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ENSEN˜ANZA REVISTAMEXICANADEF´ISICA48(6)???–??? FEBRERO2003 Heavy Meson Physics: What have we learned in Twenty Years? Benjam´ınGrinstein UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego;LaJolla,CA92093,USA Recibidoel dede;aceptadoel dede Igiveapersonalaccountofthedevelopmentofthefieldofheavyquarks. Afterreviewingtheexperimentaldiscoveryofcharmandbottom quarks,Idescribehowthefield’sfocusshiftedtowardsdeterminationofCKMelementsandhowthishasmaturedintoaprecisionscience. Doyunaperspectiva personal deldesarrollodeladisciplinadequarks pesados. Despue´sderepasar lahistoriadeldescubrimiento delos quarkscyb,doyunadescripcio´ndecomoladisciplinasehare-enfocadohacialadeterminacio´ndeloselementosdelamatrizCKMyde comohamaduradohastaconvertirseenunacienciadeprecisio´n. Keywords:HeavyQuarks,EffectiveTheory,SemileptonicDecays,Kobayashi-MaskawaMatrix 5 0 0 PACS:14.40.Nd,12.39.Hg,13.20.He,14.20.Mr,13.25.Ft,12.15.Hh, 2 n 1. Introduction resonance[3], the ψ′, at a mass of 3.695 0.004 GeV. No ± a othernarrowresonanceswerefoundinthetotale+e− cross J Let me start with a warning: this is not a review of heavy sectionsatSPEAR,butbroaderstructuresdidappearatener- 4 quark physics. I have been honored by the Divisio´n de giesabovetheψ′[4]. Othernarrowstructuresthatcouldnot Part´ıculasyCamposoftheSociedadMexicanadeF´ısicawith bedirectlyproducedine+e− collisionswerefoundthrough 2 theMedalla2003,forwhichIamgratefulandhumbled.This cascade decays of the ψ′. The DASP collaboration work- v 6 talk was given on occasion of the medal being conferred. I ing at DESY’s e+e− storage ring DORIS found[5] the first 1 triedtodescribe,frommypersonalviewpoint,howthefield χ state in ψ′ χ + γ ψ + γ + γ. The Crystal Ball 4 ofBphysicsevolvedsinceitsinceptiontothepresent,biased collaboration[6→]detectorp→rovidedthehighspatialandenergy 2 bymyownexperience. resolutionneeded to finally unravelthe spectroscopiclevels 1 ofcharmonium. 4 0 2. Ancienthistory / Theinterpretationoftheseresonancessoonbecameclear: h 2.1. WhileIwasinHighSchool... they are atom-like bound states of a charm quark-antiquark p pair. The interaction between the rather heavy quarks is - p In November of 1974 two experimental collaborations an- coulomb like, since at short distances QCD becomes weak e nouncedthediscoveryofanewverynarrowresonancewith and a single gluon exchange gives an attractive coulomb h : mass 3.1 GeV. They had unearthed evidence for the charm potential between the quarks. The potential is not really v quark, and for the validity of an asymptotically free theory, coulomb:foronething,itmustbeconfiningsoitmustgrow i X likeQCD,forstronginteractions. Theseeventshadextraor- withoutboundatlongdistances.Butthephysicsofthespec- r dinaryconsequences,affectingthewaywethinktodayabout trumofboundstatesisdominatedbytheshortdistanceinter- a particlephysics.Theyareoftenreferredtoasthe“November actionandisnotdissimilarfromthephysicsofthehydrogen Revolution”. atom. Theη andψ familiesareina quark-spinsingletand c AMIT–Brookhavencollaboration,ledbyS.Ting,found tripletstate, respectively,with orbitalangularmomentum0, evidenceforthenewresonancebymeasuringthee+e−mass givingJPC =0−+ and1−−,respectively.Theχ ,χ and c0 c1 spectrum in p + Be e+ + e− + X with a precise pair χ are in a spin triplet, with JPC = 0++, 1++ and 2++, → c2 spectrometeratBrookhavenNatl.Lab.’s30GeVAGS[1]. respectively. TheMarkIcollaboration,fromSLACandLBL,ledbyB. Richterwasconductingexperimentsatthenewlyconstructed Charmonium states have zero charm number, C. States e+e− ring, SPEAR, at SLAC. Their detector consisted of a with C = 1,withsocalled“nakedcharm”,werefirstcon- | | sparkchamberembeddedinasolenoidalmagneticfield,and vincinglyobservedbyMarkIatSPEAR[7]. Theyobserved surrounded by time-of-flight counters, shower counters and narrowpeaksintheinvariantmassspectraforneutralcombi- proportional counters embedded in slabs of iron for muon nationsofchargedparticlesinKπ andK3π. Theyinferred identification. They[2] “observed a very sharp peak in the the existence of an object of mass 1865 15 MeV and put ± cross sections for e+e− hadrons, e+e−, and µ+µ− at a an upper limit on its width of 40 MeV. The new state, with centerofmassenergyof→3.105 0.003GeV”andfoundan C =1( 1),wastheD(D¯)pseudoscalarmeson.Theyfound ± − upperboundonthewidthof1.3MeV. “it significant that the threshold energy for pair-producing The MIT-BNL collaboration called the new resonance this state lies in the small interval between the very narrow “J”, Mark I called it “ψ”, so it’s now known as the J/ψ. ψ′ andthebroader...” ψ′′. Thatis,theψ′′ ismuchbroader The Mark I collaboration soon found a second narrow becauseitdecaysstronglyintoaD–D¯ pair. 2 ENGLISHNOMBRE(S)DEL(LOS)AUTOR(ES) 