THE ATHENIAANG ORA RESULTSO F EXCAVATIONS CONDUCTEDB Y THE AMERICANS CHOOLO F CLASSICALS TUDIESA T ATHENS VOLUMEX XII HELLENISTPIOCT FERY ATHENIAN AND IMPORTED MOLDMADE BOWLS BY SUSAN I. ROTROFF THE AMERICANS CHOOLO F CLASSICALS TUDIESA T ATHENS PRINCETONN,E WJ ERSEY 1982 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Rotroff, Susan I 1947- Hellenistic pottery. (The Athenian Agora; v. 22) Bibliography:p . Includes index. 1. Athens-Antiquities. 2. Pottery, Hellenistic-Greece, Modemrn-Athens.3 . Greece, Modemrn-Antiquities4. . Athens. Agora. I. Title. I. Series: American School of ClassicalS tudies in Athens. Athenian Agora; v. 22. DF287.A23A5 vol. 22 938.5s [938.5] 80-23055 ISBN 0-87661-222-2 PRINTED IN GERMANY at J. J. AUGUSTIN, GLUCKSTADT FOR MY PARENTS who gave me opportunitya nd encouragement AND FOR DOROTHYB URR THOMPSON who initiatedm e into the mysterieso f the Hellenisticw orld PREFACE CCT ellenisticp otteryh as been neglecteda, nd deservedly.S"o wroteR M. Cooki n 1960( GreekPainted ILi Pottetyp, .2 03). Whenv iewedi n the lighto f the Classicaml asterpiecesH, ellenisticc eramicsm ay seem to have little to offer.P ottingh ad become a tradeo ften pursuedb y an indifferenct raftsmant;h e proportiono f ill-centeredu, ngainlya, nd poorlyf iredp ots is large.B ut therei s still much thatH ellenistic potteryc an offer, to the archaeologistc,e rtainlya, nd perhapse ven to the art historian. For the archaeologisHt ellenisticp otteryc an providew hata ny potteryp rovidesa: chronologicaflr ame- work.E ven the meanestf ragmenmt ay servet o datea significanbt uildingo r deposit.F ortunatelfyo r the archaeologisHt, ellenisticp otteryi s no longern eglectedi;n recenty earst hereh as been increasedin teresti n the Hellenisticc eramicso f manys itesa roundt he MediterraneaSne. veravl olumesh avea ppeareda ndm ore are expected soon. Whatc an Hellenisticp otteryo ffert o the art historian?T he type of potteryp resentedi n this volume representsth e firstl arge-scalea pplicationo f the mold processt o the productiono f Greekt ablewareT. he mold techniqueh ad earlierb een appliedt o terracottfai gurinesa nd in a few instancesw asu sed to produce pots of unusuald esign.M ost pottery,h owever,c ontinuedt o be wheelmadea nd it was not untilt he intro- ductiono f the so-calledM egarianb owl thatm oldsw ereu sed on a larges cale.T heseb owlst herefores tand at the beginningo f a long serieso f moldmadec eramicsw, hichi ncludess uch distinguishedsu ccessorsa s Arretinea nd Wedgwoodp ottery. These vesselsa lso representt he firstG reeke xperimentin modulara rt. A limitedn umbero f motifs, most of them stampedi nto the molds with small,r e-usablem asters,r eappearin countlessa rrangements andc ombinationsT. hism odulara pproachto the decorationo f the surfaceo f the bowli s a commenta, lbeit a naivea ndp robablyu nintentionaoln e, on the relationshipof the worko f the artist/artisatno the technolo- gy of massp roductionI.t reflects,a s does contemporarmy ajora rt,t he redefinitiono f humanp ossibilities thatc amew itht he disintegratioonf politicali,d eologicala, nda rtisticb oundarieisn the Hellenistica ge.I t is a commentt hath as been echoedm ore self-consciouslbyy manya rtistsi n our own centuryv; iewedi n the context of the art of the AmericanS ixties, the bowls have a peculiarm odernity. This book grew out of an interesti n the Hellenisticw orldk indleda nd encouragedb y DorothyB urr ThompsonH. erl ove forH ellenisticm inora rtsa ndh era bilityt o reconstructth e fabrico f antiquityfr omt he scrapsa nd remnantst hat are the archaeologist'pso rtionh ave inspiredt wo generationso f studentsa nd scholarsT. he dedicationo f this volumet o her is my inadequatee xpressiono f gratituder,e spect,a nd love for her as a teacher,a scholar,a nd an individual. The presents tudyi s concernedw ith only a smallp arto f the Hellenisticp otteryf oundi n the Ancient Agorao f Athens:t he moldmadeh emisphericabl owlsw hichw erem anufacturefdr omt he late 3rd to the early1 stc enturyb eforeC hristI. t is intendeda s the firsto f twov olumes,t he seconda ndl argero f whichw ill be devotedt o the Hellenisticw heelmadep otteryf romt he Agora.I haver eliedh eavilyf