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Hemiptera of lraq. ll. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae PDF

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Preview Hemiptera of lraq. ll. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae

© Entomologica Fennica. 29.III.1993 Hemiptera of Iraq. II. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae Rauno E. Linnavuori Linnavuori, R. E. 1993: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. Cydnidae, Thaumastellidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrho coridae. - Entomol. Fennica 4:37-56. The article contains a list of the known records of the Cydnidae, Thaumastel lidae, Pentatomidae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Pyrrhocoridae of Iraq and Kuwait. Notes on the biology and distributional data are also included. New synonymy: Aethus sahlbergi (Reuter) = A. hispidulus (Klug). Lectotype is designated for Aethus sahlbergi (Reuter). Rauno E. Linnavuori, Somersoja, SF-21220 Raisio 22, Finland Surprisingly few records have hitherto been pub Canthophorus melanopterus (Herrich-Schliffer, lished on the Hemipteran fauna of Iraq and Ku 1835) wait. The present paper is primarily based on my Material: Ana, I ex, 25.VI.l966; Rawa, 3 exx, own field work in 1979-1981, when I was 24.VI.l966, in AG. working in the Ministry of Agriculture, Abu Distribution: Holomediterranean. Ghraib, in Iraq. The collection of this institute was also revised. The new species detected were Exosehirus validus (Jakovlev, 1877) published by me separately in 1984. N Iraq (Hoberlandt 1961:200). Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Cydnidae Exosehirus sargon Linnavuori, 1984 Exosehirus sargon Linnavuori 1984:2. Sehirinae Material: Irbil, near Salahuddin, male holotype, 13- 14.VI.l980, Linnavuori, in coli. Linnavuori. Sehirus robustus Horvath, 1895 Distribution: Endemic. Material: Duhok, 1 ex, 12.VIII.l972, Al-Qadi, in AG (=the Plant Protection Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Crocistethus waltlianus (Fieber, 1836) Abu Ghraib, Baghdad). Distribution: Anatolian, known from Turkey Material: Kuysunjag-Irbil, I ex, 12.IV.I980, Linnavuori. and Caucasia. Distribution: Holomediterranean. 38 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Ochetostethus opacus (Scholtz, 1847) Aethus rugosus (Jakovlev, 1874) Material: near Darbandikhan, I ex, 13.V.l980; Shaykh Material: Abu Ghraib, 5 exx, 29.V.l965, 6.VI.l966, Addi, I ex, II.V.l981, Linnavuori. 22.VI.l967, in AG; near Safwan, 2 exx, 25.VI.l980, A revision of the genus in Kerzhner 1976:33- Linnavuori. 43. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Distribution: Holomediterranean with a wide range in Central and southern parts of North Aethus pilosulus (Klug, 1845) Europe. Material: Many exx from Abu Ghraib, 6.VI.l956, 15.XI.l965, 1-8.1X.l966, in AG; Baghdad, IX.1979, IV Cydninae VII.1980; AI Haditha, 13.VII1.1979; Tharthar lake, 23.VIII.l979, 2.VI.l980, Linnavuori. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Cydnus aterrimus (Forster, 1771) Material: Mosul, many exx, 28.VIII.l980; AI Qosh, I ex, 25.VIII.I980, Linnavuori. Byrsinocoris nigroscutellatus Montandon, 1900 Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Material: Arabia: Oman Desert, 1 ex, in coli. Linna into Central Europe and the Oriental Region. vuori. Distribution: Eremian; previously known from Amaurocoris curtus (Brulle, 1838) Algeria. The first record from The Arabian Pe ninsula. Material: Najaf-Shabakah, 2 exx, 23.VI.l981, Linna vuori. Distribution: Eremian. Macroscytus brunneus (Fabricius, 1803) Material: Numerous exx from Abu Ghraib; Darband, Amaurocoris orbicularis Jakovlev, 1885 24.VIII.1970, J. Abdulla; Duhok, 12.VIII.l972, I. Naser; Mosul, 24.VI.1973, in AG; Baghdad, IV-VII.1980; Material: Nukhayb, 5 exx, 2.V.I980; Nukhayb-km Sarsang, 26-28.