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Heleanna melanomochla (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), feeding on mango in Taiwan PDF

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Preview Heleanna melanomochla (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), feeding on mango in Taiwan

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoeglrcaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ut8ma Titzns.tepidS.oc.1mpan46(3):159-16S4e,ptember 1995 Heleanna metanomochla (Meyric k()Lepidopt eTroar,tricidae )f,eeding on in Taiwan mango YoshitsuguNAsu' Osaka PlantProtectionOfficeS,hakudo 442,Habikino, Osaka, 583 Japan Abstract Heleanna melanomochla (Meyrick )ef, which larva feeds on mango in Taiwan, is redescribed. The genitalia and immature stages are illustrat efdor the firs ttime. Key words Tortricidae, Hbleanna melanomochla (Meyrick )im,mature stages, insect pest of rnango, Taiwan. Higleanna melanomochla (Meyrick )was described by E, Meyrick in 1936, based on sorne specimens bred from larvae feeding on mango in Taiwan. Until now, this species has been litt lestudied, and the genitali aand immature stages have not been figured. Recently ,I collected the larvae'* in Taiwan and got some emerged meths. In the following lines the redescription of the moth is given, with the illustratio nofs adult, larva genitalia , and pupa. Heleanna (Meyrick()Figs1-17) melanomochla Acrocgit amelanomochla Meyrick, 1936: 24; Diakonoff ,1950: 279; Clarke ,1958: 276, fig.2 (lef wtings); Kawabe & Komai, with Razowski, 1992 : 108. Hbleanna melanomochla : Clarke ,1976 : 12. ciT. Wing expanse 10-11mm. Head brownish gray, tips of scales whitish; face flattened ,scales extending over, reaching second segment of labial palpus (Fig.2: arrow). Antenna thick, brcwnish gray. Labial palpus brownis hgray, tips of scales whitish; second segment triangular (Fig.2 )b,rownis hdorsally ;third segment dark gray. Thorax grayish olive, whitish posteriorly ; tegula brownish, Forewing elongate oblong, apex and tornus rounded, costa concave at the base, with sorne small rounded scale-tufts on the basal half . Ground color grayish brown, beyond middle suffused with cream-white and gray, Costa with four pairs of cream-white strigulae from apex to middle, Median fascia indicated by gray wide band dusted with grayish olive, running from basal 1/3 of costa to middle of dorsum. Two conspicuous black dashes on apical half ,and a black spot on apex. Cili abrownish gray, whitish on tornus, Hindwing semitriangular, dorsum extended. Color Iigh tgrayish brown, semitransparent; veins blackish ,conspic-uous. Cubital pecten long . Cili aligh tgrayish brown, blackish on dorsum, Male scent organs. Costa lfeld absent, Forewing with a large tuft of slender cream- white scales on the basal 1/4 of costa (Fig. 3l:arge arrow), and with an oval patch covered with long brown scales, concealing numerous filifor mcream-white scales, on the base of cell (Fi g3, : small arrrow), Hindwing with slender cream-white scales on the extended dorsum (Fi g4. : large arrow), and with a tuft of filifor cmream-white scales on the base of dorsum (Fi g4. : small arrow). ' Present address : 153-2, Nakado, Hashimoto, Wakayama Pref., 648 Japan. '* The larvae were imported frem Taiwan under perrnission of the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisherie s(Kobe Plant Quarantin Setatio nN,o. 128 in 1994). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 160 YoshitsuguNAsu s l 1 Figsl'8. Heleanna metanomochla (Meyrick) . 1. Adult, cin. 2. Head, cln,lateral view. Arrow:extending face. 3,Scent forewing. Large scales on organs of male arrow: tuft on costa; small arrow: oval patch covered with long scales on the base. 4. Scent organs of male hindwing. Large arrow:crearn-white scales on dorsum;small arrow:tuft on the base of dorsum, 5. Folded leaf of mango by larva . 