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Healing Ingredients in Garlic PDF

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W hen my wifea nd I traveled eliminatinsgy mptomsc ausedb y the throughoJuatp ani n 1982a nd By Dr. Morton Walker body’isn vasioann do vergrowftrho mt he againj ust lastm onth,w e fungus among us, calledC andida albicans. observeidn, a pristiennev ironmceonnt- Liquigda rliics e ffectiwvhee nu seda sa tainitnhgep uresotfs oilsr,a wg arlibcu lbs as biga s WashingtSotna taep plegsr ow- douchteo treavta ginayle asitn fections. Garliics d eadltyo t hisv aginaflu nguass ingo ns turdpyl antosn et ot hrefee eth igh. Thep lanthsa df lattenkeede le[de aves wella s to excessigvreo wtohf yeasti n developeadl ongt hes tem,a nda n um- otherp artso f theb ody. bellatfel owedru stewri tha fewg reenish- whitoer p inks talkfeldo werisn terspersed A BodyC leanser amongb ulbletTsh.e b ulba tt heb aseo f "Pollutdieotno xificiastw ihoanit t ’sa ll thes temw asc ompounodf,t enc onsisting about,s"a idM ichaeWla lczakM,. D.o f of 10,1 2,o r1 4 bulbilcsa,l lecdl oves, ShermaOna ks,C aliforni"aG.a rliics a encloseidn a commonm embrane. greactl eansiangge natn dd etoxifytihneg Thisb ulboupsl antk,n owbny b otanists bodym akeyso uh ealthiienra llr espects. asA lliusma tivuims,p ano ft hel ilyf ami- Usinagg edg arliecx trarcetg ularilsye x- ly,L iliaceIatei .s r elatetdot heo nion, cellenfto ra nyonlei vinign a polluted probablay n ativoef s outherAns ia,a nd areas,u cha sa bigc ity. widelgyr owinn cultivatiTohneo. d ora nd Dr. Walczakh as beenr ecommending tastoef g arliact em orep otentth ant hose purifiedde,o dorizgeadr liscu pplements of onion. for1 8y earsH.e a lsos uggesittsf orl ong- Thep lant’csl oveasx eo rdinariulsye d distantcrea vetlo p revenmto tiosni ckness forc ommerciparlo pagatioInt.sb ulbs becominsgt resseads whenI travetlo andt ravelledry’sse ntesruyc ha s thet ype andl eavesse rvea s fooda ndf iavoHng,delivelre cturoersa ppeaorn t elevision, oneg etsf romd rinkitnagp w ateirn Mex- especialalmyo ngM editerranaenadnF ar radioo,r presisn tervieIw si,n creamsye icoo r India. Easterpne opleTsh.e h erb’osd oru,n for- dosagteo 12 capsuldeasi ly. Airlinpea ssengesrhso ultda kea ged tunatelys,t opsm anyA mericanfsr om garliecx tracbte forfel yintgo c ombatth e eatingga rliacn db enefittfirnogmi tsn ear- GarliEcl iminatYeesa st discomfaonrdti lle ffectthsa tc omefsr om panaceqau alities. In my bestsellTehre Y eastS yndrome,beingb ombardebd~ " cancer-causing GarliFci ghtfso rY ourH ealth publisheidn 1986b y BantaBmo oksa nd ultraviolceots,m irca ys,X -raysg,a mma coauthorweidt hJ ohnP arksT rowbridge,rays,a ndo therd amagew hena bovet he In my recentlpyu blishebdo ok,T he M.D.I poinotu tt hata gedg arliecx tract protectiovzeo nlea yetrh ats urrountdhse HealinPgo werso f Garlic( NewW ayo f ist hed efinitniuvter itiosnuaplp lemfeonrt earth[.] Life,I nc.,4 84H ighR idgeR d.,S tam- ford,C T 06905I) c itee xperimenptesr - formeda t the CentraRle searcLha b- oratorieisn HiroshimaJ,a panw hich HealingI