li!'!:!DE~IIo.I;;;Wi; CITY EMPLOYEES rnE~I"ii~4~~ HEALTH AND WELFARE TRUST ADMINISTRATION OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 621 Santa Fe TELEPHONE (559) 499·2450 P.O. BOX 45018 Fresno, CA 93721 FAX (559) 499·2460 FRESNO, CA 93718·5018 Fresno City Employees Health & Welfare Trust Agenda for the Regular Board Meeting January 10, 2018 General Meeting 8:00 AM Location: HealthComp 621 Santa Fe, Fresno CA 93721* Employer Trllstees-City of Fresno Employee Trustees Wilma Quan-Schecter Shane Archer, Chairperson FFA Michael lima, Trustee, Vice Chairperson Jacky Parks, Trustee FPOA . Jeffrey Cardell, Trustee Apolonio Munoz, Trustee ATU William Dearsan, Trustee IBEW Martin Hinojosa, Trustee FCEA Administrator Robert Mesel, Trustee CFPEA Thomas J. Georgouses, Esq. Vice President Shelley Morrison, Trustee CFMEA Mike Alforque, Trustee FFA Marina Magdaleno, Trustee Local39 Jo Billings, Trustee FPOA Vacant FAPSS Legal Counsel Consultants Michael E. Moss, Esq . ·Jim Rhein . . Rael & Letson Roll Call 8:00 A.M. 1) Approval of Agenda** Approve Agenda for January 10, 2018 c? Action as required 2) Executive Session 3) Public Discussion*** 4) Consent Calendar All Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine and will be treated as one agenda item. The Consent Calendar will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Board of Trustee Member, in which event the Item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered as time allows. a) Approval of the Minutes of November 8, 2017 b) Correspondence i) The University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter c) HealthComp Administrators i) Claim and Benefits Reports ii) Specific Stop-Loss Report iii) Turnaround Time Report d) Blue Shield of California Fresno City Employees September 13, 2017 Health & Welfare Trust Regular Board Meeting Agenda 2 i) Ratification of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson's execution of Blue Shield of California Amendment to Shared Advantage Agreement e) Psy-Care December 2017 Utilization Reports f) United HealthCare g) Opium i) Executive Summary h) Delta Dental December 2016-November 2017 Self-Funded Report Package i) PhysMetrics j) MES Vision k) Teledoc November 2017 Utilization Report I) Ratification of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson's action to approve urgent request for Prescription Benefit Clarification 5) General Calendar a) Opium i) Review, Analysis and Approval of Opioid Ut11ization Management Options q Action as required ii) Review, Analysis and Approval of Premium Formulary Options q Action as required iii) Review, Analysis and Approval of Vigilant Drug List Option q Action as required iv) Review, Analysis and Approval of Well ness Program q Action as required b) Dependent Eligibility Audit i) Review, Analysis and Approval of Dependent Eligibility Audit q Action as required c) Presentation of Consultant's Report i) Financial Projections for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year Review of the Financial Projections for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year ii) Cost Analysis Report for Requested Benefit Changes for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year Review of the Cost Analysis Report, Consider and Approve the Requested Benefit Changes for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year q Action as required iii) Contribution Rates for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year Fresno City Employees September 13, 2017 Health & Welfare Trust Regular Board Meeting Agenda 3 Consider and Approve Contribution Rates for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year 9 Action as required iv) Submission of Request for Plan Document Changes for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year Consider Plan Document Changes for the 2018-2019 Fiscal year 9 Action as required v) Submission of Benefit Reduction Percentage for Non-Contributing Participants for 2018- 2019 Fiscal Year Consider and Approve Benefit Reduction Percentage for Non-Contributing Participants for the 2018-2019 Fiscal year 9 Action as required vi) Vendor Rate Submissions (a) Review, Analysis and Approval of United Healthcare Rate Increase 9 Action as required (b)Review, Analysis and Approval of Delta Dental of California Rate Increase 9 Action as required 6) Review & Approval of Appeal Interpretations, Report from Appeals Committee 7) Attorney's Report a) Affordable Care Act Update on the Affordable Care Act 8) Board Meeting Schedule ¢Action as required 9) Future Agenda Items 1 0) Adjournment c:> Action as required *The meeting room is accessible to the physically disabled. If you require a disability related modification or accommodation to participate in the meeting, notify HealthComp Administrators at (559) 499-2450. **All writings, including Agendas, distributed prior to or during any Regular or Special Meeting are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the offices of HealthComp Administrators located at 621 Santa Fe, Fresno CA. *"Provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board of Trustees on items of interest to the public within the Board of Trustees jurisdiction and which are not already on the Agenda. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees not to answer questions impromptu but refer such matters to the Administration Office for placement on the next Agenda. Speakers should limit their comments to no more than three (3) minutes. No more than ten (1 0) minutes per issue will be allowed. For items which are on the Agenda for this meeting, members of the public will be provided an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees before a vote is taken on each item. NOTICE APPEALS COMMITTEE Next Meeting: Monday, February 5, 2018 at 4:00p.m. Committee Members to Attend: Jeffrey Cardell, Shane Archer, Shelley Morrison ~0~~11.111~1110 CITY EMPLOYEES lrlnE~Ii'li~4~~ HEAI:I'H AND WELFARE TRUST ADMINlSTRAT!ON OFFICE 0 Health Cornp Third Palty Administration MAILING ADDRESS 621 Santa Fe Street TELEPHONE (559) 499-2450 r.o. nox 45018 Fresno, CA 93721 FAX (559) 499-2464 FRESNO, CA 93718-5018 FRESNO CITY EMPLOYEES HEALTH & WELFARE TRUST MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING November 8, 2017 CALL TO ORDER: The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Fresno City Employees Health & Welfare Trust was called to order by Chairperson Shane Archer at 8:00 A.M., Wednesday, November 8, 2017 in the Conference Room at 621 Santa Fe Street. A quorum was present including the following: EMPLOYEE TRUSTEES PRESENT: Mike Alforque Shane Archer William Dearsan Marina Magdaleno Shelley Morrison Jacky Parks Apolonio Munoz Robert Mesel EMPLOYEE TRUSTEES ABSENT: Martin Hinojosa EMPLOYER TRUSTEES PRESENT: William Quan-Schecter Michael Lima Jeffrey Cardell EMPLOYER TRUSTEES ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: HealthComp MES Vision Blue Shield of CA Psy-Care Tom Georgouses Mike Schell Linda Patron Margot Castillo Rael & Letson PUD/UHC Optum (Catamaran) Delta Dental Jim Rhein Jacqueline Cienfuegos Robert Kahl Carlos Guzman Moss Law Firm FORCE ChiroMetrics/PhysMetrics Benefit Analyst, COF Mike Moss Heather Simpson Dayvonna Youngblood Item 1 Approval of Agenda - A Motion was made by Trustee Jeffrey Cardell and Seconded by Trustee Jacky Parks to approve the Agenda. The Motion was unanimously approved. Item 2 Executive Session - None Item 3 Public Discussion - None Item 4 Consent Calendar - Chairperson Shane Archer requested the Annual Year-in-Review Report be pulled and Vice Chairperson Michael Lima requested Item c)ii be pulled from the Consent Calendar. A Motion was made by Trustee Jeffrey Cardell and Seconded by Trustee Jo Billings to approve the Consent Calendar as noted. The Motion was unanimously approved. Item 5 General Calendar c) Annual Year-in-Review (Consent Calendar) Mr. Tom Georgouses presented the Board of Trustees with the Annual Year-in-Review Report. c) HealthComp Administrators (Consent Calendar) ii) Vice-Chairperson Michael Lima asked for clarification of the amount reimbursed by Stop-Loss. Mr. Tom Georgouses provided an explanation. a) Member Request for Lower Cost Plan Option for Retirees i) The Board of Trustees discussed at length a Member's request for a lower cost option for retirees and decided not to take any action at this time. HealthComp was directed to send correspondence to the Member with the decision. b) Online Open Enrollment and Maintenance i) The Board of Trustees discussed the option for online open enrollment.. The Board of Trustees decided not to change the open enrollment procedure at this time. The Board of Trustees decided to include a survey with the open enrollment packet asking Members if they would prefer an electronic open enrollment packet, if available. c) Report from Annual Employee Benefit Conference Trustee Marina Magdaleno reported on the Annual Employee Benefit Conference. Trustee Wilma Quan-Schecter reported on the Annual Employee Benefit Conference and suggested the possibility of performing dependent eligibility audits more frequently; making available mobile mammogram units; and II making available onsite blood work. Trustee Jacky Parks suggested that all new Board of Trustee members attend the conference and the preconference. d) Presentation of Consultants Report i) Fiduciary Liability Insurance Renewal - Mr. Jim Rhein presented the renewal for Fiduciary Liability Insurance Policy and explained the renewal premium is $5,203.00, which is a 5% increase. After much discussion, a Motion was made by Trustee Jacky Parks and seconded by Trustee Jeffrey Cardell. to approve the renewal. The Motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Mike Moss reminded the Trustees they must individually pay the $25.00 for the non-recourse endorsement. ii) Submission of Vendor Rates Increase Request for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year- Mr. Jim Rhein explained he will begin the projection for rates for the next plan year and requested that all vendors submit any vendor rate increases for the 2017- 2018 Plan Year by December 31,2017. iii) Submission of Proposed Benefit Changes for the 2017- 2018 fiscal year- Mr. Jim Rhein requested that any suggestions for benefit changes for the 2017-2018 Plan Year be submitted by December 31, 