Hedge Fund Governance Evaluating Oversight, Independence, and Conflicts Jason Scharfman Managing Partner, Corgentum Consulting, LLC AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an Imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. Alternatively, visit the Science and Technology Books website at www.elsevierdirect.com/rights for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-801412-7 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ Typeset by Thomson Digital Printed and bound in the United States Dedication This book is dedicated to my wife and family for their continued inspiration and support. Biography Jason Scharfman, Esq., CFE, CRISC—Managing Partner, Corgentum Consulting, LLC Jason Scharfman is the Managing Partner of Corgentum Consulting, LLC. Corgentum is a specialist consulting firm that provides the industry’s most comprehensive operational due diligence reviews and background investiga- tions of fund managers including hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and traditional funds. Mr. Scharfman is recognized as one of the leading experts in the field of operational due diligence and is the author of Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence: Understanding the Risks (John Wiley & Sons, 2008) and Private Equity Operational Due Diligence: Tools to Evaluate Liquidity, Valuation and Documentation (John Wiley & Sons, 2012). Before founding Corgentum, he previously oversaw the operational due diligence function for a $6 billion alternative investment allocation group called Graystone Research at Morgan Stanley. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, he held positions that primarily focused on due diligence and risk management at Lazard Asset Management, SPARX Investments and Research, and Thomson Financial. Mr. Scharfman received a B.S. in finance with an additional major in Japanese from Carnegie Mellon University, an M.B.A. in finance from Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business, and a J.D. from St. John’s School of Law. He is admitted to the practice of law in New York and New Jersey. Additionally, he holds the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified in Risk and Informa- tion Systems Control (CRISC) credentials. He has consulted with the US House Judiciary Committee on the subject of hedge fund regulation. Additionally, he has provided training to financial regulators on the subject of hedge fund due diligence. Mr. Scharfman has served as a consultant and testified as an expert in hedge fund litigation, and has lectured on the subject of hedge fund operations and operational risk as an adjunct professor at New York University. He has written extensively on the subject of operational due diligence and travels and speaks worldwide on hedge fund operational risks. xv Preface Investors don’t trust hedge funds. This might seem counterintuitive because they place billions of dollars with them, but they still don’t necessarily trust them. Don’t feel too bad for hedge funds; the feeling is mutual. With this mistrust, why then do the two continue to do business? For starters, investors can utilize hedge funds to add real value to their overall portfolios. This is especially true for the increasingly large number of underfunded pension systems who are increasingly turning to funds to gen- erate returns. After the 2008 financial crisis, multiple large-scale frauds, and more recent insider trading scandals, however, the blind trust investors used to place with investment consultants and hedge funds was shaken to say the least. It’s not as if the hedge funds were the only ones to blame; during the post- 2008 financial crisis many investors simply couldn’t wait to redeem their capital from funds. Hedge funds, facing decreasing valuations and illiquidity, didn’t necessarily want to be forced into liquidation and employed a number of tech- niques such as lowering their gates and utilizing side pockets to slow the pace of capital outflows. These were the rules of hedge fund investing that investors had willingly signed up for, and now investors were complaining and even suing. You could see how this could make some hedge funds a bit gun shy of giving investors too much flexibility going forward. Despite these tensions the two groups continue to coexist. The rules of hedge fund investing, however, have changed significantly. Investors are in- creasingly conscious of the fact that when allocating to hedge funds they have to consider more than just a fund’s potential for profits. More than just trading desks, it is now widely accepted that hedge funds are complex organizations that need to be managed properly from both an operational and an investment perspective in order to be successful. Increasingly investors have accepted that a key element to this success is something called governance, but what exactly does that mean? The goal of this book is to attempt to answer that question. To start off we will frame governance in a historical context to arrive at a modern working definition of the term. This book will outline how the definition of governance has evolved and broadened over time. To do this we will focus on the expanding definition of governance including regulatory governance of hedge funds, internal hedge fund governance mechanisms, service provider governance, and governance in valuations and fund liquidations. xvii xviii Preface This book will also highlight a key player in the world of hedge fund gover- nance, the board of directors. Investors generally fall into three camps when it comes to talking about fund boards: they love them, hate them, or dismiss them. Much of this criticism comes from a lack of clarity with regards to the roles of directors as well as a lack of in-depth director due diligence. In an attempt to reconcile the different sides of the arguments for and against directors, we will discuss the role of fund boards and provide perspectives on board-related considerations ranging from the delegation of duties and director liability to ca- pacity considerations, and the ways that they work with other service providers. To provide recent perspectives on the role of directors and governance this book also features exclusive interviews with directors, regulators, and operational due diligence analysts. Once you have developed a detailed understanding of governance, we will then show you how to put it into practice in the