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Heavily Irradiated N-in-p Thin Planar Pixel Sensors with and without Active Edges PDF

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Preview Heavily Irradiated N-in-p Thin Planar Pixel Sensors with and without Active Edges

PreprinttypesetinJINSTstyle-HYPERVERSION Heavily Irradiated N-in-p Thin Planar Pixel Sensors with and without Active Edges S. Terzoa∗, L. Andricekb, A. Macchioloa, H.G. Mosera,b, R. Nisiusa, R.H. Richterb and P. Weigella 4 1 aMax-Planck-InstitutfürPhysik(Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), 0 2 FöhringerRing6,D-80805München,Germany bMax-Planck-GesellschaftHalbleiterlabor, b e OttoHahnRing6,D-81739München,Germany F E-mail: [email protected] 9 1 ABSTRACT: We present the results of the characterization of silicon pixel modules employing n- ] t in-p planar sensors with an active thickness of 150 µm, produced at MPP/HLL, and 100-200 µm e d thin active edge sensor devices, produced at VTT in Finland. These thin sensors are designed as - s candidates for the ATLAS pixel detector upgrade to be operated at the HL-LHC, as they ensure n radiationhardnessathighfluences. TheyareinterconnectedtotheATLASFE-I3andFE-I4read- i . s out chips. Moreover, the n-in-p technology only requires a single side processing and thereby c it is a cost-effective alternative to the n-in-n pixel technology presently employed in the LHC i s y experiments. High precision beam test measurements of the hit efficiency have been performed h on these devices both at the CERN SpS and at DESY, Hamburg. We studied the behavior of p [ thesesensorsatdifferentbiasvoltagesanddifferentbeamincidentanglesuptothemaximumone expected for the new Insertable B-Layer of ATLAS and for HL-LHC detectors. Results obtained 2 v with150µmthinsensors,assembledwiththenewATLASFE-I4chipandirradiateduptoafluence 7 of 4×1015 n /cm2, show that they are excellent candidates for larger radii of the silicon pixel 8 eq 8 trackerintheupgradeoftheATLASdetectoratHL-LHC.Inaddition,theactiveedgetechnology 2 oftheVTTdevicesmaximizestheactiveareaofthesensorandreducesthematerialbudgettosuit . 1 therequirements forthe innermostlayers. Theedge pixelperformance ofVTTmodules hasbeen 0 4 investigated at beam test experiments and the analysis after irradiation up to a fluence of 5×1015 1 n /cm2 hasbeenperformedusingradioactivesourcesinthelaboratory. : eq v i X KEYWORDS: Pixeldetector;Thinsensors;Activeedges;Slimedges,HL-LHC;Radiation r a hardness;ATLAS. ∗Correspondingauthor. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Pixelmodulesforhighluminositycolliderexperiments 1 2.1 ThethinpixelproductionatMPP/HLL 2 2.2 ThinactiveedgepixelsproducedatVTT 3 2.3 Chargecollectionstudiesafterirradiation 6 3. Conclusions 6 1. Introduction The upgrade of the LHC planned for 2022 (HL-LHC) aims at increasing the instantaneous lumi- nosity of the accelerator up to 5×1034 cm−2s [1]. To face the higher particle fluence expected, and profit from the huge amount of data that the HL-LHC will deliver, an upgrade of the ATLAS detector will be necessary, which will require a full replacement of the inner pixel detector with new radiation hard devices [2]. The foreseen layout will employ 4 or 5 barrel layers to cover a pseudo-rapidity range of |η|≤3. The distance of the innermost layer from the proton beam line will be only 3.9 cm. Because of the small radius, overlapping of pixel modules of the innermost layer along the beam direction is not allowed by design, therefore the feasibility of new solutions tomaximizetheactiveareaofthepixelmodulesisalsocurrentlyunderstudy. 2. Pixelmodulesforhighluminositycolliderexperiments New planar pixel module prototypes have been produced and characterized to fulfill the require- ments for the HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS inner detector. They are based on the n-in-p pixel technology and employ thin sensors as a solution for radiation hardness. N-in-p pixels have al- ready been proven to be a potentially cost effective alternative to n-in-n devices presently used in ATLAS[3,4]. Moreover,withtheactiveedgeconcept,wherethebackimplantationisextendedto thesidesofthesensor,itispossibletomaximizetheactiveregionofthesensorreducingthespace