2017. iv) Pharmacy Consultant Report - Mr. Jim Rhein explained the Virtuous Group started the pharmacy audit and are waiting for the list of specialty drugs from OptumRx as they were not included with the initial documents that were received. Mr. Rhein stated the initial analysis from the Virtuous Group does reflect any shortfalls. Mr. Rhein stated he will provide a further report upon receipt of information. Item 6 Review & approval of Appeal Interpretations, Report from Appeals Committee - Mr. Mike Moss reported that the Appeals Committee met on October 2, 2017 to review Appeal 16-03 and Appeal 17-01. Mr. Moss stated there was a unanimous recommendation by the Appeals Committee to deny Appeal 16-03 and approve Appeal 17-01. A Motion was made by Trustee Marina Magdaleno and Seconded by Trustee Jeffrey Cardell to approve the recommendations. The Motion was approved with Trustee Robert Mesel in abstaining. Item 7 Attorney's Report - Mr. Mike Moss provided an update on Affordable Care Act and related healthcare issues. Ill Item 8 Board Meeting Schedule -The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on January 10, 2018. Item 9 Future Agenda Items - a) Mr. Mike Moss explained to the Board of Trustees the request from the Appeals Committee to review a potential exception to the $250 capay for outpatient procedures. Mr. Mike Moss explained there appeared to be specific procedures/codes where the medical community unanimously or nearly unanimously is scheduling and requiring procedures to be conducted in hospitals rather than outpatient surgery facilities. Item 10 Adjournment - A Motion was made by Trustee Jacky Parks and seconded by Trustee Jeffrey Cardell to adjourn the Board of Trustees Meeting at 9:36 A.M. The Motion was unanimously approved. Shane Archer, Chairperson Date Fresno City Employees Health & Welfare Trust Tom Georgouses, Administrator Date HealthComp News and expert advice from the School of Pu Emotional support animals When Fldo or Fluffy goes (just about) everywhere with you m The death rate from strokes In the U.S. sharply declined over the past half century, hether it's a passenger fearful of or psychological but It has now leveled off, according to a recent report from the CDC. Deaths dropped from 316 flying, someone coping poorly issues, which may per 100,000 adults (over age 35) In 1968 to 120 with a past traumatic situation, include depression, In 2000 and just 70 In 2013, then up slightly to or a student who gets nervous before tak anxiety, social pho 731n 2015. The long-term decline Is attributed ing tests, an increasing number of people bias, or panic at to Improvements In risk factors such as hyper· are leaning on animals to provide comfort. .· tacks, for example. tension and high cholesterol, along with better While such "emotional support ani In contrast, under medical treatment when strokes do occur. mals" (ESAs) serve a genuine purpose for the Americans Nevertheless, nearly 800,000 Americans still many people, they have stirred much con with Disabilities have a stroke each year and 140,000 of them die from it. The recent uptick In stroke deaths troversy in recent years, notably on airplanes, Act (ADA), a has occurred particularly In Southern states such as when a woman on a cross-country "service ani and among Hispanics, possibly due to poorer flight was not at all happy when she had to mal" typically refers to a dog that has been control of some risk factors, notably obesity. sit next to a very large Dalmatian, which trained to do specific tasks for people with was on the owner's lap. On another plane, physical, psychiatric, or intellectual dis Ki Older people with a healthy lifestyle tend not only to live longer but also to have fewer a man was bitten on the face by a U.S. abilities to help them in their day-to-day years of disability near the end of life, accord· Marine's emotional support dog. Then activities-such as a guide dog for the lng to a new study In the Journal of the American there was the time, in 2014, when Ivana blind or a dog that signals when its owner Geriatrics Society. Researchers followed 5,248 Trump (the president's first ex-wife) is about to have a seizure. 11Thcrapy ani people ages 65 and older for 25 years and found brought her miniature Yorkie into a high mals" provide support for people affected that women averaged 4.5 years of disability, men end restaurant in New York City, showing by illness, disaste1; or other stressors, such 2.9years. Disability was defined as difficulty with a therapy animal card-but drawing com as in hospitals, nursing homes, and activities such as dressing and walking. Lifestyle plaints from other patrons. schools. Neither ESAs nor therapy ani factors that added disability-free years Included Numerous websites will sell you every mals are covered by ADA. maintaining a healthy weight, having a high· quality diet, staying physically active, and staying thing from a service vest for the animal and socially conn!;!cted. On average, a healthy life~ a certification card to a note from a licensed What animals can qualify as ESAs? style was found to add 5 to 6 disability-free years. psychologist to claim your animal as