ngredientisn Garlic showt he antistreesfsf ectosf odor- modifiegda rlicI. v isitetdh osel ab- oratoriaensd o bservetdh ee xperimentsW ’hati st herien g arlitch atg iveist Thisg arlihce rba lsoc ontaiin7s a mino takinpgl aceA.n imatle stsp rovetdh at healing/curatpirvoep ertiaensd acidsi,n cluditnhgee ighets sentioanle s. garliicm provesst aminar,e sistantcoe makeist u sefualg ainsdti sruptiooftn h e Twentaym inoa cidast er equirteod b uild fatiguea,n dr ecoverfyr ome xcessive immunes,y stemc,a ncerc,a rdiovasculaprroteibnu th alfo f thesea re" nonessen- musculaerf fort. disordearrst,h riticsh,r oniicn fections,tial,t"h ati s theya res ynthesibzyet dh e Literatsueraer chaensd e xtensiivnet er- ando thera utoimmuanned d egenerativehumanb ody.T heo nesl abele"de ssen- viewsa mongh ealthp rofessionhaalvse diseaseTsh?e n utritioncaoln tenotf an tial"m ustb e derivefdr omf oods ources convincmeedt hatg arlifci ghtfso ry our average-siczleodv eo f garlihca sb een sucha s garlic.Tahmei naoc idsc ontain- healtwhh eny ouc onsumaeg edg arliecx - tracitn t hef ormo ft abletcsa,p suleosr, determinbeyd t heU niteSdt ateDse part-ed ing arliacr e: mento f Agriculture. liquida,s parto f dallfyo ods upplemen- tionI.t i s usuaflo rm e to popd owns ix Onec lovper ovid7e csa lorioefse nergy;Essentia"l ./ 31 gmso f protein0;. 01g inso f carbo- capsuloefsg arlieca chd ayI.f I anticipate hydrate1;. 4m g of calcium1;0 mg of Lysine Tryptophan Dr. Morton ~’+:~.~.~ phosphoru0s.;0 7m g of iron;0 .9m g of Valine Phenylalanine 14/alketrh,ea uthor~"~.~ sodium2;6 mg of potassiu0m.;0 1m g of Methionine Leucine of 48 published ~.~ ~’~1 thiami(nv itamiBn- l);0 .004m g (i.e. lsoleucine Threonine books and over meg)o f ribofla(vviint amBi-n2 )0;. 02 1,300 magazine of niaci(nv itamiBn- 3);a nd0 .75m g Semiessential 11 articlaensdc linical ascorbaicci d( vitamCi)n. Arginine Histidine journaalr ticles, Therea rea lso7 5 sulfur-containing has writtent wo compounidns g arlicT.o givej usta few Non-Essential bookso n garlic. of them,t heyi ncludea:l licind,i ally- Them ostc ompletsec,i entifaincd,r ecentsulfidcey,s teaicci dm,e thionianlel,i in,AspartiAcc id Glycine /sT heH ealinPgo werosf G arlicN.o thingandt hec rystalliisnoel atferso mA llium Giutamin Alanine in thism agazianret iclies d uplicaitned sativu(mt heb otanicnaalm eo f garlic) Cysteine Serine hisn ewesgta rlibco ok. sucha ss -methcyyls teianned c ycloalliinP.roline HEALTHF OODS BUSINESS. Evenm oret hant hesen utritionaald - OnionE xtract,("P harmazi3e8,: 747-748, poundsi n garlicr esponsiblfeo r the vantagesr,e fineodr rawg arlihca si n it 1983),D r. E. EInimaa nd coworkers preventioonf bloodc lots,t hrombio,r certaiont heri dentifiable’therfaapce-utirce portetdh atg arlirce ducetsh ei nfectiousemboli. tosw hichd erivfer omt heirn utriencto n- effecto f the organismSst aphylococcus tent.F ollowinagr e garlic’ism portant (stapihn fectioSnt)r,e ptococ(csutsr eipn - Q. An artery-cleansfiancgt orh asb een healthe nhancemenfta ctors: fection)V,i bricoh olera(ec holeraC)o,r - knownt o be presenti n