Author Index Altschuler, R.A., see Ptok, M. (57) 79 Knipschild, M., Dérrscheidt, G.J. and Riibsamen, R. Altschuler, R.A., see Pujol, R. (57) 129 Setting complex tasks to single units in the avian auditory fore- Anniko, M., see Berggren, D. (57) 195 brain. I: Processing of complex artificial stimuli (57) 216 Aran, J.-M., see Hiel, H. (57) 157 Knipschild, M., see Schafer, M. (57) 231 Avan, P. and Bonfils, P. Analysis of possible interactions of an attentional task with Levine, R.A. and Davis, P.J. cochlear micromechanics (57) 269 Origin of the click-evoked binaural interaction potential, B, of humans (57) 121 Berggren, D., Van De Water, T.R. and Anniko, M. Lynch III, T.J., see Peake, W.T. (57) 245 Age-dependent disruption of basal lamina and extracellular ma- trix formation in L-proline analog treated otic explants (57) 195 Manley, G.A., Kaiser, A., Brix, J. and Gleich, O. Bohrer, P.S., see Roberson, D.F. (57) 166 Activity patterns of primary auditory-nerve fibres in chickens: Bonfils, P., see Avan, P. (57) 269 Development of fundamental properties (57) 1 Brix, J., see Manley, G.A. (57) 1 McE\veen, Jr.,, J.T., see Saunders, J.E. (57) 276 Miller, J.M., see Shone, G. (57) 153 Caird, D.M., Palmer, A.R. and Rees, A. Moody, D.B., see Prosen, C.A. (57) 142 Binaural masking level difference effects in single units of the Miller, M. and Robertson, D. guinea pig inferior colliculus (57) 91 Relationship between tone burst discharge pattern and sponta- Carey, T.E., see Ptok, M. (57) 79 neous firing rate of auditory nerve fibres in the guinea pig (57) 63 Cefaratti, L.K., see Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175 Miller, M. and Robertson, D. Coling, D.E. and Schacht, J. Shapes of rate-versus-level functions of primary auditory nerve Protein phosphorylation in the organ of Corti: Differential regu- fibres: Test of the basilar membrane mechanical hypothesis (57) lation by second messengers between base and apex (57) 113 71 Conlee, J.W. and Shapiro, S.M. Morphological changes in the cochlear nucleus and nucleus of Nair, T.S., see Ptok, M. (57) 79 the trapezoid body in Gunn rat pups (57) 23 Nguyen-Than-Dao, B., see Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38 Conlee, J.W., see Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16 Niedzielski, A.S. and Schacht, J. Phospholipid metabolism in the cochlea: Differences between Davis, P.J., see Levine, R.A. (57) 121 base and apex (57) 107 Dorrscheidt, G.J., see Knipschild, M. (57) 216 Dorrscheidt, G.J., see Schafer, M. (57) 231 Palmer, A.R., see Caird, D.M. (57) 91 Dulon, D., see Hiel, H. (57) 157 Peake, W.T., Rosowski, J.J. and Lynch III, T-.J. Dulon, D., see Pujol, R. (57) 129 Middle-ear transmission: Acoustic versus ossicular coupling in cat and human (57) 245 Eggermont, J.J. Prosen, C.A. and Moody, D.B. Maturational aspects of periodicity coding in cat primary auditory Low-frequency detection and discrimination following apical hair cortex (57) 45 cell destruction (57) 142 Emmanual, J., see Saunders, J.E. (57) 276 Ptok, M., Nair, T.S., Altschuler, R.A., Schacht, J. and Carey, T.E. Erre, J.-P., see Hiel, H. (57) 157 Monoclonal antibodies to inner ear antigens: I] Antigens ex- pressed in sensory celi stereocilia (57) 79 Flock, A., see Ulfendahl, M. (57) 31 Pujol, R., Zajic, G., Dulon, D., Raphael, Y., Altschuler, R.A. and Schacht, J. Gabrion, J., see Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38 First appearance and development of motile properties in outer Gil-Loyzaga, P., Gabrion, J., Remezal, M., Nguyen-Than-Dao, B. hair cells isolated from guinea-pig cochlea (57) 129 and Uziel, A. Incorporation of D-[*H]-glucosamine and L-[?H]-fucose into the Raphael, Y., see Pujol, R. (57) 129 developing rat cochlea (57) 38 Raphael, Y., see Shone, G. (57) 153 Gleich, O., see Manley, G.A. (57) 1 Rees, A., see Caird, D.M. (57) 91 Remezal, M., see Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38 Hayashida, T., see Hiel, H. (57) 157 Roberson, D.F., Weisleder, P., Bohrer, P.S. and Rubel, E.W. Hiel, H., Schamel, A., Erre, J.-P., Hayashida, T., Dulon, D. and Ongoing production of sensory cells in the vestibular epithelium Aran, J.