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Draft HETCH HETCHY WATER TREATMENT PROJECT HLORAMINE CONVERSION 4- J>. DraftEIRPublicationDate: June3,2000 DraftEIRPublicHearingDate:!July 11, 2000in San Mateo 1J July 12, 2000inPleasanton July 13, 2000in San Francisco DraftEIRPublicCommentPeriod: June3, 2000throughJuly 19, 2000 Writtencommentsshouldbesentto: HillaryE. GUelman EnvironmentalReviewOfficer SanFranciscoPlanningDepartment 1660MissionStreet SanFrancisco, CA94103 CityandCountyofSan Francisco * San FranciscoPlanningDepgrtment 5/S 1X1 GOVERNMENTINP«OHM«TOWU»! fcB I SAN FRANCISOQ PUBLIC LIBRARY FRANCISCO SAN LIBRARY PUBLIC REFERENCE BOOK takenfrom ihe Library /v.ol to fe« PLANNING DEPARTMENT City and Countyof San Francisco 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103-2414 PLANNINGCOMMISSION ADMINISTRATION CURRENTPLANNING/ZONING LONG RANGEPLANNING (415) 558-6378 FAX:558-6409 FAX:558-6426 FAX:558-6409 FAX:558-6426 June 2, 2000 To Whom May Concern: It RE: AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, HETCH HETCHY WATER TREATMENT CHLORAMINE CONVERSION PROJECT Case File 1998.898E This notice isto inform you ofthe availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) concerning the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's (SFPUC) proposed Hetch Hetchy WaterTreatment Chloramine Conversion Project. The project isthe proposed conversion ofthe disinfectantforthe San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) drinking watersupplyfrom chlorine to chloramine, to improve reliability ofthe system to meet waterquality requirements ofthefederal Stage 1 Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule, promulgated bythe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1998. The projectwould involve construction of chlorine and ammonia feed systems; dechlorination and dechloramination facilities; chemical storage systems; and ancillary roadways and pipelines, mr"" ~*Qvie*inn ^ppi ip.fariiities in four locations: Tesla Portal offof Vernalis Road nearTracy in San Joaquin Col Sunol Valley, Alameda County; Pulgas Water Templevicir /. TracyWaterTreatment Plant off of Crystal Springs Roa ared by the San Francisco Planning Department; it analyzesth€ ect. Copies ofth nent, 1660 Mission Street, first floor Planning Information s by mail can be obtained bycalling Paul Deutsch at415-558- Disco Main Library (Civic Center), and libraries in Atherton, Bi >nt, Half Moon Bay, Livermore, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Mi b 17/6 795V rlos, San Mateo, San Jose, Tracy, and Woodside. . Public comr :000 to July 19, 2000. Comments should be sent to Hillary E ead address. 7/</7c7. % Three publi inmental Review Officer: on July 11, 2000 at College ofJ avard, San Mateo, at 5:30 p.m.; on July 12, 2000 at Pleasant nue, Pleasanton, at 5:30 p.m. and by the San Francisco F Dom 400, San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett PI ill 415-558-6422 the week ofthe Planning Commission hearingfora recoraea message yivmy <a muic oKcv.ifictime). Anyone may appearat any of the hearings and givetestimony regarding the accuracyand comDleteness ofthe Draft EIR. The hearings are being held closertothe affected areas forthe convenience ofthose wishing to give oral comments on the Draft EIR; It is not necessaryto attend more than one hearing. All written comments and all comments received atthe public hearings will be responded to in a Comments and Responses document, which will also contain any changesto the text of the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR, togetherwith the Comments and Responses document, comprises the Final EIR, which the San Francisco Planning Commission mustcertify as accurate and complete before the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission can take action on the proposed project. Preparation of an EIR does not indicate a decision by the City eitherto carry out orapprove, or disapprove, the Plan. Following the decision on the project, a Notice of Determination will be