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. 160, I ex, 3.V.l980; Ukhaydir-Nukhayb, I ex, 2.V.I980, Distribution: Widely distributed within the Linnavuori. Holomediterranean subregion and the Oriental Distribution: Eremian. and Ethiopian Regions. Recorded from Iraq (Stichel1962:775). Aethus hispidulus (Klug, 1845) Cydnus hispidulus Klug 1845:43. Geotomus elongatus (Herrich-Schaffer, 1840) Aethus hispidulus Signoret 1881:431. Aethus setosus Walker 1867:39 (Linnavuori 1993:75). Material: Arbil, I ex, 21.1.1968, J. Sultan, in AG. Cydnus sahlbergi Reuter 1900:222, syn. n. Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Types: Iraq, Euphrates, male lectotype of setosus, into Central Europe, the Middle East and designated by Linnavuori, in the British Museum; Greece, Turkestan. Corfu, female syntype of sahlbergi, here designated as the lectotype, U. Sahlberg, in Mus. St. Petersburg. Geotomus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Taxonomy of the species will be treated by me elsewhere (Linnavuori 1993). An examina Material: Numerous exx from Abu Ghraib, 30.V.I953, tion of a syntype of Cydnus sahlbergi Reuter in 5.XI.l965, 15.1X.l966, 8.VII and 28.X.1967, in AG; Ain Mus. St. Petersburg revealed that the species is a al Tamar, 17.VII.1980; Amara, 23-24.X.1979; Samawa, 21.X.1979, Linnavuori. synonym of A. hispidulus. Distribution: Apparently Pontomediterranean, Distribution: The Oriental Region, extending recorded from Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Israel, into Iraq, the eastern parts of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Arabia, and Iraq. the Jordan Valley in Israel. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. 39 Geotomus intrusus Wagner, 1953 Material: Abu Ghraib, 1 ex, 8.IV.1958; S. Rashed; Diwaniya, I ex, ll.IX.l954, S. Alyasiri, in AG. Material: Abu Ghraib, several exx, 30.III.l953, 6.VI.1956, in AG; Baghdad, 3 exx, IV-VIII.l980, Lin Description in Linnavuori 1984:3-4. navuori. Biology: On Chenopodiaceae halophytes in saline habitats. Distribution: Eremian. Distribution: Endemic. Thaumastellidae Odontotarsus robustus Jakovlev, 1883 Material: several exx from Aqra, 12.V.l981; AI Qosh, Thaumastella aradoides Horvath, 1896 IO.V.l981; Sawarah Tuka, 28.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. Biology: Swept from vegetation in hilly Material: Baghdad, 2 exx, IX.l979, Linnavuori; also recorded from Baghdad in Seidenstticker (1964:274). steppes. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Distribution: Eremian. Odontotarsus rufescens Fieber, 1861 Pentatomidae Recorded from Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953: 378). Scutellerinae Distribution: Pontomediterranean. Odontoscelis litura (Fabricius, 1775) Odontotarsus purpureolineatus (Rossi, 1790) Material: AI Qosh, <:J neotypus, <:J paraneotypus, des ignated by Gi:illner-Scheiding, 10.V.l981, Linnavuori, in Material: Aqra, 2 exx, 12.V.l981; AI Qosh, 2 exx, coli. Linnavuori. 10.V.l981; Sawarah Tuka, 1 ex, 28.VIII.l980; Zawita, 1 ex, 26.VII1.1980; Linnavuori; Bismi1, 2 exx, 31.VII.l963, GOllner-Scheiding ( 1986) published a revision Y. Baysed. of the genus Odontoscelis Laporte de Castelnau Biology: On vegetation in hilly steppes of and proved that 0. litura is a valid species and northern Iraq. not a form of 0. fuliginosa as previously as Distribution: Holomediterranean. sumed. Biology: The specimens were found on ground among vegetation in a brook valley at the Odontotarsus impictus Jakovlev, 1886 foot of a hill. Recorded from Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953: Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian. Recorded from 378). Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Cyprus and Turkey. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Odontoscelis dorsalis (Fabricius, 1803) Odontotarsus armiger Kiritshenko, 1914 Material: near Bawa Nur, 1 ex, IO.VI.1980; AI Qosh, Material: AI Hadr, 2 exx, 6-7.V.l981; AI Qosh, 1 ex, I ex, IO.V.1981; As Salman-Shabakah, several exx, 25.VIII.l980; Khan Ruhabah, 1 ex, 6.1V.1981; Shaykh 4.IV.l981; Waqisah, several exx, 10.1V.l981, Linnavuori. Addy, I exx, 11.V.l981, Linnavuori. Biology: On ground among vegetation m Biology: In steppes of northern Iraq. sandy habitats. Distribution: Irano-Turanian. Known from the Distribution: Holomediterranean. Sinai Peninsula, Jordan and Turkestan. Alphocoris halophilus Linnavuori, 1984 Odontotarsus angustatus Jakovlev, 1883 Types: Tharthar Lake, <:J holotype, several paratypes, Material: Darbandikhan, 1 ex, 21.V.l980; Sawarah 20.X.l980; AI Hillah, 1 paratype, 2l.IX.1979; Saw a Lake, Tuka, 1 ex, 28.VIII.1980, Linnavuori; Jamjamal, 1 ex, 2 paratypes, 19.1V.1980, Linnavuori, in coli. Linnavuori. 21.V.I980, R. T. Kasnaw. 40 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Previously recorded from Bishapur (Haber Taxonomy treated in Linnavuori 1986:51-52. landt 1949:2). Biology: In saline habitats on Anabasis Biology: In steppes of northern Iraq. articulata, Suaeda vermiculata and Zygophyllum. Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from Hibernating specimens on Lycium barbarum. Iraq, Iran and Turkestan. Distribution: Eastern parts of the Eremian subregion. Recorded from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Psacasta cypria Puton, 1881 Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, and Central Asia. Material: Qora, 1 ex, 12.VI.l980, Linnavuori. Tshingisella bella Kiritshenko, 1913 Taxonomy treated in Seidenstiicker 1975: 265-266. Material: Bawa Nur, I ex, 10.VI.l980; Shaykh Addy, I ex, 11. V .1981, Linnavuori. Biology: Swept from vegetation in a steppe in northern Iraq. Biology: Swept from vegetation in hilly Distribution: Anatolian, recorded from Cy steppes in northern Iraq. prus, Turkey and Iraq (Seidenstiicker 1975:265- Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from 266). Turkey, Syria and Central Asia. Eurygaster integriceps Puton, 1881 Leprosoma inconspicuum Baerensprung, 1859 Material: near Salahuddin, 1 ex, 12.VI.1980, Linnavuori. Material: Numerous exx from Gali Ali Beg, 13.VI.l980; Shaykh Addy, ll.V.l981; Linnavuori; Abu Biology: Swept from vegetation in a hilly Ghraib, 2.VIII.1954, A. Mahmood; El Abbasiye, steppe in northern Iraq. 29.III.l944, Y. Fethi; Biyara, 19.III.l944, Y. Yousuf; Distribution: Holomediterranean. Dekon, 29.V.l951, A. Meymarian; Sulaymaniyah, ll.V.1951, Abiel, in AG. Biology: In steppes and fields in northern and Ventocoris horvathi (Puton, 1896) central Iraq. Material: AI Qosh, 1 ex, 10.V.1981, Linnavuori. Distribution: Pontomediterranean. Recorded from Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953: 378). Biology: Swept from vegetation in a hilly Podopinae steppe. Distribution: Syria-Anatolian, recorded from Tarisa camelus Reuter, 1901 Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. Material: Sawa Lake, I ex, 2l.X.1979, Linnavuori. Ventocoris obesus (SttU, 1865) Biology: On Anabasis articulata in a saline sandy habitat. Material: Khan Ruhabah, 1 ex, 6.IV.l981; Najaf Distribution: Eremian, recorded from Algeria, Shabakah, 1 ex, 23.VI.l981, Linnavuori. Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Biology: On Zilla spinosa. Distribution: Eremian, known from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Tarisa subspinosa (Germar, 1839) Material: Numerous exx from Ain AI Tamar-Ramadi, Ventocoris achivus (Horvath, 1889) 20.1V.l980; Amara, 23-24.X.l979; Ana, IO.IV.1981; Ana A! Qaim, 5.V.l980; Busayah-As Salman, 2.IV.l981; Hilla, Material: AI Qosh, 2 exx, 25.VIII.1980, Linnavuori. 2l.IX.l979; Kerbala-Ain AI Tamar, 20.X.l979; Khan Taxonomy treated in Josifov 1969:67-72. Ruhabah, 6.1V.1981; Rashidiya, 8.VI.1981; Rawah-Al Biology: Swept from vegetation in a hilly Hadr, 6.V.1981; Nasiriyah-Abu Ghar, 15.1V.1980; Razazah steppe in northern Iraq. Lake, 6.VI.l981; As Salman-Samawa, 6.III.1980; Sawa Lake, 21.X.I979; That1har Lake, 20.VIII.1979, Linnavuori. Distribution: Pontomediterranean. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. 41 Ventocoris modestus (Jakovlev, 1880) Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian, recorded from Turkey, Syria, Iraq (Seidenstiicker 1975:267), Material: Khan Ruhabah, I ex, 24.VI.l981, Linnavuori. and Iran. Biology: From vegetation in a sandy habitat. Distribution: Eremian. Pentatominae Ancyrosoma leucogrammes (Gmelin, 1789) Mecidea pallidissima Jensen-Haarup, 1922 Material: many exx from Darbandikhan, 13.V.I980; Dukan, 12. VI.I980; Penjwin, II. VI.I980; AI Qosh, Material: Baghdad, I ex, VI-VII.I980; Nukhaib, I ex, IO.V.l981; Rashidiyah, 8.VI.1981; Salahuddin, 13- 2.V.I980, Linnavuori. 14.VI.I980; Sawarah Tuka, 28.VIII.1980; Zawita, Biology: On grasses in sandy habitats. 26.VIII.I980; Sinjar, 7.V.I980; Sulaf, 27.VIII.1980, Distribution: Eremian, distributed from West Linnavuori; Abu Ghraib, 29.III.l955, I. Kheiri; Khanken, Africa to India. 3.IV.l958, collector unknown; Khorsabad, 10.VI.l944, A. Meymarian, in AG. Biology: Common on vegetation in steppes Mecidea lindbergi Wagner, 1954 and gardens. · Material: Sinoni N of Sinjar, I ex, 8-9.VI.l981; Distribution: Holomediterranean; recorded Waqisah, I ex, 5.IV.l980, Linnavuori. from Iraq (Stichel1961:740). Biology: On grasses in sandy habitats. Distribution: Eremian, distributed from the Tholagmus enkidu Linnavuori, 1984 Cape Verde Islands to Iran. Recorded from Iraq by Stichel (1961:742). Material: Mosul, d' holotype and 1 9 paratype, 26.VII.l967, J. Alani; AI Qosh, I paratype, IO.VI.1981; Shayk Addi, I paratype, ll.V.I981, Linnavuori, in coli. Mustha spinulosa (Lefebvre, 1831) Linnavuori. Material: Dukan, 1 ex, 12.VI.1980; Salahuddin, I ex, Revision of the genus Tholagmus St~U in 13-14.VI.1980; Sarsang, I ex, 26-28.VIII.1980; Sulaf, I Linnavuori 1984:4-7. ex, 27.VIII.I980, Linnavuori; Amadiah, I ex, 25.VII.l959, collector unknown; North Iraq, 2 exx, 23.VI.l965 and Biology: In hilly steppes in NE Iraq. Shaqlawa, ll.VI.1940, A. Meymarian in AG. Distribution: Endemic. Biology: On deciduous trees and shrubs such as Quercus in forests of NE Iraq. Graphosoma semipunctatum (Fabricius, 1775) Distribution: Pontomediterranean; recorded from Iraq in Stichel1961:743. Material: Amadia, 3 exx, 2l.VI.1968, Salih, in AG. Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Apodiphus amygdali (Germar, 1817) into Central Europe, Central Asia and Afghani stan. Material: Many exx from Baghdad, 23.IX.1979, V VI.I981; Sulaf, 27.VII.l980; Zawita, 26.VIII.l980, Linnavuori; Aqrah, 24.VII.l968, J. Abdulla; Baghdad, 22.VIII.l965, l.VIII.l969, A. Isa, M. Younis; Bakrajo, Graphosoma lineatum italicum (Muller, 1766) 4.VII.I972, A. Droity; Deken, 6.VIII.l951, A. Meymarian; Material: Sulaf, several exx, 27.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. Dora, 12.VII.l972, R. Alkhadil; Jadriye, 13.V.l944, M. Mubarek; Mosul, 13.II.l968; J. Abdulla; Shaqlawa, Biology: On Umbelliferae in a hilly steppe. 