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Hearing Research 163 (2002) 121 www.elsevier.com locate heares Author Index Volume 163 Alcantara, J... see Moore, B.C.J. (163) 101 Meehan, D.T., see Gratton, M.A. (163) 27 Altschuler. R.A., see Leonova, E.V. (163) 61 Miller, C., see Bhattacharya, G. (163) | Mills, D., see Gates, G.A. (163) 53 Barges, S.. see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 Mire, P. and Nasse, J. Bhattacharya, G., Miller, C., Kimberling, W.J., Jablonski, M.M. and Hair bundle motility induced by chemoreceptors in anemones (163) 111 Cosgrove, D. Moore, B.C.J., Alcantara, J.I. and Glasberg, B.R. Localization and expression of usherin: a novel basement membrane Behavioural measurement of level-dependent shifts in the vibration pat- protein defective in people with Usher’s syndrome type Ila (163) 1 tern on the basilar membrane (163) 101 Muchnik, C., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 Carrasquillo, M., see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 Cosgrove. D., see Bhattacharya, G. (163) | Nam, B.-h., see Gates, G.A. (163) 53 Cosgrove. D., see Gratton, M.A. (163) 27 Nasse, J., see Mire, P. (163) 111 Nishida, Y., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 D'Agostino, R., see Gates, G.A. (163) 53 Ogawa, F., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 Engel-Yeger, B., Zaaroura, S., Zlotogora, J., Shalev, S., Hujeirat, Y.. Carrasquillo, M., Barges, S. and Pratt, H. Pirvola, U., see Ylikoski, J. (163) 71 The effects of a connexin 26 mutation — 35delG — on oto-acoustic emis- Pratt, H., see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 sions and brainstem evoked potentials: homozygotes and carriers (163) Pye, A., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 93 Riedel, H. and Kollmeier, B. Fairfield, D.A., see Leonova, E.V. (163) 61 Auditory brain stem responses evoked by lateralized clicks: is lateraliza- tion extracted in the human brain stem? (163) 12 Gates, G.A., Mills, D., Nam, B.-h., D'Agostino, R. and Rubel, E.W. Rubel, E.W., see Gates, G.A. (163) 53 Effects of age on the distortion product otoacoustic emission growth functions (163) 53 Sahartov, E., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 Glasberg. B.R., see Moore, B.C.J. (163) 101 Shabtai, E.L., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 Gratton, M.A., Meehan, D.T., Smyth, B.J. and Cosgrove, D. Shalev, S., see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 Strial marginal cells play a role in basement membrane homeostasis: In Shiino, A., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 vitro and in vivo evidence (163) 27 Smyth, B.J., see Gratton, M.A. (163) 27 Suzuki, M., Kitano, H., Kitanishi, T., Itou, R., Shiino, A., Nishida, Y.., Heled, S., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 Yazawa, Y., Ogawa, F. and Kitajima, K. Henkin, Y., see Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46 Cortical and subcortical activation with monaural monosyllabic stimu- Hildesheimer, M., Henkin, Y., Pye, A., Heled, S., Sahartov, E., Shabtai, lation by functional MRI (163) 37 E.L. and Muchnik, C. Bilateral superior cervical sympathectomy and noise-induced, perma- Theo Goverts, S., Houtgast, T. and van Beek, H.H.M. nent threshold shift in guinea pigs (163) 46 The precedence effect for lateralization for the mild sensory neural hear- Houtgast, T., see Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82 ing impaired (163) 82 Hujeirat, Y.. see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 van Beek, H.H.M.. see Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82 Itou, R., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 Virkkala, J., see Ylikoski, J. (163) 71 Jablonski, M.M., see Bhattacharya, G. (163) | Xing-Qun, L., see Ylikoski, J. (163) 71 Kimberling. W.J., see Bhattacharya, G. (163) | Yazawa, Y., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 Kitajima, K., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 Ylikoski, J.. Xing-Qun, L., Virkkala, J. and Pirvola, U. Kitanishi, T., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 Blockade of c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway attenuates gentamicin- Kitano, H., see Suzuki, M. (163) 37 induced cochlear and vestibular hair cell death (163) 71 Kollmeier. B., see Riedel, H. (163) 12 Zaaroura, S., see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 