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Helping Children to Cope with Change, Stress and Anxiety: A Photocopiable Activities Book PDF

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Helping Children to Cope with Change, Stress and Anxiety bythesameauthor Helping Children to Build Self-esteem APhotocopiableActivityBook 2ndEdition DeborahM.Plummer IllustratedbyAliceHarper ISBN9781843104889 Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-esteem APhotocopiableResourceBook DeborahM.Plummer ISBN9781843101857 Social Skills Games for Children DeborahM.Plummer ForewordbyProfessorJannetWright IllustratedbyJaneSerrurier ISBN978184310617–3 Anger Management Games for Children DeborahM.Plummer IllustratedbyJaneSerrurier ISBN9781843106289 Self-esteem Games for Children DeborahM.Plummer IllustratedbyJaneSerrurier ISBN9781843104247 The Adventures of the Little Tin Tortoise ASelf-esteemStorywithActivitiesforTeachers,ParentsandCarers DeborahM.Plummer ISBN9781843104063 Using Interactive Imagework with Children WalkingontheMagicMountain DeborahM.Plummer ISBN9781853026713 Helping Children to Cope with Change, Stress and Anxiety A Photocopiable Activities Book Deborah M. Plummer Illustrations by Alice Harper Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia Firstpublishedin2010 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Copyright©DeborahM.Plummer2010 Illustratorcopyright©AliceHarper2010 Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform(includingphotocopyingor storingitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetherornottransientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruseof this publication)withoutthewrittenpermissionof thecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththeprovisionsof the Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsof alicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgency Ltd,SaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS.Applicationsforthecopyrightowner’swritten permissiontoreproduceanypartof thispublicationshouldbeaddressedtothepublisher. Warning:Thedoingof anunauthorisedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresultinbothacivilclaimfor damagesandcriminalprosecution. Allpagesmarked(cid:2)maybephotocopiedforpersonalusewiththisprogramme,butmaynotbereproducedforany otherpurposeswithoutthepermissionof thepublisher. Libraryof CongressCataloginginPublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryof Congress BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843109600 ISBNpdf eBook9780857003669 PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby MPGBooksLimited Worries Lastnight,Ihadasad,saddream. Andthismorningitslippedintomypocketandgrew …intoaworrythought. Icarrieditaroundwithmeallday …onthewalktoschoolandintheplaygroundandtheclassroom. WhereverIwenttheworrythoughtcametoo. EachtimeIlookedatthethoughtitseemedtogetabitbigger. Itriedtokeepithidden. Myteachersaid,‘You’requiettoday– areyoufeelingill?’ Ididn’tknowwhattosay. Theworrythoughtgrewheavierinmypocket. Mystomachhurt. Icouldn’tdomywork. Ithought,‘Whatif mysaddreamreallyhappens? Whatif it’shappeningrightnowandIdon’tknow?’ Theworryinmypocketgotevenheavier. Welinedupforlunch. Craigtuggedmyhairandsaid ‘Cheerup!’ Ipushedhimhardandshouted‘Goaway!’ Theteachercameandtookmefromtheline. ‘Ohno!’shesaid.‘Youmustn’t. Thisisn’tlikeyouatall.’ Mumcametofetchmeathometime. Icouldn’ttellherwhatwaswrongeither …butshesawtheworryspillingoutfrommypocket andshescoopeditupandtookagoodlookatit. ‘Whatasad,sadworry,’shesaid,‘it’sgrownsobigthatitneedstwoof ustocarryit.’ Wetooktheworrythoughthomewithusandmadesomespace …sowecouldtalkwithit. Weletittellitsstory. Welistenedtowhatithadtosayandthankeditforitsmessage. Itstartedtogetsmaller. Thenwhenitwassmallenoughtofoldaway MumandIputthesad,sadworryinmyworryboxandshutthelidonittightly sothattonight… I’lldreamadifferentdream. D.M.Plummer,2009 Dedication For my father, who instilled in me a love of story and encouraged my imagination, and my mother, who taught me not to give up. Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8 PREFACE 9 Part One Being There: Interacting Mindfully 13 1. Supporting Emotional Well-being 15 2. Understanding Why we do the Things we do 21 3. Encouraging Imaginative Solutions 30 Part Two Skills for Life 39 4. Self-awareness 41 5. Imagework 50 6. Feelings 58 Part Three Coping with Change 67 7. Thinking about Change 69 8. Preparing for Change 78 9. Making a Change 84 Part Four Coping with Stress 87 10. What is Stress? 89 11. Changing how we Feel 96 Part Five Coping with Anxiety 105 12. Thinking, Feeling, Doing 107 13. What to do with Worries 112 Part Six Moving On 127 14. Setting Goals and Celebrating 129 APPENDIX:CHILDREN’SBOOKS 137 INDEX 139 ACTIVITIESINDEX 141 Acknowledgements I would like toacknowledge the influenceof Dr Dina Glouberman and my fellow imagework practitioners who encouraged and supported me as I learnt about the power of imagery for my own use, and then as I trained as a practitioner myself. UnderDina’sguidanceIwasabletointegratetheuseofimageryintomyworkasa speech and language therapist and as a workshop facilitator. I now also bring elements of this invaluable tool into my work as a lecturer. Therehavebeenmanyfriendsintheimageworkcommunitywhohaveinspired me with their wisdom and insight. I would particularly like to thank Hermione Eliot and Marsha Lomond who, together with Dina, read draft manuscripts of my firstbooksandencouragedmetoseek apublisher.Iwasluckyenoughtobetaken onbyJessicaKingsley,whopublishedmyfirstbook,UsingInteractiveImageworkwith Children: Walking on the Magic Mountain (from which selected material has been revised and updated to form the basis for sections of this book). I would like to thankherforseeingtheimportanceofthisworkwithbothchildrenandadults,and for starting me on my writing career. 8 Preface The underlying philosophy of this book is very simple: our interactions with childrenshouldalwaysbemindful,basedonourunderstandingof themasunique individuals. It is by listening to what children are telling us and by walking alongside them on their journey of self-discovery and mastery that we can learn most about how they view the world and themselves and therefore how best to support their emotional well-being. In order to be mindful of children we need to be equally mindful of our own thoughts, feelings and behaviour. This includes recognising how our actions and words can have a profound effect on how our children feel and behave too. I am sure,forexample,thateveryoneofushasexperiencedunwantedstressinourlifeat somestageandweallhaveourownwaysofdealingwiththis-sometimessuccess- fully,sometimesnotsosuccessfully,perhapsturningtomethodsthataggravateour stresslevelsratherthanalleviatingthem.Undoubtedlyweareinabetterpositionto helpthechildreninourcareifwearealsoawareofourownstrengths,stressorsand anxieties and our own ways of coping. Note: Throughout the book I refer to ‘your child’. This should also be taken to mean the child or children in your class, group etc. Using this book Helping Children to Cope with Change, Stress and Anxiety provides practical activities and strategies for children who are experiencing mild to moderate levels of stress, have difficulty coping with changes in their life or are prone to mild to moderate anxiety. Thebookfollowsalogicalsequenceofexploration,incorporatingelementsofa selection of approaches shown to be highly effective in supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of both adults and children. There is particular emphasis on helpingchildrentoutilisetheirimaginationtosolveproblemsandgainconfidence. 9

This book is full of creative ideas for use with children who have difficulty in coping with change, stress and normal levels of anxiety. Supported by a comprehensive but accessible theory section, the practical exercises are a simple and fun way of helping children to learn healthy stress managemen
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