garlics ince8 6 A. A radiatioann tidotfea ctord erives vnebacteriduimp htheri(adei phtheria), A.D. when Greek physiciansr ecorded froma mitogenetailce xipharm(ipcr eser- Rickettsriiac ketts(itiy phusa)n dS higella thisb enefiftr ome atintgh es tinkinrgo se. vativaeg ainspto isont)h ati s parto f the enteritid(ebsa cilladryys entery). Therei s a lesseneidn cidencoef arterial herb’ssy nergistciocm binatioofn c onsti- diseasien culturewsh ereg arlic-eatiisng tuentsG.a rlicc ounteracrtasd iatiotno x- populars,u cha s Italy,C hinaa ndS pain. icityI.t s timulatceesl luldaert oxification, R. An anticancefra ctori s readily organellger owth,c ellularm embranes Phytoncideisn garlic recordendo to nlyi n theh istoroyf garlic restoratioann,d b ringsa bouts ubsequent uset hrougthh ea gesb uta lsom orer ecent- rejuvenatioofn g enerablo d~,f unctions. are believetdo be the ly in Westermne dicalli terature. B. An antihemolytfiacc torw hichi s responsibfloer t heh erb’sb eneficieafl- mysteriouesl ementt hat S. An antivirafla ctoro ccurrinfgr om fect on anemia,l eukemia,a nd other makesi t a therapeuticsixp ercenotf thed ryw eighotf garlibce - bloodd yscrasias. ing madeu p of the bioflavonoiqduse r- C. An antiarthritifca ctorw hich food. citina ndc yanidinT.h eyh avea ntiviral, reducejso inti nflammatiaonnd s welling anti-inflammatorayn,d anti-oxidant by itst endenctyo proliferaftieb rotic properties. growtha mongl igamentasn d otherc on- nectivtei ssuesG.a rlihca sb ecomaen ad- T. Vitaminf actorsf rom elevated junctivneu trienptr escribbeyd p hysicians J. An antifungfaalc toirn theh erbe x- quantitieosf thev itaminBs- l,C andA witha n interesitn them usculoskeletalhibiteads presenbto thb y experimenitns beingp resent. systemw hoa pplyr econstructitvhee rapy theb odya ndi n thel aboratorGya.r lihca s U. Mineralf actorsa lsoc ontaineidn fort hee liminatioofn c hronijco intp ain. demonstratietds a bilitays a fungicidalthe clovea rep roteina nd them inerals D. A sugar metabolisfma ctort hat agentt o be morep otentt hanm anyc om- calciumi,r ona ndz inc. makest hisl ily-budlebr ivatiuvsee fuflo r merciala ntifungald rugs including treatindgi abeteasn dh ypoglycemiaas, nystatifno rT heY eastS yndrom(ec lin- V. Miscellaneotuhse rapeutifca ctors wella s otheri rregularitoife si nsulin didiasis)_ withv irturewsh ichh aveb eena ttributed metabolism. K. An antiparasitifca ctorw orks to thep resencoef diallysulfiudnes,t able E. A chelationf actorw hich comes againsitn testinpaalr asitseusc ha s giar- sulfuri n alkylp olysulfideasn,d t o a fromv astq uantitioefs s eleniuamn dg er- dina ndc ryptosporidTihae.a ncienhte r- chemicalulnyd efinegdr oupo f substances maniump ackedi ntot heb ulb.T heg arlic bal remedyh as beenu sedw iths uccess designataesd p hytoncideRsu.s siasnc ien- planta bsorbst heset won utritionally throughouhtu manh istorfyo ri ntestinal tistsb elievteh att hesep hytonciadreest he necessarmyi neralsf romt he soile x- wormsa ndo therg astrointestipnaarla - mysteriouesl ementtsh atm akeg arlica ceedinglwye ll.T hish igh absorption