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The New Alhambran Apr-Jun 2014 Official Journal of the International Order of Alhambra CP Pub AGT #PM41206513 Remember to sell your General Fund Raffle Tickets and get the stubs into Home Office along with your Inside... check soon. Also remember that if you need more tickets contact Denise and she will be more than happy to send them to you. For those of you who did not get tickets with the last issue of The Alhambran please let Denise know so she can get a set out to you to sell. This is one of the most important things this year. Operation Cover-up...........6 Our Supreme From the Words of Important Chaplain Desk of the Wisdom from the SPEAKS OUT Supreme Vice-Supreme Alhambra News by Rev. Msgr. Commander Commander and Insurance..8 Ricardo E. Bass Monsignor Bass by SC Vince Braun by VSC Eddie Smith can be reached by Vince can be reached Eddie can be reached by e-mail at msgrbass@ by e-mail e-mail Alhambra comcast.net vbraun_vb@yahoo. esmith5@twmi.rr.com com Directory...11-18 My dear friends, I would like to take this opportunity to Leadership has been described as “a process St. Francis let you all know about some of the work of social influence in which one person As the cold and formidable days of and challenges the Executive Committee can enlist the aid and support of others in Camp..............25 Winter are finally coming to a close, the faces. This committee is serious about the accomplishment of a common task” beginning sights and sounds of Spring fill doing what is best for the order. We want although there are alternative definitions of Ocean City Get- the air. Birds are once again singing – to use the programs of the order, such leadership. For example, some understand Together.........25 buds are beginning to show on various as the scholarship and Alhambra House a leader simply as somebody whom people trees and plants – people are wearing Programs to accomplish the work of the follow, or as somebody who guides or directs Spiritual Gift lighter jackets and seem to have a bounce order and at the same time do so in a others. While others define leadership as Cards.........26-27 in their steps as they walk along. Spring manner that will allow for a long future “organizing a group of people to achieve a has definitely arrived. With Spring of the order. This team of officers is common goal. PLUS MORE also comes the greatest of all Christian committed to the long term existence of celebrations: Easter. the Order and the work all its members do Leaders are perceived as being more Editor’s Pen for those we serve. experienced, competent, and willing to Although March 20th is the official assume responsibility. But this may not Supreme beginning of Spring, Easter (no matter When considering request for funds for always be the case. A leader begins to Officer’s what date it is celebrated) more or less is Alhambra Houses and scholarships we try rely on individuals to help with especially Columns the unofficial beginning of Spring. The to balance the purpose of these programs challenging tasks. theme of Resurrection is everywhere: with the need to assure the ability of the lilies on the altar – the white/gold the Order to maintain these and other A leader is someone who stands not only vestments worn at the Masses – singing programs. It can be difficult at times to for his cause but takes responsibility and again of the Gloria - and the strain of find ways that we can provide the benefits motivates other individuals also. There is a “Alleluias” as part of almost every hymn of programs such as the scholarships fairly clear difference between being a boss and we sing. Jesus Christ is Risen from the though out the Regions. We set a budget a leader. A leader is a motivation for others dead – Jesus Christ is Lord! and do our best to provide the benefits and inspires individuals to aim high and to those deserving. When it becomes attain that aim. Winter brought with it thoughts of difficult is when the budget is reached darkness and death. Spring brings with it and the majority of the benefit has been One of the single most important aspects of centralized to just a few regions. This past a good leader is dependability. To be a leader (See Chaplain on Page 2) year there have been scholarships granted means you have a lot of responsibilities, so in just four regions. We are mindful of people have to depend on you to take care this and are discussing ways that will these responsibilities. Sometimes, being a allow these benefits to be balanced though leader comes with hard decisions, but it’s out the order. It is a similar case with your responsibility to make those decisions. the Alhambra house loans. We need to If people can depend on you to get them establish requirements for these loans that through not only the good times, but the hard would assure not only ones too. (See Supreme Commander on Page 2) (See VSC on Page 2) Dedicated to Assisting the Mentally Challenged (Chaplain continued from Page 1) (Supreme Commander continued from Page 1) (VSC continued from Page 1) thoughts of light and new life: the new life that the use of the funds meet