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HELICOIDAL FLAT SURFACES IN THE 3-SPHERE F.MANFIO1 ANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS2 Abstract. Inthispaper, helicoidalflatsurfacesinthe3-dimensionalsphere S3 areconsidered. Acompleteclassificationofsuchsurfacesisgiveninterms oftheirfirstandsecondfundamentalformsandbylinearsolutionsofthecor- respondinganglefunction. TheclassificationisobtainedbyusingtheBianchi- 6 Spivak construction for flat surfaces and a representation for constant angle 1 surfacesinS3. 0 2 n a 1. Introduction J Helicoidalsurfacesin3-dimensionalspaceformsariseasanaturalgeneralization 9 of rotational surfaces in such spaces. These surfaces are invariant by a subgroup of 1 thegroupofisometriesoftheambientspace,calledhelicoidalgroup,whoseelements ] can be seen as a composition of a translation with a rotation for a given axis. G In the Euclidean space R3, do Carmo and Dajczer [5] describe the space of all D helicoidal surfaces that have constant mean curvature or constant Gaussian curva- . ture. Thisspacebehavesasacircularcylinder,whereagivengeneratorcorresponds h t totherotationalsurfacesandeachparallelcorrespondstoaperiodicfamilyofheli- a coidalsurfaces. HelicoidalsurfaceswithprescribedmeanorGaussiancurvatureare m obtained by Baikoussis and Koufogiorgos [2]. More precisely, they obtain a closed [ formofsuchasurfacebyintegratingthesecond-orderordinarydifferentialequation 1 satisfied by the generating curve of the surface. Helicoidal surfaces in R3 are also v considered by Perdomo [19] in the context of minimal surfaces, and by Palmer and 0 Perdomo [18] where the mean curvature is related with the distance to the z-axis. 3 In the context of constant mean curvature, helicoidal surfaces are considered by 9 Solomon and Edelen in [8]. 4 0 In the 3-dimensional hyperbolic space H3, Mart´ınez, the second author and . Tenenblat [16] give a complete classification of the helicoidal flat surfaces in terms 1 0 of meromorphic data, which extends the results obtained by Kokubu, Umehara 6 and Yamada [13] for rotational flat surfaces. Moreover, the classification is also 1 given by means of linear harmonic functions, characterizing the flat fronts in H3 : v thatcorrespondtolinearharmonicfunctions. Namely,itiswellknownthatforflat i surfaces in H3, on a neighbourhood of a non-umbilical point, there is a curvature X lineparametrizationsuchthatthefirstandsecondfundamentalformsaregivenby r a I = cosh2φ(u,v)(du)2+sinh2φ(u,v)(dv)2, (1) II = sinhφ(u,v)coshφ(u,v)(cid:0)(du)2+(dv)2(cid:1), whereφisaharmonicfunction,i.e.,φ +φ =0. Inthiscontext,themainresult uu vv states that a surface in H3, parametrized by curvature lines, with fundamental formsasin(1)andφ(u,v)linear, i.e, φ(u,v)=au+bv+c, isflatifandonlyif, the surface is a helicoidal surface or a peach front, where the second one is associated 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary53A35,53B20,53C42. Key words and phrases. Helicoidalsurfaces,flatsurfaces,3-sphere. 1ResearchpartiallysupportedbyFAPESP/Brazil,grant2014/01989-9. 2ResearchpartiallysupportedbyFEMAT/UnBandFAPDF. 