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In w sama series J. MSI.L Lb y R. J. Halliday MACHIAVELLIy Gb.N owell-Smith BURKEb yF rank O'Gorman BENTHAMb yJ amesS teintrager MARX by Michael Evans LOCKEb y Geraint Parry HEGEL Raymond Plant l.Mtur• U. PllUosoplry U. di. Uniwnity qf Mandlmt1r LondDn George AllenU n&wi nL td Ruskin House Museum Street Firstp ublisihne1 d937 This book is copJrilbt under the Beme Convention. All rights are reserved. Apart &om any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, raearch, cliticiam or review, u permitted under the Copyright Acr, 195,no6 part ofthis publication may be repJOduc:ed, stoled in aretri eval system, ortransmi tted, in any form or by any QlC:IDS, elcctnmi c, electrical, chemical, mechanical, op tical, photocopying, recording orothenria e. without the prior permission ofthe copyright· owner. Enquiries should be addressed to the publishers. © George Allen & Unwin Ltd.1 793 ·ISBN o 04 9210S1 6H ardback 0 04 92170 13 Paperback Printed in Great Britain in IOpoint PJantiD type by Unwin Brothers Limited OldW okingS,u rrey To JOHN Nil!MEYBR FINDLAY, MA, PHD, FBA Profeuor Bmcritus in the University of Lem.don, Cult Pzofasor of Moral IDd Mctaphyaicll Pbiloeophy in the Uniftnitr of Yale Year eas aliens af iorn eilgnand . St.P eter Le tlbadnemmt estloin '/a plustlang ereuu maladU da sociltb humaina. Simone Weil !chis tin tier Welzut H ause, raenn es si4 Ttennt, noch mdr, raenn es si4 begriffen hat. Hegel Tol iiwnM ainS treise,t one ifl ioesi ntbs ri ghstpi rit, to inhabitt hehlJ lyci ty. Findla y PREFACE This bookaros e out ofa certain dissatisfaction with Clisting com­ mc:ntarics on Hegel'swor k. Gc:nerally speaking, such commentaries tallin totwo typcS . There is the generalstud y of his central meta ­ physical doctrines ando fhis logical writings; butstudi es of this sort, such as Findlay's Hegel:A � tend not to be conccmtd with acl ose analysis of how tbcsc general metaphysical views work themselves out in his writings onparti cular modes of human apcricncc, forenmp lc, the artistic, the political and the religious.A tthe other c:memc there arc works, particularly on his political thinlring, which tendto nDnimim or discount themeta physical dimension to his theorizing. A worink this latterg enre would be Pclcynski'ses says iD.troduc:iDg Hegel'sPolitica l Writings. The present book attempts to steer a via 1111dia between both ofthes e trends. Itwil ls eek to deal in some detail with his central metaphysidcaloctrin es, arguing that an understanding ofth esedoctrin es is,pa&I Pelcynski,a n ecessary condi ­ tioofn making his writings on politicalp hilosopinhtyel ligible. Itwas originally myin tention to pre&cc this approach with as hort account of Hegel'sdcvclo pmcnt, but as time passedrealized I that such an approach was inadequate. Itsc cmcd to me tobe more and more clear in the lighoft m yunders tand ing of hisdev elopmenttha t this period irealsly the key to the understanding ofhis mature philosophical worandk that in addition, taken this way,on ecould not easily dis­ tinguish ameta physical ofhis work, ap hilosophical core, wlllch centre was then worked ouint detail inhis discussion of various modes of c:zpcricn cc,the politicalamong them. On thecontrary ,it se ems tome that thew hoolfHege e l'works has as ocial and apo litical dmensiion, that his whoplehil osophyand, notm erelyhis explicitpo liticaland social theorizing, was ar esponse to certain problinems s ocial and politicalexperi ence. In ordteromake this thespisla usibhloew,ever , ithas been necessary forme todeal in somedetail with his early unpublished writings in whithches esocial and politicalp roblarcems diagnosed, and whichcons titute theprob lematic of his later,mature philosophicalachievem ent. In arguing this thesis about the sotjal and politicalcom mi tmcD. tof Hegel 'sw.h owloer Ikdo noti ntendto be taken as providing kind of suppofrtroKar l Popperinterp'retastion some of Hegelin the secon dvo lume ofTM Open Sot:Uty and IuEnemin . Conceived in ignorance ofH egel'phils oso phical achievements, Popper's discussion ofH egel ias conjecture whichash bad in thepas t, and also receives in the present work, afirm rcfatation. The