Sader RESEARC Hearing Research 77 (1994) 239-240 Author Index Agnew, W.F., see McCreery, D.B. (77) 105 Godfrey, D.A., see Chen, K. (77) 168 Albers, F.W.J., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 Gummer, A.W., see Preyer, S. (77) 116 Altschuler, R.A., see Garetz, S.L. (77) 81 Arneric, S.P., see Raza, A. (77) 221 Hemmert, W., see Preyer, S. (77) 116 Henkel, C.K., see Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99 Brechtelsbauer, P.B., Nuttall, A.L. and Miller, J.M. Horner, K., see Cazals, Y. (77) 177 Basal nitric oxide production in regulation of cochlear blood flow Huizing, E.H., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 (77) 38 Brechtelsbauer, P.B., see Ren, T. (77) 200 Ide, S., see Torihara, K. (77) 69 Brunso-Bechtold, J.K., Linville, M.C. and Henkel, C.K. Terminal types on ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting lat- Jaeger, R.G., Fex, J. and Kachar, B. eral superior olive cells (77) 99 Structural basis for mechanical transduction in the frog vestibular Bullara, L.A., see McCreery, D.B. (77) 105 sensory apparatus: II. The role of microtubules in the organiza- tion of the cuticular plate (77) 207 Caspary, D.M., see Raza, A. (77) 221 Castor, X., Veuillet, E., Morgon, A. and Collet, L. Influence of aging on active cochlear micromechanical properties Kachar, B., see Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207 Khanna, S.M., see Decraemer, W.F. (77) 19 and on the medial olivocochlear system in humans (77) 1 Cazals, Y., Wu, Z.Y. and Horner, K. Klis, S.F.L., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 Alterations of auditory nerve responses by hypoxia in normal and hydropic ears of awake guinea pigs (77) 177 Linville, M.C., see Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99 Chen, K., Waller, H.J. and Godfrey, D.A. Cholinergic modulation of spontaneous activity in rat dorsal Mancl, L.R., see Werner, L.A. (77) 88 cochlear nucleus (77) 168 McCreery, D.B., Yuen, T.G.H., Agnew, W.F. and Bullara, L.A. Collet, L., see Castor, X. (77) 1 Stimulus parameters affecting tissue injury during microstimula- tion in the cochlear nucleus of the cat (77) 105 Decraemer, W.F., Khanna, S.M. and Funnell, W.R.J. McGee, J.A., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 135 A method for determining three-dimensional vibration in the ear McGee, J.A., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 150 (77) 19 McGee, J.A., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 162 De Wildt, D.J., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 Milbrandt, J.C., see Raza, A. (77) 221 Drescher, D.G., see Pitovski, D.Z. (77) 216 Miller, J.M., see Brechtelsbauer, P.B. (77) 38 Drescher, M.J., see Pitovski, D.Z. (77) 216 Miller, J.M., see Ren, T. (77) 200 Mills, D.M. and Rubel, E.W Fex, J., see Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207 Variation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions with Fitzakerley, J.L., McGee, J.A. and Walsh, E.J. furosemide injection (77) 183 Responses of peripheral auditory neurons to two-tone stimuli Morgon, A., see Castor, X. (77) 1 during development: I. Correlation with frequency selectivity (77) Morimitsu, T., see Torihara, K. (77) 69 135 Fitzakerley, J.L., McGee, J.A. and Walsh, E.J. Nuttall, A.L., see Brechtelsbauer, P.B. (77) 38 Responses of peripheral auditory neurons to two-tone stimuli Nuttall, A.L., see Ren, T. (77) 200 during development: II. Factors related to neural responsiveness (77) 150 Pfister, M., see Preyer, S. (77) 116 Fitzakerley, J.L., McGee, J.A. and Walsh, E.J. Pitovski, D.Z., Drescher, M.J. and Drescher, D.G. Responses of peripheral auditory neurons to two-tone stimuli Glucocorticoid receptors in the mammalian inner ear: RU 28362 during development: III. Rate facilitation (77) 162 binding sites (77) 216 Folsom, R.C., see Werner, L.A. (77) 88 Preyer, S., Hemmert, W., Pfister, M., Zenner, H.