6. Mature larva , 7. Larva before pupating. 8. Pupa, Maiegenitalia(Fig.9).TegumenwithawidedQrsalcencavity. Uncusabsent. Socius long ,setose on inner side, with fiv eor six stout setae in the apex. Gnathos weakly sclerotized. Aedeagus cone-shaped, armed with 11-12 fusiform cornuti. Valva con- stricted deeply (nec kdistinc tl,ong) ; basal opening with a setose lobe on the posterior edge. Cucullus oval, with many stout setae on the inner side, the posterior edge with NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Heleannamelanomochla Feeding on Mango 161 IIi.i i iw{:iiil,lm;i .ufil il.-, :Irm i.ii lt Li ・ '- - ' x x 'fiilfil"'r.ii ・,IX :,l*limUi.i Iil il llli l l.it ia.iiilg\; -w . .lI l.:' xl!IlII.: lt ul alIiIll Il .' llliltl}lf il ./IlItItltll.I,lis'lfllill-lsltllll lll . IItlanSill re, ":t llkiL, kl l:l i"ll il tmut trts m w :llill'iiWii um,il,l-' ll t '- tlfi lw, . w i:lill :lwk,ll:lllf ml-lxSllilltlr: ii;l'i-w. wg "i.i:iIii:"ii:l lli,"lllii' niIt,I .k:I,I,, -'ti 'iili .:.ll:l,utrm,i llt,,II.,f.t-i:l- llI:fi\I:Il{ill,ilIll,i)ltt ii,' tilltdili l: wm *mk:-u,ISII mellt ''{t' -. IEs lllX・ ll#l:ma'll"g/il:- V--lll:wrIII l tl l.t- iteis ll"illIl,ll l'"li,: i: i,k.s --lil3・ii u: i IIiI Ie t rII1'I IV. 'i,,i,,:rulm,,mlilgE:illlig:ili'lil:f1illt::IS'lvLa'Lil・l.I.・i[,LIIE-..:lig l ll "ilt/ tlt tlt ps uLefil !llli- ur 3,li, l-ll k*iLl i -- 1 Figs9,10 Hbieanna melanomochla (Meyric k )9 Malegenitalia 10 Female genitalia {Scale s05mm) some short stout setae \ Wing expanse 10 5-12 mm Head and thorax similar to those of male, but antenna Forewmg but slender coloration and markings as in male, costa moderately curved, with six pairs of costal strigulae from apex to basal 114 median fascia mconspicuous, , indicated by whitish sinuous streaks, originating from the fift hand sixth costal strigulae Hindwing semioval, with cubital pecten shorter than that of male, cilia 1igh tgrayish brewnFemale genitaha (Fi g10) Papilla eanales fla t Apophysis posterioris as long as apo- Intersegrnental between 7 8weakly physis anterioris rnembrane sternites and sclerot- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 162 Yoshitsugu NAsu va.K V3 K V2 Kvlr,g))1 A Fa . AF2 . .J,.Aa' Ll AFI x..< Fa PlAl11A2 A3 C2 CI 3 14 DlsS {!) D2 × )1SE) D2 DlDS)t D2Dl SDIbeSD2po SPI-gtM)Ci]>D2-1.2)SLIr,3"..<!) llteeSDLI 21J]]S:]>LlLSSIE) L2Ll[,3SVISV29A9Vl15 ,l2LJ)],3=:rE)SVISV3SV2 sgT,i,P si'2"LJIE)vlQA8 ATepVl A6Vl Figsll-15. Larval chaetotaxy ef filalean nmaelanomochla (Meyrick ).11. Head, frontal view. 12. Head, lateralview .13. Pro- andmesothorax. 14 .Abdominalsegment L ]5.Abdominal segments 6-9 <Scales:Figsl l1,2:O.2mm;Figs13-15:O.5 mm). ized, with a pair of pits spinulose on the surfaces. Sternit e7 quadrate, with a pair of latero-posterier Antrum lamella strongly sclerotized processes. cup-shaped; post- laterally, vaginalis concaved posteriorly, extending connected with posterior part of 7. Ductus bursae long, long Corpus bursae sternite with ring-like sclerotization, pyriform ; signa of two blade-shaped sclerites, equal in size. Material Lectotype, TAIWAN: Heito [Pingtung], S. I, [S.Issiki], examined, cii, bred. 4. 35 [IV 1.935], without abdemen, Natural History Museum, London (BMNH), Other TAIWAN Heito [Pingtung1]9,,IV.1935(S.Issiklieg,), materials. : genitalia slide 27572 ,BMNH ; Tainan Hsien, Kuanmiao, 4 r 5 4, 16-23 .III .1994 (Y, Nasu leg. )e,x larvaefeeding on mango. Mature larva (Fig 6s, 7, 11-15). Length 9-10 mm. Head longer than broad, Iight brown, latero-posteri oedrge black, with black pigmentation on ocellar area and galea. Spin- neret slender, with round top. Prothoracic shield yellowish brown, posterior edge dark. Thoracic legs yellowish brown. Body yellowish brown (Fig. 6d)a,rk reddish before pupating (Fig 7.) ; integurnen tdensely spinulose. Pinacula small, concolorous with body. Setae short, pale. Anal plate light brown. Anal fork present. Crochets uniordinal, circle; 27-29 on ventral leg ,16-17 on anal proleg, Chaetetaxy (Fig 1s1-15) : Pl closer to AF2 than to AFI. A2 almost equidistant from Al and A3. 