1 2 F.MANFIOANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS to the case (a,b,c)=(0,±1,0). Helicoidal minimal surfaces were studied by Ripoll [20]andhelicoidalconstantmeancurvaturesurfacesinH3 areconsideredbyEdelen [7], as well as the cases where such invariant surfaces belong to R3 and S3. Similarly to the hyperbolic space, for a given flat surface in the 3-dimensional sphere S3, there exists a parametrization by asymptotic lines, where the first and the second fundamental forms are given by I = du2+2cosωdudv+dv2, (2) II = 2sinωdudv for a smooth function ω, called the angle function, that satisfy the homogeneous wave equation ω =0. Therefore, one can ask which surfaces are related to linear uv solutions of such equation. Theaimofthispaperistogiveacompleteclassificationofhelicoidalflatsurfaces in S3, established in Theorems 1 and 2, by means of asymptotic lines coordinates, with first and second fundamental forms given by (2), where the angle function is linear. Inordertodothis,oneusestheBianchi-Spivakconstructionforflatsurfaces in S3. This construction and the Kitagawa representation [12], are important tools used in the recent developments of flat surface theory. Examples of applications of suchrepresentationscanbeseenin[9]and[1]. Ourclassificationalsomakesuseofa representationforconstantanglesurfacesinS3,whocomesfromacharacterization of constant angle surfaces in the Berger spheres obtained by Montaldo and Onnis [17]. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give a brief description of helicoidalsurfacesinS3,aswellasaordinarydifferentialequationthatcharacterizes those one that has zero intrinsic curvature. In Section 3, the Bianchi-Spivak construction is introduced. It will be used to proveTheorem1,whichstatesthataflatsurfaceinS3,withasymptoticparameters and linear angle function, is invariant under helicoidal motions. In Section 4, Theorem 2 establishes the converse of Theorem 1, that is, a heli- coidal flat surface admits a local parametrization, given by asymptotic parameters where the angle function is linear. Such local parametrization is obtained by using a characterization of constant angle surfaces in Berger spheres, which is a conse- quence of the fact that a helicoidal flat surface is a constant angle surface in S3, i.e., it has a unit normal that makes a constant angle with the Hopf vector field. In section 5 we present an application for conformally flat hypersurfaces in R4. The classification result obtained is used to give a geometric characterization for special conformally flat surfaces in 4−dimensional space forms. It is known that conformally flat hypersurfaces in 4-dimensional space forms are associated with solutions of a system of equations, known as Lam´e’s system (see [11] and [6] for details). In[6],Tenenblatandthesecondauthorobtainedinvariantsolutionsunder symmetry groups of Lam´e’s system. A class of those solutions is related to flat surfacesinS3, parametrizedbyasymptoticlineswithlinearanglefunction. Thusa geometric description of the correspondent conformally flat hypersurfaces is given in terms of helicoidal flat surfaces in S3. 2. Helicoidal flat surfaces Given any β ∈R, let {ϕ (t)} be the one-parameter subgroup of isometries of S3 β given by   1 0 0 0  0 1 0 0  ϕβ(t)= 0 0 cosβt −sinβt . 