the goals of the The essential quality of a good leader is which we will each share one day with Jesus Order, but also assure the Order’s ability to perseverance. With determination and Christ – the new life first brought to us with continue to support this program. That could be perseverance, we can know that our leader will the Resurrection of Christ. In preparing for the that we need to work out terms of these loans keep focused and get us through difficult times. great Feast of Easter, I made my annual Lenten that would more strongly protect the investment retreat last week. the Order makes. There are hundreds of leaders in this Order, from supreme officers, caravan officers to the persons We are fortunate enough to have a number of Don’t get me wrong, these are two of the who organize events. Each of these leaders have retreat centers in our area and I normally choose best programs the Order has to support our a common goal and that is to be the best. This to make my retreat with the Capuchin Fathers mission and they are well managed now with organization has and has had great leaders and at their retreat house. A retreat gives me the the guideline we have. We just need to be are great examples on how to lead. With hard opportunity to “slow down the engines” which able to have the resources to continue them. I work under the guidance of these senior leaders propel my life: no ringing of phones or ringing can assure you all the this team of officers is anyone can achieve leadership qualities and the of doorbells – no frantically running from dedicated to making that happen. Each has confidence to be a leader. meeting to meeting – no need to prepare for any contributed in a positive way. number of liturgical celebrations. On a retreat, Every organization has to have leaders to I have the ability to just sit and listen to the Lord As well as the Executive Committee works survive. in the quiet of prayer and to read words which well together we need the support and help me to reflect on where I am on my journey participation of the Supreme Directors. We Are you ready to be a leader? I believe you are. through this life. Like Springtime itself, a need make sure they are able to communicate Become a leader in your caravan and become a retreat is, for me, a real source of relaxation, to the members of their regions with the most leader for the future of the International Order refreshment and re-creation. For a few days, accurate information. To accomplish this I of Alhambra. at least, the frenetic schedule of life stops and will be inviting each Supreme Director to the the slow paced schedule of prayer and reflection Executive Committee’s next on-line meeting. We all have heard it “he’s a born leader” I believe takes its place. This will be as observers but will give them the we are “all” born leaders. opportunity for first hand information. We will If you have never been on a retreat, I would hold our next meeting in May and I will sent certainly encourage you to do so if you have the Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, San out notices. opportunity. Most retreat centers offer weekend Antonio Texas, becomes an Alhambran retreats programs throughout the year; usually Also, don’t forget to sell the general fund raffle with both a theme and a retreat director who tickets. This could be the best way to keep gives talks throughout the weekend. Retreats the Order financially strong and also keep per have a long history in the life of the Church capita down. Remember if each member sold and are an invaluable way to re-establish just 5 tickets each we would be at our best. communication with the Lord. As we continue through this Season of Easter – may each of you and your families be filled with the Spirit of Resurrection and New Life. May all of the Lord’s blessings be with you. May this Springtime bring with it not only the new Assisting the Grand Commander Joe B. Cortinaz life which comes from the great Easter event in presenting Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, but also the new life that comes with Spring MSpS, of San Antonio TX his Fez, the official itself: a time of hope – a time of new birth of headpiece of the Order, were the Grand Chamberlain God’s creation – and a time to be in wonder of Jim Inglett and Sir Nobles Jesse Barrios and all that God has given us, especially His gift of Luciano Domingues. The remaining members of Christ who died and rose so that we might each Bejar Caravan No. 56 welcome the Archbishop to be given the gift of eternal life. Members of Bejar Caravan No. 56 participate in the the order. Charro Days Parade held in Brownsville, Texas on May the Lord bless each of you and all of you March 1, 2014. The Archbishop will assist Bejar Caravan No. 56 and The Order to promote and provide assistance for who so generously give of your time, talent educating Handicapped and Special Needs Persons; and treasure to the International Order of Bejar Caravan No. 56 members were SN Leroy to preserve, commemorate and/or mark Catholic Alhambra throughout the year. Your efforts Salinas, Scribe of the Exchequer SN Gene Perkins, historical places and