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Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls (Athenian Agora vol. 22) PDF

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Preview Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls (Athenian Agora vol. 22)

THE ATHENIAANG ORA RESULTSO F EXCAVATIONS CONDUCTEDB Y THE AMERICANS CHOOLO F CLASSICALS TUDIESA T ATHENS VOLUMEX XII HELLENISTPIOCT FERY ATHENIAN AND IMPORTED MOLDMADE BOWLS BY SUSAN I. ROTROFF THE AMERICANS CHOOLO F CLASSICALS TUDIESA T ATHENS PRINCETONN,E WJ ERSEY 1982 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Rotroff, Susan I 1947- Hellenistic pottery. (The Athenian Agora; v. 22) Bibliography:p . Includes index. 1. Athens-Antiquities. 2. Pottery, Hellenistic-Greece, Modemrn-Athens.3 . Greece, Modemrn-Antiquities4. . Athens. Agora. I. Title. I. Series: American School of ClassicalS tudies in Athens. Athenian Agora; v. 22. DF287.A23A5 vol. 22 938.5s [938.5] 80-23055 ISBN 0-87661-222-2 PRINTED IN GERMANY at J. J. AUGUSTIN, GLUCKSTADT FOR MY PARENTS who gave me opportunitya nd encouragement AND FOR DOROTHYB URR THOMPSON who initiatedm e into the mysterieso f the Hellenisticw orld PREFACE CCT ellenisticp otteryh as been neglecteda, nd deservedly.S"o wroteR M. Cooki n 1960( GreekPainted ILi Pottetyp, .2 03). Whenv iewedi n the lighto f the Classicaml asterpiecesH, ellenisticc eramicsm ay seem to have little to offer.P ottingh ad become a tradeo ften pursuedb y an indifferenct raftsmant;h e proportiono f ill-centeredu, ngainlya, nd poorlyf iredp ots is large.B ut therei s still much thatH ellenistic potteryc an offer, to the archaeologistc,e rtainlya, nd perhapse ven to the art historian. For the archaeologisHt ellenisticp otteryc an providew hata ny potteryp rovidesa: chronologicaflr ame- work.E ven the meanestf ragmenmt ay servet o datea significanbt uildingo r deposit.F ortunatelfyo r the archaeologisHt, ellenisticp otteryi s no longern eglectedi;n recenty earst hereh as been increasedin teresti n the Hellenisticc eramicso f manys itesa roundt he MediterraneaSne. veravl olumesh avea ppeareda ndm ore are expected soon. Whatc an Hellenisticp otteryo ffert o the art historian?T he type of potteryp resentedi n this volume representsth e firstl arge-scalea pplicationo f the mold processt o the productiono f Greekt ablewareT. he mold techniqueh ad earlierb een appliedt o terracottfai gurinesa nd in a few instancesw asu sed to produce pots of unusuald esign.M ost pottery,h owever,c ontinuedt o be wheelmadea nd it was not untilt he intro- ductiono f the so-calledM egarianb owl thatm oldsw ereu sed on a larges cale.T heseb owlst herefores tand at the beginningo f a long serieso f moldmadec eramicsw, hichi ncludess uch distinguishedsu ccessorsa s Arretinea nd Wedgwoodp ottery. These vesselsa lso representt he firstG reeke xperimentin modulara rt. A limitedn umbero f motifs, most of them stampedi nto the molds with small,r e-usablem asters,r eappearin countlessa rrangements andc ombinationsT. hism odulara pproachto the decorationo f the surfaceo f the bowli s a commenta, lbeit a naivea ndp robablyu nintentionaoln e, on the relationshipof the worko f the artist/artisatno the technolo- gy of massp roductionI.t reflects,a s does contemporarmy ajora rt,t he redefinitiono f humanp ossibilities thatc amew itht he disintegratioonf politicali,d eologicala, nda rtisticb oundarieisn the Hellenistica ge.I t is a commentt hath as been echoedm ore self-consciouslbyy manya rtistsi n our own centuryv; iewedi n the context of the art of the AmericanS ixties, the bowls have a peculiarm odernity. This book grew out of an interesti n the Hellenisticw orldk indleda nd encouragedb y DorothyB urr ThompsonH. erl ove forH ellenisticm inora rtsa ndh era bilityt o reconstructth e fabrico f antiquityfr omt he scrapsa nd remnantst hat are the archaeologist'pso rtionh ave inspiredt wo generationso f studentsa nd scholarsT. he dedicationo f this volumet o her is my inadequatee xpressiono f gratituder,e spect,a nd love for her as a teacher,a scholar,a nd an individual. The presents tudyi s concernedw ith only a smallp arto f the Hellenisticp otteryf oundi n the Ancient Agorao f Athens:t he moldmadeh emisphericabl owlsw hichw erem anufacturefdr omt he late 3rd to the early1 stc enturyb eforeC hristI. t is