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1998 INDEX Authors 2e e A May/June 1998. 169-180. Aaron, HenryJ .a nd Robert D. Reischauer. “Rethinking Berk, Marc L. and Claudia L. Schur. Measuring Access Medicare Reform” Needs Rethinking. Perspective. to Care: Improving Information for Policymakers. January/February 1998. 69-71. Health Tracking. January/February 1998. 180-186. Betley, Charles L. See Nduka U. Udom. Aaron, Henry J. Life without Disease: The Pursuit of Medical Biles, Brian. See Dennis F. Beatrice. Utopia (by William B. Schwartz). Book Review. Sep- tember/October 1998. 251-254. Blendon, RobertJ. ,M ollyann Brodie, John M. Benson, Drew E. Altman, Larry Levitt, Tina Hoff, and Larry Ahmed, Faruque. See Joseph W. Thompson. Hugick. Understanding the Managed Care Backlash. Ahn, Roy. See Daniel N. Mendelson. July/August 1998. 80-94. Allen, Harris M. Jr. and William H. Rogers. Debating Blendon, RobertJ .S ee Atul A. Gawande. Survey Approaches: The Authors Respond. Letter. Blick, Noelle. See Kevin Grumbach. January/February 1998. 266-268. Bloche, M. Gregg. Should Government Intervene to Pro- Altman, Drew E. Foundations Today: Finding a New tect Nonprofits? September/October 1998. 7-25. Role in the Changing Health Care System. Grant- Blumberg, LindaJ . See Len M. Nichols. Watch. March/April 1998. 201-205. Blustein, Jan, Karla Hanson, and Steven Shea. Prevent- Altman, Drew E. See RobertJ .B lendon. able Hospitalizations and Socioeconomic Status. Data- Altman, Drew E. See Mollyann Brodie. Watch. March/April 1998. 177-189. Antonelli, Vincent. See Mark Schlesinger. Boroniec, Pris. See Peggy L. Bartels. Ayanian, John Z., Joel S. Weissman, Scott Chasan- Bost, James. See Joseph W. Thompson. Taber, and Arnold M. Epstein. Quality of Care for Brach, Cindy. See Irene Fraser. Two Common Illnesses in Teaching and Nonteaching Braden, Bradley R. See Katharine R. Levit. Hospitals. DataWatch. November/December 1998. Brady, Lee Ann. See Mollyann Brodie. 194-205. Briscoe, Forrest. See James Maxwell. Brodie, Mollyann, Lee Ann Brady, and Drew E. Altman. B Media Coverage of Managed Care: Is There a Negative Baker, Laurence C. and Susan K. Wheeler. Managed Bias? January/February 1998. 9-25. Care and Technology Diffusion: The Case of MRI. Data- Brodie, Mollyann. See RobertJ .B lendon. Watch. September/October 1998. 195-207. Brodie, Mollyann. See Atul A. Gawande. Banthin, Jessica S. See Thomas M. Selden. Brown, Lawrence D. See Walter Zelman. Barer, Morris L. See StevenJ . Katz. Brownell, Marni. See Noralou P. Roos. Bartels, Peggy L. and Pris Boroniec. BadgerCare: A Case Bryce, Cindy L. and Kathryn Ellen Cline. The Supply Study of the Elusive New Federalism. Perspective. No- and Use of Selected Medical Technologies. Data- vember/December 1998. 165-169. Watch. January/February 1998. 213-224. Batavia, Andrew I. Dangers of Inpatient Rehabilitation Buchmueller, Thomas C. Does a Fixed-Dollar Premium Industry Consolidation. Letter. September/October Contribution Lower Spending? DataWatch. Novem- 1998. 256-257. ber/December 1998. 228-235. Bauman, Laurie. See Karen Kuhlthau. Buck, Jeffrey A. See David McKusick. Baxter, RaymondJ . See Caroline Rossi Steinberg. Bulycheva, Maria. See Gail A. Jensen. Beadle, Carson E. See James F. Fries. Bursztajn, Harold J. and Richard Sobel. Accountability Beatrice, Dennis F., Cindy Parks Thomas, and Brian without Health Care Data Banks. Letter. Novem- Biles. Grant Making with an Impact: The Picker/Com- ber/December 1998. 252-253. monwealth Patient-Centered Program. GrantWatch. Burton, Russell P.D. See Gail A. Jensen. January/February 1998. 236-244. Butler, Stuart M. Medicare Price Controls: The Wrong Benson, John M. See RobertJ . Blendon. Prescription. Perspective. January/February 1998. Benson, John M. See Atul A. Gawande. 72-74. Berenson, Robert A. Bringing Collaboration into the Market Paradigm. Health Tracking. November/ C-D December 1998. 128-137. Cantor, Joel C., Stephen H. Long, and M. Susan Berk, Marc L. and Claudia L. Schur. Access to Care: Marquis. Challenges of State Health Reform: Vari- How Much Difference Does Medicaid Make? ations in Ten States. DataWatch. January/February HEALTH AFFAIRS - November/December 1998 1998 INDEX 1998. 191-200. Dilonardo, Joan. See David McKusick. Caplan, Arthur L. See Franklin G. Miller. Duncan, Mary. See Mark Schlesinger. Caron, Aleece and Duncan Neuhauser. Demanding Medi- Durham, Mary L. Partnerships for Research among Man- cal Excellence: Doctors and Accountability in the Information aged Care Organizations. January/February 1998. Age (by Michael L. Millenson). Book Review. March/ 11-122. April 1998. 219-220. Dusenbury, Katharine. See Patricia Neuman. Carrino, Gerard. See Mark Schlesinger. Casey, Michelle. See Ira Moscovice. er Chait, Elizabeth. See Irene Fraser. Eddy, David M. Performance Measurement: Problems Champion, Hale. The Media’s Role in Managed Care and Solutions. July/August 1998. 7-25. Reform. Letter. July/August 1998. 244-245. Edgman-Levitan, Susan. See Paul D. Cleary. Chasan- Taber, Scott. See John Z. Ayanian. Eisen, Lisa. See James Maxwell. Cheng, Chang-Kuo. See Joel Leon. Eisenberg, John M. Health Services Research in a Christensen, Sandra. Medicare+Choice Provisions in the Market-Oriented Health Care System. January/ Balanced Budget Act of 1997. UpDate. July/August February 1998. 98-108. 1998. 224-231. Ellwood, Marilyn R. and Leighton Ku. Welfare and Im- ChristiansonJ,on B. The Role of Employers in Commu- migration Reforms: Unintended Side Effects for nity Health Care Systems. Health Tracking. July/ Medicaid. May/June 1998. 137-151. August 1998. 158-164. Engelmann, Siegfried. See Judith H. Hibbard. Cleary, Paul D., James Lubalin, Ron D. Hays, Pamela F. Enthoven, Alain C. and Sara J. Singer. The Managed Short, Susan Edgman-Levitan, and Samantha Care Backlash and the Task Force in California. Sheridan. Debating Survey Arproaches. Letter. Janu- July/August 1998. 95-110. ary/February 1998. 265-266. Epstein, Arnold M. See John Z. Ayanian. Cline, Kathryn Ellen. See Cindy L. Bryce. Etheredge, Lynn. See Peter D. Fox. Coburn, Andrew F. The Role of Health Services Re- Etzioni, Amitai. HIV Testing of Infants: Privacy and Pub- search in Developing State Health Policy. January/ lic Health. Commentary. July/August 1998. 