events; and to promote such are praiseworthy and you are a true gift to the Grand Commander Joe B. Cortinaz (Region VII social and intellectual associations among its Supreme Director), PGC Carlos Camacho, SN Frank Church. May the Lord’s many graces continue members as shall be desirable and appropriate Persyn, PGC Rene Valero, PGC Robert Sims, PGC to be showered upon you and may you always within the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX. Alex Camacho, PSA Jack Sims, Master of the Oasis be a witness to the Lord’s great love for all of SN Luis Martinez Jr., and Historiographer SN Jim His children. Palinkas (Not in picture.) The Alhambran 2 From the Supreme Scribe Ryan Mullen Ryan can be reached by e-mail 17mullen@gmail.com FATIMA’S FEARLESS FEZ PHOTO CHALLENGE Washington Divan Calls for Evidence of Fezzes in Public The Grand Divan of Fatima Caravan in conjunction with the Supreme Scribe has with quorum of eminent officers put forth a royal challenge of the highest degree: Send us photos of your caravan wearing it’s fezzes in public. The more public, the better. Yes, you heard right. Dust off your fuzzy bonnet, grab a camera and a noble friend (or noble enemy), and take to the streets. Closed events run by your caravan don’t count, there has to be strangers present. Here are the rules: 1. At least two Alhambrans must be wearing a fez in the photo. Why two? a. One is just weird. b. Two is intriguing. c. Three is a movement. 2. No photos of closed caravan events (no caravan pasta dinners, but marching in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is perfectly acceptable). 3. There has to be at least a couple strangers in the photo. 4. Give a description of the photo and names of who’s wearing the tapered toppers. 5. Photos have to have been taken in 2014. 6. Send as many photos as you want. 7. Judges will change the rules as they see fit! So show Fatima your fearless fez face! The most entertaining and gutsy photo will win. Wear your sequined skullcaps while shopping for groceries at Loblaws. Have dinner at Red Lobster in your tasseled tams. Or simply take a jaunt down Sunset Boulevard in your strobilated sombreros. To start you off on the right flavor, here are some examples from Fatima Caravan; we dare you to outdo us: Fatimites and Al Kamellians Fellow Fatimites Cubbedge and Mullen foolishly flaunt Fatima holds every monthly meeting publicly in their wooly posing in their fuzzy bonnets - flashy fezzes for four hours on the casino floor – Golden helmets – Bailey’s Pub, Arlington. Parthenon, Nashville. Nugget Casino, Biloxi. Send your photos digitally to Supreme Scribe Ryan Mullen: 17mullen@gmail.com Alternately, you can send photos via camel mail taped to the back of a 1969 Lamborghini Espada: Illustrious Supreme Scribe Ryan Mullen 3636 16th St. NW Apt. A743 Washington, DC 20010 The winning caravan will receive a custom-made certificate printed on actual goat parchment, as well as gloating rights to every other caravan. The gutsiest photos will appear in the Supreme Scribe’s Column. Deadlines: June 1st in order to appear in July/Sep Alhambran. Final deadline is September 1st. Winners will appear in the Oct.-Dec. 2014 Alhambran. May the best caravan win!= And in closing, a selection of Moorish poetry from the personal compendium of the Supreme Scribe. This month’s selection was written in the city of Cordova in the year 1160 AD by the Moorish poet Ibn Quzman, and is entitled, “THE RADISH” (translated, of course): The radish is a good And doubtless wholesome food, But proves to vex the eater, A powerful repeater. This only fault I find: What should be left behind Comes issuing instead Right from the eater’s head! The Alhambran 3 COUNCIL OF VIZIERS The Editor’s Pen by ID Mike Carpenter 2013 – 2015 Mike can be reached by e-mail at SUPREME PONTIFF REGION V – SUPREME DIRECTOR mike_carp@sbcglobal.net His Holiness Pope Francis I (IL, KY, OH, IN, IA, KS, MO, NE, TN) J. R. Black, -Sultana Barbara ECCLESIASTICAL PROTECTOR 8214 Wedgewood Dr., Norfolk, VA 23518-3113 His Eminence Cardinal Adam Maida (H) 757-583-0284 (C) 757-641-3269 Well Easter is almost upon us. I plan to spend Easter with my mother 1234 Washington Blvd., Detroit, MI 48226-1800 (e-mail) jrbbab39@msn.com and daughter and her family in Pennsylvania. My mother’s health (B) 313-237-5816 (F) 313-237-4642 REGION VI – SUPREME DIRECTOR has been at a low point recently but she is on the mends. We want (MI, MN, ND, SD, WI) SUPREME CHAPLAIN Gary A DeCarlo - Sultana Patti to get the chance for her to see two of my grandsons during that Reverend Monsignor Ricardo E. Bass 6015 E. Ten Mile Rd., Warren, MI 48091-3802 weekend because she has not seen one of them for a few years now. Pastor, St. Hubert’s Parish (H) 586-436-0121 38775 Prentiss St. (e-mail) gdecarlo@hotmail.com I am praying that she is well enough for us to visit with her. Harrison Twp, MI 48045-2652 (B) 586-463-5877 REGION VII – SUPREME DIRECTOR Now onto The New Alhambran. Based on some recommendations (e-mail) msgrbass@comcast.net (TX, CO, MT, NM. OK, WY) Joe B. Cortinaz - Sultana Gloria from the viewing audience I have made some changes to the front Executive