01 closer to ocellus II than to ocellus I. 02 ventro-caudal to ocellus I. On abdominal segments except segment 8, SDI and SD2 on differen ptinacula, On abdomi- 8, SDI SD2 On 9,D2s nal segment and cephalad of spiracle. segment on same NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan delecznna melanomochla Feeding on Mango 163 6 Figs16,17 . PupaofHlaleanna melanomochla(Meyrick), ?. 16. Frontalview. 17. Late- ral view (Scale : s1 mm). pinaculum; L group trisetose . SV group on abdominal segments 1,2,3,7,8 and 9 numbering 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 respectively, Material examined. TAIWAN : Tainan Hsien, Kuanmiao, 3 exs feeding on mango, fixed 14.III.1994(Y.Nasu leg.), on Pupa (Fig s8, 16, 17). Length 5-6 mm. Color light brown. Frons reund. Clypeus with three pairs of setae, of these setae cephalad pair long. Abdominal segment 10 with four hooked pairs of setae, Material examined. T'AlIaWrAvNae : Tainan Hsien, Kuanmiao, 1 cli 1 4, fixed on 14. III. 1994 (Y .Nasu leg.) ,ex feecling on mango. Host-plant. Mango, Mangij27rtizndicaL.(Anacardiceae). Biologica lnote, Larvae feed on the young leaves of mango, foldin glongitudinal ltyhe apices and margins of the leaves (Fi g5,). Pupation takes place in the pupal case in foldedleaf(Fig8.), Distribution.Taiwan. Remarks. This moth is superficially similar to Hl Pldysalo d(eMseyrick 1,910), but differs from it in having wide dorsal concavity of tegumen, thick socius in male genitalia ,and a pair of strongly sclertotized latero-posteri oprrocesses on sternite 7 in female genitalia. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 164 Yoshitsugu NAsu Acknowledgments Iwish to express  my  thanks  to Mr  K. R, Tuck , Natural History Museurn London  for , , allowing  me  to examine  some  specimens  includin glectotype and  to Dr W . S. Chen Tainan Distric tAgricultural Improvement  Station Tainan  for ,the assistance  in obtain −, , , ing the larvae.  I am  also obliged  to Prof. Y.1. Chu, National Taiwan  University Taipei Dr F. Kolnai Osaka Universit yof Arts, Osaka, and  Dr C. L. Wang , Taiwan  Agri,cultura,l Research Ins,titut, eTaichung, for their helpfu ladvice  in many  aspects . References ’ Clarke, J. F. G., 1958. Cata’logu eqプ地召 T)pe Specimens qプMicroiepidoPte rian the β癬ゴ曲 Maseum   (Naturag Histoリリ descnろed  by Edw αrd 蜘 ガ‘ん 3.60e pp.,298 pls.  Britis hMuseum (Natural   History), London.  Di ak o no 鉦,1, 9A7.6,.19M5i0, croTlheep tiydpoep tspeerc:aimTeonrstri ocfo icdeertaa.i n I Onrsieecnttsげa lEMuciocsrmoindeaesi a 9an(d1) C:a1r−p1o44s.lnidae(Microlepi−   doptera)describe dby Edward  Meyrick  together  with  descriptions of new  Eucosmidae  and  Carpo−   sinidae  in the Britis hMuseum (Natural History>.  Bull.翫 漁 s. nat . Hist.(Enし)1;275−300,8pls.. K a waCbheec, kAl量.st&. FLe. pKiodmLa iTa,  iwtivthan  1J、( 2R)a:zo1w0s3k−i10,9.1992.  Tortr{cidae .  In Heppner , J. B.& H .Inoue (ed .〉, Meyrick, E.,1936.  E瞬 ご Microlepi.d5 (reprlnted  in 1969).160 pp . E. W . Classey Ltd., HamptQn . 摘 要 台湾 に お い て マ ン ゴーを加害す る Heleanna melanomochla (Meyrick)に っ い て (鱗翅 目, ハ マ キガ科)(那須義次) Heleanna melanomochta  (Meyrick )を再記載した.雌雄交尾器お よび幼虫 ・蛹は初めて図示 される. 本種の 幼虫はマ ン ゴー (1吻   舵解 indica L )の 若 い 葉の 先端や縁 を縦に 折 りた た み 摂食す る. , 蛹化は折 りたたまれた葉の 中で 行われる. 分布 :台湾. 本種は外部表徴にお い て H. physalodes(Meyr {ck )に類似するが,雄交尾器にお い て tegumen の , 背方部に広い くぼみ を持つ こ と,太い socius を持つ こと,雌交尾器におい て第 7腹板に強 く硬化し た 1対の後側方突起を持つ こ とに よ り区別で きる. (Accepted May  10,1995) Published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan, c/oOgata  Building,2−17 Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku, Osaka 541 Japan , , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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