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by  Li Cai
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HEEGNER POINTS ON MODULAR CURVES LICAI,YIHUACHENANDYULIU Abstract. In this paper, we study the Heegner points on more general modular curves other than X0(N),whichgeneralizesGross’work”Heegner points onX0(N)”. TheexplicitGross-Zagierformula andtheEulersystempropertyarestatedinthiscase. UsingsuchkindofHeegnerpoints,weconstruct certain families of quadratic twists of X0(36), with the ranks of Mordell-Weil groups being zero and onerespectively, andshowthatthe2-partoftheirBSDconjectures hold. 6 1 0 Contents 2 1. Introduction 1 n 2. The Modular Curve and Heegner points 3 a J 2.1. The Modular Curve XK(N) 3 8 2.2. Gross-ZagierFormula 7 1 2.3. Euler System 7 2.4. Waldspurger Formula and Gross Points 8 ] T 3. Quadratic Twists of X0(36) 9 N 3.1. The Waldspurger Formula 9 3.2. Rank Zero Twists 12 . h 3.3. The Gross-Zagier Formula 13 t a 3.4. Rank One Twists 14 m References 16 [ 1 v 1. Introduction 5 1 Letφ= ∞n=1anqn beanewformofweight2,levelΓ0(N),normalizedsuchthata1 =1. LetK bean 4 imaginaryquadraticfieldofdiscriminantD andχa (primitive)ringclasscharacteroverK ofconductor 4 P c, i.e. a characterof Pic( ) where is the order Z+c of K. Let L(s,φ,χ) be the Rankin-Selberg 0 Oc Oc OK convolution of φ and χ. Assume the Heegner condition: . 1 (1) (c,N)=1, 0 6 (2) Any prime pN is either split in K or ramified in K with ordp(N)=1 and χ([p])=ap, where p | 6 1 is the unique prime ideal of above p and [p] is its class in Pic( ). K c O O : v Under this condition, the sign of L(s,φ,χ) is 1 and Gross studies the Heegner points on X0(N) − i in [7]. It’s well known that X (N)(C) parameterizes the pairs (E,C), with E an elliptic curve over C X 0 and C a cyclic subgroup of E of order N. By the Heegner condition, there exists a proper ideal of r N a Oc such that Oc/N ∼= Z/NZ. For any proper ideal a of Oc, let Pa ∈ X0(N) be the point representing (C/a,a 1/a), which is defined over the ring class field H , the abelian extension of K with Galois − c N group Pic( ) by class field theory. Such points are called Heegner points over K of conductor c and c O only depends on the class of a in Pic( ). c O Let J (N) be the Jacobianof X (N) and the cusp [ ] on X (N) defines a morphismfrom X (N) to 0 0 0 0 ∞ J (N) over Q: P [P ]. Let P be the point 0 χ 7→ −∞ Pχ = [Pa ] χ([a]) J0(N)(Hc) ZC −∞ ⊗ ∈ ⊗ [a]∈XPic(Oc) and Pφ the φ-isotypical component of P . Then under the Heegner condition, Cai-Shu-Tian [3] gives χ χ an explicit form of Gross-Zagier formula which relates height of Pφ to L(1,φ,χ). In fact, they give an χ ′ explicit form of Gross-Zagierformula in general Shimura curve case. Let the data (φ,K,χ) be as above, and generalize the Heegner condition to the following one ( ): ∗ LiCaiwassupportedbytheSpecialFinancialGrantfromtheChinaPostdoctoral ScienceFoundation 2014T70067. 1 (i) (c,N)=1, (ii) if prime pN is inert in K, then ord N is even; if pN is ramified in K, then ord N = 1 and p p | | χ([p])=a , where p is the unique prime ideal of above p and [p] is its class in Pic( ). p K c 6 O O By this assumption, write N = N N2, with pN if and only if p is inert. Given an embedding 0 1 | 1 K ֒ M (Q) such that K M (Z)=K R (N )= , where 2 2 0 0 c → ∩ ∩ O R0(N0)= A∈M2(Z) A≡ ∗0 ∗ (modN0) . (cid:26) (cid:12) (cid:18) ∗(cid:19) (cid:27) Then R= +N R (N ) is an order of M (Z). D(cid:12)efine c 1 0 0 2 (cid:12) O ΓK(N)=R×∩SL2(Z)=A∈SL2(Z)(cid:12) A≡(cid:18)∗0 ∗∗(cid:19) (modN0) .  (cid:12)(cid:12) AmodN1 ∈R/N1R  (cid:12) The modular curve now we have to consider is XK(N)=(cid:12)(cid:12)ΓK(N)\H ∪{cusps}.  