Red-HHeerrrriinngg PPrroossppeeccttuussofACFL " (cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9) (cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:14)(cid:3)(cid:15) (cid:4)(cid:16) (cid:1)(cid:17)(cid:2) (cid:18)| (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:8)(cid:11) (cid:20) (cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:8)(cid:14) (cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:11)" “““IIInnnvvveeessstttmmmeeennnttt iiinnn cccaaapppiiitttaaalll mmmaaarrrkkkeeettt iiinnnvvvooolllvvveeesss ccceeerrrtttaaaiii nnn dddeeegggrrreeeeee ooofff rrriiissskkksss... TTThhheee iiinnnvvveeessstttooorrrsss aaarrreee rrreeeqqquuuiiirrreeeddd tttooo rrreeeaaaddd ttthhh eee ppprrrooossspppeeecccttt uuusss aaannnddd rrriiissskkk fffaaaccctttooorrrsss cccaaarrreeefffuuullllllyyy,,, aaasssssseeessssss ttthhheeeiiirrr ooowwwnnn fffiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll cccooonnndddiiitttiiiooonnnsss aaannnddd rrriiissskkk tttaaakkkiiinnnggg ab ility before making tthheeiirr iinnvveessttmmeenntt ddeecciissiioonnss..”” RED--HERRING PROSPECTUS Of AAmmaann CCoottttoonn FFiibbrroouuss LLiimmiitteedd f PPUUBBLLIICC IISSSSUUEE OOFF [*] ORDINARY SHARES OOOFFFFFFEEERRR PPPRRRIIICCCEEE TTTKKK... [[[***]]] EEEAAACCCHHH IIINNNCCCLLLUUUDDDIIINNNGGG PPPRRREEEMMMIIIUUUMMM OOOFFF TTTKKK... [[[***]]] PPPEEERRR SSSHHHAAARRREEE,,, TTTOOOTTTAAALLL SSSIIIZZZEEE OOOFFF FFFUUUNNNDDD TTTOOO BBBEEE RAISED TK. 800,000,000.00 OOppeenniinngg ddaattee ooff SSuubbssccrription: ………………………. …………………, 2017 CClloossiinngg ddaattee ooff SSuubbssccrriippttiioonn (Cut-off date): …………………….…… , 2017 MANAGER TO THE ISSUE ICB Capital Management Limited Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor), 89 Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, CREDIT RATING BY CCrreeddiitt RRaattiinngg AAggeennccyy ooff BBaannggllaaddeesshh LLiimmiitteedd ((CCRRAABB)) CREDIT RATING STATUS Date of Rating: 1199 JJaannuuaarryy 22001177 Long Term Short Term Rating A2 ST-2 Validity 18 January 2018 Issue DDaattee ooff the Prospectus: ………………………….. Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL Preliminary Information and Declarations I) Name(s), address(s), telephone number(s), web address(s), e-mail(s), fax number(s) and contact persons of the issuer, issue manager(s), underwriter(s), auditors, credit rating company and valuer, where applicable; Issuer Company Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited Tel: +88 02 7911691-3, 2 Ishakha Avenue, Noornavi Bhuiyan, FCA FAX: +880-2-58950510 Sector - 06, Uttara, Chief Financial Officer E-mail:[email protected] Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh Web: Manager to the Issue Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address ICB Capital Management Ltd. Md. Sohel Rahman Tel: +880-2-8300421, 8300395, Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor), Chief Executive Officer 8300555, 8300367 89 Kakrail, Dhaka-1000. (Additional Charge) FAX: +880-2-8300396 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Underwriters Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address ICB Capital Management Ltd. Md. Sohel Rahman Tel: +880-2-8300421, 8300395, Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor), Chief Executive Officer (Additional 8300555, 8300367 89 Kakrail, Dhaka-1000. Charge) FAX: +880-2-8300396 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Roots Investment Limited Mohammad Sarwar Hossain Tel: +880-2-7116954, Diganto Tower, 1st Floor Managing Director(Acting) +880-2-7117914 12/1, R.K. Mission Road, +880-2-7117972, Motijheel, Dhaka, 1203 FAX: +880-2-7119908 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Prime Bank Investment Limited Md. Tabarak Hossain Bhuiyan Tel: 88 02 9555674, 88 02 Peoples Insurance Bhaban (11th Floor) Managing Director & CEO 9557688 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1ooo Fax : +88 02 9559257Email. [email protected] Bengal Investments Limited M.M. Mostafa Bilal Tel: +880-2-8825508, Bilquis Tower (8th Floor) CEO & Managing Director FAX: +880-2-8825518 Plot # 6, Road 46, Gulshan Circle 2 E-mail: info@bengal- Dhaka-1212 Lanka Bangla Investments Limited Khandakar Kayes Hasan, CFA +88-02-9512621, 9561238 City Center, Level-24 Chief Executive Officer Fax : +88-02-9561107 90/1 Motijheel C.A, Dhaka –1000. Email. kayes@lankabangla- Auditor Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address Mahfel Huq & Co. Chartered Accountants Tel: +880-2-9553143 Md. Abu Kaiser FCA BGIC Tower (4th Floor) E-mail: [email protected] Partner 34, Topkhana Road. Dhaka-1000 Web: i Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL Credit Rating Company Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd (CRAB) Razib Ahmed Tel: +88 029571238, Asst. Vice President & Co-Head +88 029571497 Sena Kalyan Bhaban, 195 Motijheel C/A (Corporate Rating Unit) Fax: +88 029563837 Floor 4, Suite 403 Email:[email protected] Dhaka-1000 Valuer Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address S.H. Khan & Co. Chartered Accountants Tel: +88 02 7162829, 7171882 Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan FCA FAX: +88 02 9557914 Raz Bhaban (1st Floor), 29, Dilkusha C/A, Partner mail:[email protected] Dhaka-1000 ii) "A person interested to get a Prospectus may obtain from the issuer and the issue manager" iii) “If you have any query about this document, you may consult the issuer, issue manager and underwriter” ii Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL