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Hesperophylum heidemanni, a rare plant bug : notes and new records (Heteroptera : miridae) PDF

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Preview Hesperophylum heidemanni, a rare plant bug : notes and new records (Heteroptera : miridae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(3). 1991, pp. 636-640 HESPEROPHYLUMHEIDEMANNI, A RARE PLANT BUG: NOTES AND NEW RECORDS (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE) A. G. Wheeler, Jr. Bureau ofPlant Industry, Pennsylvania Department ofAgriculture, Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania 171 10. Abstract.—Hesperophylum heidemanni Reuter & Poppius, 1912 is one of the rarest mirids in eastern North America; a total ofthree females has been recorded from New Hampshire (type locality, Mt. Washington), District ofColumbia, and Iowa. Herein new records are given for Alabama, Maryland, and North Carolina, and additional specimens from Washington, D.C., are reported. Post oak, Quercus stellata Wangenh., is given as this mirid's first association with a particular plant species. Characters allowing its sep- arationfromH. arizonaeKnightareprovided, andthefirstMexicanrecordofthisseldom- collected mirid (3 females now known) is given. Reasons for the apparent rareness of//. heidemanni are discussed, and reproduction by parthenogenesis is suggested. Key Words: Insecta, Hesperophylum, distribution, parthenogenesis Many of the nearly 2000 mirid species American mirids are known from fewer reported from North America north of specimens, but nearly all belong to genera Mexico (Henry and Wheeler 1988) are in which some species are abundant in at poorly known. Most such plant bugs have least part oftheir range. Assuming host in- remained obscure simply due to lack ofcol- formation is available, there is no reason to lecting, especially in the western states, and believe that intensive collecting would not because ofignorance oftheir habits. Little- yield numerous additional specimens. But collected Miridae, however, seldom prove in the only other member of Hesperophy- rare once their host plants are discovered. lum, H. arizonae Knight, only two females In the eastern United States, Polymerus ni- have been reported. gropallidusKnight, described from theNew Twelve years have passed since I discov- Jersey Pine Barrens without host data in ered an apparent host for H. heidemanni, 1923,wasknownonlyfromthetypelocality but I have refrained from publishing until until discovery ofits host (the mat-forming moresubstantialinformationwasavailable. Arenaria caroliniana Walt., Caryophylla- Males and nymphs are still unknown, but I ceae) showed that it is a common but spe- have decided to alert collectors to this un- cialist herbivore apparently restricted to usual species—it seems sufficiently rare to pitch pine-scrub oak barrens (Henry 1978). warrant conjecture about its habits. Here, I Hesperophylum heidemanni Reuter & give new state records and notes on its col- Poppius, although widely distributed, may lection. A tentative biological characteriza- be a genuinely rare plant bug. Described tion is offered, and its rareness is discussed. nearly 80 years ago from Mt. Washington, It is also compared with //. arizonae, and New Hampshire, it is known in the litera- the first Mexican record of that species is ture only from three females. Other North given. VOLUME 93, NUMBER 3 637 Fig. 1. Hespewphylum heidemannifemale on bark ofQuercusstellata. Hesperophylum heidemanni that the type specimen was unlabeled as to Reuter & Poppius date and collector, but it could not be lo- cated. Reuterand Poppius (1912) indicated Reuterand Poppius (1912)described this that the type was being deposited at the species (and new genus) from a female col- USNM,butBlatchley(1926)saiditwaspart lected on Mt. Washington, New Hampshire of the Heidemann Collection at Cornell (date and collector not given) and placed it University. The type cannot be found at in the small family Termatophylididae. either institution and is not present at the Blatchley (1926) provided a free translation Finnish Museum of Natural History, Hel- of their Latin description. Knight (1941) sinki, or the Swedish Museum of Natural transferredH. heidemannitothe mirid sub- History, Stockholm. family Deraeocorinae, and Carvalho (1952) The Arizona record ofthis mirid (Barber placed it in the tribe Termatophylini. 