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Heteropolymers in a Solvent at an Interface A. Maritan, M. P. Riva, and A. Trovato International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, Via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste, Italy 9 9 The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, 9 Strada Costiera 11, 34100 Trieste (Italy) 1 Exactboundsareobtainedforthequenchedfreeenergyofapolymerwithrandomhydrophobicities n in the presence of an interface separating a polar from a non polar solvent. The polymer may be a idealorhavestericself-interactions. Theboundsallowtoprovethata“neutral”randompolymeris J localized neartheinterfaceatanytemperature,whereasa“non-neutral”chainisshowntoundergo 6 adelocalizationtransitionatafinitetemperature. Theseresultsarevalidforaquitegeneralapriori 2 probability distribution for both independent and correlated hydrophobic charges. As a particular case we consider random AB-copolymers and confirm recent numerical studies. ] h c PACS numbers: 61.41.+e, 05.40.+j, 36.20.-r e m Thestatisticalbehaviorofheteropolymershasbeenin- ~r = (x ,...,x ), i = 0,...,N of a d-dimensional hy- i i1 id - tensively studied in recent years [1–7]. They model ran- percubic lattice. A flat interface passing through the t a dom copolymers [2,3] and to some extent protein fold- origin and perpendicular to the ~u = (1,...,1) direction t ing [1]. For example, a chain composed by hydrophobic separates a polar (e.g. water), on the ~u ~r > 0 side, s · . and hydrophilic (polar or charged) components in a po- from a nonpolar (e.g. oil or air), on the ~u ~r < 0 side, t · a lar(aqueous)solventevolvestowardconformationswhere solvent. The i-th monomer interacts with the solvent m the hydrophobic partare buried in orderto avoidwater, throughits hydrophilic chargeq >0 (q <0 means that i i - wheras the polar part is mainly exposed to the solvent it is hydrophobic) and contributes to the energy with a d [8]. This is what commonly happens to proteins and term q sgn(~u ~r ) [12]. For simplicity we can associate n i i − · o makesthem soluble in aqueoussolutions. Howeverother the charge to the link between adjacent positions on the c proteins (e.g. structural proteins) are almost insoluble chain instead that to the single monomer. [ under physiologicalconditions and prefer to form aggre- The partition function of the model for a chain W 1 gates [8]. Many of the proteins which are insoluble in starting at position~r is v water are segregated into membranes which have a lipid 2 bilayer structure [8]. Membrane proteins have a biologi- N 9 (~r, q )= exp β q sgn(~u ~r ) , (1) 2 calimportanceatleastasgreatasthosewhicharewater Z { i} ( i · i ) 1 soluble. Usually one distinguishes integral and non in- WX:~r→. Xi=1 0 tegral membrane proteins according to whether the pro- where β 1 = k T. If one sums over non-interacting − B 9 tein is most immersed in the lipid bilayers or simply an- (ideal) chains, then the lattice version of the model in- 9 chored to the membrane respectively (in the latter case troduced in Ref. [2] is recovered. We will consider also / t theproteinisessentiallywatersoluble)[8]. Ananalogous the more physical case where steric interaction among a situation occurs for copolymers at interfaces separating m monomers does not allow for multiple occupancy of lat- two immiscible fluids. If the solvents are selective (i.e. tice nodes, studied for a particular case in Ref. [3]. - d poor for one of the two species and good for another), The free energy density of the system reads n AB-copolymers are found to stabilize the interface [9]. f(~r,β) = lim 1 ln (~r, q ), where