IV) “CONSENT OF THE BANGLADESH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED TO THE ISSUE OR OFFER OF THESE SECURITIES UNDER THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ORDINANCE, 1969, AND THE BANGLADESH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (PUBLIC ISSUE) RULES, 2015. IT MUST BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT IN GIVING THIS CONSENT THE COMMISSION DOES NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS OF THE ISSUER COMPANY, ANY OF ITS PROJECTS OR THE ISSUE PRICE OF ITS SECURITIES OR FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF ANY OF THE STATEMENTS MADE OR OPINION EXPRESSED WITH REGARD TO THEM. SUCH RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH THE ISSUER, ITS DIRECTORS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, COMPANY SECRETARY, ISSUE MANAGER, ISSUE MANAGER’S CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER,UNDERWRITERS, AUDITOR(S), VALUER AND/OR CREDIT RATING COMPANY(IF ANY)." V) Risks in relation to the First Issue “This being the first issue of the issuer, there has been no formal market for the securities of the issuer. The face value of the securities is Tk. 10.00 (Ten) and the issue price is Tk. [.], i.e. ‘[.] - times’ of the face value. The issue price has been determined and justified by the issuer and the issue manager or bidding by the eligible investors as stated under the paragraph on “Justification of Issue Price” should not be taken to be indicative of the market price of the securities after listing. No assurance can be given regarding an active or sustained trading of the securities or the price after listing” VI) General Risk “Investment in securities involves a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this offer unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment. Investors are advised to read the risk factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this offer. For taking an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the offer including the risks involved. The securities have not been recommended by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) nor does BSEC guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of this document. Specific attention of investors is invited to the statement of ‘risk factors’ given on page number(s) 135- 147.” VII) Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited's Absolute Responsibility "The issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for and confirms that this red-herring prospectus contains all material information with regard to the issuer and the issue, that the information contained in the red-herring prospectus are true, fair and correct in all material aspects and are not misleading in any respect, that the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other facts, the omission of which make this document as a whole or any of such information or the expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect." iii Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL AVAILABILITY OF RED-HERRING PROSPECTUS (i) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, website addresses and e-mail addresses and names of contact persons of the institutions where the prospectus and abridged version of prospectus are available in hard and soft forms; The Red-Herring Prospectus and Abridge version of Red-Herring Prospectus of Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited are available in hard and soft forms at the following addresses Issuer Company Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited Tel: +88 02 7911691-3, 2 Ishakha Avenue, Noornavi Bhuiyan, FCA FAX: +880-2-58950510 Sector - 06, Uttara, Chief Financial Officer E-mail:[email protected] Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh Web: Manager to the Issue Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address ICB Capital Management Ltd. Md. Sohel Rahman Tel: +880-2-8300421, 8300395, 8300555, Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor), 89 Kakrail, Chief Executive Officer (Additional 8300367 Dhaka-1000. Charge) FAX: +880-2-8300396 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Registrar to the Issue Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address Prime Bank Investment Limited Tel: 88 02 9555674, 88 02 9557688 Peoples Insurance Bhaban (11th Floor) Md. Tabarak Hossain Bhuiyan Fax : +88 02 9559257 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1ooo Managing Director & CEO Email. [email protected] Underwriters Contact person Telephone, Fax Number, email & web address ICB Capital Management Ltd. Md. Sohel Rahman Tel: +880-2-8300421, 8300395, 8300555, Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor), Chief Executive Officer (Additional 8300367 89 Kakrail, Dhaka-1000. Charge) FAX: +880-2-8300396 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Roots Investment Limited Mohammad Sarwar Hossain Tel: +880-2-7116954, +880-2-7117914 Diganto Tower, 1st Floor Managing Director (Acting) +880-2-7117972, 12/1, R.K. Mission Road, FAX: +880-2-7119908 Motijheel, Dhaka, 1203 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Prime Bank Investment Limited Md. Tabarak Hossain Bhuiyan Tel: 88 02 9555674, 88 02 9557688 Peoples Insurance Bhaban (11th Floor) Managing Director & CEO Fax : +88 02 9559257 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1ooo Email. [email protected] www., Bengal Investments Limited M.M. Mostafa Bilal Tel: +880-2-8825508, Bilquis Tower (8th