170-183. February 1998. 139-151. Evans, Alison. See John Holahan. Coffman, Janet. See Kevin Grumbach. Farrell, Joseph L., Robert H. Gray, and Virginia Hill Cohen, Joel W. See Thomas M. Selden. Rice. Health Services Research and State Policy in Ac- Cohen, Joel W. See Robin M. Weinick. tion. Letter. September/October 1998. 257-258. Coleman, Rogers K. Community Benefit via Social Coer- Fee, Elizabeth and Mary E. Garofalo. Life Support: Three cion? Letter. September/October 1998. 255. Nurses on the Front Lines (by Suzanne Gordon). Book Coleman, Rogers K. Evils of Cost Shifting. Letter. Review. January/February 1998. 261-262. March/April 1998. 226-227. Felt-Lisk, Suzanne. See Rebecca T. Slifkin. Colton, Roger D. and Stephen D. Colton. Evaluating Figueras, Josep. See Richard B. Saltman. Hospital Mergers. Letter. September/October 1998. Fletcher, John C. See Franklin G. Miller. 260-261. Fox, Peter D., Lynn Etheredge, and Stanley B. Jones. Colton, Stephen D. See Roger D. Colton. Addressing the Needs of Chronically Ill Persons under Coughlin, Teresa A. and David Liska. Changing State Medicare. Health Tracking. March/April 1998. 144-151. and Federal Payment Policies for Medicaid Dispropor Fraser, Irene, Elizabeth Chait, and Cindy Brach. Pro- tionate-Share Hospitals. May/June 1998. 118-136. moting Choice: Lessons from Managed Medicaid. Cowan, Cathy. See Katharine Levit. Health Tracking. September/October 1998. 165-174. Croghan, Thomas W., Robert L. Obenchain, and Freeland, Mark. See Sheila Smith. William E. Crown. What Does Treatment of Depres- Fries, James F., C. Everett Koop, Jacque Sokolov, sion Really Cost? DataWatch. July/August 1998. Carson E. Beadle, and Daniel Wright. Beyond Health 198-208. Promotion: Reducing Need and Demand for Medical Crown, William E. See Thomas W. Croghan. Care. March/April 1998. 70-84. Cutler, Charles M. See William L. Roper. Fuchs, Victor. See John K. Iglehart. Daniels, Norman and James Sabin. The Ethics of Ac- Fulda, Thomas. See Alan Lyles. countability in Managed Care Reform. September/ October 1998. 50-64. G Davidson, Stephen. See James Maxwell. Gabel, Jon R. On Drinking with Your Competitors after Declereq, Eugene R., Lisa L. Paine, Diana R. Simmes, Five: Research Collaboration in the Real World. Per- and Jeanne F. DeJoseph. State Regulation, Payment spective. January/February 1998. 123-127. Policies, and Nurse-Midwife Services. DataWatch. Gabel, Jon R., Kimberly M. Hurst, and Kelly A. Hunt. March/April 1998. 190-200. Health Benefits for the Terminally Ill: Reality and Per- DeGraw, Chris. See Sara Rosenbaum. ception. Health Tracking. November/December 1998. DeJong, Gerben. See Ben Wheatley. 120-127. DeJoseph, Jeanne F. See Eugene R. Declercq. Gabel, Jon R. See Paul B. Ginsburg. DeSipio, Susan M. See Alan Lyles. Galvin, Robert S. Are Performance Measures Relevant? HEALTH AFFAIRS - Yadoewme BF, Number 6 1998 INDEX Perspective. July/August 1998. 29-31. Heffler, Stephen. See Sheila Smith. Garnick, Deborah W., Katherine Swartz, and Kathleen Herzlinger, Regina E. Health Care and Consumers: Some Carley Skwara. Insurance Agents: Ignored Players in Amplification. Letter. May/June 1998. 277-278. Health Insurance Reform. Health Tracking. March/ Hibbard, Judith H., Jacquelyn J. Jewett, Siegfried April 1998. 137-143. Engelmann, and Martin Tusler. Can Medicare Benefi- Garofalo, Mary E. See Elizabeth Fee. ciaries Make Informed Choices? DataWatch. Novem- Gawande, Atul A., Robert J. Blendon, Mollyann ber/December 1998. 181-193. Brodie, John M. Benson, Larry Levitt, and Larry Hoag, Sheila D. See Rebecca T. Slifkin. Hugick. Does Dissatisfaction with Health Plans Stem Hoff, Tina. See RobertJ .B lendon. from Having No Choices? DataWatch. September/ Holahan, John, Stephen Zuckerman, Alison Evans, and October 1998. 184-194. Suresh Rangarajan. Medicaid Managed Care in Thir- Gelijns, Annetine C. See Samuel O. Their. teen States. May/June 1998. 43-63. Gilligan, Jim. Doctors as Decisionmakers. Letter. May/ Holahan, John. See Alan Weil. June 1998. 284-285. Howell, Joel D. The Progress of Experiment: Science and Thera- Ginsburg, Paul B. Health System Change in 1997. Health peutic Reform in the United States (by Harry M. Marks). Tracking. July/August 1998. 165-169. Book Review. January/February 1998. 263-264. Ginsburg, Paul B. and Jon R. Gabel. Tracking Health Hudson, Christopher G. From Poorhouses to Homelessness: Care Costs: What's New in 1998? Health Tracking. Policy Analysis and Mental Health Care (by David A. September/October 1998. 141-146. Rochefort). Book Review. July/August 1998. 239-240. Ginsburg, Paul B., Jon R. Gabel, and Kelly A. Hunt. Hugick, Larry. See RobertJ .B lendon. Tracking Small-Firm Coverage, 1989-1996. Health Hugick, Larry. See Atul A. Gawande. Tracking. January/February 1998. 167-171. Hunt, Kelly A. See Jon R. Gabel. Goering, Paula. See David A. Rochefort. Hunt, Kelly A. See Paul B. Ginsburg. Goldberg, Ross K. Regaining Public Trust. Health Hunter, Edward L. See EdwardJ . Sondik. Tracking. November/December 1998. 138-141. Hurst, Kimberly M. See Jon R. Gabel. Goldman, Janlori. Protecting Privacy to Improve Health Care. November/December 1998. 47-60. J Goldman, William, Joyce McCulloch, and Roland Iglehart, John K. The Federal Trade Commission in Ac- Sturm. Costs and Use of Mental Health Services be- tion: The FTC’s Robert F. Leibenluft. Interview. Sep- fore and after Managed Care. March/April 1998. 40-52. tember/October 1998. 65-75. Goldman, William, Joyce McCulloch, and Roland Iglehart, John K. Physicians as Agents of Social Control: Sturm. Mental Health Care Costs: The Authors Re- The Thoughts of Victor Fuchs. Interview. January/ spond. Letter. July/August 1998. 242-243. February 1998. 90-96. Goldsmith, Jeff. Columbia/HCA: A Failure of Leader- Ignagni, Karen. Covering a Breaking Revolution: The ship. Perspective. March/April 1998. 27-29. Media and Managed Care. January/February 1998. Goldstein, Naomi. See Anna Kondratas. 