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7 1 0 2 e n u J 4 0 5 2 : 2 1 t a ] o g e i D n a S a, i n r o f i l a C f o y t i s r e v i n U [ y b d e d a o l n w o D Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology 7 1 0 2 e n u J 4 Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology draws attention to a largely overlooked 0 5 piece of Hegel’s philosophy: his substantial and philosophically rich treat- 2 : ment of psychology at the end of the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, which 2 1 itself belongs to his main work, the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sci­ t a ences. This volume makes the case that Hegel’s approach to philosophy of ] o mind as developed within this text can make an important contribution to g e current discussions about mind and subjectivity and can help clarify the i D notion of spirit (Geist) within Hegel’s larger philosophical project. Scholars n a from different schools of Hegelian thought provide a multifaceted overview S a, of Hegel’s Psychology. Part I begins with an overview of Hegel’s Philoso­ i phy of Subjective Spirit, which outlines both its historical context and its n or systematic context within Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit. Parts II and III then f li investigate the individual chapters of the sections on psychology: the the- a C oretical mind and the practical and free mind. The volume concludes by of examining the challenges which Hegel’s Psychology poses for contemporary y epistemological debates and the philosophy of psychology. Throughout, the t i s volume brings Hegel’s views into dialogue with twentieth- and twenty-first- r e v century thinkers and places the discussion in debates of philosophy of mind i n and of psychology, epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy U [ of action. y b d Susanne Herrmann-Sinai is a PhD candidate at the University of Leipzig, e d Germany, and is currently visiting at the University of Oxford, UK. a o l n w Lucia Ziglioli is a postdoctoral fellow at the Blaise Pascal University, o Clermont-Ferrand, France. D Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy 7 1 0 2 e n u J 4 0 1 The Scotch Metaphysics 5 A Century of Enlightenment 2 2: George E. Davie 1 t a 2 Kierkegaard’s Upbuilding Discourses ] o Philosophy, Literature, and Theology g e George Pattison i D n 3 Dialectics, Politics, and the Contemporary Value of Hegel’s a S Practical Philosophy a, Andrew Buchwalter i n r o f 4 Hegel and Psychoanalysis i l a A New Interpretation of Phenomenology of Spirit C f Molly Macdonald o y t 5 Peirce’s Account of Purposefulness i s r A Kantian Perspective e v Gabriele Gava i n U [ 6 Mill’s A System of Logic y b Critical Appraisals d Edited by Antis Loizides e d a o 7 Hegel on Beauty l n w Julia Peters o D 8 Pragmatism, Kant, and Transcendental Philosophy Edited by Gabriele Gava and Robert Stern 9 An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life Anthony K. Jensen 10 Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology Edited by Susanne Herrmann-Sinai and Lucia Ziglioli Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology 7 1 Edited by 0 2 e Susanne Herrmann-Sinai n u J and Lucia Ziglioli 4 0 5 2 : 2 1 t a ] o g e i D n a S a, i n r o f i l a C f o y t i s r e v i n U [ y b d e d a o l n w o D First published 2016 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2016 Taylor & Francis 7 1 The right of the editors to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and 0 of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with 2 e sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. n u All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in 4 J any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter 0 invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or 5 retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. 