filed with the County Clerk ifthe project has been approved. Aftersuch filing, there is a period of 30 days during which an appeal contesting the EIR may betaken to court, as provided in the California Environmental Quality Act. Forfurtherinformation concerning environmental review ofthe Chloramine Conversion project, contact Paul Deutsch ofthe S.F. Planning Department at415-558-5965. Forfurther information concerning the chloramination projectand process, call the SFPUC project information line at 415-557-6738. DOCUMENTS DEPT Office of Environmental Review jun - 5 r::3 SAN FRANCISCC PUBLIC LIBRARV THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1660 MISSION STREET, SUITE 500 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94103-2414 RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Kate Wingerson Document Library City Library Civic Center San Francisco, CA 94102 SANFRANCISCOPUBLICLIBRARY PLANNING DEPARTMENT , 1223 05732 5947 City and County of San Francisco 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103-2414 PLANNINGCOMMISSION ADMINISTRATION CURRENTPLANNING/ZONING LONG RANGEPLANNING (415) 558-6378 FAX:558-6409 FAX:558-6426 FAX:558-6409 FAX:558-6426 DATE: June 2, 2000 TO: Distribution List for the Hetch Hetchy Water Treatment Chloramine Conversion Draft EIR FROM: Hillary Gitelman, Environmental Review Officer SUBJECT: Request for the final Environmental Impact Report for Hetch Hetchy Water Treatment Chloramine Conversion Draft EIR Project (Planning Department File No. 1998.898E) This is the Draft ofthe Environmental Impact Report for the Hetch Hetchy Water Treatment A Chloramine Conversion project. public hearing will be held ofthe adequacy and accuracy ofthis document. After the public hearing, our office will prepare and publish a document titled "Summary ofComments and Responses" that will contain a summary of all relevant comments on this Draft EIR and our responses to those comments. It may also specify changes to this Draft EIR. Those who testify at the hearing on the Draft EIR will automatically receive a copy on the Comments and Responses document, along with notice ofthe date reserved for certification; others may receive such copies and notice on request or by visiting our office. This Draft EIR together with the Summary ofComments and Responses document will be considered by the City Planning Commission in an advertised public meeting and certified as a Final EIR ifdeemed adequate. After certification, we will modify the Draft EIR as specified by the Comments and Responses Document and print both documents in a single publication called the Final EIR. The Final EIR will add no new information to the combination ofthe two documents except to reproduce the certification resolution. It will simply provide the information in one, rather than two, documents. Therefore, ifyou receive a copy ofthe Comments and Responses in addition to this copy ofthe Draft EIR, you will technically have a copy of the Final EIR. We are aware that many people who receive the Draft EIR and summary ofComments and Responses have no interest in receiving virtually the same information after the EIR has been certified. To avoid expending money and paper needlessly, we would like to send copies of the Final EIR to private individuals only ifthey request them. Ifyou would like a copy of the Final EIR, therefore, please fill out and mail the postcard provided inside the back cover to the MajorEnvironmental Analysis Office ofthe Planning Department within two weeks after certification ofthe EIR. Any private party not requesting a Final EIR by that time will not be mailed a copy. Public agencies on the distribution list will automatically receive a copy of the Final EIR. DOCUMENTS DEPT. Thank you for your interest in this project. JUN - 7 2000 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 ! I Draft HETCH HETCHY WATER TREATMENT PROJECT CHLORAMINE CONVERSION Environmental Impact Report SanFranciscoPlanningDepartmentFileNo. 1998.898E State ClearinghouseNo. 