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HEALING SANCTIFICATION begins with HEART of the “NO DISEASE IS INCURABLE” DrMKStrydom EE WW AAGGLLEESS’’ IINNGGSS Eagles Wings’ Ministries: www.eagleswings.co.zw ISBN: 978-0-7974-4375-4 Fourth Edition 2013 All Scriptures used with permission. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Feel free to photocopy this book and pass it on to as many people as possible! for fi nancial profi t in whole or in part in any form. For Further Information: Eagles’ Wings Ministries Be In HealthTM Ministries – The Ministry of Henry Wright Tammy Van Rensburg Call: (706) 646-2074 (in USA) [email protected] or Fax: (706) 646-2864. [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: (+263) 777 552 915 www.beinhealth.com www.eagleswings.co.zw www.pleasantvalleychurch.net Revival Centre Ministries Be In HealthTM – South Africa Galway Rd, Famona, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Stephen and Jennifer Duff Phone: (+263-9) 880119/20 Break Thru Church Email: [email protected] 61 Heidelburg Road, Parkdene, www.rcm.bcsg.org Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa [email protected] Dr. Caroline Leaf Land Line: (27) 11 8921079 Switch On Your Brain USA LP P.O Box 601629 Tony and Glynnis Griffiths Dallas TX, 75360 Kleinmond, Cape Town, South Africa. Phone: (877) 275-4674 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Call: (27) 82 4955544, (27) 28 2714408 www.drleaf.net www.switchonyourbrain.co.za Disease Anonymous Global www.diseaseanonymous.com. Be Made Whole Billy and Glendyr Nel Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Call: (+263-9) 241193 Email: [email protected] Healing Begins with the Sactification of the Heart ‘No Disease is Incurable’ © Dr MK Strydom Typset in Rotis Semi Sans 10pt. Layout and design: Printworks, Harare, Zimbabwe. Email: [email protected] Tel: +263 4 753 227 Printed and bound by Pinetown Printers DVD Series, ‘No Disease is Incurable’ by Dr MK Strydom, also available through Eagles’ Wings Ministries. * Cover statistics according to Dr Caroline Leaf, Neurologist (see above for contact details). Dedication Iw ould like to dedicate this book to my father, Roelf Strydom. Thank you for being such a wonderful dad to us three children, for your years of hard work and sacrifice in providing for us and enabling us to get to where we are today. Thank you also for standing up for me and covering me with your authority in my early days of ministry, in spite of what it cost you and the family. Without your support this book would not exist today and the thousands of lives that it has touched and saved would never have taken place. I honor and respect you for the man that you are. Acknowledgements As pecial thank you to Lynn Collet for being the “shaker and mover” who on a practical level helped organise the seminar from which this book was able to be launched. You are a valuable friend. Thank you also to Maureen Alcock for all the time you put in to editing the 2nd and 3rd edition of this book. I have learnt a lot from you and consider you to be a very special lady. To Pastor Wayne Nel who spent countless hours with the graphic design and putting the 1st and 2nd edition of this book together – thank you from my heart. Thank you also for your spiritual covering, guidance, correction and coaching that is equipping and enabling me to flourish and grow into my calling and God given destiny. Pastor Henry Wright – the knowledge and insight about disease that I have gained from you has been more valuable than anything I have learned from the medical text books or doctors who taught me at university. You are the pioneer of this teaching. The knowledge and insight in this book concerning what causes specific diseases is thanks to the years of research done by you and your team. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me – it has radically and outrageously transformed my life and my entire approach to disease as a doctor. Doctor Caroline Leaf – you are my greatest and favourite teacher in the world of science and medicine! Your teaching on the brain and how thoughts form filled in the missing link and has helped me to understand so many diseases on a physical level. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and research so generously and freely with me and for allowing me to use it in the writing of this book. Paul Nison – thank you for all the knowledge you have imparted to me regarding the wisdom of God’s prin- ciples of eating and rest. It has literally equipped me to save lives. Wendy Conolly - Thank you for blessing us with our time spent at Antelope Park where I was able to write the 3rd edition of this book surrounded by the magnificent beauty of nature which was so nourishing for the soul. It is like being in the Garden of Eden. I would recommend Antelope Park for anybody who needs true rest and rejuvenation in luxury, whilst still enjoying close encounters with elephants, lions and other wild life in the African bush. It is an experience that you cannot have anywhere else in the world (see www.antelopepark.co.zw). Wendy you have become a very special friend to Tammy and I in Eagles Wings Ministry. We truly value and ap- preciate you! Byron and Linda Symeoneglou -, thank you with all of my heart for your overwhelmingly generous invest- ment into Eagles Wings Ministry which has made the printing of the 3rd edition of this book possible, and has enabled us to touch thousands of lives. I pray that the Lord would multiply a blessing back to you that you can- not contain! Tammy Van Rensburg – the Lord has blessed us with a friendship like Jonathan and David in the Bible. You are a loyal friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18 v 24). Thank you for believing in me, for sharing the journey, the excitement, the challenges, the testing times of character refining and taking such great leaps of faith in helping me launch Eagles’ Wings ministry. You have been an oasis of love and encouragement and the wind beneath my wings. Thank you to my Ouma and Oupa, Coenraard and Ruth Strydom - for teaching me the Word of God which firmly rooted me in my faith and helped me establish a solid, intimate relationship with the Father at an early age and for your financial investment which helped us begin Eagles Wings Ministry. Thank you to my other grandparents Yvonne and Stavros Georgiou for the ring on my finger which nobody can ever take off which is the ring of confidence. My mum and dad, Roelf and Debbie Strydom, there is just no words that are adequate to describe my deep love and gratitude for you. Holy Spirit - thank you for being my Comforter, Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. Jesus, thank You for the cross – will I ever understand the cost? As You laid down Your life for me, take my life and use it for You. You are my Lord and Saviour. My Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of an intimate love relationship with You – my greatest desire is to know You more. Disclaimer This book is intended for your general knowledge only. Its purpose is to give valuable insights into disease from both medical and Biblical perspectives. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for a con- sultation and proper care by a medical doctor, and should not be used by you or any other unqualified person as a tool to make a diagnosis. You should seek prompt medical attention for any health problems, rather than assume that you can use my teachings as a substitute for proper medical care, because I do not seek to be in rivalry with any medical or psychiatric practices, pharmaceutical companies or churches. My purpose is to help them to be more effective. I am not responsible for your disease, and neither am I responsible for your healing. All that I can do is to serve you by sowing seeds of knowledge in your heart; it is God Who gives the healing. The fruit of this teaching will come forth out of an intimate love relationship with God the Father, based on the ap- plication of these insights. In particular, I absolutely do not guarantee, and will not be legally liable for any assertion by you or anyone else to the effect that compliance with my teachings as contained in this book or anywhere else has not resulted in healing, either in whole or in part. Furthermore, no responsibility at all is accepted for any death, illness, deterioration in any person’s health condition, or for injury or loss (whether pecuniary, or of time or business) or for any other type of loss whatsoever to any person (whether natural or judicial) which may be said to have been incurred as a result of the contents of my work or teachings. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that any person will be healed, or that any disease will be prevented, by my teachings. I cannot heal a fly with a headache by myself. And it really doesn’t depend on me or God; it depends on you. Not everyone who starts applying the principles in this book will necessarily get well, usually because they do not fully apply them to their lives. God does not honour partial obedience. You must take responsibility yourself for failure of these principles to work when you or the person to whom you’ve recommended this teaching withdraws from applying them half way through or merely applies them in a half hearted manner. Such failure doesn’t of itself make this teaching invalid; it just means that there is a breakdown on a different level. The teaching in this book is not based on a scientific model; it is based primarily on the Word of God, and should be implemented by faith in that Word, its primary foundation being Jesus Christ. I have brought science into it because I am a medical doctor and because I am seeing that much of what medical science has to say about disease today ties in with what the Bible said thousands of years ago. The insights that I share in this book are a revelation for God’s people in the church. Therefore the book is written in a manner that is easy for a layman to read and understand, rather than in a format that would be more appropriate for a medical journal. This book is the fourth edition and it is still a work in progress. There will be further editions as I learn more, write about more diseases and improve on what I have already written. Visit our website (www. eagleswings.co.zw) to find out where this book as well as our two DVD series of this teaching called “No Disease Is Incurable – Part 1” and “No Disease Is Incurable – Part 2” are available. If the knowledge and insights in this book have been of value to you, please send us your testimonies (if possible, combined with any documented medical reports confirming healing) to the following email address: [email protected] and/or [email protected]. We will use your story to en- courage others. IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1. DO NOT STOP YOUR MEDICATION WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF A DOCTOR 2. In order to gain the full benefits of this book, it is recommended that you first read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 which have essential background knowledge before reading about the spe- cific diseases that you are interested in. Contents Endorsements: DR. HENRY MADZORERA, MINISTER OF HEALTH, ZIMBABWE i MR AUGUSTINE CHIHURI, COMMISSIONER GENERAL OF ZRP, ZIMBABWE ii PASTOR WAYNE NEL, REVIVAL CENTRE MINISTRIES ii PASTORS LANGTON AND CHIDO GATSI, ONE WAY MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL ii PASTOR STEPHAN DUFF, BREAKTHRU CHURCH, BOKSBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. iii DR WISDOM MUDOMBI, HARARE ZIMBABWE iii BRIAN OLDRIEVE, FOUNDATIONS FOR FARMING, ZIMBABWE iii PART 1: Your Thought Life 1. INTRODUCTION – WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUT AND HOW TO USE IT 1 2. ESSENTIAL BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE FROM A MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE 7 • A Few Facts About Your Amazing Brain 9 • What is memory? 