This modularcurve is notthe usualmodular curveofthe formX (M) anylonger,ifN =1. X (N) 0 1 K 6 parameterizes(E,C,α) where E is an elliptic curve over C, C is a cyclic subgroupof E of order N and 0 α is an H-orbit of an isomorphism (Z/N Z)2 E[N ], where 1 1 ≃ H =( /N ) GL (Z/N Z). K 1 K × 2 1 O O ⊂ The readers are referred to [9]. Let h be the fixed point of H under the action of K . Note that 0 × Z+Zh−01 is an invertible ideal of Oc, then the triple P = (cid:18)C/Z+Zh0, N10 ,H(cid:18)NNh1011(cid:19)(cid:19) is a Heegner point on X (N). By CM theory, P X (N)(Kab). The conductor of(cid:10)P is(cid:11)also defined to be c, the K K ∈ conductor of . For details, see Section 2. c O AssumeφcorrespondstoanellipticcurveE/Q,thenthereisamodularparametrizationf :X (N) K → E, taking to identity in E. It is unique in the sense that given two parametrizations f ,f , there 1 2 ∞ exist integers n ,n such that n f = n f [3, Proposition 3.8]. Now we can formulate the following 1 2 1 2 2 2 Gross-Zagierformula: Theorem 1.1 ([3]). Under the assumption ( ) ∗ 8π2(φ,φ) h (P (f)) L(1,E,χ)=2 µ(N,D) Γ0(N) K χ (GZ) ′ − · u2c D degf K | | b where ( , ) is the Petersson inner product, ˆh ispthe N´eron-Tate height over K, µ(N,D) is the Γ0(N) K number of prime factors of (N,D), u=[ : 1 ]. Oc× {± } Inanother way,following the idea ofKolyvagin,these Heegnerpoints forman“Eulersystem”. There is a norm compatible relation between Heegner points of different conductors. See Theorem 2.13. As an application of such kind of parametrization, we will construct a family of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve with Mordell-Weil groups being rank one. The action of complex conjugation on the CM-points of modular curve is a crucialpoint in the proofofthe nontriviality ofthe Heegner point. For usualmodularcurveX (N),thecomplexconjugationisessentiallytheAtkin-Lehneroperator. However, 0 it does not keep for the modular curve X (N). We find the correct one, namely, the combination of K local Atkin-Lehner operators? and the nontrivial normalizer of K in GL (Q). Denote this operator × 2 by w. Then f +fw is a constant map with its image a nontrivial 2-torsion point; see Lemma 3.8. This phenomenon and the norm compatible relation control the divisibility of Heegner cycles. Together with the Gross-Zagierformula,the divisibility ofHeegner cyclesdeduces the 2-partofthe BSDconjecture for our family of quadratic twists. For each square free non-zero integer d = 1, we write E(d) for the twist of an elliptic curve E/Q by 6 the quadratic extension Q(√d)/Q. The results of [26], [2], [5], [14] shows that there are infinitely many d such that L(E(d),s) is nonvanishing at s=1, and infinitely many d such that L(E(d),s) has a simple zero at s=1. The workof[21], [22]for the elliptic curve(X (32),[ ]):y2 =x3 xconstructsexplicitly families of 0 ∞ − d with ord L(E(d),s)= 1. The work of [4] deals with the elliptic curve E = (X (49),[ ]) which has s=1 0 ∞ CM by √ 7, gets the similar results to [21]. − Here, we construct a family of quadratic twists of E =(X (36),[ ]) such that the ranks of Mordell- 0 ∞ Weil groups for this twists are one. 2 Theorem 1.2. Let ℓ be a prime such that 3 is split in Q(√ ℓ) and 2 is unramified in Q(√ ℓ). Let − − M =q q be a positive square-free integer with prime factors q all inert in Q(√ 3), q 1(mod4) 1 r i i ··· − ≡ and q inert in Q(√ ℓ). Then i − (1) ord L(s,E( ℓM))=1=rankE( ℓM)(Q); s=1 − − (2) #X(E( ℓM)/Q) is odd, and the p-part of the full BSD conjecture of E( ℓM) holds for p∤3ℓM. − − The nontriviality of Heegner cycles and Gross-Zagier formula also implies the rank part of BSD conjecture, for E(M), namely, ord L(s,E(M))=0=rankE(M)(Q). s=1 However, the proof of the 2-part of the BSD conjecture for E( ℓM) needs that for E(M). − A new feature of this paper is that we give