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Helene Andersen - ma3-Ark2 MSc3- Architecture Fall 2010 PDF

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Preview Helene Andersen - ma3-Ark2 MSc3- Architecture Fall 2010

Helene Andersen - ma3-Ark2 MSc3- Architecture Fall 2010 Title sheet Project title: Exploring the potential in solar cells Project theme: Architectural Research and Development Project period: 07.09.2010 - 09.12.2010 Number of pages: 70 Printings: 4 Supervisor: Michael Lauring Architect maa phd, associate professor Technical consultant: Olena Kalyanova Larsen Civil engineer Writer: ___________________________________________ Helene Andersen Bachelor Degree in Architecture Synopsis This report is a result of a theoretical research of the potential of solar cells in large scale architecture. It presents the basic knowledge about solar cells and then deals with the issue of using solar cells in other ways in our architecture than as an electricity pro- ducing element added to the buildings. The research takes point of departure in Vitruvius’ three categories for architecture: firmitas, utilitas and venutas, and presents how solar cells can have potential in all three categories 2 Table of Content Motivation 4 Utilitas 35 Problem Statement 4 Segregation 35 Problem Delimitation 4 Incorporation 35 Introduction 5 Amalgamation 36 Solar Theory 7 Solar Energy 8 Venustas 37 Passive solar energy Signaling effect 38 Active solar energy Solar cells as building aesthetic 39 Case 1 - Pod#001 41 Electricity consumption 9 Case 2 - Art installation by Anita Jørgensen 43 Producing with solar cells 11 Case 3 - Lærkelængen 45 Solar cells, power stations and district heating Case 4 - Workshop at Arkitektskolen 46 Solar cells and wind turbines Case 5 - The green city 47 Central vs. decentralized production Case 6 - Pixsol 49 Case 7 - The blue house 50 The solar cell 13 Case 8 - The GreenPix Media Wall 51 Crystalline solar cells Silicon thin-film solar cells Case 9 - Sarah Hall glass installation 53 Research Case 10 - Solar Ivy 55 Solar systems 15 Casestudy 58 The city and buildings 17 Solar cells in existing city areas 59 The size of the solar cell system 19 Øgadekvarteret 59 Changing the conditions Skelagergårdene 61 Economy 23 Mellem Broerne 63 Exploring the potential in solar cells Suggestion to design approach 65 Introduction 27 Solar cells in architecture 28 Conclusion 66 Firmitas 29 Bibliography 67 Segregation 29 Incorporation 31 Illustration list 69 Amalgamation 32 Installations methods 33 3 Motivation Problem statement In spring 2010 I was making a MSc2-project in Archi- What is the potential of using solar cells in large scale tecture at the Department of Architecture, Design architecture in other ways than as an electricity and Media Technology at Aalborg University. producing element? The project was about making a zero-energy hous- ing complex, and the electricity for the building should be produced by solar cells placed on the building site. Unfortunately I didn’t have any knowledge about solar cells, so they weren’t prioritized in the build- Problem delimitation ing design. In the end of the project I had a final design, and then I had to find space for a large The urban issues regarding solar energy will only be amount of solar cells. explored on an overall basis; instead the focus will be This resulted in a ruined building expression, where on the buildings. During the research, the methods and solar cells were just pasted on to balcony parapets technologies of solar cells will be researched in propor- and on the roof. tion to both work-buildings, such as offices, and resi- dence buildings such as larger housing complex’. The After that project, I have asked myself if this really single family house will not be treated in this research. was the approach for using solar cells in architec- ture: making a building design and the past the Solar technology can also be relevant when maintain- solar cells on. ing, renovating and modifying existing buildings, but Therefore I decided to explore the potential in this issue will only be processed in the end of the using solar cells in large scale architecture, to get project where the issue of putting solar cells into an a deeper knowledge about how we as architects existing building area will be treated. and engineers can use solar cells in our buildings in The project will mainly be concentrated in a Danish more ways than just for producing electricity. context, but cases and examples of solar cells in archi- tecture can be from other countries where the use of I have searched for that knowledge I felt that I solar cells is more conspicuous. was missing on my MSc2-project, and after making this theoretical project, I feel ready for making a new design-project with solar cells as an important design parameter. The report is a result of my theoretical investiga- tions of the potential in solar cells, and I hope that it may inspire others to use solar cells in a more integrated way in architecture. 