2.2. ...andthenincollege 3. Lifetimes, CKM texture, Semileptonic and ISGW The discovery of “naked bottom” (or “naked beauty”, out- Oneofthefirstsurprisesencounteredintheearly80’swasthe side the Americas) paralleled in many ways that of charm. longlifetimeofnakedB. The1984PDGReviewofParticle Althoughanewsequentialheavylepton,theτ,hadbeendis- Properties[15]gives: covered, and therefore the existence of beauty and top ex- pected,themassesofthesequarkswereunknown. τD± =0.92±0.15ps (5) τD0 =0.44 0.07ps (6) L. Ledermanled a collaborationat Fermilab thatused a ± two arm spectrometerto search for muonpairs in 400 GeV τB =1.4 0.4ps (7) ± proton-nucleuscollisions. Theyhadsomeexperience. Years TheB± andB0,B¯0 lifetimesarenotseparated. TheB life- earlier the group conducted a similar experiment at BNL’s timeislongerthantheD lifetime. Sincenaivelyτ : τ = D B AGS. Because their apparatus had smaller resolution than (m /m )5(xV 2 + V 2)/V 2, where x 0.5 is a b c cb ub cs thatoftheMIT-BNLgroup,theydidnotreportanyevidence | | | | | | ≈ phasespacesuppressionfactor,onehastoconcludethatboth for a resonance. They had seen a cross section that, except V andV aresmall: cb ub for a small plateau in the 3 GeV region, fell with invariant 5 mass as expected. After missing the J/ψ, they were ready xV 2+ V 2 mc 2 V τD 0.03 0.05. forthediscoveryofbottomonium. Theyobserved[8]asimi- | cb| | ub| ≈ m | cs| τ ≈ − lar effectinthe newexperiment,andcorrectlyinterpretedit p (cid:18) b(cid:19) r B (8) asa dimuonresonanceatabout9.5GeV. A refinedanalysis Moreover, already the 1984 PDG Review listed the decay of the experiment revealed actually two peaks, at 9.44 and branchingfractionintocharmedfinalstatesas80 28%,im- ± 10.17GeV.Thestateswerenamed“Υ”and“Υ′”. plying that Vub Vcb so that the above estimate gives | | ≪ | | V 0.05 0.07. Unitarityofthe CKM matrixrequires cb AnupgradeoftheenergyofDORISmadeitpossiblefor |V |2≈+ V −2 + V 2 = 1, so we learned, in addition, ub cb tb thePLUTOandDASPIIcollaborationstoobservetheΥin |that|V | |1. Th|ere|was a quantum leap in understand- tb e+e−annihilation[9,10]. Afurtherenergyupgrademadethe ingo|fthe| t≈extureoftheCKMmatrix: itbecameevidentthat Υ′accessibletoo[11,12]. it has 1’s along the diagonal, numbers of order 0.1 off the diagonal, and very likely much smaller than 0.1 two steps After the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) was removed from the diagonal. The rule of thumb was (and commissioned,theCUSBandCLEOcollaborationssuccess- still is) V (0.1)|i−j|. In what used to be the standard fullyobservedtheΥ,Υ′ andΥ′′. Allthreeresonances,with ij ∼ parametrizationoftheCKMmatrixintermsofanglesθ and masses9.460,10.023and10.355GeVarenarrow.Shortlyaf- i δ,thismeantthatallanglesareoftheorderof0.1.Theorigin terwardsthetwocollaborationsestablishedtheexistenceofa of this texture remainsa mystery, and a challenge to model broaderresonance, the Υ′′′, at a mass of 10.55GeV and ∼ builders. a width of about12.6MeV. This is significantbecause, fol- lowing the charm experience, it suggests looking for naked beautyin the decayof Υ′′′. B-mesonswere first foundand reported by the CLEO collaboration in a paper which for once is straightand to the pointin its title (“Observationof Exclusive Decay Modes of b-Flavored Mesons”) and in its abstract(see Ref.[13]). Tobesure, B-mesonshadbeenin- ferredfromtheobservationofhighmomentumleptonsinΥ′′′ decays, but it was the reconstructionof a few exclusive de- cays that demonstrated their existence conclusively. Today D and B mesons are universally accepted established res- onances. They are the closest we can get to having naked Fig.1 charmandbeauty. Theirmasseshavebeenmeasuredtohigh How can we progressfroman estimate of the CKM an- accuracy[14]: gles to a precision measurement? This is an example of a story that repeats itself over and over in the study of heavy quarks:experimentandtheoryhavetoworktogethertofinda mD± =1869.4 0.5MeV (1) routetotheanswerofthisquestion.Experimentallyitwould ± beeasiesttomeasurewithgreatprecisionthelifetimeofthe mD0 =1864.6±0.5MeV (2) B meson, but theorists did not have (nor do they have to- mB± =5279.0 0.5MeV (3) day) a complete theory of lifetimes. Theory prefers inclu- ± sive widths of semileptonic decays, but experimental back- mB0 =5279.4 0.5MeV (4) groundsmake this a tough, if not impossible measurement, ± Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? ENGLISHHEAVYMESONPHYSICS:WHATHAVEWELEARNEDINTWENTYYEARS? 