15.VIII.l946, R. Hafidh; Tilgara, Arbil, 18.VI.l943, A. Distribution: Holomediterranean with a wide Meymarian; Zakho, 4.X.l961, collector unknown, in AG. range into Central Europe and Central Asia. Hinaidi near Baghdad (China 1938:428). Biology: On deciduous trees and bushes in gardens and forests. In Iraq found on apple, apri Graphosoma stali Horvath, 1881 cot, mulberry, and plum. Material: Cony-Masy, I ex, 26.VI.I975, Irwad; Duhok, Distribution: Pontomediterranean; recorded 3 exx, 26.V.l965, collector unknown, in AG. from Iraq in Stichel1961:743. 42 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Fig. 1. Phricodus bessaci Villiers (macropterous male from Zubar). a: dorsal view; b: antenna; c--e: genital segment in dorsal, ventral and lateral view (st =style). Phricodus bessaci Villiers, 1959 Biology: On Labiatae, such as Thymus, in dry Fig. 1 habitats. Distribution: Holomediterranean, extending Material: Zubar, I ex, 14.IV.l980, Linnavuori. as far as Iran and Turkestan in the East. Biology: In Saudi Arabia found on Helio tropium pterocarpum. Distribution: Erernian, previously known from Sciocoris safavii Hoberlandt, 1959 Senegal, Mauretania and Saudi Arabia (Linna vuori 1986:55). Mosul (Wagner 1965:128). Distribution: Iranian, originally described from Iran. Sciocoris ochraceus Fieber, 1861 Material: Abu Ghraib, I ex (det. Remane), l7.VI.l958, S. Rashed, in AG. Sciocoris capitatus Jakovlev, 1881 Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian. Material: Kuysanjag-lrbil, 2 exx, 12.VI.l980; Qora, I ex, l6.XI.l979, Linnavuori. Sciocoris helferi Fieber, 1852 Biology: On Labiatae in hilly steppes. Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from Material: Darbandikhan, 3 exx, 13.V.l980; Dukan, lex, l2.VI.l980; Khan Ruhabah, I ex, 24.VI.l981, Linnavuori. Iran and Turkestan. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. 43 Sciocoris sahlbergi Wagner, 1952 Aelia satunini Kiritshenko, 1929 Fig. 2a-c Material: Karbala-Ain AI Tamar, 3 exx, 20.IV.l980; As Salman-Takhadid, 2 exx, 17.IV.I980, Linnavuori. Material: USSR, Aralych, Prov. Erivan, I(] paratype, Biology: On Labiatae in desert habitats. II.V.I911, K. Satunin, in Mus. St. Petersburg. Distribution: Erernian, known from Egypt, Diagnosis: Distinguished from the related the Sudan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. species by the immaculate legs (under surfaces of femora of the related species ornamented with a pair of dark subapical spots). Dyroderes umbraculatus (Fabricius, 1775) Description: Resembling A. turanica but smaller, length 7.5 mm (in turanica 8.0-9.5 mm). Material: Sulaf, I ex, 27.VIII.l980, Linnavuori. Legs immaculate. - Small, body somewhat Biology: On vegetation in dry hilly steppes. broader and more convex than in the related Distribution: Holomediterranean, easternmost species. Head as broad as long, 0.6 x as broad as records from Turkey and Israel. basal width of pronotum, strongly sloping ventrad; ocular index 5.6. Under surface of head in lateral view with a shallow insinuation between Aelia Fabricius, 1803 the bluntly prominent apex of gena and buccula, the latter broadening caudad. Proportions between Taxonomy of the genus has been treated by antenna! joints 9:12:14:21:26 (diatone 53, basal China & Lodos 1960 and Brown 1962. width of pronotum 90 units). Pronotum twice as broad as long in middle, puncturing a little sparser than in turanica. Scutellum 1.17 x as long as Aelia acuminata (Linnaeus, 1758) broad, somewhat broader than in the related Material: Darbandikhan, I ex, 13.V.I980; AI Hadr, I species. Vein along claval suture on corium not ex, 6-7.V.I981; Rashidi yah, 3 exx, 8.VI.I981, Linnavuori; elevated, less distinctly marked than in turanica. Abu Ghraib, numerous exx, 8.IV.1958, 9.VII.I958, S. - Male genitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 2c) as in