intendeda s the firsto f twov olumes,t he seconda ndl argero f whichw ill be devotedt o the Hellenisticw heelmadep otteryf romt he Agora.I haver eliedh eavilyf orf ormato n Agora XII, which deals with the Archaica nd Classicalb lacka nd plain pottery.I also owe much to G. Roger Edwardsa nd his fine volumeo n CorinthianH ellenisticp ottery.E dwardsd evotedy earso f studyt o Athe- viii PREFACE mniaHne llenisticp otterya s well, and generouslytu rnedo vert o me manyp hotographasn d notes accumu- lated in the course of those researches. I wouldl ike to thankT . LeslieS hear,J r.,D irectoro f the AgoraE xcavationsa,n dH omerA . Thompson, formerD irectoro f the excavationsf,o r permissiont o studya nd publisht he materialb; oth have reada nd rereadt he manuscripitn severald ifferentd rafts,a nd it has benefitedg reatlyf rom their many helpful commentsa nd suggestionsM. y debt to HomerT hompsoni s especiallyg reat,f or his publicationo f the Hellenisticp otteryf oundi n the earlyy earso f excavationin the Agorap avedt he wayf or this volume;h is interest,s uggestionsa, nd warme ncouragemenhta veb een a sourceo f comforta nd inspirationI.n valuable help was givenb y VirginiaG race,w ho contributedm anyh ourso f her time in patiente xplanationo f the chronologyo f the stampeda mphorah andles;a ndb y FredK leinerJ, ohnK roll,a ndA lanW alkerw, ho gave freelyo f theira dviceo n numismaticm attersT. hanksa rea lso due JudithB inder,P eterC allaghanW, illiam A. Childs,C . W. J. Eliot, ChristianH abicht,U lrichH ausmannH, . A. Shapiro,S helleyS tone,J ohn S. Trailla, ndM alcolmW allacea, ll of whomc ontributedth eire xpertisea nda ssistanceo n scholarlyp roblems. I am gratefult o CharlesK Williams,I I and Nancy Boodkidfiso r allowinga nd assistingm e to see the Hellenisticp otterya t Corinth;t o Hugh Sackettf or permissiont o examinem oldmadeb owls at Knossos; and to James R McCredief or the opportunityto look at Hellenisticm aterialo n Samothrace. Mosto f the researchw asc onductedin Athens,a ndI wouldl iket o thankN ancyW interL, ibrariaonf the BlegenL ibraryo f the AmericanS choolo f ClassicaSl tudies.I am also gratefutlo RuthM acDonaldo f the RalphP ickardB ell Librarya t MountA llisonU niversityfo r her tirelesse ffortst o obtaino bscurep ublica- tions throught he interlibrarlyo an system. WhenI beganm y worko n the moldmadeb owls,I foundi n the Agoraf iles manyf ine drawingws hich had been done overt he yearsb y Iro Athanasiadoaun d Piet de Jong;t hese haveb een supplementedw ith additionadl rawingsb y Helen Besi and AbigailC amp,t o whomI am gratefufl or theirp ainstakinwg ork. They cannot,h owever,b e held responsiblefo r the profileso f molds and drawingso f conventionafll oral motifsa ndc haracteristsicta mpso f variousw orkshopsw, hicha ret he worko f the authorT. hankst o William B. Dinsmoor,J r., who drewi t, Plan A representsth e most completea nd accurater econstructioonf the HellenisticA gorap ublishedt o date.E ugeneV anderpoolJ, r. and Alan Walkert ook new photographos f manyo f the objectsi n the CatalogueN. ikos Restakisw, ith the assistanceo f KyriakMi oustakid, eveloped and printedt he photographs. Specialt hanksa re due LucyK rystallisS, ecretaryo f the AgoraE xcavationsf,o r her assistancein amass- ing the photographsa,n d to SpyrosS pyropoulosm, ender,f indero f misplacedp otterya, nd ingeniousa rti- ficer,w hosec ontributionto this studya nd to the Agorai n generali s beyondd escriptionI. am indebtedt o ChristineE mbreea nd LynnA . Grantf or typinga nd editoriaal ssistancea, nd to A. R Locka nd the Cana- dianW ildlifeS ervicef or the loan of Her Majesty'lso yalp aperc utter.I am especiallyg ratefutlo MarianH . McAllistert,h e editor,f ort he thoughta nd cares he has devotedt o this volume,a ndf or the manyi mprove- ments she has suggested. Researchw ass upportedin partb y the SocialS ciencesa ndH umanitieRs esearchC ouncilo f Canadaa nd the Samuel H. Kress Foundation;I am gratefulf or their generosity. Wordsa rei nadequatteo expressm y gratitudteo RobertL ambertonm, y frienda nd colleaguef,o r every- thingf rome ditoriaal ssistancea nd adviceo n botanicatle rminologyto meditationos n the relevanceo f the objectsp resentedh ere to the modernw orld,a nd,m ost of all, forh is sustaininga ndl ovings upporta ndp a- tience.A nd finally,I thankm y