orf ormato n Agora XII, which deals with the Archaica nd Classicalb lacka nd plain pottery.I also owe much to G. Roger Edwardsa nd his fine volumeo n CorinthianH ellenisticp ottery.E dwardsd evotedy earso f studyt o Athe- viii PREFACE mniaHne llenisticp otterya s well, and generouslytu rnedo vert o me manyp hotographasn d notes accumu- lated in the course of those researches. I wouldl ike to thankT . LeslieS hear,J r.,D irectoro f the AgoraE xcavationsa,n dH omerA . Thompson, formerD irectoro f the excavationsf,o r permissiont o studya nd publisht he materialb; oth have reada nd rereadt he manuscripitn severald ifferentd rafts,a nd it has benefitedg reatlyf rom their many helpful commentsa nd suggestionsM. y debt to HomerT hompsoni s especiallyg reat,f or his publicationo f the Hellenisticp otteryf oundi n the earlyy earso f excavationin the Agorap avedt he wayf or this volume;h is interest,s uggestionsa, nd warme ncouragemenhta veb een a sourceo f comforta nd inspirationI.n valuable help was givenb y VirginiaG race,w ho contributedm anyh ourso f her time in patiente xplanationo f the chronologyo f the stampeda mphorah andles;a ndb y FredK leinerJ, ohnK roll,a ndA lanW alkerw, ho gave freelyo f theira dviceo n numismaticm attersT. hanksa rea lso due JudithB inder,P eterC allaghanW, illiam A. Childs,C . W. J. Eliot, ChristianH abicht,U lrichH ausmannH, . A. Shapiro,S helleyS tone,J ohn S. Trailla, ndM alcolmW allacea, ll of whomc ontributedth eire xpertisea nda ssistanceo n scholarlyp roblems. I am gratefult o CharlesK Williams,I I and Nancy Boodkidfiso r allowinga nd assistingm e to see the Hellenisticp otterya t Corinth;t o Hugh Sackettf or permissiont o examinem oldmadeb owls at Knossos; and to James R McCredief or the opportunityto look at Hellenisticm aterialo n Samothrace. Mosto f the researchw asc onductedin Athens,a ndI wouldl iket o thankN ancyW interL, ibrariaonf the BlegenL ibraryo f the AmericanS choolo f ClassicaSl tudies.I am also gratefutlo RuthM acDonaldo f the RalphP ickardB ell Librarya t MountA llisonU niversityfo r her tirelesse ffortst o obtaino bscurep ublica- tions throught he interlibrarlyo an system. WhenI beganm y worko n the moldmadeb owls,I foundi n the Agoraf iles manyf ine drawingws hich had been done overt he yearsb y Iro Athanasiadoaun d Piet de Jong;t hese haveb een supplementedw ith additionadl rawingsb y Helen Besi and AbigailC amp,t o whomI am gratefufl or theirp ainstakinwg ork. They cannot,h owever,b e held responsiblefo r the profileso f molds and drawingso f conventionafll oral motifsa ndc haracteristsicta mpso f variousw orkshopsw, hicha ret he worko f the authorT. hankst o William B. Dinsmoor,J r., who drewi t, Plan A representsth e most completea nd accurater econstructioonf the HellenisticA gorap ublishedt o date.E ugeneV anderpoolJ, r. and Alan Walkert ook new photographos f manyo f the objectsi n the CatalogueN. ikos Restakisw, ith the assistanceo f KyriakMi oustakid, eveloped and printedt he photographs. Specialt hanksa re due LucyK rystallisS, ecretaryo f the AgoraE xcavationsf,o r her assistancein amass- ing the photographsa,n d to SpyrosS pyropoulosm, ender,f indero f misplacedp otterya, nd ingeniousa rti- ficer,w hosec ontributionto this studya nd to the Agorai n generali s beyondd escriptionI. am indebtedt o ChristineE mbreea nd LynnA . Grantf or typinga nd editoriaal ssistancea, nd to A. R Locka nd the Cana- dianW ildlifeS ervicef or the loan of Her Majesty'lso yalp aperc utter.I am especiallyg ratefutlo MarianH . McAllistert,h e editor,f ort he thoughta nd cares he has devotedt o this volume,a ndf or the manyi mprove- ments she has suggested. Researchw ass upportedin partb y the SocialS ciencesa ndH umanitieRs esearchC ouncilo f Canadaa nd the Samuel H. Kress Foundation;I am gratefulf or their generosity. Wordsa rei nadequatteo expressm y gratitudteo RobertL ambertonm, y frienda nd colleaguef,o r every- thingf rome ditoriaal ssistancea nd adviceo n botanicatle rminologyto meditationos n the relevanceo f the objectsp resentedh ere to the modernw orld,a nd,m ost of all, forh is sustaininga ndl ovings upporta ndp a- tience.A nd finally,I thankm y parentst, o whomt his volumei