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HEART PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY F O U R T H E D I T I O N This Page Intentionally Left Blank HEART PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY F O U R T H E D I T I O N Edited by NICHOLAS SPERELAKIS (Editor-in-Chief) UniversityofCincinnatiMedicalCenter andSperelakisResearchandConsulting (www.SperelakisConsulting.com) Cincinnati,Ohio YOSHIHISA KURACHI DepartmentofPharmacologyII GraduateSchoolofMedicine OsakaUniversity Osaka,Japan ANDRE TERZIC DivisionofCardiovascularDiseases andDepartmentofInternalMedicine, andDepartmentofMolecularPharmacology andExperimentalTherapeutics MayoClinicandFoundation Rochester,Minnesota MICHAEL V. COHEN DepartmentsofMedicineandPhysiology UniversityofSouthAlabama CollegeofMedicine Mobile,Alabama ACADEMIC PRESS AHarcourtScienceandTechnologyCompany San Diego San Francisco New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Frontcoverimages:(Left)Three-dimensional(NMR)structureofCaMbound toasyntheticpeptidecorrespondingtotheCaM-bindingdomain(residues796- 815)ofsmoothmuscleMLCK.(Right)Three-dimensional(X-raycrystallographic) structureoffreeCaMwithfourboundCa2(cid:1)ions.Formoreinformation,seecolor Figure4inChapter32.(Background)Modelofcalcium-dependentinactivation oftheL-type(cid:1) channel.Formoreinformation,seeFigure5inChapter13. 1C Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. (cid:1)(cid:2) Copyright2001,1995,1989,1984byACADEMICPRESS AllRightsReserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyany means,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopy,recording,oranyinformation storageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Requestsforpermissiontomakecopiesofanypartoftheworkshouldbemailedto: PermissionsDepartment,HarcourtInc.,6277SeaHarborDrive, Orlando,Florida32887-6777 AcademicPress AHarcourtScienceandTechnologyCompany 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,California92101-4495,USA http://www.academicpress.com AcademicPress HarcourtPlace,32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK http://www.academicpress.com LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber: 00-00-106896 InternationalStandardBookNumber: 0-12-656975-4 PRINTEDINTHEUNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA 00 01 02 03 04 05 MM 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dedication ThefourtheditionofHeartPhysiologyandPathophysiologyisdedicatedtoPlanetEarthanditsanimalandplantinhabitants. The destruction of the environment and toxic pollution of the air, water, and soil are still occurring at an alarming rate. Our wilderness,forests,parks,andfarmlandareunderincreasingpressure.Thereisanurgentneedforglobalpopulationstabilization andglobalhumanrights.Ourmainsalvationmaybethosenumerousnationalandinternationalnonprofitorganizationsthatare dedicatedtohaltingtheruthlessdestructionofourplanetandtheinhumanetreatmentofanimalsandhumans.Theseorganizations areconcernedabouttheenvironment,wildlife,forests,farmland,overpopulation,animalrightsandwelfare,andhumanrights. Suchdeservingorganizationsareindesperateneedofsupportfromallofus.Weurgeallreadersofthisbooktoexpresstheir serious and urgent concern for the well-being of Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants, and to help educate the public and governmentsworldwide. DiagramprovidedbycourtesyofRichardS.Babb. ‘‘The Foundation of Every State is Education of its Youth.’’ Diogenes This Page Intentionally Left Blank Contents Contributors xiii 8. Gap-Junction Channels and Healing-Over Foreword xix of Injury 149 Preface xxi DAVIDC.SPRAY,SYLVIAO.SUADICANI, MONIQUEJ.VINK,ANDMIDUTURUSRINIVAS P A R T I P A R T II PUMPING ACTION AND ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE HEART CELLULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY OF HEART AND VASCULAR SMOOTH MUSCLE 1. Sequence of Cardiac Activation and Ventricular Mechanics 3 JAMESM.DOWNEYANDGERDHEUSCH 9. Electrogenesis of the Resting Potential 175 2. Coronary Circulation and NICHOLASSPERELAKIS,MASANORISUNAGAWA,AND Hemodynamics 19 MARIKONAKAMURA JOSA.E.SPAAN,JANJ.PIEK,ANDMARIASIEBES 10. Cardiac Action Potentials 199 3. Neurohumoral Control of Cardiac GORDONM.WAHLER Function 45 JEFFREYL.ARDELL 11. Electrophysiology of Vascular 4. Control of Cardiac Output and its Smooth Muscle 213 Alterations during Exercise and in JANEA.MADDENANDNANCYJ.RUSCH Heart Failure 61 JAMESM.DOWNEYANDGERDHEUSCH 12. Sodium Channels 229 KATSUSHIGEONOANDMAKOTOARITA 5. Ultrastructure of Cardiac Muscle and Blood Vessels 71 MICHAELS.FORBES 13. Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels 247 6. Excitability and Impulse Propagation 99 LUBICALACINOVA´ ANDFRANZHOFMANN MORTONF.ARNSDORFANDJONATHANC.MAKIELSKI 14. Voltage-Dependent K(cid:1) Channels 259 7. Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Excitation 133 HAROLDC.STRAUSS,MICHAELJ.MORALES, SHIMINWANG,MULUGUV.BRAHMAJOTHI,AND YORAMRUDY DONALDL.CAMPBELL vii viii Contents 15. Inwardly-Rectifying K(cid:1) Channels 24. Transport in Nucleus 437 in the Heart 281 CARMENM.PEREZ-TERZIC,A.MARQUISGACY,AND ANDRETERZIC MASAYUKITANEMOTO,AKIKAZUFUJITA,AND YOSHIHISAKURACHI 25. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2(cid:1) 16. Voltage and Calcium-Activated K(cid:1) Transport 447 Channels of Coronary Smooth Muscle 309 ISTVANEDES,GUOXIANGCHU,ANDEVANGELIAG.KRANIAS JUREMARIJICANDLIGIATORO 26. Calcium Release from Cardiac 17. Ion Channels in Vascular Smooth Sarcoplasmic Reticulum 461 Muscle 327 GERHARDMEISSNER JUNYAMAZAKIANDKENJIKITAMURA 18. Cardiac Pacemaker Currents 357 P A R T IV D.DIFRANCESCO,A.MORONI,M.BARUSCOTTI,AND ERICA.ACCILI VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM 19. Chloride Channels in Heart 373 ROBERTD.HARVEYANDJOSEPHR.HUME 27. Function of Vascular Endothelium 473 STEPHANIEH.WILSONANDAMIRLERMAN 20. Regulation of Cardiac Ion Channels by Phosphorylation, Ca2(cid:1), 28. Ion Channels in Vascular Cytoskeleton, and Stretch 389 Endothelium 481 MASAYASUHIRAOKA,YUJIHIRANO,SEIKOKAWANO,AND BERNDNILIUSANDGUYDROOGMANS TETSUSHIFURUKAWA P A R T P A R T V III EXCITATION–CONTRACTION PUMPS AND EXCHANGERS COUPLING AND PHARMACOMECHANICAL COUPLING 21. Cardiac Na(cid:1)/K(cid:1) Pump 407 JOSEPHR.STIMERS 29. Electromechanical and Pharmacomechanical Coupling in 22. Cardiac Na(cid:1)–Ca2(cid:1) Exchanger: Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 501 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 417 GUYDROOGMANS,BERNDNILIUS,HUMBERTDESMEDT, JUNKOKIMURA JANB.PARYS,ANDLUDWIGMISSIAEN 23. Na(cid:1)/H(cid:1) Exchanger and pH 30. Mechanisms Regulating Cardiac Regulation 427 Myofilament Response to Calcium 519 M.PUCE´AT R.JOHNSOLARO Contents ix 31. Vascular Smooth Muscle 39. Diadenosine Polyphosphate Signaling in Contraction 527 the Heart 693 GARYJ.KARGACINANDMICHAELP.WALSH ALEKSANDARJOVANOVIC,SOFIJAJOVANOVIC,AND ANDRETERZIC P A R T P A R T VI VIII METABOLISM AND ENERGETICS DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES AND AGING 32. Myocardial Energy Metabolism 543 PAULF.KANTOR,GARYD.LOPASCHUK,ANDLIONELH.OPIE 40. Cardiac Development and Regulation of Cardiac Transcription 705 33. Metabolism and Energetics of Vascular FRE´DE´RICCHARRONANDMONANEMER Smooth Muscle 571 CHRISTOPHERD.HARDIN,TARAJ.ALLEN,ANDRICHARDJ.PAUL 41. Developmental Changes of Ion Channels 719 HISASHIYOKOSHIKIANDNORITSUGUTOHSE P A R T VII 42. Aging of the Cardiovascular System 737 SIGNALING SYSTEMS EDWARDG.LAKATTA,YING-YINGZHOU,RUI-PINGXIAO,AND MARVINBOLUYT 34. Adrenergic Receptors in the 43. Changes in Autonomic Responsiveness Cardiovascular System 599 during Development 761 JONW.LOMASNEYANDLEEF.ALLEN RICHARDB.ROBINSON,MICHAELR.ROSEN,AND SUSANF.STEINBERG 35. Cardiac Action of Angiotensin II 609 MASAOENDOH P A R T IX 36. ATP and Adenosine Signal MECHANISM OF ACTION OF Transductions 633 CARDIOACTIVE DRUGS AMIRPELLEG,GUYVASSORT,ANDJOHNA.AUCHAMPACH 37. Kinase Signaling in the 44. Inotropic Mechanism in Cardiac Cardiovascular System 657 Muscle 779 JUN-ICHIABE,CHENYAN,JAMESSURAPISITCHAT,AND DONALDM.BERS BRADFORDC.BERK 45. Mechanisms of Action of 38. Calcium Signaling 679 Calcium Antagonists 789 DEREKTERRAR,STEVANRAKOVIC,ANDANTONYGALIONE HELMUTA.TRITTHART

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