-P. and Gummer, Funnell, W.R.J., see Decraemer, W.F. (77) 19 A.W. Garetz, S.L., Altschuler, R.A. and Schacht, J. Frequency response of mature guinea-pig outer hair cells to Attenuation of gentamicin ototoxicity by glutathione in the guinea stereociliary displacement (77) 116 pig in vivo (77) 81 Garetz, S.L., Rhee, D.J. and Schacht, J. Raza, A., Milbrandt, J.C., Arneric, $.P. and Caspary, D.M. Sulfhydryl compounds and antioxidants inhibit cytotoxicity to Age-related changes in brainstem auditory neurotransmitters: outer hair cells of a gentamicin metabolite in vitro (77) 75 Measures of GABA and acetylcholine function (77) 221 240 Author Index / Hearing Research 77 (1994) 239-240 Ren, T., Brechtelsbauer, P.B., Miller, J.M. and Nuttall, A.L. Van Benthem, P.P.G., Klis, S.F.L., Albers, F.W.J., De Wildt, D.J., Cochlear blood flow measured by averaged laser Doppler Veldman, J.E., Huizing, E.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. flowmetry (ALDF) (77) 200 The effect of nimodipine on cochlear potentials and Na*t/K*- Rhee, D.J., see Garetz, S.L. (77) 75 ATPase activity in normal and hydropic cochleas of the albino Rhode, WS. guinea pig (77) 9 Temporal coding of 200% amplitude modulated signals in the Veldman, J.E., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 ventral cochlear nucleus of cat (77) 43 Veuillet, E., see Castor, X. (77) 1 Rubel, E.W, see Mills, D.M. (77) 183 Schacht, J., see Garetz, S.L. (77) 75 Waller, H.J., see Chen, K. (77) 168 Schacht, J., see Garetz, S.L. (77) 81 Walsh, E.J., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 135 Schmidt, S. and Thaller, J. Walsh, E.J., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 150 Temporal auditory summation in the echolocating bat, Tadarida Walsh, E.J., see Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 162 brasiliensis (77) 125 Werner, L.A., Folsom, R.C. and Mancl, L.R. Sheft, S., see Shofner, W.P. (77) 231 The relationship between auditory brainstem response latencies Shofner, W.P. and Sheft, S. and behavioral thresholds in normal hearing infants and adults Detection of bandlimited noise masked by wideband noise in the (77) 88 chinchilla (77) 231 Wu, Z.Y., see Cazals, Y. (77) 177 Smoorenburg, G.F., see Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9 Suganuma, T., see Torihara, K. (77) 69 Yuen, T.G.H., see McCreery, D.B. (77) 105 Thaller, J., see Schmidt, S. (77) 125 Torihara, K., Suganuma, T., Ide, S. and Morimitsu, T. Anionic sites in blood capillaries of the mouse cochlear duct (77) 69 Zenner, H.-P., see Preyer, S. (77) 116 Aas SS Hearing Research 77 (1994) 241-244 Subject Index Active cochlear mechanics Brain slice Distortion product otoacoustic emissions; Furosemide; Endocochlear Auditory; Carbachol; Muscarine; Nicotine; Atropine (Chen, K. (77) potential; Gerbil (Mills, D.M. (77) 183) 168) Aging Carbachol Otoacoustic emissions; Distortion product emissions; Efferent olivo- Auditory; Brain slice; Muscarine; Nicotine; Atropine (Chen, K. (77) cochlear system; Outer hair cells; Micromechanical properties (Cas- 168) tor, X. (77) 1) Cat GABA; GAD; Central auditory; Inferior colliculus; Cochlear nucleus 3-Dimensional; Vibration; Interferometry; Malleus (Decraemer, W.F. (Raza, A. (77) 221) (77) 19) Aminoglycosides Cochlear nucleus; Electric stimulation; Stimulus parameters; Micro- Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers electrodes; Microstimulation; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) D.B. (77) 105) Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers Cation (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81) Poly-L-lysine conjugated colloidal gold; Charge barrier; Electron microscopy; Lowicryl K4M (Torihara, K. (77) 69) Amplitude modulation Cochlear nucleus; Temporal properties; Onset units (Rhode, W.S. Cell electrical input impedance (77) 43) Guinea-pig; Outer hair cell; Mechanoelectrical transduction; Recep- Atropine tor potential (Preyer, S. (77) 116) Auditory; Brain slice; Carbachol; Muscarine; Nicotine (Chen, K. (77) 168) Central auditory GABA; GAD;; Aging; Inferior colliculus; Cochlear nucleus (Raza, A. Auditory (77) 221) Brain slice; Carbachol; Muscarine; Nicotine; Atropine (Chen, K. (77) 168) Charge barrier Poly-L-lysine conjugated colloidal gold; Cation; Electron microscopy; Auditory