [61Kle1] has determined ∆HL values at 383 K. The results, together with excess entropies of mixing calculated by Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] are given in Table 2. Thermodynamic activities have been determined from vapor pressure measurements and EMF measurements rather often. Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] have discussed the results reported thoroughly and have given optimal a-values, which have been used to draw activity isotherms in Fig. 2. By direct reaction calorimetry Kawakami [27Kaw1] has determined enthalpies of formation of some intermediate phases. The results, taken from Hultgren et al. [73Hul1] as optimized values, are listed in Table 3. Table 2. Hg-K. Integral enthalpies of mixing and integral excess entropies of mixing of liquid alloys at 600 K (taken from [73Hul1]). at% K ∆HL [kJ g-atom(cid:150)1] ∆SL,ex [J g-atom(cid:150)1 K(cid:150)1] 10 (cid:150) 8.06 (cid:150) 1.83 80 (cid:150) 8.06 (cid:150) 5.25 90 (cid:150) 3.71 (cid:150) 2.09 Table 3. Hg-K. Integral enthalpies of formation of intermediate phases at 400 K (Kawakami [27Kaw1], Hultgren et al. [73Hul1]). Phase at% K ∆HS [kJ g-atom(cid:150)1] Hg K 27 (cid:150) 20.5 – 2 2.7 Hg K 33 (cid:150) 23.0 – 2 2 HgK 50 (cid:150) 23.9 – 2 Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5 Hg-K 3 Fig. 2. Hg-K. Thermodynamic activities for liquid alloys at 600 K. References 27Kaw1 Kawakami, M.: Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 16 (1927) 915 55Duw1 Duwell, E.J., Baenziger, N.C.: Acta Crystallogr. 8 (1955) 705 61Kle1 Kleinstuber, T.: Thesis, Univ. Munich (1961) 73Hul1 Hultgren, R., Desai, P.D., Hawkins, D.T., Gleiser, M., Kelley, K.K.: "Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Alloys", Am. Soc. Met., Metals Park, Ohio (1973) 79Vol1 Vol, A.E., Kagan, I.K.: "Handbook of Binary Metallic Systems", Vol. 4, Moscow: Nauka (1979) 90Mas1 Massalski, T.B. (editor-in-chief): "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams", Second Edition, Vol. 3, T.B. Massalski (editor-in-chief), Materials Information Soc., Materials Park, Ohio (1990) Landolt-B(cid:246)rnstein New Series IV/5

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