s in partd edicateda, nd withoutw hom,f or reasonsb eyond number,i t would not have been written. MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITY SACKVILLNEE, W BRUNSWICK SEPTEMBER1, 979 SUSANI . ROTROFF TABLE OF CON'E NTS PREFACE ............................................................................................... vii LIST OF PLATES ....................................................................................... xi ABBREVIATIONSA ND BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................. xiii INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 SCOPE ANDA IMS .................................................................................. 1 ARRANGEMENT OF THE CATALOGUE .............................................................. 1 C HRONOLOG.Y... ................................................................................... 2 N OME NCLATUR..E... ............................................................................... 2 T ERMIN OLOGY... ................................................................................... 3 TECHNIQUE OF M ANUFACTURE .................................................................... 3 THE ORIGINS OF THE ATHENIAN MOLDMADE BOWL ................................................ 6 P ROTOTYPES ........................................................................................ 6 A RCHAEOLOGICEAVLI DENCE ...................................................................... 9 HISTORICAELV IDENCE... .......................................................................... 11 THE AGORAM A TERIAL... ............................................................................ 14 THE CHARACTERISTIOCFS ATHENIANB OLS ..................................................... 14 CLAY AND GL AZE .............................................................................. 14 SHAPEA ND SIZE ................................................................................ 14 SCRAPEDG ROOVESA ND MILTOS ................................................................. 15 PINE-CONE, IMBRICATE,F LORAL, AND FIGURED BOWLS ............. ..................................... 15 PINE-CONE BOWLS ...................................................................... 16 IMB RICATBEO WL S .............................................................................. 16 FLORALB O LS .................................................................................. 17 FIGUREDB OWL S ................................................................................ 19 TYPESO F FIGUREDD ECORATIO..N... ...................................................... 19 FIGURES DERIVED FROM TERRACOTTAA LTARS ............................................ 20 AB DU C TIONS.. ............................................................................... 21 LABORSO F HERAKLE..S.. .................................................................. 23 LABORSO F THESEUS ........................................................................ 23 UNIDENTIFIESDT AMP.S.. .................................................................... 24 INTERIORRE LIEFM EDALLION...S.. ............................................................ 24 WO RKSHOP..S.. ................................................................................. 25 ATTRIBUTIONS.. .................................................................... 25 THE WO RKSHOP..S.. ........................................................................ 26 W ORKSHOP OF BION ..................................................................... 26 HAUSMANN'S WO RKSHOP.. ............................................................... 27 WO RKSHOAP ............................................................................ 28 COINS ~~~~~~~~~~~~94 x TTABLEO F CONTENTS M MO NOGRAMC LASS.. .................................................................. 29 CL ASS1 ........................................................................ .. ........ 30 CL ASS2 ....................................... ........ ... ................................ 30 CL ASS3 .................................................... . ............................. 