a parallel proof of the BSD conjecture for E(M), that is, using the Waldspurger formula and the norm property of Gross points. For the induction method using in [4], [23], there is an embedding problem of imaginary quadratic fields to quaternion algebras which relating with the problem of representation integers by ternary quadratic forms (See also the argument before[4,Definition5.5],[23,Section2.1]and[13]). TheuseofthenormpropertyofGrosspointsavoids this emebdding problem. If the data (φ,K,χ) satisfies that the root number ǫ(φ,χ)=+1, by [3] we can choose an appropriate definitequaternionalgebraB overQcontainingK,anorderRofB ofdiscriminantN withR K = K ∩ O and a “unique” function f : B B /R C. Assume the conductor c of χ satisfies (c,N) = 1. Let × × × \ → x K B /R be a Gross point of conductor c, that is x Rx 1 K = . Denote by c ∈ ×\ × × c −c ∩ Oc b b P (f)= f(σ.x )χ(σ). b b χ bc b b σ∈GaXl(Hc/K) ThenwithsimilarnotationsasforGross-Zagierformula,wehavetheWaldspurgerformula(SeeTheorem 2.14) 8π2(φ,φ) P (f)2 L(1,E,χ)=2−µ(N,D) Γ0(N) | χ | , · u2 Dc2 · f,f | | h i Moreover, the Gross points of different conductors also form an “Euler system”(See Section 2). The p following theorem can be viewed as the rank zero version of Theorem 1.2: Theorem 1.3. Let M = q q be a positive square-free integer with prime factors q all inert in 1 r i ··· Q(√ 3) and q 1(mod4), then i − ≡ (1) ord L(s,E(M))=0=rankE(M)(Q); s=1 (2) #X E(M)/Q is odd, and the p-part of the full BSD conjecture of E( ℓM) holds for p=3. − 6 Acknowledg(cid:0)ements.(cid:1)The authorsgreatlythankProfessorYe Tianforsuggestingthis problemandhis persistent encouragement. 2. The Modular Curve and Heegner points 2.1. The Modular Curve X (N). Let K be an imaginary quadratic field with discriminant D. Let K N =N N2 be a positive integer such that pN if and only if p is inert in K. Let c be another positive 0 1 | 1 integer coprime to N. Take an embedding K ֒ M (Q) which is admissible in the sense that 2 → K M (Z)=K R (N )= . 2 0 0 c ∩ ∩ O Denote by R= +N R (N ) an order of M (Q). Then R has discriminant N with R K = . c 1 0 0 2 c O ∩ O Let Γ (N) = R SL (Z) and X (N) be the modular curve over Q with level Γ (N). It’s well K × 2 K K ∩ known that X(N N )(C) parameterizes (E,(Z/N N )2 E[N N ])) where E is an elliptic curve over 0 1 0 1 0 1 ≃ C. By [9], it parameterizes (E,(Z/N )2 E[N ],(Z/N )2 E[N ])). Then X (N) parameterizes 0 0 1 1 K ≃ ≃ (E,C,α:(Z/N )2 E[N ])), where C is a cyclic subgroupof E[N ] of orderN , andα is an H-orbitof 1 1 0 0 a basis of E[N ]) w≃here H := ( /N ) GL (Z/N Z). Precisely, the class of z H in X (N) 1 K 1 K × 2 1 K O O ⊂ ∈ corresponds to the triple 1 z C/Z z+Z, ,H N1 . · N0 1 !! D E N1 Lemma 2.1. If m is a positive integer and (m,cND ) = 1, then for any invertible fractional ideals K a, of , satisfying 1a/a Z/N Z, there exist a Z-basis u,v of a and g GL+(Q), such that N Ocmu v N− ≃ 0 { } ∈ 2 1a=Z +Zv, =g 1h , and K gRg 1 = . − − 0 − cm N N u ∩ O 0 3 Proof. Consider the curve morphism X (N) X (N ) over Q, which is the forgetful functor in the K 0 0 → moduliaspect(E,C,[α]) (E,C). a, definesaHeegnerpoint(C/a, 1a/a)onX (N ). Thenexists − 0 0 7→ N N a b u v aZ-basis u,v ofaandg = GL+(Q), 1a=Z ,v , =g 1h ,andK gR\(N )g 1 = { } c d ∈ 2 N− hN i u − 0 ∩ 0 0 − (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 . Different choice of basis (u,v) make g differ an element in Γ (N )=R (N ) and a scalar. So we cm 0 0 0 0 × O have to prove there exists g Γ (N ), such that K gg R\(N )g′ 1g 1 = . ′ 0 0 ′ 0 0 − − cm ∈ ∩ O In fact, we choose g′ ∈ Γ0(N0), such that gg′ ∈ ℓ|N1Kℓ×(1 + N1M2(Zℓ)), embedding gg′ into a b GL (Q ). Note that if g 1 = ′ ′ , and mQultiply a scalar if necessary, we may assume ℓ|N1 2 ℓ − (cid:18)c′ d′(cid:19) Qg−1 M2(Z), then Z(a′h0+b′)+Z(c′h0+d) and a belong to a same class in Pic( cm), hence ∈ O [ : a] (detg−1)m−1 =[Ocm :a]:= O[acm: Ocm∩a] ; cm O ∩ ThereforethereexistsanintegerN whoseprimefactorsareprimefactorsofN ,s.t. ℓ∤det(N g 1), ℓN . 