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Hemolytic Anemia in children - USU OCW PDF

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HHeemmoollyyttiicc AAnneemmiiaa iinn cchhiillddrreenn Hematology-Oncology Division CChhiilldd HHeeaalltthh DDeeppaarrtteemmeenntt Sumatera Utara University Hemolytic anemia PPrreemmaattuurree ddeessttrruuccttiioonn ooff eerryytthhrrooccyyttee oorr rreedd bblloooodd (cid:132) cells (RBC) Anemia: rate of destruction exceeds the capacity of (cid:132) the marrow to produce RBC RBC survival is shortened, RBC count (cid:132) ffaallllss,eerryytthhrrooppooeettiinn iiss iinnccrreeaasseedd Classification 11..CCeelllluullaarr:: TThheerree aarree ffoouurr mmaaiinn (cid:132) types of Inherited - Intrinsic Hemolytic anemia: abnormalities of the membrane 1.Hemoglobinopathies - Enzymes 2.Thalassemia - Hemoglobin 3.Enzyme defects Virtually: Inherited 4.Membrane defects 22..EExxttrraacceelllluullaarr AAccqqiiuurreedd hheemmoollyyttiicc (cid:132) anemia - antibodies Immune: - mechanical factors Direct complement - plasma factors - mediated Virtuallyy : Acqquired Autoimmune HA (cid:198) - Warm ab(cid:198) IgG CCoolldd aabb(cid:198)(cid:198) IIggMM ….Classification 2.Non-Immune : 66..OOxxyyddaattiivvee ddrruuggss oorr chemical 1.Mechanical trauma: 7.Severe burns HHUUSS, TTTTPP,DDIICC 8.Venom 2.Thermal injury 9.Infection: 3.Acanthocyytosis Malaria,babesiasis, 4.Severe hypophosphatemia bartonellosis,Trypanos 55.WWiillssoonn’ss ddiisseeaassee, oommiiaassiiss, ggrraamm Copper poisoning negative/positive Table 3. Some common druggs and chemicals that can induce hemolytic anemia Acetanilide Niridazole Doxorubicin Nitrofurantoin Furazolidone Phenazopyridine Methylene blue Primaquine Nalidixic acid Sulfamethoxazole N Eng J Med 1991; 324;171 Mayor catagory 11..IImmmmuunnee mmeeddiiaatteedd ((aallllooiimmmmuunnee oorr (cid:132) autoimmune) 2.Membrane defects ((sppherocyytosis,, (cid:132) elliptocytosis) 3.Enzym defects ( G6PD deficiency , (cid:132) pyruvate kinase deficiency) 4.Hemoglobin defects ( sickle cell disease, (cid:132) tthhallassemiia )) Approach to diagnosis 11. CClliinniiccaall ffeeaattuurreess ssuuggggeessttiinngg hheemmoollyyttiicc (cid:132)(cid:132) disease 22. LLaabboorraattoorryy (cid:132)(cid:132) 3. Special hematologic investigation (cid:132) Clinical features suggest a hemolytic process 11. EEtthhnniicc ffaaccttoorrss (cid:132)(cid:132) 2. Age factors (cid:132) 33. HHiissttoorryy ooff aanneemmiiaa,jjaauunnddiiccee.ggaallllssttoonneess iinn (cid:132) family 44. PPersiisttentt or recurrentt anemiia associiattedd (cid:132) reticulocytosis 55. AAnemiia unresponsiive tto hhemattiiniics (cid:132) 66. IInntteerrmmiitteenntt oorr ppeerrssiisstteenntt iinnddiirreecctt (cid:132)(cid:132) hyperbilirubinemia 77. SSpplleennoommeeggaallyy (cid:132)(cid:132) 8. Hemoglobinuria (cid:132) 99. MMullttiiplle gallllsttones (cid:132) 10. Chronic leg ulcers (cid:132) 11. Exposure to certain drugs (cid:132)

Classification. ▫ 1.Cellular: There are four main. 1.Cellular: - Intrinsic abnormalities of the. There are four main types of Inherited. Hemolytic anemia: membrane.
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