-M. of the chick (57) 166 Cellular and subcellular localization of tritiated gentamicin in the Robertson, D., see Miller, M. (57) 63 guinea pig cochlea following combined treatment with ethacrynic Robertson, D., see Miller, M. (57) 71 acid (57) 157 Rosowski, J.J., see Peake, W.T. (57) 245 Rubel, E.W., see Roberson, D.F. (57) 166 Kaiser, A., see Manley, G.A. (57) 1 Riibsamen, R., see Knipschild, M. (57) 216 Khanna, S.M., see Ulfendahl, M. (57) 31 Riibsamen, R., see Schafer, M. (57) 231 284 Saunders, J.E., Emmanual, J. and McElveen, Jr.,, J.T. Slepecky, N.B., see Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175 Triple fluorochrome labeling of cochlear bone growth (57) 276 Smith, R.L., see Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175 Schacht, J., see Coling, D.E. (57) 113 Schacht, J., see Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107 Ulfendahl, M., Khanna, S.M. and Flock, A. Schacht, J., see Ptok, M. (57) 79 Effects of opening and resealing the cochlea on the mechanical Schacht, J., see Pujol, R. (57) 129 response in the isolated temporal bone preparation (57) 31 Schafer, M., Ribsamen, R., D6rrscheidt, G.J. and Knipschild, M. Ulfendahl, M., see Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201 Setting complex tasks to single units in the avian auditory fore- Uziel, A., see Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38 brain. II: Do we really need natural stimuli to describe neuronal response characteristics? (57) 231 Van De Water, T.R., see Berggren, D. (57) 195 Schamel, A., see Hiel, H. (57) 157 Shapiro, $.M. and Conlee, J.W. Weisleder, P., see Roberson, D.F. (57) 166 Brainstem auditory evoked potentials correlate with morphologi- cal changes in Gunn rat pups (57) 16 Yates, G.K. Shapiro, S.M., see Conlee, J.W. (57) 23 Auditory-nerve spontaneous rates vary predictably with threshold Shone, G., Raphael, Y. and Miller, J.M. (57) 57 Hereditary deafness occurring in cd/1 mice (57) 153 Slepecky, N.B. and Ulfendahl, M. Zajic, G., see Pujol, R. (57) 129 Actin-binding and microtubule-associated proteins in the organ Zwislocki, J.J., Slepecky, N.B., Cefaratti, L.K. and Smith, R.L. of Corti (57) 201 Ionic coupling among cells in the organ of Corti (57) 175 Subject Index Abnormal middle ears European starling; Auditory forebrain; Feature detection; Species- Middle ear; Cochlear windows; Models (Peake, W.T. (57) 245) specific sound stimuli; Reverse correlation (Schafer, M. (57) 231) ABR Avian Mice; Genetic; Deafness; Cochlea (Shone, G. (57) 153) Vestibular system; Hair cell; Cell proliferation; *H-thymidine; Bro- modeoxyuridine (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Actin Inner ear; Hair cell; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; Tau; Basal lamina Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) In vitro; Otic anlage; L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid; Extracellular ma- trix; Collagen (Berggren, D. (57) 195) Actin-binding proteins Inner ear; Hair cell; Actin; Tubulin; MAPs; Tau; Freeze-dry Basilar membrane nonlinearity (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Auditory nerve fibre; Rate-versus-level function (Miiller, M. (57) 71) Aminoglycoside antibiotics Bilirubin encephalopathy Autoradiography; Hair cells; Loop diuretics; Lysosomes; Ototoxicity; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubine- Villth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) mia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus; Su- perior olive (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16) AMP, cyclic Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubine- Phosphorylation; Second messengers; Calmodulin; GMP, cyclic; Cal- mia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus; Su- cium; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) perior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Auditory cortex Binaural interaction Cat; Single unit; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Modulation transfer Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Derived potentials; Masking; functions; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. (57) 45) Click polarity (Levine, R.A. (57) 121) Auditory forebrain Binaural masking Aves; European starling; Complex stimuli; Reverse correlation; Phase locking (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) Guinea-pig; Inferior colliculus; Single cell recording; Interaural de- lays (Caird, D.M. (57) 91) Aves; European starling; Feature detection; Species-specific sound stimuli; Reverse correlation (Schafer, M. (57) 231) Bird Development; Chicken; Primary auditory neurones; Cochlear gan- glion; Auditory physiology (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) Auditory