26-34. Goodman, Clifford S. See Daniel N. Mendelson. Ingalls, Carrie E. See Joseph W. Thompson. Gortmaker, Steven L. See Karen Kuh!thau. Ingber, Melvin. See Cynthia G. Tudor. Gray, Bradford. See Mark Schlesinger. Jeffords, Jim. A U.S. Senator on Government Regulation. Gray, Robert H. See Joseph L. Farrell. Letter. March/April 1998. 222-223. Grumbach, Kevin, Janet Coffman, Karen Vranizan, Jellinek, Michael S. Mental Health Care Costs—Not the Noelle Blick, and Edward H. O'Neil. Independent Whole Story. Letter. July/August 1998. 241-242. Practice Association Physician Groups in California. Jensen, Gail A., Kathryn Rost, Russell P.D. Burton, and DataWatch. May/June 1998. 227-237. Maria Bulycheva. Mental Health Insurance in the Gusmano, Michael. See Mark Schlesinger. 1990s: Are Employers Offering Less to More? Health Guterman, Stuart. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997: Will Tracking. May/June 1998. 201-208. Hospitals Take a Hit on Their PPS Margins? Health Jewett, Jacquelyn J. See Judith H. Hibbard. Tracking. January/February 1998. 159-166. Johnson, Jean. See Doreen C. Harper. Johnson, Kay. See Sara Rosenbaum. H Johnson, Kent. Fundamentals of Performance Measure- Hanson, Karla. See Jan Blustein. ment. Letter. November/December 1998. 253-254. Harper, Doreen C. and Jean Johnson. The New Genera- Jones, Stanley B. See Peter D. Fox. tion of Nurse Practitioners: Is More Enough? Health Tracking. September/October 1998. 158-164. K Hartley, Heather. Certified Nurse-Midwife Supply. Let- Kahn, Charles N. III. The AHCPR after the Battles. Per- ter. September/October 1998. 258-260. spective. January/February 1998. 109-110. Harwood, Rick. See David McKusick. Katz, Steven J., Diana Verrilli, and Morris L. Barer. Hays, Ronald. See Paul D. Cleary. Canadians’ Use of U.S. Medical Services. DataWatch. Health Expenditures Projection Team. See Sheila January/February 1998. 225-235. Smith. Kelly, John T. “After the Chaos”: Expected Benefits of HREALIA APFATSS - November/December 1998 1998 INDEX Health Information Management. Perspective. No- Levitt, Larry. See Srija Srinivasan. vember/December 1998. 39-40. Lillie-Blanton, Marsha and Barbara Lyons. Managed Kendall, David B. and S. Robert Levine. Pursuing the Care and Low-Income Populations: Recent State Ex- Promise of an Information-Age Health Care System. periences. DataWatch. May/June 1998. 238-247. Perspective. November/December 1998. 41-43. Liska, David. See Teresa A. Coughlin. Kenney, Genevieve, Shruti Rajan, and Stephanie Long, Stephen H. See Joel C. Cantor. Soscia. State Spending for Medicare and Medicaid Lubalin, James. See Paul D. Cleary. Home Care Programs. DataWatch. January/February Lundy, Janet. See Srija Srinivasan. 1998. 201-212. Lyles, Alan, Ilene H. Zuckerman, Susan M. DeSipio, Kenney, Genevieve, Shruti Rajan, and Stephanie and Thomas Fulda. When Warnings Are Not Enough: Soscia. Correction. Letter. March/April 1998. 230. Primary Prevention through Drug Use Review. Com- King, Edward. See David McKusick. mentary. September/October 1998. 175-183. Kitchman, Michelle. See Patricia Neuman. Lyons, Barbara. See Marsha Lillie-Blanton. Klein, Rudolf. Why Britain Is Reorganizing Its National Health Service—Yet Again. July/August 1998. 111-125. M-N Kleinke, J.D. Deconstructing the Columbia/HCA Investi- Ma, Ching-to Albert and Thomas G. McGuire. Costs gation. March/April 1998. 7-26. and Incentives in a Behavioral Health Carve-Out. Kleinke, J.D. Release 0.0: Clinical Information Technol- March/April 1998. 53-69. ogy in the Real World. November/December 1998. Ma, Ching-to Albert and Thomas G. McGuire. Mental 23-38. Health Carve-Outs: The Authors Respond. Letter. Knickman, James R. A Foundation Executive on Access July/August 1998. 243-244. Measures. Health Tracking. January/February 1998. Maibach, Ed. See Patricia Neuman. 187-188. Mann, Cindy. A Combination Approach to Children’s Kondratas, Anna, Alan Weil, and Naomi Goldstein. Health Insurance. Letter. March/April 1998. 229-230. Assessing the New Federalism: An Introduction. Mark, Tami L. See David McKusick. May/June 1998. 17-24. Markus, Anne. See Sara Rosenbaum. Koop, C. Everett. See James F. Fries. Marmor, Theodore and Jonathan Oberlander. Rethink- Krein, Sarah. See Ira Moscovice. ing Medicare Reform. January/February 1998. 52-68. Ku, Leighton. See Marilyn R. Ellwood. Marmor, Theodore R. and Jonathan B. Oberlander. Kuhlthau, Karen, Deborah Klein Walker, James M. Medicare: Still Looking for Solutions. Letter. Perrin, Laurie Bauman, Steven L. Gortmaker, Paul March/April 1998. 223-226. W. Newacheck, and Ruth E.K. Stein. Assessing Man- Marquis, M. Susan. See Joel C. Cantor. aged Care for Children with Chronic Conditions. Marsh, Lawrence C. The Doctor’s Bottom Line. Perspec- July/August 1998. 42-52. tive. July/August 1998. 75-79. Maxwell, James, Forrest Briscoe, Stephen Davidson, L Lisa Eisen, Mark Robbins, Peter Temin, and Cheryl Lansky, David. Measuring What Matters to the Public. Young. Managed Competition in Practice: “Value Pur- Perspective. July/August 1998. 40-41. chasing” by Fourteen Employers. Health Tracking. Lawrence, Steven. See Loren Renz. May/June 1998. 216-226. Lazenby, Helen C. See Katharine R. Levit. McBride, Timothy D. Disparities in Access to Medicare Lee, Shoou-Yih Daniel. See Stephen S. Mick. Managed Care Plans and Their Benefits. DataWatch. Leibenluft, Robert F. See John K. Iglehart. November/December 1998. 170-180. Leon, Joel, Chang-Kuo Cheng, and PeterJ .N eumann. McCulloch, Joyce. See William Goldman. Alzheimer’s Disease Care: Costs and Potential Savings. McDonald, ClementJ . Need for Standards in Health In- DataWatch. November/December 1998. 206-216. formation. Perspective. November/December 1998. LeRoy, Lauren and Anne Schwartz. Health Grantmak- 44-46. ers and Public Policy. GrantWatch. September/ McGuire, Thomas G. See Ching-to Albert Ma. October 1998. 230-232. McKusick, David, Tami L. Mark, Edward King, Rick Levine, S. Robert. See David B. Kendall. Harwood, Jeffrey A. Buck, and Joan Dilonardo. Levit, Katharine, Cathy Cowan, Bradley Braden, Jean Spending for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Stiller, Arthur Sensenig, and Helen Lazenby. Na- Treatment, 1996. Health Tracking. September/October tional Health Expenditures in 1997: More Slow 1998. 