4 Introduction One of the reasons for the lack of interest in solar cell technology is due to the problems of fitting the solar cells into our buildings. In many cases, the In June 2010 the new Danish Building Regulation solar cells are added to the roof as autonomous ele- (BR10) was released. The chapter regarding energy ments that doesn’t improve the architectural value consumption in building has been tight up, and the of the building. Therefore it’s essential for archi- energy-performance for buildings has been decreased tects and engineers to think creative when it comes with 25 % compared to the demands in BR08: to integrating solar cells into buildings, and show What used to be low-energy class 2 in BR08 is now that solar cells can be a positive building element. the norm in BR10, and we already know, that the new [Berg et all, 2005 p. 11] low-energy class 2015 in BR10, is becoming the norm in 2015 where the energy demands is being tight up once On my education on Architecture & Design, we again. [ing.dk, 30.11.2010] work with architectural design that combines form, function and technique into a symbiosis. I think, In September 2010, KlimaKommisionen proposed that that this is the type of approach that is needed to Denmark, in 2050, should be free of using fossil fuels to make solar cells a positive element in the future produce heat and electricity for our buildings. [Klimak- building. Therefore I have chosen to investigate ommisionen, 2010 p.19] solar cells, and how it’s possible to integrate them With a new Building Regulation, and the prospects of into buildings, not only as an electricity producing more tightening in the heat demands over the next 10 element, but also as an element that contributes to years, it time to make some changes in the electricity other aspects of the building, such as the aesthetic consumption in the buildings. expression. Solar cells are one way of producing electricity without using fossil fuels. It’s a technology without any noise or pollution. In other countries, such as Germany, USA, Spain and Japan, solar cell technology is very accepted and is an industry in rapid development. In Denmark, solar cell technology hasn’t been accepted in the same way. In the Book Ny energi og innovation i Danmark, they es- timate that solar cell technology in 2008 stood for 275 jobs in Denmark. In comparison, they estimate that it stood for 28.000 jobs in Germany, 18.000 jobs in Japan and 12.200 in Spain. [Borup et al, 2009 p.119] Solar cell related jobs in countries 30000 25000 20000 15000 Jobs 10000 5000 ill.a1 - numbers of jobs in 2008 related to solar cells 0 DenmarkGermany Japan Spain ill.a2 - solar cells added to the building can seem alien to the ill.a1 building and have a influence on the architectural expression 5 ill.a2 Solar Theory Through time, it has been a fascinating thought to harvest the large quantity of energy that the sun pro- vides the earth every day. This energy is a natural pure Indirect radiation product, and it’s free. Direct radiation The terms “Solar Architecture” and “solar design” are applied on architecture that uses the sun as a design parameter, and where the architecture is optimized to function by means of the sun, e.g. passive solar heat- ing and solar technologies for hot water and electric- ity. [daviddarling.info, 30.11.2010] To use the sun as a design parameter, it’s necessary to have knowledge about the sun and how it affects the context. ill.b1 - direct and indirect solar radiation Solar radiation The radiation from the sun is the significant factor in North using solar energy in architecture. There are two types 150º 10º 150º of radiation: 20º 30º 40º • Direct radiation, which reaches the surfaces directly 120º kl.21 50º 120º kl.6 • Diffuse radiation, which has been scattered in the 60º atmosphere before reaching the surfaces. 70º 80º Solar energy methods and technologies are mainly West kl.18 kl.9 East kl.18 based on the direct radiation [Hegger et al, 2008 p.53] The intensity and angles in which the radiation reaches kl.15 kl.12 kl.9 the surfaces, varies from location to location; the kl.15 closer to equator the larger intensity: in Denmark the 60º kl.12 60º kl.9 average annual global radiation is about 1000 kWh/ kl.15 m2. In comparison, the desert Sahara has an average kl.12 30º 30º annual global radiation about 2600 kWh/m2 [solenergi. South June dk, 14.10.2010] March/September December To determine the angles of the radiation see ill.b2, ill.b2 - simplified solar diagram for Aalborg which is a simplified version of the solar diagram. In the solar diagram, the location (the azimuth angle) and the height of the sun (the altitude) can be read off. The angles are different regarding location on earth, e c time a day and time a year, and therefore it is essential olsti 23,5º S to use diagrams that represent the specific location er m you are working on. Ill.b3 shows the altitudes in Den- m mark. Su Equinox 23,5º This basic solar knowledge is essential to making solar optimized architecture, both when dealing with passive methods and active technologies. During this Winter Solstice project, the solar knowledge will being use to explain 11º what to be aware of when working with solar cells. North South ill.b3 - altitude angleAslt fitourd Dee annmgalersk in Denmark 7 Solar Energy The last couple of years the technology has evolved and more integrated systems are now on the market. An example is the firm Komproment, see ill.c3 which Solar energy can be used in architecture in several provides roof-solutions with both solar collectors and ways, and it is often divided into two themes: pas- solar cells integrated