nerve fibre Guinea pig; Onset response; PSTH; Spontaneous firing rate (Miiller, M. (57) 63) Brainstem auditory evoked potentials Bilirubin encephalopathy; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaun- dice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive Rate-versus-level function; Basilar membrane nonlinearity (Miller, M. (57) 71) (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16) Auditory physiology Bilirubin encephalopathy; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaun- Development; Chicken; Primary auditory neurones; Cochlear gan- dice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive glion; Bird (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Auditory threshold Binaural interaction; Derived potentials; Masking; Click polarity Spontaneous rate; Rate-intensity functions; Inner hair cell; Synapse (Levine, R.A. (57) 121) (Yates, G.K. (57) 57) Bromodeoxyuridine Autoradiography Vestibular system; Hair cell; Avian; Cell proliferation; *H-thymidine Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Hair cells; Loop diuretics; Lysosomes; (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Ototoxicity; VIIIth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) Calcium Aves Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Complex stimuli; Reverse Phosphorylation; Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; correlation; Phase locking (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) GMP, cyclic; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) 286 Calmodulin Cochlear windows Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Middle ear; Models; Abnormal middle ears (Peake, W.T. (57) 245) Phosphorylation; Second messengers; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Collagen In vitro; Otic anlage; L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid; Extracellular ma- Cat trix; Basal lamina (Berggren, D. (57) 195) Auditory cortex; Single unit; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Modu- lation transfer functions; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, Complex stimuli J.J. (57) 45) Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Reverse correlation; Phase locking (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) Cell proliferation Vestibular system; Hair cell; Avian; *H-thymidine; Bromodeoxyuri- Deafness dine (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Mice; Genetic; Cochlea; ABR (Shone, G. (57) 153) Chicken Development; Primary auditory neurones; Cochlear ganglion; Audi- Derived potentials tory physiology; Bird (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Binaural interaction; Masking; Click polarity (Levine, R.A. (57) 121) Click polarity Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Binaural interaction; Derived Development potentials; Masking (Levine, R.A. (57) 121) Chicken; Primary auditory neurones; Cochlear ganglion; Auditory physiology; Bird (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) Click-train stimuli Cat; Auditory cortex; Single unit; Maturation; Modulation transfer Tectorial membrane; p-Glucosamine; 1-Fucose; Radioautography functions; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. (57) 45) (Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38) Cochlea Efferent pathways Monoclonal antibodies; Hair cells; Stereocilia (Ptok, M. (57) 79) Cochlear mechanics; Otoacoustic emissions; Selective attention (Avan, P. (57) 269) Organ of Corti; Stria vascularis; Phosphatidylcholine; Phosphatidy- linositol; Second messengers (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) Electrical potentials Cochlea; Hair cells; Supporting cells; Gap junctions (Zwislocki, J.J. Mice; Genetic; Deafness; ABR (Shone, G. (57) 153) (57) 175) Hair cells; Supporting cells; Electrical potentials; Gap junctions (Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175) Entrainment Cat; Auditory cortex; Single unit; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Cochlear apex Modulation transfer functions; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. (57) Low-frequency hearing; Frequency discrimination; Frequency selec- 45) tivity; High-pass masking (Prosen, C.A. (57) 142) European starling Cochlear development Aves; Auditory forebrain; Complex stimuli; Reverse correlation; Outer hair cell motilities; Outer hair cell ultrastructure (Pujol, R. Phase locking (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) (57) 129) Aves; Auditory forebrain; Feature detection; Species-specific sound Cochlear ganglion stimuli; Reverse correlation (Schafer, M. (57) 231) Development; Chicken; Primary auditory neurones; Auditory physi- ology; Bird (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) Extracellular matrix In vitro; Otic anlage; L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid; Collagen; Basal Cochlear Implantation lamina (Berggren, D. (57) 195) Osteoneogenesis; Histochemical Analysis; Guinea Pig (Saunders, J.E. (57) 276) Feature detection Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Species-specific sound Cochlear mechanics stimuli; Reverse correlation (Schafer, M. (57) 231) Organ of Corti; Hair cell; Micromechanics (Ulfendahl, M. (57) 31) Freeze-dry Otoacoustic emissions; Efferent pathways; Selective attention (Avan, Inner ear; Hair cell; Actin; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; P. (57) 269) Tau (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Cochlear nucleus Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Frequency discrimination Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid Cochlear apex; Low-frequency hearing; Frequency selectivity; High- body; Superior olive (Shapiro, $.M. (57) 16) pass masking (Prosen, C.A. (57) 142) Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Frequency selectivity Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid Cochlear apex; Low-frequency hearing; Frequency discrimination; body; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) High-pass masking (Prosen, C.A. (57) 142) L-Fucose 3H-thymidine Tectorial membrane; Development; p-Glucosamine; Radioautogra- Vestibular system; Hair cell; Avian; Cell proliferation; Bromo- phy (Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38) deoxyuridine (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Gap junctions Hyperbilirubinemia Cochlea; Hair cells; Supporting cells; Electrical potentials (Zwislocki, Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; J.J. (57) 175) Hearing loss; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nu- cleus; Superior olive (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16) Genetic Mice; Deafness; Cochlea; ABR (Shone, G. (57) 153) Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hearing loss; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nu- p-Glucosamine cleus; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Tectorial membrane; Development; t-Fucose; Radioautography (Gil-Loyzaga, P. (57) 38) Inferior colliculus Guinea-pig; Single cell recording; Interaural delays; Binaural mask- GMP, cyclic ing (Caird, D.M. (57) 91) Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Phosphorylation; Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; Cal- Inner ear cium; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Phosphoryla- tion; Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Guinea pig Calcium; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Auditory nerve fibre; Onset response; PSTH; Spontaneous firing rate (Miller, M. (57) 63) Hair cell; Actin; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; Tau; Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Guinea-pig Inferior colliculus; Single cell recording; Interaural delays; Binaural Inner hair cell masking (Caird, D.M. (57) 91) Spontaneous rate; Auditory threshold; Rate-intensity functions; Synapse (Yates, G.K. (57) 57) Guinea Pig Cochlear Implantation; Osteoneogenesis; Histochemical Analysis Interaural delays (Saunders, J.E. (57) 276) Guinea-pig; Inferior colliculus; Single cell recording; Binaural mask- ing (Caird, D.M. (57) 91) Hair cell Cochlear mechanics; Organ of Corti; Micromechanics (Ulfendahl, M. In vitro (57) 31) Otic anlage; L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid; Extracellular matrix; Col- lagen; Basal lamina (Berggren, D. (57) 195) Vestibular system; Avian; Cell proliferation; *H-thymidine; Bromo- deoxyuridine (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Jaundice Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Inner ear; Actin; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; Tau; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16) Hair cells Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Cochlea; Monoclonal antibodies; Stereocilia (Ptok, M. (57) 79) Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Autoradiography; Loop