30 LOCATIOONF SHOPS.. ....................................................... .............. 31 TYPES OF ITEMSM ANUFACTURED.. .. ...................................................... 31 32 CHRONOLOG..Y ................................................................................. LONG-PETALB OwLS. ......................................*.....*.................. ................ 34 OR IGIN S ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 35 CHRONOLOG..Y... .............................................................................. END OF M ANUFACTURE.. .................................... .................................. 36 LONG-PETABLO wLSIN THEA GORA. .................................. 36 WORKSHOPO F APOLLODOR.O...S.. .......................................... 37 OTHER TYPES OF MOLDMADE BOWLS. ...............................*......................... 37 37 LOTUS-COROLBLOAW LS.. .................................................... CONCENTRIC-SEMICBIROCWLLES. . ............................................ 38 39 N ET-PATTERBNO WL S ........................................................................... 39 DAISYB OWL.s. ................................................................................. OTHERT YPES OF MOLDMADEP OTTER.Y.. ....................................... 39 INSCRIPTIO..N..S... .......................................... ............ ............ ...........* 40 SIGNATUR.E...S.. ........................... .............................. 40 MONOGRAMOSN M OLD.S.. .................................................... 41 W42 IMPORTBEOD WL..S.. ................................o........................ 44 C ATALOGUE4 ..................................................................... INTRODUCT4I.O...N... .......................... ...................................... .......... 44 44 TERMINOLOGYA ND CONVENTIONS ............................................................. 44 DA TESA NDC ONTEXT..S... .............................*....................................... THEC ATALOG.U...E... ................................................... ..... 45 D EPOSIT9.S.. ............................. ................ .............. ....................... ..... 94 94 INTRODUCTI.O...N... ........................ ....................................................... 4 STAMPEADM PHORHA ANDLES.. ............................................................... 94 C OINS ........................................................................................... . ...... 95 DA TE9S.. ......................................... .................................. TERMINOLOAGNYDC ONVENTIO..N...S.. ...................................................... 96 DE POSISTU MMARIE..S.. ................................ ..................... ................... 96 APPENDIX: REVISED CHRONOLOGYO F PUBLISHED ATHENIAN HELLENISTICG ROUPS ...............107 THE AGORAG: ROUPSA -E1 .................................................................... 107 THE KERAMEIKODSIP:Y LON WELL B-1 ................................1.......................... 110 THEP IRAEUTSH: EP IRAEUCSI STER1.N... ..................................................... . III11 CO NCORDANC...E... .............I.. ...................... ...................... ................. . 113 ....................... . 120 INDIC1E..S.. ............................................................... PLATES LIST OF PLATES Photographs 1 Pine-coneB owls 2 Pine-coneB owls and Molds 3-6 ImbricateB owls 7 ImbricateB owls and Molds 8 ImbricateM olds. FloralB owls 9-13 FloralB owls 14 FloralB owls and Molds 15 FloralB owls with Figures 16 FloralB owl with Figures.F iguredB owls (Idyllic) 17-33 FiguredB owls (Idyllic) 34 FiguredB owls (Idyllica nd MythologicalH: erakles) 35 FiguredB owls (MythologicalT: heseus,O dysseus) 36 FiguredB owl (MythologicalR: ape of Persephone) 37 FiguredB owls (MythologicalR: ape of Persephone,R ape of Europa) 38 FiguredB owls (MythologicalR: ape of Ganymede) 39,40 FiguredB owls (MythologicalP: rokne?O pheltes?H eraklesa nd Auge) 41,42 FiguredB owls (MythologicalD: ionysiact rio) 43-45 FiguredB owls (Mythological) 46-53 FiguredB owls (Hunting) 54 FiguredB owls (Hunting)a