fromthelastpixelimplanttotheborderandcollectingchargeevenoutsidethepixelarea. Various sensor thicknesses and guard ring designs for active edge devices are investigated and compared in this paper. The final module concept is completed with two main innovations on the read-out chipside: theintroductionofanovelSLIDinterconnectiontechniquetoreplacethestandardbump bondingandthedevelopmentofthroughsiliconviastobringthesignaltothebacksideofthechip passing directly through the chip itself [5]. The combination of all these technologies aims at the developmentofafullfour-sidebuttablemodulefortheinnermostlayers. –1– 2.1 ThethinpixelproductionatMPP/HLL Aproductionof150µmthinn-in-psiliconsensorsdesignedattheMax-Planck-InstitutfürPhysik hasbeencarriedoutbytheMax-Planck-GesellschaftHalbleiterlabor(MPG-HLL)on6inchwafer ofp-typeFloatZone(FZ)silicon. Thethinningprocessrequiresahandlewaferattachedtothesen- sorasmechanicalsupporttoensuretherigidityofthestructure[7]. Thechoseninter-pixelisolation method is p-spray. The sensors have been covered with a BCB layer to avoid discharges between thesensorandtheread-outchipathighvoltages,andtheninterconnectedatIZMwithbumpbond- ing to ATLAS FE-I4 read-out chips [8]. Irradiations up to a fluence of 1016 n /cm2 have been eq performedattheLosAlamosNeutronScienceCenter(LANSCE),attheTRIGAMarkIIresearch reactorinLjubljanaandattheCompactCyclotronoftheKarlsruherInstitutfürTechnologie(KIT). Experimental setup. Measurements of the sensor efficiency before and after irradiation have been performed in beam test experiments inside the PPS collaboration both at DESY, Hamburg with4GeVelectronsandattheCERNSpSusing120GeVpions. ForparticletrackingtheEUDET telescopeisused,whichallowstoobtainapointingresolutionontheDeviceUnderTest(DUT)as lowas2µminthecaseofhighenergeticpions[10,11]. FortestingofirradiateddevicestheDUTs arecooledwithdry-icetoameasuredtemperatureonthesensorbetween-50◦Cand-40◦C. Hit efficiency. An overview of results of the global hit efficiency at different bias voltages and irradiationfluencesisreportedinfigure1. Thehitefficiencyofthesensorisdefinedastheratioof thenumberofclustersintheDUTassociatedtoatrackreconstructedbythetelescopetothetotal number of reconstructed tracks that pass through the active area of the DUT. The impact point of a track is calculated for the middle of the thickness of the active bulk, and a cluster is associated to a track if the track crossed at least one of its pixels. An absolute systematic uncertainty of 0.3% is associated to all hit efficiency measurements in this paper according to [11]. For tracks perpendiculartothesensorsurface,thehitefficiencydropsfrom99.9%beforeirradiationto98.8% afterafluenceof2×1015 n /cm2. Afterafluenceof4×1015 n /cm2 anefficiencyof97.7%can eq eq bestillobtainedwhenincreasingthebiasvoltagetoV =690V.Figure1(b)showsthatthemain bias inefficiency regions inside the single pixel cell after this fluence are located at the punch through area and near the bias rail since these structures are kept at ground potential and not connected to theread-out. Thiseffectispartiallyovercomeforinclinedtracks: tiltingthedeviceby15◦ around theaxisperpendiculartotheshortpixelside,ahitefficiencyof98.3%atV =650Vismeasured. bias Eta analysis. The behavior at different pseudo-rapidities has also been studied by tilting the detector along the axis perpendicular to the long pixel side up to 85◦ (η ∼3.1). For these studies thedetectorhasbeenoperatedatV =500Vandwithathresholdof1.6ke. Resultsarereported bias in figure 2, where the hit efficiency over the full pixel cell is compared to the one of the central part excluding the bias structures and the four pixel corners. The efficiency increases with the track incident angle up to a homogenous hit efficiency over the full pixel cell of 99.5% at 45◦. A characterization of the pixel modules at 85◦ track incidence (η ∼3.1) has been performed to understand their behavior at the edge of the innermost layer of the planned HL-LHC detector. In this configuration a particle is expected to cross almost 1.7 mm inside a 150 µm thick fully depleted bulk region. For the FE-I4 pixel shape this leads to a mean cluster width in the tilted direction of 7.4 pixels. Compared to the thickness of the present ATLAS pixel sensors of 250 –2– 100 ] % [ cy 98 F =0 (DESY) n cie F =2 (DESY) Hit effi 