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Heretical Views Of The War Between Ukraine And Russia PDF

2022·0.05 MB·English
by  O9A
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Magian Verses Faustian Three Heretical Views Of The War Between Ukraine and Russia A Personal View The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has highlighted what the cognoscenti already knew and the mainstream Media and politicians of the modern West have studiously avoided mentioning: that the governments of Amerika and of NATO countries are utter hypocrites and bullies. The are hypocrites because they accuse Russia of doing what they themselves did in Afghanistan and Iraq: of being the aggressors who invaded and occupied another country in defiance of international law, causing civilian casualties and destroying infrastructure. They are utter hypocrites because they invaded not one but two countries, caused tens of thousands of civilian causalities, detained and imprisoned thousands of people without trial, and tortured many of them again contrary to international law. They are utter hypocrites because they ignored the millions of their own people who opposed the invasions and occupations. They are bullies because prior to their invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq they had imposed harsh economic and financial sanctions on those countries which caused immense hardship and suffering to ordinary people and led to many deaths. The reason for such sanctions: "until you do what we want you to do we will make you suffer." They are bullies because they have now not only imposed harsh economic and financial sanctions on Russia and blackmailed their allies around the world into doing the same, but have also authorized their governments to seize any Russian assets they want including ships, aeroplanes, and cargo, and have persuaded commercial and financial companies to withdraw their services from Russia, again causing hardship and suffering for ordinary people. Once again their bully boy reasoning is: "until you do what we want you to do we will make you suffer." They have even threatened China: saying that China will be subject to economic and financial sanctions and penalties if they aid Russia in any way. In addition, and quite unlike the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the mainstream Media and politicians of the modern West are united in their condemnation of Russia, their approval of Western sanctions and approval of Western governments censoring "the Russian side of the story" by for example banning the Russia Today television network. Where the voices of dissent? Where the demonstrations against Amerikan/NATO interference and sanctions? Where the "independent reports" from independent journalists, agencies, and politicians, questioning the Amerikan/NATO narrative and providing unbiased, uncensored reports of the situation and the Russian side of the story? In Britain, the politicians of the Conservative government and of the so-called Labour opposition are united, with the Labour leader and his 'shadow ministers' trying to outdo the Conservatives in their support for sanctions against Russia, the banning of the RT television network and for military and economic aid for the government of Zelinksy in Ukraine. Ditto in Amerika in respect of Republicans and Democrats, although in Amerika there have been a few, but only a few, brave politicians voicing dissent. In Britain, the reporting of the war by the liberal Guardian newspaper and the conservative Daily Telegraph is almost identical, as evident in the reporting of a typical incident: a Sky News crew in Ukraine who were shot at with two of the crew receiving bullet wounds. The crew were "later told by the Ukrainians" that they had been ambushed by a "saboteur Russian reconnaissance squad" with the Media widely reporting the Ukrainian story but with no attempt made by any reporter or newspaper or even the Sky crew themselves to verify the Ukrainian account or obtain the Russian side of the story. Propaganda, hearsay, unverified accounts, reported as fact. In the land of Britain, politicians and the Media - helped by demagoguery from Zelinsky and his cronies - have whipped up hysteria, hatred and prejudice of the kind and on a scale not seen since the Second World War. Then Germans were the target: now, the Russians. Petty anti-Russian prejudice abounds: shops have removed Russian Vodka from their shelves; a Russian musician living in Scotland was sacked from his job because he refused to denounce Putin; an orchestra has refused to play music by Tchaikovsky; dock workers have refused to unload cargo from Russian ships; and so on and so on. Why little if any dissent? Why the hypocrisy? Why the hatred of Russia and the demagoguery of Zelinsky who hysterically accuses Russia of "war crimes", of atrocities, of taking hostages, of crimes against humanity, and genocide, and who is given a standing ovation by British politicians and considered a 'freedom fighter' against tyranny by Amerikan officials