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Henderson's Greater Vancouver city directory : embracing the area of Greater Vancouver, covering the city proper, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, South Vancouver, and Port Grey ... and a classified business directory and buyers' guide. -- PDF

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Preview Henderson's Greater Vancouver city directory : embracing the area of Greater Vancouver, covering the city proper, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, South Vancouver, and Port Grey ... and a classified business directory and buyers' guide. --

'^^' imite^ GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENCY TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, LIQUIDATOR i^ H. W. DYSON, Ganerat Manaoar & pho>«^se,n»ur^6i88 Yorkshire BIdg., 525 Seymour Si CO era CO <3» CSU. UtEUT.-COL. G. H. DOWREIlL, GoneFsi Mansasr i Executor, Trustee, Administrator, LiquidatQr I Insurance, Financial, Estate and Rental Agerst Phons Seymour 3S60 S«ePage 15 C^ K ESTABL8SHED t©36 Government and l^unlclpaS Bonds Phone Seymoup 7820 (See Page 2S) !gof, Wlosh Byjliiliig, 739 Hastings Stn CysSo!3S Wopks, ShefrieJs?^ England te@f Castings and Forging FOR WcNiNG AND ALL OTHER PWSPOSES Branch Offica and Waf»houss: 847-863 Beatty Street '^"(rrl" Phone Sev- SPECIAL. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Telephone Fairmont 240 Exchange On Admiralty and Lloyds Lists Manufacturers of All Classes of Steel and Iron Castings Logging and Hoisting Engines Rivetted Steel Pipe, Hydraulic Giants, Ore Cars, Boilers, Engines Bolts, Rivets, Etc. Sawmill and Mining Machinery 519 to 657 Sixth Avenue West Near Cambie Street South ^ SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT % <t ^ JOHN E. TUCKBR A. L. CLARK EDWARD C. KNIGHT FrMtdent Vice-Preai<lent Secretary«nd Manafinr Director E. S. SANDERS. Manacer Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED Vancouver Cedar Mills Limited MANUFACTURERS OP PACIFIC COAST TIMBER PRODUCTS Red Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock Fir, Shingles, Bevel Siding, Lath WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BIG CHIEF BRAND BEVEL SIDING AND SHINGLES "RITE GRADE INSPECTED" SHINGLES DAILY CAPACITY——FalS0 Creek Mills. 200.000 feet Lumber Roche Point Cedar Mills. 100.000 feet Lumber 700.000 Shingles SALES OFFICES: Wiiialp«c—«00 Great West Permanent Buildin* Toronto—701 Excelsior Life Buildlnif Chloajro—343 South Dearborn Street LOCAL RETAIL YARD: South End Connaught Bridge - Phones Fairmont 918 and 919 MILLS AND GENERAL OFFICES: iSil'^fConnaught Bridge PHONES FAIRMONT 920 and 921 SPiECIAL, ADVERTISING DEPARTMEKT Prudential Trust Company, Limited .... .... Capital Subscribed $980,200 Capital Paid-Up 609,611 Board of Directors: PresidenCthaanidrmGaenne:rFaalrMquahnaargeRro:beBr.tsHoanlBrown Vice-President: J.P.Steedman Clarene«F.Smith,Montreal W. G. Ross A. Gourdeau WCh.asJ..GAr.eeBna,rnTaorrdo,nKt.oC, LWt..J^».l.MoWr.ricGer,anMtonMtorredaeln,M.P. LtP.a-uClol.GaClliabeurdte,GM.oBnrtjraana London Board: Sir Reginald McLeod, K.C.B., Acting Chairman Major-General Sir Ronald Lane,C.B.,K.C.V.O.; FrancisB.Dunsford.J.P.; SirGilbertParker,M.P.; Lt.