Committee 950 CR 770, Natalia,TX 78059-2001 page. I hope that you do enjoy these small changes. Also, included (H) 830-665-6217 (C) 830-832-0268 (e-mail) joebcortinaz@wildblue.net with this issue, there is a listing of all Supreme Officers and the top SUPREME COMMANDER Vince Braun - Sultana Kathy REGION VIII – SUPREME DIRECTOR officers of each caravan. This is an attempt to reduce costs at the 917 Citrus Edge St., Azusa, CA 91702-4736 (CA, AZ, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA, AK) home office along with making sure that the entire membership (H) 626-969--0183 (B) 562-634-7392 Chris Braun (F) 562-634-2478 (C) 562-572-4674 PO Box 1010, Idyllwild, CA 92549-1010 gets this information instead of just the top officers. There are a (e-mail) vbraun_vb@yahoo.com (H) 303-319-6550 few caravans who did not submit their annual report of elections so (e-mail) cbraun18@gmail.com we inserted last years information so every caravan is represented VICE SUPREME COMMANDER Edward J. Smith - Sultana Kathleen REGION IX – SUPREME DIRECTOR in the listing. Next year this won’t be the case so make sure that 35024 Bunker Hill Dr, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3238 (QU, MARITIME PROVINCES) (H) 248-848-9448 (C) 248-229-0192 Jean-Maurice Brosseau-Sultana Danielle Dore your caravan submits the election form immediately following the (e-mail) esmith5@twmi.rr.com 1585 rue Kirouac, Laval, QC H7G 4T4 elections in October. Because of including this information I had Canada (O) 514-384-4545 to exclude some of the pictures and reports from the caravans who SUPREME CHAMBERLAIN (H) 450-668-3508 Gilles Bénard-Sultana Fernande St-Pierre sent me this information. I have also eliminated the Gleanings and (C) 514-235-1950 346 West Acres Cr., Dollard Des Ormeaux, QC H9G 1V1 (e-mail) bross@videotron.ca replaced it with some of the news from the Caravans. This will be Canada (H) 514-626-1627 (C) 514-550-6467 REGION X – SUPREME DIRECTOR saved and inserted, where I can, into the July-September issue. This (e-mail) g.benard1@videotron.ca (ON, WESTERN PROVINCES) is the only issue where the listing will be included. Save these pages Jim DeZorzi - Sultana Joan for your reference. SUPREME SCRIBE 8438 Defore Dr RR 2, Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 Ryan J. Mullen Canada 3636 16th St. NW, Apt A743, Washington, DC 20010-1146 (H) 519-243-1683 (C) 519-282-0059 Also, remember that you need to get the raffle tickets sold, if you (C) 202-494-2221 (e-mail) regionx@execulink.com (e-mail) 17mullen@gmail.com haven’t already sent in your stubs and checks. This raffle is proving EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to be the best idea in a long time. There are already a large number SUPREME ADVOCATE Roger J. Reid, PSC William A. Cubbedge - Sultana Lydia P.O. Box 1912, Nokomis, FL 34274-1912 of members who have sent back their stubs and funds to the home 530 E. Huntingdon St., Savannah, GA 31401-5135 (H) 941-486-0949 (C) 410-227-4545 (F) 941-486-8833 office. I believe, because of the lower cost per ticket along with (H) 912-354-7602 (C) 606-695-0914 (e-mail) reid003@verizon.net the huge prize pool that we are offering, this has been why it is so (e-mail) willcubbedge@gmail.com EDITOR popular. If we continue on the path we are on now, we could make Mike Carpenter, ID SUPREME DIRECTORS a huge impact on per capita that will be voted on at the end of July PO Box 475 Dearborn, MI 48121-0475 in Detroit. If you need more tickets contact Denise at Home Office REGION I – SUPREME DIRECTOR (C) 313-218-9345 (F) 313-274-8564 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) and she will be more than happy to get you as many packets as you (e-mail) mike_carp@sbcglobal.net Thomas Wall –Sultana Sue wish. I, for one, would love to see us sell out on all of the tickets. I 52 Edgewater Rd., Hull, MA 02045-2716 OFFICE MANAGER (H) 781-925-0609 (C) 617-984-9533 am doing my part in helping out. Denise Blakely (e-mail) grizzwall1@aol.com 4200 Leeds Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21229-5421 (B) 410-242-0660 or 0661 (F) 410-536-5729 The other thing that would make a huge impact on per capita would REGION II – SUPREME DIRECTOR Toll Free - 800-478-2946 (NJ, NY, PA) (e-mail) denise@orderofalhambra.org be to invite a Catholic friend or family member to join us in our Patrick Umbra, Jr. wonderful organization. One way you can do that is to ask your 163 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-2917 WEBSITE CHAIRMAN (H) 570-822-3597 PGC Eric Griffin parish priest if you can do a coffee and donut introduction to the (e-mail) mbra4326@msn.com organization at a weekend Mass. Manresa Caravan #217 did just SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE that in a recent weekend. At this writing I don’t know how successful REGION III – SUPREME DIRECTOR Chairman: MSGR Ricardo Bass (MD, VA, DC, DE, NC, SC, WV) that was but, if every caravan would do one or two of these a year, Michael Stakem - Sultana Diane WEBSITE you could possibly gather a lot of new members into your caravan. 