3 particularly when restricting to non-charm final states as is fewresonanceshadadifferentshapeandend-pointthanthe necessaryforthedeterminationof V . Thedifficultywith partonicresult.And,asifnotenough,themodelcomputation ub | | the charm backgroundis easily grasped from Fig. 1, which wasfairlysensitivetothechoiceofmodelparameters.Ouch! shows data fromCLEO[16] and ARGUS[17] superimposed b u,c,t d onmodelcalculations(seebelow)ofthesemileptonicdecay spectrumintoc-andu-quarks,assumingV =V . ub cb d u,c,t b Fig.4 4. Mixing, HeavyTop, RareDecays ThestandardmodelpredictsB0 B¯0 oscillations, muchin Fig.2 thesamewayasforK0 K¯0. Th−eunderlyingweakprocess − Not knowing how to calculate the decay rate from iswellknown. Sincemixingrequiresachangeofb-number first principles, theorists resorted to reasonable guesses, or bytwounits,theremustbetwoW±exchanged,andthepro- “hadron models.” The GSW model[18], and later incarna- cess is doubly-weak. The amplitude is given by the “box” tionsastheISGW[19]andISGW-II[20]models,wassimply FeynmandiagramofFig.4. KeepingtrackoftheCKMfac- anapplicationofthequark-potentialmodelofhadronstothe torsfrombothfermionlinesintheboxdiagram,onehas computationof matrix elements of V A chargedcurrents between an initial B meson state and−a final state consist- Amp∝G2F (VibVi∗d)(VjbVj∗d)F(m2i/MW2 ,m2j/MW2 ), ing of a single meson with either a charm quark (for Vcb) i,jX=u,c,t (9) or a u-quark(for V ). It was reassuring that addingover a ub whereF isafunctionthatarisesfromcomputingtheoneloop fewfinalstatecharmedmesons,thesemi-inclusivedecayrate graph. If the three intermediate quarkswere degeneratethe intocharmgivesapproximatelythesame answerasthefree amplitudewouldvanishidenticallysincetheCKMmatrixis quarkdecayrate. Fig. 2 showshow the individualcharmed unitary: V V∗ = 0. Expanding F in the quark resonancesaddup. i=u,c,t ib id masseswehave, P 2 m2 Amp G2 V V∗ i , (10) ∝ F  ib idM2  i=u,c,t W X   SinceeachofthefactorsV V∗ involvesajumpoftwogen- ib id erations,theruleofthumboftheprevioussectionssaysthat allthesearesimilar(andoforder(0.1)2), V V∗ V V∗ V V∗ . (11) | ub ud|∼| cb cd|∼| tb td| Itfollowsimmediatelythatthetopquarkgivesthedominant contributiontothemixingamplitudeinEq.(10). Intheabsenceofmixing,aB0 B¯0pairproducedinan − Fig.3 e+e− collision will produceopposite chargedleptonswhen both B’s decay semileptonicaly. Mixing implies that some InordertodetermineV thecharmbackgroundhastobe ub fractionofthetimethetwosemileptonicdecaysproducethe controlled. A favorite experimentalmethodwas to measure same charge leptons.The ARGUS collaboration discovered theinclusivesemileptonicdecayspectrumasafunctionofthe thisphenomenonandreported[21] readily measurable electron (or muon) energy, and to focus onenergieslargeenoughthatdecayintocharmisforbidden. N(B0B0)+N(B¯0B¯0) The calculation of GSW, Fig. 3, showed that the rate in the r ≡ N(B0B¯0) =0.21±0.08. (12) restrictedregionisdominatedbyafewfinalstateresonances which are only a fraction of the total semi-inclusive rate as The rate of mixing is given by the amplitude above times calculateddirectlyatthepartonlevel(b ueν¯). Thissug- f2B , which characterizesthe matrix element, times some → B B gestedthatthepartonlevelcalculationishighlyunreliablein fixed numbers (including short distance QCD corrections). theend-pointregion.Moreover,theresultofsummingovera Toexplainthisratherlargemixingwithinthestandardmodel Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? 4 ENGLISHNOMBRE(S)DEL(LOS)AUTOR(ES) of electroweak interactions we could assume f2B was andAisafunctionofthetopquarkmassplottedinFig.6as B B largerthanestimated. Buteventakingratherextremevalues afunctionofx=m2/M2 . t W forf2B (correspondingto morethanfourtimes themod- Short distance QCD corrections enhance the amplitude B B ernacceptedvalue!),andtaking V V∗ aslargeaspossible, byabout70%,sotherateisenhancedbyafullfactorofthree; | tb td| we were forcedto requirea largetop quarkmass, in excess seeFig.7.ThereasontheQCDcorrectionsaresolargeisthat of50GeV. the functionA in (13) is accidentally small. The QCD cor- rections are suppressed by the strong coupling constant but b W d enhancedbylargelogarithms. Resumminglargelogarithms of the ratio of m to M or m (assuming m is the same b W t t scaleasM )hastheeffectofreplacingAin(13)[22]: W u,c,t γ α (m ) −2136 3a α (m ) 1203 s b s b A A+ 1 →(cid:18)αs(MW)(cid:19) ( 10"(cid:18)αs(MW)(cid:19) − # Fig.5 28 3a α (m ) 23 In 1987 the direct bound on the mass of the top quark s b + 1 . (14) was15GeV.Itwasexpectedthatthet-quarkwouldbemuch 28"(cid:18)αs(MW)(cid:19) − #) lighterthantheW,areasonableguessgiventhemassesofall otherquarks. The evidencefromB0 B¯0 mixingwas that Herea=232/81( 140/81forthecaseofc uγ). − − → thetopquarkwasmuchheavier,possiblyheavierthantheW. Thishadimmediate,surprisingimplications. For one, the GIM mechanism is a bit of a fluke. Take for example the prediction of the mass of the charm quark. GIMcancellationsbringinasuppressionfactorofm2/M2 , c W ascan beseen byadaptingthe resultinEq. (10) to the case ofK0 K¯0 