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Healthcare Risk Management 1995 Index Acquisitions and mergers information systems, management JUL:107 so now you own a physicians’ practice, information systems, AUG:125 Hartford Insurance Co. v. Methodist JAN:8 legal guide available for computer Hospital, APR:64 crime and risks, AUG:128 Kirk v. Mercy Hospital Tri-County, Alternative dispute resolution liability insurer unveils on-line claims APR:62 ADR: it’s not just for medical access, AUG:127 Martin by Scoptur v. Richards, OCT:148 malpractice, MAY:77 patient education software can cut Phillips v. Alamed Co., JUL:108 alternative dispute resolution: is it costs, AUG:124 quicker, cheaper than going to patient education software resources, Disaster preparedness court?, MAY:73 AUG:126 checklist for salvage/business restora- it may be legal to require patients to record security resources, SEP:136 tion coordinators, MAY:84 arbitrate, AUG:127 software audits health and safety fire recovery: it takes more than sources of dispute resolution services, regulations, AUG:127 insurance, MAY:8 MAY:75 technical safeguards for electronic hospital environs call for special fire records, SEP:134 measures, JUN:97 Ambulatory care curbing violence in the ambulatory care Confidentiality Downsizing setting, APR:60 are you safeguarding your patients’ see under “Work restructuring” records?, AUG:121 Cadavers bolster confidentiality policy with train- Drugs are you using cadavers for training, ing, AUG:121 see under “Substance abuse” without consent?, MAY:78 high-tech gadgets risk home care confi- elements to consider in a cadaver use dentiality, OCT:143 Emergency department policy, MAY:80 issues to cover in information security are your contract physicians adequately heart association issues cadaver policies, AUG:123 insured?, DEC:180 guidelines, MAY:79 make staff promise to keep their lips dealing with alleged rape: six lessons practicing invasive procedures on sealed, AUG:122 from the ED, NOV:162 cadavers for educational purposes here’s how it might have happened (policy), MAY:supplement Consent (Riverside fumes incident), JUN:91 informing patients of “remote lab findings suggest Riverside fumes Chemical risks possibility,” OCT:148 incident could recur elsewhere, here’s how it might have happened release of liability cannot be used as a JUN:89 (Riverside fumes incident), JUN:91 shield, JUL:109 preparing ED staff to handle rape lab findings suggest Riverside fumes victims, NOV:164 incident could recur elsewhere, Contracts teach staff warning signs, precautions JUN:89 are you a player in your hospital’s con- for DMSQO,, JUN:93 prepare for a chemical spill in your hos- tract negotiations?, AUG:117 pital labs, JUN:96 are you equipped to head off the risks Employment teach staff warning signs, precautions in a managed care contract? SEP:129 administrators, nurses lock horns over for DMSO,, JUN:93 are your contract physicians adequately UAPs, JUL:114 insured?, DEC:180 are you liable for crimes of former Children negotiating a contract? follow these 10 employees?, OCT:149 see under “Minor patients” tips, SEP:132 court applies ERISA to bar state law thirteen steps to take in any contract claims against HMO, OCT:147 Clinical guidelines negotiation, AUG:120 expect more labor disputes in market- reducing liability risks of clinical driven health care, NOV:supplement guidelines, SEP:138 Court cases (see also “Legal Review & hospital can fire aide who neglected Commentary”) patient, APR:62 Computerization Bowe v. Charleston Area Medical Center, identifying activities to delegate to unli- add human controls to protect APR:62 censed assistive personnel, JUL:112 electronic records, SEP:133 Cudnick v. William Beaumont Hospital, minimize your hospital’s risk when data experts provide guidelines on JUL:109 employing UAPs, JUL:111 access, SEP:135 Doe v. Sister of the Holy Cross, OCT:149 nurse who “interfered” with patient’s insurer sets risk criteria for patient Etheridge v. Charter Peachford Hospital, care can’t be fired, APR:61 Need back issues? Call our order department at (800) 688-2421; inside Georgia (404) 262-7436. Copyright © 1995 American Health Consultants® Managing Editor: Linda Morningstar. Employment Retirement Security Act MAY:86 Latex (ERISA) developing a home health care patient don’t let latex allergies catch you court applies ERISA to bar state law contract, MAY:85 unprepared, SEP:136 claims against HMO, OCT:147 high-tech gadgets risk home care confidentiality, OCT:143 Legal Review & Commentary supple- Fast food home health service not liable for ment (jurisdiction in parentheses) fast food on campus poses liability patient’s death, JUL:108 are you liable for crimes of former questions, FEB:34 home safety checklist, MAR:supplement employees? (ID), OCT:149 patient services satisfaction court applies ERISA to bar state law Fertility clinics questionnaire, FEB:31 claims against HMO (NY), OCT:147 is your fertility clinic safe from prevent lax infection control by home home health service not liable for scandal?, NOV:160 health workers, MAR:48 patient’s death (AL), JUL:108 QA in home health care: the risk hospital can fire aide who neglected Financing risk manager’s role, FEB:29 patient (WV), APR:62 See under “Risk financing” reduce workers’ comp risks in home hospital suitably detained minor patient health, MAR:47 (GA), JUL:107 Fire the pros and cons of back belt use, informing patients of ‘remote checklist for salvage/business restora- MAR:49 possibility’ (WI), OCT:148 tion coordinators, MAY:84 liability insurer may have to pay excess fire recovery: it takes more than Hospital laboratories judgment (FED), APR:63 insurance, MAY:8 see under “Chemical risks” nurse who ‘interfered’ with patient’s hospital environs call for special fire care can’t be fired (MO), APR:1 measures, JUN:97 Healthcare Risk Management newsletter practice parameters: wide acceptance reader survey, APR:Supplement brings liability risks, JAN:9 Fitness/wellness centers salary survey, JUN:Supplement prepare for automated audit of quality contending with liability in your fitness salary survey results, NOV:Supplement indicators, JAN:11 center, JAN:19 release of liability cannot be used as a RMs face dual challenge in fitness / Incident reporting shield (MI), JUL:109 wellness centers, JAN:18 incident reporting form for physician’s sample fitness assessment checklist, practice, FEB:27 . Malignant hyperthermia JAN:supplement incident severity classification policy, can you handle malignant hyperther- sample liability release form, JAN: DEC:169-170 mia in the OR?, JUN:94 supplement strengthen your incident-reporting emergency therapy for malignant sample medical clearance form, system with precise severity hyperthermia, JUN:supplement JAN:supplement classifications, DEC:167 Managed care Guest columns Infection control are you equipped to head off the Bartlett, E, curbing violence in the big-picture perspective eases ‘killer risks in a managed care contract? ambulatory care setting, APR:60 bug’ worries, JAN:15 SEP:129 Bartlett, E, reducing liability risks of preparing for antibiotic resistance court applies ERISA to bar state law clinical guidelines, SEP:138 (checklist), JAN:17 ciaims against HMO, OCT:147 Barton, G, how to create a sound sexual prevent lax infection control by home seven tips for treading the fine line harassment policy, MAR:41 health workers, MAR:48 when an MCO wants sensitive data, Barton, G, what to do when staff values OCT:141 and treatment needs conflict, DEC:171 Insurance Gallagher, L, a guide to financing risks are your contract physicians adequately Medical records properly, FEB:32 insured?, DEC:180 add human controls to protect McClure, J (co-author), dealing with insurance information checklist, MAY:83 electronic records, SEP:133 alleged rape: six lessons from the ED, insurer sets risk criteria for patient are you safeguarding your patients’ NOV:162 information systems, management records?, AUG:121 Meyer, J (co-author), dealing with information systems, AUG:125 data experts provide guidelines on alleged rape: six lessons from the liability insurer may have to pay excess access, SEP:135 ED, NOV:162 judgment, APR:63 record security resources, SEP:136 Price, R, consider