parentst, o whomt his volumei s in partd edicateda, nd withoutw hom,f or reasonsb eyond number,i t would not have been written. MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITY SACKVILLNEE, W BRUNSWICK SEPTEMBER1, 979 SUSANI . ROTROFF TABLE OF CON'E NTS PREFACE ............................................................................................... vii LIST OF PLATES ....................................................................................... xi ABBREVIATIONSA ND BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................. xiii INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 SCOPE ANDA IMS .................................................................................. 1 ARRANGEMENT OF THE CATALOGUE .............................................................. 1 C HRONOLOG.Y... ................................................................................... 2 N OME NCLATUR..E... ............................................................................... 2 T ERMIN OLOGY... ................................................................................... 3 TECHNIQUE OF M ANUFACTURE .................................................................... 3 THE ORIGINS OF THE ATHENIAN MOLDMADE BOWL ................................................ 6 P ROTOTYPES ........................................................................................ 6 A RCHAEOLOGICEAVLI DENCE ...................................................................... 9 HISTORICAELV IDENCE... .......................................................................... 11 THE AGORAM A TERIAL... ............................................................................ 14 THE CHARACTERISTIOCFS ATHENIANB OLS ..................................................... 14 CLAY AND GL AZE .............................................................................. 14 SHAPEA ND SIZE ................................................................................ 14 SCRAPEDG ROOVESA ND MILTOS ................................................................. 15 PINE-CONE, IMBRICATE,F LORAL, AND FIGURED BOWLS ............. ..................................... 15 PINE-CONE BOWLS ...................................................................... 16 IMB RICATBEO WL S .............................................................................. 16 FLORALB O LS .................................................................................. 17 FIGUREDB OWL S ................................................................................ 19 TYPESO F FIGUREDD ECORATIO..N... ...................................................... 19 FIGURES DERIVED FROM TERRACOTTAA LTARS ............................................ 20 AB DU C TIONS.. ............................................................................... 21 LABORSO F HERAKLE..S.. .................................................................. 23 LABORSO F THESEUS ........................................................................ 23 UNIDENTIFIESDT AMP.S.. .................................................................... 24 INTERIORRE LIEFM EDALLION...S.. ............................................................ 24 WO RKSHOP..S.. ................................................................................. 25 ATTRIBUTIONS.. .................................................................... 25 THE WO RKSHOP..S.. ........................................................................ 26 W ORKSHOP OF BION ..................................................................... 26 HAUSMANN'S WO RKSHOP.. ............................................................... 27 WO RKSHOAP ............................................................................ 28 COINS ~~~~~~~~~~~~94 x TTABLEO F CONTENTS M MO NOGRAMC LASS.. .................................................................. 29 CL ASS1 ........................................................................ .. ........ 30 CL ASS2 ....................................... ........ ... ................................ 30 CL ASS3 .................................................... . ............................. 30 LOCATIOONF SHOPS.. ....................................................... .............. 