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Heat Exchanger Design Guide: A Practical Guide for Planning, Selecting and Designing of Shell PDF

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HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN GUIDE A Practical Guide for Planning, Selecting and Designing of Shell and Tube Exchangers M. NITSCHE AND R.O. GBADAMOSI Heat Exchanger Condenser Reboiler With numerous practical Examples Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London • New York • Oxford Paris • San Diego • San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo Butterworth Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/ permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-0-12-803764-5 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress For information on all Butterworth Heinemann publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ Publisher: Joe Hayton Acquisition Editor: Fiona Geraghty Editorial Project Manager: Cari Owen Production Project Manager: Susan Li Designer: Victoria Pearson Typeset by TNQ Books and Journals www.tnq.co.in Printed and bound in the United States of America FOREWORD Dear Reader, This book is not an academic treatise but rather a book for solving daily practical problems easily and for the illustration of essential influencing variables in the design of heat exchangers, condensers, or evaporators. All calculations are explained with examples that I am using in my seminars since several years. In this book, you will be shown how to proceed in the design of a heat exchanger in the daily practice, how to determine the effective temperature difference for the heat transfer, and how to calculate the heat transfer coefficient using simple equations. The most important influence parameters for the heat transfer coefficient are intro- duced. Different calculation models are compared. It is shown how to calculate the required dew point and bubble point lines for mixtures. From the wide range of published calculation methods, I have chosen the models that can simply be calculated using the hand calculator and deliver sure results. I refer to the models which I have chosen from several existing literatures as Nitsche methods because I recommend these. During the time from 1966 to 2007, I designed, planned, and built several chemical plants: distillation plants with evaporators, condensers, and heat exchangers, for fatty alcohols, fatty acids, nitrochlorobenzenes, amine and hydrocarbons and tar oils; storage tanks and vessels with filling stations for tank truck, rail tank car, and barrels; stirred tank plants for reactions with decanters, centrifuges, and filters; plants for exhaust air pu- rification and gasoline recovery, methanol and ethyl acetate etc.; stripper for of sour water purification or for methyl isobutyl ketone recovery. Since 1980, I report in seminars about piping, heat exchangers, and chemical plants about my practical experiences in the Design and Planning. At the latest, I realized during plant startup what I wrongly calculated or what I wrongly planed. This book should help you to minimize the mistakes in the design of heat exchangers. Hamburg Dr Manfred Nitsche ix CHAPTER 1 Heat Exchanger Design Contents 1.1 Procedure in Heat Exchanger Design 2 1.2 Information about Heat Exchangers 12 1.2.1 Tube Pattern 12 1.2.2 Bypass and Leakage Streams 13 1.2.3 Baffles 14 1.2.4 Technical Remarks 15 1.2.5 Selection of a Shell and Tube Exchanger 16 Which Heat Exchanger Types Can Be Cleaned? 17 Nomenclature 18 References 19 2 In heat exchanger design the required heat exchanger area A (m ) is determined for a certain heat load Q (W) at a given temperature gradient Dt (C). Q 2 A ¼ m U Dt The overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is calculated as follows: 1 1 1 s ¼ þ þ þ fi þ fo U ai ao l 2 fi ¼ inner fouling factor (m K/W) 2 fo ¼ outer fouling factor (m K/W) 2 U ¼ overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m K) s ¼ tube wall thickness (m) l ¼ thermal conductivity of the tube material (W/m K) 2 ai ¼ inner heat transfer coefficient in the tubes (W/m K) 2 ao ¼ outer heat transfer coefficient on the shell side (W/m K) Figure 1.1 shows which overall heat resistances have to be overcome and how the temperature profile in a heat exchanger looks like. The overall heat transfer coefficients and the temperature profile will be calculated in Chapter 6. Reference values for heat transfer coefficients and overall heat transfer coefficients are listed in Table 1.1. Heat Exchanger Design Guide © 2016 Elsevier Inc. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803764-5.00001-8 All rights reserved. 1 2 Heat Exchanger Design Guide Figure 1.1 Heat transfer resistances and temperature profile. 1.1 PROCEDURE IN HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN In order to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficients, the Reynolds number is needed. The heat transfer coefficients, a, are dependent on the Reynolds number, Re, hence the flow velocity, w, on the tube and shell side, respectively. 0.8 0.6 Tube side: a f w Shell side: a f w Therefore the cross-sectional areas must be known in order to determine the flow velocities and the Reynolds numbers. For an existing heat exchanger, this is not a prob- lem if a drawing is available. In the case of the design of a new heat exchanger, the flow cross sections are not known. So, initially an estimation of the required area has to be done and then an appropriate equipment has to be selected. For the selection, the following criteria should be applied: • The flow velocity on both sides should be in the order of 0.5e1 m/s for liquids and in the range of 15e20 m/s for gases. • The required heat exchanger area should be achieved with tube length of 3e6 m. In Figure 1.3 the flow chart for the heat exchanger design is provided [1]. In the following the procedure of heat exchanger design is explained in some more detail: 1. Determine flow rates, temperatures, and the fluid property data 2. Determination of the heat loads on tube and shell side Shellside: QS req ¼ MS cS ðT1 T2ÞðWÞ Tubeside: QT req ¼ MT cT ðt2 t1ÞðWÞ Heat Exchanger Design 3 Table 1.1 Reference values for heat transfer coefficients, a 2 Natural convection a (W/m K) Gases at atmospheric pressure 4e6 2 Oil (viscosity ¼ 100 mm /s) 10e20 Water 250e500 Hydrocarbons, low viscosity 170e300 Condensation Steam 5000e10000 Organic solvents 1000e3000 Light oils 1000e1500 Heavy oils (vacuum) 100e300 Vaporization Water 4000e10000 Organic solvents 1000e2500 Light oils 700e1400 Flowing media Atmospheric gases 40e200 Gases under pressure 150e300 Organic solvents 300e1000 Water 2500e4000 Guiding values for overall heat transfer coefficients, U 2 Condensation U (W/m K) Water Water 1000e2000 Organic solvent 600e1000 Organic solvent þ inert gases 100e500 Heavy hydrocarbons 50e200 Evaporation Steam Water 2000e4000 Organic solvent 500e1000 Light oils 250e800 Heavy oils 120e400 Flowing media Steam Water 1500e4000 Organic solvents 600e1000 Gases 30e250 Water Water 1000e2000 Organic solvents 250e800 Gases 15e300 Organic solvents Organic solvents 100e300 4 Heat Exchanger Design Guide Table 1.2 Geometric data of heat exchangers according to DIN 28,184, part 1, for 25 2 tubes with 32 mm triangular pitch Typ DN Z Da B n AE AR AS fw VR VM 2 2 2 3 3 nr. e e (mm) (mm) e (mm ) (mm ) (m /m) e (m /h) (m /h) 1 150 2 168 30 14 1770 2425 1.1 0.251 8.73 6.37 2 200 2 219 40 26 2288 4503 2 0.366 16.21 8.24 3 250 2 273 50 44 5520 7620 3.5 0.259 27.43 19.87 4 300 2 324 60 66 5088 11,430 5.2 0.375 41.15 18.32 5 350 2 355 70 76 6230 13,162 6 0.397 47.38 22.43 6 350 4 355 70 68 6230 5888 5.3 0.381 21.20 22.43 7 400 2 406 80 106 11,072 18,357 8.3 0.319 66.09 39.86 8 400 4 406 80 88 9072 7620 6.9 0.382 27.43 32.66 9 500 2 508 100 180 14,600 31,172 14.1 0.360 112.22 52.56 10 500 4 508 100 164 12,100 14,201 12.9 0.430 51.12 43.56 11 600 2 600 120 258 19,560 44,681 20.3 0.389 160.85 70.42 12 600 8 600 120 232 22,560 10,044 18.2 0.348 36.16 81.22 13 700 2 700 140 364 22,260 63,038 28.6 0.456 226.94 80.14 14 700 8 700 140 324 25,760 14,028 25.4 0.395 50.50 92.74 15 800 2 800 160 484 29,440 83,819 38 0.454 301.75 105.98 16 800 8 800 160 432 37,440 18,703 33.9 0.367 67.33 134.78 17 900 2 900 180 622 41,400 107,718 48.9 0.407 387.79 149.04 18 900 8 900 180 556 41,400 24,072 43.7 0.416 86.66 149.04 19 1000 2 1000 200 776 46,000 134,388 61 0.452 483.80 165.60 20 1000 8 1000 200 712 56,000 30,826 55.9 0.373 110.97 201.60 21 1100 2 1100 220 934 55,220 161,750 73.4 0.460 582.30 198.79 22 1100 8 1100 220 860 60,720 37,234 67.5 0.420 134.05 218.59 23 1200 2 1200 240 1124 72,240 194,655 88.3 0.416 700.76 260.06 24 1200 8 1200 240 1048 78,240 45,373 82.3 0.390 163.34 281.66 DN ¼ Nominal shell diameter; Z ¼ number of tube passes; Da ¼ shell diameter (mm); B ¼ baffle spacing (mm); n ¼ number of tubes; AE ¼ shell-side flow cross section 2 2 2 (mm ); AR ¼ tube-side flow cross section (mm ); AS ¼ Heat exchanger area per m tube length (m /m); VR ¼ Required flow rate for 1 m/s flow velocity on the tube 3 3 side (m /h); VM ¼ Required flow rate for 1 m/s flow velocity at the shell side (m /h). Heat Exchanger Design 5 Figure 1.2 Heat exchanger for convective heat transfer. For condensers and evaporators, the condensation and the vaporization enthalpies need to be considered. 