into the surface. sive solar energy and active solar energy. [komproment.dk 01.10.2010] Passive solar energy Solar cells are another active solar energy technology, Passive solar energy is focused on how to use the which converts solar energy into electricity. Because heat from the sun to heat buildings. The typical this technology is the theme for this project, its possi- method is to have glass areas orientated towards bilities, properties etc. will be presented more detailed the sun, so sun radiation can enter the building, later in this report. and then have thermal mass inside the building to absorb and store the heat. Using passive solar energy can also have something to do with zoning of the rooms in the building and construction of solar rooms. These approaches have a impact on the architec- tural expression and the experience of both the ex- terior and interior of a building; glass facades give a transparence look and lets large quantities of light into the building, while working with thermal mass gives some opportunities in showing the surfaces of building materials and use them in an aesthetic point of view in the rooms, instead of covering ill.c1 them up with e.g. plaster. The biggest issue regarding passive solar energy for heating is the uncontrolled amounts of heat that comes into the building, which can create overheat and an uncomfortable indoor climate. Therefore it’s essential to work with how to let the sun into the building during the winter to benefit from the solar heat, and how to prevent the heating from entering the building during the summer without making large daylight sacrifices. [Roaf et al, 2003 p. 175 - 192] ill.c2 Active solar energy Active solar energy refers to solar technologies such as solar collectors and solar cells. Solar collec- tors collect the energy from the sun and convert it into heat. The technology is most used for heating domestic water, but it’s also possible to use it for room heating.[bolius.dk, 01.10.2010] The installed equipment is placed on the roofs, meaning that on buildings with pitched roofs, the solar collectors are visible and have an impact on the aesthetic ill.c3 expression of the building. ill.c1 - concrete surface from project by Line Kramhøft ill.c2 - Økohus 99 by Vandkunsten ill.c3 - solar collector integrated in roof by Komproment 8 Electricity consumption Since the 1970’s there has been awareness upon en- 7% 19 % ergy consumption in buildings and households, but this 8 % awareness has mainly focused on heating the build- ings. This has induced to high insulated buildings, heat 9 % recovery systems for ventilation etc. and the energy consumption for heating buildings has decreased. 16 % On the other hand has the electricity consumption in- 12 % creased with the need for appliances for entertainment and households. [Marsh, 2006 p.5] Therefore it seems reasonable to shift the focus from heat consumption 13 % 16 % to electricity consumption. Single family house ~ 5500 kWh pr. year (without electric heating) The electricity consumption for a family The use of electricity varies with different parameters: number of people in the household, energy habits, choice of appliances, etc. Research shows, that the electricity consumption for a family of four in a single family house is different from the electricity consump- Artificial lighting tion for a family of four in an apartment, which is Furnace & Central heating pump illustrated in ill.d1. [seas-nve.dk, 28.10.2010]However, Washing Machine & Tumble Drier the monthly distribution of electricity use over a year is Refrigerator & Freezer almost the same, see ill. d2 [energimidt.dk,28.100. 2010] Miscellaneous The needed area of solar cells is determined by how Cooking much electricity the family wants the solar system to Entertainment produce. In some case, people choose to have a sys- tem that can produce electricity corresponding to the Dish washer consumption in the winter month where the monthly [seas-nve.dk, 28.10.2010] consumption is highest, while others choose a system that can cover the annual energy consumption. No matter the solution, then the consumption in the period determines the area of solar cells; the larger consumption, the larger area of solar cells. Therefore 16 % 22 % the first priority of the household should be to take a look at their electricity consumption and see if it’s pos- sible to decrease it: Artificial lighting is, both in the single family house and 17 % the apartment, that post that uses most electricity in 12 % the household. To decrease this element, it is necessary to create architecture with good daylight conditions. This makes it important to integrate the energy tech- 13 % nologies into the building in such a way that they don’t 20 % deteriorate the daylight conditions in the rooms. Apartment ~3600 kWh pr. year (Without electric heating) ill.d1 - the electricity consumption in respectively a single-family house and an apartment divided between different appliances. 9

takes point of departure in Vitruvius' three categories for architecture: firmitas, utilitas and venutas, Therefore I decided to explore the potential in using solar cells in large scale architecture, to get In the book Energy manual –Sustainable Architecture they present three approaches for u
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