9946 FF[F ==]44= 1((SS01pp5SS n))eq/cm2 Track y [m](cid:43) 123450000000 50 100 150 200 250 468100000Efficiency [%] Track x [(cid:43)m] 99020 nt1iolt0te td0i ljte=d125d0e0g 300 400 500 600 700 Track y [m](cid:43) 1234500000 6810000Efficiency [%] Bias voltage [V] 00 50 100 150 200 Track x [(cid:43)m2]50 40 (a) (b) Figure1. In(a)thehitefficiencyasafunctionofbiasvoltageisshownforFE-I4moduleswith150µmthin sensorsirradiatedtodifferentfluences. Atthehighestirradiationfluenceof4×1015 n /cm2 theefficency eq atperpendicularbeamincidenceiscomparedtomeasurementsat15◦ incidentangle. Shownin(b)arethe respectivehitefficiencymapsacrossthepixelsurfaceatthehighestmeasuredvoltagesof690V(top)and 650V(bottom). Themapsareobtainedassociatingthehitefficiencytothetrackcrossingpositioninsidea singlecell. µm, for which in the same conditions a mean cluster width of 12.4 cells is expected, the thinner bulkhastheadvantageofreducingtheoccupancyathigh-etaasdemonstratedinfigure3(a). After irradiation the observed cluster width distribution along the tilted direction in figure 3(b) shows a meanof6.2pixelsandthecorrespondinghitefficiencyiscompatiblewith100%asexpectedfrom thehitefficiencydefinition. Thediscrepancyoftheclustersizewithrespecttothepuregeometrical expectation for a not irradiated module in figure 3(a) is mainly due the not fully depleted bulk at 500 V and the effect of the threshold on partially crossed pixels at the edge of the long clusters. The effect of charge trapping as a function of the collecting distance is investigated by looking at thedepositedchargeinsidethevariouspixelsoftheclusteralongthetiltedcoordinate. Comparing the collected charge in the central pixels of the cluster in figure 4, where particles cross the same amount of silicon, a decrease of the signal is observed as particles cross the depleted bulk farther fromtheimplants. 2.2 ThinactiveedgepixelsproducedatVTT N-in-p planar pixel sensors with active edges have been produced at VTT Finland, on p-type FZ silicon with an initial resistivity of 10 kΩcm, and on Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) silicon with orientation (cid:104)100(cid:105) and initial resistivity of 2 kΩcm. The sensors are thinned to 100 µm and 200 µm. Thefabricationrequiresasupportwaferthatallowsforetchingtrenchesatthesensorborders usingDeepReactiveIonEtching(DRIE).Theboronimplantpresentonthebacksideofthep-type sensors is then extended to the sides with a four-quadrant ion implantation [12, 13]. Afterwards, thehandlewaferisremovedandthesensorsareinterconnectedwithsolderbumpbondingtoeither FE-I3[9]orFE-I4ATLASchips. Homogeneousp-sprayhasbeenusedfortheinter-pixelisolation. Two different slim edge designs have been implemented characterized by a distance between the last pixel implant and the sensor border of 50 µm with just one floating guard ring, or a 125 µm distancewhenemployingalsoabiasringstructure. TheIVcurvesbeforeirradiationareshownin –3– h 0 1 2 3 100 ] % [99.5 y efficienc989.95 Track y [m](cid:43) 123450000000 50 100 150 200 250 468100000Efficiency [%] t 98 Track x [(cid:43)m] Hi979.75 Full pixel cell Track y [m](cid:43) 123450000000 50 100 150 200 250 468100000Efficiency [%] Track x [(cid:43)m] 969.-65100 102030In4n0er5 p0ix6el0 ce7ll0 re8g0ion90 Track y [m](cid:43) 1234500000 6810000Efficiency [%] Beam incidence [deg] 00 50 100 150 200 250 40 Track x [(cid:43)m] (a) (b) Figure 2. Efficiencies of FE-I4 pixel modules with a 150 µm thin sensor at different η. In (a) the hit efficiencyofthefullpixel(filleddots)iscomparedtotheinnerpixelcellregion(opendots)definedbythe blackrectanglesin(b),wherethehitefficiencyoverthesinglepixelsurfaceisshown(fromtoptobottom) at0◦(η=0),30◦(η ∼0.55)and45◦(η ∼0.88)beamincidentangle. h 0 1 2 3 dth X12 Gemetrical expectation: ntries0.6 er wi10 ddbulk==125500 mm mm,, FF ==00 zed e0.5 ean clust 68 Data: dbulk=150 m m, F =4 Normali00..43 M bulk 4 [F ]=1015neq/cm2 0.2 2 0.1 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J [deg] Cluster width X (a) (b) Figure3. (a)showsthemeanclusterwidthalongthetilteddirectionfordifferentbeamincidentangles. For comparison the curves of the geometrical expectation for a not irradiated and fully depleted FE-I4 device with150µmand250µmthicksensorsarealsoshown. TheredstarsdenotebeamtestdatafromanFE-I4 