nd Molds 55 FiguredM olds. Fragmentso f Bowls (ImbricateF, loralo r Figured) 56 Fragmentso f Bowls and Molds (ImbricateF, loral or Figured) 57 Fragmentso f Molds (ImbricateF, loral or Figured) 58 Fragmentso f Molds. Long-petaBl owls, Plain 59,60 Long-petaBl owls, Plain 61 Long-petaBl owls, Jeweled 62 Long-petaBl owls, Jeweleda nd Variants 63 Long-petaMl olds, Plain 64 Long-petaMl olds. Lotus-corollaB owls 65 Lotus-corollaB owl and Mold. Daisy Bowl. ImportedB owls (Imbricatea nd Floral) 66 ImportedB owls (Florala nd Figured) 67 ImportedB owls (Figured)a nd Fragments( ImbricateF, loralo r Figured) 68 ImportedB owls (Long-petaal nd Concentric-semicircle) 69 ImportedB owls (Net-pattern)R. elatedM oldmadeV essels 70 MoldmadeW est Slope Amphora 71 MoldmadeW est Slope Krater 72 Tools used in the Manufactureo f MoldmadeB owls xii LIST OF PLATES Drawings 73 Pine-cone,I mbricatea, nd FloralB owls 74 Florala nd FiguredB owls 75-86 FiguredB owls 87 Long-petaal nd ImportedB owls (Imbricatea nd Floral) 88 ImportedB owls (Floral,F igureda nd Long-petal) 89 ImportedB owls (Concentric-semicircalne d Net-pattern)R. elatedM oldmadeV essels 90,91 RelatedM oldmadeV essels 92 RepresentativPe rofileso f Bowls 93 RepresentativPe rofileso f Molds 94 ConventionaFl loralM otifso n Bowls.M otifsf romB owlso f the M MonogramC lassa ndC lasses1 -3 95 Monogramso n Molds and Signatureso n Bowls 96 Signatureso n Lotus-corollaB owls 97 Signatureso n Net-patternB owl and MoldmadeG uttus 98 Motifsf romB owlsP roducedb y Hausmann'Ws orkshopW, orkshopA and the Workshopo f Bion 99 Plan of the AthenianA gora in the SecondC enturyB .C., with Locationso f Deposits ABBREVIATIONANDS BIBLIOGRAPHY Adriani = A. Adriani, "Un vetro dorato alessandrino dal Caucaso,"B ulletin de la Societe Archeologique d'Alexandri4e2 , 1967, pp. 105-127 Agora = TheA thenianA gora:R esults of ExcavationsC onductedb y the AmericanS chool of ClassicalS tudies at Athens Agora IV - R H. Howland, Greek Lamps and their Survivals, Princeton 1958 Agora V = H. S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology,P rinceton 1959 Agora VII J. Perlzweig (Binder), Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Centurya fter Christ, Princeton1 961 Agora X = M. Lang and M. Crosby, Weights, Measures and Tokens, Princeton 1964 Agora XII = B. A. Sparkesa nd L. Talcott, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th, and 4th Centuries B.C., Princeton1 970 Agora XIV = H. A. Thompson and R. E. Wycherley, The Agora of Athens, Princeton 1972 AJA = American Journal of Archaeology AJP = American Journal of Philology AndreiomenouA, ., <r'' E(popsia KAaoOIK()Vap xaIOTnfTo2V3:: '056? "OO&voq4 *, AeAT2 1, B', 1966 [1968],p . 80 AntiochI V, i = F. 0. Waage, "Hellenistica nd Roman Tablewareo f North Syria,"i nAntioch-on-the-Orontes, IV, i, Ceramicsa nd Islamic Coins,e d. F. 0. Waage,P rinceton1 948, pp. 1-60 AthMitt = Mitteilungend es Deutschen ArchaologischenI nstituts, Athenische Abteilung BABesch = Bulletin van de Vereenigingt ot Bevorderingd er Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving Baur, P. V. C., "MegarianB owls in Yale University,"A JA 45, 1941, pp. 229-248 Benndorf, O., Griechischeu nd sizilische Vasenbilder,B erlin 1869-1883 BMC = B. V. Head, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum BMC (Greece) = Central Greece, London 1884 BMC (Ionia) = Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Ionia, London 1892 Braun = K Braun," Der Dipylon-BrunneBn ,, Die Funde,"A thMitt8 5, 1970, pp. 129-269 Bruneau,P ., "La vaisselle,"i n Delos XXVII,p p. 239-262 BSA = Annual of the British School at Athens Byvanck-Quarlveasn Ufford,L ., "Unb ol d'argenht ellenistiquee n Suede,"B ABesch4 8, 1973,p p. 119-123 , "Le bol hellenistiquee n verred ore au CorningM useumo f Glass,"B ABesch4 7, 1972, pp. 46-49 , "Les bols hellenistiquese n verre dore,"B ABesch4 5, 1970, pp. 129-141 , "Les bols homeriques,"B ABesch2 9, 1954, pp. 35-40 , "Le tresord e Tarente,"B ABesch3 3, 1958, pp. 43-52 , "Variationssu r le theme des bols megariens,"B ABesch3 4, 1959, pp. 58-67 See also "Les bols megariens" Corbett,P . E., "PalmetteS tampsf roma n Attic BlackG lazeW orkshop,H" esperia2 4, 1955,p p. 172-186