an ESA. Though ESAs are typically dogs or cats, m Popular alternate-day near-fasting regi Is all this legit-or just a pretense to be able they tan be any domestic animal, including mens, also called calorie-shifting diets, do to travel, est out, shop, and sightsee with your not only rabbits, mice, ferrets, and guinea not produce more weight loss than standard pet, or live in housing that doesn't ru.Iow ani pigs, but also snakes, ducks, and potbellied calorie-restricted diets, suggests a study In mals? Mter all, ESAs come with perks pigs. The only stipulations are that the ani lAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers divided 100 beyond the comfort they provide, including mal can't be a health or safety threat to obese adults Into three groups: alternate-day that they get to fly in an airline cabin free other people, and the owner must be able near-fasting (25 percent of calorie needs on of charge (as opposed to flying as checked to keep it under control in public so it "fast" days; 125 percent of calorie needs on alter baggage or cargo, for a fee). Here's the low doesn't become a nuisance. Also, the ani nating ureast'' days); daily calorie restriction (75 down on this growing animal movement. mal can't be one that's illegal to own, such percent of calorie needs every day}; or no Inter vention. After six months, weight loss in both as certain exotic or any wild animals. diet groups was the same (about 7 percent of What is an emotional support animal? body weight). The same was true alter another How is it different from a service or What kind of training does an six months on more-relaxed weight mainte therapy animal? ESA require? nance diets. There were also no significant dif Also called companion animals, ESAs Unlike service dogs, ESAs don't require any ferences in blood cholesterol, blood pressure, provide comfort to people with emotional special training to do their job: The idea is or blood sugar between the two diet groups. continued on next " Cervical cancer screening • Biodynamic farming • Prostate herbs A publication of the UC Berkeley " Hand exercise "Tongue facts • Sleep apnea • Naturopaths • Moisturizers School of Pub!lc Health continued from previous page that the mere presence of the animal helps someone with an disability live Besides being good companions and adding animals provide. Several studies have also independently and adapt to stressnu situa joy to many people's lives, pets can provide shown that dogs can have a calming effect tions. In. fact, a current pet-even 15-year both physical and mental health benefits. on people with dementia. And pet owner old FluffY-can be designated an ESA as In 2013, the American Heart Association ship can add structure to your life. long as a licensed mental health professional released a Scientific Statement reporting on Most studies have Involved dogs and affirms that it provides therapeutic benefit. studies that linked pet ownership to lower cats, but health benefits have also been blood pressure, heart rate, and blood choles associated with fish, chimps, goats, and How do you get an ESA? terol. It confirmed that dog owners also get snakes. It ·may not even have to be a real pet: Requirements for obtaining an ESA are more physical activity and are less likely to At least one study found cardiovascular ben be overweight or smoke. And people who efits from "virtualupets seen on videos. fairly loosey-goosey. There are no national have cardiovascular disease who own a pet On the other hand, not all research sup standards, and no registration or certifica tend to live longer than those who don't. ports the "pet effect:' In 2017, a review of 18 tion for the animal is·needed. Basically, you The notion that pets can enhance emo studies concluded that dog-assisted therapy just have to be diagnosed with a psycho tional and psychological well-being andre In health care settings had minor to moder logical condition·.that would benefit from lieve stress Is also supported by some ate effects for psychiatric conditions and having the animal. Airlines and property science. For example, a study a few years cognitive disorders, but the majority of the managers mOSt likely will require a letter ago found that pet owners had higher self resuits"showed no significant effect." And for from a licensed mental health professional or esteem and were less likely to be lonely. some people, the demands of having a Some of the heart benefits seen in pet own pet-financial, physical, and otherwise medical doctor who can provide a diagnosis. ers may be due to the social support the may outweigh many of the benefits. It must be on letterhead and declare, among other things, the particular psychological condition you have and that the animal is ing it a criminal offense (with large fmes) Does an ESA need to be identified in important for your psychological well-being. to claim a pet is a service animal when it's any way to the public? not-which would apply to ESAs on air No. There is no regulation or law requiring Can you have more than one ESA? lines since, a bit confusingly, the Air Carrier any sort of vest, banner, patch, harness, or Yes. But again, a