denotes o Moreover, random copolymers have been claimed to be − N→∞ βN Z { i} ··· thequenchedaverageoverthedistributionofthecharges c more effective in carrying out this re-enforcement action : qi . In the following we will assume that qi are inde- v [10]. { } { } pendentrandomvariableshavingaGaussiandistribution i X of the form r The simplest theoretical approach to the above prob- a lems has been proposed by Garel et al. [2]. In the case 1 (qi q0)2 P(q )= exp − . (2) of membrane proteins the finite layer of lipidic environ- i √2π∆2 − 2∆2 (cid:20) (cid:21) ment is modeled as an infinite semi-space. Though a More general cases will be treated at the end. In par- quite rough approximation, this is the simplest attempt ticularconsideringchargesnotindependentlydistributed incapturingthe relevantfeaturesduetothecompetition is of interest for designed sequences as happens for real of different selective effects [11]. proteins. We will study a lattice discretized version of their Wewillshowthatforaneutralchain(q =0)f(0,β)< model. The nodes of an N links chain occupy the sites 0 f(~r,β) with ~r N, in the large N limit, and for all β. | |≥ 1 wTihtehsβaumppeerh→old0s iafls|qo∆0|fo→r q00. T6=hi0s iimf βpli>es tβhuaptpetrh(|eq0c|h,a∆in) G(x)= √1πx1e−x2 −[1−erf(x)]. (6) is localized around the interface at any temperature if G(x)isapositivedecreasingmonotonicfunctionforpos- q =0,andatsufficently lowtemperatureif q =0. The 0 0 6 itive arguments. proofis rigorousfor the idealchain, whereasfor the self- We consider separately the neutral and the q = 0 0 avoidingcaseonlyamildandwellacceptedhypothesison 6 cases. In the neutral case it turns out that the chain is the asymptotic behavior ofthe entropy is needed. When always localized at the interface. In fact, if q = 0 we 0 q =0arigorouslowerboundonthefreeenergyforboth 0 have 6 the ideal and the self-avoiding chain allows to determine a β (q ,∆) below which the chain is delocalized. 1 lnC 2 1 lower | 0| ∆f h (k,β)= ln2 k ∆ . (7) We will first consider the ideal chain case and then ≤ 0 β − k − π √k (cid:20) (cid:21) r explainthe modifications necessaryto extendthe results to self-avoiding chains. It is easy to see that for any β there exists a value k(β) such that h (k,β) < 0 for k > k(β). For example at 0 high temperature k(β) [ln(β∆)]2(β∆) 2. This shows Ideal chain. For clarity we derive the bounds in the − ∼ thatatanytemperatureaneutralrandomchainisalways d=1case. Thegeneralcasedoesnotcontainanyfurther adsorbed by the interface. difficulty [13]. Let us first consider initial positions far In the non-neutral case with k =2, one has ∆f <0 if from the interface in the favorable solvent, x N if ≥ q >0orx N ifq <0. Undertheseassumptionsall 0 0 ln2 ≤− 1ch(aoirnssgrne(mxai)in=in t1hreessapmecetisviedley,)ifmorpalyllini.gUthpaotnsagvne(rxagi)in=g β >βupper = |q0|G(|q∆0|). (8) − over the charge distribution, we obtain the free energy The limit lim h (k,β) = 0 does not allow to de- density of a walk in the favorable solvent: k→∞ q0 + duce the existence of a negative minimum in k, so that 1 the previous argument, showing that the neutral chain f∗ = ln2 q0 . (3) is always localized, does not hold for q = 0. Equation −β −| | 0 6 (8) proves localization at sufficiently low temperatures. We give an upper bound to the free energy as fol- For q ∆, it yields β = √πln2, and in the op- lows. Consider only chains made up of blobs of k | 0| ≪ upper ∆ steps, with k even. Bringing a blob in its globally fa- posite regime ∆ ≪ |q0|, βupper = 2√πln2e|q∆02|2 |q∆03|2. In vored side leads to an energy contribution of the form the limit q0 /∆ 1 we can give a better estimate for | | ≪ H = k q , so that βupper, such that βupper 0 as q0 0, by considering j−thblob − i=1 k(j−1)+i a larger blob size k = 2x→2(∆/q| )2|,→where x q /∆ (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)P (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) Nk k is fixed: 0 | 0| 0 ≫ | 0| N Z(x=0,{qi})≥(Ck)k expβ (cid:12) qk(j−1)+i(cid:12), β = 3 ln √2x ∆/q |q0|. (9)  Xj=1(cid:12)(cid:12)Xi=1 (cid:12)(cid:12) upper 2x20G(x0) 0 | 0| ∆2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) where Ck is the number of chains st(cid:12)arting and e(cid:12)nding Wenowlookforalowerboundonf forallchaininitial in the origin and remaining in the same side. In the positions. If,forexample,q >0,thepreferredsideisthe 0 one-dimensional case it is easy to exactly determine C . k rightone. Considerthen the startingpointatx=N k 1 k − It turns out Ck = k2 +1(cid:18) k2 (cid:19), so that, by using the (k0s<tepks≤ofNth)eawndalklet(0gE<, wEith Ek wsoimthe Esubtsheet onfumthbeelraostf Stirling’s formula, the asymptotic result Ck 2kk−23 elements in E), be the nu|m|b≤er of walk|s h|aving the steps is found (in d dimensions Ck (2d)kk−d+22 [1∼4]). The belonging to E in the unfavorable side. Upon defining upper bound on the free energy∼is then: Gk = EgE (Gk <2k) one has 1 lnCk 1 k (xP=N k, qi )= 2N Gk eβ Ni=1qi+ f(0,β) q , (4) Z − { } − i ≤−β k − k(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Xi=1 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) +eβ Ni=1qi (cid:0)gEe−2β (cid:1)i∈EPqi, (10) and, by using Eq. (2), we obtain: (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) P XE P ∆f =f(0,β)−f∗ ≤hq0(k,β)≡ sothat,byusingtheinequalitylnx≥lnxandaveraging 1 lnC √k q over the charge distribution, one obtains k 0 ln2 q G | | , (5) 0 ≡ β (cid:20) − k (cid:21)−| | √2∆ ! 1 a(∆,q ,β)E 1 o | | where the scaling function G is given by f(N −k)≥f∗− βN ln"1+ gE 2N − #, E X 2 with a(∆,q ,β) = exp 2∆2β2 2βq . This equation These considerations are sufficient to generalize the o 0 − and its analogous in the q <0 case show that there is a previousresultstotheself-avoidingcase,yieldingthefol- 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) delocalization temperature lowing bounds for the critical temperature: such that, if β < ββlowe,rf=(N|∆q02| k ) f and the ch(1a1in) |q0|Gl(n√κ2∆|q0|) ≤βc ≤ |∆q02| , (13) lower ∗ | − | ≥ delocalizes. This argument can be extended to the d- whichdonotdependontheassumption(12)andisthere- d(2imd)eNnesβionaN=l1cqaisaen,dinfd∗w=hic−hβ11ln≤2dG−k |<q0|(.2d)k, Zd∗(qi) = feosrteimraigteorβouupsp.erAcgaaninb,eindetrhiveedlimbyitu|sqi0n|g/∆Eq≪. (112a):better The bounds we have proved above allow to conclude P 1 γ q that there is a critical value βc such that for values of β βupper = x2G−(xs)ln √2x0∆/|q0| |∆02|. (14) smaller than β the chain is delocalized in the favorable 0 0 c (cid:16) (cid:17) solvent,whileforlargervaluesitisadsorbedbytheinter- face, with the estimates β < β < β (it is easy lower c upper Generic probability distribution. Up to now we have to verify that β < β ). The lower bound (11) lower upper consideredthehydrophobicchargesasindependentlydis- and the upper bound (9), in the limit q /∆ 1, show | 0| ≪ tributed Gaussian random variables. Actually, the re- thesamebehaviorfoundbyusingbothanImry-Matype sults we have proved do not depend on this assumption. argument [2] and variational approaches [5,7]. We will briefly sketch this in a few cases [18]. The argument showing localization at any tempera- Self-avoiding chain. All the results shown for a ran- ture for a neutral chain holds true, both for randomand dom chain can be readily generalized for a self-avoiding self-avoiding