828 Camden Ave. Cumberland, MD 21502-2605 www.orderalhambra.org (H) 301-777-8336 (C) 301-697-6707 Think about that, if we were able to get one new member for every (e-mail) damvet@atlanticbb.net member of the caravan we would double our membership which REGION IV – SUPREME DIRECTOR would definitely lower per capita. Get out there and do your part. (FL, LA, MS, AL, AR, GA, PR) Jim Rigby - Sultana Carol In closing I would like to wish every member and their families a 188 Acacia Ave. Biloxi, MS 39530-3307 (B) 228-435-5665 (F) 228-74-1556 wonderful Easter. Remember that Jesus died on the cross for us and (e-mail) alhambraregion4@gmail.com for our salvation. The Alhambran 4 NEW CANDIDATES Abd Er Rahman Caravan #1 Jamie Tamburo Abba Koval Caravan #200 Edwin G. Arriaga Galicia Caravan #77 Geraldine L.. Ryan Dominick D’Angelo Stephen Jack Joan Paul Fetty Garcia Caravan #230 Joshua Lopez Wayne Fetty Raymond Lukacs Elvera Paul Caroline Annett Cordova Caravan #26 Baza Caravan #78 Guadalupe Caravan #234 Lawrence W. Gerbec Patrick Higgins Zeferino Bazan David J. Smith Toloza Caravan #81 Fatima Caravan #265 Darro Caravan #29 Christiane Guy Nathaniel Peter Anderson Travis J. Clark Denise Guy James Andrew Campbell Benjamin Dearborn Hough Oran Caravan #67 Alva Caravan #91 Christopher Michael Lubas Brian Edward Stine Mireya Alexander Manuel R. Mendoza Roger R. Houle Domonic Pitts Porto Caravan #104 Linda Pitts Paul D. Pitts, Jr. David Hefferon Mary Stafford Leigh Michelle Adamson Algarva Caravan #168 Robert (Bob) Theriot Shirley Lovelace Cynthia McNair Nancy D. Rosonet John Lammers We welcome all of you to the Order of Alhambra and hope that you find it rewarding and fulfilling. Necrology Grenada Caravan #3 Padul Caravan #69 Barcelona Caravan #143 Ramiro Caravan #241 PGC Rev. Jeddie Brooks PGC Donald A. Jones PGC Nunzio Curcuro SN Jean Hurtubise SN Joseph J. Maniscalco PGC Fred Mercardo Cordova Caravan #26 SN John H. Strohmeyer Sancho Caravan #261 Alcazaba Caravan #162 SN Vincent R. Scibetta Carmona Caravan #75 SN Daniel Tomasko SN Dr. Nicholas A Mancini SN Gerald J. Murawski Aurora Caravan #55 SN Harry A. Zaruba Ben Ziri Caravan #218 At Large Caravan #298 PSV Edward Muldoon Galicia Caravan #77 PGC Charles H. Poorman, Jr. SN Harry A. Varacchi REV Walter Stanievich PGC David O. D’Andrea PSC Stanley A. Matulewicz May Perpetual Light shine upon them and may they rest in the Peace of Christ. St. Francis pray for them. CANADIAN DECLARATION Magazine Mission Statement US DECLARATION 1. The Alhambran “The Alhambran” magazine is published and distributed quarterly to the officers and members of the International 1. The Alhambran 2. Agreement # PM41206513 Order of Alhambra. Members may contribute articles of interest by mailing them to: 2. April-June 2014 3. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: ID Mike Carpenter, Editor 3. Published quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) International Order of Alhambra PO Box 475 4. International Order of Alhambra 4200 Leeds Ave. Dearborn, MI 48121-0475 4200 Leeds Ave. Baltimore, MD 21229-5421 Fax: 313-274-8564 Baltimore, MD 21229-5421 e-mail: mike_carp@sbcglobal.net 5. Volume 58, No. 2 The Alhambran 5 Operation Coverup Operation Cover Up is still providing Afghans for God’s Special People. Since OCU’s inception we have “covered” over 2,317 God’s Special People. We thank everyone involved over the years who deserve a huge Al Salaam. As most of you know we have lost one of the best supporters of Operation Cover Up, Amy Avila from Padul #69. She crocheted 296 Afghans for God’s Special People before her death. Not only did she donate her time, but she refused any reimbursement for postage and yarn on all 296 Afghans. The International Order of Alhambra, Operation Cover Up and all who benefited from the afghans thank Amy for her wonderful efforts over many years. We will all miss her. May she rest in peace. Afghans Crocheted Monetary Donations Name Caravan Amount Date Donor Amount Sultana Amy Avila Padul #69 296 06/21/2013 Sultanas of Galicia #77 $300.00 Sultana Alma Dalinsky Valencia #138 167 10/15/2013 Alhambra Charity $600.00 Barbara Cunningham Valencia #138 95 03/06/2014 Alhambra Charity $600.00 Ruth Hetrick Lancaster, PA 78 03/06/2014 GCh John R. Krause $ 50.00 Sultana Jackie Patton Galicia #77 72 03/06/2014 Barcelona #143 $100.00 Sultana Tony Vandenberk Algarva #168 66 Sultana Catherine Landa Braga #114 63 Sultana Betty Hanzely Abba Koval #200 62 Sultana Judy Kielb Denia #196 29 Sultana Betty Nicholls Galicia #77 27 Afghans Distributed Sultana Linda Kelleher Galicia #77 24 Sultana Lorraine Lyons Castile #63 16 Date Alhambra Representative God’s Special People # Afghans Sultana Sandy Mihalic Galicia #77 14 Who Received Afghan Sultana Beverly Bechtel Galicia #77 10 02/25/2013 PSD Richard Sosin Christmas Gifts for Clients 3 Linda Baumbach Abba Koval #200 7 08/22/2013 ED Russ Smith St. Francis Camp Campers 27 Sultana June Gebstadt Galicia #77 6 09/15/2013 SN William Nicholls Malinda and Amanda - 2 Linda Born Denia #196 3 St. Mary Magdalen Church Anita Dubuque Galicia #77 3 12/13/2013 Barcelona #143 Christmas Gifts for Clients 30 Joyce Jaje Denia #196 1 02/02/2014 PSC Angelo Miele Lorrain Demi / Robert Sullivan 2 Jane Grabenstein Wamba #89 1 Mary Jo