A. Rashed, H. Abid, in AG. turanica but ventral margin in ventral view a Biology: On grasses in steppes and fields. little more strongly insinuated. Distribution: Euro-Siberian. Distribution: Apparently Caspian. Also re corded from Turkey and Iraq (Shaqlawa, Rober landt 1953:378). Aelia glebana Ferrari, 1874 Material: Korasinnik, 2 exx, 6.VI.I944, A. Meymarian; Sinjar, 4 exx, 28.VI.I954, D. Ahmed, in AG. Aelia syriaca Horvath, 1903 Distribution: Holomediterranean with a wide Recorded from Amadiya, Korasinnik, Mosul, range into Central Europe and Iran. Recorded Sinjar, and Tel Kaif (Brown 1962: 140). from Iraq in China & Lodos 1960:588. Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian, also known from Syria and Turkey. Aelia turanica Horvath, 1895 Material: Salahuddin, I ex, 13-14.VI.I980; Sawarah Aelia albovittata Fieber, 1868 Tuka, 4 exx, 28.VIII.I980, Linnavuori. Pygofer in Fig. 2d. Material: Kani Massi, I ex, 28.VI.I975, Rustam, in AG; Sarsang, I ex, 26-28.VII1.1980, Linnavuori. Biology: On grasses in hilly steppes. Distribution: Irano-Turanian, recorded from Biology: On grasses in a hilly steppe. Turkey, Iraq, Turkmenia, and Turkestan (Stichel Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian, recorded from 1961:748). Syria and Turkey. 44 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Fig. 2. Aelia satunini Kiritshenko. a-b: male head in dorsal and in lateral view; c: pygofer, caudal view.- A. turanica Horvath (ex from Sawara Tuka). d: pygofer, caudal view.- Holcostethus vernalis (Wolff) (ex from Raisio, Fin land). e: style; f: pygofer, ventral view. - H. strictus (Fabricius). g: pygofer, ventral view; h-i: style (exx from Rashidiya and Qora).- H. congenitus Puchkov (ex from Sinoni). j: paratergites; k-1: pygofer in ventral and in caudolateral view; m: style. Aeliomotpha sheanensis Linnavuori, 1965 Eysarcoris ventralis (Westwood, 1837) Material: Samawah, 5 exx, 21.X.l979, Linnavuori. Material: Numerous exx from Aqrah, 29.VIII.I980; Baghdad, VI-VII.I980; Halabja, II. VI.l980; AI Kabaish, Biology: On Cyperaceae in a moist place in a 27-28.Vl.l980; Karbala-Ain AI Tamar, 20.X.I979; Mosul, garden. 28. VIII.l980; Muhammadi, 8.X.l979; Penjwin, Distribution: Previously known only from II.VI.l980; Rashidiyah, 8.VI.l981; Sinjar, 14.XI.1979; Israel. Tharthar Lake, 25.VIII.l979, Linnavuori; Ana, 23.II.l955; Abu Ghraib, 6.VI.l955, Mounit; Basra, 25-29.VI.l980, Neottiglossa bifida (Costa, 1847) Haifa'a M.Jalal, in AG. Material: Aqrah, I ex, 12.V.l981; Brozah, I ex, Biology: On vegetation in gardens, fields and 15.V.I981, Linnavuori. fresh meadows. Distribution: Holomediterranean extending Biology: Swept from grasses in hilly steppes. into the Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. Distribution: Holomediterranean. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. 45 Stagonomus amoenus (Brulle, 1832) Holcostethus vernalis (Wolff, 1804) Material: AI Qosh, I ex, IO.V.I981, Linnavuori. Material: recorded from Baghdad (China 1934:429) Biology: Swept from Labiatae in a hilly steppe. and Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953:380). Distribution: Holomediterranean, recorded Pygofer and style illustrated in Fig. 2e-f. from Iraq (Stichel1961:750). Distribution: Euro-Siberian. Stagonomus bipunctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Holcostethus strictus (Fabricius, 1803) Material: Zafatakia, I ex, l.IX.I956, Ghalib, in coli. Material: near Penjwin, I ex, II.VI.I980; Qora, 4 exx, Linnavuori. 16.XI.l979; Rashidiyah, 3 exx, 8.VI.1981; near Sawarah Distribution: Holomediterranean. Tuka, l ex, 28.VIII.I980; Sulaf, t ex, 27.VIII.1980, Linnavuori. Stagonomus devius Seidenstiicker, 1965 Pygofer and style in Fig. 2g-i. Material: AI Qosh, 2 exx, I O.V.I981, Linnvuori. Biology: On herbs in mountain steppes and gardens. Biology: Swept from herbs in a hilly steppe. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Distribution: Syrio-Anatolian, recorded from Turkey, Israel. Holcostethus congenitus Puchkov, 1965 Gomphocranum christophi Jakov1ev, 1877 Material: near Darbandikhan, 1 ex, 13.V.t980; Khorsabad, I ex, 15.XI.1979; Sinoni, t ex, 9.V.I981, Material: AI Qosh, 3 exx, IO.V.I981, Linnavuori. Linnavuori. Taxonomy of the genus Gomphocranum Pattern of connexivum in Fig. 2j. Pygofer Jakovlev treated in Linnavuori 1984:7-9. and style in Figs. 2k-m, 3a. Biology: Like the other species on shrubs on Biology: On herbs in hilly steppes. At slopes of mountain valleys. Khorsabad found on Olea. Distribution: Iranian, previously recorded Distribution: lrano-Turanian. from Iran and Israel. Gomphocranum adad Linnavuori, 1984 Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984 Material: near Penjwin, d' holotype, ll.VI.1980, Material: Sulaf, d' holotype and several paratypes, Linnavuori. 27 .VIII.l980, Linnavuori. Biology: On Capparis on a stony slope of a Description in Linnavuori 1984:9-10. mountain valley. Biology: On deciduous trees in a dense wood Distribution: Endemic. in valley of a mountain brook. Distribution: Iranian; also known from Iran. Gomphocranum anu Linnavuori, 1984 Material: AI Qosh, d' holotype, I paratype, 17.XI.l979, Agatharchus tritaenia Horvath, 1897 I para type, 24. Vill.l980; near Aqra, I para type, 29. VIII.I980, Figs. 3b-g, 4 Linnavuori. Biology: On shrubs on slopes of mountain Material: Darbandikhan, 2 exx, 10.VI.1979, Rustam, AG. valleys. Distribution: Endemic. Distribution: Iranian, previously known from Iran and Turkey. Staria lunata (Hahn, 1835) Material: Shaykh Addi, 1 ex, 15.XI.1979, Linnavuori. Carpocoris coreanus Distant, 1899 Biology: On Labiatae in a dry hilly steppe. Material: Many exx from Abu Ghraib, 28.III.l954, J. Distribution: Holomediterranean. Mohammad; near Aqrah, 12. V .1981; near Brozah, 46 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq. II. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Fig. 3. Ho/costethus congenitus Puchkov (ex from Khorsabad). a: style.- Agatharchus tritaenia Horvath. b: metapleuron; c-d: pygofer in ventral and in lateral view; e: style; f: aedeagus in lateral view (paired basal lobes 1- 3 indicated with numbers); g: spermatheca. 13.V.l981; Darbandikhan, 13.V.l980; AI Hadr, 6.V.l981, 24.III.l957, in AG; Top Zawe, 1 ex, 29.III.1944, H. A. Linnavuori; Kony Masy, 24.VI.l975, in AG; Ar Rutbah Hamid. Qaim, 9.IV.l981; AI Qosh, 10.V.l981, Linnavuori; Shaqlawa, 15.VI.l976, Rustam. Biology: On herbs in steppes and fields. Distribution: Holomediterranean; recorded Biology: On herbs in steppes. from Mosul, Iraq (Tamanini 1958:378). Distribution: Irano-Turanian, spread from the Sinai Peninsula and Israel to Turkmenia; also known from Korea. Codophila varia (Fabricius, 1787) Carpocoris mediterraneus mediterraneus Material: near Brozah, 2 exx, 13.V.l981; Sarsang, I Tamanini, 1958 ex, 26-28.VIII.l980; Su1af, 3 exx, 27.VIII.l980, Linnavuori; Bashika, 1 ex, 24.1II.l957, in AG; Kony Masy, Material: Rabea, 1 ex, 22.IV.l968, F. Matti. I ex, 26.VI.l975, J. Abdulla; Top Zawe, 1 ex, 29.III.l944, Distribution: Pontomediterranean; recorded H. Hamid, in AG. from Iraq (Tamanini 1958:369). Biology: On herbaceous plants such as Compositae and Umbelliferae in steppes and Carpocoris pudicus (Poda, 1761) fields. Material: AI Qosh, 3 exx, 10.V.l981, Linnavuori; Distribution: Holomediterranean, also re Amadia, 1 ex, 21.VI.l958, Salih; Bashika Tel Kaif, I ex, corded from Iraq (Stichel1961:754).

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