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7 N M T (February 2, 2008) 0 0 2 n a J 7 1 ] P A . h Heat Kernel t a m on Homogeneous Bundles [ 1 v over Symmetric Spaces 9 8 4 1 Ivan G. Avramidi 0 7 0 DepartmentofMathematics / h New Mexico Instituteof MiningandTechnology t a Socorro,NM 87801,USA m E-mail: [email protected] : v i X WeconsiderLaplaciansactingonsectionsofhomogeneousvectorbun- r a dlesoversymmetricspaces. Byusinganintegralrepresentationoftheheat semi-groupwefindaformalsolutionfortheheatkerneldiagonalthatgives a generating function for the whole sequence of heat invariants. We show explicitly that the obtained result correctly reproduces the first non-trivial heat kernel coefficient as well as the exact heat kernel diagonals on two- dimensional sphere S2 and the hyperbolic plane H2. We argue that the obtainedformal solutioncorrectly reproduces theexact heat kernel diago- nal afterasuitableregularizationand analyticalcontinuation. Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 1 1 Introduction The heat kernel is one of the most powerful tools in mathematical physics and geometric analysis (see, for example the books [24, 17, 26, 13, 27] and reviews [2, 18, 12, 14, 31]). The short-time asymptotic expansion of the trace of the heat kernel determines the spectral asymptotics of the differential operator. The co- efficients of this asymptotic expansion, called the heat invariants, are extensively usedingeometricanalysis,inparticular,inspectralgeometryandindextheorems proofs[24, 17]. There has been a tremendous progress in the explicit calculation of spectral asymptotics in the last thirty years [23, 2, 3, 4, 5, 30, 33]. It seems that further progress in the study of spectral asymptotics can be only achieved by restricting oneself to operators and manifolds with high level of symmetry, in particular, homogeneous spaces, which enables one to employ powerful algebraic methods. In some very special particular cases, such as group manifolds, spheres, rank- onesymmetricspacesandsplit-ranksymmetricspaces,itispossibletodetermine the spectrum of the Laplacian exactly and to obtain closed formulas for the heat kernel in terms of the root vectors and their multiplicities [1, 18, 19, 20, 26, 22]. The complexity of the method crucially depends on the global structure of the symmetric space, most importantly its rank. Most of the results for symmetric spaces areobtainedforrank-onesymmetricspaces only[18]. It is well known that heat invariants are determined essentially by local ge- ometry. They are polynomial invariants in the curvature with universal constants that do not depend on the global properties of themanifold [24]. It is this univer- sal structure that we are interested in this paper. Our goal is to compute the heat kernel asymptotics of the Laplacian acting on homogeneous vector bundles over symmetric spaces. Related problems in a more general context are discussed in [7, 9, 11]. 2 Geometry of Symmetric Spaces 2.1 Twisted Spin-Tensor Bundles In this section we introduce the basic concepts and fix notation. Let (M,g) be an n-dimensionalRiemannianmanifoldwithoutboundary. Weassumethatitiscom- plete simply connected orientable and spin. We denote the local coordinates on M by xµ,withGreekindicesrunningover1,...,n. Lete µ bealocalorthonormal a Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 2 framedefining abasisforthetangentspaceT M so that x gµν = δabe µe ν, (2.1) a b We denote the frame indices by low case Latin indices from the beginning of the alphabet, which also run over 1,...,n. The frame indices are raised and lowered by the metric δ . Let ea be the matrix inverse to e µ, defining the dual basis in ab µ a thecotangent spaceT M, so that, x∗ g = δ ea eb . (2.2) µν ab µ ν TheRiemannianvolumeelementisdefined as usualby dvol = dx g1/2, (2.3) | | where g = detg = (dete µ)2. (2.4) µν a | | Thespinconnectionωab isdefined in termsoftheorthonormalframeby µ ωab = eaµeb = ea