1914) refers to H. ahzonae (Knight 1968), Single females of this "very rare" bug which was described from a female collect- (Slater and Baranowski 1978) have been ed in the Atasco Mountains in 1937. In de- taken in Washington, D.C., and at Ames, scribing this new species. Knight over- Iowa (Knight 1941). Knight noted that the looked the 1905 collection ofa female from Iowa specimen was taken June 26, 1931. the Huachuca MountainsofArizona, which Collection data for the other specimen ap- Barber (1914) reported as H. heidemanni, parently have not been published; the label and which he himself had mentioned reads: "Washington D.C., 18-7, Collection (Knight 1941). AnewrecordforH. arizonae O. Heidemann" (USNM). I tried to verify is MEXICO: Durango: 12.5 km N Michilia 638 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Hd. Stn., 42 km S Suchil, 2265 m, April reported from light trap, pitfall, or Berlese 15, 1985, R. T. Schuh & B. M. Massie collections. Knight(1941)saidthattheIowa (American Museum of Natural History). specimen was swept beneath trees. Even so, This specimen was collected on oak, Quer- this mirid most likely is arboreal. Post oak cus sp. (R. T. Schuh, personal communi- may be an important host plant in part of cation). the range; similar collecting on other oak Hesperophylum heidemannicanbekeyed speciesandonotherhardwoodtreeshasnot in Carvalho (1955) and Slater and Bara- yielded specimens. But post oak could not nowski (1978). Knight (1941), Carvalho have been the host on Mt. Washington be- (1955), and Slater and Baranowski (1978) cause this tree ranges only as far north as illustrated the head and pronotum. Its dis- southeastern Massachusetts (Little 1971). tinctive habitus (Fig. 1), resembling a stout Some other plant (perhaps another species anthocorid, is similar to that illustrated for ofoak) also must have served as the host at H. arizonae{Yj[i\ghx 1968). Hesperophylum Ames, Iowa; native post oak is restricted to heidemanniis black, glossy (except anterior the extreme southeastern portion of Iowa mm portion of pronotum), about 4 long, (Little 1971). with head strongly declivent and pointed, Knight(1941)alsoremarkedthattheform andsecondantennalsegmentthickenedand of the head and the long rostrum suggest flattened. From H. arizonae it can be sep- predacious habits, and further that such aratedbyitslargersize(//. arizonaeisabout mirids are never as common as plant feed- mm 3 long), entirely dark scutellum con- ers. The six specimens I collected were ob- colorous with pronotum and hemelytra tained by beatingwell back (several meters) (rather than ivory white; note: the scutel- on branches ofpost oak. Predatory mirids lumof//, heidemanniisnotyellowishwhite such as some Ceratocapsus and Eustictus with the tip darker, as stated in original de- spp. also are consistently taken by beating scription), more coarsely punctate pronotal branches of host trees (personal observa- disc,andbyothercharactersgivenbyKnight tion). Other termatophylines, e.g. Terma- (1968). tophylidea spp., are known predators (van New records: Alabama, Maryland, and Doesburg 1964, Callan 1975). North Carolina can be added to the known Other biological attributes of H. heide- distribution of H. heidemanni, and addi- manni remain even more speculative. tional records from Washington, D.C., are Overwintering in the egg stage can be ex- available. All specimens (except the one pected. This is the norm for most arboreal from Maryland) were collected by the au- Miridae, although adults of some Deraeo- thoron postoak, QuercusstellataWangenh. coris spp. (Group I ofKnight 1921) do hi- ALABAMA: Lee Co., Auburn University, bernate. Most mirids oftemperate regions 8 May 1986, 1 9. DISTRICT OF COLUM- produce a single annual generation, es- BIA: National Arboretum, Washington, 7 pecially shrub- and tree-associated species, June 1982, 1 9; 1 June 1986, 2 99. MARY- although some predatory mirids are mul- LAND: Calvert Co., Battle Creek Cypress tivoltine. Collection dates in Washington Swamp, 3 Aug. 1987, A.B. Norden & D. D.C., andthesoutheastern states—late May Williams, 1 9. NORTH CAROLINA: to early August—could indicate either uni- Mecklenburg Co., Rt. 51, 1 mi. W. of Rt. or bivoltinism in H. heidemanni. 16 nr. Matthews, 28 May 1978, 2 99. This much is known: H. heidemanni is widely distributed, more so than many Discussion common, easily collected mirids. In this re- Almost nothing has been written about spect, it can be considered successful. The thehabitsof//, heidemanni. Ithasnotbeen genus, however, has not diversified like the VOLUME 93, NUMBER 3 639 deraeocorine genera Deraeocoris Kirsch- specimen of H. heidemanni, checking for baum (64 species in North America north thetypespecimen,andreviewingthemanu- of Mexico) and Eustictus Reuter (22 spp.) script; R. T. Schuh (Department of Ento- (Henry and Wheeler 1988). The tribe Ter- mology, American Museum ofNatural His- matophylini itself is small: seven genera, tory, NewYork, NY) forallowingmeto use three of which are monotypic, with Ter- his Mexican record of H. arizonae; E. R. matophylum Reuter (7 spp.) the largest Hoebeke(DepartmentofEntomology, Cor- (Carvalho 1957). nell University, Ithaca, NY) for reviewing Slater (1974) considered the Termato- the manuscript and checking forthe type of phylini a relict group, suggesting that the H. heidemanni; A. Jansson (Finnish Mu- presence of H. heidemanni in the north- seum of Natural History, Helsinki) and P. eastern