10 • Important Areas of the Brain 13 • How a Thought Forms And Becomes Toxic 14 • The Heart Brain 21 3. ESSENTIAL BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE 24 • A Journey Through the Bible to Explore the Connection Between Sin and Disease 24 • The Condition for Healing is Repentance 35 • Conviction vs Condemnation 42 • Most Diseases Are A Result Of Sin and Separation On One Of Three Levels 44 1. Breakdown in Relationship with God 44 2. Breakdown in Relationship with Self 53 3. Breakdown in Relationship with Others 56 • The Importance of Obedience and Your Love Walk 59 • God’s Perfect Will is Not Healing, His Perfect Will is that You Don’t Get Sick 62 • Renew Your Mind! 63 • You’ve Got To Know the Word! 64 • Protection from Physical Trauma and Disease Comes From Obedience 65 • I’m Not Painting All People with One Brush 68 • The Principle of Healing Illustrated 71 • You Need to Repent from the Heart 72 • What if the Disease You are Suffering From is not Mentioned in this Book? 73 • The Great Deception of Prescription Drugs 74 1. How Man Has Tried to By-Pass The Penalty of Sin and Become His Own Healer 77 2. The Damage Done by a Multibillion Dollar Industry 79 3. A Word of Caution Concerning Stopping Medication 82 4. A Concern About the Safety Of Herbs and Vitamin/Mineral Supplements 82 5. The Danger of Drug Interactions 83 • A Common Question: What About Vaccines? 83 • Be Careful, Not All Healthcare Modalities are Godly 84 • Discerning the Source of Your Thoughts 84 How Disease Begins In The Spiritual Realm And Develops Through The Spirit-Soul-Body Connection • The Process by Which We are Enticed to Sin 96 • Why We Need Sanctification After Salvation 98 • The Ultimate Purpose of Sanctification 101 • To Bring it Altogether into One Big Picture 106 • Why Doctors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists are Failing and Need the Pastors’ Help 107 • A Message for Those Who Would be Inspired to Help People with this Knowledge 113 • The Day that Sanctification Begins 115 • Change Only Comes by Grace 117 • Just Do It! 120 • Sometimes You Can’t Do It Alone 122 • You Need to Have Faith for Your Healing 125 • Be Careful of Doubt 128 • Faith Works by Love 128 • What Do We Do When We Don’t Get Healed? 129 • Blowing Great Misunderstandings of Healing Out of the Water 131 1. Disease Brings Us Closer to God, It is His Chastening or it Gives Him Glory 131 2. It Might Not Be God’s Will to Heal Because the Person’s Allotted Time on Earth is Up 134 3. What about Paul’s Thorn? 140 4. Healing is Not For Today 142 • It Is God’s Will to Heal You Today! 143 • Don’t Give Up! 147 4. GENETICALLY INHERITED DISEASES 151 5. WHEN IT’S TIME TO KICK THE BUCKET 162 How Long God Intended Man To Live 6. GIVING BIRTH NATURALLY (WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL INTERVENTION) 167 AND PAINLESSLY IS POSSIBLE! God intended childbirth to be a beautiful experience where the woman is healed, restored, preserved and made whole. 7. HOW LONG TERM FEAR, ANXIETY AND STRESS AFFECTS THE BODY 178 PART 2: God’s Principles Of Eating, Sleeping And Rest 8. A WARNING – CAREFULLY CONSIDER BEFORE READING ANY FURTHER 199 9. INTRODUCTION 200 10. THE OLD TESTAMENT LAW AND ITS RELEVANCE TO BELIEVERS UNDER THE NEW TESTAMENT COVENANT 203 11. EAT, SLEEP AND REST AT THE RIGHT TIME 205 • The Right Time To Go To Sleep 205 • The Right Quantity And Quality Of Sleep 208 • The Right Time To Wake Up 210 • Correct Sleeping Patterns Are Important For Renewing Your Mind 211 • The Right Times To Eat 212 • God’s Set Apart Times Of Rest 220 12. PREPARE YOUR HEART FOR YOUR MEAL 225 13. EAT THE RIGHT QUALITY FOODS 229 • The Scriptures Are A Treasure Map To The Hidden Secrets About Nutrition And The Ultimate Diet 230 • Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Grains And Seeds 230 - Raw! 232 - Ripe! 235 - Fresh! 235 - Organic! 236 - In Season! 237 - Combine Your Fruit And Vegetables Correctly 239 - Vegetables In The Morning, Fruit In The Afternoon 243 • Water 243 • Meat 244 - Meat That Is Healthy 246 - Meat That Is Not Healthy 247 - Do God’s Instructions And Guidelines About Meat In The Old Testament Still Apply To Us Today? 248 - Eat Organic Meat 254 - Don’t Eat Too Much Meat 255 • Milk, Cheese And Honey 258 • Processed Food 260 • How The Food You Eat Affects Your Thought Life And Ability To Renew Your Mind 265 • Vitamin And Mineral Supplements 269 14. HOW TO EAT 274 15. EAT THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF FOOD 275 • Reason For Overeating #1: A Toxic Mindset 275 • Reason For Overeating #2: Deficiency Of Nutrients (Due To Poor Quality Food) 275 • Reason For Overeating #3: Detoxification 276 • The Damage Done By Overeating 276 • Moderation And Self Control 278 • Overeating Makes You Spiritually Lethargic 280 • Who Do You Put First? 