199912090 DraftEIRPublicationDate: June 3, 2000 DraftEIRPublicHearingDate: July 11, 2000in San Mateo July12, 2000inPleasanton July13, 2000in San Francisco DraftEIRPublic CommentPeriod: June 3, 2000throughJuly 19, 2000 Writtencommentsshouldbesentto: HillaryE. Gitelman EnvironmentalReview Officer SanFranciscoPlanningDepartment 1660MissionStreet SanFrancisco, CA94103 CityandCounty ofSan Francisco San FranciscoPlanningDepartment 3 1223 05732 5947 4 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS HETCH HETCHY WATER TREATMENT PROJECT- CHLORAMINE CONVERSION EIR Page SUMMARY I. 1-1 A. Introduction 1-1 B. Project Description 1-2 C. Summary ofEnvironmental Impacts and Mitigation 1-3 D. OtherTopics 1-7 1.0 Growth Inducement 1-7 2.0 Cumulative Environmental Effects 1-8 3.0 Significant, Unavoidable Environmental Effects 1-9 4.0 Significant, Irreversible Environmental Changes 1-9 5.0 Alternatives 1-9 INTRODUCTIONAND BACKGROUND II. II I A. Introduction II- B. Background II-2 C. Regulatory Framework II-3 1.0 Safe Drinking Water Act II-3 2.0 Disinfectants / Disinfection By-Product Rule II-4 D. Public Outreach Program II-5 E. SFPUC WaterSupply System and Service Area II-6 1.0 SFPUC Water Supply System II-6 1.1 Major Facilities and Operations II-6 1.2 Disinfection 11-9 2.0 SFPUC Service Area II-9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION III. III-l A. Project Objectives III- B. Project Location III-l C. Development ofProposed Project 111-3 D. Proposed Treatment Processes III-3 1.0 Addition ofChlorine and Ammonia III-4 2.0 Removal ofChlorine and Ammonia III-5 E. Proposed Facilities -Project-Level Analysis III-7 1.0 Tesla Portal Chlorination Facility III-7 2.0 Sunol Valley Facilities III-1 2.1 San Antonio Pump Station Ammonia and Chlorine Feed Facility III-14 CaseNo.1998.898E- ii ESA+Onon/990095 HetchHetchyWaterTreatmentProject-ChloramineConversion June3.2000 TABLEOFCONTENTS Page III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Continued) 2.2 Alameda East Portal Dechlorination Facility 111-20 2.3 Alameda West Portal Dechlorination Facility 111-22 3.0 Pulgas Site Facilities 111-25 3.1 Pulgas Dechloramination Facility and Contactor Pipeline 111-25 3.2 Pulgas Balancing Reservoir Improvements 111-30 4.0 Harry W. Tracy WaterTreatment Plant Chlorine and Ammonia Feed and Dechlorination Facilities 111-32 F. Proposed Facilities - Program-Level Analysis 111-35 1.0 Dechlorination Facilities at Secondary Discharge Locations 111-35 2.0 Modifications to City Distribution Division System 111-39 3.0 Modificationto BAWUA Member Agencies' Facilities 111-39 G. Construction Scenario 111-41 H. Project Schedule, Implementation, and Cost 111-44 I. Related Projects and Plans 111-44 J. Required Permits and Approvals 111-45 1.0 Federal Agencies 111-45 1.1 U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers 111-45 1.2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 111-46 2.0 State Agencies 111-46 2.1 California Department ofHealth Services 111-47 2.2 California Department ofFish and Game (Regions 2 and 3) 111-47 2.3 Central Valley and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Boards IH-47 3.0 Local Agencies 111-49 3.1 SanJoaquin Valley Unified Air PollutionControl District and Bay Area Air Quality Management District 111-49 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTS IV.A-1 A. Plans and Policies IV.A-1 1.0 Regional Setting IV.A-1 1.1 Tesla Portal Site IV.A-2 1.2 San Antonio Pump Station Site IV.A-4 1.3 Pulgas Site IV.A-6 1.4 Harry W. Tracy WaterTreatment Plant Site IV.A-9 2.0 Impacts IV.A-10 2.1 Significance Criteria IV.A-10 2.2 Impacts IV.A-10 B. Land Use and Recreation IV.B-1 1.0 Regional Setting IV.B-1 1.1 Tesla Portal Site IV.B-1 1.2 San Antonio Pump Station Site IV.B-3 1.3 Pulgas Site IV.B-3 1.4 Harry W. Tracy WaterTreatment Plant Site IV.B-7 2.0 Impacts IV.B-9 2.1 Significance Criteria IV.B-9 CaseNo. 1998.898E- 111 ESA+Orion/990095 HetchHelchyWaterTreutmcntProject—ChloromineConversion June3,2000

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