-Col. Claude G. Bryan Head Office: 9 St. John Street, Montreal B. Hai Brown, Presidont and General Manager London Office: 14 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.G. Principal Branch Offices and Agencies TORONTO VANCOUVER VICTORIA ST. JO:HN QUEBEC WINNIPEG REGINA ED"'ONTON OTTAWA HALIFAX Trustee Executor Administrator Guardian Liquidator, Assignee, Receiver Transfer Agent and Registrar of Stoclcs Trustee for Bondhoiders Financiai Reai Estate and Insurance Agents Ag^ent for the Investment of Funds on Usual Agency Terms, or with Guarantee of Company Management of Sinking Funds of Companies and Municipalities Bankers: Union Bank of Canada Merchants Bank of Canada Agents for Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania London Guarantee and Accident Company, Limited New Jersey Fire Insurance Company Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company ALFRED E. PLUMMER. Manager Vaneouver Branch JOHN D. MATHER, Insurance Manager 456 Seymour Street Plione Seymour 703 Special Advertising Department Banks Mortgage Companies Trust Companies Chartered Accountants Page Bank of Hamilton 10 Bank of Montreal 7 Canadian Financiers Trust Co 15 Crehan. Mouat & Co 10 Dow Frasor Trust Co 14 Great West Permanent Loan Co.... 12 Imperial Bank of Canada 6 Merchants Bank of Canada 8 Montreal Trust Company 14 Prudential Trust Co.. Ltd 4 Royal Bank of Canada 9 Toronto General Trusts Corporation 11 Yorkshire & Canadian Trust, Ltd... 13 ' SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED 1875 Bank Imperial Of Canada Capital Authorized - - $10,000,000 Capital Paid Up - - . - 7,000,000 Reserve Fund - - - - 7,500,000 Total Assets (April 30, 1919) - 112,186,457 DIRECTORS PELEG HOVVLAND - President ELIAS ROGERS - Vice-President Wm. Ramsay ofBowland, Stow, Scotland E. Hay Wm. Hamilton Merritt, M.D. St. Catharines Sir William Gage Sir James Aikins, Winnipeg John Northway J. F. Michie J. W. Woods Head Office - - Toronto W. Moffat, General Manager A. E. Phipps, Superintendent ofBranches G. D. Boulton, ChiefInspector W. G. More, Secretary BRANCHES IN QUEBEC—Montreal, Quebec, St.JoviteStation. BRANCHES IN MANITOBA-Brandon, Gimli, Portage la Prairie, Riverton, Winnipeg: (2). BRANCHES IN SASKATCHEWAN — Balgonie. Broadview, Canwood, Dafoe, Denholm. Edenwold, Fielding'. Ft.Qu'Appelle, Hague, Hepburn, Krydor, Laird, McLean, Moose Jaw. North Battleford. Piapit, Prince Albert, Regina, Rosthern, Ruddell, Saskatoon, Springwaler, Waldheim, VVilkie, V\ynyard. BRANCHES IN ALBERTA—Athabasca. Banff, Bear Lake. Calgary f2), Colington, Cros.-field. Daysland, Edmonton (2). Edson, Ferintosh, Grande Prairie. Greencouit, Millet, New Norway, Peace River, RedclifF, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, Rochfort, Sangudo, Spirit River, Strathcona, Sylvan Lake. Waterhole, Wetaskiwin, Whilecourt. BRANCHES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA—Chase, Cranbrook, Fernie. Field. Golden, Inveimere, Kamloops, Kimberley, Michel, Natal, Nelson, Revelstoke, Vancouver(3), Victoria. BRANCHES IN ONTARIO—Amherstburg, Aurora, Belwood, Bolton, Brantford. CaUdon East, Cobalt, Cochrane. Cottam, Essex, Fergus, Fort Wilh'am (2), Fonthill, Gait, Glenmorris. Grand Valley, Hamilton Harrow, Humberstone, Ingersoll, Jordan, Kenora, Kiikland Lake, Listowel, London, Matheson, Nashville, New Liskeard, Newmarket. Niagara Falls (3), Niagara-on-lhe- Lake, Nobleton, North Bay. Ottawa, Palgrave, Port Arthur, Port Colborne, Port Robinson, Preston. Queenston. Richards Landing, Ridgeway, St. Catharines (3), St. Davids, St. Thomas(2). .Sault Ste. Marie(3). Smooth Rock Falls, South Porcupine. Soulh Woodslee, Sparta, Thessalon, Thorold, Timmins, Toronto (20), Vineland. Waldemar, Welland (2), Windsor, Woodstock. AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS Great Britain—Lloyd's Bank, Limited,andtheCommercial Bank of Scotland, Limited,and Branches, Francwiet—hwCrheodimtmLoynoenynamiasybedepositedfortransferbyletterorcabletoanypartofCanada, UniteBdankS.tatSte.s—PaNule:wFYiorsrtkN:atBiaonnakloBfatnhke.MaCnhhicaatgtoa:nFCior.stNaMtiinonneaalpolBiasn:k,FirCsotranndExScehcuarnigtey NNaattiioonnaall ChinaBNaatnaikno.ndalJBuaBfapfnaaklno.:—BSHaaonnnkgFroaKfnocBniusfgcfaoal:no.dWeSlDhleastnrgFoihatar:igoFBiarNsnetkviaannddgaOCNolardtpiDooerntaartloiiotBnaNnaktional Bank. Duluth: Fiist ASuasntdrawliicah, NIselwandZse—alYaonkdo,haTmaasSmpeacnieiaBa—nUkn,ioBnanBkanokf HoafwAauisit,raLliiam,itBedank of New South Wales SInoduitah—ANaftriiocnaal—BSatannkdaorfdInBdaina,kLoifmi-tSeoudth Africa, Limited Savings Department Interest credited half yearly on the lastdays ofApril and October MunicipalandotherDebenturespurchased. SterlingExchangeboughtandsold. Draftsand Letters ofCredit Issued,available in all parts of the World. Careful attention to Current accounts and efficient service in the making ofcollections are assured to Merchants and Manufacturers. A General Banking Business Transacted VANCOUVER offices: MAINOFFICE - - - Canada Life Building, 640 Hastings St. West HASTINGS and ABBOTT SJ.T.M.BLRayA,NMCaHnager- - 84 Hastings St. West FAiRVIEW BRANCH F. B. Thomson, Manager - - - 2013 Granville St. near Fourtii Ave. J. Sydney Gibb, Manager BANKS, MORTGAGE CO.'S. TRI^ST CO.'S ESTABI^ISHED 1817 ZNCOBFOBATED BV ACT OF FABIiIAMENT Bank Montreal of -.-..- Capital Paid Up - - - - - $ 1^,000,000 Rest - 16.000,000 Undivided Profits . . . . - 1,901,613 Deposits by the Public - - - - 469,727,811 Total Assets (Ort. 31, 1918) - - - 558,413,546 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL - Board of Directors: Silt VINCENT MEREDITH, Bart., Pre.sident SIK CH.\R! ES B. GORDON, G.B.E., Aice-President R. B. Angus Lord Shaugrhnessy, K.C.V.O. H. W. Beauclerk Huntley R. I>rumniond James H. .\shdo\vn William MeMaster George B. Fra^fr Ch.arles R. Hosmer D. Forbes Angus Col. Henry Oock^hutt Hirold Kenned.v Major Herbert Molsoii, M.C. New Wtstminster SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEI'ARTMBNT The Merchants Bank Canada Established of Established 1864 1864 Capital Paid Up - . . $ 7,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits over 7,768,237 Total Assets over 166,725,404 Head office Montreal I SIK H. MONTAGU ALLAN, C.V.O., President K. W. BLACKWELL, Esq., Vice-President E. F. HEBDEN, Managing Director D. C. MACAROW, General Manager The Bank has over 300 Branches and Agencies distributed throughout Canada, froin the Atlantic to the Pacific Savings Bank Departnnent interest at Highest Current Kates per annum allowed on Savings Bank Deposits of $1.00 and upwards. Interest added to principal half-yearly A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN The London Joint City and MidlandBank, Ltd. AGENTS IN SEATTLE Seattle National Bank VANCOUVER offices: Granville Street cor. Pender A. C. Fraser, Manager N. S. MacKenzie, Asst.-Mgr. 1 Hastings Street West W. O. Joy, Manager BANKS. MORTGAGE CO.'S. TRUST CO.S Incorporated 1869 The Bank Royal Canada of Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-Up 14,000,000 Reserve Funds 15,535,000 Deposits, Over 330,000,000 Total Assets, Over 420,000,000 Board of Directors: SIR HERBERT S. HOLT, President EDSON L. PEASE, Vice-President and Managing Director Jas. Redmond Wm. Robertson C. E. Neill R. MacD. Paterson GD..RK..CErlloiwotet AW..JJ..BSrhoewpnp,arKd.C. SGi.rHM.orOtuigmgearnB. Davis CWa.ptH..VVM'cmW.iRlolbiianmsson Hon. W. H.Thome C.S.Wilcox Charles C. Blackadar A. McTavish Campbell Hugh Paton A. E. Dyment JohnsT. Ross R. Adair Head Office: 147 St. James Street, Montreal C. E. NEILL, General Manager M. W. WILSON, Superintendent of Branches F. J. SHERMAN, Assistant General Manager C. W. FRAZEE, Supervisor of British Columbia Branches 330 360 Branches In Canada, Newfoundland, WestIndies,Central andSouthAmerica LONDON, Eng., Bank Buildings, Princes Street, E.G. NEW YORK, 68 William VLADIVOSTOK, Russia A General Banking Business Transacted Invites the Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals on the most Liberal Terms Consistent with Conservative Banking Pni PPTIONQ Having- 560 Branches throug-houl Canada the West