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Heavy particle electroweak loop effects in extra-dimensional models with bulk neutrinos PDF

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Preview Heavy particle electroweak loop effects in extra-dimensional models with bulk neutrinos

Heavy particle electroweak loop effects in extra-dimensional models 1 0 with bulk neutrinos 0 2 n T. P. Cheng and Ling-Fong Li a ∗ † J 0 ∗Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO 63121 3 †Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2 v 8 Abstract 6 0 Oneway to detect the presenceof new particles in theories beyond 1 0 the standard model is through their contribution to electroweak loop 1 effects. We comment on the importance of a consistent inclusion of 0 their mixing angles to ensure that the physical requirement of heavy / h particle decoupling is fulfilled. We illustrate our points by a detailed p discussion of the lepton flavor changing effect µ eγ, investigated - p → recently by Kitano, in the Randall-Sundrum model. Our remarks are e h equallyapplicabletomodelswithlargecompactifieddimensionswhere : bulk neutrinos are introduced to account for the observed neutrino v i oscillations. X r a 1 Introduction There is considerable interest in the attempts of solving the gauge hierarchy problem in the context of theories invoking extra spatial dimensions. One category of models assumes that the extra dimensions are large. Mass hi- erarchy results from the large volume effect[1]. Another class makes use of a non-factorizable metric with a warp factor, leading to exponential sup- pressions of Planck scale masses for the relevant fields which are assumed to reside on the “visible” 3-brane[2]. Only gravitons and, in some models, also other fields, can propagate in the extra dimensional space. Such a bulk field will have a tower of Kaluza-Klein states with ever increasing masses. 1 These states often provide us with definitive signatures of these extra di- mension theories. If such bulk fields can mix with ordinary SM fields, their presence can in principle be detected through their contributions to the elec- troweak loop effects. There exist already a substantial body of literature discussing the constraints on such KK states by using the existing, or future, electroweak precision data[3]. In this paper we wish to emphasize the im- portance of a proper and complete inclusion of the mixing angle effects so that the physically sensible requirement of the decoupling theorem can be satisfied. We believe that the study of any physical phenomena at a given distance scale should not depend sensitively on our knowledge of the physics on much shorter scales, heavy particles should decouple from low-energy processes. Namely, the effects of heavy particles in the virtual intermediate states are suppressed by inverse powers of the heavy particle masses[4]. This comes about because the relevant amplitudes are reduced by the heavy particle propagators. However, if the heavy mass comes from spontaneous symmetry breaking, the corresponding Yukawa coupling is also large and this can neu- tralize the large mass of the denominator. This may lead to a violation of the decoupling theorem in the low energy effective theory[5]. For example, in the Standard Model, the ρ parameter grows with m2 and is quite sensitive t to the value of m . In fact, this is one of the clue to the t-quark mass before t its discovery. On the other hand, if the large mass can be attributed to a gauge invariant mass term, then decoupling should be effective because here one does not need a large Yukawa coupling. Often in a model, particles have a mixture of bare and Yukawa-coupling-induced masses. These decoupling effects may show up as mass-suppressed mixing angles. Masses and mixing angles are often related because they all follow from the same (nondiagonal) mass matrices. A proto-typical case is the seesaw mechanism for generating neutrino masses [6]: besides the ordinary light neutrinos with masses m mˆ2/Mˆ, ν ≃ there is also at least one other superheavy neutrino with a mass m N ≃ Mˆ. [The small mass is assumed to have a magnitude comparable to the masses of ordinary quarks and charged leptons, mˆ 1GeV, the large mass being an intermediate mass scale below the Planck s≃cale, Mˆ 1012GeV.] In ≃ the charged weak current, the charged lepton is coupled to the combination (cosθ ν +sinθ N ), where ν stands for some superposition of the light | i | i | i neutrino states with mixing angles that are not necessarily small, but the 2 angle θ is mass-suppressed mˆ θ . (1) ≃ Mˆ Such a mixing angle simply reflects the property of the mass matrix that, in the Mˆ limit, the mixing of the singlet neutrino goes to zero. The → ∞ presence of non-zero neutrino masses naturally leads to flavor violation loop effects such as µ eγ. Both light and heavy neutrinos contribute, leading → to a branching ratio[7] 3α B(µeγ) = ζ2θ4 (2) 8π where α is the fine structure constant. The factor ζ being some product of the mixing coefficients among light neutrinos is not expected to be particu- larly small. Had one not taken into account of the fact that the heavy-light mixing angle θ is mass-suppressed, one would erroneously conclude that the heavy neutrino did not decouple (and thus giving rise to an unacceptably large branching ratio). But in this representation of the neutrino states, de- 2 coupling manifest itself in the form θ4 = mˆ2/Mˆ2 = m2/m2 which yields ν N an immeasurably small branching ratio —(cid:16) becaus(cid:17)e of the superheavy neu- trino mass in the denominator, as well as the tiny light neutrino mass in the numerator. The seesaw model of neutrino mass is considered to be an at- tractive possibility because the presence of such self-consistent features. We suggest that any physically sensible theory containing superheavy particles would have this type of properties that automatically ensures that the heavy states are decoupled in low energy processes. The mass suppressed mixing angle follows from a special feature of the seesaw neutrino mass matrix — the absence of Majorana mass terms for the left handed neutrino and a superheavy entry for the right handed neutrino massterm. Inessence, thereasonthatthedecoupling holdsinthiscaseisdue tothe factthe largemass canberealized by having largebaremass (ν being R a SM singlet) without having large Yukawa coupling. That mass matrices have the structure which gives rise to decoupling is rather common in models involving heavy particle states. Thus the question of mass suppressed mixing angles is very important in our consideration of heavy particle contribution to low energy loop effects. In this paper we shall illustrate our points in the Randall-Sundrum model[2] with bulk neutrinos[8]. The investigation of 3 lepton flavor violation loop effects in this context have recently been carried out by Kitano[9]. Here we complete his discussion, in particular with respect the possibility of extracting a meaningful bound on the heavy neutrino mass. 2 Mixing angles in the RS model with bulk neutrinos The Randal-Sundrum model presupposes a five dimensional spacetime. The extra spatial dimension is taken to be a compactified S1/Z orbifold with a 2 coordinate y = r φ, with r being the radius of the compact dimension and c c the angle φ having a range of [ π,π] with opposite sides identified. There − are two 3-branes fixed at φ = π (the “visible” brane containing the SM fields) and at φ = 0 (the “hidden” brane, also called the Planck brane). The resultant metric is non-factorizable: ds2 = e−2krc|φ|η dxµdxν r2dφ2 (3) µν − c where k, the bulk curvature, has the order of fundamental mass scale Mˆ 5 which is comparable to the Planck mass. The