147-157. Growth. Health Tracking. November/December 1998. MckKusick, David. Author Clarification. Letter. Novem- 99-110. ber/December 1998. 254. Levit, Katharine R., Helen C. Lazenby, Bradley R. McKusick, David. See Sheila Smith. Braden, and the National Health Accounts Team. McNeill, Dwight. Can Employers Focus on Quality? Let- National Health Spending Trends in 1996. Janu- ter. January/February 1998. 268-269. ary/February 1998. 35-51. McNeill, Dwight. Mental Health Care: A Commodity? Levitt, Larry. See RobertJ . Blendon. Letter. July/August 1998. 241. Levitt, Larry. See Atul A. Gawande. Mechanic, David. Emerging Trends in Mental Health SEALER APFADSRS - Fatame 17, Number 6 1998 INDEX le Policy and Practice. November/December 1998. 82-98. O-P-Q Mechanic, David. Non-random Reflections on Health Services Obenchain, Robert L. See Thomas W. Croghan. Research: On the 25" Anniversary of Archie Cochrane’s Effec- Oberlander, Jonathan. See Theodore Marmor. tiveness and Efficiency (edited by Alan Maynard and O’Leary, Dennis S. Reordering Performance Measure- Iain Chalmers). Book Review. November/December ment Priorities. Perspective. July/August 1998. 38-39. 1998. 250-251. O’Neil, Edward H. See Kevin Grumbach. Mendelson, Daniel N., Clifford S. Goodman, Roy Ahn, Paine, Lisa L. See Eugene R. Declercq. and Robert J. Rubin. Outcomes and Effectiveness Re- Pernice, Cynthia. See Trish Riley. search in the Private Sector. September/October 1998. Perrin, James M. See Karen Kuhlthau. 75-90. Petrila, John. Courts as Gatekeepers in Managed Care Meyer, Jack A. Health Benefits at Work: An Economic and Po- Settings. Commentary. March/April 1998. 109-117. litical Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance (by Polednak, Anthony P. Health Insurance for Low-Income Mark V. Pauly). Book Review. May/June 1998. Adults: The Issue of Hispanics. Letter. May/June 1998. 273-274. 282-283. Mick, Stephen S. and Shoou-Yih Daniel Lee. Correc- Pomerantz, Jay M. Mental Health Carve-Outs. Letter. tion. Letter. January/February 1998. 269. July/August 1998. 243. Miller, Franklin G., Arthur L. Caplan, and John C. Popkin, Benjamin. See Rebecca T. Slifkin. Fletcher. Dealing with Dolly: Inside the National Potts, Robert H. Jr. Emergency Departments Are Not the Bioethics Advisory Commission. UpDate. May/June 1998. 264-267. Problem. Letter. May/June 1998. 283-284. Mollica, Robert. See Trish Riley. Quiter, Elaine S. See Andrew F. Nelson. Moore, Francis D. A New Commission to Guide the R Managed Care Revolution. Letter. March/April 1998. 227-229. Rajan, Shruti. Publicly Subsidized Health Insurance: A Moran, Donald W. Health Information Policy: On Pre- Typology of State Approaches. May/June 1998. 101-117. paring for the Next War. November/December 1998. Rajan, Shruti. See Genevieve Kenney. 9-22. Rangarajan, Suresh. See John Holahan. Moscovice, Ira, Michelle Casey, and Sarah Krein. Ex- Reforming States Group. Balanced Federalism and panding Rural Managed Care: Enrollment Patterns Health System Reform. Commentary. May/June 1998. and Prospects. Health Tracking. January/February 181-191. 1998. 172-179. Reinhardt, Uwe E. Columbia/HCA: Villain or Victim? Motheral, Brenda, Fred Teitelbaum, and Barrett Toan. Perspective. March/April 1998. 30-36. The “Shoe-Box Effect.” Letter. May/June 1998. 284. Reischauer, Robert D. See HenryJ .A aron. Mullan, Fitzhugh. The “Mona Lisa” of Health Policy: Pri- Renz, Loren and Steven Lawrence. Health Policy Grant mary Care at Home and Abroad. Commentary. Making by Foundations in the 1990s. GrantWatch. March/April 1998. 118-126. September/October 1998. 216-229. Mustard,J ].F raser. Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Rice, Thomas. Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails (by Results (by David A. Kindig). Book Review. May/June Sherry Glied). Book Review. November/December 1998. 275-276. 1998. 246-247. National Health Accounts Team. See Katharine R. Rice, Virginia Hill. See Joseph L. Farrell. Levit. Riley, Gerald. See Cynthia G. Tudor. Nelson, Andrew F., Elaine S. Quiter, and Leif I. Solberg. Riley, Trish, Cynthia Pernice, and Robert Mollica. The State of Research within Managed Care Plans: How Will States Implement Children’s Health Insur- 1997 Survey. January/February 1998. 128-138. ance Programs? UpDate. May/June 1998. 260-263. Neuhauser, Duncan. See Aleece Caron. Robbins, Mark. See James Maxwell. Neuman, Patricia, Ed Maibach, Katharine Dusenbury, Robinson, James C. Financial Capital and Intellectual Michelle Kitchman, and Pam Zupp. Marketing Capital in Physician Practice Management. July/ HMOs to Medicare Beneficiaries. Health Tracking. August 1998. 53-74. July/August 1998. 132-139. Robinson, James C. Health Care and Consumers: The Neumann, PeterJ . and Eileen A. Sandberg. Trends in Author Responds. Letter. May/June 1998. 279. Health Care R&D and Technology Innovation. Health Rochefort, David A. The Role of Anecdotes in Regulat- Tracking. November/December 1998. 111-119. ing Managed Care. Commentary. November/Decem- Neumann, PeterJ . See Joel Leon. ber 1998. 142-149. Newacheck, Paul W. See Karen Kuhlthau. Rochefort, David A. and Paula Goering. “More a Link Newcomer, Le« N. Physician, Measure Thyself. Perspec- than a Division”: How Canada Has Learned from U.S. tive. July/August 1998. 32-35. Mental Health Policy. September/October 1998. Nichols, Len M. and Linda J. Blumberg. A Different 110-127. Kind of “New Federalism?” The Health Insurance Port- Rogers, William H. See Harris M. AlleJnr . ability and Accountability Act of 1996. May/June 1998. Roos, Leslie L. See Noralou P. Roos. 25-42. Roos, Noralou P., Marni Brownell, Evelyn Shapiro, and HEALTH AFFAIRS - November/December 1998 1998 INDEX Leslie L. Roos. Good News about Difficult Decisions: Suzanne Felt-Lisk, and Benjamin Popkin. Medicaid The Canadian Approach to Hospital Cost Control. Managed Care Programs in Rural Areas: A Fifty-State UpDate. September/October 1998. 239-246. Overview. DataWatch. November/December 1998. Roper, William L. and Charles M. Cutler. Health Plan 217-227. Accountability and Reporting: Issues and Challenges. Smith, Sheila, Mark Freeland, Stephen Heffler, David Health Tracking. March/April 1998. 