1′ 1 1′ − ∀ | 1 NtSho1′eXNn1′t∈gh−e1reℓ∈|NeGx1iLKst2ℓs×(Z(g1ℓ′)+,∈∀NℓΓ|1N0M(1N.20(BZ),yℓX)s)t.r∈oTnhQgeaℓ|ppNrp1orOoofxK×iims,ℓ(ca1otmi+onpN,leΓ1t0eM(dN2(0Z)ℓQ))ℓ,|Nsu1cOhK×t,ℓh(a1t+gN′X1M=2(ZNℓ1′)g)−=1,Qthp|uNs1gGgL′2=(cid:3)(Zℓ), DefinitQion 2.2. Let a, and u,v,g be as in theabove lemma. A Heegner point on X (N) of conductor K N cm is a triple v P = C/a,N−1a/a,H NNu11!!. v Remark 2.3. This point corresponds to the point H. u ∈ Let h be the point H K×. The order = Z+Z̟ where ̟ = cD+c√D. Denote by x y 0 Oc c c 2 z w ∈ (cid:18) (cid:19) GL (Q) the image of ̟ under the fixed embedding K ֒ M (Q). Since K is a field, z =0. 2 c 2 → 6 Lemma 2.4. K =Q+Qh0 and Oc =Z+Zyh−01. c2(D2 D) x y Proof. We have x+w =Dc,xw yz = − . As h is fixed by , − 4 0 z w (cid:18) (cid:19) xh +y 0 =h and zh2+(w x)h y =0. zh +w 0 0 − 0− 0 Hence (x w)+c√D 2z (x w) c√D h0 = − 2z ∈K\Q and h−01 = (x w)+c√D = − 2y− , − so Dc+c√D yh−01 =−w+ 2 . (cid:3) Lemma 2.5. Let a=Z+Z·h−01 and N−1 =Z+Z·N0−1h−01. Then End(a)={x∈K :xa⊂a}=Oc, and End( 1)= . − c N O Proof. Let (a+bh−01)a⊂a. Then it is equivalent to (a+bh−01)∈a and (a+bh−01)h−01 ∈a. The first condition implies a,b∈Z, then the second one is equivalent to bh−02 ∈a. But bh−02 =y−1b((w−x)h−01+z)∈a. The conditionR K = tells (w x,z,y)=1,so the aboveconditionimplies b yZ,whichis exactly c End(a)= . Th∩e asserOtion for −1 is the same, noticing that N z. ∈ (cid:3) c − 0 O N | Clearly, a and are invertible ideals of , and 1/a Z/N Z. Summing up: c − 0 N O N ≃ 4 Proposition2.6. LetK ֒→M2(Q)beanadmissibleembeddingandh0 ∈HK×. Denotebya=Z+Z·h−01 and N−1 =Z+Z·N0−1h−01, then y P = C/a, 1/a,H N1 N− yh−01!! N1 is a Heegner point on X (N) of conductor c. K Example 2.1. NowweconstructanadmissibleembeddingK ֒ M (Q)asfollowing. SinceℓN implies 2 0 → | that ℓ is split in K, there exists an integral ideal N of such that /N Z/N , which implies 0 K K 0 0 O O ≃ Z+N = . Then there exists n Z and m N such that 0 K 0 O ∈ ∈ D+√D =n+m. 2 Take trace and norm, we get D2 D D =2n+(m+m¯) and − =n2+n(m+m¯)+mm¯ 4 Since mm¯ N N =N and it is an integer, so mm¯ =N b for some b Z. Let a=D 2n, we see 0 0 0 K 0 ∈ O ∈ − D =a2 4N b 0 − It’s easy to check that (a,b,N ) = 1. Given an integer c such that (c,N) = 1, we let the embedding 0 i :K B be given by c −→ D+√D ✤ // D2+a −c−1 , or Dc+√Dc2 ✤ // Dc2+ac −1 . 2 (cid:18)N0bc D−2a(cid:19) 2 (cid:18)N0bc2 Dc2−ac(cid:19) a+√D We can see this embedding is normal in the sense of [18], and h = . 0 2N bc 0 The modular curve X (N) depends on the admissible embedding K ֒ M (Q). However, we will K 2 → provethat,allthosemodularcurvesgivenbyadmissibleembeddingsareisomorphicoverQ. Leti:K ֒ → M (Q)beanadmissibleembedding,H =i( /N ) GL (Z/N Z),andH betheupper-triangular 2 K 1 K 2 1 0 O O ⊂ matrices in GL2(Z/N0Z), then H = p|N1Hp, where Hp ⊂GL2(Z/pordpN1Z). Then XQ (N)=X(N N )/(H H ). K 0 1 0 × Ifi′ isanotheradmissibleembedding,andforanyp|N1,Hp andHp′ areconjugateinGL2(Z/pordpN1Z), then we obviously have X(N N )/(H H ) X(N N )/(H H ) 0 1 0 0 1 ′ 0 × ≃ × In fact, Hp is the image of following kind of morphism:Z×p2 →GL2(Zp)→GL2(Zp/pordp(N1)Zp), then the following lemma implies that Hp and Hp′ are conjugate in GL2(Z/pordpN1Z). Lemma 2.7. For any two embeddings ϕ :Z M (Z ),i=1,2, there exists g GL (Z ), such that i p2 2 p 2 p → ∈ ϕ =g 1ϕ g. 1 − 2 Remark 2.8. If we change Z to Q , and Z to Q , this lemma is well-known. p p p2 p2 Proof. Consider V = Z Z , with a natural action of M (Z ). Via ϕ , we view V as anZ -module, p p 2 p i p2 ⊕ denoted by V ,i= 1,2. Since Z is a discrete valuation ring and V are torsion free, so V ,V are both i p2 i 1 2 free Z -module of rank 1, so there exists an isomorphism g :V V of Z -module, this isomorphism p2 1 2 p2 → corresponds to an element of GL (Z ), also denoted by g. g is an isomorphism of Z -modules means 2 p p2 that gϕ (x)=ϕ (x)g, x Z . 