sites. therapeutifco od. phenomenono ccursf rom selenium,i n L. An anti-inflammatfoarcyt ort hat Usingm iscellanetohuesr apeutfiacc tors particulhaarv,i nag distinscitm ilariitny comesd irectlfyr oma Ilicint,h ep rimary as thes oler ationalaem ongv eterinarians chemicaslt ructurteo sulfurA.n ds ulfur substanwchei chg ivegsa rliict su npleasantfora dministerirnagw g arlici,n France, produceasn attractarneta ctioinn garlic, odor. horsessu fferinfgr omp eriphervaals cular perhaptsh rougah herbalp lantc helation M. An anfihypertenfsaicvteo irn garlic diseaseso f the veinsw itha ssociated process. is recoghizebdy the Japanesfeo oda nd thrombosesw ere fed the herb. This Consequentlaym ongp racticallayl l druga dministratioPnr.e scribinagg ed therapeutgiacr licr egimepnr ovedt o be plantsg,a rlicco ntaitnhse h igheslte velo f garliecx tracits practicasltlayn datrrde at- quiteef fectiavse t hec orrectitnrge atment. thea ntioxidasnetl eniuwmi thi tsc hela- ment among Japanesep hysiciansf or W. An anti-free-radfiaccatlo rd erives tion-liskueb stituteifofne cotn impuritieslowerintgh eirp atientse’l evatebdl ood fromg arlic’ssu lfur.contaicnhienmgi cals. withint heb loodv esselasn db odyc ells. pressures. It turnso utt hatt heses ulfurc ompounds F. A separataen tiheavmye talf actor N. An antihypercholesterfeamcitco r ares cavengeorfs h armfuflr eer adicalisn thats eeminglwyo rksb y oralc helation decreaseelse vatebdl oodc holesteroiln,- fooda dditivecsi,g aretstmeo ke,a lcoholic therapyw ithint he blood streamt o creasetsh eb lood’psr otectilviep idc alled beverages,r adiation-anmda ny other neutralihzeea vym etalt oxicity. highd ensitlyi poprote(iHnD L),a ndn or- sources. G. An antioxidantf actor which malizeas r ecipientb’lso odf atp rofile. Thea nti-free-radfiaccatlo ri n garlic reducesl ipidp eroxideasn d otherf ree O. An anticlottifnagc torf roma joene, quenchetsh ee nergyo f freer adicaltso radiale nd-products. a compounidn garlict hati s believebdy stopt heirp athologicparlo ceswsi thitnh e H. An allithiamifnaec torw hichf orms Dr.E ricB lockt o be efficaciouAsj.o ene cells.G arlicc ontainsa nti-oxidant by thea ctiono f vitamiBn- I( thiamine) preventbsl oodp lateleftrso ms tickintgo , nutrientwsh icha ssumet her oleo f effi- on thes ulfur-contaicnoimnpgo unadl liin. andt herebcyl ogginga,r teriawla lls.I t cientf reer adicaqlu enchers. I. An antibiotfiacc towrh ichg etsp ro- alsoi nhibitsc lumpingo f lymphocytes Thus,i t is a factt hatg arlici n its duced by the action of the enzyme (oneo f thef ormso f whiteb loodc ells). deqdorizefdo rmh asv irtuesb eyondw hat alliinaosne a lliinT.h isf actoirn creastehse P. An anticoagulfaanctt ora risesf rom onem ighth avei maginedI.t sb eneficial immunes ystem’sr esistancea gainst thep resencoef methyltrisulf(iMdAeT S). qualitiesa re quiten ecessaryi n our bacteriailn fectioInn. thea rticl"eT he Japaneser esearcherhsa vei dentified highlyt echnicaaln d overlyp olluted AntimicrobiaAlc tivityo f Garlica nd MATS as one of the key sulfurc orn- universeC.] HEALTH FOODS BUSINESS CONSUMER