152-155. MckKusick, and the Health Expenditures Projection Rosenbaum, Sara, Kay Johnson, Colleen Sonosky, Team. The Next Ten Years of Health Spending: What Anne Markus, and Chris DeGraw. The Children’s Does the Future Hold? Health Tracking. Septem- Hour: The State Children’s Health Insurance Program. ber/October 1998. 128-140. January/February 1998. 75-89. Sobel, Richard. See HaroldJ .B ursztajn. Rost, Kathryn. See Gail A.J ensen. Sokolov, Jacque. See James F. Fries. Rubin, RobertJ .S ee Daniel N. Mendelson. Solberg, Leif I. See Andrew F. Neilson. Solomon, Loel S. Rules of the Game: How Public Policy S Affects Local Health Care Markets. Health Tracking. Sabin, James. See Norman Daniels. July/August 1998. 140-148. Saltman, Richard B. and Josep Figueras. Analyzing the Sondik, Edward J. and Edward L. Hunter. National Evidence on European Health Care Reforms. March/ Data Experts on Access Measures. Health Tracking. April 1998. 85-108. January/February 1998. 189-190. Sandberg, Eileen A. See PeterJ .N eumann. Sonosky, Colleen. See Sara Rosenbaum. Schacht, Jennie. Creating Partnerships with Clinic Asso- Soscia, Stephanie. See Genevieve Kenney. ciations to Preserve the Safety Net. GrantWatch. Sparer, Michael S. Devolution of Power: An Interim Re- May/June 1998. 248-252. port Card. May/June 1998. 7-16. Schaffner, Kenneth F. Access to the Genome: The Challenge to Spitz, Bruce. The Elusive New Federalism. Commentary. Equality (by Maxwell J. Mehlman and Jeffrey R. November/December 1998. 150-161. Botkin). Book Review. July/August 1998. 237-238. Srinivasan, Srija, Larry Levitt, and Janet Lundy. Wall Schlesinger, Mark and Bradford Gray. A Broader Vision Street's Love Affair with Health Care. Health Track- for Managed Care, Part 1: Measuring the Benefit to ing. July/August 1998. 126-131. Communities. May/June 1998. 152-168. Stein, Ruth E.K. See Karen Kuhlthau. Schlesinger, Mark, Bradford Gray, Gerard Carrino, Steinberg, Caroline Rossi and Raymond J. Baxter. Ac- Mary Duncan, Michael Gusmano, Vincent countable Communities: How Norms and Values Af- Antonelli, and Jennifer Stuber. A Broader Vision for fect Health System Change. Health Tracking. July/ Managed Care, Part 2: A Typology of Community August 1998. 149-157. Benefits. September/October 1998. 26-49. Stevenson, David G. See Joshua M. Wiener. Schlesinger, Mark and Bradford Gray. Community Stiller, Jean. See Katharine Levit. Benefit: The Authors Respond. Letter. September/ Stoddard, Jeffrey, Edward Sekscenski, and Jonathan October 1998. 255-256. Weiner. The Physician Workforce: Broadening the Schroeder, Steven A. Reflections on the Challenges of Search for Solutions. UpDate. January/February 1998. Philanthropy. GrantWatch. July/August 1998. 252-257. 209-216. Stuber, Jennifer. See Mark Schlesinger. Schur, Claudia L. See Marc L. Berk. Sturm, Roland. See William Goldman. Schwartz, Anne. See Lauren LeRoy. Sutton, Janet. See Ben Wheatley. Sekscenski, Edward. See Jeffrey Stoddard. Swartz, Katherine. See Deborah W. Garnick. Selden, Thomas M., Jessica S. Banthin, and Joel W. Cohen. Medicaid’s Problem Children: Eligible but Not T-U-V Enrolled. Health Tracking. May/June 1998. 192-200. Teitelbaum, Fred. See Brenda Motheral. Sennett, Cary. Moving Ahead, Measure by Measure. Per- Temin, Peter. See James Maxwell. spective. July/August 1998. 36-37. Thier, Samuel O. and Annetine C. Gelijns. Improving Sennett, Cary. See Joseph W. Thompson. Health: The Reason Performance Measurement Mat- Sensenig, Arthur. See Katharine Levit. ters. Perspective. July/August 1998. 26-28. Shapiro, Evelyn. See Noralou P. Roos. Thomas, Cindy Parks. See Dennis F. Beatrice. Shea, Steven. See Jan Blustein. Thompson, Joseph W., James Bost, Faruque Ahmed, Sheridan, Samantha. See Paul D. Cleary. Carrie E. Ingalls, and Cary Sennett. The NCQA’s Short, Pamela F. See Paul D. Cleary. Quality Compass: Evaluating Managed Care in the Silberman, Pam. See Rebecca T. Slifkin. United States. Health Tracking. January/February Simmes, Diana R. See Eugene R. Declercq. 1998. 152-158. Singer, SaraJ .S ee Alain C. Enthoven. Toan, Barrett. See Brenda Motheral. Sisk, Jane E. How Are Health Care Organizations Using Tudor, Cynthia G., Gerald Riley, and Melvin Ingber. Clinical Guidelines? September/October 1998. 91-109. Satisfaction with Care: Do Medicare HMOs Make a Skwara, Kathleen Carley. See Deborah W. Garnick. Difference? DataWatch. March/April 1998. 165-176. Slifkin, Rebecca T., Sheila D. Hoag, Pam Silberman, Tusler, Martin. See Judith H. Hibbard. HEALTH AFFAIRS - Volume 17, Number 6 1998 INDEX Udom, Nduka U. and Charles L. Betley. Effects of Ma- Welch, W. Pete. Bundled Medicare Payment for Acute ternity-Stay Legislation on “Drive-Through Deliver- and Postacute Care. November/December 1998. 69-81. ies.” DataWatch. September/October 1998. 208-215. Welch, W. Pete. What Does Medicare Pay For? Disen- Verrilli, Diana. See StevenJ . Katz. tangling the Flow of Funds to Health Care Providers. Vladeck, Bruce C. Market Realities Meet Balanced Gov- DataWatch. July/August 1998. 184-197. ernment: Another Look at Columbia/HCA. Perspec- Wheatley, Ben, Gerben DeJong, and Janet Sutton. Con- tive. March/April 1998. 37-39. solidation of the Inpatient Medical Rehabilitation In- Vladeck, Bruce C. Beginnings Count: The Technological Impera- dustry. Health Tracking. May/June 1998. 209-215. tive in American Health Care (by DavidJ .R othman). Book Wheeler, Susan K. See Laurence C. Baker. Review. March/April 1998. 220-221. White, Joseph. Medicare Reform. Letter. May/June 1998. Vranizan, Karen. See Kevin Grumbach. 281-282. Wiener, Joshua M. and David G. Stevenson. State Pol- W icy on Long-Term Care for the Elderly. May/June 1998. Waidmann, Timothy A. Potential Effects of Raising 81-100. Medicare’s Eligibility Age. DataWatch. March/April Wiener, Joshua M. See Alan Weil. 1998. 156-164. Williams, Alan. False Hopes: Why America’s Quest for Perfect Walker, Deborah Klein. See Karen Kuhlthau. Health Is a Recipe for Failure (by Daniel Callahan). Book Wall, Susan. Transformations in Public Health Systems. Review. November/December 1998. 