1 2 p2 ∀ ∈ (cid:3) Lemma 2.9. Let ζ be a primitive N -th root of unity. Then the cusp of X (N) is defined over N1 1 ∞ K Q(ζ ). N1 5 Proof. In the adelic language, we have the following complex uniformization XK(N)(C)=GL2(Q)+ GL2(Z)/R× cusps \H× ∪{ } where R=R Z and the cusps are ⊗Z b b GL (Q) P1(Q) GL (Z)/R . b b 2 +\ × 2 × The cusps are all defined over Qab. By [16, pp.507], if we let r : Q /Q Gal(Qab/Q) be the Artin b b × × → x 0 map, then r(x) Gal(Qab/Q) acts on the cusps by left multiplication the matrix . Since ∈ b 0 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) α β Q /Q Z ,thenifx Z suchthatr(x) [ ,1]=[ ,1],thereexists GL+(Q), suchthat × × ≃ × ∈ × · ∞ ∞ 0 γ ∈ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) α β x 0 b b R , whbich implies 0 γ 0 1 ∈ × (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) γ Zb, αx Z , β N Z for all p, and αx γ(modN ) for all pN . ∈ ×p p ∈ ×p ∈ 1 p p ≡ 1 | 1 Then α=γ = 1, and x 1(modN ). So the definition field of [ ,1] corresponds to p 1 ± ≡ ∞ Q×/Q×Z×(N1) (1+N1Zp), pY|N1 via class field theory, which is Q(ζ )b. (cid:3) N1 In the following, we fix the embedding i :K ֒ M (Q). c 2 → 1 0 Atkin-Lehner operator. Take j = , then kj = jk for all k K where k is the Galois a 1 ∈ (cid:18) − (cid:19) conjugation of k. For each p N , let 0 | 0 1 w = GL (Q ) p pordpN 0 ∈ 2 p (cid:18) (cid:19) be the local Atkin-Lehner operator. Define w =j(N0) w GL (Q) M (Z). p 2 2 · ∈ ∩ pY|N0 b b Since w normalizes R , it acts on X (N). × K For each pN , write N = pkm with (p,m) = 1. Similar to the proof of lemma (2.1), we can choose 0 0 | b pk 1 u,v Z such that pku+mv =1, let g = GL+(Q) M (Z), such that g 1w U, so ∈ N0v pku ∈ 2 ∩ 2 − p ∈ (cid:18)− (cid:19) 1 g−1h0 wpP =[h0,wp]=[g−1h0,1]= C/Z·g−1h0+Z, N0 ,H N11 !! D E N1 Modify it,we getwpP = C/Zh−01+Z·pk, v+ hm−01 ,H pkNphk1−01!!. However,a=Zh−01+Z·pk =pk D E N1 is an invertible ideal of O dividing N. Suppose N =am, let N′ =am, then N′−1a/a= v+ hm−01 . In another words, consider the quotient map ξ : XK(N) X0(N0) induced by ΓKD(N) ΓE0(N0), → ⊂ which is defined over Q, then the above argument says that ξ w = w ξ, where the action of w on p p p ◦ ◦ X (N ) is defined by [6, pp.90]. 0 0 To study the action of w on X (N), we can prove the following lemma: K Lemma 2.10. There exists t K and u R such that w =t ju. 0 × × 0 ∈ ∈ Proof. For pN , let k=ord N 1, K =(Q +Q (√D)) . Let x,y Q , then | 0 p 0 ≥b p× bp p × ∈ p 2pky x+ay (x+y√D)jp−1wp = pk−(x+ay) a(x+ay) 2N by 0 (cid:18)− − (cid:19) So we choose ord y = k ord 2,x+ay Z and such that a(x+ay) Z . Then let t =x+y√D. For p∤N , letpt =−1.−Thenpsuch choi∈ce opf t works. ∈ ×p 0,p (cid:3) 0 0,p 0 6 Remark 2.11. By Shimura reciprocity law, if we use [x] [x] to denote the complex conjugation on 7→ X (N)(C), then K [h ,g]=[h ,jg], g GL (A ). 0 0 2 f ∀ ∈ Lemma 2.10 in fact tells that the action of w is the composition of a Galois action and the complex conjugation. Hecke correspondence. Let ℓ∤N be a prime, the Hecke correspondence on X is defined by U x x modC 1 1 i T E,C,H = E/C ,(C+C )/C ,H ℓ i i i x x modC (cid:18) (cid:18) 2(cid:19)(cid:19) i (cid:18) (cid:18) 2 i(cid:19)(cid:19) X wherethesumistakenoverallcyclicsubgroupsC ofE oforderℓ,α isgivenby(Z/N Z)2 α E[N ] i i 1 1 −→ ≃ (E/C )[N ]. E[N ] (E/C )[N ] is because (ℓ,N)=1. This is just by definition. i 1 1 i 1 ≃ 2.2. Gross-Zagier Formula. Let E be anelliptic curve of conductor N, K be animaginary quadratic field of discriminant D and χ be a ring class character over K of conductor c. Assume E,K,χ satisfy the condition ( ) ∗ Then we can write N =N N2, where pN is inert in K if and only if pN . 