2 : Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered 2 1 trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to t infringe. a ] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data o g Names: Herrmann-Sinai, Susanne, editor. ie Title: Hegel’s philosophical psychology / edited by Susanne Herrmann-Sinai D and Lucia Ziglioli. n Description: New York : Routledge, 2016. | Series: Routledge studies in a S nineteenth-century philosophy ; 10 | Includes bibliographical references and index a, Identifiers: LCCN 2015046257 (print) | LCCN 2016001647 (ebook) | i ISBN 9781138927360 (alk. paper) | ISBN 9781315682693 () n r Subjects: LCSH: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770–1831. | o Psychology—Philosophy. f li Classification: LCC BR38 .H44 2016 (print) | LCC BR38 (ebook) | a C DDC 128.092—dc23 f LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015046257 o y ISBN: 978-1-138-92736-0 (hbk) t ISBN: 978-1-315-68269-3 (ebk) i s er Typeset in Sabon v by Apex CoVantage, LLC i n U [ y b d e d a o l n w o D Contents 7 1 0 2 e n u J 4 Abbreviations vii 0 5 Preface xi 2 2: SUSANNE HERRMANN-SINAI AND LUCIA ZIGLIOLI 1 t a ] PART I o g Philosophy of Subjective Spirit e i D n a 1 Hegel’s Critique of Physiognomy and Phrenology 3 S a, MICHAEL J. INWOOD i n r o 2 Hegel’s Psychology and the Systematic Structure of Spirit 20 f i al ANGELICA NUZZO C f o  3  From Satisfaction of Desire to Fulfilment of Intentions:  y t Hegel on the Bodily Basis of Higher Intelligence 37 i s r e PIRMIN STEKELER-WEITHOFER v i n U [ PART II y b Theoretical Spirit d e d a  4  Hegel, McDowell, and Perceptual Experience: A Response  o nl to McDowell 57 w o STEPHEN HOULGATE D 5 The Place of Habit in Hegel’s Psychology 74 ELISA MAGRÌ 6 Hegel and the Origin of Language 91 RICHARD DIEN WINFIELD vi Contents  7  World of Representation and Thought: Hegel on  Subjective Knowing 104 LUCIA ZIGLIOLI PART III Practical and Free Spirit 7 1 8 Subjective Action 127 0 2 e SUSANNE HERRMANN-SINAI n u 4 J  9  Practical Mind and Free Will: Hegel’s Gradual  0 Development of Will 153 5 2 DIRK STEDEROTH : 2 1 at 10  Freedom for Free: Hegel on Cognition, Willing, Free Mind,  ] o and the Methodological Cost of Finite Freedom 170 g ie SEBASTIAN STEIN D n a S PART IV a, The Challenge of Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology i n r o if 11 Cognitive Psychology, Intelligence, and the Realisation of l a C the Concept in Hegel’s Systematic Epistemology 191 f o KENNETH R. WESTPHAL y t i rs 12 Hegel’s Account of the Presence of Space and Time in e v Sensation, Intuition, and the World: A Sellarsian View  214 i n U WILLEM A. DE VRIES [ y b d 13 Conceptualism, Non-Conceptualism, and the Method of e Hegel’s Psychology 228 d a o LUCA CORTI l n w o 14 Freud, Hegel, and the Mind, and Philosophy as Retrieval 251 D LOUISE E. BRADDOCK Contributors 271 Index 275 Abbreviations 7 1 0 2 e n u J 4 COMPLETE EDITIONS OF HEGEL’S WORKS 0 5 2 : GW Gesammelte Werke. Edited by Hartmut Buchner and Otto 2 1 Pöggeler. Hamburg: Meiner. 1968–. t a W Werke in zwanzig Bänden. Edited by Eva Moldenhauer and ] o Karl M. Michel. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. 1969–1971; g e 1986. i D n a S INDIVIDUAL WORKS BY HEGEL a, i n Briefe I–III Briefe von und an Hegel. Edited by Johannes Hoffmeister. r o f Hamburg: Meiner. 1952–1954. i l a ENZ Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grund­ C f risse (1830). GW 20. Edited by Wolfgang Bonsiepen and o y Hans-Christian Lucas. 1992. it Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grund­ s er risse (1830). Mit den mündlichen Zusätzen. W 8–10. v i Cited by section (§) number unless otherwise stated. n U ENZ 17 Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grund­ [ y risse (1817). GW 13. Edited by Wolfgang Bonsiepen and Klaus b d Grotsch. 2000. e GPR Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. W 7. d a JS III Jenaer Systementwürfe III. GW 8. Edited by Rolf-Peter Horst- o nl mann and Johann H. Trede. 1976. w NG Nürnberger Gymnasialkurse und Gymnasialreden (1808–1816). o D GW 10.1–2. Edited by Klaus Grotsch. 2006. PdG Phänomenologie des Geistes (= Philosophische Bibliothek 114). Edited by Johannes Hoffmeister. Hamburg: Meiner. 1952. Phänomenologie des Geistes. GW 9. Edited by Wolfgang Bon- siepen and Reinhard Heede. 1980. Phänomenologie des Geistes. W 3. viii Abbreviations VGP Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie I–III. W 18–20. VL Vorlesungen über die Logik. Berlin 1831. Transcribed by Karl Hegel, Udo Rameil and Hans-Christian Lucas. Hamburg: Meiner. 2001. VPG Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Geistes, Nachschriften zu dem Kolleg des Wintersemesters 1827/28 und sekundäre 7 Überlieferung. Transcribed by Johann Erdmann and Fer - 1 dinand Walter. Edited by Franz Hespe and Burkhard Tusch- 0 2 ling. In: Vorlesungen: ausgewählte Nachschriften und e n Manuskripte, vol. 13. Hamburg: Meiner, 1983–2007 (1994). u J VPR Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Religion I–II. W 16–17. 4 VR1821/22 Die Philosophie des Rechts. Vorlesungen von 1821/22. 0 5 Edited by Hansgeorg Hoppe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. 