nerve Lowicryl K4M (Torihara, K. (77) 69) Development; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 135) Chinchilla Noise; Bandwidth; Intensity discrimination (Shofner, W.P. (77) 231) Development; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 150) Cochlea Auditory nerve potential; Hypoxia; Endolymphatic hydrops (Cazals, Development; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression Y. (77) 177) (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 162) Glucocorticoid; Receptors; Na,K-ATPase; Vestibule (Pitovski, D.Z. Auditory nerve potential (77) 216) Hypoxia; Cochlea; Endolymphatic hydrops (Cazals, Y. (77) 177) Cochlear blood flow Auditory pathway Microcirculation; Laser Doppler flowmetry; Signal averaging; Pulse Lateral superior olive; Laterality; Synapse; Ferret; Ultrastructure blood flow; Pulse blood pressure (Ren, T. (77) 200) (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Cochlear nuclear complex Bandwidth Development; Auditory nerve; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, Chinchilla; Noise; Intensity discrimination (Shofner, W.P. (77) 231) J.L. (77) 135) Bat Psychophysics; Temporal summation; Masked auditory threshold Development; Auditory nerve; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, (Schmidt, S. (77) 125) J.L. (77) 150) 242 Subject Index / Hearing Research 77 (1994) 241-244 Development; Auditory nerve; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, Endolymphatic hydrops J.L. (77) 162) Auditory nerve potential; Hypoxia; Cochlea (Cazals, Y. (77) 177) Cochlear nucleus Evoked potentials Temporal properties; Onset units; Amplitude modulation (Rhode, Hearing; Development; Human; Psychophysics (Werner, L.A. (77) W.S. (77) 43) 88) Cats; Electric stimulation; Stimulus parameters; Microelectrodes; Experimental endolymphatic hydrops Microstimulation; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Electrocochleography; Na*/K*-ATPase; Nimodipine (Van Bent- hem, P.P.G. (77) 9) GABA; GAD; Aging; Central auditory; Inferior colliculus (Raza, A. (77) 221) Ferret Lateral superior olive; Laterality; Synapse; Ultrastructure; Auditory Compound action potential pathway (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Guinea Pig; Ng-nitro-L-arginine; L-arginine (Brechtelsbauer, P.B. (77) 38) Free radicals Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Scavengers Cuticular plate (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) Microtubules; Microtubule-associated proteins; Mechanical trans- duction; Vestibular sensory macula; Frog vestibular sensory organ Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Scavengers (Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207) (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81) Development Frog vestibular sensory organ Hearing; Human; Evoked potentials; Psychophysics (Werner, L.A. Microtubules; Microtubule-associated proteins; Cuticular plate; Me- (77) 88) chanical transduction; Vestibular sensory macula (Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207) Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 135) Furosemide Distortion product otoacoustic emissions; Active cochlear mechanics; Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression Endocochlear potential; Gerbil (Mills, D.M. (77) 183) (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 150) GABA Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex; Two-tone suppression GAD; Aging; Central auditory; Inferior colliculus; Cochlear nucleus (Fitzakerley, J.L. (77) 162) (Raza, A. (77) 221) 3-Dimensional GAD Vibration; Interferometry; Malleus; Cat (Decraemer, W.F. (77) 19) GABA; Aging; Central auditory; Inferior colliculus; Cochlear nu- cleus (Raza, A. (77) 221) Distortion product emissions Otoacoustic emissions; Efferent olivocochlear system; Aging; Outer Gerbil hair cells; Micromechanical properties (Castor, X. (77) 1) Distortion product otoacoustic emissions; Furosemide; Active cochlear mechanics; Endocochlear potential (Mills, D.M. (77) 183) Distortion product otoacoustic emissions Furosemide; Active cochlear