0 0 sinβt cosβt HELICOIDAL FLAT SURFACES IN THE 3-SPHERE 3 Whenβ (cid:54)=0, thisgroupfixesthesetl={(z,0)∈S3}, whichisagreatcircleandit is called the axis of rotation. In this case, the orbits are circles centered on l, i.e., {ϕ (t)} consists of rotations around l. Given another number α∈R, consider now β the translations {ψ (t)} along l, α   cosαt −sinαt 0 0  sinαt cosαt 0 0  ψα(t)= 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 Definition 1. A helicoidal surface in S3 is a surface invariant under the action of the helicoidal 1-parameter group of isometries   cosαt −sinαt 0 0  sinαt cosαt 0 0  (3) φα,β(t)=ψα(t)◦ϕβ(t)= 0 0 cosβt −sinβt , 0 0 sinβt cosβt given by a composition of a translation ψ (t) and a rotation ϕ (t) in S3. α β Remark 1. When α=β, these isometries are usually called Clifford translations. In this case, the orbits are all great circles, and they are equidistant from each other. In fact, the orbits of the action of G coincide with the fibers of the Hopf fibration h : S3 → S2. We note that, when α = −β, these isometries are also, up to a rotation in S3, Clifford translations. For this reason we will consider in this paper only the cases α(cid:54)=±β. Withthesebasicpropertiesinmind,ahelicoidalsurfacecanbelocallyparametrized by (4) X(t,s)=φ (t)·γ(s), α,β where γ :I ⊂R→S2 is a curve parametrized by the arc length, called the profile + curve of the parametrization X. Here, S2 is the half totally geodesic sphere of S3 + given by S2 =(cid:8)(x ,x ,x ,0)∈S3 :x >0(cid:9). + 1 2 3 3 Then we have X = φ (t)·(−αx ,αx ,0,βx ), t α,β 2 1 3 X = φ (t)·γ(cid:48)(s). s α,β Moreover, a unit normal vector field associated to the parametrization X is given by N =N˜/(cid:107)N˜(cid:107), where N˜ is explicitly given by (5) N˜ =φ (t)·(cid:0)βx (x(cid:48)x −x x(cid:48),βx (x x(cid:48) −x(cid:48)x ),βx (x(cid:48)x −x x(cid:48)),−αx(cid:48)(cid:1). α,β 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 Let us now consider a parametrization by the arc length of γ given by (cid:0) (cid:1) (6) γ(s)= cosϕ(s)cosθ(s),cosϕ(s)sinθ(s),sinϕ(s),0 . We will finish this section discussing the flatness of helicoidal surfaces in S3. Recall that a simple way to obtain flat surfaces in S3 is by means of the Hopf fibration h:S3 →S2. More precisely, if c is a regular curve in S2, then h−1(c) is a flatsurfaceinS3 (cf. [21]). SuchsurfacesarecalledHopf cylinders. Thenextresult provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a helicoidal surface, parametrized as in (4), to be flat. Proposition1. Ahelicoidalsurfacelocallyparametrizedasin (4),whereγ isgiven by (6), is a flat surface if and only if the following equation (7) β2ϕ(cid:48)(cid:48)sin3ϕcosϕ−β2(ϕ(cid:48))2sin4ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))4cos4ϕ=0 is satisfied. 4 F.MANFIOANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS Proof. Sinceφ (t)∈O(4)andγ isparametrizedbythearclength,thecoefficients α,β of the first fundamental form are given by E = α2cos2ϕ+β2sin2ϕ, F = αθ(cid:48)cos2ϕ, G = (ϕ(cid:48))2+(θ(cid:48))2cos2ϕ=1. Moreover, the Gauss curvature K is given by 4(EG−F2)2K = E(cid:2)E G −2F G +(G )2(cid:3)+G(cid:2)E G −2E F +(E )2(cid:3) s s t s t t t t s s +F(E G −E G −2E F +4F F −2F G ) t s s t s s t s t t −2(EG−F2)(E −2F +G ). ss st tt Thus, it follows from the expression of K and from the coefficients of the first fundamental form that the surface is flat if, and only if, (8) E (EG−F2) −2(EG−F2)E =0. s s ss When α=±β, the equation (8) is trivially satisfied, regardless of the chosen curve γ. For the case α(cid:54)=±β, since EG−F2 =β2sin2ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))2cos2ϕ, a straightforward computation shows that the equation (8) is equivalent to (β2−α2)(cid:0)β2ϕ(cid:48)(cid:48)sin3ϕcosϕ−β2(ϕ(cid:48))2sin4ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))4cos4ϕ(cid:1)=0, and this concludes