2 : 2005. 2 1 VSG Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes. t a GW 25 1–2. Edited by Christoph J. Bauer. 2008–2012. ] o WdL, W 5 Wissenschaft der Logik; 1: Erster Teil: Die objektive Logik, g e erstes Buch. W 5. i D WdL, W 6 Wissenschaft der Logik; 2: Erster Teil: Die objektive Logik, n a zweites Buch. Zweiter Teil: Die subjektive Logik. W 6. S a, WdL II Wissenschaft der Logik. Zweiter Band. Die subjektive Logik i (1816). GW 12. Edited by Friedrich Hogemann and Walter n or Jaeschke. 1981. f li WdL I/1 Wissenschaft der Logik, zweiter Band. Erster Teil. Die a C objektive Logik. Erster Band. Die Lehre vom Sein (1832). of GW 21. Edited by Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke. y 1985. t i s r e v i n ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF HEGEL’S WORKS U [ y b If more than one translation is available, the translation used by the author d will be indicated in an endnote within the chapter. e d a o E17 Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline, l n w and Critical Writings. Edited by Ernst Behler. Translated by o Arnold V. Miller, Steven A. Taubeneck, and Diana Behler. D New York: Continuum. 1990. Cited by section (§) number unless otherwise stated. EL Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline Part I: Science of Logic. Translated and edited by Klaus Brink- mann and Daniel O. Dahlstrom. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 2010. Abbreviations ix The Encyclopaedia Logic (1830), with the Zusätze: Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences with the Zusätze. Translated by Theodore F. Geraets, Wallis A. Suchting, and Henry S. Harris. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett. 1991. Cited by section (§) number unless otherwise stated. EPM Philosophy of Mind: Translated from the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Translated by William Wallace. New 7 York: Cosimo Classics. 2008. 1 Philosophy of Mind. Being Part Three of the Encyclopaedia 0 2 of the Philosophical Sciences (1830), Together with the Zusä­ e n tze. Edited by Michael J. Inwood. Translated by William Wal- u J lace and Arnold V. Miller with Revisions and Commentary by 4 Michael J. Inwood. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2007. 0 5 Philosophy of Mind: Being Part Three of the Encyclopaedia of 2 : the Philosophical Sciences (1830), Together with the Zusätze. 2 1 Translated by William Wallace and Arnold V. Miller. Oxford: t a Clarendon Press. 1971. ] o Cited by section (§) number unless otherwise stated. g e EPN Philosophy of Nature: Being Part Two of the Encyclopaedia of i D the Philosophical Sciences, 1830. 3 vols. Translated by Michael n a J. Petry. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1970. S a, Philosophy of Nature, Being Part Two of the Encyclopaedia i of the Philosophical Sciences (1830). Translated by Arnold V. n or Miller. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1970. f li Cited by section (§) number unless otherwise stated. a C JS The Jena System, 1804–5: Logic and Metaphysics. Trans- of lated by John W. Burbidge and George di Giovanni. Kingston: y McGill-Queen’s University Press. 1986. t i s LPS Lectures on the Philosophy of Spirit 1827–28. Translated by r e v Robert R. Williams, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007. i n LPR I–III Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. 3 vols. Translated U [ by Robert F. Brown, Peter C. Hodgson, and Jon M. Stewart. y b Berkeley: University of California Press. 1984. d PD Philosophical Dissertation on the Orbits of the Planets (1801); e d Preceded by the 12 Theses Defended on August 27, 1801. a o Translated by Pierre Adler. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Jour­ l n w nal 12(1–2): 269–309. 1987. o PR Outlines of the Philosophy of Right. Translated by Thomas D M. Knox. Revised and edited by Stephen Houlgate. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008. Cited by section (§) number unless stated otherwise. PS The Phenomenology of Spirit. Translated by Arnold V. Miller. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1977. Cited by paragraph (¶) number unless otherwise stated.

Elements from the German Idealism, in particular from Hegel, are shown in the ensuing subjectivist-transcendentalist psychology, unable of distinguishing between psyches, whose fungibility it postulates, and also unable of distinguishing between extramentality and intramentalness, which it confuses
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