mixing. Thetopquarkcontributionisnotsup- − pressedbym2/M2 simplybecausethisfactorexceedsunity. t W In fact, for the top quark it makes no sense to approximate the function F in (9) by the expansion in (10). The top contributionto K0 K¯0 mixinginvolvesV V∗. This is a − td ts Fig.7 threegenerationjump,ascomparedtothesinglejumpforthe charmcontribution,sowegetasuppressionfactorof(0.1)2. This is another interesting GIM fluke. When we first But,bycomparison,thecharmcontributionissuppressedby computed these QCD corrections we thought they would m2c/MW2 ∼0.0004. dominate because GIM gives an amplitude with a suppres- sion of m2/M2 , while our QCD correction would involve t W this ratio logarithmically. With m 2M this argument t W ≈ does not hold water, but remarkably the QCD logarithmic “corrections”arestillthedominantcontribution,becausethe functionAissmall. Remarkably,thepredictionwemadein 1987haschangedlittlebytheoryrefinementsandhigheror- dercalculations[23].Thereasonisthatα (m )issufficiently s b smallthatperturbationtheoryworksratherwell. RadiativeB decaysareinterestingbecausetheyproceed only at one loop in the standard model. Therefore, new physics at short distances may in principle compete favor- Fig.6 ably with the standard model contribution to the process. A second implication is that processes mediated by vir- To get an idea of how sensitive to new physics the process tualtop-quarksmayhavelargerratesthanwehadthoughtby is we[24] chose to explore one of the simplest extensions 1987. Thefirstsuchprocessyouwouldthinkofistheradia- of the standard model, namely, a multi-Higgs model. Con- tive decay, b sγ. The lowest order Feynman diagram is sideranextensionofthestandardmodelwithtwoHiggsdou- → the one loopgraph shownin Fig. 5. This givesan effective blets. In orderto naturallysuppressflavor changingneutral Hamiltonianfortheradiativedecay currents[25] it is customary to impose a symmetry so that allquarksreceivetheirmassfromYukawacouplingstoonly G em = FV V∗ b A(s¯ σµνF b ). (13) one of the two Higgs doublets (“model I”), or so that all Heff √2 tb ts16π2 L µν R charge +2/3 quarks get their masses from one Higgs dou- Here we have neglected the contribution of u and c quarks, blet and the charge 1/3 quarks get their masses from the − Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? ENGLISHHEAVYMESONPHYSICS:WHATHAVEWELEARNEDINTWENTYYEARS? 5 other(“modelII”).ModelIIissimilartotheminimalsuper- used. TheyarguedthattheD,D∗ andB wavefunctionsare symmetricextensionofthestandardmodel,soithasreceived thesame,sothatwhentheDorD∗mesonsarenotrecoiling moreattention. ItiseasytoseethattherateΓ(B X γ)is in the decay the amplitude is given by the overlap of iden- s → strictlylargerinmodelIIthaninthestandardmodel.Figure8 tical wave-functions which is fixed to unity for normalized show the rate in modelII as a functionof m for a charged wave-functions.Moreover,thehigherresonanceshavewave- t Higgsmassof100GeVandwithequalexpectationvaluesof functionsthatareorthogonaltothese,soclearlytheircontri- thetwo Higgsdoubles(tanβ = 1). ComparingwithFig. 7 butionsare small. TheNussinov-Wetzelargumentreliedon we seethatthestandardmodelrateis severaltimessmaller. thequark-modelpicturethatthemesonisatwobodysystem Since experiment is consistent with the standard model to withapotentialbinding. Sincethebandcareheavy,there- within 20%, the mass of the chargedHiggs in model II has ducedmass(whichgovernsallthedynamics)isthesamefor tobemuchlargerthan100GeV.Thesameistrueinminimal bothDandB mesons. Moreover,theheavyspindecouples, supersymmetry,withthecaveatthatalightHiggsisallowed since the coupling arises from the magnetic moment which ifonefinetunesadditionalcontributions(likehiggsinosrun- scalesinverselywiththelargemass. Sothewavefunctionfor ningintheloop)tocancelthechargedHiggsgraph. theD∗ agreeswiththatoftheD. IfthisweretrueinQCDthenonecouldbeginaprogram ofprecisionCKMdetermination.EnterHQET.HeavyQuark EffectiveTheory(HQET) is a calculationalmethodthat ex- ploits enhanced symmetries of QCD that appear when one restricts attention to a very specific sector of the theory. I stress that HQET is QCD. This is in contrastwith hadronic models,likethequarkpotentialmodel,whichhadbeenused tocalculateformfactorsforheavymesondecays. The successes of the constituent quark model is indica- tive of the fact that, inside hadrons, strongly bound quarks exchangemomentumofmagnitudeafewhundredMeV.We can think of the typical amount Λ by which the quarks are Fig.8 off–shell in the nucleon as Λ mp/3 330 MeV. In a ≈ ≈ heavyhadronthe sameintuitioncanbeimported,andagain Manyotherprocessesareenhancedbyalargetopquark thelightquark(s)is(are)veryfaroff–shell,byanamountof mass.ThisisdemonstratedinFig.9[26],whichcomparesthe orderΛ. But,ifthemassM