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Heat transfer from a flat surface to a moving fluid PDF

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5 "°\ \ ^ ProQuest Number: 10800369 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10800369 Published by ProQuest LLC(2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 Th® writer wishes to his deep gratitude, to Mr® Y®G* Davies* B«So®(Eng* ) M»X»3trfc6h»S®. for Ms constant guidance, advice and ©noorjmgemeat. in the • supsrcLsion ©f this research w©rka He further &okno@rledges 'the assistance received from Mr® W®J« Beok* K.jBiag*,-3SoI*M9oh*B* and. Mr* A®JS BeSca(E&g* )3 A*M*I»Medh*S* in the course ' of Ms work; also the helpful ©cooperation of the staff of the Workshop and' the EXectrio&l department at the Polytechnic® LIST OF & M 30LS The following symbols were. used 1b this thesis, except whan otherwise stated s jm m mo m L qu/®xtxis 1 'Area of heat transfer surface, s<i«ft* a 0©©ffi©ient ©f volumetric expansion (for perfect gas « «L ) ' r b Perimeter* ft® Op Specif is heat at constant pressure, B«ThFJ/lh&0p X> Di&s&ter, ft* Da Bspiv&Leat diameter a I*. & ft* b o : F Frictional $&e® per unit area of surface* lb ic g/ft^;'>,.lb/ft f Friction factor* dimensionlesa* G Mass velocity* lb/hr* S€j['3 ft® g Local acceleration dm to- gravity, approsdmtgly 52o'£* ft/see or 4*17 x 10^ ft/hr?*-... h . Surface convective conductance coefficient of heat transfer B*Xh.*tf/ft2 hr.®?. hm ’ Average vain© of h* Ii _ Maxinsam value of h max® ^,hp*.*hg Local value of h« K Thermal conductivity, B*Xh®IJ/ft9lir®0F L Length, ft* Lt|i Thermal 'length i®e* the. heated length® “Hot length measured from, the end of the honeycomb*' m Mass* lb* Gout :<*> P Pressure. lb/sq..ft* ^ Q • Quantity of heat. B.Th.11* ci Convective conductance heat transfer rate, B«3!h«U/hr« Radiation. heat transfer rats® B.Th.U./br. (R.H.) Relative- humidity® P S Cross-section. ft T Tenperature. &©g» F.(Absolute) t 'Temperature, dag* F® 5 t for room temperature .or inlet of theh ulk of the air a stream temperature* for outlet of the bulk ©f the air stream teisper&tus o t for average temperature of the hulk of the air stream m temperature ■ = (t * t^) / 2 t for average tesperature of the hot surface* for film temperature » _{t t ^w) / 2 for average temperature of tunnel walls* V V Average velocity of the air stream. ft/seo. v Speoiflo volume ( ) * ou*ft»/lb* x Distance along x»axis,' ft® Greek 0 Temperature difference °P /A Absolute viscosity, lb/ft* hr.- “I • Kinematic viscosity* ft^/hr* Density lh/ou*ft. Time* in hours unless otherwise stated® Ill a LIST OF m s H6i : 1 « 10 »*• Calibration of wind tunnel {observations} 14 -» 15 «©«> Calibration of wind tunnel (results) 16 «* 26 . **« Observations (First heater)* 27 23 « 29 »«• Results - average coefficient of heat transfer (First heator) 30 -» 31 ■- 32 Physical constants end dimensicnless numbers calculated at tap* (tm) (First heater) 33 « 34 “ 55 *«« Bagrsical constants ©n& dijBenaionless nujabors calculated, at temp* (tf) (First heater) 36 «, 37 « 35 Temperature distribution over the hot surface (First heater)*-' 39 - 40 «*« Results• » inlet thermL effect (.First heater) 41 ««• '; Observations' • Second, heater cospared with first heater* 42 “ 45 Observations - Second heater* 46 • Results *» local coefficient of heat transfer (Second heater) 47 ««« • Results *» average coefficient of heat.• transfer ( Second' haater ) 48 *«* B^rsioal constants and di&ensiohXess numbers calculated at tasp* (tm) (Second heater) 49 ««* Physical constants and diioensionless numbers calculated at tenp* .