refutation supplied 9 PRBPACI in this bookis ,ho wever , implicit-to haveexp licitlycha JJenged Popper atea chpo intin his interpretationw ouldha ve credited bis work with more importance than ideservest . Although Iam aitical ofexisting commentaries on Hegelthis does not mean thatI ha ve notl ea.med agreat dealfrom them. As the dedica· tion ofthis voumel impliesI,am immen.'IC!y in the debt Jofo hnF indlay. However much he wildisalp proveof the linetaken in this book, he canno ta vothei dres ponsibility ofha ving interested me in Hegeandl bis wordkuring amemora ble series of lectures in 1965-6w hen Iwas as tudent ofbis in theU niversity of London. I am also deeply grateful tom yfri endand colleague, Gcraint Parry,both forinviting me to write thebo ok thein first plaandce forcons tant advice andcncourag cmcnt. The historical ,con tmual approach adopted in the boookwes a good deal to the stimulation ofPro fessor W.H .Gr eenleaf and toDr Bikhu Parekh, both of whom were involinved thesu pervision of mygrad uate work. Earlier drafts of chapters of this bookw ere givm as lectures to members ofthe Socialist Society in the University of Manchester, and Im ustr ecord with thanks the interest and the tolerance which they showined th elc cturcs given both by andon ap hilosophern eithero f whotheym coulhda vfeound very congenial. Myers twhile colleagues, Anthony Arblastcr and DickA tkinson, attendedth ese talks andma de helpfulcom ments on them. Finally,m ythanks are dueto myparents whenaob ledme toh avane aca demic career, and tomy wife,Ka therine, and son Nicholas, forp roviding an -mvironmmt within whichI coul d happily pursue mywor k. RAYMOND PLANT N"°"""'1r 1971 IO CONTENTS Preface pa, e9 A Note on theT cm 13 I Civil Theology and PoliCulticalture IS II FolkR eligion and PoliticalAnalysis 41 m Towards aP erspective onHistory 56 IV Towards theT ransfiguration of Politics 76 A System ofP hilosophical Politics v '» VI Reason, Reconciliation and Community 124 VD PhilosophyCom munityand 147 Transfiguration orM ystification? 184 vm Bibliography 2'Y1 lndcc 2II A Notoen t hTeexts Quotations in the bookarc givenwith reference toth eG lockner Jubilee editiono fH egel'worsks ,d epartures from this practice being necessi­ tated bythe non-inclusioofrelnevant material in thGel ockner edition, particularly HegelsT lr4ologisdle Jugends clrriftenedl, NohlJ;enenser Logik, Metaphysik untl Naturphilosophie, ed. Lasson; Jenenser IUal­ philosophie Iand IIed., Hoffi:neister; and Schriftenzur Politik untl Rdtsphilo sophie,ed. Lasson. The follwingo English translations have been consulted and in many cases used: T.M .Knox 's translations ofp iecesin theTlrMilog iSl:M Jugendsehriften in HegeEarrlys TMological Writings; Knox'vsers ion of Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rdu in Hegel'Pshilo sophy ofRif ht; Knox's translations of pieces from Schriftenzur Politik und Rldlts­ philosophie in Hegel'Pso litU:alW ritings.M yuse ofs uch translations is here very gratefully acknowledged, buist not explicitlayckn owledged in the text. Knox's translations ofthe earlytheo logical writings and of Hegel'ocscasional writings on politics do not cover allthe material which Iha ve wanted to useand taso metimes citethe German original and ato ther times the English translation woulhad ve made already long footnotese:nfemel y tedious andc omplicaPtaesds.qa uogested in the bookma y,h oweverbe, easil y identified in the Englishtransla tions: references to the TMologische Jugendschriften may be identified in Knox's HegelEar'lys Tlr4ological Writingsbeca use Knox includes in the body ofthe English tm: thepagina tion ofth eGerman original and the same is true of his versioonfp arts ofS chriftenzur Poliuntltik &chuphi/osophie in HegerPso litU:al WritingsM.y ref erences to the Glockner edition ofGruntl linien der Philosophiedes Rdu includes a citation of the paragraphs which arc thesame as in the Ho:trmeister edition ofthe work on whichKn oxbased bis Hegel'sP hilosophy of Rightan dare incluind ehisd trans lation. A selbeictb liogriainspc hlyu adtthee den do ft hveo lumaned ful l details ofth ewo rks citine thisd notmaey be foundth ere. 13

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