mental health professional Access Act (ACAA), which protects the other accessory on ESA.s. But such identi would have to determine if that would be rights of persons 'vith disabilities on com fication makes it clear to other people that beneficial. And the documentation pro mercial airlines, considers ESAs as service the animal isn't simply a pet, especially vided would have to note what each animal animals. The ACAA applies, with some when boarding a plane. is contributing to the easing of symptoms. caveats, to both domestic airlines and for eign airlines flying to or from the U.S. BOTTOM UNE: Many people can benefit Is ita scam? from the companionship of an emotional The ease with which an "official prescrip Can you take an ESA everywhere? support animal, reducing or even eliminat tion letter" can be obtained is of concern, To many-but not all-places. If an apart ing the need to take medication, such as for since many websites simply provide one ment building, condo, or other public or anxiety or depression. But what constitutes after you answer questions online and have privately owned dwelling doesn't allow pets, an actual need is debatable, and undoubt a phone consultation with some type of this policy must, with some exceptions, be edly there is plenty of fraud, ,vith an untold registered therapist, for a fee ranging from waived for emotionally disabled people number of well-adjusted, psychologically about $80 to $150 (more if you need it with ESAs under the Fair Housing Act healthy people taking advantage of this right away, such as ify ou are flying the next (similar to how people in wheelchairs must practice to circumvent no-pet policies, day-or less if registration happens to be be accommodated for their physical dis Many people have a fear off lying or experi ''on sale"). One website advertises the pro- abilities). Many colleges and universities now ence some degree ofs ocial anxieg~ for exam cess as be'm"g e asy as 1-2- 3an" ,d as 'IS typ- allow ESAs on campus and in campus hous ple, but is that enough to justifY having an ical, has you register your animal and pay ing. And, as noted above, commercial airlines ESA, which may cause distress for others the fee before you are even given a diagno must accommodate passengers flying with around them, including those who are afraid sis questionnaire and phone interview; with ESAs. But restaurants, stores, taxis, buses, of or allergic to animals? This debate will the money refunded if your diagnosis beaches, and libraries, for example, are not continue until more ESA regulations are put doesn't qualifY ESA-though we required to allow them, as they must service in place to protect the rights of people with doubt that happens often. Another website dogs. In other places, such as public schools, psychological disabilities without treading descrlbes its process as "hassle free." Online ESAs are rarely permitted. Regarding air on the rights of people around them. companies make more money by asking if travel, it's best to contact the airline to verifjr Ify ou think you have a legitimate need you want to upgrade your checkout cart what documentation is required and whether for an ESA, we recommend seeing a men with printed certificates and vests, patches, there are any restrictions (such as size) on the tal health professional who can evaluate you or other apparel for the animal. animal you can bring on board. Some airlines and help you find ways to cope with psy To help combat fraud, several states, are favoring a ban on ESAs-or at least chological issues-including possibly pre including Colorado, have passed bills mak- restricting the types of animals allowed. scribing a companion animal. 2 January 2078 University of California, BerkeleyWellness Letter Can women skip the Pap test? positive results, leading to unnecessary fol low-up procedures (colposcopy). Co-testing leads to even more false-positive results. In September, the influential U.S. Pre and harms." In a few developed countries The USPSTF and other expert groups ventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) as well as in parts of the developing world, still agree that women should start Pap released updated draft guidelines about HPV testing has already become the pri testing at age 21, then repeat it every three screening for cervical amcer. In the period of mary way of screening for cervical cancer. years until age 30. HPV testing is not rec public comments that followed, it undoubt The USPSTF previously advised a Pap ommended for women in their twenties edly got an earful from other health orga test every three years or co-testing every five because they are more likely to have tran nizations, as well as some women's groups, years with both HPV and Pap (using cervi sient HPV infection, leading to very high who either question the proposed changes cal cells collected at the same time), but not rates off alse-positive results. or outright oppose them. That's because the the HPV test alone. The new draft guide All of the screening recommendations changes suggest that women can safely opt lines state that ''co-testing does not offer apply only to average-risk women. Women