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Henry Kissinger – Diplomacy PDF

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Jn this eoutrovumsal xx qonumental book — arguably 1s most Sroportant—Heory Kissinger ‘nasnates st what diploncyis.Moxing frou a sweeping avery of lus own ioterpretation of istry to personal acceunts of his aegustlens tut werd Readers, Kissinger describes the way {whlch the arl of clplomacy and the balance of Dower have created the orld we tive ia and, shares hone Americans, protetted by thesia Isolation oftheir country a well as by their ow ileallom and custrust uf te O14 World, hare song to conidoct a unique kind offre palley based othe way they want the 60M tn he, supposed tothe way tally Spanning rove than thee ecutures of story, Jam Cantina icheten, tha father of tie aocem ‘ste system to the "Neve World Order” un wel, wwe live, Kissinger demonstrates how modem dlplonacy emerged from the tals aud experl- ‘erie uf Ute balance of power of warfare and poaceaking and why Araanca, semetirans tS esl fase to hans lessons. satiate porLalls of world Tears, includ. Inge iil, Mes. Chon Ena, Man Temi, Rengan, und Grbac, based un personal exe ence ane Imowlecge, pri the reser wath a rire wind on diplomacy a the surat tage crwth a wealth of detailed nn eign observ tons on the secret neyorlations, yrcat events, and the art of statesmanship that have shaped! ‘ar ies In the decals before, daring and since erry Kigsinger was himself at the center of thing. Analyzing the dilerences tn the nattonal ses of iplomacy, Kissinger shoves how vara sock elles produce spertal ays of cunbucting forelgn ole, and how Americans, fom the very Lane hy Sought a dlnetive torelgn paley bast on idealism. He Mlustrates his polnts with is oven “usighls anc with examples from hi ene exper fence, as wall ag wits candid accounts of I breakdlrough Aiplomatciitlatives as Nuts or en policy parmer Tnfonuedl by deep historical Knowtecige, wit. a {8 for eons, and @ gue understanding of Ue forces that hind and sunder nations, Kissinger’ Diphmacy Is must rearing for angane wlvo ears aout Amerlea's position inthe world Hianay ALARED Kissingre was swurn ii om September 2.1973, asthe ty-bith Secretary of Slate, «position be held until January 20, 1977 1 also served as Aselstant to tae President fr [National SeeuetyAffars trom Jammary 20, 1, ‘util Nove $1975, ‘Auoomg the awards De. Kiser ha recived have been the Nobel Peuee Prize in 197i the Presidential Medial uf Prec (the nation’s hile est etilian award) in 1977; and the Mesat of Libeetyin 188, Kistner was ban in Hirth, Germany, cate tothe Unlted States io 18ikand wa catneaived 9 United States citizen in IMR He served In the ‘Army front 143 to 1948. He gradoated stam umn tude tem Warvard College e150. From 1854 unt 1969 he was a member ofthe lacy of Marvard University. He was Director of the arvarel faternatlonsl Sermo trom 1952 to 1968, De. Kissinger Ia mare te the former Racy Maytooes and Is the father of two chlleren by a previous mariage. rst eopran 08 eet ae pon corey faa Pot nde Edn Ste Seater “guauasna HENRY KISSINGER DIPLOMACY a eve sane PeArscbeaec4 Ta OLS SREYORR AD ORK IRD ceayacith IPS on MARA KE Cesar SesaMeSITR taste eee 1 ainosac Eo tans RL ETE AMMAR LAD 7 195 wert veo peMirtorss Werth stit ante pis ee Ie het Salle Hilesvs nse Magny Reve 8 Sempre TA ‘linn abe tenes se, ston, aie Aleut sone st ion ois ec i bor ped the Ea ete, CONTEN the New World Onder 1 ‘Me linge Thendove Roosevel: or Wooden Yeibon 29 bronn Loinerseltto Kquilbrinn, Richelieu, Willan of Orange, and Fil 58 The Gout of Furor: Creat tah, Avs nu sin “Two Resu:rionarien: Napilcon Mt and Bismarck 193 Repotiie Toens en Wc RF A Paltesl Boomssiay Machine Furapean Oyplomacy Beare the Tust Werle War 168 fou the artes: The Miliary Daomschy Machine 201 ‘he New 1908 of D plaemach: soa and the Yea of versalles 218 The Viketxnas of he Woioes — 246 SteeRemand and the Reamergence of the Vzrquishest 268 ‘he Fad of rio Lier ar be Ueto of versalles 248 Sialiistiaraae 482 ‘he Navisoviel Past 390 surrica Re-entersthe Arene: Prank Delano Koosevelt 369 ree: Ayswoaslies wo Pesce: Koosevell, Salita (tarchil in World wartl 399 ‘he Reginning of he Cold Wars the Suvi aru the Pain of Cmte 466 The Nikenro of Girlie The Korea Wan S73 ‘segotating with the Communists Alerauer, Churesll, and Liseahomer 495 Leaplropygig QootuinecentIbe Suez Caiss $22 Funga? Lpberal ingae Rimpe 350 Costenrs borashehew’s Udenciun: De Werlia Cris 1988-63568 Concears of Western Lilly: Macon, de Gaulle, Eseubuse and Kennedy 3 ‘enna: Enury ines the Moras raping ‘Veeuiac: On the Kol to Despuic: Kennedy and Jolinson fia Weknam: the Esctivarcn; Nowen 624 Foreign Poly ax Geopolitics; Nieon's riangiar Diplorucy 705: Derenteane Is Discontents 733 ‘The End of we Cole War Reagan and Gocbaches 752 “The New World Order Reconadered 804 sors 85 ACRNOMADIENTS BT wsiex TT Page 6 Page 10 age 17 age 29 age 36 sage Page 108 Pegje 137 Page 168 Page 208 Pog 246 Pepe 266 Page 2888 Poe $32 Page 35) Page 369 Pee $94 List of Tustrations ‘Wixi Wilkos achresten ene Far Pao Confer Tannacy 25.1918 ‘ashington’s Fase Alar, mamuserip lil Inver, Cena: Washinggon, Rrgraving ser pemrat by Gilber he Ucited Naons General assembly Saf Theedace Ruceecel, AaNDAL LI Aight Ware ‘wibun, July 119. af Willian of Orange. Ader Calva! Ricbetiew Ganges of Viena, 1418 efi Oup won Wismatck. Rights Napoleon M. enjami Disrak reper Willem I ane Tear Nicholas La rgte va gem Hinuenbarg, Rcricr bimyse ea eand Frick Tudendort 1717 gio ngbe David Foxe Googe, Fuoris Laumonuele ‘orlando, Georges Clemency, and Wonder soa 3 veroms 19.9 4Laf109 gi, Clewcnceny, ison, Praow Sidney Sonia, and led Gea ater gala ihe Tees of Verses, June 25 wt Heats “aller, Aside bia, aad Gusta Sesemanc nh ‘elle Gest delegaus a tle Leapue of Nations dol! Hite sud Beto Mussolini Muri, 1857 Josenit Solin art aides a Sst session of S13-eme Savi, Deuter, om ef Nikosi Nuganic, snore! Zhlaroe, Sab, iment Yarashilr and kia @hrusehws, raaey 26, 1388 Yyacheslay Molenoe s gn isso Cevman Nom#B3rose:%a FNC Alggas 1989. havent ae Joachim sou WS scaeup an Stata Franklin Rontencleara Winston Churchill duce ate ‘Chowwer meeting, Asus ‘91 ‘Chat, Rooscveleagd Sula Yaka, Feoruay 1925

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