chains, if k q √k as k . The chain. Namely,aneutralchainislocalizedatalltemper- i=1 i ≃ → ∞ atures,whereasanon-neutralchainundergoesalocaliza- central limit theorem e(cid:12)nsures t(cid:12)his for independent ran- (cid:12)P (cid:12) tion transition at some critical temperature β . dom variables having a(cid:12) generic(cid:12)probability distribution c The delocalization temperature β can be derived with finite variance and null mean. In the non-neutral lower exactly in the same way, since the division of walks into case, the existence of a delocalization transition can be classesaccordingto the number ofsteps made inthe un- provede.g. for a bimodal distribution. This corresponds favorable solvent does not depend on the self-avoidance to the more realistic case of two kinds of monomers, one constraint. hydrophilicandtheotherhydrophobic. Wethusconsider The upper bounds on the free energy, which allow to the generic bimodal distribution [19]: prove chain localization, requires instead some refine- ments with respect to the previous case. While the en- P(qi)=αδ(qi q+)+(1 α)δ(qi+q ) , (15) − − − ergy term is computed in the same way as before, the with q ,q > 0. The probability distribution (15) entropy term is different. Firstly, the connective con- + − has three independent parameters, and fixing the av- stant (κ = 2d for a random walk in d dimensions) is erage charge q = α(q +q ) q and the variance different. We recall that the existence of the connective 0 + − − − ∆ = α(1 α)(q +q ) we are left with one free pa- constant, κ = limN lnSN /N, for self-avoiding walks − + − →∞ rameter. Itisinterestingtoreportthedelocalizationtem- (SAW)hasbeenrigorouslyestablished[15](SN istheto- p perature β , which provides a good estimate for the talnumberofN-stepsSAWstartingfromthesamesite). lower critical temperature in the previous cases: The subleading correction of the form S κNNγ 1 N − ≃ is widely agreed upon, although not rigorously proved α(1 α) q [14]. Secondly we introduce the notion of loop, follow- βbim = − ln 1+ 0 ing e.g. [16], and consider only walks made up of N/k lower p 2∆ (cid:12) " α(1 α)∆ (1 α)q0#(cid:12) (cid:12) − − − (cid:12) blobs, each blob being a k-loop, in such a way that (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) p (cid:12) different blobs can be embedded independently, as well Noticethatinthe li(cid:12)mitofnearlyneutralchain(q0 (cid:12) | |≪ as for a random chain. A N-loop is a N-steps SAW, ∆) we get βcd ≃ 2|q∆02|, which is the same function of |q0| starting and ending on the interface, which always re- and∆asintheGaussiancase,suggestingtheexistenceof mains in the same half-space, with the further condition auniversalbehavior. Inthe limit ofnearlyhomogeneous x01−x02 ≤xi1−xi2 <xN1−xN2 ∀i. Ithasbeenproved chain (∆ ≪ |q0| which implies α ≃ 0 or α ≃ 1) instead [17] that the free energy density of loops is the same as βbim = 1 ln α q+ diverges logarithmically for SAW, κ lim lnL /N = κ, where L is the lower 2(q++q−) 1−αq− number ofNl -≡loopsN. →Th∞e subNleading correctionisNusually in contrast with th(cid:12)(cid:12)e Ghaussianic(cid:12)(cid:12)ase. We consider now(cid:12) the case(cid:12)in which the hydropho- assumed in the same form as for the number of SAW: bic charges q are not independent random variables, i { } LN κNNγs−1 . (12) but are Gaussianly distributed with qi = q0 ∀i, qiqj − ≃ 3 qi qj = Mi−j1. We assume Mi−i1 = ∆2 ∀i, in anal- We would like to thank Jayanth Banavar, Cristian ogy with the non-correlated case, and also translational Micheletti and Flavio Seno for useful discussion and on- invariance along the chain for the correlation matrix: goingcollaboration,andEnzoOrlandiniforbringingref- M = b(i j ). One can prove that if long range cor- erences [19] to our attention. ij | − | relations decay exponentially or even algebraically the neutral chain is again localized at all temperatures. In fact,byassuminganalgebraicdecay,b(r) r η,itturns − ≃ out that k q kδ/2 with δ = min(η,1). Only if i=1 i ≃ correlatio(cid:12)ns are so(cid:12)strong that they do not vanish along (cid:12)P (cid:12) the chain(cid:12)(η =0),(cid:12)the chain does not localize at all tem- [1] T.Garel,H.Orland,andD.Thirumalai, AnalyticalThe- peratures. ories of Protein Folding, in New developments in the- In the non neutral case the existence of the transition oretical studies of proteins, edited by R. 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Finally we extend [9] H.R.Brown,V.R.Deline,andP.F.Green,Nature341, our demonstrations to the random AB-copolymers stud- 221 (1989). ied by Sommer et al. [3]. Their model corresponds to [10] C.-A. Dai, B. J. Dair, K. H. Dai, C. K. Ober, consider the following Hamiltonian: E.J.Kramer, C.-Y.Hui,andL.W.Jelinsky,Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2472 (1994). = q [λθ(q )θ( ~u ~r )+θ( q )θ(~u ~r )], (17) [11] For a more refined model, see e.g. R. Bonaccini and i i i i i H | | − · − · F. Seno,pre-print (1998). i X [12] Thecasewheretheenergyis−λ+qi andλ−qi(λ+,− >0) with the charges distributed according to Eq. (15) with when~u·~ri >0and~u·~ri <0respectivelyisreadilyreduced α = 1/2 and q = q (λ 1 measures the poten- to the one treated here apart from an additive constant + tial asymmetry). Such−an|AB−-co|polymer (Eq. (17)) is and a redefinition of the“charges” qi′ = λ++2λ−qi. equivalent to a non-neutral chain in symmetric poten- [13] Noticethatintheoff-latticemodelofRef.[2]theentropy hasonlyaharmonicterm(Edwardsfunctional)andthus tials (λ=1), a case that we have already discussed. We thed-dimensionalcasereducestriviallytothed=1case. have proved the existence of a delocalization transition Inthelatticemodelconsideredherethisisnomoretrue. for a neutral chain also in the Gaussian case. For both [14] B. D. Hughes, Random Walks and Random Environ- distributions, the delocalization temperature shows the ments, Vol. I, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995. behavior βlower ≃ |λ∆−1| in the limit of nearly symmetric [15] J. M. Hammersley, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 53, 642 potentials(λ 1),inagreementwiththescalinglawand (1957). ≃ the numerical results found in [3]. On the contrary, in [16] S. G. Whittington, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31, 3769 thehighlyasymmetriccases(smallandlargeλ)different (1998). asymptotic behaviors for β occur [18]. [17] J.M.Hammersley,G.M.Torrie,andS.G.Whittington, lower J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 15, 539 (1982). [18] Details will be published elsewhere. To conclude, in this Letter we have proved several ex- [19] Some previous exact results for the bimodal distribu- act results on random heteropolymers in the presence of tion and only for ideal chains were also obtained by an interface. Namely, a neutral chain is localized at all Ya. G. Sinai, Theory Probab. Appl. 38, 382 (1993), and temperatures,whereasachargedchaindelocalizesatafi- E. Bolthausen and F. den Hollander, Ann. Probab. 25, nite temperature. The results arequite generaland hold 1334 (1997). for ideal and self-avoiding chains, Gaussian and bimodal distribution with independent and correlated charges. Furthermore, our lower bounds for the transition tem- perature confirm previous estimates. 4

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