BUI ~l~k-Yl"IN Bilberry-- Berry Good for You gravealn ds toneosf t hek idneyasn db ladder. Indigenotuosh eathasn df orestasn da reawsi tha cidic Concurribnigl berrieefsf’e ctMsa,u sert"’Msa terMiead ica" soila ndl esst hana dequatder ainagbei,l berr(yv ac- listwsh ortlebearsra yn a stringaenndta ntiscorbuotrit ch,a t ciniummy rtillau.sk,. aw,h ortlebearnrdhy u ckleberry) whiccho untesrcsu rvya, v itamiCn d eficiency. is emerginags oneo f them orew idelyu sedh erbs. Dilutebdi lberjruyi cies g ivetno p eoplseu fferifnrgo mf lu Usedh istoricaflolray hosto fa ilmenttsh,eb ilberry~ sincfea ta ndp roteainr en o-no’nso,t eVso gel. juicel,e aveasn df ruicta na ddrescso nditifornosm t hee yes Bilberjruyi caef fecetcsz emaas w ells incseu fferewrasn tt o downt ot hek idneyasn,d i sf indiintgs n ichien m orem oder~n stimulattheek idneybsyd rinkimnogr el iquidess,p ecianlalty- applicatitoonos., urajlu ices. "Experiehnacses howtnh atb errieasr eg oodf ort hel iver JUSTR IPE andp ancreasV,o"g elo bserve"dF.o rt hoses ufferinfgr om Harvestionfgt heb ilberlreya vetsa kepsl acef romJ une livedri sordebrisl,b erjruyi cies k nowtno b ee xcellent." to Augustw,h ent hel eaveasr ed riedT.h er ipef ruitasr e Mostb errieasr ee nrichiendv itamiCn. A sp reviousmleyn - thend rieidn a shadpyl ace. tionedb,i lberirsya ntiscorbutthiecr,e btyhw articnogn ditions Bilberriceosn taitna nninwsh,i cahr et hep rincipslueb -i likes curvayn di n somei nstancbelse edidnigs orderwsh,i ch stancoef t hef ruiatn dw hicahr es aidt ob ea nti-diarrheaalr.ec’ haracterbiyza e dv itamiCn d eficiency. Anthocyanianrset heg lycosipdieg mentrse sponsibfloer Alsob,i lberricelsa,s sifaisen du tritiavree,u sedf ora nti- producitnhge p urplaen dr edc olorsH.i ghl evelosf v itaminnighbtl indneasnsdt hel eavecsa na lsob eu sedf ora stringent A anda luminuamr ec ontainiendb ilberriaess w ell.M any purposaensd f ord iarrhea. peoplaes sumteh atb ilberjruyi cel,i keo thebre rrjyu ices,, ~T’nlee avecso ntaisnu bstanctehsa ts lightlloyw ebrl ood contaihnisg hl evelosf a cidw heanc tualiltyi sa lkaline. sugar,a"c corditnogF luck. "Ifi tw ereg eneralklnyo whno wr ichi nv itamibnesr riesi are,t heyw oulfdi gurfea rm orei no ure veryddaiye t,a"c cord-’ ingt oD r.H .C.AV.o gelA.p proxima4t eolzy.o ff resbhi lber- ReferencesT:h e NatureD octorb y Dr. H.C.A.V ogel, riesc anc ontaians mucha s1 .6~ ofp urev itamiAn. KeatsP ublishingN,e w Canaan,C T; Mh’dicinaPll ants "Iti s generalklnyo wnt hatb errieasr ea lsov aluable by HansF luck,F oulsham& Co.,B erks,E ngland;T he becausoef t heihri ghm ineraclo ntentV,o"g ewlr ote. People’Hse rbalb y Dr.M ichaelA . WeinerG,D /Perigree "Varioubse rriewsi llh elpt o meety ourd ailyr equire-! Books,N ew York,N Y; Culpeper’Cso lorH erbale dited ment,h"e c ontinue"dT.h isf acts houlbde r ememberbeyd’ by DavidP ottertonS,t erlinPgu blishinCgo .,N ewY ork, allt hosweh os uffefrr omt hec onsequenocfev si tamiAn d efi- NY. ciencyu,s uallsyh owinugp i ns kind iseasepsa,t hological changienst heh airt,e etahn dn ailss,o ftenionfgt hec ornea, obesitfyr omg