oftheheavyquarkQislarge, predictedleptonmassspectruminthedecayB X e+e−, Q → s MQ Λ,then,infact,thisquarkisalmoston–shell. More- in units of the semileptonic decay rate, for m = 125 GeV ≫ t over,interactionswiththelightquark(s)typicallychangethe (lowercurve)and150GeV(highercurve). momentum of Q by Λ, but change the velocity of Q by a negligibleamount,ofthe orderofΛ/M 1. Ittherefore Q ≪ makes sense to think of Q as moving with constant veloc- ity, and this velocity is, of course, the velocityof the heavy hadron. In the rest frame of the heavy hadron, the heavy quark is practically at rest. The heavy quark effectively acts as a static source of gluons. It is characterized by its flavor and color–SU(3)quantumnumbers,butnotbyitsmass. Infact, since spin–flip interactions with Q are of the type of mag- neticmomenttransitions,andtheseinvolveanexplicitfactor ofg /M ,whereg isthestronginteractionscouplingcon- s Q s stant, thespin quantumnumberitself decouplesinthe large Fig.9 M case. Therefore,thepropertiesofheavyhadronsarein- Q dependentofthespinandmassoftheheavysourceofcolor. 5. PrecisionCKM,HQET The HQET is nothing more than a method for giving theseobservationsaformalbasis.Itisusefulbecauseitgives 5.1. Introduction a procedurefor making explicitcalculations. But more im- portantly,itturnsthestatement‘M islarge’intoasystem- Q Itdidnotescapetheattentionofmanythatthequarkmodel aticperturbativeexpansioninpowersofΛ/M . Eachorder Q prediction of the inclusive decay rate, shown in Fig. 2, is in this expansion involves QCD to all orders in the strong dominatedbythelowesttwocharmedstates: theD andD∗ coupling,g . Also, thestatementofmassandspinindepen- s mesons. NussinovandWetzel[27] emphasizedthatthiscal- denceofpropertiesofheavyhadronsappearsintheHQETas culationhasnothingtodowiththedetailsofthequarkmodel approximateinternalsymmetriesoftheLagrangian. Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? 6 ENGLISHNOMBRE(S)DEL(LOS)AUTOR(ES) 5.2. EffectiveLagrangianandNewsymmetries It is appropriate to think of the HQET as a factoriza- tion theorem, stating that, in the large M limit, the QCD Q WeshallfocusourattentiononthecalculationofGreenfunc- Green functions factorize into a universal function of M , Q tionsin QCD, with a heavy quarkline, its externalmomen- C(M /µ,g ), whichdependsonthe shortdistance physics Q s tum almost on–shell. The externalmomentumof gluonsor only, times a function that contains all of the information light quarks can be far off–shell, but not much larger than aboutlongdistance physicsand is independentof M , and Q thehadronicscaleΛ. Thisregionofmomentumspaceisin- can be computed as a Green function of the HQET la- terestingbecausephysicalquantities—S–matrixelements— grangian. live there. And, as stated in the introduction, we expect to The LagrangianforN species of heavyquarks, all with see approximate symmetries of Green functions in that re- velocityv,is gion whichare notsymmetriesaway fromit. Thatis, these areapproximatesymmetriesofasectoroftheS–matrix,but N notofthefullQCDLagrangian. (v) = Q¯(j) iv D Q(j) . (20) Leff v · v TheeffectiveLagrangian isconstructedsothatitwill eff j=1 L X reproducetheseGreenfunctions,toleadingorderinΛ/M . Q Itisgiven,foraheavyquarkofvelocityv (v2 =1),by[28], This Lagrangian has a U(N) symmetry[30, 31]. The sub- µ groupU(1)N correspondstoflavorconservationofthestrong (v) =Q¯ iv DQ , (15) interactions, and was a good symmetry in the original the- Leff v · v ory. The novelty in the HQET is then the non-Abelian na- wherethecovariantderivativeis tureofthesymmetrygroup. Thisleadstorelationsbetween D =∂ +ig AaTa, (16) propertiesofheavyhadronswithdifferentquantumnumbers. µ µ s µ Please note that these will be relations between hadrons of and the heavy quarkfield Qv is a Dirac spinor that satisfies a givenvelocity,evenifof differentmomentum(sincetypi- theconstraint callyM =M fori=j).Includingthebandcquarksin 1+ v Qi 6 Qj 6 6 Q =Q . (17) theHQET,sothatN = 2,weseethattheB andD mesons v v 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) formadoubletunderflavor–SU(2). Inaddition,itisunderstoodthattheusualLagrangian light Thisflavor–SU(2)isanapproximatesymmetryofQCD. L forgluonsandlightquarksisaddedto (v). Itisagoodsymmetrytotheextentthat Leff We have introduced an effective Lagrangian (v) such Leff thatGreenfunctionsGv(k;q)calculatedfromitagree,attree mc Λ and mb Λ. (21) ≫ ≫ level,withcorrespondingGreenfunctionsG(p;q)inQCDto leadingorderinthelaergemass These conditions can be met even if m m Λ. This b c − ≫ is in contrast to isospin symmetry, which holds because G(p;q)=G (k;q)+ (Λ/M ) (treelevel). v Q m m Λ. O d u (18) − ≪ In atomic physics this symmetry implies the equality of Here,Λstandesforanycomponentofkµ oroftheq’s,orfor chemicalpropertiesofdifferentisotopesofanelement. alightquarkmass,andp = M v+k. Itisstraightforward Q Spin–SU(2):TheHQETLagrangianinvolvesonlytwo toverifyEq.