Leonova, E.V., Fairfield, D.A., Lomax, M.I. and Altschuler, R.A. Zlotogora, J., see Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93 Constitutive expression of Hsp27 in the rat cochlea (163) 61 Lomax, M.I., see Leonova, E.V. (163) 61 PII: S03 78-5955(01)00421-X Hearing Research 163 (2002) 122-124 www.elsevier.com locate /heares Subject Index Volume 163 Aging Cochlea Presbycusis; Strial atrophy; Distortion product otoacoustic emission Usher's syndrome; Usherin; Basement membrane; Retinitis pigmentosa (Gates, G.A. (163) 53) (Bhattacharya, G. (163) 1) Stria vascularis; Basement membrane; Pathogenesis; Extracellular matrix: Auditory Cell culture (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) Hereditary; Congenital deafness; Consanguinity; Physiology; Connexin 26 (Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93) Cochlear sympathetic innervation Permanent threshold shift; Temporary threshold shift; Noise: Stress (Hil- Auditory brain stem response desheimer, M. (163) 46) Binaural difference potential; Interaural time difference; Interaural level difference; Lateralization (Riedel, H. (163) 12) Congenital deafness Hereditary; Consanguinity; Auditory; Physiology; Connexin 26 (Engel- Auditory response Yeger, B. (163) 93) Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Human brain mapping; Pro- found unilateral deafness; Monaural stimulation (Suzuki, M. (163) 37) Connexin 26 Hereditary; Congenital deafness; Consanguinity; Auditory; Physiology Basement membrane (Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93) Usher's syndrome; Usherin; Cochlea; Retinitis pigmentosa (Bhattachar- ya, G. (163) 1) Consanguinity Hereditary; Congenital deafness; Auditory; Physiology: Connexin 26 Cochlea: Stria vascularis; Pathogenesis; Extracellular matrix; Cell culture (Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93) (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) Distortion product otoacoustic emission Basilar-membrane mechanics Presbycusis; Strial atrophy; Aging (Gates, G.A. (163) 53) Forward masking: Frequency tuning (Moore, B.C.J. (163) 101) Extracellular matrix Binaural difference potential Cochlea; Stria vascularis; Basement membrane; Pathogenesis; Cell cul- Auditory brain stem response; Interaural time difference; Interaural level ture (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) difference; Lateralization (Riedel, H. (163) 12) Forward masking Basilar-membrane mechanics; Frequency tuning (Moore, B.C.J. (163) 101) Binaural hearing Precedence effect; Localization dominance; Lateralization accuracy: Frequency tuning Hearing impaired (Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82) Forward masking; Basilar-membrane mechanics (Moore, B.C.J. (163) 101) Cell culture Cochlea; Stria vascularis; Basement membrane; Pathogenesis; Extracel- Functional magnetic resonance imaging lular matrix (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) Auditory response; Human brain mapping; Profound unilateral deafness; Monaural stimulation (Suzuki, M. (163) 37) Cellular death Cellular stress; c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling; Inner ear; Hair cell; Hair bundle Ototoxicity (Ylikoski, J. (163) 71) Hair cell; Mechanotransduction; Motility; Stereocilium; Tip link (Mire, P. (163) 111) Cellular stress c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling; Cellular death; Inner ear; Hair cell; Hair cell Ototoxicity (Ylikoski, J. (163) 71) Cellular stress; c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling; Cellular death; Inner ear; Ototoxicity (Ylikoski, J. (163) 71) c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling Cellular stress; Cellular death; Inner ear; Hair cell; Ototoxicity (Ylikoski, Hair bundle; Mechanotransduction; Motility; Stereocilium; Tip link J. (163) 71) (Mire, P. (163) 111) PII: S0378-5955(01)00422-1 Subject Index Volume 163 123 Hearing impaired Outer hair cell Precedence effect; Localization dominance; Lateralization accuracy; Bin- Heat shock protein-27; Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; aural hearing (Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82) Immunofluorescence; Tension fibroblast: Rat (Leonova, E.V. (163) 61) Heat shock protein-27 Pathogenesis Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; Immunofluorescence; Cochlea; Stria vascularis; Basement membrane; Extracellular matrix: Cell Outer hair cell; Tension