ebµ µ µ;ν µ;ν − = eaν∂ eb ebν∂ ea +e eaνebλ∂ ec , (2.5) [µ ν] [µ ν] cµ [λ ν] − where the semicolon denotes the usual Riemannian covariant derivative with the Levi-Civitaconnection. Thecurvatureofthespinconnectionis Ra = ∂ ωa ∂ ωa +ωa ωc ωa ωc . (2.6) bµν µ bν ν bµ cµ bν cν bµ − − TheRicci tensorand thescalarcurvatureare defined by R = e µeb Ra , R = gµνR = e µe νRab . (2.7) αν a α bµν µν a b µν Let be a spin-tensor bundle realizing a representation Σ of the spin group T Spin(n), the double covering of the group SO(n), with the fiber Λ. Let Σ be ab thegenerators of theorthogonalalgebra (n), theLie algebra of theorthogonal SO groupSO(n), satisfyingthefollowingcommutationrelations [Σ ,Σ ] = δ Σ +δ Σ +δ Σ δ Σ . (2.8) ab cd ac bd bc ad ad bc bd ac − − The spin connection induces a connection on the bundle defining the co- T variantderivativeofsmoothsectionsϕ ofthebundle by T 1 ϕ = ∂ + ωab Σ ϕ. (2.9) µ µ µ ab ∇ 2 ! Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 3 The commutator of covariant derivatives defines the curvature of this connection via 1 [ , ]ϕ = Rab Σ ϕ. (2.10) µ ν µν ab ∇ ∇ 2 Asusual,theorthonormalframe,ea ande µ,willbeusedtotransformtheco- µ a ordinate(Greek)indicestotheorthonormal(Latin)indices. Thecovariantderiva- tive along the frame vectors is defined by = e µ . For example, with our a a µ ∇ ∇ notation, T = e µe νe αe β T . a b cd a b c d µ ν αβ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ The metric δ induces a positive definite fiber metric on tensor bundles. For ab Dirac spinors, the fiber metric is defined as follows. First, one defines the Dirac matrices, γ , as generators of the Clifford algebra, (represented by 2[n/2] 2[n/2] a × complexmatrices), γ γ +γ γ = 2δ I , (2.11) a b b a ab S where I is the identity matrix in the spinor representation. Then one defines the S anti-symmetrizedproductsofDiracmatrices γ = γ γ . (2.12) a1...ak [a1··· ak] Thenthematrices 1 Σ = γ (2.13) ab ab 2 are the generators of the orthogonal algebra (n) in the spinor representation. SO TheHermitianconjugationofDiracmatrices defines aHermitianmatrixβ 1 by γ = βγ β 1, (2.14) a† a − whichdefinesaHermitianinnerproductψ¯ϕ = ψ βϕinthevectorspaceofspinors. † Wealsofind thefollowingimportantrelation Rab γ γcd = 2Rab I = 2R I , (2.15) cd ab ab S S − − whereR isthescalarcurvature. Inthepresentpaperwewillfurtherassumethat Misalocallysymmetricspace withaRiemannianmetricwiththeparallelcurvature R = 0, (2.16) µ αβγδ ∇ 1TheDiracmatricesγ andthespinormetricβshouldnotbeconfusedwiththematricesγ ab AB andβ definedbelow. ij Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 4 whichmeans,inparticular,thatthecurvaturesatisfiestheintegrabilityconstraints Rfg Re Rfg Re +Rfg Re Rfg Re = 0. (2.17) ea bcd eb acd ec dab ed cab − − Let G be a compact Lie group (called a gauge group). It naturally defines YM the principal fiber bundleoverthe manifold M with the structure groupG . We YM consider a representation of the structure group G and the associated vector YM bundlethroughthisrepresentationwiththesamestructuregroupG whosetyp- YM ical fiber is a k-dimensional vector space W. Then for any spin-tensor bundle T wedefinethetwistedspin-tensorbundle viathetwistedproductofthebundles V and . The fiber of the bundle is V = Λ W so that the sections of the W T V ⊗ bundle are represented locallybyk-tuplesofspin-tensors. V Let beaconnectiononeformonthebundle (calledYang-Millsorgauge A W connection) taking values in the Lie algebra of the gauge group G . Then YM YM G thetotalconnection onthebundle isdefined by V 1 ϕ = ∂ + ωab Σ I +I ϕ, (2.18) µ µ µ ab W Λ µ ∇ 2 ⊗ ⊗A ! and thetotalcurvatureΩofthebundle isdefined by V [ , ]ϕ = Ω ϕ, (2.19) µ ν µν ∇ ∇ where 1 Ω = Rab Σ + , (2.20) µν µν ab µν 2 F and = ∂ ∂ +[ , ] (2.21) µν µ ν ν µ µ µ F A − A A A isthecurvatureoftheYang-Millsconnection. Wealsoconsiderthebundleofendomorphismsofthebundle . Thecovariant V derivativeofsectionsofthisbundleisdefined by 1 X = ∂ + ωab Σ X +[ ,X], (2.22) µ µ µ ab µ ∇ 2 ! A and thecommutatorofcovariantderivativesis equalto 1 [ , ]X = Rab Σ X +[ ,X]. (2.23) µ ν µν ab µν ∇ ∇ 2 F Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 5 In the following we will consider homogeneous vector bundles with parallel bundlecurvature = 0, (2.24) µ αβ ∇ F whichmeans thatthecurvaturesatisfies theintegrabilityconstraints [ , ] Rf Rf = 0. (2.25) cd ab acd fb bcd af F F − F − F 2.2 Normal Coordinates Let x be a fixed point in M and be a sufficiently small coordinate patch con- ′ U taining the point x . Then every point x in can be connected with the point x ′ ′ U by a unique geodesic. We extend the local orthonormal frame e µ(x ) at the point a ′ x to alocal orthonormalframee µ(x)at thepoint xbyparallel transport ′ a eaµ(x) = gµν (x,x′)eaν′(x′), (2.26) ′ eaµ(x) = gµν′(x,x′)eaν (x′), (2.27) ′ wheregµ (x,x )istheoperatorofparallel transportofvectorsalong thegeodesic ν ′ ′ from the point x to the point x. Of course, the frame e µ depends on the fixed ′ a point x as a parameter. Here and everywherebelow the coordinateindices of the ′ tangentspaceat thepoint x are denotedbyprimedGreek letters. Theyare raised ′ and lowered by the metric tensor g (x ) at the point x . The derivatives with µν ′ ′ ′ ′ respect to x willbedenotedby primedGreek indicesas well. ′ Theparametersofthegeodesicconnectingthepoints xand x ,namelytheunit ′ tangent vectorat the point x and the length of the geodesic, (or, equivalently,the ′ tangent vector at the point x with the norm equal to the length of the geodesic), ′ provide normal coordinate system for . Let d(x,x ) be the geodesic distance ′ U between thepoints xand x andσ(x,x )beatwo-pointfunctiondefined by ′ ′ 1 σ(x,x ) = [d(x,x )]2. (2.28) ′ ′ 2 Thenthederivativesσ (x,x )andσ (x,x )arethetangentvectorstothegeodesic ;µ ′ ;ν ′ ′ connecting the points x and x at the points x and x respectively pointing in op- ′ ′ positedirections;oneisobtainedfrom anotherbyparallel transport σ = g ν′σ . (2.29) ;µ µ ;ν − ′ Hereand everywherebelowthesemicolondenotesthecovariantderivative. Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 6 Theoperatorofparalleltransportsatisfies theequation σ;µ gα = 0, (2.30) µ β ∇ ′ withtheinitialconditions gα = δα. (2.31) β′(cid:12)x=x′ β (cid:12) It can beexpressedinterms oftheloc(cid:12)al parallelframe (cid:12) gµ (x,x ) = e µ(x)ea (x ), (2.32) ν ′ a ν ′ ′ ′ gµν′(x,x′) = eaµ(x)eaν′(x′). (2.33) Now,letus definethequantities ya = ea σ;µ = ea σ;µ′, (2.34) µ µ − ′ sothat σ;µ = e µya and σ;µ′ = e µ′ya. (2.35) a a − Noticethat ya = 0 at x = x . Further, wehave ′ ∂ya = eaµ′σ , (2.36) ∂xν − ;νµ′ sothat theJacobian ofthechangeofvariablesis ∂ya det = g 1/2(x )det[ σ (x,x )]. (2.37) ∂xν! | |− ′ − ;νµ′ ′ Thegeometricparametersya arenothingbutthenormalcoordinates. Byusing theVan Vleck-Morettedeterminantdefined by2 ∆(x,x ) = g 1/2(x )g 1/2(x)det[ σ (x,x )], (2.38) ′ − ′ − ;νµ ′ | | | | − ′ wecan writetheRiemannian volumeelementintheform dvol = dy ∆ 1(x,x ). (2.39) − ′ Let (x,x ) be the operator of parallel transport of sections of the bundle ′ P V fromthepoint x to thepoint x. It satisfies theequation ′ σ;µ = 0, (2.40) µ ∇ P 2DonotconfuseitwiththeLaplacian∆definedbelow. Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 7 withtheinitialcondition = I . (2.41) V P(cid:12)x=x′ (cid:12) Anyspin-tensorϕcan benowex(cid:12)panded inthecovariantTaylorseries (cid:12) ∞ 1 ϕ(x) = (x,x ) ϕ (x )yc1 yck . (2.42) P ′ k! ∇(c1 ···∇ck) ′ ··· Xk=0 (cid:2) (cid:3) Therefrom it is clear, in particular, that the frame components of a parallel spin- tensorare simplyconstant. InsymmetricspacesonecancomputetheVanVleck-Morettedeterminantex- plicitlyinterms ofthecurvature. Let K bean n matrixwiththeentries × Ka = Ra ycyd. (2.43) b cbd Then[5, 2, 13] a ∂ya √K = eb , (2.44) ∂xν sin √K b ν and,therefore,   √K ∆(x,x ) = det . (2.45) ′ TM sin √K Thus, the Riemannian volume element in symmetric spaces takes the following form sin √K dvol = dy det . (2.46) TM  √K  The matrix (sin √K)/√K determines the orthonormal frame in normal co- ordinates, and the square of this matrix determines the metric tensor in normal coordinates, sin2 √K ds2 = dyadyb. (2.47)  K  Let usdefine an endo-morphismvalued1ab-form ˜ by theequation a A = ˜ ea σ;µ′ . (2.48) ν a µ ν ∇ P PA ′ Then for bundles with parallel curvature over symmetric spaces one can find it explicitly[5,2, 13] I cos √K b ˜ = yc − . (2.49) a bc a A −F  K    Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 8 Thisobjectdeterminesthegaugeconnectionin normalcoordinates, I cos √K b = yc − dya. (2.50) bc a A −F  K    This means that all connections on a homogeneous bundle are essentially the same. In particular, the spin connection one-form in normal coordinates has the form I cos √K c ωa = Ra yd − dye. (2.51) b bcd e −  K  Remarks. Two remarks are in order here. First, strictly speaking, normal coordinates can be only defined locally, in geodesic balls of radius less than the injectivity radius of the manifold. However, for symmetric spaces normal coor- dinates cover the whole manifold except for a set of measure zero where they becomesingular[18]. Thisset is preciselytheset ofpointsconjugateto thefixed point x (where ∆ 1(x,x ) = 0) and of points that can be connected to the point ′ − ′ x by multiplegeodesics. In any case, this set is a set of measure zero and, as we ′ will showbelow,it can bedealt with by someregularization technique. Thus, we will use the normal coordinates defined above for the whole manifold. Second, for compact manifolds (or for manifolds with compact submanifolds) the range of some normal coordinates is also compact, so that if one allows them to range over the whole real line R, then the corresponding compact submanifolds will be coveredinfinitelymanytimes. 2.3 Curvature Group of a Symmetric Space Weassumedthatthemanifold M islocallysymmetric. Sincewealsoassumethat it is simply connected and complete, it is a globally symmetric space (or simply symmetric space) [32]. A symmetric space is said to be compact, non-compact or Euclidean if all sectional curvatures are positive, negative or zero. A generic symmetricspacehas thestructure M = M M , (2.52) 0 s × where M = Rn0 and M is a semi-simple symmetric space; it is a product of a 0 s compactsymmetricspace M and anon-sompactsymmetricspace M , + − M = M M . (2.53) s + × − Ivan G.Avramidi: Heat Kernel onHomogeneousBundles 9 Ofcourse,thedimensionsmustsatisfytherelationn +n = n,wheren = dimM . 0 s s s Let Λ be the vector space of 2-forms on M at a fixed point x . It has the 2 ′ dimensiondimΛ = n(n 1)/2,and theinnerproductinΛ is defined by 2 2 − 1 X,Y = X Yab. (2.54) ab h i 2 TheRiemanncurvaturetensornaturallydefines thecurvatureoperator Riem : Λ Λ (2.55) 2 2 → by 1 (RiemX) = R cdX . (2.56) ab ab cd 2 Thisoperatorissymmetricandhasrealeigenvalueswhichdeterminetheprincipal sectional curvatures. Now, let Ker(Riem) and Im(Riem) be the kernel and the rangeofthisoperatorand n(n 1) p = dimIm(Riem) = − dimKer(Riem) . (2.57) 2 − Further, let λ, (i = 1,...,p), be the non-zero eigenvalues, and Ei be the cor- i ab responding orthonormal eigen-two-forms. Then the components of the curvature tensorcan bepresented intheform [10] R = β Ei Ek , (2.58) abcd ik ab cd whereβ isasymmetric,infact, diagonal,nondegenerate p p matrix ik × (β ) = diag(λ ,...,λ ). (2.59) ik 1 p Of course, the zero eigenvalues of the curvature operator correspond to the flat subspace M , the positive ones correspond to the compact submanifold M and 0 + the negative ones to the non-compact submanifold M . Therefore, Im(Riem) = − T M . x s InthefollowingtheLatinindicesfromthemiddleofthealphabetwillbeused todenotetensorsinIm(Riem);theyshouldnotbeconfusedwiththeLatinindices fromthebeginningofthealphabetwhichdenotetensorsin M. Theywillberaised and loweredwiththematrixβ and itsinverse ik (βik) = diag(λ 1,...,λ 1). (2.60) −1 −p

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