exponential warp factor e−2krc|φ| causes a rescaling of the fields, which changes any mass parame- ter in the fundamental theory ( Planck scale) to an effective mass on the ≃ visible brane as M = e−krcπMˆ ( electroweak scale M ). Namely, for a 5 EW ≃ choice of kr 12, we can have c ≈ ǫ = e−krcπ 10−16 M = ǫMˆ 103GeV. (4) 5 ≈ ≈ Because this mechanism does not allow any intermediate scale, between the Planck and electroweak, to appear, the seesaw mechanism for generating a naturallysmall neutrino mass is not applicable inthe originalRSmodel. In this connection, Grossman and Neubert[8] introduced a bulk fermion field1. They have shown that, for a reasonable range of parameters, the zero mode of such a fermion hasa very small wavefunction at thephysical brane andthe Higgs generated mass can also be naturally suppressed. In this way, neutrino masses that are many orders smaller than M can be obtained. EW 1 Cancellation of parity anomaly requires that there be even number of bulk fermions. Since the presence of multiple bulk fermions should not introduce qualitative changes in our result, we shall ignore such complication and stick with one bulk fermion. 4 The bulk fermion (with mass M ) has the Kaluza-Klein decomposition of b e2krc|φ| ΨL,R(x,φ) = fˆL,R(φ)ψL,R(x) (5) 5 √r n n c n X wherethesuperscripts(L,R)signifythechiralitystatesΨL,R = 1 (1 γ )Ψ , 5 2 ∓ 5 5 and fˆL,R(φ) are the appropriate sets of complete orthonormal functions n (inthniscasesoomecombinationsofBesselfunctions)normalizedsothatψ (x) n has the canonical scale in four dimensions, S = d4x ψ¯ (x)i∂/ψ (x) M ψ¯ (x)ψ (x) . (6) ψ n n − n n n Z (cid:8) (cid:9) The KK fields ψL,R (x) has electroweak scale masses M = ǫkx with x n6=0 n n n (correspondingtozerosofsomecombinationsoftheBesselfunctions)beingof order one. The presence of such states brings hope for experimental searches, orequivalently, forsevere constraints by known phenomenology. Ourfocusin this paper is the proper accounting, in such analyses, of the important effects due to the mixing angles between these heavy states and the SM fields. Grossman and Neubert[8] have shown that bulk fermion zero modes (x = 0) exist. If we impose the orbifold symmetry φ φ, then only one 0 → − of the chiral zero modes survives. Let it be ψR(x), which has a suppressed 0 wavefunction on the visible brane fˆR(φ = π) ǫkr ǫν−12 = O(ǫν) with ν = Mb > 1. (7) 0 ≃ c k 2 p where M is the bulk fermion mass parameter in the original 5-dimensional b Lagrangian. Similarly, orbifold symmetry requires the wavefunctions for the left-handed KK excitations, when evaluated on the visible brane, to vanish fˆL(φ = π) = 0 while those for the right-handed fields have values n fˆR (φ = π) ǫkr = O ǫ12 . (8) n6=0 ≃ c p (cid:16) (cid:17) Thus, fˆR/fˆR = O ǫν−12 is quite small since ǫ is tiny and ν > 1. 0 n6=0 2 φ=π Rel(cid:16)evant to o(cid:17)ur discuss(cid:16)ion of(cid:17)neutrino mass matrix, we shall only display the Yukawa interaction between the SM left-handed lepton doublet LL = lL, νL , the right-handed bulk fermion ΨR, and the Higgs doublet H = l 5 (cid:0) (cid:1) 5 (h+,h0), with its conjugate being H˜ = iσ H∗. Again for simplicity we shall 2 suppress the lepton generation indices (e,µ,τ) at this stage. S = d4xǫ4Yˆ L¯L(x)H˜ (x)ΨR(x,π)+h.c. (9) Y − 5 5 5 5 Z n o where the factorǫ4 originatesfromthe square rootof the metric determinant, and Yˆ , the fundamental Yukawa coupling, is dimensionful, expected to be 5 1 somewhat less than Mˆ−2; and the fundamental fields LL(x) and H˜ (x) can 5 5 5 bereplaced by theeffective fields (which have thecanonical normalizationsin thefour dimensional spacetime): ǫ−3/2L(x) andǫ−1H(x),respectively. After substituting in the KK decomposition of Eq.(5), the Yukawa interaction in Eq.(9) has now the form: S = d4x y L¯L(x)H˜ (x)ψR(x)+ y L¯L(x)H˜ (x)ψR(x)+h.c. Y − 0 0 n n ( ) Z n=1 X (10) where y = Yˆ fˆR(φ = π)/√ǫr . After using the estimates of Eqs.