0 1 | | 1 Embed K in M (Q) by i . There is a modular parametrization f :X (N) E mapping [ ] to the 2 c K → ∞ identity of E. If f ,f are two such morphisms, then there exist integers n ,n such that n f = n f . 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 Let h0 be the point in H fixed by K×, then Oc = Z+Zh−01, N = Z+ZN0−1h−01 is an invertible ideal of such that / =Z/N Z. Consider the following Heegner point on X (N) of conductor c Oc N Oc ∼ 0 K 1 P = C/Oc,N/Oc,H hN−011!!∈XK(N)(Hc). N1 Form the cycle: P (f)= f(Pσ)χ(σ) E(H ) C. χ c Z ∈ ⊗ σ∈GaXl(Hc/K) Theorem 2.12 (Explicit Gross-Zagierformula [3]). We have the following equation 8π2(φ,φ) h (P (f)) L(1,E,χ)=2 µ(N,D) Γ0(N) K χ (GZ) ′ − · u2c D degf | | b here φ is the normalized newform associated to E, µ(N,pD) is the number of prime factors of (N,D), u=[OK× :Z×], hK is the Neron-Tate height pairing over K and the Petersson inner product b (φ,φ) = φ(x+iy)2dxdy. Γ0(N) | | ZΓ0(N)\H 2.3. Euler System. Let S be a finite set of primes containing the prime factors of 6cND , N de- K S note the set of integers any of whose prime divisors is not in S. For any ℓ,m N with ℓ a prime S ∈ and ℓ ∤ m, let P = (C/a , 1a /a ,α ) be a Heegner point of conductor cm. Let P = m m Nm− m m m mℓ (C/amℓ,Nm−ℓ1amℓ/amℓ,αmℓ), such that Nmℓ =Nm∩Omℓ,amℓ =a∩Omℓ, αmℓ is the composition (Z/N1Z)2 −α→m N1−1am/am −∼→N1−1amℓ/amℓ. Theorem 2.13. Then we have that [H : H ] = (ℓ+1)/u if ℓ is inert in K and (ℓ 1)/u if ℓ is mℓ m m m − split and T P , if ℓ is inert in K, u Pσ = ℓ m mσ∈Gal(XHmℓ/Hm) mℓ ((Tℓ− w|ℓFrobw)Pm, if ℓ is split in K, where T is the Hecke correspondence, Frob iPs the Frobenius at wℓ in Gal(H /K), and u = 1 if ℓ w m m | m6=1 and u1 =[OK× :Z×]. This theorem is proved in general by [10, Proposition 4.8] or [20, Theorem 3.1.1]. 7 2.4. Waldspurger Formula and Gross Points. Let φ= ∞n=1anqn be a newform of weight 2, level Γ (N), normalized such that a =1. Let K be an imaginary quadratic field of discriminant D and χ a 0 1 P ring class characteroverK ofconductor c. Let L(s,φ,χ) be the Rankin-Selberg convolutionof φ and χ. Assume that (c,N)=1. Denote by Sthe set ofprimes pN satisfying one of the followingconditions: | p is inert in K with ord (N) odd; p • pD, ord (N) = 1 and χ([p]) = a where p is the prime of above p and [p] is its class in p p K • | O Pic( ); c O pD, ord (N) 2 and the local root number of L(s,φ,χ) at p equals η ( 1) where η is the p p p • | ≥ − − quadratic character for K /Q . p p ThenthesignofL(s,φ,χ)is+1. LetB bethedefinitequaternionalgebradefinedoverQramifiedexactly atprimes inS . Fix anembedding fromK inB. Let Rbe anorderin B withdiscriminantN and ∪{∞} R K = . Denote by Rˆ =R Zˆ and U =Rˆ which is an open compact subgroupof Bˆ . Consider c Z × × the∩ShimuOrasetX =B Bˆ /⊗U whichis afinite set. A pointinX representedby x Bˆ is denoted U × × U × \ ∈ by [x]. Note that for p(D,N), K normalizes U and then K acts on X by right multiplication. Let | p× p× U C[X ]0 = f C[X ] f(x)=0 . U U ( ∈ (cid:12) ) (cid:12)(cid:12)xX∈XU Foreachp N,thereareHeckecorrespondencesT and(cid:12) S . Inthis case,B issplitwhile U ismaximal. 