diuretics; Lyso- somes; Ototoxicity; VIIIth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) Kernicterus Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Cochlea; Supporting cells; Electrical potentials; Gap junctions Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Trapezoid body; (Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175) Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive (Shapiro, $.M. (57) 16) Hearing loss Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hy- Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Trapezoid body; perbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear Cochlear nucleus; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) nucleus; Superior olive (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16) L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hy- In vitro; Otic anlage; Extracellular matrix; Collagen; Basal lamina perbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear (Berggren, D. (57) 195) nucleus; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Lipids High-pass masking Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Cochlear apex; Low-frequency hearing; Frequency discrimination; Phosphorylation; Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; Frequency selectivity (Prosen, C.A. (57) 142) GMP, cyclic; Calcium (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Histochemical Analysis Loop diuretics Cochlear Implantation; Osteoneogenesis; Guinea Pig (Saunders, J.E. Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Autoradiography; Hair cells; Lysosomes; (57) 276) Ototoxicity; VIIIth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) 288 Low-frequency hearing Otoacoustic emissions Cochlear apex; Frequency discrimination; Frequency selectivity; Cochlear mechanics; Efferent pathways; Selective attention (Avan, P. High-pass masking (Prosen, C.A. (57) 142) (57) 269) Lysosomes Ototoxicity Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Autoradiography; Hair cells; Loop di- Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Autoradiography; Hair cells; Loop di- uretics; Ototoxicity; VIIIth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) uretics; Lysosomes; VIIIth nerve action potential (Hiel, H. (57) 157) MAPs Outer hair cell motilities Inner ear; Hair cell; Actin; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; Tau; Cochlear development; Outer hair cell ultrastructure (Pujol, R. (57) Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) 129) Masking Outer hair cell ultrastructure Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Binaural interaction; Derived Cochlear development; Outer hair cell motilities (Pujol, R. (57) 129) potentials; Click polarity (Levine, R.A. (57) 121) Phase locking Maturation Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Complex stimuli; Re- Cat; Auditory cortex; Single unit; Click-train stimuli; Modulation verse correlation (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) transfer functions; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. (57) 45) Phosphatidylcholine Cochlea; Organ of Corti; Stria vascularis; Phosphatidylinositol; Sec- Mice ond messengers (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) Genetic: Deafness; Cochlea; ABR (Shone, G. (57) 153) Phosphatidylinositol Micromechanics Cochlea; Organ of Corti; Stria vascularis; Phosphatidylcholine; Sec- Cochlear mechanics; Organ of Corti; Hair cell (Ulfendahl, M. (57) ond messengers (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) 31) Phosphorylation Middle ear Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Cochlear windows; Models; Abnormal middle ears (Peake, W.T. (57) Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; 245) Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Models Primary auditory neurones Middle ear; Cochlear windows; Abnormal middle ears (Peake, W.T. Development; Chicken; Cochlear ganglion; Auditory physiology; Bird (57) 245) (Manley, G.A. (57) 1) Modulation transfer functions Protein kinases Cat; Auditory cortex; Single unit; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein phosphatases; Phosphorylation; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. (57) 45) Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Monoclonal antibodies Cochlea; Hair cells; Stereocilia (Ptok, M. (57) 79) Protein phosphatases Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Phosphorylation; Second