real world. To do this we will introduce techniques that investors can use to conduct initial and ongoing assessments of governance. We will also cover historical examples of governance failures. Finally this book will outline trends in the space with regards to governance practices in general and the board of directors specifically. Governance does not live in a vacuum and is not centralized within any one part of a hedge fund such as compliance. Nor is it the sole domain of any single service provider such as the board of directors. Instead, governance can be thought of as a living system that controls the operational and investment functions of funds. It does not refer to the actual functions that are in place, but oversees them to ensure they are running efficiently and effectively. It is the glue that binds the disparate functions of a hedge fund together. Without proper oversight the system will eventually fail; hedge funds will go out of business and investors will lose money. Investors who take measures to evaluate the quality of the governance framework in place at a hedge fund through deep-dive due diligence can avoid these risks and ultimately make more informed invest- ment decisions. A strong governance infrastructure can help rebuild the broken confidence between hedge fund and investors. It is up to both parties to trust but verify that controls and oversight not only are put in place but also stay in place to prevent the next crisis of confidence. Jason Scharfman July 2014 Chapter 1 Introduction to Hedge Fund Governance Chapter Outline Head Introduction to the Concept The Postwar Era of Governance of Governance 1 From the 1960s 12 Why Should Investors Care 1970s: The Decade of About Hedge Fund Governance? 2 Governance 15 Governance: A Vague Concept? 3 Rise of Agency Theory 16 How Should Investors Think 1980s Onward—The Growth About Hedge Fund Governance? 4 of Modern Corporate Governance What Hedge Fund Entities are Reforms 17 Investors Looking at to Promote Defining Hedge Fund Governance 18 Good Governance? 5 A Universal Definition Distinguishing Between of Governance? 21 Governance and Due Diligence 7 Is Governance Defined Is Governance Controlled by the by Perspective? 22 Hedge Fund Board of Directors? 8 Who is Responsible for Hedge Governance Outside of Hedge Funds 9 Fund Governance? 22 The Origins of Hedge Fund Is Governance Primarily Governance Lie in Corporate an Investment-related Concept? 22 Governance 10 Distinguishing Between Historical Perspectives on Governance and Hedge Corporate Governance 11 Fund Activists 24 Investor-Driven Governance 11 Hedge Fund Governance: Governance in the Prewar Period 11 A Working Definition 26 INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNANCE What exactly does the term “governance” mean? Many investors are perhaps more familiar with the term governance when it is paired up with the term “cor- porate.” Ok, so what then does the term “corporate governance” mean exactly? Does this definition vary based on the context of what type of corporate gov- ernance you are talking about? Can there be other types of governance besides “corporate?” Does the definition of this perhaps change when applied to hedge funds? As an investor in equities, bonds, private equity, real estate, or certainly hedge funds you may have never really given this much thought. Frankly, why Hedge Fund Governance Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved 1 2 Hedge Fund Governance should you? Who cares what governance is as long as a hedge fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) beats its benchmark? In this chapter we will provide a work- ing definition of hedge fund governance and outline its historical perspective. Before addressing these issues, we should address the issue of why investors should care about this important subject to begin with. WHY SHOULD INVESTORS CARE ABOUT HEDGE FUND GOVERNANCE? Hedge fund investing is complicated enough. There are lots of strategy and fund options. Depending on the year several of them may seem quite attractive. It can be difficult enough for investors to select a fund manager who can generate a sustainable profit year-over-year; who has the time to worry about anything else? At its core the goal of investing is to generate a profit, and things outside of that direct goal aren’t necessarily always a primary concern to investors. Of course, the investments have to be made in a legal way, but outside of these basic principles does anything else really matter to an investor’s bottom line? Especially seemingly vague notions such as governance? It could be argued after all that governance, whatever that means, isn’t even necessary for a hedge fund to function or be profitable. Some have attempted to write off governance as being entirely unnecessary to hedge funds. To continue that analogy, a boat can successfully navigate the ocean without life preservers, can’t it? Of course it can. It isn’t necessarily a good idea for the passengers, but that doesn’t mean the propellers won’t spin. It could be argued that governance functions in the same way as the life preservers; it’s not functionally required for a fund to make investments but it’s a bad idea to proceed without it. Is this line of reasoning correct? Could it be that governance is indeed operating in the background of seemingly basic operational functions, even though it may not be readily apparent? This book will address these questions about governance. If you are reading this book, it means you are most likely fall into one of two camps. The first group is people who are perhaps unfamiliar with hedge funds and want to learn more and the subject with a particular focus on governance. This book will certainly equip you with knowledge about hedge fund gover- nance, but it is not meant to be a primer on the hedge fund industry. This is best left for other books, and there are a number of other introductory resources in this area (Anson, 2006). The other group of people reading this book are those who are familiar with the hedge fund industry. You are likely a direct investor in hedge funds (i.e., high-net-worth individual or family office), represent a large hedge fund allocator (i.e., corporate or public pension plan, fund of hedge funds, endowment, foundation, bank, insurance company, etc.), or work in some capacity in the hedge fund industry [i.e., an operational due diligence (ODD) analyst