150µmthinsensorafterafluenceof4×1015 n /cm2 operatedatV =500Vwithathresholdof1.6ke. eq bias In(b)theclusterwidthdistributionalongthetilteddirectionfortracksat85◦ incidentanglewithrespectto normalincidenceisshown. figure5: breakdownvoltagesarebetween100Vand130Vandthefulldepletionvoltageisaround 15Vasexpectedfromthehighbulkresistivity. ThesemoduleshavebeenirradiatedatKITuptoa fluenceof5×1015 n /cm2 andresultsobtainedafterirradiationarediscussedinsection2.3. eq Edge analysis. Measurements of the hit efficiency over the sensor edge before irradiation have been performed at the CERN SpS facility with a 120 GeV beam of perpendicular incident pions. The experimental setup described in section 2.1 has been optimized to maximize the statistic for –4– π 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 324...000Normalizedentries 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6]1sn5421[T2o1T01864200 6]1sn5421[T2o1T01864200 6]1sn4512[2T1oT01864200 6]1sn5421[T2o1T01864200 6]1sn4512[T2o1T01864200 6]1sn4512[T2o1T01864200 6]1sn4512[2T1oT01864200 es0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 entri0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 d e0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 z mali0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Nor 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 00 2 4 6 8101214 ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] ToT[25ns] Figure 4. The collected charge as a function of the Time over Threshold (ToT) for each cell of a 7 pixel longcluster.Fromlefttorighttheparticleispassingthemodulewithincreasingdistancetothepixelsonthe module surface. In case of charge sharing along the short pixel side, the charge shown corresponds to the thesumofthetwoadjacentpixels. The14thbinencodestheoverflowchargeabovethecalibrationrange. Dependingontheparticleentrancepointontheleftmostpixel,thetwopixelsattheedgeoftheclusterare onlypartiallycrossedresultinginalowercollectedcharge. 125 µm 50 µm A] FE-I3 - FZ, 50 m m edge n60 nt [ FE-I3 - FZ, 125 m m edge e50 urr FE-I4 - MCz, 125 m m edge e c40 g ka30 a e L20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Bias voltage [V] (a) (b) Figure5. (a)TopviewofthetwodifferentedgedesignsoftheVTTsensors. Theedgedesignontheleft featuresabiasringwithafloatingguardring,andadistancefromthelastpixelimplanttothesensorborder of125 µm. Amoreaggressiveedgedesignissketchedontheright. Itusesonlyafloatingguardringand hasareduceddistancetotheactiveedgeof50 µm. (b)IVcurvesofthetested100 µmthinVTTsensors withdifferentedgestructures,totalareaandbulksilicon. one border column for each of the two different slim edge designs. The global efficiency for the inner pixels is more than 99.8% for both modules. In figure 6 the hit efficiency is shown as a functionofthedistancefromthelastpixelcolumnforthetwoedgestructuresof100 µmthinFZ sensors. Forthe50µmedgedesignaparticletraversingthisborderareacanbedetectedonthelast pixel implant with a measured hit efficiency of 84+9 %. In contrast, for the 125 µm edge design −14 the charge created beyond the last pixel implant is partially or totally collected by the bias ring structure. Therefore a lower hit efficiency of 77±1% is observed only in the 15 µm between the lastpixelimplantandthebiasring. –5– %] y [100 c 95 n e ci 90 Effi 85 80 75 70 65 60 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 (cid:43) Distance from the last pixel edge [(cid:43)m] (a) (b) Figure6. EfficiencyofthelastpixelcolumnuptotheactiveedgeofFE-I3100 µmthinsensors. Thered linedenotestheendofthepixelimplant: positivevaluesoftheXaxisarerelativetothelastpixelimplant whilenegativevaluesindicatetheborderareaoutsidethelastpixelimplant. (a)Leftcolumnofthe50 µm edgedesignwithoutbiasring. (b)Rightcolumnofthe125µmedgedesignwithbiasring. 