31 TYPES OF ITEMSM ANUFACTURED.. .. ...................................................... 31 32 CHRONOLOG..Y ................................................................................. LONG-PETALB OwLS. ......................................*.....*.................. ................ 34 OR IGIN S ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 35 CHRONOLOG..Y... .............................................................................. END OF M ANUFACTURE.. .................................... .................................. 36 LONG-PETABLO wLSIN THEA GORA. .................................. 36 WORKSHOPO F APOLLODOR.O...S.. .......................................... 37 OTHER TYPES OF MOLDMADE BOWLS. ...............................*......................... 37 37 LOTUS-COROLBLOAW LS.. .................................................... CONCENTRIC-SEMICBIROCWLLES. . ............................................ 38 39 N ET-PATTERBNO WL S ........................................................................... 39 DAISYB OWL.s. ................................................................................. OTHERT YPES OF MOLDMADEP OTTER.Y.. ....................................... 39 INSCRIPTIO..N..S... .......................................... ............ ............ ...........* 40 SIGNATUR.E...S.. ........................... .............................. 40 MONOGRAMOSN M OLD.S.. .................................................... 41 W42 IMPORTBEOD WL..S.. ................................o........................ 44 C ATALOGUE4 ..................................................................... INTRODUCT4I.O...N... .......................... ...................................... .......... 44 44 TERMINOLOGYA ND CONVENTIONS ............................................................. 44 DA TESA NDC ONTEXT..S... .............................*....................................... THEC ATALOG.U...E... ................................................... ..... 45 D EPOSIT9.S.. ............................. ................ .............. ....................... ..... 94 94 INTRODUCTI.O...N... ........................ ....................................................... 4 STAMPEADM PHORHA ANDLES.. ............................................................... 94 C OINS ........................................................................................... . ...... 95 DA TE9S.. ......................................... .................................. TERMINOLOAGNYDC ONVENTIO..N...S.. ...................................................... 96 DE POSISTU MMARIE..S.. ................................ ..................... ................... 96 APPENDIX: REVISED CHRONOLOGYO F PUBLISHED ATHENIAN HELLENISTICG ROUPS ...............107 THE AGORAG: ROUPSA -E1 .................................................................... 107 THE KERAMEIKODSIP:Y LON WELL B-1 ................................1.......................... 110 THEP IRAEUTSH: EP IRAEUCSI STER1.N... ..................................................... . III11 CO NCORDANC...E... .............I.. ...................... ...................... ................. . 113 ....................... . 120 INDIC1E..S.. ............................................................... PLATES LIST OF PLATES Photographs 1 Pine-coneB owls 2 Pine-coneB owls and Molds 3-6 ImbricateB owls 7 ImbricateB owls and Molds 8 ImbricateM olds. FloralB owls 9-13 FloralB owls 14 FloralB owls and Molds 15 FloralB owls with Figures 16 FloralB owl with Figures.F iguredB owls (Idyllic) 17-33 FiguredB owls (Idyllic) 34 FiguredB owls (Idyllica nd MythologicalH: erakles) 35 FiguredB owls (MythologicalT: heseus,O dysseus) 36 FiguredB owl (MythologicalR: ape of Persephone) 37 FiguredB owls (MythologicalR: ape of Persephone,R ape of Europa) 38 FiguredB owls (MythologicalR: ape of Ganymede) 39,40 FiguredB owls (MythologicalP: rokne?O pheltes?H eraklesa nd Auge) 41,42 FiguredB owls (MythologicalD: ionysiact rio) 43-45 FiguredB owls (Mythological) 46-53 FiguredB owls (Hunting) 54 FiguredB owls (Hunting)a nd Molds 55 FiguredM olds. Fragmentso f Bowls (ImbricateF, loralo r Figured) 56 Fragmentso f Bowls and Molds (ImbricateF, loral or Figured) 57 Fragmentso f Molds (ImbricateF, loral or Figured) 58 Fragmentso f Molds. Long-petaBl