at a fund of hedge funds]. Regardless of your level of sophistication with the hedge fund industry, understanding the role of governance is more critical today than ever before. Introduction to Hedge Fund Governance Chapter | 1 3 Governance has influence across all aspects of the hedge fund industry ranging from the managers themselves and their investments to their service providers and investors. By learning about what hedge fund governance is and trends in the space you will, hopefully, be able to promote better governance practices in your respective corner of the hedge fund world. Analyzing, implementing, and monitoring governance in hedge funds, as this book will hopefully convince you, is a critical element of hedge fund invest- ing. It not only relates to the implementation of checks and balances, and adher- ence to technical policies and procedures, but can also influence the nature of a hedge fund’s investments and ultimately affect the fund’s overall profitability. Before seeking to analyze the role of governance, however, we must return to our original question seeking to define what governance actually is. GOVERNANCE: A VAGUE CONCEPT? The use of the word “governance” has grown in popularity in recent years in the hedge fund industry. Beyond being the latest hedge fund buzzword, what does it actually mean? Originally the term in a hedge fund context was tied to hedge fund activist investors seeking to promote good governance in the companies in which they invested. We will address this concept later in the chapter. One of the more recent applications of the term has been with regards to pro- moting good governance not within the companies that the hedge funds invest in, but in the hedge funds themselves. This increased attention has come about for a number of reasons including regulatory changes, historical frauds, and increased investor demands for transparency to name a few. But, returning to our original question, what exactly does this application of governance mean? Pinning down the concept and actual definition of governance in the hedge fund industry has presented a bit of a challenge for many investors and hedge fund managers alike. Unlike many parts of the hedge fund, governance is not a heavily quantitative subject. There are no carried interest calculations, VaR analysis, turnover ratios, or leverage calculations. Instead governance is more of a qualitative subject that relates to notions of ethics, conflicts of interest, and even, depending on your perspective, things such as being a good corporate citizen. The qualitative nature of this subject perhaps is one of the reasons that has created a definitional challenge to the term governance, in the traditionally more quantitative hedge fund industry. It’s not because people in the hedge fund industry aren’t smart. Indeed, many have argued that hedge funds house some of the financial industries’ best intellectual capital (Bloomberg, 2003). It’s just harder for most people, particularly in a quantitative slanted industry, to digest more qualitative learning concepts such as governance. Also contrib- uting to the problem is that there is no consistent market or legal definition of what governance in the hedge fund industry actually means. Further con- tributing to the confusion is the fact that there is a mixed consensus on who 4 Hedge Fund Governance is actually responsible for governance. But perhaps we are getting ahead of ourselves; before we can begin to talk about gauging if a hedge fund has good or bad governance we must first attempt to define the concept in a hedge fund framework. HOW SHOULD INVESTORS THINK ABOUT HEDGE FUND GOVERNANCE? What is the appropriate way to think about hedge fund governance? This might seem like an odd question at first, but discussing it will help us better frame a definition of what exactly hedge fund governance itself is. At its core, what this question is really asking is first, “how should investors classify hedge funds?” The second question is, “once we’ve made a decision about what a hedge fund is, how should we think about governance in that class of funds?” Let us try to tackle the first part of this question. We could take the easy way out and say a hedge fund is just that, a class unto itself of hedge funds. Continuing this line of reasoning we could say that private equity funds are their own class, and so are mutual funds, index funds, etc. This may be true, and depending on your perspective hedge funds may be in such a unique asset class unto themselves. Others may argue that this certainly may be even too much of a generalization. Under the broad category of hedge funds there are numer- ous subcategories differentiated by numerous categories including location, as- sets under management, and investment strategy. From a regulatory perspective some have suggested that certain hedge fund strategies could be compared with closed-ended US mutual funds while others suggest that they should be viewed more as private partnerships (Lehmann, 2006). Prior to the most recent waves of enhanced hedge funds’ regulatory require- ments, including that hedge fund become registered with regulatory entities such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), some investors thought of hedge funds as merely one option in a series of largely unregulated, or ex- empt from regulation, investments. Further complicating the issue, the nature of many hedge fund investments has become blurred with other asset classes such as private equity. A good example of this was in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. During that time many hedge funds opted to side pocket illiquid or distressed positions. For reference, for the purpose of our discussion here a side pocket can be thought of as a separate fund where illiquid assets are placed. We will address side pockets in more detail in Chapter 11. These side pockets often exhibit private equity–like characteristics and unfortunately for many in- vestors further lengthened payout and recovery timetables. Considering it from another angle, many other types of investments have sought to take on hedge fund–like approaches and some in the academic community have suggested that hedge funds themselves are effectively not providing the alpha they promise and instead investors are really adding hedge fund beta to their portfolios when allocating to hedge funds (Jaeger, 2005; Kat and Palaro, 2005).