Heavy Metals in Water Presence, Removal and Safety 1 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 7. em 5:1ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P View Online 1 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 7. em 5:1ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P View Online Heavy Metals In Water Presence, Removal and Safety 1 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 Edited by 2 8 7 1 8 97 Sanjay K. Sharma 9/ 03 Department of Chemistry, JECRC University, Jaipur, India 1 0. Email: [email protected] 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 7. em 5:1ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P View Online 1 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er PrintISBN:978-1-84973-885-9 b PDFeISBN:978-1-78262-017-4 7. em 5:1ept 2S AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary 1:6 11 on rTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2015 d e h blis Allrightsreserved u P Apartfromfairdealingforthepurposesofresearchfornon-commercialpurposesorfor privatestudy,criticismorreview,aspermittedundertheCopyright,DesignsandPatents Act1988andtheCopyrightandRelatedRightsRegulations2003,thispublicationmaynot bereproduced,storedortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withouttheprior permissioninwritingofTheRoyalSocietyofChemistryorthecopyrightowner,orinthe caseofreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissuedbytheCopyright LicensingAgencyintheUK,orinaccordancewiththetermsofthelicencesissuedbythe appropriateReproductionRightsOrganizationoutsidetheUK.Enquiriesconcerning reproductionoutsidethetermsstatedhereshouldbesenttoTheRoyalSocietyof Chemistryattheaddressprintedonthispage. TheRSCisnotresponsibleforindividualopinionsexpressedinthiswork. PublishedbyTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry, ThomasGrahamHouse,SciencePark,MiltonRoad, CambridgeCB40WF,UK RegisteredCharityNumber207890 Visitourwebsiteatwww.rsc.org/books 5 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 Preface 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: Agriculture and industrial developments are not possible without the in- d g | dispensableelementwater.Alllivingandnon-livingthingsrequirewaterfor or theirexistenceinonewayoranother.So,ifsomebodysaysthat‘wateristhe c. s s.r liquid of life’, it is absolutely correct. Nobody can live without water. b u The population explosion, increasing urbanization and industrialization p p:// are the major reasons for the depletion of water availability worldwide and n htt that’s why the water crisis has become a global challenge today. Scientists, 4 o policymakersandacademiciansarecontinuouslytryinghardtoaddressthis 1 0 problem to the best of their knowledge and abilities, but without complete 2 er success. b 0. em Besides the water crisis, the availability of ‘safe water’ is another associ- 25:2Sept atedchallenge.Becauseofvarioustypesofpollutantsandimpuritiespresent 11:16 in water, whatever water is available is not always ‘safe’. Unfortunately n o drinking such ‘unsafe’ water is the fate of billions of people around the d he world and pure water is always a ‘dream’ for them. s bli Dissolved solids, synthetic dyes, agriculture runoffs, industrial effluents u P and microorganisms are a few of the things responsible for making water unsafe.The presence ofheavymetals isanadd-on tothis list, and these are so dangerous that they may actually lead to death. Metals such as arsenic, cadmium,chromium,copper, lead,mercury,nickelandzincarecommonly found at contaminated sites and in aqueous systems. For example, arsenic poisoning claims thousands of deaths every year in Bangladesh and West BengalinIndia,whileleadisverytoxictolivingorganisms,accumulatingin thebones,brain,kidneyandmuscles,andmaybethecauseofmanyserious disorderssuchasanaemia,kidneydiseases,nervousdisorders,sicknessand even death. The presence of heavy metals in water is due to both natural and an- thropogenicsources.Naturalsourcesmayincludeparentrocksandmetallic HeavyMetalsinWater:Presence,RemovalandSafety EditedbySanjayK.Sharma rTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2015 PublishedbytheRoyalSocietyofChemistry,www.rsc.org v View Online vi Preface ores and, on the other hand, agriculture (fertilizers, animal manures, pesticides), metallurgy (mining, smelting, metal finishing), energy pro- duction (leaded gasoline, battery manufacture, power plants), micro- electronics, sewage sludge and scrap disposal can be included in the 5 0 anthropogenic sources. 0 P F Removal of these heavy metals is a big problem for everyone. Examples 4- 7 of the many techniques being tried to achieve this include biosorption, 1 0 2 bioremediation, phytoremediation, photocatalytic processes, use of func- 6 2 8 tionalized magnetic nanoparticles and use of industrial and agricultural 7 1 8 waste. 7 9 9/ Thisbookisasincereefforttoshowcasethelatestresearchinthefieldof 3 10 heavy metals removal, written by leading scientists and researchers. At this 0. 1 point in time I express my gratitude to all contributors who made this vol- oi: d ume possible. I hope that the chapters presented will be a good source of org | reference material for scientists in their further research and development. sc. Also, I hope that this book provides an insightful text on the theme of bs.r ‘heavymetalsremoval’andprocessesthatarebeingstudied,optimizedand u p://p developed to sustain both mankind and nature. htt I sincerely welcome feedback from all my valuable readers and critics. n o 4 1 Happy reading! 0 2 er b 0. em Sanjay K. Sharma 5:2ept Jaipur, India 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P 7 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 Acknowledgments 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: This is the opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to my friends, d g | colleagues, supporters and well wishers and to let them know that I am so or grateful to have had them, and their valuable cooperation, along with me c. s s.r duringthejourneyofthisbook—HeavyMetalsinWater:Presence,Removal b u and Safety. p p:// First of all I express my special thanks to all the esteemed contributors, n htt whodeservespecialmentionforprovidingtheirwritings,withoutwhichthis 4 o book could not be possible. 1 0 IsincerelyacknowledgemyparentsDrM.P.SharmaandMrsParmeshwari 2 er Devi, my wife Dr Pratima Sharma and all other family members for their b 4. em never-endingencouragement,moralsupportandpatienceduringthecourse 25:2Sept of this book. 11:16 I acknowledge the active interest and useful suggestions from Ackmez n o Mudhoo, University of Mauritius, Mauritius. Thanks Ackmez! d he I also thank Mr Amit Agarwal and Mr Arpit Agarwal (Vice Chairpersons, s bli JECRC University, Jaipur) and Professor S.S. Pabla (Vice Chancellor, JECRC u P University, Jaipur) for their appreciation and encouragement. MychildrenKunalandKritikaalwaysdeservespecialmentionastheyare my best companions, who energize me to work with refreshed mood and motivation. SpecialthanksgototheteamattheRoyalSocietyofChemistrybehindthis publication, without whose painstaking efforts this work could not have been completed in a timely manner. Thanks RSC! I am also grateful to many others whose name I have not been able to mention but whose association and support has in no way been any less. Sanjay K. Sharma Jaipur, India HeavyMetalsinWater:Presence,RemovalandSafety EditedbySanjayK.Sharma rTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2015 PublishedbytheRoyalSocietyofChemistry,www.rsc.org vii View Online 7 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 4. em 5:2ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P 9 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ This book is for Pratima, my wife, without whose love, support and 3 10 cooperation I could not achieve anything in my life. 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 5. em 5:2ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P View Online 9 0 0 P F 4- 7 1 0 2 6 2 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p p:// htt n o 4 1 0 2 er b 5. em 5:2ept 2S 1:6 11 n o d e h s bli u P