Mayer Galicia #77 1 Pamila Witkowski 1 Jessica Vostoris 1 Lisa Miller 1 Deadlines for the next three issues are Issue Date Deadline Date Press Date July/September June 20 July 1 October/December September 20 October 1 January/March December 20 January 1 All submissions are preferred in Microsoft Word format although we can accommodate other formats, just e-mail and let me know what format you would like to use and I will let you know if I can handle that. Pictures are also great if you have them. jpg or tiff format preferred. Both your pictures and articles must be sent as attachments to the e-mails addressed to mike_carp@sbcglobal.net This publication will only be as good as you make it. So get busy all you Grand Commanders, Scribes, etc. Tell me what you have been doing that you think the whole Order should know about. Maybe you are doing something that no one else has tried yet. You may just be the start of something big. Supreme Directors have a column in every issue and should report the happenings in their Council of Caravans or in their region’s caravans. Sometimes two heads are better than one. You may discover something unique that one of your caravans is doing. Please share it with the rest of the membership. The Alhambran 6 Padul Caravan #69 sponsors the Special Olympic Swim Team “Nemo” during the St. Patricks Day Parade. After the parade Padul 69 members take the swim team out for Pizza. In January of this year SN Jean Duchesneau and Members of Bejar Caravan No. 56 support Alva his wife Louise took on one the highest peaks, to Caravan No. 91 at the Charro Days Parade held in escalade that of Mount Kilimandjaro...and they Brownsville, Texas on 1 March 2014. were successful. Bejar Caravan No. 56 members Grand Commander Jean cherishes high objectives...so it is no surprise Joe B. Cortinaz (Region VII Supreme Director) and that this objective was chosen. Master of the Oasis SN Luis Martinez Jr. present Alva Caravan No. 91 Grand Commander Eddie Lucio III The picture shown, with an Alhambra flag and logo, (State Rep. D - Harlingen, TX) a monitory donation was hoisted at 5895 meters on January 15, 2014... to their upcoming Golf Tournament fund raiser. what an accomplishment! Jean is a generous and very active member of caravan Toloza, and currently serves as well as Chairman of the executive committee of the Society for Handicapped Children of Québec (SEHQ). Congratulations to Louise and Jean as well as to Yvon Lafond, at Jean’s left on the photo, who is a good friend, and a generous donor as well to the cause of God’s special people. Sultanas De Bejar Installation Luncheon and Fashion Show held February 20, 2014. New Board Members for year 2014/2015 are the following: Grand Sultana - Felis P. Salinas 1st Vice President - Mistress of the Oasis - Irene Mzyk 2nd Vice President - Hospitality - Frances Gaona 3rd Vice President - Decorations - Lillian O’Berg 4th Vice President - Membership - Susan Herrera 5th Vice President - Notifications - Clem Davila Recording Scribe - Sandy Migl Garcia Caravan #230 gave out 19 scholarships of $1,000 U.S.D. each to deserving students who are Correspondence Scribe - Norma Persyn studying to educate the developmentally challenged. Treasurer - Joyce Vllrich This makes $29,000 that this caravan from McGregor Ontario has been able to distribute to assist students Parliamentarian - Carol Van De Walle with their education. This small but active group Publicity - Marilyn Hoster continues to encourage young people to assist those Telephone Committee - Alicia Carrizales who are some of the neediest in our community. Board of Advisors - Past Grand Sultana, Doris Dettling Past Grand Sultana, Aileen Vilim and Sultana Dorothy Sims Alhambra Representative - Gloria Cortinaz The Alhambran 7 ORDER OF ALHAMBRA CARAVAN INFORMATION PAGE CARAVAN INSURANCE COVERAGE REVISIONS TO THE “ NEW MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM” AND “THE MATCHING GRANT As many of you have heard in the recent past, the Order of Alhambra has changed the insurance company that covers all of our insurance needs. PROGRAM” As a result of this there is a new method of requesting coverage for your Caravan functions. To request a Certificate of Coverage for any of your On October 12, 2013, the Executive Committee voted on revisions to events please follow the instructions below: the” New Members and Matching Grant Programs”. Please log onto our website: www.orderalhambra.org to read the revisions. Go to member section and you will then find them listed under membership forms. Fax McDole Edge Corporation at 1-410-982-0060 (Preferred Method); Thank you. Call McDole Edge Corporation at 1-800-774-6671;or Email to service@mcdole.com. When requesting coverage include the following: CARAVAN TAX ASSISTANCE 1. Name and Number of the Caravan If there are tax concerns for any Caravan you can contact SN Dennis 2. Name of the Event Brose at brosetax@aol.com or call him at (443) 575-6445. There may be 3. Date of the Event a nominal charge for his assistance. 