(18). componentsofthespinorQ . Recallthat Beyond tree level the corrected version is still close in v formtothis[29], 1 v −6 Q =0. (22) v G(p;q;µ)=C(M /µ,g )G (k;q;µ)+ (Λ/M ) . (19) 2 Q s v Q (cid:18) (cid:19) O TheGreenfunctionsGandG arerenormalized,sotheyde- The two surviving components enter the Lagrangian di- ev pendon a renormalizationpointµ. ThefunctionC is inde- agonally, i.e., there are no Dirac matrices in eff in L pendentofmomentaorlightequarkmasses: itisindependent Eq. (15). Therefore, there is an SU(2) symmetry of this of the dynamicsof the light degreesof freedom. It is there LagrangianwhichrotatesthetwocomponentsofQv among because the left hand side has some terms which grow log- themselves[30,32]. arithmically with the heavy mass, ln(M /µ). The beauty Pleasenotethatthis“spin”–symmetryisactuallyaninter- Q of Eq. (19) is that all of the logarithmic dependence on the nalsymmetry. Thatis,forthesymmetrytoholdnotransfor- heavymassfactorsout. Betteryet,sinceC isdimensionless, mationonthecoordinatesisneeded,whenarotationamong itisafunctionoftheratioM /µonly,andnotofM andµ components of Q is made. On the other hand, to recover Q Q v separately. (Actually,additionalµdependenceisimplicitin Lorentzcovariance,onedoestheusualtransformationonthe thedefinitionoftherenormalizedcouplingconstantg . This light–sector, including a Lorentz transformation of coordi- s reflects itself in the explicitform of C). To find the depen- natesandinadditionaLorentztransformationonthevelocity denceonM itsufficestofindthedependenceonµ. Thisin v .Aspin–SU(2)transformationcanbeaddedtothisproce- Q µ turnisdictatedbytherenormalizationgroupequation. dure,tomimictheoriginalactionofLorentztransformations. Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? ENGLISHHEAVYMESONPHYSICS:WHATHAVEWELEARNEDINTWENTYYEARS? 7 5.3. ExclusiveSemileptonicDecays for systematically improving the expansion, order by order in 1/m . We have indicated this in Eq. (25), which shows b ThesymmetriesinHQETaresufficienttogiveusthematrix theremarkableresult[36]thattherearenocorrectionsatfirst elementsforsemileptonicB decayin termsofoneundeter- orderin1/m . Moreover,bychoosingthefunctionf appro- b mined“Isgur-Wise”functionξ(v v′): priatelyonecanfindnewsumrules. Theseallow,forexam- · ple, experimentaldeterminationof the unknownparameters hD(v′)|Vµ|B¯(v)i=ξ(v·v′)(vµ+vµ′), tshpaetcatrpupmea[3r7a]t.order1/m2b[38]bycomputingmomentsofthe D∗(v′)ǫV A B¯(v) =ξ(v v′)[iǫ ǫ∗νvλvσ µ µ µνλσ h | − | i · +ǫ∗µ(1+v·v′)−vµ′ǫ∗·v]. (23) 5.5. Nailingdown|Vcb|and|Vub| Moreover, the Isgur-Wise function satisfies a normalization Forsemileptonicdecaystocharmwehaveseenthatourthe- condition,ξ(1)=1. Itiseasytoseewherethiscomesfrom. oreticalunderstandingofbothexclusiveandinclusivewidths The forward scattering amplitude of the B meson by the b- is solid. At the time of the Colima conference HFAG was current,¯bγµb,isnormalizedbychargeconservation(justlike quotingremarkableagreementinthedeterminationofV by cb electromagneticchargeformfactors). An HQ-flavorSU(2) bothmeans: transformationrelatesthistothefirstmatrixelementin(23) andafurtherHQ-spinSU(2)transformationrelatesittothe V = (41.9±1.1exp±1.8ξ(1))×10−3 exclusive, second line in (23). This is remarkable: six unknownform | cb| ((41.2 0.7exp 0.6th) 10−3 inclusive. ± ± × factorsaregivenintermsofone,which,inaddition,isknown (27) atonekinematicpoint! TheupdatedresultscanbefoundinHFAG’swebsite[39]. A remarkable theorem by Luke[33] states that even af- Theprospectofmakinga precisedeterminationof V ub ter including corrections of order 1/MQ some form factors is notas bright. There is no simple way of determining| the| arestillnormalized.Theremainingirreducibleuncertaintyin form factors. One can either rely on the prospect of future the determinationof Vcb is of order(Λ/2mc)2 0.01, so precise lattice computations, or on using symmetry to fix | | ∼ thisshouldgiveadeterminationwithprecisionofafewper- the form factorsindirectly. It may be possible to determine cent. The measurement is complicated by the fact that the V to few per-cent accuracy by comparing the rates for ub decayratevanishesatv v′ = 1,sothemeasurementneeds |B | ρℓν,B K∗ℓℓ¯,D ρℓν andD K∗ℓν[40]. The to be extrapolated. Fortu·nately, QCD restricts significantly end→pointofth→e electron/mu→onenergyspe→ctrumin b uℓν theextrapolation[34]solittleuncertaintyisintroduced. cannot be reliably described theoretically: the OPE/→HQET expansion breaks down (not enough smearing in Eq. (25). 