the proof. (cid:3) 3. The Bianchi-Spivak construction A nice way to understand the fundamental equations of a flat surface M in S3 isbyparameterswhosecoordinatecurvesareasymptoticcurvesonthesurface. As M is flat, its intrinsic curvature vanishes identically. Thus, by the Gauss equa- tion, the extrinsic curvature of M is constant and equal to −1. In this case, as the extrinsic curvature is negative, it is well known that there exist Tschebycheff coordinates around every point. This means that we can choose local coordinates (u,v)suchthatthecoordinatescurvesareasymptoticcurvesofM andthesecurves are parametrized by the arc length. In this case, the first and second fundamental forms are given by I =du2+2cosωdudv+dv2, (9) II =2sinωdudv, for a certain smooth function ω, usually called the angle function. This function ω has two basic properties. The first one is that as I is regular, we must have 0 < ω < π. Secondly, it follows from the Gauss equation that ω = 0. In uv other words, ω satisfies the homogeneous wave equation, and thus it can be locally decomposedasω(u,v)=ω (u)+ω (v), whereω andω aresmoothrealfunctions 1 2 1 2 (cf. [10] and [21] for further details). Given a flat isometric immersion f : M → S3 and a local smooth unit normal vector field N along f, let us consider coordinates (u,v) such that the first and the second fundamental forms of M are given as in (9). The aim of this work is to characterize the flat surfaces when the angle function ω is linear, i.e., when ω =ω +ω is given by 1 2 (10) ω (u)+ω (v)=λ u+λ v+λ 1 2 1 2 3 where λ ,λ ,λ ∈ R. I order to do this, let us first construct flat surfaces in S3 1 2 3 whose first and second fundamental forms are given by (9) and with linear angle function. This construction is due to Bianchi [3] and Spivak [21]. HELICOIDAL FLAT SURFACES IN THE 3-SPHERE 5 We will use here the division algebra of the quaternions, a very useful approach to describe explicitly flat surfaces in S3. More precisely, we identify the sphere S3 with the set of the unit quaternions {q ∈ H : qq = 1} and S2 with the unit sphere in the subspace of H spanned by 1, i and j. Proposition 2 (Bianchi-Spivak representation). Let c ,c : I ⊂ R → S3 be two a b curvesparametrizedbythearclength,withcurvaturesκ andκ ,andwhosetorsions a b are given by τ = 1 and τ = −1. Suppose that 0 ∈ I, c (0) = c (0) = (1,0,0,0) e a b a b c(cid:48)(0)∧c(cid:48)(0)(cid:54)=0. Then the map a b X(u,v)=c (u)·c (v) a b isalocalparametrizationofaflatsurfaceinS3,whosefirstandsecondfundamental forms are given as in (9), where the angle function satisfies ω(cid:48)(u) = −κ (u) and 1 a ω(cid:48)(v)=κ (v). 2 b Since the goal here is to find a parametrization such that ω can be written as in (10), it follows from Theorem 2 that the curves of the representation must have constant curvatures. Therefore, we will use the Frenet-Serret formulas in order to obtain curves with torsion ±1 and with constant curvatures. Given a real number r >1, let us consider the curve γ :R→S3 given by r 1 (cid:16) u u (cid:17) (11) γ (u)= √ rcos ,rsin ,cosru,sinru . r 1+r2 r r Astraightforwardcomputationshowsthatγ (u)isparametrizedbythearclength, r has constant curvature κ = r2−1 and its torsion τ satisfies τ2 = 1. Observe that r γ (u) is periodic if and only if r2 ∈ Q. When r is a positive integer, γ (u) is a r r closed curve of period 2πr. A curve γ as in (11) will be called a base curve. Now we just have to apply rigid motions to a base curve in order to satisfy the remainingrequirementsoftheBianchi-Spivakconstruction. Itiseasytoverifythat the curves 1 c (u) = √ (a,0,−1,0)·γ (u), a a 1+a2 (12) 1 c (v) = √ T(γ (v))·(b,0,0,−1), b b 1+b2 arebasecurves, andsatisfyc (0)=c (0)=(1,0,0,0)andc(cid:48)(0)∧c(cid:48)(0)(cid:54)=0, where a b a b   1 0 0 0  0 1 0 0  (13) T =  .  