mechanics; Endocochlear potential; Glucocorticoid Gerbil (Mills, D.M. (77) 183) Receptors; Na,K-ATPase; Cochlea; Vestibule (Pitovski, D.Z. (77) 216) Efferent olivocochlear system Otoacoustic emissions; Distortion product emissions; Aging; Outer hair cells; Micromechanical properties (Castor, X. (77) 1) Glutathione Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Free radicals; Scavengers (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) Electric stimulation Cats; Cochlear nucleus; Stimulus parameters; Microelectrodes; Mi- crostimulation; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Free radicals; Scavengers (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81) Electrocochleography Experimenta! endolymphatic hydrops; Na*/K*-ATPase; Nimodip- Guinea pig ine (Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9) Ng-nitro-L-arginine; L-arginine; Compound action potential (Brech- telsbauer, P.B. (77) 38) Electron microscopy Poly-L-lysine conjugated colloidal gold; Cation; Charge barrier; Outer hair cell; Mechanoelectrical transduction; Receptor potential; Lowicryl K4M (Torihara, K. (77) 69) Cell electrical input impedance (Preyer, S. (77) 116) Endocochlear potential Hearing Distortion product otoacoustic emissions; Furosemide; Active Development; Human; Evoked potentials; Psychophysics (Werner, cochlear mechanics; Gerbil (Mills, D.M. (77) 183) L.A. (77) 88) Subject Index / Hearing Research 77 (1994) 241-244 Human Microstimulation Hearing; Development; Evoked potentials; Psychophysics (Werner, Cats; Cochlear nucleus; Electric stimulation; Stimulus parameters; L.A. (77) 88) Microelectrodes; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Hypoxia Microtubule-associated proteins Auditory nerve potential; Cochlea; Endolymphatic hydrops (Cazals, Microtubules; Cuticular plate; Mechanical transduction; Vestibular Y. (77) 177) sensory macula; Frog vestibular sensory organ (Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207) Inferior colliculus Microtubules GABA; GAD; Aging; Central auditory; Cochlear nucleus (Raza, A. Microtubule-associated proteins; Cuticular plate; Mechanical trans- (77) 221) duction; Vestibular sensory macula; Frog vestibular sensory organ (Jaeger, R.G. (77) 207) Intensity discrimination Chinchilla; Noise; Bandwidth (Shofner, W.P. (77) 231) Muscarine Auditory; Brain slice; Carbachol; Nicotine; Atropine (Chen, K. (77) Interferometry 168) 3-Dimensional; Vibration; Malleus; Cat (Decraemer, W.F. (77) 19) Na */K *-ATPase L-arginine Experimental endolymphatic hydrops; Electrocochleography; Ni- Guinea Pig; Ng-nitro-L-arginine; Compound action potential modipine (Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9) (Brechtelsbauer, P.B. (77) 38) Glucocorticoid; Receptors; Cochlea; Vestibule (Pitovski, D.Z. (77) Laser Doppler flowmetry 216) Microcirculation; Cochlear blood flow; Signal averaging; Pulse blood flow; Pulse blood pressure (Ren, T. (77) 200) Neural damage (injury) Cats; Cochlear nucleus; Electric stimulation; Stimulus parameters; Laterality Microelectrodes; Microstimulation (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Lateral superior olive; Synapse; Ferret; Ultrastructure; Auditory pathway (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Ng-nitro-L-arginine Lateral superior olive Guinea Pig; L-arginine; Compound action potential (Brechtelsbauer, Laterality; Synapse; Ferret; Ultrastructure; Auditory pathway P.B. (77) 38) (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Nicotine Lowicry] K4M Auditory; Brain slice; Carbachol; Muscarine; Atropine (Chen, K. (77) Poly-L-lysine conjugated colloidal gold; Cation; Charge barrier; Elec- 168) tron microscopy (Torihara, K. (77) 69) Nimodipine Malleus Experimental endolymphatic hydrops; Electrocochleography; 3-Dimensional; Vibration; Interferometry; Cat (Decraemer, W.F. Nat /K*-ATPase (Van Benthem, P.P.G. (77) 9) (77) 19) Noise Masked auditory threshold Chinchilla; Bandwidth; Intensity discrimination (Shofner, W.P. (77) Psychophysics; Temporal summation; Bat (Schmidt, S. (77) 125) 231) Mechanical transduction Onset units