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Hearing Research 162 (2001) 146 www.elsevier.com locate heares Author Index Volume 162 Barnes-Davies, M., Owens, S. and Forsythe, 1.D Laszig, R., see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Calcium channels triggering transmitter release in the rat medial super- Le Prell, C.G., Niemiec, A.J. and Moody, D.B ior olive (162) 134 Macaque thresholds for detecting increases in intensity: effects of for- mant structure (162) 29 Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis. S.F.L.. Muijser, H.. Kulig, B.M. and Smooren- burg, G.F. Marangos, N., Illing, R.-B., Kriiger, J. and Laszig. R Simultaneous exposure to ethyl benzene and noise: synergistic effects on In vivo visualization of the cochlear nerve and nuclei with fluorescent outer hair cells (162) 67 axonal tracers (162) 48 Coro, F. and Késsl, M. Marco-Algarra, J.. see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 Components of the 2/;-/) distortion-product otoacoustic emission in a Martinez-Soriano, F., see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 moth (162) 126 Molina-Mira, A., see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 Croy. C.L.. see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 Moody, D.B., see Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29 Muijser, H., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 d Ecclesia, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Dallos, P.. see He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113 Nakashima, T., Suzuki, T., Iwagaki, T. and Hibi, T DeMott, J.E.. see Ghiz. A.F. (162) 105 Effects of anterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion on cochlear blood Di Girolamo, S., d' Ecclesia, A.. Quaranta, N., Garozzo, A., Evoli, A. and flow a comparison between laser-Doppler and microsphere methods Paludetti, G. (162) 85 Effects of contralateral white noise stimulation on distortion product Niemiec, A.J., see Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29 otoacoustic emissions in myasthenic patients (162) 80 Olucha, F.E.. see Riera-Sala. C. (162) 53 Evoli, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Owens, S., see Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134 Oztiirk, A., see Kaygusuz, 1. (162) 43 Filoteo, A.G., see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 Forsythe, 1.D., see Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134 Paludetti, G., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Penheiter, A.R., Filoteo, A.G., Croy, C.L. and Penniston, J.T Garozzo, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Characterization of the deafwaddler mutant of the rat plasma mem- Gewalt, S.L.. see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 brane calcium-ATPase 2 (162) 19 Ghiz, A.F., Salt, A.N.. DeMott, J.E.. Henson, M.M., Henson Jr., O.W Penniston, J.T., see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 and Gewalt, S.L. Quantitative anatomy of the round window and cochlear aqueduct in Quaranta, N., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 guinea pigs (162) 105 Richter, C.-P., see Keiler, S. (162) 91 He, D.Z.Z., Zheng. J. and Dallos, P Riera-Sala, C., Molina-Mira, A., Marco-Algarra, J., Martinez-Soriano, F. Development of acetylcholine receptors in cultured outer hair cells (162) and Olucha, F.E. 113 Inner ear lesion alters acoustically induced c-Fos expression in the rat Henson, M.M., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 auditory rhomboencephalic brainstem (162) 53 Henson Jr., O.W., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 Hibi, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Salt, A.N., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 Smoorenburg, G.F., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 Ikeda, K., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Sugawara, M., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Illing. R.-B., see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Summers, V. Iwagaki, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Overshoot effects using Schroeder-phase harmonic maskers in listeners with normal hearing and with hearing impairment (162) | Kakehata, S., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Suzuki, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Kaygusuz, i.. Oztiirk, A.. Ustiindag, B. and Yalgin, §. Role of free oxygen radicals in noise-related hearing impairment (162) Takeuchi, S., see Wada, H. (162) 10 43 Keiler, S. and Richter, C.