248-249. May/June 1998. 64-80. Wright, Daniel. See James F. Fries. Weigers, Margaret E. See Robin M. Weinick. Weil, Alan, Joshua M. Wiener, and John Holahan. “As- An I-z sessing the New Federalism” and State Health Policy. Young, Cheryl. See James Maxwell. Perspective. November/December 1998. 162-164. Zelman, Walter and Lawrence D. Brown. Looking Back Weil, Alan. See Anna Kondratas. on Health Care Reform: “No Easy Choices.” Interview. Weiner, Jonathan. SeeJ effrey Stoddard. November/December 1998. 61-68. Weinick, Robin M., Margaret E. Weigers, and Joel W. Zuckerman, Ilene H. See Alan Lyles. Cohen. Children’s Health Insurance, Access to Care, Zuckerman, Stephen. See John Holahan. and Health Status: New Findings. Health Tracking. Zupp, Pam. See Patricia Neuman. March/April 1998. 127-136. Zwerner, Alan R. Can Physicians Manage Physicians? 261 WeissmanJo,e l S. See John Z. Ayanian. Letter. May/June 1998. 279-281. Subjects eee Access To Care Claudia L. Schur. January/February 1998. 180-186. Access to Care: How Much Difference Does Medicaid National Data Experts on Access Measures. Health Make? Marc L. Berk and Claudia L. Schur. May/June Tracking. Edward J. Sondik and Edward L. Hunter. 1998. 169-180. January/February 1998. 189-190. BadgerCare: A Case Study of the Elusive New Federalism. State Regulation, Payment Policies, and Nurse-Midwife Perspective. Peggy L. Bartels and Pris Boroniec. No- Services. DataWatch. Eugene R. Declercq, Lisa L. vember/December 1998. 165-169. Paine, Diana R. Simmes, and Jeanne F. DeJoseph. Challenges of State Health Reform: Variations in Ten March/April 1998. 190-200. States. DataWatch. Joel C. Cantor, Stephen H. Long, Business (see also Insurance) and M. Susan Marquis. January/February 1998. 19]-—200. The Role of Employers in Community Health Care Sys- Children’s Health Insurance, Access to Care, and Health tems. Health Tracking. Jon B. Christianson. July/ Status: New Findings. Health Tracking. Robin M. August 1998. 158-164. Weinick, Margaret E. Weigers, and Joel W. Cohen. Wall Street’s Love Affair with Health Care. Health Track- March/April 1998. 127-136. ing. Srija Srinivasan, Larry Levitt, and Janet Lundy. Creating Partnerships with Clinic Associations to Pre- July/August 1998. 126-131. serve the Safety Net. GrantWatch. Jennie Schacht. May/June 1998. 248-252. Ethical Issues A Foundation Executive on Access Measures. Health Accountable Communities: How Norms and Values Af Tracking. James R. Knickman. January/February 1998. fect Health System Change. Health Tracking. Caroline 187-188. Rossi Steinberg and Raymond J. Baxter. July/August Managed Care and Low-Income Populations: Recent 1998. 149-157. State Experiences. DataWatch. Marsha Lillie-Blanton Dealing with Dolly: Inside the National Bioethics Advi- and Barbara Lyons. May/June 1998. 238-247. sory Commission. UpDate. Franklin G. Miller, Arthur Measuring Access to Care: Improving Information for L. Caplan, and John C. Fletcher. May/June 1998. Policymakers. Health Tracking. Marc L. Berk and 264-267. BEALTEH APFAIRS « November/December 1998 1998 INDEX The Ethics of Accountability in Managed Care Reform. David M. Eddy. July/August 1998. 7-25. Norman Daniels and James Sabin. September/October Physician, Measure Thyself. Perspective. Lee N. 1998. 50-64. Newcomer. July/August 1998. 32-35. HIV Testing of Infants: Privacy and Public Health. Com- Protecting Privacy to Improve Health Care. Janlori mentary. Amitai Etzioni. July/August 1998. 170-183. Goldman. November/December 1998. 47-60. Pursuing the Promise of an Information-Age Health Care Foundations System. Perspective. David B. Kendall and S. Robert Creating Partnerships with Clinic Associations to Pre- Levine. November/December 1998. 41-43. serve the Safety Net. GrantWatch. Jennie Schacht. Release 0.0: Clinical Information Technology in the Real May/June 1998. 248-252. World. J.D. Kleinke. November/December 1998. 23-38. Foundations Today: Finding a New Role in the Changing Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Health Care System. GrantWatch. Drew E. Altman. March/April 1998. 201-205. Beyond Health Promotion: Reducing Need and Demand Grant Making with an Impact: The Picker/Common- for Medical Care. James F. Fries, C. Everett Koop, wealth Patient-Centered Care Program. GrantWatch. Jacque Sokolov, Carson E. Beadle, and Daniel Wright. Dennis F. Beatrice, Cindy Parks Thomas, and Brian March/April 1998. 70-84. Biles. January/February 1998. 236-244. When Warnings Are Not Enough: Primary Prevention Health Grantmakers and Public Policy. GrantWatch. through Drug Use Review. Commentary. Alan Lyles, Lauren LeRoy and Anne Schwartz. September/Octo- Ilene H. Zuckerman, Susan M. DeSipio, and Thomas ber 1998. 230-232. Fulda. September/October 1998. 175-183. Health Policy Grant Making by Foundations in the 1990s. Health Spending GrantWatch. Loren Renz and Steven Lawrence. Sep- tember/October 1998. 216-229. Alzheimer’s Disease Care: Costs and Potential Savings. Reflections on the Challenges of Philanthropy. Grant- DataWatch. Joel Leon, Chang-Kuo Cheng, and PeterJ . Watch. Steven A. Schroeder. July/August 1998. Neumann. November/December 1998. 206-216. 209-216. National Health Expenditures in 1997: More Slow Growth. Health Tracking. Katharine Levit, Cathy Health Information (see also Research And Cowan, Bradley Braden, Jean Stiller, Arthur Sensenig, Technology) and Helen Lazenby. November/December 1998. 99-110. Accountability without Health Care Data Banks. Letter. National Health Spending Trends in 1996. Katharine R. Harold J. Bursztajn and Richard Sobel. November/ Levit, Helen C. Lazenby, Bradley R. Braden, and the December 1998. 252-253. National Health Accounts Team. January/February “After the Chaos”: Expected Benefits of Health Informa- 1998. 35-51. tion Management. Perspective. John T. Kelly. Novem- The Next Ten Years of Health Spending: What Does the ber/December 1998. 39-40. Future Hold? Health Tracking. Sheila Smith, Mark Are Performance Measures Relevant? Perspective. Robert Freeland, Stephen Heffler, David McKusick, and the S. Galvin. July/August 1998. 