5.4. InclusiveSemileptonicDecaysandDuality One maylimit the charmcontaminationbyrestricting other kinematicvariables. Decaytocharmisnotallowedforfinal Quark-hadronduality,theimprecisestatementthataquantity state hadronic invariantmass m < m , or for final state canbecomputeddirectlyatthepartonlevelifitisinclusive X D lepton pair invariantmass square q2 > (m m )2. The enough and the energy involved is large enough, had long B − D bestmethodwillmostlikelyinvolvecarvingoutaregionof beenthoughttoholdfordecayratesofheavymesons. How- m vsq2spacethatminimizestheoreticalerrorswhilekeep- ever,infact,thestatement X ingthecharmbackgroundundercontrol[41]. dΓ(B X eν¯) dΓ(b qeν¯) → q =? → , (24) dE dm2 dE dm2 e eν¯ e eν¯ 6. Factorization, LEET and SCET with q = u or c, is generally not correct. But if we smear overtheelectronenergythingsworkout[35,36]: Roughlyspeaking,factorizationinB Dπ meansthatthe → followingholds, dΓ(B X eν¯) dΓ(b qeν¯) 1 q → = → 1+ , (cid:28) dEedm2eν¯ (cid:29)f (cid:28) dEedm2eν¯ (cid:29)f(cid:18) O(cid:18)m2b(cid:19)(cid:19) Dπ (u¯d)V−A(¯bc)V−A B D (¯bc)V−A B π (u¯d)V−A 0 , (25) h | | i≈h | | ih | | i (28) wherethesmearingisdefinedby andcanbetestedexperimentallybycomparingΓ(B Dπ) → and f2dΓ(B Dℓν)/dM2 at M2 = m2. Factorization π → ℓν ℓν π hgif ≡ dEf(E)g(E) (26) holdsin the largeNc expansionofQCD to leadingorderin Z 1/N ,butthisexplanationoffactorizationisabittoodemo- c withf asmoothfunction. cratic: it gives that factorization holds with the same accu- The result is obtained by simultaneous short distance racyforlightmesondecays,whereitisknowntofailbadly. (OPE)andheavyquarkmass expansionsof a Green’sfunc- Bjorken suggested[42] that factorization may hold by color tion,thephysicalrategivenbyitsimaginarypart(discontinu- transparency. One can quantify and systematize Bjorken’s ity acrossthe cut). One thereforegets, in addition, a means ideasbyshowingthatfactorizationholdstoallordersinQCD Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? 8 ENGLISHNOMBRE(S)DEL(LOS)AUTOR(ES) perturbationtheory.Oneneedstofindaproperexpansionpa- thehadronicsystemX hassmallinvariantmass. Thisisveri- rametersuchthatinleadingordergluonsoriginatingfromthe fiedexperimentallyinthecasewhenX isasingleresonance, B/Dsystemdonotcoupletotheπsystem. X = π,ρ,a . As the invariant mass of X increases and 1 One can easily accomplish this[43]. The idea is to ex- eventually scales with m the LEET/SCET argument fails. b pandin thelargeenergy,E = (m2 m2 )/2m , released ThiscouldbetestedwithX amulti-pionfinalstate,bymea- B − D B to the light meson. We treat b and c as heavy quarks, ex- suring the rate as a function of its invariant mass, m [43]. X panding in 1/m while keeping m /m fixed. Then the Thereisevidencethatfactorizationholdsevenasafunction b c b energy E scales with m while the relativistic γ-factor of ofm [45]. Thereisnoconvincingexplanationforthis. b X the recoiling D meson is fixed and small, γ = v v′ = · 1/2[(m /m )+(m /m )] 1.6. Since the velocityof D B B D 7. Duality,CP violation,Conclusions ≈ therecoilingD issmall,thespectatorquark(thelightquark boundintheB meson)onlyrequiresasoftkicktobeincor- Time and space limitations preclude me from discussing poratedintothefinalDmeson.Thetwolightquarksfromthe othersubjects which are veryinteresting. I would like to at W-vector-bosonoftheweakinteractionmustproduceasin- leastmentiontwoofthem: glelightmeson. Sotheu¯dquarkpairisproducedwithlarge Quark-Hadron Duality: I explained above how quark- energy and low invariant mass. This means they travel in hadron duality works in semileptonic decays. There is no thesamelight-likedirection,andthereforetheircolorcharge analogous treatment for purely hadronic decays and hence cancels.Thiscanbemadequantitativelyprecisebyintroduc- for lifetimes. The problem is that there is no externalkine- inganeffectivetheorythatsystematizesanexpansionin1/E. matic variable that allows us to consider a Green function, The LEET[43] is an effectivetheorythat includesthe inter- ratherthana decayrate. TheGreenfunctioncanbestudied actions of soft gluons with the relativistic low mass quark- atnon-physicalmomentaandisamenabletoanOPE.Inthe antiquark pair. Decoupling of the pair from soft gluons is absenceofanOPEweareleftwitheducatedguesses.Wecan trivialtoshowintheLEET.Hardgluonsdonotdecouple,but study the question in soluble models. In 1+1 QCD in the theireffectsaresuppressedbyαs(mb),socorrectionstofac- large Nc limit one can computeexactly the total width of a torizationcomeinbothatorder1/Eandαs(mb). Thisargu- heavymeson. Itisfoundthatgenerallythewidth(andhence mentmissesthepossibleeffectsofcollineargluons,butthese thelifetime)differsfromthelocalquark-hadrondualitypre- areeasilyincorporatedinSCET,aneffectivetheorywithboth diction at order 1/m [46], to be contrasted with the 1/m2 b b softandcollineargluons[44]. corrections in the semileptonic case. Moreover and also in The