Microtubules; Microtubule-associated proteins; Cuticular plate; Cochlear nucleus; Temporal properties; Amplitude modulation Vestibular sensory macula; Frog vestibular sensory organ (Jaeger, (Rhode, WS. (77) 43) R.G. (77) 207) Otoacoustic emissions Mechanoelectrical transduction Distortion product emissions; Efferent olivocochlear system; Aging; Guinea-pig; Outer hair cell; Receptor potential; Cell electrical input Outer hair cells; Micromechanical properties (Castor, X. (77) 1) impedance (Preyer, S. (77) 116) Ototoxicity Microcirculation Aminoglycosides; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers Cochlear blood flow; Laser Doppler flowmetry; Signal averaging; (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) Pulse blood flow; Pulse blood pressure (Ren, T. (77) 200) Aminoglycosides; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers Microelectrodes (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81) Cats; Cochlear nucleus; Electric stimulation; Stimulus parameters; Microstimulation; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Outer hair cell Micromechanical properties Otoacoustic emissions; Distortion product emissions; Efferent olivo- Otoacoustic emissions; Distortion product emissions; Efferent olivo- cochlear system; Aging; Micromechanical properties (Castor, X. cochlear system; Aging; Outer hair cells (Castor, X. (77) 1) (77) 1) 244 Subject Index / Hearing Research 77 (1994) 241-244 Guinea-pig; Mechanoelectrical transduction; Receptor potential; Cell Signal averaging electrical input impedance (Preyer, S. (77) 116) Microcirculation; Cochlear blood flow; Laser Doppler flowmetry; Pulse blood flow; Pulse blood pressure (Ren, T. (77) 200) Poly-L-lysine conjugated colloidal gold Stimulus parameters Cation; Charge barrier; Electron microscopy; Lowicryl K4M Cats; Cochlear nucleus; Electric stimulation; Microelectrodes; Mi- (Torihara, K. (77) 69) crostimulation; Neural damage (injury) (McCreery, D.B. (77) 105) Protection Synapse Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers Lateral superior olive; Laterality; Ferret; Ultrastructure; Auditory (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) pathway (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Glutathione; Free radicals; Scavengers Temporal properties (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81) Cochlear nucleus; Onset units; Amplitude modulation (Rhode, W.S. (77) 43) Psychophysics Hearing; Development; Human; Evoked potentials (Werner, L.A. Temporal summation (77) 88) Psychophysics; Masked auditory threshold; Bat (Schmidt, S. (77) 125) Two-tone suppression Temporal summation; Masked auditory threshold; Bat (Schmidt, S. Development; Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex (Fitzaker- (77) 125) ley, J.L. (77) 135) Pulse blood flow Development; Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex (Fitzaker- Microcirculation; Cochlear blood flow; Laser Doppler flowmetry; ley, J.L. (77) 150) Signal averaging; Pulse blood pressure (Ren, T. (77) 200) Development; Auditory nerve; Cochlear nuclear complex (Fitzaker- Pulse blood pressure ley, J.L. (77) 162) Microcirculation; Cochlear blood flow; Laser Doppler flowmetry; Signal averaging; Pulse blood flow (Ren, T. (77) 200) Ultrastructure Lateral superior olive; Laterality; Synapse; Ferret; Auditory pathway Receptor potential (Brunso-Bechtold, J.K. (77) 99) Guinea-pig; Outer hair cell; Mechanoelectrical transduction; Cell electrical input impedance (Preyer, S. (77) 116) Vestibular sensory macula Microtubules; Microtubule-associated proteins; Cuticular plate; Me- chanical transduction; Frog vestibular sensory organ (Jaeger, R.G. Receptors (77) 207) Glucocorticoid; Na,K-ATPase; Cochlea; Vestibule (Pitovski, D.Z. (77) 216) Vestibule Glucocorticoid; Receptors; Na,K-ATPase; Cochlea (Pitovski, D.Z. Scavengers (77) 216) Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals (Garetz, S.L. (77) 75) Vibration 3-Dimensional; Interferometry; Malleus; Cat (Decraemer, W.F. (77) Aminoglycosides; Ototoxicity; Protection; Glutathione; Free radicals 19) (Garetz, S.L. (77) 81)