(tp) (Second heater) 50 »*« RUsselt Rusher (Mi)^ f and Reynolds number (P©)^ m > (Second heater) LIST OF FIGURES Apparatus used by Jurges Apparatus used by Rowley* Algren *& Blaokshaw. Apparatus used by Pariid.ee & Hueb sober. Apparatus umd by Jakob & Dow* Apparatus used by SI©g©X *Ss Hawkins* Results obtained by Siegel Sz Bawkins* Secondary flow in channel corners* A photograph of the wind tunnl* Cons true tion of the first heater, A photograph of the heaters* The elctrical connection-to'the first heater* ; Diagram of thermocouples connastioa, Conneotion diagram of the tunnel motor to-Vickers motor generator sot* Final arrangement of the tunnel* heater, and measuring instruments* Arrangement of the wind tunnel for calibration Calibration of 26 gauge copper constant an thermopouples. Calibration of the wind, tunnel, A forced convection heat transfer based on (hm) and (%.) (First heater)* Comoarison of forced convection heat transfer based on Oont s- urea (Gont*) Fig® 21 C m ipariaon ©f forced correction heat transfer basod on (hra) and (Ym) with the results obtained fey Jurges and those obtained by Slog©! & Hawkins* 22, 23 0 Forced convection heat transfer correlation based L fX + (Dm) and (He)® (First heater). 23® **» Comparison the exporiiKsental correlation based on of (Hu) and (He) calculated at different temperature .assumptions* (First heater)® op. p*7 a' io Forced convection heat transfer correlation based 28 **• on (Hu) and (Fe) (First heater)® 29« Comparison of the' experin&ntal correlation based on (Ha) and (l^c) calculated at different tsispsy&tui’O assumptions# 30. *,» Oos^arison between present and previous results obtained by Jurges and Ellas® 31. Comparison between present and previous results obtained by Siegel and Hawkins* 32 to 37 Te&tperatur© distribution of the hot plats surface* 38* ■«■■•« Arrangements to measure the air ©ratur© at the t m m boundary layer® 39 40 ^ £$/••• Tenperatur© me&suressents of the air at boundary layer® 42. . ••• ('tWg - ta) versus rise in temperature (A^) for constant air velocity* 43* ' (tWg <*• ta) versus mean bulk of the air stream (Vffi) for .constant rise in temperature -(A t) 44a »•» . Mean temperature as oompared with temperature distribution 43a »»'• Distribution ©f heat flow in the hot brass plat©. 46* „«* Construction of the second heater® 4/®. ••• Electrical circuit for the second haater* GOnt s*=* v&i List of Figures (Pont,) .. . Pig* 48* *** Temperature distribution of th© hot plate surface* 49* m . A photograph of msasurisxg instruments used for 8©oond h©at©r« 50 to 55* Local coefficient of oonveotiv© h@at transfer* 56* «•* A forced convection heat transfer hasod on (li.ui^) aisd(Vsa (Second heater) 57. Comparison "between (hm) obtained by first heater and (hioj) obtained by second hsafcer*. 58 59 1 in ••• Forced convection heat transfer correlation, based on (Hu) and (Ho) (Second heater) 61* »*, ■Comparison of the ©xperimsiatal correlation based on (Mu) and (He) calculated at different teispsratur© assumptions* (Second heater) 62 63 *** Forced eonvection heat transfer correlation based on o is (Wu) and (p©) (Second heater) 65* »•» Qots^&rluon of the ©%p©riia©ntal correlation based on (Ku) and (P©) calculated at different teijperaturs assumptions. (Second heater) 66* «*• Comparison between the correlation, obtained bj the firs heater with those results obtained by th© second heater* 6?”& «•« Data for gas flowing parallel to a single plane (MacAdams - p*106) ' 67 68 ^ §o^** A forced convection E*T* correlation based on Reynolds • -number and the J factor* (First heater*) 70* m * Comparison of the experimental correlation for Hsynolds nmiber and the J factor calculated at different temperature assumptions (First heater*) ft ftft ft Comparison of Figs* 67 & 73 with the results obtained by Jorges*. ?2« **» Comparison of Figs* 68 & 74 with .the results obtained by Siegel and Hawkins* Cont

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