LEET/SCET justification for factorization in B contrast with the semileptonic case, there is no systematic → Dπ isinterestinginseveralrespects. First,itispatentlydif- theoryofthesecorrections. ferent from large Nc arguments. It applies only to decays CP violation: The effort to precisely determine the el- of a heavy meson to a heavy meson plus a light one. This ements of the CKM matrix complements the measurement is good. Empirically, factorization does not hold in D de- of the angles of the unitarity triangle through CP violating cays. It does not hold in decays of B to two light mesons, asymmetries at B-factories. The idea is to over-constrain butthiscaseiscomplicatedbythepresenceofpenguins. In thetriangleinanefforttoferretoutanyhintofnewphysics LEET/SCET factorization the spectator quark needs only a hiding under the surface. Bigi and Sanda observed that CP softkicktojointhefinalstate. Whenthefinalstatehastwo asymmetries through the interference of mixing and decay lightmesonsthespectatorquarkneedsahardkick,buthard of neutralB mesons to states that are CP eigenstates deter- kicksbreakfactorization(inthesenseofEq.(28)above).To mine unitarity angles cleanly, without contamination from besure,thereisafactorizablecontributiontotheamplitude, unknown hadronic matrix elements[47]. This works ex- butitis bynomeansdominant. Second,althoughthe argu- tremely well for determinationsof sin(2β) through, for ex- ment was inspired by Bjorken’s color transparencyideas, it ample,B J/ψK . Oneofthechallengesofmodernand S isbynomeansequivalent.Notonlydoestheeffectivetheory future B f→actories is to determine α and γ as well. A very provide a systematic approach to the study of factorization unwelcomesurprisecameseveralyearafterBigiandSanda’s (or rather, to violationsto factorization)but also it doesnot ground-breakingpaperwhenitwasfirstrealizedthatthede- justifyfactorizationinsomeprocessesforwhichcolortrans- terminationof sin(2α) in, say, B ππ, could be compro- parencyapplies,likeB J/ψK. Andthird,itispredictive misedbyunknownhadronicmatrix→elementsbecausetheef- → andthereforetestable.Forexample,itpredictsthatthewhole fectsofpenguindiagramscouldbesignificant[48]. amplitudeforB0 D0π0 is suppressedby the amountby Conclusions. Ilearnedaboutthediscoveryofcharm,the → whichfactorizationisviolated, thirdgenerationofleptonsandthenofbquarksfromScien- (B0 D0π0) 1GeV tific American articles when I was in High Schooland then M → . (29) in College. It hasbeen a fabulousopportunityto contribute (B0 D−π+) ∼ m M → B totheunderstandingofthesebeaststhroughoutthetimeover Experimentally, Br(B0 D0π0)/Br(B0 D−π+) = which this field has evolved. The story is similar to that of → → (1.0 0.3) 10−1inagreementwithexpectations. electroweak-physics,andonecouldsaythattheB mesonis ± × LEET/SCET factorization in B DX holds provided to CKM as the Z vector-boson is to the SM. With the big → Rev.Mex.F´ıs.48(6)(2003)???–??? ENGLISHHEAVYMESONPHYSICS:WHATHAVEWELEARNEDINTWENTYYEARS? 9 caveatthatB physicsisstillfuriouslyevolvingandmaystill thenominationtotheMedalla2003,andmyformermentors holdsomesurprises. at CINVESTAV for their support, MiguelAngelPe´rez, Au- gustoGarc´ıaandArnulfoZepedain particular. Thanksalso Acknowledgments. I amverygratefulto theDivisio´nde tomycolleaguesattheFacultaddeCienciasoftheUniversi- Part´ıculasyCamposoftheSociedadMexicanadeF´ısicafor dadtheColimafortheirhospitality. Thisworkissupported conferringuponmetheMedal2003,andfortheopportunity inpartbyagrantfromtheDepartmentofEnergyunderGrant togivethistalkattheIXMexicanWorkshoponParticlesand DE-FG03-97ER40546. Fields. I would like to thank Prof. Myriam Mondrago´n for [1] J.J.Aubertetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.33,1404(1974). [30] N.IsgurandM.B.Wise,Phys.Lett.B232,113(1989).;Phys. Lett.B237,527(1990). [2] J.-E.Augustinetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.33,1406(1974). [31] M.B.VoloshinandM.A.Shifman,Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.47,511 [3] G.S.Abramsetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.33,1974(1453). (1988). [4] J.Siegristetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.36,700(1976). [32] E. Eichten and F. L. Feinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1205 [5] W.Braunschweigetal.,Phys.Lett.B57,407(1975). (1979).; Phys. Rev. D23, 2724 (1981).; G. Lepage and B.A. [6] R.Partridgeetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.45,1150(1980). Thacker,Nucl.Phys.B.(Proc.Suppl.)4,199(1988). [7] G.Goldhaberetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.37,301(1976). [33] M.E.Luke,Phys.Lett.B252,447(1990). [8] S.W.Herbetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.39,252(1977). [34] C.G. 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