Onset response messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; Lipids Auditory nerve fibre; Guinea pig; PSTH; Spontaneous firing rate (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) (Miiller, M. (57) 63) PSTH Organ of Corti Auditory nerve fibre; Guinea pig; Onset response; Spontaneous Cochlear mechanics; Hair cell; Micromechanics (Ulfendahl, M. (57) firing rate (Miiller, M. (57) 63) 31) Radioautography Cochlea; Stria vascularis; Phosphatidylcholine; Phosphatidylinositol; Tectorial membrane; Development; p-Glucosamine; L-Fucose (Gil- Second messengers (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) Loyzaga, P. (57) 38) Inner ear; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Phosphorylation; Rate-intensity functions Second messengers; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; Spontaneous rate; Auditory threshold; Inner hair cell; Synapse Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) (Yates, G.K. (57) 57) Osteoneogenesis Rate-versus-level function Cochlear Implantation; Histochemical Analysis; Guinea Pig Auditory nerve fibre; Basilar membrane nonlinearity (Miller, M. (Saunders, J.E. (57) 276) (57) 71) Otic anlage Reverse correlation In vitro; L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid; Extracellular matrix; Collagen; Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Complex stimuli; Phase Basal lamina (Berggren, D. (57) 195) locking (Knipschild, M. (57) 216) 289 Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Feature detection; Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Species-specific sound stimuli (Schafer, M. (57) 231) Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid body; Cochlear nucleus (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Second messengers Cochlea; Organ of Corti; Stria vascularis; Phosphatidylcholine; Phos- Supporting cells phatidylinositol (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) Cochlea; Hair cells; Electrical potentials; Gap junctions (Zwislocki, J.J. (57) 175) Inner ear; Organ of Corti; Protein kinases; Protein phosphatases; Phosphorylation; Calmodulin; AMP, cyclic; GMP, cyclic; Calcium; Synapse Lipids (Coling, D.E. (57) 113) Spontaneous rate; Auditory threshold; Rate-intensity functions; In- ner hair cell (Yates, G.K. (57) 57) Selective attention Cochlear mechanics; Otoacoustic emissions; Efferent pathways Tau (Avan, P. (57) 269) Inner ear; Hair cell; Actin; Tubulin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Single cell recording Guinea-pig; Inferior colliculus; Interaural delays; Binaural masking (Caird, D.M. (57) 91) Tectorial membrane Development; p-Glucosamine; 1-Fucose; Radioautography (Gil- Loyzaga, P. (57) 38) Single unit Cat; Auditory cortex; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Modulation transfer functions; Entrainment; Vector strength (Eggermont, J.J. Trapezoid body (57) 45) Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Cochlear Species-specific sound stimuli nucleus; Superior olive (Shapiro, $.M. (57) 16) Aves; European starling; Auditory forebrain; Feature detection; Re- verse correlation (Schafer, M. (57) 231) Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Cochlear Spontaneous firing rate nucleus; Superior olive (Conlee, J.W. (57) 23) Auditory nerve fibre; Guinea pig; Onset response; PSTH (Miller, M. (57) 63) Tubulin Inner ear; Hair cell; Actin; Actin-binding proteins; MAPs; Tau; Spontaneous rate Freeze-dry (Slepecky, N.B. (57) 201) Auditory threshold; Rate-intensity functions; Inner hair cell; Synapse (Yates, G.K. (57) 57) Vector strength Cat; Auditory cortex; Single unit; Maturation; Click-train stimuli; Stereocilia Modulation transfer functions; Entrainment (Eggermont, J.J. (57) 45) Cochlea; Monoclonal antibodies; Hair cells (Ptok, M. (57) 79) Vestibular system Stria vascularis Hair cell; Avian; Cell proliferation; *H-thymidine; Bromodeoxyuri- Cochlea; Organ of Corti; Phosphatidylcholine; Phosphatidylinositol; dine (Roberson, D.F. (57) 166) Second messengers (Niedzielski, A.S. (57) 107) Superior olive VIllth nerve action potential Bilirubin encephalopathy; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Aminoglycoside antibiotics; Autoradiography; Hair cells; Loop di- Hearing loss; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice; Kernicterus; Trapezoid uretics; Lysosomes; Ototoxicity (Hiel, H. (57) 157) body; Cochlear nucleus (Shapiro, S.M. (57) 16)