self-insured workers’ liability insurer unveils on-line claims seven tips for treading the fine line compensation, OCT:153 access, AUG:127 when an MCO wants sensitive data, Tonks, K, a policy on policies: how to OCT:141 simplify a necessary evil, APR:69 Laparoscopy technical safeguards for electronic see under “Surgery” records, SEP:134 Home health care deciding when workers are on “a frolic Lasers Minor patients of their own,” MAR:50 consent for laparoscopic laser hospital suitably detained minor defining the home health care contract, cholecystetomy, NOV:supplement patient, JUL:107 Index HEALTHCARE RISK MANAGEMENT / December 1995 Munchausen’s by proxy minimize your hospital’s risk when harassment, MAR:44 can you help identify Munchausen’s by employing UAPs, JUL:111 home safety for home care workers proxy?, OCT:145 (checklist), MAR:supplement MBP may be greater problem than Physician practices how risk managers deal with sexual believed, OCT:152 check your records before dunning harassment, MAR:45 woman with MBP not a hypochondriac, patients, APR:66 identifying activities to delegate to OCT:151 give office staff risk management know- unlicensed assistive personnel how, APR:65 (checklist), JUL:112 News media in doctors’ offices, control QA from the identifying potential employee sub- be factual, forthright in a media crisis, start, FEB:25 stance abuse (checklist), JAN: JUL:103 incident reporting form, FEB:27 supplement cleaning up after the media crisis questions for self-assessment, APR:67 incident reporting in physician’s prac- passes, JUL:104 sharpen the communication skills of tice (form), FEB:27 dealing with the news media day to your physician office staff, FEB:21 incident severity classification policy, day, JUL:105 so now you own a physicians’ practice, DEC:169-170 treatment errors that make headlines: is JAN:8 insurance information (checklist), your hospital ready to respond?, what to cover in office brochures, MAY:83 JUL:101 FEB:24 issues to cover in information security policies (checklist), AUG:123 Nurses Policy-setting key elements to include in a sexual administrators, nurses lock horns over a policy on policies: how to simplify a harassment policy (checklist), UAPs, JUL:114 necessary evil, APR:69 MAR:43 nurse who ‘interfered’ with patient's policy for revising a policy (flow chart), liability release for fitness center (form), care can’t be fired, APR:1 APR:supplement JAN:supplement nursing standards and restrictions process for establishing a new policy medical clearance for fitness center make news, NOV:supplement (flow chart), APR:supplement (form), JAN:supplement sample policies template, APR: patient services satisfaction in Obstetrics and gynecology supplement home health care (questionnaire), have you safeguarded your maternity types of policies, APR:70 FEB:31 unit?, APR:57 policy for revising a policy (flow chart), Practice guidelines, parameters, protocols APR:supplement Operating room see under “Clinical guidelines” practicing invasive procedures on see under “Surgery” cadavers for educational purposes Rape (policy), MAY:supplement Patient dumping dealing with alleged rape: six lessons preparing for antibiotic resistance dealing with alleged rape: six lessons from the ED, NOV:162 (checklist), JAN:17 from the ED, NOV:162 preparing ED staff to handle rape process for establishing a new policy victims, NOV:164 (flow chart), APR:supplement Patient education salvage/business restoration (checklist), patient education software can cut Risk financing MAY:84 costs, AUG:124 a guide to financing risks properly, self-assessment of physician’s practice patient education software resources, FEB:32 risk management (checklist), AUG:126 alternative risk financing tops risk APR:67 managers’ concerns, OCT: sexual harassment in the workplace Patient satisfaction supplement (policy), MAR:supplement be aware of changing patient staff rights policy, DEC:175 expectations, NOV:159 Sample forms, policies, procedures standard policy format (template), patient rep can help ease family’s consent for laparoscopic laser cholecys- APR:supplement concerns, NOV:160 