29-31. Health Expenditures Projection Team. September/ Health Information Policy: On Preparing for the Next October 1998. 128-140. War. Donald W. Moran. November/December 1998. Spending for Mental Heaith and Substance Abuse Treat- 9-22. ment, 1996. Health Tracking. David McKusick, Tami L. How Are Health Care Organizations Using Clinical Mark, Edward King, Rick Harwood, Jeffrey A. Buck, Guidelines? Jane E. Sisk. September/October 1998. and Joan Dilonardo. September/October 1998. 147-157. 91-109. State Spending for Medicare and Medicaid Home Care Improving Health: The Reason Performance Measure- Programs. DataWatch. Genevieve Kenney, Shruti ment Matters. Perspective. Samuel O. Thier and Rajan, and Stephanie Soscia. January/February 1998. Annetine C. Gelijns. July/August 1998. 26-28. 201-212. Measuring What Matters to the Public. Perspective. Tracking Health Care Costs: What's New in 1998? Health David Lansky. July/August 1998. 40-41. Tracking. Paul B. Ginsburg and Jon R. Gabel. Septem- Moving Ahead, Measure by Measure. Perspective. Cary ber/October 1998. 141-146. Sennett. July/August 1998. 36-37. What Does Treatment of Depression Really Cost? Data- The NCQA’s Quality Compass: Evaluating Managed Care Watch. Thomas W. Croghan, Robert L. Obenchain, in the United States. Health Tracking. Joseph W. and William E. Crown. July/August 1998. 198-208. Thompson, James Bost, Faruque Ahmed, Carrie E. Ingalls, and Cary Sennett. January/February 1998. Health System Change And Reform 152-158. Accountable Communities: How Norms and Values Af- Need for Standards in Health Information. Perspective. fect Health System Change. Health Tracking. Caroline Clement J. McDonald. November/December 1998. Rossi Steinberg and Raymond J. Baxter. July/August 44-46. 1998. 149-157. Performance Measurement: Problems and Solutions. “Assessing the New Federalism” and State Health Policy. HEALTH AFFAIRS - Veseme .d7, Number 6 1998 INDEX ae Perspective. Alan Weil, Joshua M. Wiener, and John 72-74. Holahan. November/December 1998. 162-164. Medicare Reform. Letter. Joseph White. May/June 1998. Assessing the New Federalism: An Introduction. Anna 281-282. Kondratas, Alan Weil, and Naomi Goldstein. May/ Medicare: Still Looking for Solutions. Letter. Theodore R. June 1998. 17-24. Marmor and Jonathan B. Oberlander. March/April BadgerCare: A Case Study of the Elusive New Federalism. 1998. 223-226. Perspective. Peggy L. Bartels and Pris Boroniec. No- Physicians as Agents of Social Control: The Thoughts of vember/December 1998. 165-169. Victor Fuchs. Interview. John K. Iglehart. January/Feb- Balanced Federalism and Health System Reform. Com- ruary 1998. 90-96. mentary. The Reforming States Group. May/June 1998. Potential Effects of Raising Medicare's Eligibility Age. 181-191. DataWatch. Timothy A. Waidmann. March/April Beyond Health Promotion: Reducing Need and Demand 1998. 156-164. for Medical Care. James F. Fries, C. Everett Koop, Rethinking Medicare Reform. Theodore Marmor and Jacque Sokolov, Carson E. Beadle, and Daniel Wright. Jonathan Oberlander. January/February 1998. 52-68. March/April 1998. 70-84. “Rethinking Medicare Reform” Needs Rethinking. Per- A Broader Vision for Managed Care, Part 1: Measuring the spective. Henry J. Aaron and Robert D. Reischauer. Benefit to Communities. Mark Schlesinger and January/February 1998. 69-71. Bradford Gray. May/June 1998. 152-168. Rules of the Game: How Public Policy Affects Local A Broader Vision for Managed Care, Part 2: A Typology of Health Care Markets. Health Tracking. Loel S. Community Benefits. Mark Schlesinger, Bradford Solomon. July/August 1998. 140-148. Gray, Gerard Carrino, Mary Duncan, Michael Wall Street’s Love Affair with Health Care. Health Track- Gusmano, Vincent Antonelli, and Jennifer Stuber. Sep- ing. Srija Srinivasan, Larry Levitt, and Janet Lundy. tember/October 1998. 26-49. July/August 1998. 126-131. Challenges of State Health Reform: Variations in Ten States. DataWatch. Joel C. Cantor, Stephen H. Long, Hospitals and M. Susan Marquis. January/February 1998. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997: Will Hospitals Take a 191-200. Hit on Their PPS Margins? Health Tracking. Stuart The Children’s Hour: The State Children’s Health Insur- Guterman. January/February 1998. 159-166. ance Program. Sara Rosenbaum, Kay Johnson, Colleen Bundled Medicare Payment for Acute and Postacute Sonosky, Anne Markus, and Chris DeGraw. Janu- Care. W. Pete Welch. November/December 1998. ary/February 1998. 75-89. 69-81. Devolution of Power: An Interim Report Card. Michael S. Changing State and Federal Payment Policies for Medic- Sparer. May/June 1998. 7-16. aid Disproportionate-Share Hospitals. Teresa A. The Elusive New Federalism. Commentary. Bruce Spitz. Coughlin and David Liska. May/June 1998. 118-136. November/December 1998. 150-161. Columbia/HCA: A Failure of Leadership. Perspective. Jeff The Ethics of Accountability in Managed Care Reform. Goldsmith. March/April 1998. 27-29. Norman Daniels and James Sabin. September/October Columbia/HCA: Villain or Victim? Perspective. Uwe E. 1998. 50-64. Reinhardt. March/April 1998. 30-36. Evils of Cost Shifting. Letter. Rogers K. Coleman. Consolidation of the Inpatient Medical Rehabilitation In- March/April 1998. 226-227. dustry. Health Tracking. Ben Wheatley, Gerben Foundations Today: Finding a New Role in the Changing DeJong, and Janet Sutton. May/June 1998. 209-215. Health Care System. GrantWatch. Drew E. Altman. Dangers of Inpatient Rehabilitation Industry Consolida- March/April 1998. 201-205. tion. Letter. Andrew I. Batavia. September/October Health Services Research in a Market-Oriented Health 1998. 256-257. Care System. John M. Eisenberg. January/February Deconstructing the Columbia/HCA Investigation. J.D. 1998. 98-108. Kleinke. March/April 1998. 7-26. Health System Change in 1997. Health Tracking. Paul B. The Doctor’s Bottom Line. Perspective. Lawrence C. Ginsburg. July/August 1998. 165-169. Marsh. July/August 1998. 75-79. Insurance Agents: Ignored Players in Health Insurance Effects of Maternity-Stay Legislation on “Drive-Through Reform. Health Tracking. Deborah W. Garnick, Deliveries.” DataWatch. Nduka U. Udom and Charles Katherine Swartz, and Kathleen Carley Skwara. L. Betley. September/October 1998. 