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DOCUMENT RESUME AC 012 530 ED 061 511 Henderson, Jim, E. Mann, Joey E_ AUTHOR Catalog of Audiovisual Materials Related to TITLE Rehabilitation. Auburn Univ., Ala. Alabama Rehabilitation Media INSTITUTION Service. PUB DATE Feb 71 NOTE 353p. MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 EDRS PRICE *Annotated Bibliographies; *Audiovisual Aids; Career DESCRIPTORS Education; *Catalogs; Disadvantaged Groups; Films; Filmstrips; Human Services; *Media Selection; *Rehabilitation; Resource Materials; Slides; Sociopsychological Services; Tape Recordings; Transparencies; Vocational Education; Vocational Rehabilitation *ARMS Program IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT An annotated listing of a variety of audiovisual formats on content related to the social-rehabilitation process is provided. The materials in the listing were selected from a collection of over 200 audiovisual catalogs. The major portion of the materials has not been screened.The materials-are classified alphabetically by the following subject areas: Adjustment (lob readiness), Adjustment (personal-Social), Adjustment (Work) Adolescence, -Aged and Aging, Alcoholism, -Amputations, Architectural Barriers, Arthritis, Cancer, -Career information, Cerebral Palsy, .counseling, Delinquency, Dental Health, Diabetes, Disadvantaged, Drug Addiction, Employment-Placement of_the Handicapped, Epilessy, Family Relations, Grooming and _Hygiene, Hearing -Defects,- Heart'Defects, Homemaking, _Marriage, Mental.-.Healthe Mental Illiness, Mental Retardation, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord injuries or Defects -- Quadi-PoliomYelitis PrOsthetic Devices,-Psydhology,- Para ---Hemi General, PsyChology--. Learning, .Psychplogy.-- Personality, Psychology Rehabilitation - Facilities - Testing, Public Offender, Recreation, and Programs, Rehabilitation, (Services), Respiratory Disorders,- Group),, Therapy (Oacupational) Speech Defects, Stroke, Therapy Therapy (Physical), Therapy (Psychosocial),.Veneral. Diseases, (Group), Therapy (Occupational), Therapy .(Physical), Thekapy (Psychoso6ial), Veneral DiSeases,-Vocational Evaluation-r- and Vocational-Training. (DB)- a Ca ,561.11 LIU ICO 1Paill = lest ACC sogC slit =0' LU C.2 Nisi: 12C 190 03 I I a 2 6 z 100-1 w 7 CC '4 4iIZ euI0OTO IX IUL 1.1 I IL IL) w 17: L Ur I CIO 0 NI - Z > > WI ILA- &)L°ZLZ z la 0 cr 0 C"-c3"3z ILL az1 o L.0 0 0 II ILJLOO a.u-n<zz < C.) 2 I(.7 LJ X 2 2 EC ILO , CA J1 Z .7. L/.0 101 1,6 w 1:1- 7 cJuJ er Ih rl- Eli CATALOG OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS RELATED TO REHABILITATION Edited by: Joe Mann and Jim Henderson Prepared by: Materials and Information Center Alabama Rehabilitation Media Service -Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36830 The Alabama Rehabilitation Media Service (ARMS) program is a combined effort of the Alabama State Vocational Rehabilitation program and the School of Education, Auburn University. The fundamental objective of this program is to facilitate and improve rehabilitation services in the State of Alabama through the development and implementation of innovative approaches in training vocational rehabilitation personnel and in working with rehabilitation clients. The Materials and Information Center is a component of the ARMS pro- The fundamental objective of this program is to provide information gram. on the source, content, and cost of rehabilitation media, either printed or in audiovisual format, to any individual or program in the State of Alabama working in the field of rehabilitation. Material js d stributed on the basis of printing and mailing costs. There are currently several centers or programs providing print material or information on print material related to the social and there are, however, only a few sources providing rehabilitation serviceS audiovisual material$ or information on audiovisual materials related to social and rdhabilitation work. It is -an attempt to provide in one This publication is a beginning. edition a listing of a variety of audiovisual formats on content related As a beginning this publication to the social-rehabilitation process. Nor is the listing has no claim to being exhaustive or all encompassing. of any of these materials indicative of.an endorsement by the editors of The materials- listed here have been selected from a col- this catalog. Although a small fraction of lection of over 200 audiovisual catalogs. these materials have been previewed and evaluated, by far the majority If you preview or review some of of materials have not been screened. the materials listed in the Catalog and find them inappropriate for social and rehabilitation use, please let us ktow so that- we can modify You may already have used related audiovisual material future editions. not listed in the Catalog - by all means let us know about these so- that (please use the we can appropriately share these materialS with-Others evaluation forms attached -in the back of thiS Catalog). If you are: interested in audiovisual materials in spec alized areas, the following catalogs may be of help: Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke" "Selected Films The National Medical Audiovisual Center- Atlanta, Georgia_ 30333 "Catalog of Audiovisual Aids for Counselor _Training in Mental- Retardation:and. Emotional Disab-lity"- -The. Devereux Foundation- 19533 Devon, Pennsylvania IAental Retardation, Film List" DiVision of Mental-Retardation.. Rehabilitation.