(7) and n 5 n c (8), and √kYˆ . 1, the four dimensional Yukawa couplings have the size of 5 1 y . ǫν−2 and y . 1. (11) 0 n Spontaneous symmetry breaking due to the Higgs mechanism results in a non-zero vacuum expectation value for the neutral scalar field h0 = v of h i the electroweak scale. Eq.(10) leads to mass terms : m ν¯LψR + m ν¯LψR (12) 0 l 0 n l n n=1 X with the “Yukawa masses” 1 m = y v . ǫν−2v M and m = y v . M . (13) 0 0 EW n n EW ≪ Combining withtheDiracmass terms oftheKKstates M ψ¯LψR, these n=1 n n mass terms can be written in a matrix form P m m m .. ψR 0 1 2 0 0 M 0 .. ψR ν¯′L, ψ¯L, ψ¯L, ...  1  1 . (14) 1 2 0 0 M .. ψR 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) : : :  :        6 Forsimplicity, letusconcentrateonthesimplestnontrivialcasebycutting off the n > 1 excitations, thus a neutrino mass term of Ψ¯′ MΨ′ , where L R m m ψR Ψ¯′ = ν¯L, ψ¯L , M = 0 1 , Ψ′ = 0 (15) L l 1 0 M R ψR (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) with m m . M The mass matrix can be diagonalized in terms of the 0 1 1. ≪ mass eigenstates ν, N by unitary transformation matrices U(θ ) and L V(θ ) acting on the left- and right-handed fields, respectively: R (cid:0) (cid:1) ν νL ν +θ N U = l L L L N ψL ≃ θ ν +N (cid:18) (cid:19)L (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) (cid:18) − L L L (cid:19) ν ψR ν +θ N V = 0 R R R (16) N ψR ≃ θ ν +N (cid:18) (cid:19)R (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) (cid:18) − R R R (cid:19) so that m 0 UMV† = M = ν (17) diag 0 m N (cid:18) (cid:19) with m m being very small and m M very large. The mixing ν 0 N 1 ≃ ≃ angle for the left-handed field θ should be fairly small, while θ for the L R right-handed fields is even more suppressed: m m m 1 0 1 θ . 1 and θ . O(ǫ). (18) L ≃ M R ≃ M2 1 1 Next we will examine in some detail how such mixing angles will figure in the constraint that the electroweak loop effects, such as µ eγ, will place → on the new physics. Obviously for this purpose, we must have at least two distinctive lepton flavors: ν = ν , ν . Thus the m factor in (15) is now a l e µ 0 2 2 non-diagonalmass matrix, whose elements are of same order magnitude × asbefore. Thegaugeandmasseigenstates in(15)and(16)must beexpanded minimally to sets of three states: ν νL 1 e U ν = νL . (19)  2   µ  ν ψL 3 L 1     The mass eigenstates ν correspond to two light neutrinos with masses i { } m and m , on the order of zero-mode Yukawa mass m , and one heavy ν1 ν2 0 7 neutrino with m M . (We have changed the label for the heavy neutrino ν3 1 ≃ from N to ν .) For simplicity, we shall assume that the unitary matrix U can 3 be parametrized by two mixing angles: one being the rotation angle ω in the (1,2)-plane, and the other being θ , the (2,3) light-heavy rotation angle. L cosω cosθ sinω sinθ sinω L L − U = sinω cosθ cosω sinθ cosω (20) li L L  −  0 sinθ cosθ L L   We now proceed to the discussion of the µeγ loop effects. 3 µ eγ : heavy particle in the gauge boson → loop The decay amplitude for the µ(p) e(p q)+γ(q) can be written as → − ie T (µeγ) = ε∗ (q)u¯ (p q)σλρq [A (1+γ )+A (1 γ )]u (p). 16π λ e − ρ + 5 − − 5 µ (21) The branching ratio (with m = 0) can then be expressed in terms of the e invariant amplitudes A as ± 6e2M4 B(µeγ) = W A 2 + A 2 , (22) + − g4m2 | | | | µ (cid:0) (cid:1) where g is the weak gauge coupling, M the weak gauge boson mass. W First we discuss the invariant amplitudes AW coming from the gauge ± boson loop contribution µ− ν W− e− where the photon is emitted → i γ → by the charged W boson in the loop (as denoted by the subscript γ). The (cid:0) (cid:1) gauge boson coupling to the charged lepton and massive neutrinos is g 1 (Wlν ) = U ¯lγα (1 γ )ν W− +h.c., (23) L i √2 li 2 − 5 i α leading (after a detailed calculation[7]) to the amplitudes of AW = 0 and − g2m 3 m2 AW = µ U∗ U F i , (24) + 