6| p (cid:12) p p p Then the quotient B /U can be identified with Z -lattices in Q2. Then for any [x] X , p× p p p ∈ U S [x]:=[x(p)s ], T [x]:= [x(p)h ] p p p p Xhp where if x corresponds to a lattice Λ, then s is the lattice pΛ and the set h is the set of sublattices p p p { } Λ of Λ with [Λ:Λ]=p. There is then a line V(φ,χ) of C[X ]0 characteristized as following ′ ′ U for any p N, T acts on V(φ,χ) by a and S acts trivially; p p p • 6| for any p(D,N) with ord (N) 2, K acts on V(φ,χ) by χ . • | p ≥ p× p Let f be a nonzero vector in V(φ,χ) and consider the period P (f)= f(σ)χ(σ) χ σ∈GaXl(Hc/K) where the embedding of K to B induces a map Gal(H /K)=K Kˆ / X . c ×\ × Oc× −→ U Theorem 2.14 (Explicit Waldspurger formula [3]). We have the following equation b 8π2(φ,φ) P (f)2 L(1,φ,χ)=2−µ(N,D) Γ0(N)| χ | (Wald) · u2c D f,f | | h i where the pairing p f,f = f(x)2w([x]) 1 − h i | | [xX]∈XU and w([x]) is the order of the finite group (B xUx 1)/ 1 . × − ∩ {± } There is an analogue to Heegner points, the so called Gross points. Let S be a set of finite places of Q containing all places dividing 6cND. Let N denote the set of integers whose prime divisors are not S in S. Definition 2.15. Let m N . A point x K Bˆ /U is called a Gross Point of conductor cm, if S m × × ∈ ∈ \ x Ux 1 Kˆ = . m −m ∩ × Oc×m EachelementinK K / actsonx byleftmultipication. ThisinducesanactionofGal(H /K) b ×\ × Oc×m m cm on x , also called the Galois action. m For each prime ℓ NbS, fibx an isomorphism βℓ : Bℓ ∼ M2(Qℓ), such that βℓ(Uℓ) = GL2(Zℓ), and, ∈ → under this isomorphism, we have a 0 β (K )= :a,b Q , if ℓ is split in K; • ℓ ℓ 0 b ∈ ℓ (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) a bδ β (K )= :a,b Q , where δ Z Z 2, if ℓ is inert in K. • ℓ ℓ b a ∈ ℓ ∈ ×p\ ×p (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) 8 For m N , define x B by S m × ∈ ∈ b (xm)ℓ = βℓ−1(cid:18)ℓor0dℓm 10(cid:19) ℓ|m 1 ℓ∤m  Then the image of xm in K× B×/U, stilldenoted by xm, is a Gross point of conductor cm. \ Theorem 2.16. For any ℓ,m N with ℓ a prime and ℓ∤m, we have that b∈ S T [x ], if ℓ is inert in K, ℓ m u [σ.x ]= m mℓ σ∈Gal(HXcmℓ/Hcm) ((Tℓ− w|ℓFrobw)[xm], if ℓ is split in K, where the equality holds as divisors on X , with FProb and u the same as Theorem 2.13. U w m The proof is the same as the norm relation of Heegner points on Shimura curves. One can refer to [10, Proposition 4.8] or [20, Theorem 3.1.1]. 3. Quadratic Twists of X (36) 0 ThemodularcurveX (36)hasgenusoneanditscusp[ ]isrationaloverQsothatE =(X (36),[ ]) 0 0 ∞ ∞ isanellipticcurvedefinedoverQ. TheellipticcurveE hasCMbyQ(√ 3)andhasminimalWeierstrass − equation y2 =x3+1. Note that its Tamagawa numbers are c = 3,c = 2 and E(Q) = Z/6Z is generated by the cusp 2 3 ∼ [0]=(2,3), we use T to denote the non-trivial2-torsionpoint in the following. Denote by Lalg(E,s) the algebraic part of L(E,s). Then Lalg(E,1)=1/6. Fora non-zerointegerm, letE(m) :y2 =x3+m3 the quadratictwistof E by the fieldQ(√m). Then E(m) and E( 3m) are 3-isogenous to each other. − Lemma 3.1. Let D Z be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field. Then the sign for the ∈ functional equation of E(D), denoted by ǫ(E(D)), is ( 1)# pD,p=2,3, { | ∞} − where D means that D <0. ∞| Proof. For each D, denote by K =Q(√D), then L(s,E )=L(s,E)L(s,E(D)) K whereL(s,E )isthebasechangeL-functionanditsufficestodeterminethesignofL(s,E ). Notethat K K thelocalcomponentsofthecuspidalautomorphicrepresentationforEatplaces2and3aresupercuspidal with conductor 2, then by [19, Proposition3.5],the localrootnumber for the base change L-function at places 2 (resp. 3) is negative if and only if 2D (resp. 3D). Meanwhile, the local root number at is | | ∞ positive if and only if D is positive and for any place not dividing 6 it is positive. Summing up, the result holds. ∞ (cid:3) 3.1. The Waldspurger Formula. Let B be the definite quaternion algebra over Q ramified at 3, , ∞ then we know that B =Q+Qi+Qj+Qk, i2 = 1,j2 = 3,k=ij = ji. − − − Let OB =Z[1,i,(i+j)/2,(1+k)/2] of B. The unit group OB× of OB equals to 1, i, (i+j)/2, (i