4. Host names There may be other information required, be ready to provide it when asked. CURRENT ALHAMBRA FUND RAISING PROGRAMS ALHAMBRA DONATIONS There are numerous ways that you can make a donation to the Order of Alhambra. Listed below are some of the means to make a donation: 1 - Helping Hand Pin - $100 2 - Helping Hand Charm 10K Gold - $150 3 - Helping Hand Tie Tack - $100 4 - Scallop Shell Pin - $100 5 - Scallop Shell Charm - $100 6 - Scallop Shell Tie Tack - $100 7 - Memorial Plaque - $150 8 - Appreciation Plaque - $150 9 - Plaque - $100 10 - 365 Club NEW MEMBERSHIP, REINSTATEMENT 11 - Canister AND TRANSFER FORMS AVAILABLE 12 - Charity Contribution 13 - General Contribution The membership form, reinstatement form and transfer form 14 - Research Contribution have been updated and are available for you to use. Go to the 15 - Scholarship Contribution Order’s Website and click on members, enter the password, 16 - St. Francis Fez Pin - $100 then click on “Membership Application” or “To reinstate a 17 - St. Francis Pendant - $100 18 - St. Francis Gold Pendant - $150 member who is no longer active, fill out the following form” or “To transfer from one Caravan to another, fill out the All donations go to the Charity Fund except the St. Francis items. Those can be donated to the Charity Fund or the General Fund. You designate which fund is to receive the following form”. You must print these out and either type in monies when you order them. For items 10 through 15 you decide how much you wish or clearly handwrite the information on the form. Follow the to donate. instructions on the bottom of the form and submit to Home The form to order or donate is located on the Order’s Website. Click on members then Office. scroll down to the Contributions Form and click. Fill this form out and mail to home office with your check. If you don’t have access to the website call home office and Denise will mail you a form. The Alhambran 8 Regional News Region I Region II (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) (NJ, NY, PA) Supreme Director: Thomas Wall Supreme Director: Patrick Umbra, Jr. 52 Edgewater Rd. 163 S. Washington St. Hull, MA 02045-2716 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-2917 (H) 781-925-0609 (C) 617-984-9533 (H) 570-822-3597 grizzwall1@aol.com mbra4326@msn.com The Most Reverend Timothy Anthony McDonnell, Bishop of the Diocese Abd Er Rahman # 1 Brooklyn, NY of Springfield, Mass., was the Principal Concelebrant of the funeral Mass Thomas Leaver Eminent Grand Commander celebrated for the late Father Jeddie Brooks in St. Patrick’s Church, Monson, Membership: At the Caravan meeting on January 24, 2014 Abd Er Rahman inducted MA, on February 12, 2014. five new members into the caravan. It increased their membership to 26. One of the new members Edwin Arriaga, was instrumental in recruiting the other new members Scores of priests and deacons filled the church as they joined with the and will be honored at out next meeting with the presentation of a singled jeweled parishioners of the parish and visitors from as far away as Hawaii to say a membership pin to be worn on his fez. fond farewell to Father Jeddie. Founders Day Mass: The mass is scheduled for Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:30 pm at Representatives from Organizations which numbered Father Jeddie among St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 249 Fourth Street (corner of 4th Ave.) Brooklyn, NY. their members were represented at the Mass. Members are encouraged to wear their fez if they have one. Father Jeddie served as Chaplain of Region One of the International Order of Garfield Manor: On December 11 caravan members attended the annual Christmas Alhambra. party for the residents of Garfield Manor. As always, the evening was most enjoyable, especially when the residents entertained the group with Christmas songs. As is our He was a member of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. usual custom, we presented them with a check for $500.00. A Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus member, Father Jeddie lead five Alhamar Caravan # 4 Incorporated Wilkes Barre, PA Councils as Chaplain during his priestly ministry. Paul S. Makuch Eminent Grand Commander The Most Reverend Joseph Francis Maguire, retired Bishop of Springfield The Caravan will hold their annual Festival for the developmentally disabled in who ordained Father Jeddie in 1977, sent his condolences. August 2014 at the Plains Polish American Veterans picnic area, 2 Oak Street Plains, Pa 18705 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.. This will be the second time the During the last four years, Father Jeddie bravely bore the pain of intense Festival was held at this picnic area and had over 150 developmentally disabled and suffering. Being the person he was, he did not complain. their staff the first time. Cordova Caravan # 26 Incorporated Buffalo, NY To those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Father Jeddie Brooks he was Carl Lombardo Eminent Grand Commander a man’s man and priest. In Carl’s Grand Commander message for March referred to Ed Smith’s Vice Supreme He treated the high and mighty and the ordinary person with the same love. Commanders message for membership “Ask” relatives, members of your church