8πM2 µi ei M2 W i=1 (cid:18) W(cid:19) X 8 where the function 1 F (z) = 10 43z +78z2 49z3 18z3lnz +4z4 (25) 6(1 z)4 − − − − (cid:0) (cid:1) has limits of F (0) = 5/3 and F ( ) = 2/3, respectively. In our case we have ∞ two light neutrinos ν (thus z 0) and one heavy one z 1, resulting 1,2 1,2 3 ≃ ≫ in a branching ratio of 2 3α 3 m2 B(µeγ) = U∗ U F i W 8π µi ei M2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)Xi=1 (cid:18) W(cid:19)(cid:12) 3α (cid:12) (cid:12) 3α = (cid:12)U∗ U [F ( ) F (0(cid:12))] 2 = ζ2θ4 (26) 8π (cid:12) µ3 e3 ∞ − (cid:12) 8π L (cid:12) (cid:12) where ζ = 1 sin2ω, as seen in(cid:12)Eq.(20). We have used(cid:12)the orthogonality con- 2 dition of the mixing matrix U when going to the second line. Allowing for a large µe mixing angle ω, the experimental limit[10] of B(µeγ) 10−11 ≃ requires a heavy-light angle θ m /M = O(10−2), which is small, but L 1 1 ≃ still plausible as we expect the Yukawa masses m to be quite bit less than 1 the Dirac (bare) mass M . Thus the measured value begins to give mean- 1 ingful constraint on the model parameters. Our point is that the significant restriction is on the mixing angle, rather than on the KK masses directly. Note that if we had not taken into account the suppression due to the mixing angles we would get an unacceptable large B(µ eγ). Also in this case the → large mass comes from bare mass and not from the large Yukawa coupling and we expect the decoupling to be valid[5]. Indeed B(µ eγ) vanishes in → the limit M , after the behavior of the mixing angles is included. 1 → ∞ 4 µ eγ : heavy particle in the scalar boson → loop In the minimal SM with massive neutrinos, the leading µeγ amplitude comes from the gauge boson loop as discussed in the previous Section. However, for models having more scalars beyond the one Higgs doublet, there could in principle be significant scalar boson loop contribution as well. Even for the minimal SM, it is instructive to consider the scalar boson case separately because the longitudinal gauge boson is simply the (unphysical) Higgs scalar 9 boson. Being proportional to the fermion mass, such Yukawa coupling is the source of the decoupling violation — through the cancellation of the large mass in fermion propagator by the large Yukawa couplings. The Yukawa interactions of the scalar boson φ to a charged lepton l and (±) a massive neutrino ν can be parametrized by the chiral couplings y : i li (φlν ) = ¯l y(+)(1+γ )+y(−)(1 γ ) ν φ− +h.c. (27) L i li 5 li − 5 i h i We have performed a detailed calculation of the scalar boson loopamplitude, µ− ν φ− e−, where the photon is emitted by the charged φ boson → i γ → in the intermediate state, and found that, for heavy neutrino intermediate (cid:0) (cid:1) state (m M ), i φ ≫ 1 m Aφ (ν ) = µy(+)∗y(−) +m y(+)∗y(+) , (28) + heavy πm2 3 ei µi i ei µi i (cid:16) (cid:17) and, for light neutrino intermediates state (m M ), i φ ≪ 1 m Aφ (ν ) = µy(+)∗y(−) +m y(+)∗y(+) . (29) + light πM2 6 ei µi i ei µi φ (cid:16) (cid:17) The other chiral amplitudes Aφ have similar structures. − LetusfirstconsidertheSMcasewhenthescalaristhewould-be-Goldstone boson, and becomes the longitudinal gauge boson after spontaneous symme- try breaking. In the renormalizable R gauge, there is a scalar particle with ξ a mass M = ξM . The SM fermions obtain their masses through their cou- φ W plings to the Higgs field, hence the Yukawa couplings are proportional to the fermion masses. If the VEV is written in terms of g and M , we have the W explicit form of gm gm y(+)∗ = i U∗, y(−)∗ = − e U∗, ei 2√2M ei ei 2√2M ei W W gm gm (+) µ (−) i y = U , y = − U , (30) µi 2√2M µi µi 2√2M µi W W Substituting these relations into Eq.(28), we can check that heavy neutrino (ν ) contribution is given by 3 g2m 2 Aφ (ν ) = µ U∗ U (31) + heavy 8πM2 µ3 e3 3 W (cid:18) (cid:19) 10

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