j)/2, (1+k)/2, (1 k)/2 . {± ± ± ± − ± ± − } Let K = Q(√ 3) and η : Q /Q 1 is the quadratic character associated to K. Embed K ֒ B × × − →{± } → by sending √ 3 to k, which induces an embedding K ֒ B . × × − → Let π =⊗vπv be the aubtomorphic representation of BA× corresponding to E via the modularity of E and the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. Let =b bbe an order of B defined as following. If R pRp × p = 2, then = +2 . If p = 3, then = +λ where λ B is a uniformizer of R2 OK,2 OB,2 R3 QOK,3 OB,3 ∈ × B ; for example, we may choose λ=k, which is also a uniformizer of K . Forbp 6, = . Denote 3 3 p B,p 6| R O by U = . Then U is an open compact subgroup of B . × × R The local components of π have the following properties: π is trivial; b • ∞ 9 × πp is unramified if p=2,3, , i.e. πOB,p is one dimensional; • × 6 ∞ × πOK,2 is one dimensional and πOK,3 is two dimensional. • 2 3 The first two properties are standard, while the last property comes from [3, proposition 3.8]. Then πU is a representation of B3× with dimension 2. As K3×-modules, πU =Cχ+⊕Cχ− where χ+ is the trivial character of K3× and χ is the nontrivial quadratic unramified character on K3×. This representation−πU is naturally realized as a subspace of the space of the infinitely differentiable complex-valuedfunctionsC (B B /Q ). ThespaceπU iscontainedinthespaceC (B B /Q U) ∞ × × × ∞ × × × \ \ and is perpendicular to the spectrum consisting of characters (the residue spectrum). In fact, we have the following more detailed propositbion:b b b Proposition 3.2. (1) πU has an orthonormal basis f , f under the Petersson inner product de- + − fined by f 2= f(g)2dg k k ZB×\Bb×/Qb×| | with the Tamagawa measure Vol(B B /Q )=2. × × × \ (2) Moreover, f (resp. f ) is the function on B B /Q U, supported on those g B with + × × × × χ (g) = +1 (resp. = −1), valued in 0b, 1bwith to\tal mass zero, where χ is the com∈position of 0 0 − ± the following morphisms: b b b det η B B /Q U Q 1. × × × × \ −→ −→± (3) For any t∈K3×, π(t)f+ =χ+(t)fb+ anbd π(t)f−b=χ−(t)f−. Since the class number of B with respect to is 1 by [24, pp. 152], one has B O (3) B× =B×OB× =B×B3×OB× . Therefore, b b b (3) (6) B×\B×/Q×U =B×\B×B3×OB× /U2U3OB× =H\B3×OB×,2/U2U3, whereH =B×∩B3×OB×b(3) =bOB×λZ ⊂B3×OB×,2 abndthelastbinclusionisgivenbythediagonalembedding. Lemma 3.3. The dobuble coset H\OB×,2/U2 is trivial and H ∩U2\B3×/U3 =OB×,3/U3. Proof. The proof is elementary. Firstly, we prove that H\OB×,2/U2 is trivial. Recall that U2 =OK×,2(1+ 2M (Z )). As GL (Z )/(1+2M (Z ))=GL (F ),the claimfollowsfromthatfor anyg GL (F ), one 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∈ may find h∈H and u∈OK×,2 such that g ≡hu(mod2Z2). For the second claim, note that 1+k H U = k, 1, , 2 ∩ h − 2 i For any x ∈ B3×, x−1(1+λ)x = 1+x−1λx ∈ U3 where λ is any uniformizer of B3×. In particular, the aHct∩ioUn2o\fBH3×/∩UU32=oHn B∩3×U/2U\(3Bi3×s/eUqu3)al=toOtB×h,e3/aUc3t.ion of the group generated by some uniformizer. Henc(cid:3)e If we denote Z the integer ring for the unramified quadratic extension field of Q , then 9 3 OB×,3 =Z×9(1+λZ9);U3 =OK×,3(1+λOB,3)=µ2(1+3Z9)(1+λZ9) where µ = 1 . Hence 2 {± } H\B3×OB×,2/U2U3 ←∼−H ∩U2\B3×/U3 ←∼−OB×,3/U3 ←∼−Z×9/µ2(1+3Z9)∼=Z/4Z, and we can identify C (B B /Q U) with C[Z/4Z]. ∞ × × × \ The image of B×\Bˆ×/U under the norm map is Q×+\Qˆ×/NrU. If p 6= 3, NrUp = Z×p while if NrU =1+3Z . Therefore, bybthebapproximation theorem, 3 3 Q×+\Qˆ×/NrU =Z×3/NrU3 =Z×3/1+3Z3. In paticular, the cardinality of Q×+\Qˆ×/NrU is 2. Forms in C∞(B×\B×/Q×U) of the form µ◦Nr for some Hecke character µ correspond to characters on C[Z/4Z] of order dividing 2. Sum up, we obtain 10 b b

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