Indies, this UULLI LullURO Bank possesses unrivalled facilities for liandiing Collections with Economy and Despatch Savings Department at All Branches Interest at Highest Current Rates Travellers' Cheques and Letters of Credit Issued on all parts of the World Vancouver Branches: Main Office—400 Hastings Street cor. Homer Street T. P.Feacock,Manager East End—l-or. Hastings StreetEast and Main G.Jardine, Manager Robson Street—798 GranvilleStreet H.C. Seaman, Manager Bridge Street—499 Broadway West cor.Cambie StreetSouth A.G. Putnam,Manager Cordova Street—1 Cordova Street West R.Christie, Manager Fairview—2247 Granville Street cor. Seventh Avenue H.C. Hopgood, Managtr GHDiralvalincedrevSsitter—we3—e29t18—051M01a9Ci3onmGmrSaetnrrvecieiltallecoDrSr.tir1ve7e«tthAvenue J. F.JMF...WB.PoisnLwkooghraatnmh,,,MMMaaannnaaagggeeerrr KMiotusnitlanPol—e2a0s16anYte—w23S4t9reMeatinStreet cor.8th Avenue li.JD..VMa.ndMeorrwraitseorn,,MMaannaaggeerr North Vancouver W.Dickinson, Manager MPoarrtpoMloeody ...GH..PL..TEhroasmeer,,MMaannaaggeerr 10 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEPARTMIONT Bank Hamilton of HEAD office; HAMILTON, ONT. PCaaipditaUlpAuCtahp-oitrailz-e-d --.- --.- ------.- $35,,000000,,000000 Reserve and Undivided Profits - 3,585,114 Deposits 64,377,OSS Total Assets 77,404.120 Board of Directors: SIR JOHN HBNDRIE, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., President CYRUS A. BIRGE. Vice-President C. C. DWa.ltAo.n Wood W.J.E.TuPrhnibnull Isaac PitblaRdoob,erKt.C.Hobson J. P. BELL, General Manager F. E. KIT^VBRT, Western Superintendent BRANCHES QUEBEC-Montreal. : ONTARIO—Ancaster, Atwood, Beamsville, Rlyth, Biantford, Biantfovd (East End), Burling- ton, Caledonia, Chesley, Delhi, Dundalk, Dundas, Diinnville, Ethel, Foidwich, Fort William, George- town, Gorrie, Grimsby, Hagersville, Hamilton: Barton St., Deering, East End, North End, West End; Jarvis, Kitchener, Listowel, Lucknow, Midlar.d, Milton, Milverton, Mitchell, Moorefield, Neustadt, New- Hamburg, Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls South, Oakville, Orangeville, Owen Sound, Palmei-.ston, Paris, Port Arthur, Port Colborne, Port Elgin, Port Rowan, Princeton, Selkirk, Simcoe, Southampton, Tees- water, Toronto: College and Ossington, Queen and Spadina, Yonge and Gould; West Toronto, Wing- ham aMnAdNWIroTxeOteBr.A—Bradwardino, Brandon, Cartx^rry, Carman. Dumrea. Elm Creek. Foxwarren, Glad- stone, Gretna, Haniiota, Kenton, Killarney, Manitou, Miami, Minnedosa, Morden, Pilot Mound, Plum Coulee, Roland, SnowHake, Stonewall, Swan Lake, Treherne, Winkler, Winnipeg: Norwood, Princess StreetS,APoSrKtaAgeTaCnHdEGaWiTAy.N— Aberdeen. Abernethy, Battleford, Brownlee. Carievalo, Caron, Hundurii, Estevan, Francis, Loreburn, Mawor. Melfort. Mt'ota, Moose Jaw, Mortlaeh. Rcdvers, Regina, Rouleau, SaskatAooin,BEStRonTeAy—BeAarcmha,ndTais,daBlre,antT,uxCfaolrgda,ryW,elCdaornm.angay, Cayley, Champion, Granum, Milo, Nantan, Oyen,BSRtaIvTelIy,SHTabCeOr,^UVHul/cIaBn.IA—Armstrong, Kainloops, Penticton, Port Hammond, Salmon Arm, Van- couver, Vancouver E., N. Vancouver, S. Vancouver (Cedar Cottage P.O.). SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at Every Office of the Bank VANCOUVER BRANCHES VEaasnteoVuavnscrsuMvaeirnBOrfafincceh——301J897HaPsotwienlglsSSttrreeeettcoWre.sVticctoorr.iaHaDmr:iilvteon J. VV.BMcHCayaebse,,MMaannaaggeerr North Vansouver Branch—91 Lonsdale Avenue L.G.Tyler, Manager South Vancouver Branch—3599Commercial Drive F. M.Jones, Manager MAKE POWER OF ATTORNEY TO MATTHEW JOSEPH GREHAN F.C.A. & Mouat Co Crehan, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. ASSIGNEES, LIQUIDATORS, TRUSTEES. Suite 501-4 Board of Trade Building 402 Pender Street W. PHONE SEYMOUR 326

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