fibroblast; Rat (Leonova, E.V. (163) 61) culture (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) Hereditary Permanent threshold shift Congenital deafness; Consanguinity; Auditory; Physiology; Connexin 26 Temporary threshold shift; Cochlear sympathetic innervation; Noise; (Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93) Stress (Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46) Human brain mapping Physiology Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Auditory response; Profound Hereditary; Congenital deafness; Consanguinity; Auditory: Connexin 26 unilateral deafness; Monaural stimulation (Suzuki, M. (163) 37) (Engel-Yeger, B. (163) 93) Precedence effect Immunofluorescence Localization dominance; Lateralization accuracy; Binaural hearing; Hear- Heat shock protein-27; Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; ing impaired (Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82) Outer hair cell: Tension fibroblast: Rat (Leonova, E.V. (163) 61) Presbycusis Inner ear Strial atrophy; Distortion product otoacoustic emission; Aging (Gates, Cellular stress: c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling; Cellular death; Hair G.A. (163) 53) cell; Ototoxicity (Ylikoski, J. (163) 71) Profound unilateral deafness Interaural level difference Functional magnetic resonance imaging: Auditory response; Human brain Auditory brain stem response; Binaural difference potential; Interaural mapping: Monaural stimulation (Suzuki, M. (163) 37) time difference; Lateralization (Riedel, H. (163) 12) Rat Interaural time difference Heat shock protein-27; Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; Auditory brain stem response; Binaural difference potential; Interaural Immunofluorescence; Outer hair cell; Tension fibroblast (Leonova, E.V. level difference: Lateralization (Riedel, H. (163) 12) (163) 61) Lateralization Retinitis pigmentosa Auditory brain stem response; Binaural difference potential; Interaural Usher’s syndrome; Usherin; Basement membrane; Cochlea (Bhattachar- time difference; Interaural level difference (Riedel, H. (163) 12) ya, G. (163) 1) Lateralization accuracy Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction Precedence effect: Localization dominance; Binaural hearing: Hearing Heat shock protein-27; Immunofluorescence; Outer hair cell; Tension impaired (Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82) fibroblast; Rat (Leonova, E.V. (163) 61) Localization dominance Stereocilium Precedence effect; Lateralization accuracy; Binaural hearing: Hearing im- Hair bundle: Hair cell; Mechanotransduction; Motility; Tip link (Mire, P. paired (Theo Goverts, S. (163) 82) (163) 111) Mechanotransduction Stress Hair bundle; Hair cell; Motility: Stereocilium; Tip link (Mire, P. (163) Permanent threshold shift: Temporary threshold shift; Cochlear sympa- 111) thetic innervation; Noise (Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46) Monaural stimulation Stria vascularis Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Auditory response; Human brain Cochlea; Basement membrane; Pathogenesis; Extracellular matrix; Cell mapping: Profound unilateral deafness (Suzuki, M. (163) 37) culture (Gratton, M.A. (163) 27) Motility Strial atrophy Hair bundle; Hair cell; Mechanotransduction; Stereocilium: Tip link Presbycusis; Distortion product otoacoustic emission; Aging (Gates, G.A. (Mire, P. (163) 111) (163) 53) Noise Temporary threshold shift Permanent threshold shift; Temporary threshold shift; Cochlear sympa- Permanent threshold shift; Cochlear sympathetic innervation; Noise; thetic innervation; Stress (Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46) Stress (Hildesheimer, M. (163) 46) Ototoxicity Tension fibroblast Cellular stress; c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling; Cellular death; Inner Heat shock protein-27; Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; ear; Hair cell (Ylikoski, J. (163) 71) Immunofluorescence; Outer hair cell; Rat (Leonova, E.V. (163) 61) 124 Subject Index Volume 163 Tip link Usherin Hair bundle: Hair cell: Mechanotransduction; Motility: Stereocilium Usher's syndrome; Basement membrane: Cochlea; Retinitis pigmentosa (Mire, P. (163) 111) (Bhattacharya, G. (163) 1) Usher’s syndrome Usherin: Basement membrane; Cochlea: Retinitis pigmentosa (Bhatta- charya, G. (163) 1)

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