and co-workers etc.. Also advertise for new members in your church bulletins and He never wavered from teaching people about correct Catholic protocol when local newspapers. he thought it necessary. The date for their 45th Cantalician annual picnic for the developmentally disabled In addition to St. Patrick’s, Father Jeddie was Administrator of St., Christopher is June 11, 2014 and all members are invited to get involved. Parish in Brimfield, Mass. Noted: Make sure to read the Alhambran from cover to cover see what the supreme officers have to say. We are sure Father Jeddie was greeted in Heaven with the words “Well done, My Good and Faithful Servant”. Learn what goes on in the Order. Keep up to date on newsworthy items such as the 2014 general fund raffle, the new membership program and membership pin, the matching grant program, the latest fez and jewelry prices. Find out what other regions are doing that might work in our caravan. Sultana Social Club News #26 Mrs. Robinson said “gather a thought that’s kind, one that’s sincere and deep,. Be sure to pass it along for sure are to precious to keep.” (Continued on Page 24) The Alhambran 9 Regional News Region III Region IV (MD, VA, DC, DE, NC, SC, WV) (FL, LA, MS, AL, AR, GA, PR) Supreme Director: Michael Stakem Supreme Director: Jim Rigby 828 Camden Ave. 188 Acacia Ave Cumberland, MD 21502-2605 Biloxi, MS 39530-3307 (H) 301-777-8336 (C) 301-697-6707 (H)228-435-5583 (F) 228-374-1556 damvet@atlanticbb.net alhambraRegion4@gmail.com Padul #69 All of the caravans within Region IV have been very busy these past few months. February 2 – Special Olympics basketball tournament held at Virginia Wesleyan College. Each of the caravans held and participated in a Founders Day Mass and event. Oran, Darro and Cortez Caravans had the privilege of jointly hosting the February 23 – Founder’s Day Mass held at St. Stephen Martyr. Twenty-five Supreme Founders Day event this year. All of the Executive Officers emerged members were in attendance for mass and breakfast. on Biloxi MS to attend Mass at Saint Michael’s Church along with members of the local congregation and members from the joining Alhambra Caravans. March 15 – St. Patrick’s Day parade featuring the members of Padul Caravan Mass was con-celebrated by Father Greg Barras, the pastor of St. Michael’s and the Nemo Swim Team. and our own Sir Noble, Bishop Emeritus, Bishop Lawson Howze. March 20 – Divan meeting at the VFW Following the Mass all were taken to the local Knights of Columbus Hall and April 19 – Clasp Dance (Citizens Loving All Special People) held at the participated in a Mardi Gras themed event complete with locally prepared Bayside Recreation Center. foods from New Orleans and Biloxi. April 24 – Divan and caravan meeting The Executive Officers also received well wishes from Muret Caravan in western Louisiana and Diego Caravan in eastern Florida. They were also Wamba #89 entertained by the Gulf Coast Western Variety Dancers, a group of Special Needs Dancers that have been Square Dancing for many years. February 1 – Memorial Mass held at the Shrine of Saints Peter & Paul. February 5 – Winter Frolic dinner dance. This event is held jointly with the In addition to that, while the Executive Officers were in Mississippi they were members of the Alhambra, Shriners and Knights of Columbus. also treated to a tour of the Gulf Coast after Katrina and the highlight of the visit was the trip to the newly created Alhambra House. February 20 – Divan meeting at the Wamba Alcazar February 28 – Frigid Friday Party which is the kickoff to the Hooley Plunge WAMBA CARAVAN #89 HOOLEY PLUNGE held at the Rocky Gap Casino and Lodge. March 1 – Hooley Plunge held. This year’s Hooley Plunge preparation was a little more intense than normal. The Plunge committee had to remove 11 inches of ice from the lake at Rocky Gap so the plungers could make their way into the water. This year the Hooley Plunge saw 800 brave people dressed in their best Irish green make their way into the lake. The dedicated people who support this event give financial pledges to the participants making the plunge into the frigid lake waters. The proceeds fund the Allegany County Specials Olympics and Wamba’s Scout Troop #89 in addition to school activities and local institutions that support the needs of the intellectually disabled of Allegany County. A group of plungers enjoying the nice Hooley Plunge Registration Committee “COLD” waters of the lake (Members of Wamba Caravan #89) A very profound Al Salaam and tip of the fez goes out to Sir Noble Dr. Sean McCagh, PGC Jim Stafford, Sultana Kathy Stafford, and PGC Brad Stafford for their dedication in chairing this successful event and to the throngs of Wamba Sir Nobles and Sultanas who assisted. (Continued on Page 24) The Alhambran 10

Apr 7, 2014 Spiritual Gift. Cards26- . Remember to sell your General Fund Raffle Tickets and get the stubs into Home Office along with your Denise know so she can get a set out to you to sell. This is . Salinas, Scribe of the Exchequer SN Gene Perkins, . 163 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, PA
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