0 0 0 1  0 0 1 0 Therefore we can establish our first main result: Theorem 1. The map X :U ⊂R2 →S3 given by X(u,v)=c (u)·c (v), a b where c and c are the curves given in (12), is a parametrization of a flat surface a b in S3, whose first and second fundamental forms are given by (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) I = du2+2cos 1−a2 u+ b2−1 v+c dudv+dv2, a b (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) II = 2sin 1−a2 u+ b2−1 v+c dudv, a b wherecisaconstant. Moreover,uptorigidmotions,X isinvariantunderhelicoidal motions. 6 F.MANFIOANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS Proof. ThestatementaboutthefundamentalformsfollowsdirectlyfromtheBianchi- Spivak construction. For the second statement, note that the parametrization X(u,v) can be written as X(u,v)=g ·Y(u,v)·g , a b where 1 g = √ (a,0,−1,0), a 1+a2 1 g = √ (b,0,0,−1), b 1+b2 and Y(u,v)=γ (u)·T(γ (v)). a b To conclude the proof, it suffices to show that Y(u,v) is invariant by helicoidal motions. To do this, we have to find α and β such that (cid:0) (cid:1) φ (t)·Y(u,v)=Y u(t),v(t) , α,β where u(t) and v(t) are smooth functions. Observe that Y(u,v) can be written as 1 (14) Y(u,v)= (y ,y ,y ,y ), (cid:112) 1 2 3 4 (1+a2)(1+b2) where (cid:16)u v(cid:17) y (u,v) = abcos + −sin(au+bv), 1 a b (cid:16)u v(cid:17) y (u,v) = absin + +cos(au+bv), 2 a b (cid:16) v(cid:17) (cid:16)u (cid:17) y (u,v) = bcos au− −asin −bv , 3 b a (cid:16) v(cid:17) (cid:16)u (cid:17) y (u,v) = bsin au− +acos −bv . 4 b a A straightforward computation shows that if φ (t) is given by (3), we have α,β u(t)=u+z(t) and v(t)=v+w(t), where a(b2−1) b(1−a2) (15) z(t)= βt and w(t)= βt, a2b2−1 a2b2−1 with b2−a2 (16) α= β, a2b2−1 showing that Y(u,v) is invariant by helicoidal motions. Observe that when a=±b we have α=0, i.e., X is a rotational surface in S3. (cid:3) Remark2. Itisimportanttonotethattheconstantaandbin(12)wereconsidered in (1,+∞) in order to obtain non-zero constant curvatures with its well defined torsions, and then to apply the Bianchi-Spivak construction. This is not a strong restriction since the curvature function κ(t) = t2−1 assumes all values in R\{0} t when t ∈ (1,+∞). However, by taking a = 1 and b > 1 in (12), a long but straightforward computation gives an unit normal vector field 1 N(u,v)= (n ,n ,n ,n ), (cid:112) 1 2 3 4 2(1+b2) HELICOIDAL FLAT SURFACES IN THE 3-SPHERE 7 where (cid:16) v(cid:17) n (u,v) = −bsin u+ +cos(u+bv), 1 b (cid:16) v(cid:17) n (u,v) = bcos u+ +sin(u+bv), 2 b (cid:16) v(cid:17) n (u,v) = bsin u− −cos(a−bv), 3 b (cid:16) v(cid:17) n (u,v) = −bcos u− −sin(u−bv). 4 b Therefore,oneshowsthatthisparametrizationisalsobyasymptoticlineswherethe anglefunctionisgivenbyω(u,v)= 1−b2v−π. Moreover, thisisaparametrization b 2 of a Hopf cylinder, since the unit normal vector field N makes a constant angle with the Hopf vector field (see section 4). We will use the parametrization Y(u,v) given in (14), compose with the stereo- graphic projection in R3, to visualize some examples with the corresponding con- stants a and b. Figure 1. a=2 and b=3. √ Figure 2. a= 2 and b=3. 