280 16. SUMMARY OF GOD’S PRINCIPLES OF EATING AND REST 283 17. THE PROCESS OF PUTTING THESE PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE 285 • Stage 1: Preparation 285 • Stage 2: Cleansing And De-tox 287 • Juicing 287 • Juicing Machines 295 • Prepare For Detox 296 • Stage 3: Transition Phase 300 • Stage 4: Maintenance 302 • If You Are On Death’s Doorstep With A Serious Life Threatening Illness 304 • Exercise 305 18. NOW THAT YOU KNOW IT, DO IT 308 • Do It With Excellence 313 • Do It With Joy 314 • Do It Because You Love Him 314 19. TRAINING UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO 315 Applying God’s Principles Of Eating In Children • Before Conception 315 • During Pregnancy 315 • Birth To 24 Months 317 • Birth Until The Front Teeth Begin To Grow 318 • After The Front Teeth Have Grown 319 • When The Molars Have Grown 320 • When All The Teeth Have Grown 320 • After The Child Has Been Weaned 321 PART 3: Summary of Part 1 and 2 20. A GENERAL APPROACH TO MINISTRY FOR A PERSON WITH A DISEASE 325 PART 4: Specific Diseases 21. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES 329 22. ALLERGIES 335 Asthma, Hayfever (Allergic Rhinitis and Allergic Conjunctivits), Skin rashes, Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema), Hives, Urticaria (An eruption of itchy wheals on the skin), Food Allergies and Multi-chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness. 23 ADDICTIONS 345 Alcoholism, Smoking, Illegal Drugs, Prescription Drugs, Pornography, Promiscu- ity, Gambling, Excessive Overeating and Addictive Relationships. 24. ABUSE AND VICTIMIZATION 361 25. PROBLEMS WITH WEIGHT GAIN, EXCESSIVE OVER EATING, ANOREXIA, BULIMIA AND THE FALLACY OF DIETS 363 26. CHRONIC FATIGUE, LETHARGY AND EXHAUTION 369 27. FLU AND THE COMMON COLD 371 28. SINUSITIS 375 29. BACTERIA, PARASITES AND FUNGAL INFECTIONS 377 Including TB, Bilharzias, Malaria and Candida 30. NON-BACTERIAL INFLAMMATION 379 • Interstitial Cystitis (Inflammation of the bladder) 379 • Prostatitis 380 31. HIV/AIDS AND OTHER SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 381 32. CANCER 385 • Background To Cancer In General 385 • Discussion on Specific Types of Cancer 416 • Brain Tumors In Children 416 • Lung Cancer 417 • Breast Cancer 418 • Uterine Or Cervix Cancer 421 • Ovarian Cancer 422 • Prostate Cancer 423 • Testicular Cancer 424 • Colon and Rectal Cancer 424 • Stomach Cancer 426 • Liver Cancer 427 • Bladder Cancer 428 • Pancreas Cancer 429 • Skin Cancer 429 • Adrenal Tumors 430 • Hodgkin’s Disease And Leukaemia 431 33. SUMMARY OF COMMON DISEASES OF THE EYE 432 33. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM – BRAIN, NERVES, PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 436 • Strokes 436 • Cerebral Palsy 437 • Alzheimer’s Disease 438 • Multiple Sclerosis 440 • Insomnia (Inability to Sleep) 442 • Headaches 445 - Migraines 447 - Cluster Headaches 449 - Tension Headaches 449 - Headaches As A Result Of Temporal Arteritis 450 • Anxiety Disorders 451 - Generalized Anxiety Disorders 451 - Panic Disorder and Phobias 452 - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 454 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 458 • Depression 460 • Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression) 471 • Type A Personality 473 35. HIGH CHOLESTEROL 474 36. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: 481 • Coronary Artery Disease (Atherosclerosis) and Heart Attacks 481 • Angina (chest pain) 483 • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) 485 • Abnormal Heart Rhythm (Arrhythmias) 487 • Heart Valve Disease 489 • Mitral Valve Prolapse 490 • Rheumatic Fever 491 • Incompetent Valves and Infective Endocarditis 493 • Myocarditis (Inflammation of the Heart Muscle) 493

Coronary Artery Disease (Atherosclerosis) and Heart Attacks. 481. • Angina .. we had prayed and fasted, we had taken him to the elders of the church who had anointed him with oil, we believed God prayer of your heart: Ephesians 3 v 14 – 20: “Father, I ask You to grant me out of the rich trea
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