Floor) CEO & Managing Director FAX: +880-2-8825518 Plot # 6, Road 46, Gulshan Circle 2 E-mail: [email protected] Dhaka-1212 Lanka Bangla Investments Limited KhandakarKayesHasan, CFA +88-02-9512621, 9561238 City Center, Level-24 Chief Executive Officer Fax : +88-02-9561107 90/1 Motijheel C.A, Dhaka –1000. Email. kayes@lankabangla- iv Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL Telephone, Fax Number, email & web Stock Exchanges Contact person address Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd (DSE) Tel: +88 02 9564601-7 DSE Library, Research and Information +88 02 9666944-8 Department Md. Afzalur Rahman Fax: +88 02 9569755 9/F, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. Manager +88 02 9564727 E-mail: [email protected]; web: Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd (CSE) Tel: +88 031 714632-3 CSE Building, 1080, Sk. Mujib Road +88031 720871 Agrabad, Chittagong -4100 Fax: +88 031 714101 Mohammed JabedSarwar Dhaka Liaison Office: +880-2-9513911-15 Assistant Manager Eunoos Trade Center (Level-15) E-mail: [email protected]; 52-53 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. Web: Prospectus is also available on the websites of Aman Cotton Fibrous limited (, ICB Capital Management Limited (, BSEC (, DSE (, CSE ( and Public Reference room of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) for reading and studying. ii) Names and dates of the newspapers where abridged version of prospectus was published Sl. No. Name of the News paper Date of Publication Page number of the newspaper 01 02 03 04 v Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL iii) Definitions and Acronyms or Elaborations Unless the context otherwise indicates, requires or implies, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below in this Draft Red-Herring Prospectus. References to statutes, rules, regulations, guidelines and policies will be deemed to include all amendments and modifications notified thereto. Term Description ACFL : Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited Allotment : Letter of Allotment for Shares BERC : Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission BSEC : Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission BAS : Bangladesh Accounting Standards BB : Bangladesh Bank BSA : Bangladesh Standard of Auditing BO A/C : Beneficiary Owner’s Account or Depository Account CDBL : Central Depository Bangladesh Limited Certificate : Share Certificate CIB : Credit Information Bureau Commission : Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Companies Act : Companies Act, 1994 (Act No. XVIII of 1994) CSE : Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited Depository Act : Depository Act, 1999 DSE : Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited EPS : Earnings Per Share FC Account : Foreign Currency Account FI : Financial Institution GOB : Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh IAS : International Accounting Standards IPO : Initial Public Offering Issue : Public Issue of Shares of Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited Issuer : Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited NAV : Net Asset Value NBR : National Board of Revenue NRB : Non-Resident Bangladeshi Offer Price : The Price of the Shares of Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited being Offered Ordinance : Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 P/BV : Price to Book Value P/E : Price Earnings Ratio PTS : Primary Textile Sector Registered Office : Head Office of the Company RMG : Ready-Made Garments RJSC : Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms Securities/Shares : Shares of Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited Sponsors : The Sponsor Shareholders of Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited SND Accounts : Short Notice Deposit Account Stockholders : Shareholders Subscription : Application Money WTP : Water Treatment Plant vi Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL TABLE OF CONTENTS Particulars Page No. CHAPTER I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-4 About the industry 1 About the Issuer 1 Financial Information 1 Features of the issue and its objects 2 Legal and Other Information 2 Promoters’ background 2-3 Capital structure and history of capital raising 4 Summary of Valuation Report of Securities 4 CHAPTER II CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE COMMISSION 5-7 Disclosure In Respect Of Issuance Of Security In Demat Form 5 Conditions Under 2cc Of The Securities And Exchange Ordinance, 1969 5-7 CHAPTER III DECLARATION AND DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATES 8-15 Declaration About The Responsibility Of The Directors, Including The Ceo Of The Issuer In 8 Respect Of The Prospectus Due Diligence Certificate By Issue Manager 9-10 Due Diligence Certificate By The Underwriter 11-15 CHAPTER IV ABOUT THE ISSUER 16-17 CHAPTER V CORPORATE DIRECTORY OF THE ISSUER 18 CHAPTER VI DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER 19-80 Summary of the Industry 19 Summary of consolidated financial, operating and other Information 19 General Information 19-25 Capital Structure 26-31 Description of the Business 32-40 Description of Property 40-56 Plan of Operation and Discussion of Financial Condition 57-80 CHAPTER MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION 81-84 VII Overview of business and strategies 81 SWOT analysis 81-82 Analysis of the financial statements of last five years with reason(s) of fluctuating 83-84 revenue/sales, other income, total income, cost of material, finance cost, depreciation and amortization expense, other expense; changes of inventories, net profit before & after tax, EPS etc. vii Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL Known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that are likely to 84 have an effect on the company’s business. Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity 84 Off-balance sheet arrangements those have or likely to have a current or future effect on 84 financial condition. CHAPTER VIII DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 85-99 Name, Father’s name, age, residential address, educational qualification, experience and 85-94 position of each of the directors of the company and any person nominated/represented to be a director, showing the period for which the nomination has been made and the name of the organization which has nominated him; Changes in the key management persons during the last three years 94 A profile of the sponsors including their names, father’s names, age, personal addresses, 95-97 educational qualifications, and experiences in the business, positions/posts held in the past, directorship held, other ventures of each sponsor and present position If the present directors are not the sponsors and control of the issuer was acquired within 98 five years immediately preceding the date of filing Red-Herring Prospectus details regarding the acquisition of control, date of acquisition, terms of acquisition, consideration paid for such acquisition etc. If the sponsors/directors do not have experience in the proposed line of business, the fact 98 explaining how the proposed activities would be carried out/managed Interest of the Key management persons 98 All Interest and facilities enjoyed by the directors, whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary 98 Number of Shares held and percentage of Shareholding (Pre issue) 99 Changes in the Board of Directors in last three years 99 Director's engaged with similar business 99 CHAPTER IX CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS 100-102 CHAPTER X EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION 103-104 The total amount of remuneration/salary/perquisites paid to the top five salaried officers of the 103 issuer in the last accounting year and the name and designation of each such officer: Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to all directors and officers as a group during the last 103 accounting year: If any shareholder director received any monthly salary/perquisite/benefit it must be mentioned 103 along with date of approval in AGM/EGM, terms thereof and payments made during the last accounting year: The board meeting attendance fees received by the director including the managing director 104 along with date of approval in AGM/EGM: Any contract with any director or officer providing for the payment of future compensation 104 If the issuer intends to substantially increase the remuneration paid to its directors and officers 104 in the current year, appropriate information regarding thereto: viii Red-Herring ProspectusofACFL Any other benefit/facility provided to the above persons during the last accounting year 104 CHAPTER XI OPTIONS GRANTED TO DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 105 CHAPTER XII TRANSACTION WITH THE DIRECTORS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MEMORANDUM 106-107 CHAPTER XIII OWNWRSHIP OF THE COMPANY’S SECURITIES 108-114 The names, addresses, BO ID Number of all shareholders of the company before IPO, 108 indicating the amount of securities owned and the percentage of the securities represented by such ownership: There shall also be a table showing the name and address, age, experience, BO ID Number, 109-112 TIN number, numbers of shares held including percentage, position held in other companies of all the directors before the public issue: The average cost of acquisition of equity shares by the directors certified by the auditors 113 A detail description of capital built up in respect of shareholding (name-wise) of the issuer(cid:1)s 113-114 sponsors/ directors. In this connection, a statement to be included: Detail of shares issued by the company at a price lower than the issue price: 114 History of significant (5% or more) changes in ownership of securities from inception 114 CHAPTER XIV CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 115-123 Management disclosure regarding compliance with the requirements of Corporate 115 Governance Guidelines of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC); A compliance report of Corporate Governance requirements certified by competent authority 115-121 Details relating to the issuer's audit committee and remuneration committee, including the 122-123 names of committee members and a summary of the terms of reference under which the committees operate. CHAPTER XV VALUATION REPORT OF SECURITIES PREPARED BY THE ISSUE MANAGER 124-128 CHAPTER XVI DEBT SECURITIES 129 CHAPTER XVII PARTIES INVOLVED AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES 129 CHAPTER MATERIAL CONTRACTS 130-133 XVIII CHAPTER XIX OUTSTANDING LITIGATIONS, FINE OR PENALTY 134 CHAPTER XX RISK FACTORS AND MANAGEMENT’S PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE RISKS 135-147 Internal risk factors may include, among others: 135-142 External risk factors may include among others: 143-147 ix