After working beside her sisters for years on their Iowa farm, Meg McClosky finds herself alone, trying to do the work of three people.
She's never been one to mope around, but she's lonely and tired and at the end of her rope – desperate enough to give serious thought to an offer that has come in for the farm…and for her.
Farris Warner has spent the last ten years fighting. Fighting the cancer that took his wife's life, leaving him a widower with four small children. Fighting the government as it took the farm that had been in his family for eight generations through eminent domain for a new airport. Fighting to keep his sanity as he tried to work his farm, raise his kids and keep up with lawyers and doctors and teachers and schools.
He's desperate.
Desperate enough that when an old buddy makes an outrageous suggestion…he's ready to take him up on it.
Can two down-on-their-luck strangers take the pieces of their lives and make something beautiful out of them?