208-215. March/April 1998. 137-143. Emergency Departments Are Not the Problem. Letter. Looking Back on Health Care Reform: “No Easy Choices.” Robert H. PottsJr .M ay/June 1998. 283-284. Interview. Walter Zelman and Lawrence D. Brown. Evaluating Hospital Mergers. Letter. Roger D. Colton and November/December 1998. 61-68. Stephen D. Colton. September/October 1998. 260-261. Medicare+Choice Provisions in the Balanced Budget Act Good News about Difficult Decisions: The Canadian Ap- of 1997. UpDate. Sandra Christensen. July/August 1998. proach to Hospital Cost Control. UpDate. Noralou P. 224-231. Roos, Marni Brownell, Evelyn Shapiro, and Leslie L. Medicare Price Controls: The Wrong Prescription. Per- Roos. September/October 1998. 239-246. spective. Stuart M. Butler. January/February 1998. Market Realities Meet Balanced Government: Another HEALTH AFFAIRS - November/December 1998 1998 INDEX Look at Columbia/HCA. Perspective. Bruce C. March/April 1998. 127-136. Vladeck. March/April 1998. 37-39. The Children’s Hour: The State Children’s Health Insur- Preventable Hospitalizations and Socioeconomic Status. ance Program. Sara Rosenbaum, Kay Johnson, Colleen DataWatch. Jan Blustein, Karla Hanson, and Steven Sonosky, Anne Markus, and Chris DeGraw. January/ Shea. March/April 1998. 177-189. February 1998. 75-89. Quality of Care for Two Common Illnesses in Teaching A Combination Approach to Children’s Health Insur- and Nonteaching Hospitals. DataWatch. John Z. ance. Letter. Cindy Mann. March/April 1998. 229-230. Ayanian, Joel S. Weissman, Scott Chasan-Taber, and How Will States Implement Children’s Health Insurance Arnold M. Epstein. November/December 1998. Programs? UpDate. Trish Riley, Cynthia Pernice, and 194-205. Robert Mollica. May/June 1998. 260-263. The Supply and Use of Selected Medical Technologies. DataWatch. Cindy L. Bryce and Kathryn Ellen Cline. International Issues January/February 1998. 213-224. Analyzing the Evidence on European Health Care Re- forms. Richard B. Saltman and Josep Figueras. March/ Insurance (see also Managed Care) April 1998. 85-108. A Different Kind of “New Federalism?” The Health Insur- Canadians’ Use of U.S. Medical Services. DataWatch. ance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Len Steven J. Katz, Diana Verrilli, and Morris L. Barer. M. Nichols and Linda J. Blumberg. May/June 1998. January/February 1998. 225-235. 25-42. Good News about Difficult Decisions: The Canadian Ap- Does a Fixed-Dollar Premium Contribution Lower proach to Hospital Cost Control. UpDate. Noralou P. Spending? DataWatch. Thomas C. Buchmueller. No- Roos, Marni Brownell, Evelyn Shapiro, and Leslie L. vember/December 1998. 228-235. Roos. September/October 1998. 239-246. Health Benefits for the Terminally Ill: Reality and Percep- The “Mona Lisa” of Health Policy: Primary Care at Home tion. Health Tracking. Jon R. Gabel, Kimberly M. and Abroad. Commentary. Fitzhugh Mullan. March/ Hurst, and Kelly A. Hunt. November/December 1998. April 1998. 118-126. 120-127. “More a Link than a Division”: How Canada Has Learned Health Insurance for Low-Income Adults: The Issue of from U.S. Mental Health Policy. David A. Rochefort Hispanics. Letter. Anthony P. Polednak. May/June and Paula Goering. September/October 1998. 110-127. 1998. 282-283. The Physician Workforce: Broadening the Search for So- Insurance Agents: Ignored Players in Health Insurance lutions. UpDate. Jeffrey Stoddard, Edward Sekscenski, Reform. Health Tracking. Deborah W. Garnick, and Jonathan Weiner. January/February 1998. Katherine Swartz, and Kathleen Carley Skwara. Pi Fa a? March/April 1998. 137-143. Why Britain Is Reorganizing Its National Health Serv- Managed Competition in Practice: “Value Purchasing” by ice—Yet Again. Rudolf Klein. July/August 1998. Fourteen Employers. Health Tracking. James Maxwell, 111-125. Forrest Briscoe, Stephen Davidson, Lisa Eisen, Mark Robbins, Peter Temin, and Cheryl Young. May/June Legal/Regulatory Issues 1998. 216-226. Changing State and Federal Payment Policies for Medic- Mental Health Insurance in the 1990s: Are Employers Of- aid Disproportionate-Share Hospitals. Teresa A. fering Less to More? Health Tracking. Gail A. Jensen, Coughlin and David Liska. May/June 1998. 118-136. Kathryn Rost, Russell P.D. Burton, and Maria Columbia/HCA: A Failure of Leadership. Perspective. Jeff Bulycheva. May/June 1998. 201-208. Goldsmith. March/April 1998. 27-29. Publicly Subsidized Health Insurance: A Typology of Columbia/HCA: Villain or Victim? Perspective. Uwe E. State Approaches. Shruti Rajan. May/June 1998. Reinhardt. March/April 1998. 30-36. 101-17. Courts as Gatekeepers in Managed Care Settings. Com- The “Shoe-Box Effect.” Letter. Brenda Motheral, Fred mentary. John Petrila. March/April 1998. 109-117. Teitelbaum, and Barret Toan. May/June 1998. 284. Deconstructing the Columbia/HCA Investigation. J.D. Tracking Small-Firm Coverage, 1989-1996. Health Track- Kleinke. March/April 1998. 7-26. ing. Paul B. GinsburgJ,o n R. Gabel, and Kelly A. Hunt. Effects of Maternity-Stay Legislation on “Drive-Through January/February 1998. 167-171. Deliveries.” DataWatch. Nduka U. Udom and Charles L. Betley. September/October 1998. 208-215. Insurance—Children Evaluating Hospital Mergers. Letter. Roger D. Colton and Assessing Managed Care for Children with Chronic Con- Stephen D. Colton. September/October 1998. 260-261. ditions. Karen Kuhlthau, Deborah Klein Walker, The Federal Trade Commission in Action: The FTC's James M. Perrin, Laurie Bauman, Steven L. Gortmaker, Robert F. Leibenluft. Interview. John K. Iglehart. Sep- Paul W. Newacheck, and Ruth E.K. Stein. July/August tember/October 1998. 65-74. 1998. 42-52. Market Realities Meet Balanced Government: Another Children’s Health Insurance, Access to Care, and Health Look at Columbia/HCA. Perspective. Bruce C. Status: New Findings. Health Tracking. Robin M. Vladeck. March/April 1998. 37-39. Weinick, Margaret E. Weigers, and Joel W. Cohen. Should Government Intervene to Protect Nonprofits? M. RPEALTH AFFAIRS - Vetweme a7. Number 6

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