2.3 Chargecollectionstudiesafterirradiation Studiesofthechargecollectionforthepresentedstructureshavebeenperformedinthelaboratory usingelectronsfroma90Srbetasourcetriggeredwithanexternalscintillator. Tobeconsistentwith beamtestmeasurementsthefullsetupiskeptataconstanttemperatureinaclimatechamberwith an environmental temperature of -50◦C (corresponding to about -40◦C on the chip [14]). For the read-out the USBPix system is used. Before irradiation, the sensors show the expected collected charge after the full depletion of about 7 ke and 12 ke for thicknesses of 100 µm and 150 µm, respectively [5]. In figure 7 results after irradiation of the 100 µm thin MCz from VTT and the 150 µm thin sensors from the MPP/HLL production are compared to measurements of 75 µm, 200 µm and 285 µm thick devices obtained in previous studies [3, 14, 5]. Whenever possible, the systematic uncertainty on the ToT to charge calibration has been reduced from 20% to 10% usinggammaradiationfrom241Amand109Cdsourcesasreference. Afterirradiation,thinsensors up to 150 µm approach the full depletion with moderate voltages between 200 and 300 V. In this voltage range 100 µm and 150 µm thin sensors appear to be the best compromise between active volumeandtrappingeffectsresultinginthehighestcollectedchargeafterafluenceupto4-5×1015 n /cm2 (see figure 7(b) and 7(d)). At the highest measured fluence of 1016 n /cm2 trapping is eq eq the dominating effect and the collected charge of the 150 µm thin sensors becomes similar to the oneofthe75 µmand285µmthicksensorsupto500V. 3. Conclusions The characterization of n-in-p planar pixel devices employing 150 µm thin pixel sensor and 100 µm thin active edge sensors has been presented. At moderate voltages (between 200 and 300 V) up to a fluence of 4-5×1015 n /cm2 their charge collection after irradiation is superior to those eq measured for sensors of other thicknesses ranging from 75 µm to 285 µm. After a fluence of –6– e] 12 ed charge [k 108 d charge [ke]11028 23F 00=002 VVx1 015neq/cm2 Collect 46 dd==7150 0 mmmm,, FF ==22 Collecte 46 d=150 m m, F =2 2 d=200 m m, F =2 2 d=285 m m, F =2 0 [F ]=1015 neq/cm2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 100 150 200 250 300 Bias voltage [V] Thickness [µm] (a) (b) ke] 12 ke]12 200 V e [ 10 e [ arg arg10 300 V h 8 h d c d c 8 F =4-5x1015n /cm2 e e eq ect 6 ect 6 Coll 4 dd==7150 0 mm mm,, FF ==55 Coll 4 d=150 m m, F =4 2 d=285 m m, F =5 2 0 [F ]=1015 neq/cm2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 100 150 200 250 300 Bias voltage [V] Thickness [m m] (c) (d) e] 12 d=75 m m, F =10 ge [k 10 dd==125805 mm mm,, FF ==1100 ar [F ]=1015 n /cm2 h 8 eq c d e ct 6 e Coll 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Bias voltage [V] (e) Figure 7. Overview of the charge collection for irradiated pixel modules of different thicknesses. The resultsafterafluenceof2×1015 n /cm2, 4-5×1015 n /cm2 and1016 n /cm2 areshownin(a), (c), (e), eq eq eq respectively. Thecollectedchargesat200Vand300Vforthedifferentsensorthicknessescomparedin(a) and(c)arehighlightedin(b)and(d),respectively. 1016 n /cm2, 75 µm 150 µm and 285 µm thick sensors show similar collected charge up to a eq bias voltage of 500 V. The hit efficiency of the n-in-p 150 µm thin sensors has been measured for tracks with perpendicular incidence up to a fluence of 4×1015 n /cm2, where a hit efficiency eq of 97.7% is obtained at the bias voltage of 690 V. The inefficiency in the punch through and the biasrailstructuresisreducedforinclinedtracksuptoahomogeneousefficiencydistributionover the full pixel cell of 99.5% with a track incident angle of 45◦. The good performance of active –7– edge sensors with both 125 µm slim edge and 50 µm active edge produced at VTT has been demonstrated showing a hit efficiency even in the 50 µm outside the last pixel implant if no bias structureispresent. Acknowledgments This work has been partially performed in the framework of the CERN RD50 Collaboration. The authors thank A. Dierlamm (KIT), S. Seidel (NMU), V. Cindro, and I. Mandic (Jožef-Stefan- Institut) for the sensor irradiations. Part of the irradiation were supported by the Initiative and NetworkingFundoftheHelmholtzAssociation,contractHA-101("PhysicsattheTerascale"). An- otherpartoftheirradiationsandthebeamtestmeasurementsleadingtotheseresultshasreceived funding from the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures project AIDA, grant agreement no. 262025. Beam test measurements were conducted within the PPS beam test group. References [1] O.Brüning,L.Rossietal.,HighLuminosityLargeHadronCollider: AdescriptionfortheEuropean StrategyPreparatoryGroup,Tech.Rep.CERN-ATS-2012-236(2012). [2] ATLASCollaboration,LetterofIntentforthePhase-IIUpgradeoftheATLASExperiment, LHCC-I-023(2012). 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