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Healthy Heart Diet 50 Best Foods - Henry Hill - 2014 PDF

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Preview Healthy Heart Diet 50 Best Foods - Henry Hill - 2014

Healthy Heart Diet: 50 Best Foods to Prevent Heart Disease Henry Hill ©2015 Henry Hill Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One - Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Introduction Chapter Two - Cardiovascular Diseases: Common Types Chapter Three - Fifty Heart Friendly Food Items Chapter Four - Foods to Avoid Conclusion Introduction I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Healthy Heart Diet”. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to prevent or reduce the chances of acquiring heart diseases by eating heart healthy food. It has been widely known now that the growing cause of death across the globe is due to heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. While many of us believe that it is more of a hereditary disease, it is better to understand that it occurs due to the food you consume as well. This book will help you in understanding the importance of eating healthy food which is good for your heart. The purpose of this book is to enlighten you about the need of eating fruits and vegetables. It will inform the readers about the leading causes of heart diseases and the fifty types of food which are good for their heart. Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it! Chapter One - Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Introduction Heart disease or cardiovascular disease, as it is called in medical terms, is a fatal and painful ailment. It is a broad term that is used to refer to diseases that involve blood circulatory system, heart and the cardiac muscles. These diseases affect the cardiovascular system of human body. There can be numerous reasons for this disease ranging from food disorder, hypertension to inheritance. Importantly, it is becoming one of the major reasons of death these days. Though this disease has been controlled in developed countries to some extent, developing countries still have high mortality rate due to heart attack and cardiovascular problems. It has been seen that this disease which used to occur in elderly people is now prevalent among middle aged people as well such as those between 35 to 50 years old. Heart diseases are caused by atherosclerosis which starts off in an early age but it may not be known to many people while the symptoms develop. In addition to this, atherosclerosis leads to heart attack later in life. This is controllable and can be prevented by adopting healthy eating habits and good food. Before we look for medicines as a means of relieving pain and saving ourselves from pain, it is better to have a look at the food we eat. In the present era, people have started to depend more on fast food and ready to eat cook food products which are time saving and convenient. However, they are harmful for our body and pave the way to a number of diseases where the first and foremost ones involve our heart. Heart is an essential organ of our body. It is the engine that drives the entire machinery of our system and it needs to be taken care of. It is comprised of arteries and cardiovascular muscles which need strength to pump blood to the entire body. A number of heart diseases result from blockage in the arteries of heart and weakening of heart muscles. Organs such as kidneys can be replaced or transplanted but heart, if it fails to work, cannot be replaced. Hence, great care must be taken of heart and one of the best ways of doing this is to monitor the food we eat. Chapter Two - Cardiovascular Diseases: Common Types There are a number of cardiovascular diseases which will be discussed in this chapter. Coronary heart disease It is the most widely occurring heart disease. The main reason for this disease is the narrowing down of arteries in the heart due to plaque or clogging in them. The cholesterol level increases inside them and results in a condition called atherosclerosis. In the early stages of this disease, there will be increased pain in the chest, breathlessness, pain in left arm and shoulder, nausea and pain in neck. Heart failure This condition results when the heart muscles start degenerating. This happens to the heart when the heart has an injury in some way or the other. Common form of injury is due to an increased in blood pressure which puts pressure on heart and results in an injury. Heart valves can get damaged too. Stroke Of all the types of heart diseases, stroke is the deadliest. It occurs without warning and can cause death. If it does not cause immediate death, it can disable any part of the body such as inability to move one leg. Chapter Three - Fifty Heart Friendly Food Items There are a number of medicines available in the market to cure different types of diseases. However, it is better to improve your eating habits prior to acquiring any disease which helps in keeping diseases away. In this chapter, fifty different types of food will be discussed which will help in keeping heart diseases away. Nature has always provided us the best things for survival. This is how the term evolution came into being. When environment changed, nature molded itself and gave human kind things which were better for survival in that environment. Nature holds a treasure of good things for eating which can save us from diseases. As has been discussed in