-P. Ustiindag, B., see Kaygusuz, |. (162) 43 Cochlear dimensions obtained in hemicochleae of four different strains Usukura, H., see Wada, H. (162) 10 of mice: CBA/CaJ, 129/CD1, 129/SvEv and C57BL/6J (162) 91 Klis, S.F.L., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 Wada, H., Usukura, H., Takeuchi, S., Sugawara, M., Kakehata, S. and Kdéssl, M., see Coro, F. (162) 126 Ikeda, K. Kriiger, J.. see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Distribution of protein motors along the lateral wall of the outer hair Kulig, B.M., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 cell (162) 10 PII: SO0378-5955(01)0403-8 Hearing Research 162 (2001) 146 www.elsevier.com locate heares Author Index Volume 162 Barnes-Davies, M., Owens, S. and Forsythe, 1.D Laszig, R., see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Calcium channels triggering transmitter release in the rat medial super- Le Prell, C.G., Niemiec, A.J. and Moody, D.B ior olive (162) 134 Macaque thresholds for detecting increases in intensity: effects of for- mant structure (162) 29 Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis. S.F.L.. Muijser, H.. Kulig, B.M. and Smooren- burg, G.F. Marangos, N., Illing, R.-B., Kriiger, J. and Laszig. R Simultaneous exposure to ethyl benzene and noise: synergistic effects on In vivo visualization of the cochlear nerve and nuclei with fluorescent outer hair cells (162) 67 axonal tracers (162) 48 Coro, F. and Késsl, M. Marco-Algarra, J.. see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 Components of the 2/;-/) distortion-product otoacoustic emission in a Martinez-Soriano, F., see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 moth (162) 126 Molina-Mira, A., see Riera-Sala, C. (162) 53 Croy. C.L.. see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 Moody, D.B., see Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29 Muijser, H., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 d Ecclesia, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Dallos, P.. see He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113 Nakashima, T., Suzuki, T., Iwagaki, T. and Hibi, T DeMott, J.E.. see Ghiz. A.F. (162) 105 Effects of anterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion on cochlear blood Di Girolamo, S., d' Ecclesia, A.. Quaranta, N., Garozzo, A., Evoli, A. and flow a comparison between laser-Doppler and microsphere methods Paludetti, G. (162) 85 Effects of contralateral white noise stimulation on distortion product Niemiec, A.J., see Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29 otoacoustic emissions in myasthenic patients (162) 80 Olucha, F.E.. see Riera-Sala. C. (162) 53 Evoli, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Owens, S., see Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134 Oztiirk, A., see Kaygusuz, 1. (162) 43 Filoteo, A.G., see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 Forsythe, 1.D., see Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134 Paludetti, G., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Penheiter, A.R., Filoteo, A.G., Croy, C.L. and Penniston, J.T Garozzo, A., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 Characterization of the deafwaddler mutant of the rat plasma mem- Gewalt, S.L.. see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 brane calcium-ATPase 2 (162) 19 Ghiz, A.F., Salt, A.N.. DeMott, J.E.. Henson, M.M., Henson Jr., O.W Penniston, J.T., see Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19 and Gewalt, S.L. Quantitative anatomy of the round window and cochlear aqueduct in Quaranta, N., see Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80 guinea pigs (162) 105 Richter, C.-P., see Keiler, S. (162) 91 He, D.Z.Z., Zheng. J. and Dallos, P Riera-Sala, C., Molina-Mira, A., Marco-Algarra, J., Martinez-Soriano, F. Development of acetylcholine receptors in cultured outer hair cells (162) and Olucha, F.E. 113 Inner ear lesion alters acoustically induced c-Fos expression in the rat Henson, M.M., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 auditory rhomboencephalic brainstem (162) 53 Henson Jr., O.W., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 Hibi, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Salt, A.N., see Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105 Smoorenburg, G.F., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 Ikeda, K., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Sugawara, M., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Illing. R.-B., see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Summers, V. Iwagaki, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Overshoot effects using Schroeder-phase harmonic maskers in listeners with normal hearing and with hearing impairment (162) | Kakehata, S., see Wada, H. (162) 10 Suzuki, T., see Nakashima, T. (162) 85 Kaygusuz, i.. Oztiirk, A.. Ustiindag, B. and Yalgin, §. Role of free oxygen radicals in noise-related hearing impairment (162) Takeuchi, S., see Wada, H. (162) 10 43 Keiler, S. and Richter, C.