8 F.MANFIOANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS √ √ Figure 3. a= 3 and b= 2. 4. Constant angle surfaces InthissectionwewillcompleteourclassificationofhelicoidalflatsurfacesinS3, byestablishingoursecondmaintheorem,thatcanbeseenasaconverseofTheorem 1. It is well known that the Hopf map h : S3 → S2 is a Riemannian submersion and the standard orthogonal basis of S3 E (z,w)=i(z,w), E (z,w)=i(−w,z), E (z,w)=(−w,z) 1 2 3 hasthepropertythatE isverticalandE , E arehorizontal. ThevectorfieldE , 1 2 3 1 usually called the Hopf vector field, is an unit Killing vector field. ConstantanglesurfaceinS3 arethosesurfaceswhoseitsunitnormalvectorfield makes a constant angle with the Hopf vector field E . The next result states that 1 flatness of a helicoidal surface in S3 turns out to be equivalent to constant angle surface. Proposition 3. AhelicoidalsurfaceinS3, locallyparametrizedby (4)andwiththe profile curve γ parametrized by (6), is a flat surface if and only if it is a constant angle surface. Proof. Let us consider the Hopf vector field E (x ,x ,x ,x )=(−x ,x ,−x ,x ), 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 and let us denote by ν the angle between E and the normal vector field N along 1 the surface given in (5). Along the parametrization (4), we can write the vector field E as 1 E (X(t,s))=φ (t)(−x ,x ,0,x ). 1 α,β 2 1 3 Then, since φ (t)∈O(4), we have α,β x x(cid:48) (cid:104)N,E (cid:105)(t,s)=(cid:104)N,E (cid:105)(s)=(β−α) 3 3 . 1 1 (cid:112) β2x2+α2(x(cid:48))2 3 3 By considering the parametrization (6) for the profile curve γ, the angle ν = ν(s) between N and E is given by 1 ϕ(cid:48)sinϕcosϕ (17) cosν(s)=(β−α) . (cid:113) β2sin2ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))2cos2ϕ HELICOIDAL FLAT SURFACES IN THE 3-SPHERE 9 By taking the derivative in (17), we have d (β−α)(cid:0)β2ϕ(cid:48)(cid:48)sin3ϕcosϕ−β2(ϕ(cid:48))2sin4ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))2cos4ϕ(cid:1) (cosν(s))= , ds (cid:0)β2sin2ϕ+α2(ϕ(cid:48))2cos2ϕ(cid:1)23 and the conclusion follows from the Proposition 1. (cid:3) Given a number (cid:15) > 0, let us recall that the Berger sphere S3 is defined as the (cid:15) sphere S3 endowed with the metric (18) (cid:104)X,Y(cid:105) =(cid:104)X,Y(cid:105)+((cid:15)2−1)(cid:104)X,E (cid:105)(cid:104)Y,E (cid:105), (cid:15) 1 1 where (cid:104),(cid:105) denotes de canonical metric of S3. We define constant angle surface in S3 in the same way that in the case of S3. Constant angle surfaces in the Berger (cid:15) spheres were characterized by Montaldo and Onnis [17]. More precisely, if M is a constant angle surface in the Berger sphere, with constant angle ν, then there exists a local parametrization F(u,v) given by (19) F(u,v)=A(v)b(u), where (cid:0)√ √ √ √ (cid:1) (20) b(u)= c cos(α u), c sin(α u), c cos(α u), c sin(α u) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 √ √ is a geodesic curve in the torus S1( c )×S1( c ), with 1 2 1 (cid:15)cosν 2B 2B c = ∓ √ , α = c , α = c , B =1+((cid:15)2−1)cos2ν, 1,2 2 2 B 1 (cid:15) 2 2 (cid:15) 1 and (21) A(v)=A(ξ,ξ ,ξ ,ξ )(v) 1 2 3 is a 1-parameter family of 4×4 orthogonal matrices given by A(v)=A(ξ)·A˜(v), where   1 0 0 0  0 1 0 0  A(ξ)=   0 0 sinξ cosξ  0 0 −cosξ sinξ and   cosξ cosξ −cosξ sinξ sinξ cosξ −sinξ sinξ 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 A˜(v)= cosξ1sinξ2 −cosξ1cosξ2 sinξ1sinξ3 sinξ1cosξ3 ,  −sinξ1cosξ3 sinξ1sinξ3 cosξ1cosξ2 cosξ1sinξ2  sinξ sinξ −sinξ cosξ −cosξ sinξ cosξ cosξ 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 ξ is a constant and the functions ξ (v), 1≤i≤3, satisfy i (22) cos2(ξ (v))ξ(cid:48)(v)−sin2(ξ (v))ξ(cid:48)(v)=0. 