and Media propagandists? DarkLogos March 2022 ev °°° A Conspiratorial Baeldracian View What we call the Magian hegemony {1} wanted NATO armed forces to expand into Ukraine and so be close to or on the border with Russia. Why? To not only threaten Russia but to try and restore the prestige and influence lost around the world - principally by Amerika - by the defeat of their armed forces in Afghanistan and Iraq as witness their humiliating withdrawal. How would this restoration work? By provoking Russia whose government had stated many times that NATO forces in Ukraine would be "a provocation; a step too far". The Magian hegemony could then use their well-tested bully boy tactics of sanctions and their well-oiled propaganda machines against Russia to show the world that they really were in control and could and would "demonize" and financially and economically ruin any country anywhere. In this provocation the Amerikans were aided by Zelinsky, the Ukrainian President and a Magian by nature and breeding, who constantly baited the Russian government, who assiduously ignored the 2015 Minsk accords and who received military aid and financial assistance from Amerika and NATO countries. The provocation worked. There is now a war and a war which shows the world how Amerika - which basically dictates policy to NATO countries - can strangle, demonize, emasculate, any country they want to however strong that country may be perceived to be. But the provocation also worked in another way most beneficial to the Magian hegemony: Zelinsky hailed in Amerika and NATO countries as a heroic Jewish archetype {2} to be admired by the sheeple. What is heroic about hiding in a bunker ranting about "victory" and whining about "genocide"? If he really was heroic he would be out fighting on the front-line. Richard Stirling Shropshire v.2.01 {1} The Magian hegemony is a modern manifestation of the Magian ethos, and consists of the governments of Amerika, the Zionist entity occupying Palestine, the countries who form the NATO alliance, the countries where Amerika and/or NATO have military bases, the countries which allow Amerikan and/or NATO armed forces to establish temporary military bases or forwarding facilities such as Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The governments of Amerika and the NATO alliance can dictate policy to or persuade (blackmail) friendly nations such as Pakistan by financial and economic inducements to agree with them and do their bidding, just as they have ultimate control over - by legal and supra-legal means - large capitalist supra-national enterprises and companies based on finance capital, supra-national Western financial banks and payment systems such as Swift and PayPal, markets such as the New York and London Stock Exchanges, and supra-national Internet companies such as Facebook and Twitter. For a modern view of the Magian ethos, see Distinguishing The Magian in https://archive.org/download/trouble-with- myatt-o9a/trouble-with-myatt-o9a-v5.pdf {2} https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/02/zelensky-ukraine-president-jewish-hero/622945/ °°° An Aeonic View In Aeonic terms the war is on the surface just "more of the same". One more armed conflict between humans among thousands and thousands of such conflicts over thousands and thousands of years. Large groups of men fighting other groups of men over some-thing - some cause, some belief, some territory - or, in hindsight, fighting over very little such as some temporary prestige or temporary power or some natural resource. Men fighting and killing and hating other men and in process causing destruction and suffering and death to others including women and children and the elderly. It is as if we humans en masse have learned very little, if anything, from past conflicts, past destruction, past killings, and the suffering endured by others. But there is also a more disturbing Aeonic element here, as there was to the 1939-1945 conflict. This war between Russia and Ukraine is a conflict between two different ethoi: between the Western Thorian/Faustian ethos and the Magian ethos. {1} In this conflict we have White people again fighting and killing White people but in this instance one side is led by a representative par excellence of the Magian ethos {2} and the other by a person who is arguably representative of the Faustian ethos and possibly an intimation of Vindex. Thus, on the one side are White people led by and obeying and dying for a Magian; on the other side, White people led by and obeying and dying for a Faustian man. In my opinion, the conflict is as simple as that. Morena Kapiris March 2022 ev {1} In regard to the Magian ethos, Vindex, and what is Faustian, see Myatt's Mythos of Vindex, available at https://archive.org/download/david-myatt-mythos-of-vindex-3/david-myatt-mythos-of-vindex-3.pdf {2} https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/02/zelensky-ukraine-president-jewish-hero/622945/ This item is in the Public Domain

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