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Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine Health and Citizenship Edited by Frank Huisman and Harry Oosterhuis Number 18 HEALTH AND CITIZENSHIP: POLITICAL CULTURES OF HEALTH IN MODERN EUROPE Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine Series Editors: David Cantor Keir Waddington Titles in this Series 1 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century David Cantor, Christian Bonah and Matthias Dörries (eds) 2 Locating Health: Historical and Anthropological Investigations of Place and Health Erika Dyck and Christopher Fletcher (eds) 3 Medicine in the Remote and Rural North, 1800–2000 J. T. H. Connor and Stephan Curtis (eds) 4 A Modern History of the Stomach: Gastric Illness, Medicine and British Society, 1800–1950 Ian Miller 5 War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793–1830 Catherine Kelly 6 Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: Th e Reality of a Fashionable Disorder Heather R. Beatty 7 Desperate Housewives, Neuroses and the Domestic Environment, 1945–1970 Ali Haggett 8 Disabled Children: Contested Caring, 1850–1979 Anne Borsay and Pamela Dale (eds) 9 Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945 Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas (eds) 10 A Medical History of Skin: Scratching the Surface Jonathan Reinarz and Kevin Siena (eds) 11 Th e Care of Older People: England and Japan, A Comparative Study Mayumi Hayashi 12 Child Guidance in Britain, 1918–1955: Th e Dangerous Age of Childhood John Stewart 13 Modern German Midwifery, 1885–1960 Lynne Fallwell 14 Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880–1990 Janet Greenlees and Linda Bryder (eds) 15 Human Heredity in the Twentieth Century Bernd Gausemeier, Staff an Müller-Wille and Edmund Ramsden (eds) 16 Biologics, A History of Agents Made From Living Organisms in the Twentieth Century Alexander von Schwerin, Heiko Stoff and Bettina Wahrig (eds) 17 Bacteria in Britain, 1880–1939 Rosemary Wall Forthcoming Titles Institutionalizing the Insane in Nineteenth-Century England Anna Shepherd Th e Politics of Hospital Provision in Early Twentieth-Century Britain Barry M. Doyle Psychiatry and Chinese History Howard Chiang (ed.) Stress in Post-War Britain Mark Jackson www.pickeringchatto.com/sshm HEALTH AND CITIZENSHIP: POLITICAL CULTURES OF HEALTH IN MODERN EUROPE Edited by Frank Huisman and Harry Oosterhuis PICKERING & CHATTO 2014 Published by Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited 21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH 2252 Ridge Road, Brookfi eld, Vermont 05036-9704, USA www.pickeringchatto.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher. © Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd 2014 © Frank Huisman and Harry Oosterhuis 2014 To the best of the Publisher’s knowledge every eff ort has been made to contact relevant copyright holders and to clear any relevant copyright issues.  Any omissions that come to their attention will be remedied in future editions. british library cataloguing in publication data Health and citizenship: political cultures of health in modern Europe. – (Stud- ies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine) 1. Medical policy – Europe – History – 20th century. 2. Medical policy – Europe – History –21st century. 3. Public health – Europe – History – 20th century. 4. Public health – Europe –History – 21st century. I. Series II. Huisman, Frank editor of compilation. III. Oosterhuis, Harry editor of compilation. 362.1’094’09045-dc23 ISBN-13: 9781848934320 e: 9781781440575 ∞ Th is publication is printed on acid-free paper that conforms to the American National Standard for the Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. Typeset by Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by CPI Books CONTENTS Acknowledgements ix List of Contributors xi Th e Politics of Health and Citizenship: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives – Harry Oosterhuis and Frank Huisman 1 Part I: Liberal Citizenship and Public Health 41 1 Before l’État-Providence: Health and Liberal Citizenship in Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary France – Matthew Ramsey 45 2 An Oyster Odyssey: Science, State and Commerce in England, 1895–1905 – Anne Hardy 67 3 Monopoly or Freedom of Healing? Th e Role of Medicine in a Modernizing Society – Frank Huisman 85 4 Ambivalences of Liberal Health Policy: Lebensreform and Self-Help Medicine in Belgium, 1890–1914 – Evert Peeters and Kaat Wils 101 Part II: Social Citizenship: Health in the Welfare State 119 5 Th e Right to Health and Social Citizenship in Germany, 1848–1918 – Larry Frohman 123 6 From Tobacco in the War to the War on Tobacco: Smoking in Britain and Germany from c. 1900 to 1945 – Rosemary Elliot 141 7 Mental Health and Civic Virtue: Psychiatry, Self-Development and Citizenship in the Netherlands, 1870–2005 – Harry Oosterhuis 155 Part III: Neo-Republican Citizenship: Health in the Risk Society 173 8 Neo-Republican Citizenship and the British National Health Service since 1979 – Martin Powell 177 9 Struggling with Science and Democracy: Public Health and Citizenship in the Netherlands – Klasien Horstman 191 10 Underwriting Citizenship: Th e Introduction of Predictive Medicine in Private Insurance – Ine Van Hoyweghen 209 Notes 227 Index 267 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a great pleasure to fi nally see this volume go to print. Its foundations were laid during an Anglo-Dutch-German Wellcome Workshop on the History of Medi- cine which took place in Maastricht, Th e Netherlands, from 23 to 25 June 2005. Th e workshop was organized by Harold Cook and Anne Hardy (then Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL), Hilary Marland (University of Warwick), Robert Jütte and Martin Dinges (Robert Bosch Foundation, Stutt- gart) and Frank Huisman and Harry Oosterhuis (Maastricht University). It was supported by the Wellcome Trust, the Robert Bosch Stift ung, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientifi c Research (NWO), the Huizinga Institute and the Faculty of Arts and Culture of Maastricht University. Almost half of the contributions to this volume were commissioned aft er the workshop and were meant to introduce a new approach to the topic and a new structure to the book. Th e text of Anne Hardy’s contribution is taken from the second chapter of her forthcoming book Salmonella, Infections, Networks of Knowledge, and Public Health in Britain, 1880–1975, the argument being modifi ed for the theme of the current volume. Many people helped to shape this volume. We are indebted to Logie Barrow, Harold Cook, Roger Cooter, Martin Dinges, Dagmar Ellerbrock, Sylvelyn Hähner-Rombach, Th orsten Halling, Rob- ert Jütte, Christopher Lawrence, Hilary Marland, Th orsten Noack, Hasso Spode, Claudia Stein, Gunnar Stollberg, Mathew Th omson, and Jörg Vögele. Th e Stud- ies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine series editor at Pickering & Chatto, David Cantor, has been very stimulating from the start, and we would like to thank him for his encouragement. Above all, we are grateful to the contributors to this volume for their continuing intellectual engagement, their hard work and their patience; and to Anne Hardy for her meticulous correction of the English. – ix –

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