- ServicesAdMinistration Social and..Rehabilitation SerVices --Dept. of:Health) Education and-Welfare --WaShingtem,-0. C. Videotapes have not been included in this Catalog. For more inf tion on videotapes in medical rehabilitation you may be interested in requesting a copy of: "Videotapes Available for Duplication" National Medical Audiovisual Center Atlanta, Georgia 30333 The responsibility for soliciting information, compiling, organizing, and editing the materials listed in this volume was a cooperative effort of the Materials and Information Center staff. The principal investigator for this project was Joe Mann, a Materials Specialist at the Center and a doctoral student in Rehabilitation Counselor Eduation at Auburn University. Jim Henderson, a part -time employee at the Center and an undergraduate student in Philosophy contributed innumerable hours of search, identifica- tion, and organization of materials. Other members of the Materials and Information Center who contributed to the development of this. Catalog include: Gary Authur, an Acquisition Specialist and a doctoral candidate in Counselor Education; Liz Koch, a Materials Specialist at the Center, and a master's degree student in Library and Media at Auburn University; John Burgess, a graduate student and-part time employee; Kent King, -a doctoral student and part time employee-; and Edith Norton, the Audiovisual Librarian for the Center.._ The cover was designed by John Massey, the staff artist. Secretarial and typing services were performed by Eliza Herndon. and Jane- .0wens. Without .the dedicated effort of all these individuals, this publication woUld not-have been real- ized. A .special nate of thanks is extended to the Regional Special Edupation. -_Instrdctional-Materials Centers- (SEIMC) for sharing _their fund of information. Unfortunatelrl-because of the-sheer volume of this information and.the need to Meet a completion deadline, hat all of thia material-eould be reviewed for inclusion. Hopefully, a future editi n will focus on Special Education and Rehabilitation. Ray Sankovsky, Coordinator INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS CATALOG The materials in this Catalog are classified alphabetically by subject Please refer to the Table of Contents for an enumeration of these area. The subject headings used in this Catalog were arbitrarily subject areas. selected on the basis of content or theme, and the headings in no way re- flect a comprehensive treatment of the social-rehabilitation process or The material was subjectively assigned to headings, and is based system. solely on the judgment of the editors. All materials are listed in the following standard form: listed in capital letters. The title of the material J.-- The format indicates the technical qualities and specifications for film, tape recording, transparency, color, the materials, such as: speed and date of production. sound, running time The following format and coding has been standardized throughout the Catalog: _al for Motion Pictures Fo Black & White (B& Silent (Si) Running Time Date Sound Produced Sd Gau e n Minutes Motign Picture Color (C) Sd (Year) 16 -B&W 8mm Si C. B W'or C Super 8mm 16mm: Sd, C, 15 min, 1967 example: Format for F continuous 1 o Cartrid- Silent (Si) Running Time Black & White (B&W Date Gau e id Film-Car Colo- in Mintues Sound (Sd), -C IProduced C B&W (Year) 8mm Si FC Sd Super 8mm. B&W or C C- 1Omin, 1971 Super 8mm, Sd example: Formit for Trans a encies TraaffLarsaa_111_1Number in Unit Date Produced i4) (Year) T: 21, 1971 ex -ple: Recordin s Format Running Time Cassette Date Speed- Reel nches P in Minu es _cond e Recordin IPS T Min Reel 1 7/8 TR (Year Cassette 3 3/4, 7 1/2 4, 20 min, 1970 Reel, example: TR: Format for Reco-ded Visua Audio Visual Tape Recording (TR) Slide (S) Running Ti e Date Filmstr RV Record (R) in Minutes Rec -ded V- sual TR Min RV (Year) FS TR, FS, 20 mlii, 1970 example: RV: Abbreviations used.in the format are as ollows:. 3 black and whIte B&W color oops) film cartridge FC film strip FS Min minutes disc recording (33 1/3 1PM unless no ed) recorded visual RV slides Sd sound silent Si transparency TR tape recording Each unit of material prov des a brief description of the content. for sale or The source of the material has been listed as either S Some material has multiple preview, or D for free loan or rental. A three digit number following listings for free loan or rental. A list translating the S or the D is the coding for the source. located at the these codes to the corresponding source addresses is It should be noted that the sources listed end of this Catalog. available for these materials. are not necessarily the only sources The information on these materials has been drawn from IMPORTANT: Policies for rental, loan, purchase, or preview a variety of sources. frequently differ from one source to another, and:are consequently not The majority of .S sources provide a free preview listed for each source. prior to purchase, however, some sources may send you Material upon re- In .order to protect quest and bill you shortly thereafter for rental. specific material, that your best interest, we suggest before you request for a catalog of their material, and .clarify their you write to the source purchase, loan or rental, or preview policies-for this material. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 0 if Adjustment (Job readiness) 09000000.990000 O 1 Adjustment (Personal-Social)...... ....... OOOOOOOOO 000900 OOOO 8 Ad tment (Work). 0 S 0000 0 O 0000 0 00000 0 *0 00000. OOO 999 O 12 AdOleseenCe000000090#09 OOO 90000000*W OOOOO 410000000.0000050 13 0006000009009900000000000100990090 Aged and Aging. 25 Alcoholism... 0 OOO #00009990900000900 32 Amputations.... 6000#6,090009 00#000009990#009 OOOOO 3 69909000.00900000001#41000800090#000#0, Architectural Barriers.. 43 gegi00004 O 0000.00000#009090000000000009499900000 Arthritis.. 45 Cancer 000009940909009000#004 06999 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... 48 40 OO 490.0000000000 OOOO 000004000809 Career Information O 56 Cerebral Palsy 76 Counseling... OOOOO OOO 000 O OOOO AS OOOOOOOOOOOO O 80 Delinquency... OOOOOO A000 O ....... ....... OOO I 4 OO 89 00000000000 Dental Health 11000009. 95 OOOOOOOOOOOOO ... OOOOOOOOOOO .... O .. 102 Disadvantaged 104 Drug Addiction...00000000000000 Employment - Placement of tht Handicapped a... OOO O a a., s Epilepsy... 125 OO OO O Family Relations O

_hrough microsimulation methodology. Intended for use 3 3/4, 20 miu. 1953. Changing attitudes amd procedures in penology and criminology.
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