states indicates an early arrival in Lindskog(SwedishMuseumofNatural His- the New World, perhaps from the Oriental tory, Stockholm) for checking the collec- Region. He also suggested that climatic de- tions in their care for the type of H. hei- terioration duringthe Pleistocene and com- demanni; and G. M. Stonedahl (CAB petition from more successful groups has International InstituteofEntomology, Lon- led to range fragmentation. don) forproviding label data on a specimen Any comments about the origin, distri- borrowed from the U.S. National Museum. bution, and biology of this mirid remain speculative. Is it a univoltine, mainly oak- Literature Cited associatedpredatorrestrictedtoaparticular Barber, H. G. 1914. New Hemiptera-Heteroptera, prey group? Do males occupy a different with comments upon the distribution ofcertain microniche on host branches so that they known species. Journal of the New York Ento- are not as easily dislodged as females? Or mological Society 22: 164-171. can H. heidemanni be parthenogenetic? An Blatchley, W. S. 1926. Heteroptera or true bugs of obligate parthenogenesis in thegenuswould eastern North America, with especial referenceto the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Pub- be favored in species having widely scat- lishingCompany, Indianapolis. 1116 pages. tered, sparse populations (e.g. Tomlinson Callan, E. McC. 1975. Miridae of the genus Ter- 1966) and could account for this group's matophylldea (Hemiptera) as predators ofcacao lack ofdiversification. This mode ofrepro- thrips. Entomophaga 20: 389-391. duction is rare in the Miridae (and in Het- Caraycohnez,Jd.eu1x98H9e.terPoaprttehreesn:ogleenMeisreicdoensCtaamnpteylpornoeuuvreae eroptera). Only certain European popula- virgula et TAnthocoride Calliodis maculipcnnis. tionsofthedicyphine Campyloneum virgula Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (Herrich-Schaeffer) are definitely parthe- (New Series) 25: 387-391. nogenetic (Carayon 1989). Carvalho,J. C. M. 1952. On themajorclassification oftheMiridae(Hemiptera).(Withkeystosubfam- General collectors and ecologists, as well ilies and tribes and a catalogue ofthe world gen- as heteropterists, are encouraged to look for era.)AnaisdaAcademiaBrasileiradeCiencias24: and report information on this rarely en- 31-110. ^ counteredbug. Howlongwillittaketolearn . 1955. Keys to the genera ofMiridae ofthe howmuchoftheforegoingbiologicalprofile world (Hemiptera). Boletim do Museu Paraense is accurate and to determine why H. heide- EmilioGoeldi 11(2): 1-151. 1957. Catalogueofthe Miridaeoftheworld. manni is genuinely rare? Par.t I—Cylapinae, Deraeocorinae, Bryocorinac. Acknowledgments ArqivosdoMuseuNacional,RiodeJaneiro44(1): 1-158. I am grateful to T. J. Henry (Systematic Doesburg, Jr., P. H. van. 1964. Termatophylidea Entomology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, % opacaCarvalho,apredatorofthrips(Hem.-Het.). Entomologische Berichten 24: 248-253. U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.) Henry. T. J. 1978. Description ofa new Po/r//;('/7«, for calling my attention to the Maryland with noteson two otherlittle known mirids from 640 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON the New Jersey Pine-Barrens (Hemiptera: Miri- Little, E. L., Jr. 1971. Atlas ofUnited States trees. dae). Proceedingsofthe Entomological Societyof Volume 1. Conifers and important hardwoods. Washington 80: 543-547. United States Department ofAgriculture Miscel- Henry, T. J. and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988. Family laneousPublication 1146.iii-v, 1-9, maps 1-200. Miridae Hahn, 1833 (=Capsidae Burmeister, Reuter O. M. and B. Poppius. 1912. Zur Kenntnis 1835). Theplantbugs, pp. 251-507. In Henry, T. derTermatophyliden. Ofversigt afFinska Veten- J. and R. C. Froeschner, eds.. Catalogofthe Het- skaps-Societetens Forhandlingar 54A: 1-17. eroptera, or True Bugs, ofCanada and the conti- Slater,J. A. 1974. Apreliminaryanalysisoftheder- nental United States. E. J. Brill, Leiden and New ivationofthe Heteropterafaunaofthenortheast- York. emUnitedStateswithspecialreferencetothefau- Knight,H. H. 1921. MonographoftheNorthAmer- na ofConnecticut. Memoirs ofthe Connecticut icanspeciesofD^'ra^ocoraCHeteroptera,Miridae). Entomological Society, pp. 145-213. Eighteenth Report, State Entomologist of Min- Slater, J. A. and R. M. Baranowski. 1978. How to nesota, pp. 76-210(1920). Know the True Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). . 1941. Theplantbugs,orMiridae,ofIllinois. Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, IllinoisNaturalHistorySurveyBulletin22: 1-234. Iowa. 256 pp. . 1968. Taxonomicreview: MiridaeoftheNe- Tomlinson, J. 1966. The advantages of hermaph- vadaTestSiteandthewesternUnitedStates.Brig- roditism and parthenogenesis. Journal ofTheo- ham Young University Science Bulletin 9(3): 1- retical Biology 11: 54—58. 282.

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