landuldayrs functinoing,h t-blind(nneyscs- talopiaan)d o thecro nditions." WHAT IT DOES From Accorditnogs ourcebsi,l berri"ewsh euns edm edicinally, acta sa na stringdeinutr etiTch.ed riebde rrieasd ministered int hef ormo fa decoctiaornee ffectiivnde i arrhaenad d ysen- teryA. tinctuorfet hel eaveiss h ypoglycaaenmdii cs i ndi- cateads a diabetriecm edy." VITAN~ Findinsgusg gestth at" theb errieasr ea ne xcellernetm - V STORES edyi nd iarrheaan,d t heijru icmei xewdi thw atearf fordas WHERE GREAT NUTRITION BEGINS veryr efreshidnrgi nikn a llf evericsohn ditioTnhse.l eaves arec onsideroende o ft heb esta ndm ostr eliablree medies ind iabetaensd a lsoi nd isordeorfst heu rinaroyr gansi,n (626)5 77-2711 137 W Cahforn~a Pasadena. CA 91105 ,-ii FOR INFORMATIONALP URPOSESO NLY- CONSUL’[ HEALTH PROFESSIONALF OR MEDICAL PROBLEMS TOWNSI NI) Li TTER An InformalL etterM agazinef or DoctorsC ommunicatinwgi th Doctors# 130 May 1994 Thef ollowairntgi chlaes b eerne prinwtietdth h ep ermissoifot nh ea uthoarn dT heT ownseLnedt tefro rD octors Uncariat omentosa( Cat’sC law) A WondrousH erb from the PeruvianR ainforest ByP hilliNp. Steinberg, Astragulaansd S iberiGainn senga,s w ell extentth reoef t heo thearl kaloihdasv,e CertifiNeudt ~tionCaoln sultant as Reishia ndS hitakmeu shroomsa,n d beens howinn t aborattoersyt intgol eavae othenra turpa,l- oducstusc ha sC itruSse ed pronouncede nhancemente ffecto n Uncaritao mentoissaa nh erbt hatg rows ExtracCta,p ry6Acd da ndS harCka rtilagep.hagocTt(otshiesa biliotfyt hew hitbel ood wildi n the highlandosf the Peruvian BackI n 1988a t the Internationalcellsa ndm acrophagteos a ttacke,n gulf AmazonI.t hasb eenu sedf orh undreds,Congresosn Trad’dJonaMle;d icineIsn and digesth armfulm icro-organisms, perhaptsh ousandosf, y earbsy then ativeLima, Peru, Uncadat omentosaw as foreigmna ttearn dd ebris). AshanicIan dianfso rt reatmeonft a wide discussbeydm edicadlo ctorass oneo fa Accorditnogr esearccho nductaetd t he rangeo fh ealtphr oblemass sociatweidt h numbero f differenth erbsu sedt o ShanghaCio llegoef TraditionCahli nese thei mmunae ndd igestivsey stems. consistenctulryec ancearn do thesre riousMedicineR,y nchophyl~noen,e of the Beginniinng t he1 970’asn dc ontinuingdisorderOsn.e P eruviapnh ysicisapno ke remainintgw oa lkaloiwdhsi chd oesn ot throught oday, researchh as been abouth isa ndh isc olleaguessu’c cesseshavei mmune-stimulaptrionpge rtiehsa,s conducteodn thisr emarkablpel anti n withU ncedtao mentoasnad o thehre rbsi n beens howinn l aboratop/tetsotd iinsgp lay manyc ountrietsh roughoutth e world treati1n4gt ypeosf a ccuratedliya gnosedana bCdtyo i n.’bpilta telaegtg regatainodn includinsge:v erarle sean:df’atc ilitiiens canceirn 700p atientbse twee1n9 84a nd t~’cxnboTshiisss. u ggestthsa tt hisa lkaloid Peru;U,n iversiotfy I nnsbruAcu~s tria;1988. mayb eu sefuiln t hep reventioofns troke Universitoyf Munich,G ermany;T,h e andr educitnhge r isko fh earatt tac~b,y HuntingtoRne searcChe nter,E ngland; lowerinbgl oodp ressurei,n creasing The CentralR esearchI nstituteo f