3. Calculation of the corrected effective temperature difference (CMTD) for the heat load First, the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is determined for ideal countercurrent flow. Most heat exchangers have multiple passes in order to increase flow velocity in the tubes. For example, the heat exchanger in Figure 1.2 has two passes. The medium on the tube side flows forward and backward. In one tube pass the fluid flows cocurrent to the flow on the shell side. In the other pass the flow is in countercurrent to the shell-side flow. Ideal countercurrent flow does not occur. The driving temperature gradient is worse. Therefore for heat exchangers with multiple passes, due to the nonideal countercurrent flow, the temperature efficiency factor, F, must be calculated. F should be >0.75! Using the temperature efficiency factor, F, the CMTD is determined. CMTD ¼ F LMTD: The calculation of the effective temperature difference is shown in Chapter 2. 6 Heat Exchanger Design Guide Figure 1.3 Procedure flow chart for the thermal design of a heat exchanger [1]. With nonlinear condensation or evaporation curves, the average weighted temperature difference must be determined. Zones with approximate linear range of the condensation temperature are established for which the CMTDs are determined. Finally, the weighted average of the effective temperature differences in the zones is determined. 4. Estimation of the required heat exchanger area For the calculated heat load and the available effective temperature difference, the required heat exchanger area is estimated using the estimated overall heat transfer coefficient, U, from Table 1.1: Qreq 2 A ¼ m U CMTD 5. Selection of an appropriate equipment from Table 1.2 for the required heat exchange 2 area, A, from column, AS, with the area of the heat exchanger per m length (m /m) Heat Exchanger Design 7 6. Determination of the flow velocity using the columns, VR and VM, in Table 1.2 The volumetric flows on the tube and shell side are listed in columns, VR and VM, which are required for a flow velocity of 1 m/s. Example 1: Selection of an appropriate heat exchanger for a required area 2 A ¼ 55 m 3 3 Tube-side flow rate Vtube ¼ 40 m /h, shell-side flow rate Vshell ¼ 80 m /h 2 Selected: Type 12 with 18.2 m /m tube length and 232 tubes in 8 passes, DN 600 2 Tube length ¼ 4 m, Heat exchanger area ¼ 4 18.2 ¼ 72.8 m (32% excess) 3 3 VR ¼ 36.16 m /h for 1 m/s and VM ¼ 81.22 m /h for 1 m/s from Table 1.2 Determination of the flow velocity, wt, on the tube side: Vtube 40 wt ¼ 1 ¼ 1 ¼ 1:1 m=s VR 36:16 Determination of the flow velocity, wsh, on the shell side: Vshell 80 wsh ¼ 1 ¼ 1 ¼ 0:985 m=s VM 81:22 Primary condition for a good convective heat transfer is an adequately high flow velocity. That is why both columns for VR and VM in Table 1.2 are important. Figures 1.4 and 1.5 show that the heat transfer coefficients increase with rising flow velocities. On the shell side, the baffle spacing, B, can be shortened, for instance, if the flow velocity shall be increased in order to achieve a better heat transfer coefficient. Since the flows on which the design is based are known the flow velocities can be easily determined with VR and VM (see Example 1). 7. Calculation of the convective heat transfer coefficients on the tube and shell side The Reynolds number can be calculated once the flow velocity is determined. With convective heat transfer, the heat transfer coefficient is dependent on the Reynolds number, Re, and the Prandtl number, Pr (see Chapter 3). m 0:33 Const Re Pr l w d n c r 3600 a ¼ Re ¼ Pr ¼ d n l 2 n ¼ kinematic viscosity (mm /s) d ¼ tube diameter (m) w ¼ flow velocity (m/s) l ¼ heat conductivity (W/m K) 3 r ¼ density (kg/m ) c ¼ specific heat (Wh/kg K)

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