-P. Ustiindag, B., see Kaygusuz, |. (162) 43 Cochlear dimensions obtained in hemicochleae of four different strains Usukura, H., see Wada, H. (162) 10 of mice: CBA/CaJ, 129/CD1, 129/SvEv and C57BL/6J (162) 91 Klis, S.F.L., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 Wada, H., Usukura, H., Takeuchi, S., Sugawara, M., Kakehata, S. and Kdéssl, M., see Coro, F. (162) 126 Ikeda, K. Kriiger, J.. see Marangos, N. (162) 48 Distribution of protein motors along the lateral wall of the outer hair Kulig, B.M., see Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67 cell (162) 10 PII: SO0378-5955(01)0403-8 ELSEVIER Hearing Research 162 (2001) 147-149 www.elsevier.com locate heares Subject Index Volume 162 a acetylcholine receptor Cochlear amplifier Outer hair cell; Development; Cochlea; Gerbil; Efferent innervation: Insect hearing: Tympanal organ; Otoacoustic emission; Empyreuma affi- Neural regulation; Voltage-clamp; PCR: Potassium channel; Tissue cul- nis (Coro, F. (162) 126) ture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Cochlear aqueduct : Acetylcholinesterase Cochlea; Perilymph: Round window; Scala tympani (Ghiz, A.F. (162) Immediate early gene; Auditory system: Sensory deprivation (Riera-Sala, 105) C. (162) 53) Cochlear blood flow Anatomy Laser-Doppler flowmetry: Microsphere: Anterior inferior cerebellar ar- Hemicochlea: Mouse: Hearing (Keiler, S. (162) 91) tery: Bone blood flow (Nakashima, T. (162) 85) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Cochlear nonlinearity Cochlear blood flow: Laser-Doppler flowmetry: Microsphere: Bone blood Overshoot; Schroeder-phase masking: Hearing impairment (Summers, V. flow (Nakashima, T. (162) 85) (162) 1) Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus Cochlear nucleus Medial superior olive: Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body: Voltage- Auditory brainstem implant: Axonal tracers: Fast Blue (Marangos, N. gated calcium current; Glutamate; Glycine (Barnes-Davies. M. (162) 134) (162) 48) Antioxidant Contralateral suppression Hearing impairment; Noise: Free oxygen radicals scavenging (Kaygusuz, Medial olivo-cochlear bundle; Distortion product otoacoustic emission; 1. (162) 43) Myasthenia gravis (Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80) Auditory brainstem implant Cytosolic Ca** Axonal tracers: Cochlear nucleus; Fast Blue (Marangos, N. (162) 48) PMCA: lon pump: Ca*” signal; Deafwaddler (Penheiter, A-R. (162) 19) Auditory system Deafwaddler Immediate early gene; Acetylcholinesterase: Sensory deprivation (Riera- PMCA; Cytosolic Ca**: lon pump: Ca*” signal (Penheiter, A.R. (162) Sala, C. (162) 53) 19) Axonal tracers Development Auditory brainstem implant; Cochlear nucleus: Fast Blue (Marangos, N Outer hair cell: Cochlea: Gerbil; Efferent innervation: «9 acetylcholine (162) 48) receptor: Neural regulation: Voltage-clamp: PCR; Potassium channel: Tissue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Bone blood flow Cochlear blood flow: Laser-Doppler flowmetry: Microsphere: Anterior Distortion product otoacoustic emission inferior cerebellar artery (Nakashima, T. (162) 85) Contralateral suppression: Medial olivo-cochlear bundle: Myasthenia gravis (Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80) Ca”* signal PMCA; Cytosolic Ca?’ ; lon pump: Deafwaddler (Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19) Ethyl benzene: Noise; Outer hair cell; Electrocochleography: Interaction (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Cochlea Perilymph: Round window; Scala tympani; Cochlear aqueduct (Ghiz. A.F. (162) 105) Outer hair cell; Protein motor: Lateral wall: Microsphere (Wada, H (162) 10) Outer hair cell; Development; Gerbil; Efferent innervation; @9 acetylcho- line receptor; Neural regulation: Voltage-clamp; PCR: Potassium chan- Efferent innervation nel: Tissue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Outer hair cell; Development: Cochlea: Gerbil: «9 acetylcholine receptor: Pll: S0378-5955(01)00404-X 148 Subject Index Volume 162 Neural regulation; Voltage-clamp: PCR: Potassium channel; Tissue cul- lon pump ture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) PMCA; Cytosolic Ca’* ; Ca?” signal: Deafwaddler (Penheiter, A.R. (162) 19) Electrocochleography Ethyl benzene: Noise: Outer hair cell; Interaction; Distortion product Laser-Doppler flowmetry otoacoustic emissions (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Cochlear blood flow; Microsphere: Anterior inferior cerebellar artery; Bone blood flow (Nakashima, T. (162) 85) Empyvreuma affinis Insect hearing: Tympanal organ; Otoacoustic emission; Cochlear ampli- Lateral wall fier (Coro, F. (162) 126) Outer hair cell; Protein motor; Distribution: Microsphere (Wada, H (162) 10) Ethyl benzene Noise; Outer hair cell; Electrocochleography: Interaction; Distortion Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body product otoacoustic emissions (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Medial superior olive: Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; Voltage-gated calcium current: Glutamate: Glycine (Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134) Fast Blue Auditory brainstem implant: Axonal tracers; Cochlear nucleus (Maran- Medial olivo-cochlear bundle Contralateral suppression; Distortion product otoacoustic emission; gos, N. (162) 48) Myasthenia gravis (Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80) Free oxygen radicals scavenging Medial superior olive Hearing impairment; Noise; Antioxidant (Kaygusuz, |. (162) 43) Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body: Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; Voltage-gated calcium current; Glutamate; Glycine (Barnes-Davies, M Gerbil (162) 134) Outer hair cell; Development; Cochlea; Efferent innervation; «9 acetyl- choline receptor; Neural regulation: Voltage-clamp: PCR: Potassium Microsphere channel; Tissue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Outer hair cell; Protein motor; Distribution; Lateral wall (Wada, H. (162) 10) Glutamate Medial superior olive: Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; Anterior Cochlear blood flow; Laser-Doppler flowmetry; Anterior inferior cerebel- ventral cochlear nucleus: Voltage-gated calcium = current; Glycine lar artery; Bone blood flow (Nakashima, T. (162) 85) (Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134) Mouse Glycine Hemicochlea; Hearing: Anatomy (Keiler, S. (162) 91) Medial superior olive: Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; Voltage-gated calcium current; Glutamate Myasthenia gravis (Barnes-Davies, M. (162) 134) Contralateral suppression; Medial olivo-cochlear bundle; Distortion prod- uct otoacoustic emission (Di Girolamo, S. (162) 80) Hearing Hemicochlea: Mouse: Anatomy (Keiler, S. (162) 91) Neural regulation Outer hair cell; Development; Cochlea; Gerbil; Efferent innervation, a9 Hearing impairment acetylcholine receptor; Voltage-clamp; PCR: Potassium channel: Tissue Overshoot; Schroeder-phase masking; Cochlear nonlinearity (Summers, culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) V. (162) 1) Noise Noise; Free oxygen radicals scavenging: Antioxidant (Kaygusuz, I. (162) Hearing impairment: Free oxygen radicals scavenging: Antioxidant (Kay- 43) gusuz, I. (162) 43) Hemicochlea Ethyl benzene; Outer hair cell; Electrocochleography: Interaction; Dis- Mouse; Hearing: Anatomy (Keiler, S. (162) 91) tortion product otoacoustic emissions (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Immediate early gene Otoacoustic emission Auditory system; Acetylcholinesterase; Sensory deprivation (Riera-Sala, Insect hearing: Tympanal organ; Cochlear amplifier; Empyreuma affinis C. (162) 53) (Coro, F. (162) 126) Increment detection Outer hair cell Profile analysis (Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29) Protein motor: Distribution; Lateral wall; Microsphere (Wada, H. (162) 10) Insect hearing Tympanal organ; Otoacoustic emission: Cochlear amplifier; Empyreuma Ethyl benzene: Noise; Electrocochleography: Interaction; Distortion pro- affinis (Coro, F. (162) 126) duct otoacoustic emissions (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Interaction Development: Cochlea: Gerbil; Efferent innervation; @9 acetylcholine Ethyl benzene: Noise; Outer hair cell; Electrocochleography; Distortion receptor: Neural regulation; Voltage-clamp: PCR: Potassium channel; product otoacoustic emissions (Cappaert, N.L.M. (162) 67) Tissue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Subject Index Volume 162 Overshoot Scala tympani Schroeder-phase masking: Hearing impairment; Cochlear nonlinearity Cochlea; Perilymph: Round window: Cochlear aqueduct (Ghiz, A.F (Summers, V. (162) 1) (162) 105) PCR Outer hair cell; Development: Cochlea; Gerbil; Efferent innervation; a9 Overshoot; Hearing impairment: Cochlear nonlinearity (Summers, V. acetylcholine receptor; Neural regulation; Voltage-clamp; Potassium (162) 1) channel; Tissue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Sensory deprivation Perilymph Immediate early gene: Auditory system: Acetylcholinesterase (Riera-Sala. Cochlea: Round window: Scala tympani; Cochlear aqueduct (Ghiz, A.F. C. (162) 53) (162) 105) Tissue culture PMCA Outer hair cell; Development; Cochlea: Gerbil: Efferent innervation; «9 Cytosolic Ca* : lon pump: Ca*’ signal: Deafwaddler (Penheiter, A.R acetylcholine receptor; Neural regulation: Voltage-clamp; PCR: Potas- (162) 19) sium channel (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Potassium channel Tympanal organ Outer hair cell: Development; Cochlea: Gerbil; Efferent innervation: a9 Insect hearing: Otoacoustic emission; Cochlear amplifier: Empyrewmna af- acetylcholine receptor; Neural regulation; Voltage-clamp: PCR: Tissue finis (Coro, F. (162) 126) culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Voltage-clamp Profile analysis Outer hair cell; Development: Cochlea: Gerbil: Efferent innervation: «9 Increment detection (Le Prell, C.G. (162) 29) acetylcholine receptor; Neural regulation: PCR; Potassium channel: Tis- sue culture (He, D.Z.Z. (162) 113) Protein motor Outer hair cell: Distribution: Lateral wall: Microsphere (Wada, H. (162) Voltage-gated calcium current 10) Medial superior olive: Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body: Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; Glutamate: Glycine (Barnes-Davies. M. (162) Round window 134) Cochlea: Perilymph; Scala tympani: Cochlear aqueduct (Ghiz, A.F. (162) 105)

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