circulatioann,d InhJ’oitibnogt ht he ChemistrHyu,n garyT;h,e U niversitoifes formatioofnp laquoen t hea rteriwaall ls Milaann dN apleIst,a lyA.s a resulotf t his andt hef ormatioonf bloodd otsi n the ongolngr esearcthh erei s evidencteo vesseolfst heb rainh,e aratn da rteries. suggestt hatU ncaritao mentosmaa y be On Novembe2r8 , 1988a nd June1 7, beneF~ailn the treatmenotf cancer, 1993a rtic~easb outU ncadat omentosa arthritibsu,r sitirsh,e umatisgme,n ital appearedI n El Comerdo,t he major herpeasn dh erpezso stearl, lergiuelsc,e rs, metroporndeawns papienrI ..~’tPae,r uT.h e systemic candidiasis, PMS and firsatr ticlset atetdh atU ncartioa mentosa irregularitioefs the femalec ycle, hadb eenp rovento be effectivien the environmenttoaxli np oisoninngu,m erous treatmeonfta llergiaensdN eurobronchitis. I’hmp ~ bowela ndi ntestindails orderosr,g anic Thea rticlteh enw ento nt ot alka bouDtr . Inh isa rticltei tleAd N ewW orlCdl ass depressioann,d t hosei nfectewdi tht he Keplinger’ssu ccessi n usingU ncada HerbF orA K.P racticDer,. D avist alks HIVv irus. tomentostao treatg enitahle rpesa nd about his observationo f Uncaria Dr.B rentW . Davis,D C.,w ho has herpezso sterI.t e ndewdi tha discussion tomentoasbai ~ttyo b reakt hrougshe vere beenw orkinwgi thU ncaritao mentofsoar a of hisr esultisn treatinsge venA IDS intestinadle rangementthsa tn o other numbeorf y earsi nt heU niteSdt atesh,a s patients who displayedv arious avagablper oductcsa nt ouchH.e cometso referrteodt hish erba sT heO peneorf t he progressioofnt sh ed iseasAec.c orditnog this~ altert reatinagp proximately Wayb ecausoef itsr emarkabalbei littyo thea rticlhee,w asn ota blet oh elpt woo f 150p atienftrso m1 988u nt~1 992, cleansteh ee ntirIen testitnraalc atn dh elp the.spea tienhtosw eve~,~wtehlelb einogf InJ ulyo f1 989U,S .P aten#t4 ,844,901 patientssu fferinfgr omm anyd ifferent the:o~efri vei mprovetdo s ucha n extent wasi ssuetdo a researscchi entibsytt he stomacahn db oweld isorderisn cluding: thatt heirs ymptomdsi sappeared. nameo fK iauKse plingfeorr i solatisnigx Crohn’dsi seasdei,v erticulilteiaskb,yo wel The seconde rtides pokea bouth ow oxJndoallek aloifdrso mt hem oto fU ncarla syndromceo,F rtJsh,e morrhoifdiss,t ulas, Immodaat ,l aboratIonrA yu striuan detrh e tomentosaI.n thist enp aget echnical gastritiusl,c ersp,a rasitaensd I ntestinal directioonf Dr.K epr~jeri,s usinga patenitt s tatetsh ata llb utt woo ft hese floriam balancIen.i tsh ealinagb ilitayn d medicineex tractefdr omt he vineo f alkaloiadrse s uitabfloer t heu nspecific benefitt o the immunes ystem,U ncaria Uncarltao mentosaal ongw ithA ZT.T his stimulatoifot nh eI mmunolosgyisct emT.h e tomentosaap pearst o haves o many combinatiiosn b eingu sedt o impedteh e mosti mmunologicaalcltyi vea lkaloid, therapeutiacp plicationtsh ati t far multiplicoaftt ihoenH IVv iruisn t heb lood. a~ to the patent,I s Isopteropodme. surpassessu chw ellk nownh erbsa s Pau activatteh ec ellso f thei mmunsey stem Isopt~( IsomerA ), and to a lesser de Arco,E chinaceGao,l deSn eal, ands topt hed