1 2 1 3 In the next result we obtain another relation between the function ξ , given in i (21), and the angle function ν. Proposition 4. The functions ξ (v), given in (21), satisfy the following relation: i (23) (ξ(cid:48)(v))2+(ξ(cid:48)(v))2cos2(ξ (v))+(ξ(cid:48)(v))sin2(ξ (v))=sin2ν, 1 2 1 3 1 where ν is the angle function of the surface M. 10 F.MANFIOANDJ.P.DOSSANTOS Proof. With respect to the parametrization F(u,v), given in (19), we have F =A(cid:48)(v)·b(u)=A(ξ)·A˜(cid:48)(v)·b(u). v We have (cid:104)F ,F (cid:105)=sin2ν (cf. [17]). On the other hand, if we denote by c , c , c , v v 1 2 3 c the columns of A˜, we have 4 (cid:104)F ,F (cid:105)| =g (cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105)+g (cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105). v v u=0 11 1 1 33 3 3 As (cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105)=(cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105), (cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105)=0 and g +g =1, a straightforward computation 1 1 3 3 1 3 11 33 gives sin2ν = (cid:104)F ,F (cid:105)=(g +g )(cid:104)c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:105) v v 11 33 1 1 = (ξ(cid:48)(v))2+(ξ(cid:48)(v))2cos2(ξ (v))+(ξ(cid:48)(v))sin2(ξ (v)), 1 2 1 3 1 and we conclude the proof. (cid:3) Theorem 2. Let M be a helicoidal flat surface in S3, locally parametrized by (4), and whose profile curve γ is given by (6). Then M admits a new local parametriza- tion such that the fundamental forms are given as in (9) and ω is a linear function. Proof. ConsidertheunitnormalvectorfieldN associatedtothelocalparametriza- tion X of M given in (4). From Proposition 3, the angle between N and the Hopf vector field E is constant. Hence, it follows from [17] (Theorem 3.1) that M can 1 be locally parametrized as in (19). By taking (cid:15) = 1 in (18), we can reparametrize the curve b given in (20) in such a way that the new curve is a base curve γ . In a fact,bytaking(cid:15)=1,weobtainB =1,andsoα =2c andα =2c . Thisimplies √ 1 2 2 √1 that (cid:107)b(cid:48)(u)(cid:107)=2 c c , because c +c =1. Thus, by writing s=2 c c , the new 1 2 1 2 1 2 parametrization of b is given by 1 (cid:16) s s (cid:17) b(s)= √ acos ,asin ,cos(as),sin(as) , 1+a2 a a (cid:112) where a= c /c . On the other hand, we have 1 2 A(v)·b(s)=A(ξ)X(v,s), where X(v,s) can be written as 1 X(v,s)= √ (x ,x ,x ,x ), 1 2 3 4 1+a2 with (cid:16)s (cid:17) x = acosξ cos +ξ +sinξ cos(as+ξ ), 1 1 a 2 1 3 (cid:16)s (cid:17) x = acosξ sin +ξ +sinξ sin(as+ξ ), (24) 2 1 a(cid:16)s 2 (cid:17) 1 3 x = −asinξ cos −ξ +cosξ cos(as−ξ ), 3 1 a 3 1 2 (cid:16)s (cid:17) x = −asinξ sin −ξ +cosξ sin(as−ξ ). 4 1 a 3 1 2 On the other hand, the product φ (t)·X(v,s) can be written as α,β 1 φ (t)·X(v,s)= √ (z ,z ,z ,z ), α,β 1 2 3 4 1+a2 where (cid:16)s (cid:17) z = acosξ cos +ξ +αt +sinξ cos(as+ξ +αt), 1 1 a 2 1 3 (cid:16)s (cid:17) z = acosξ sin +ξ +αt +sinξ sin(as+ξ +αt), (25) 2 1 a(cid:16)s 2 (cid:17) 1 3 z = −asinξ cos −ξ +βt +cosξ cos(as−ξ +βt), 3 1 a 3 1 2 (cid:16)s (cid:17) z = −asinξ sin −ξ +βt +cosξ sin(as−ξ +βt). 4 1 a 3 1 2

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