to skip the Pap test-one of the most eflec any benefit in terms of cancer reduction or who have had a high-grade precancerous tive cancer screening tools ever devised and a life-years gained" over HPV testing alone. cervical lesion removed or who are otherwise staple ofw omen's health checkups for gener at high risk need more frequent evaluation. ations-and get an HPV test instead. Both Not the last word And women over 65 who have been tests analyze a sample of cells collected Other expert groups-including the Amer adequately screened and had no abnormal from the surface of the cervix, but while ican Cancer Society, American College of results can stop getting tested, as can wo the Pap test looks for precancerous lesions, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and men who have had a total hysterectomy the HPV test detects "high-risk" types of American Society for Colposcopy and Cer (provided they never had cervical cancer). the human papillomavirus that cause cervi vical Pathology-agreed with the previous BOTTOM LINE: As we go to press, the cal cancer (as well as some other cancers). USPSTF guidelines and are sticking with USPSTF's recommendations are only a The draft recommendations, based on them. That is, they are not including HPV draft. It may still decide to include co-testing a review of the latest research, say that testing as a stand-alone option, at least so far. as an option. Meanwhile, the debate about average-risk women ages 30 to 65 can be Women should talk with their doctors the best way to screen for cervical cancer screened for cervical cancer via either a Pap about which screening strategy is best for shouldn't put women off getting tested. test every three years or an HPV test every them-all have advantages and disadvan Whether you do Pap or HPV testing or five years. The USPSTF concluded that tages. For instance, it's estimated that HPV both, the key is to get screened regularly, both Pap alone and HPV testing alone testing prevents slighdy more cases ofc ancer period. Screening for cervical cancer is a "offer a reasonable balance between benefits than the Pap test, but it produces more false- proven lifesaver. Turning a new page Medicine. Having spent a good deal of time these past few months with my colleagues reviewing and updating the wide range of Health Since 1984, faculty members of the School After 50 publications, l am Impressed by their quality. Under our new of Public Health at UC Berkeley have pro stewardship, doctors and researchers from the University of California, duced the Wei/ness Letter in association with especially UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco, wlll Increasingly come a NeW York publisher (currently Remedy on board to help write and edit these publications, joining the current Health Media). I joined the Editorial Board in eminent roster of experts. John Swartzberg, M.D. Chair, Edltotiaf Board 1999. Over the past 33 years, the school has You may wonder, what's the difference between the Wei/ness Let earned several million dollars in royalties, ter and Health After 50? As a subscriber, you know that the Wei/ness which have been used primarily for scholarships, thus helping hundreds Letter focuses on self-care, prevention, and healthy lifestyle-with the of students earn advanced degrees and assume positions in public goal to keep you from needing medical care as much as possible.ln a health around the world. This money has been crucial for us, especially way, it takes you up to the doctor's door. Health After 50 publications during the last decade of deep statewide. budgetary cutbacks. take over after that, providing the latest evidence-based research and Earlier this year, to help grow the business and counter the declin expert advice so you can work better with your health care providers Ing revenues seen in much of the print publishing world, the Univ:er to make the best possible medical decisions. sity became the full owner of the Wei/ness Letter, along with our five The new titles include the Health After 50 newsletter, plus 12 annual annual Wei/ness Reports (Eating for Optimal Health, Dietary Supple reports on heart health, hypertension/stroke, prostate disorders, back ments, Controlling Your Cholesterol, Women's Health, and Men's Health). pain and osteoporosis, arthritis, memory, lung disorders, diabetes, Remedy Health Media continues to partner with us to produce and depression, vision, nutrition and weight control, and digestive dis~ market the publications for the university. orders. In addition, there are special reports on topics such as atrial But the big news Is that, as part of this arrangement, we have now fibrillation, prostate cancer, COPD, and Alzheimer's disease. greatly increased our UC Berkeley-branded offerings by taking on the Our new brand Is called UC Berkeley Health &Wellness Publications. Health After 50 lineup of publications. For 20-plus years these highly To see our full lineup, go to regarded rep_orts and newsletter were produced for Johns Hopkins bookstore. The 2018 editions of our annual reports are now available. University of California, BerkeleyWellness Letter January 2018 3