the prior chapters, poor eating habits and unhealthy food paves way to acquiring heart diseases. Food rich in fats plays a role in blocking arteries of heart and prevents the oxygen transportation to cardiac muscles. This is how heart attack eventually occurs. To control this, it is good to plan a diet which contains fruits and vegetables. Fruits are rich in vitamins and proteins which are good for our body. Vegetables contain unsaturated fats which are better than saturated fats and have a positive impact on our body. These fats are not harmful for our body and help in nourishing our brains along with regulating our metabolic system. They also play a role in keeping the LDL cholesterol level low and increasing HDL cholesterol in the body. Remember that HDL cholesterol is good for our body and LDL is harmful. In addition to this, research has been conducted to support the fact that Mediterranean diet is good for health and keeps cardiovascular diseases away. Before discussing the fifty good types of food that help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attack, we will first discuss different types of diets and their impact on our body. DASH Diet This diet is comprised of fish, vegetables, nuts and fruits. It contains very low amount of sweets, fats and red meat intake. It has been proved that DASH diet helps in lowering the blood pressure of a person and helps in reducing lipoprotein cholesterol level. A lot of people suffer from metabolic disorders which paves the way to heart attack as well. DASH diet helps in getting over this problem and regulates the metabolic rate of the body as well. High Fiber Diet Fiber is that content in food which helps in regulating the functioning of large intestine and enables smooth digestion process as well. It is due to fiber content in our food that we are able to remove unwanted things from our body. Hence, an improved muscle activity in the large intestine and a better digestive process helps in improving the blood circulation in the body. In the end, it keeps the cardiovascular diseases away and is good for the health of our heart. Mediterranean Diet It contains a large amount of fruits and vegetables, a slightly lower amount of fish and seafood, an even smaller intake of eggs and cheese and the lowest amount of meat and sweets. If it is drawn in the form of a diet pyramid, meat and sweets come on the top and the largest base is occupied by the fruits and vegetables. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Mediterranean diet is known for reducing the risk of heart attack and must be followed irrespective of your age group. A research was conducted in which 1.5 million adults participated and ate Mediterranean diet. The result of the research was that their exposure to heart attack was considerably reduced along with a reduction in chances of acquiring brain diseases. The fifty types of food items that are good for your body have been mentioned below. 1. Olive Oil It is one of the treasures of nature which is extracted from olives. It contains unsaturated fats which are good for our body. The composition of olive oil can be explained with the help of an example. Suppose you have one table spoon full of olive oil. It will contain 12 grams of unsaturated healthy fats and only 2 grams of saturated fats. In addition to this, it contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 which are types of fatty acids. These two types of fatty acids are good for the health of our heart and are known for its nourishment. Olive oil can be used in a number of ways and the best one is to pour it on salads as dressing and enjoy the rich flavor along with the benefits. It is also good for use in cooking and helps in providing a healthy dose of unsaturated fats to the body. 2. Salmon It is a cold water fish which is rich in unsaturated fats. It saves the heart from acquiring trouble of blockage and eventually a heart attack. Salmon does not contain saturated fats which result in clogging the sensitive arteries o the heart. Since arteries carry blood which is rich in oxygen and provide it to the heart muscle, it is very important to make sure that arteries are not blocked. The best way to do this is to decrease the intake of saturated fats and salmon helps in doing that. In addition to this, salmon provides plenty of proteins for the body which keeps you healthy. Furthermore, salmon contains very low mercury content which is usually high in fish and seafood. If it is cooked in oil olive which is also good for health, it can give a boost to your health. 3. Almonds Another healthy food for heart is almond which contains plenty of unsaturated fats which are good for heart. In addition to this, it contains fats composed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are good for body. Almonds are a store of vitamin E which keeps our hair and nails strong. Furthermore, they are delicious and can be eaten in a large amount in one sitting. 4. Avocados These contain small amount of saturated fats and are rich in unsaturated ones. Avocados are rich in flavor and are good for use in sandwiches. Making a paste of avocados can be used to replace mayonnaise and cheese which contain saturated fats and are harmful for heart. 5. Peanut Butter Peanut butter which contains hydrogenated material is always good for the body. Though it is not a natural ‘straight from the farm’ food product, it contains peanuts along with butter both of which are good for health. When purchasing peanut butter, make sure that the bottle does not mention ‘tans fats’ in the ingredients. It is a good breakfast for a healthy heart. 