owls, Plain 59,60 Long-petaBl owls, Plain 61 Long-petaBl owls, Jeweled 62 Long-petaBl owls, Jeweleda nd Variants 63 Long-petaMl olds, Plain 64 Long-petaMl olds. Lotus-corollaB owls 65 Lotus-corollaB owl and Mold. Daisy Bowl. ImportedB owls (Imbricatea nd Floral) 66 ImportedB owls (Florala nd Figured) 67 ImportedB owls (Figured)a nd Fragments( ImbricateF, loralo r Figured) 68 ImportedB owls (Long-petaal nd Concentric-semicircle) 69 ImportedB owls (Net-pattern)R. elatedM oldmadeV essels 70 MoldmadeW est Slope Amphora 71 MoldmadeW est Slope Krater 72 Tools used in the Manufactureo f MoldmadeB owls xii LIST OF PLATES Drawings 73 Pine-cone,I mbricatea, nd FloralB owls 74 Florala nd FiguredB owls 75-86 FiguredB owls 87 Long-petaal nd ImportedB owls (Imbricatea nd Floral) 88 ImportedB owls (Floral,F igureda nd Long-petal) 89 ImportedB owls (Concentric-semicircalne d Net-pattern)R. elatedM oldmadeV essels 90,91 RelatedM oldmadeV essels 92 RepresentativPe rofileso f Bowls 93 RepresentativPe rofileso f Molds 94 ConventionaFl loralM otifso n Bowls.M otifsf romB owlso f the M MonogramC lassa ndC lasses1 -3 95 Monogramso n Molds and Signatureso n Bowls 96 Signatureso n Lotus-corollaB owls 97 Signatureso n Net-patternB owl and MoldmadeG uttus 98 Motifsf romB owlsP roducedb y Hausmann'Ws orkshopW, orkshopA and the Workshopo f Bion 99 Plan of the AthenianA gora in the SecondC enturyB .C., with Locationso f Deposits ABBREVIATIONANDS BIBLIOGRAPHY Adriani = A. Adriani, "Un vetro dorato alessandrino dal Caucaso,"B ulletin de la Societe Archeologique d'Alexandri4e2 , 1967, pp. 105-127 Agora = TheA thenianA gora:R esults of ExcavationsC onductedb y the AmericanS chool of ClassicalS tudies at Athens Agora IV - R H. Howland, Greek Lamps and their Survivals, Princeton 1958 Agora V = H. S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology,P rinceton 1959 Agora VII J. Perlzweig (Binder), Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Centurya fter Christ, Princeton1 961 Agora X = M. Lang and M. Crosby, Weights, Measures and Tokens, Princeton 1964 Agora XII = B. A. Sparkesa nd L. Talcott, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th, and 4th Centuries B.C., Princeton1 970 Agora XIV = H. A. Thompson and R. E. Wycherley, The Agora of Athens, Princeton 1972 AJA = American Journal of Archaeology AJP = American Journal of Philology AndreiomenouA, ., <r'' E(popsia KAaoOIK()Vap xaIOTnfTo2V3:: '056? "OO&voq4 *, AeAT2 1, B', 1966 [1968],p . 80 AntiochI V, i = F. 0. Waage, "Hellenistica nd Roman Tablewareo f North Syria,"i nAntioch-on-the-Orontes, IV, i, Ceramicsa nd Islamic Coins,e d. F. 0. Waage,P rinceton1 948, pp. 1-60 AthMitt = Mitteilungend es Deutschen ArchaologischenI nstituts, Athenische Abteilung BABesch = Bulletin van de Vereenigingt ot Bevorderingd er Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving Baur, P. V. C., "MegarianB owls in Yale University,"A JA 45, 1941, pp. 229-248 Benndorf, O., Griechischeu nd sizilische Vasenbilder,B erlin 1869-1883 BMC = B. V. Head, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum BMC (Greece) = Central Greece, London 1884 BMC (Ionia) = Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Ionia, London 1892 Braun = K Braun," Der Dipylon-BrunneBn ,, Die Funde,"A thMitt8 5, 1970, pp. 129-269 Bruneau,P ., "La vaisselle,"i n Delos XXVII,p p. 239-262 BSA = Annual of the British School at Athens Byvanck-Quarlveasn Ufford,L ., "Unb ol d'argenht ellenistiquee n Suede,"B ABesch4 8, 1973,p p. 119-123 , "Le bol hellenistiquee n verred ore au CorningM useumo f Glass,"B ABesch4 7, 1972, pp. 46-49 , "Les bols hellenistiquese n verre dore,"B ABesch4 5, 1970, pp. 129-141 , "Les bols homeriques,"B ABesch2 9, 1954, pp. 35-40 , "Le tresord e Tarente,"B ABesch3 3, 1958, pp. 43-52 , "Variationssu r le theme des bols megariens,"B ABesch3 4, 1959, pp. 58-67 See also "Les bols megariens" Corbett,P . E., "PalmetteS tampsf roma n Attic BlackG lazeW orkshop,H" esperia2 4, 1955,p p. 172-186

This volume is the first of two to present the Hellenistic fine ware from the excavations in the Athenian Agora. Its scope is restricted to the moldmade hemispherical bowls manufactured from the late 3rd century to the early 1st century B.C. in Athens. The material studied, consisting of some 1,400
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