tetomy (form), NOV:supplement work with your patient reps to keep drug diversion warning signs (checklist), Security disgruntled patients few, far JAN:6 see under “Violence” between, NOV:157 emergency therapy for malignant hyperthermia (poster), JUN: Self-Insurance Pediatric care supplement consider self-insured workers’ see under “Minor patients” fitness assessment (checklist), JAN: compensation, OCT:153 supplement why self-insure your workers’ Physician extenders handling a sexual harassment com- compensation?, OCT:155 administrators, nurses lock horns over plaint (role-play exercise), MAR: UAPs, JUL:114 supplement Sexuality issues identifying activities to delegate to handling potential substance abuse assess your institution’s harassment unlicensed assistive personnel, (policy), JAN:7 practices, MAR:42 JUL:112 help your employees recognize how to create a sound sexual harassment December 1995 / HEALTHCARE RISK MANAGEMENT™ Index policy, MAR:41 Surgery Violence key elements to include in a sexual assess five points in laparoscopy California to require hospital security harassment policy, MAR:43 review, NOV:supplement plans, APR:56 role-play exercise on handling a sexual can you handle malignant hyperther- could it be a mail bomb?, MAR:40 harassment complaint, MAR: mia in the OR?, JUN:94 could violence happen in your hospital? supplement consent for laparoscopic laser know your vulnerabilities, MAR:37 sample policy on sexual harassment in cholecystetomy, NOV:supplement curbing violence in the ambulatory care the workplace, MAR:supplement defining who qualifies to perform setting, APR:60 sexual assaults in the recovery room: laparoscopy, NOV:supplement have you safeguarded your maternity how to minimize risk, control emergency therapy for malignant unit?, APR:57 damage, JAN:1 hyperthermia, JUN:supplement keeping violence out of the hospital: 10 laparoscopy popular, but it has pitfalls, top security measures, APR:53 Staff rights NOV:165 sexual assaults in the recovery room: don’t overlook these staff rights how to minimize risk, control mechanisms, DEC:173 Technology damage, JAN:1 make sure your staff rights mechanisms high-tech gadgets risk home care should your guards be armed, in are working, DEC:174 confidentiality, OCT:143 uniform?, APR:55 sample staff rights policy, DEC:175 see also under “Computerization” signs of potentially violent people, what to do when staff values and treat- MAR:38 ment needs conflict, DEC:171 Training where should you restrict entry?, are you using cadavers for training, MAR:39 Substance abuse without consent?, MAY:78 drug diversion warning sign checklist, bolster confidentiality policy with Work restructuring JAN:6 training, AUG:121 administrators, nurses lock horns over drug screening controversial, but give office staff risk management UAPs, JUL:114 may provide vital information, know-how, APR:65 expect more labor disputes in market- DEC:176 practicing invasive procedures on driven health care, NOV:supplement drug testing: where health care organi- cadavers for educational purposes identifying activities to delegate to zations stand, DEC:178-179 (policy), MAY:supplement unlicensed assistive personnel, employee drug theft: recognizing the preparing ED staff to handle rape JUL:112 behavior, JAN:6 victims, NOV:164 minimize your hospital’s risk when know the warning signs of employee sharpen the communication skills of employing UAPs, JUL:111 substance abuse, JAN:4 your physician office staff, FEB:21 policy for handling potential substance teach staff warning signs, precautions Workers’ compensation abuse, JAN:7 for DMSO,, JUN:93 consider self-insured workers’ supervisor’s checklist for identifying compensation, OCT:153 potential employee substance abuse, Treatment errors reduce workers’ comp risks in home JAN:supplement treatment errors that make headlines: is health, MAR:47 take these steps to assure an untainted your hospital ready to respond?, why self-insure your workers’ urine specimen, DEC:177 JUL:101 compensation?, OCT:155 HEALTHCARE RISK MANAGEMENT” / December 1995 be Ries ue ae

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