6. Oat Meal Oats are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which nourish the heart and keep it healthy. They also contain potassium which is a good mineral for the body as it helps in diffusion and transportation of particles from blood vessels to the cells. In addition to this, it is rich in fiber and folate with a low level of LDL cholesterol. It helps in cleaning the arteries and prevents blockage in them. 7. Yogurt It is rich in proteins and good carbohydrates which are important for the nourishment of our body. It helps in reducing the chances of acquiring gum disease. Gum disease is known for increasing the chances of a heart attack due to certain reasons. A research conducted in Japan showed that the people who consume dairy products in the form of yogurt develop very rare gum infections and have healthy bodies. 8. Watermelon It is a juicy and rich in flavor fruit which helps in satisfying the craving for sweetness and provides a low calorie diet as well. It is rich in fiber and antioxidants. According to a research conducted at the Legacy Heart center, it was found that watermelon is rich in lycopene which helps in keeping heart diseases away. It is also good for unblocking blood vessels and helps in enabling a smooth blood flow system. In addition to this, it contains vitamin A and C along with magnesium and potassium. 9. Tomatoes These are rich in vitamin C which is necessary to keep our heart healthy. It is juicy with a great flavor and can be eaten raw in the form of tomato salad. Vitamin C in tomato helps the heart muscles from damage and degeneration as it acts like an antioxidant. 10.Berries Berries are full of antioxidants which keep the heart healthy. These small flavorful and juicy fruits are a healthy snack for your body. These are rich in HDL cholesterol which is good for the body and have low content of LDL cholesterol which is not good for the heart. Berries help in reducing the blood pressure, are low in calories, contain no fats and are cancer fighting fruits. They also help in relaxing the blood vessels and enables smooth blood supply. 11. Collard Greens as the name suggests, it is a green leafy nutritional package which is low in calories but rich in vitamins. It contains vitamin A, C and K along with calcium which is good for bones. It also contains manganese and fiber, both of which are good for our body. It is important to note that collard greens provides those nutrients to the body which help in enabling the blood to clot when needed (in case of bleeding from a cut) and save the arteries from calcification. They also have anti-inflammatory content which prevents heart diseases. 12.Beans Beans are a rich source of proteins. They help in strengthening the heart and keep it healthy. Beans contain soluble fiber which is good for heart. The reason for this is that soluble fiber attaches to cholesterol and prevents its absorption in the gut. Hence, the cholesterol level of the body can be kept low with a daily intake of beans. 13.Walnuts These are not only a healthy snack but are also good for heart. Walnut contains omega 3 fatty acids along with antioxidants which gives a boost to the blood circulatory system. It strengthens the heart and keeps it healthy. It is good for dealing with hunger and saves a person from heart attack. 14.Quinoa It is a grain or a seed which is very beneficial for the body. It contains a number of healthy proteins and nutrients for the body. Additionally, it is good for heart’s health and keeps kidneys active. It can be used to replace red meat as the proteins provided by it are better for blood pressure and heart than those given by red meat. It contains monounsaturated fats and is free of gluten. It contains fiber as well. 15.Coconut oil It is free from cholesterol and is rich in heart healthy fats. It can be used in place of margarine and butter while cooking and has a good aroma which makes food delicious. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which increases its usefulness for the body. It helps in keeping diseases away. 16.Peas These are full of proteins and fiber. Their flavor is very good and they can be used in salads. In addition to this, peas are low in calories and a cup full of peas a day is good for heart. 17.Cantaloupe It is a kind of melon which can be found in market throughout the year. It is rich in proteins and vitamins, especially vitamin C. It helps in reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases and acts as an antioxidant. 18.Legumes These are rich in omega 3 and calcium which is good for bones. They contain ample amount of fiber as well which helps the body too. 19.Spinach It is said that green leafy vegetables are good for health. Spinach is one such vegetable which is rich in vitamins, fiber, iron and a number of minerals that are good for our body. Iron in spinach is good for oxygen transportation to the muscles of our body. Hence, it helps in providing oxygen to the cardiac muscles and keeps them strong. 20. Flaxseed These seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. Only a few of these seeds each day can keep your heart healthy. These seeds can be sprinkled on salad or any kind of food. 21.Soy Like all the above mentioned food items, soy are also low in cholesterol and

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