evelopmeonft c ancerous cells.T he articlew ento n to statet hat joints and cannot take conventional At presentM,r . Steznberigs workinags Immodalh as commeroalizetdh is medidne medicinesb ecauseo f unpleasants ide a consultantt o the naturalp roducts under the name Krallendorna nd has effectsF.i nallyh,e suggesttsh atC ars industrayn,d a s a freel ancew ritedre aling successfulbleye nu singi t fort hep asts ix Clawm ightb e helpfuiln redudntgh es ide witht opicsp ertainintgo nutritioann d yearst o treatp eoplei nfectedw ith ~e effectso f radiationa nd chemotherapyholisthJe¢a lth. AIDS virus. According to Immodal, associatewdi thc ancert reatments. practicallnyo ne of the cases not yet In thew ordso f Dr.B rentD avisU,n caria showing symptoms of the disease tomentosias a worldc lassh erbw hichh as Correspondence: developed further. The cases that the powert o arresta nd reversed eep displayetdh ef irsts ymptomosf thed isease seatedp athologya,l lowinag morer apid PhilliNp. Steinberg showeda n improvemenitn blooda nalysis return to health in the context of P.O. Box 3014 and a disappearanocfe c linicasly mptoms concomitaAn.tK .t herapies. Evergreen,C O withint he firsty ear,a situatiotnh at In dosing,I wouldl ike to sharem y tel/fa(x3 03)6 74.2964 continuetso thisc lay.F inalltyh ea rticlepersonal experience with Uncaria menUonedt hat Krallendorhna s alsob een tomentosaF.o r approximateltyh e last effectivien decreasitnhge u npleasasnitd e twentyy earsI have been plaguedb y a effectosf bothA Z’I"a ndr adiatiotnh erapychroniucd naryt ractp robleimn volvinagn References: whenu sed in cancert reatmenL unspecifiIendf lammatocroyn ditioonf the BesidesI sopteropodinaen d the other urethraa nd other symptomsc ommonly oxindolael kaloidsI,t aliana nd Peruvian associatedw ith an enlargedp rostate 1. U.&P aterNdo .4 .844.901(dJaztdey4d . researchehrasv ei solateodt herb enefidalglandT.h rougl~otuhte sey earsI visitead propert=~t imu~t~~ i mrnun=~gic czx’~dtuenitnsh erenitn theh erbi ncluding:numbero f ddfenmdto ctorbso tha llopathic Syltern, severalp olyphenoiasn d triterpineasn,d andh olistiIc t.r iedc onventiomneadli cines2,. Joumato/E~mph=um~yV’d.. 3a, No. the plant steroidsB eta-sitosterol,numerousv itamina nd mineralr egimens, 1:6:3-7179,9 3J an.M utagenain¢d ¯ ndmutagenakc=c edeo=f Un¢adIao memou stigmasterol and campesteroL The herbalr emedyc ombinationasn d an army m~di tse xtracts. presenceo f thesea dditionaclo mpounds of othern aturalp roductsw ithm inimal 3. Joumaolf NaturaPlm dU~VoO L5 4,N o. mightf urtheerx plaitnh eh erb’asn ti-oxidanrtesults. 2;453-199.9 1M all,~Pxl.a nmte tal~)Etes. propertieist,sa bilittyo proteccte llsf rom In Septembeorf 1993,I was givena n Newc ompounadn=d = zd-kdZ~tm=atc=~rvyi ty of ~ tomeNm, a. damagec ausedb y freer adicalsa,n d the opportunittyo samples everalo unceso f 4. Joumalo l NMumlP mdu¢~V oL5 3, an6wirala,n tl-tumaonrd anti-inflammatoUrnyc~ ~ I beg= expedm~ing No.3;559-16949,0 M =p#JunNee.w propertiaelss oa ttributteod t hish erb. witht he herbb y brewingi t as a tea and Poly~tetdr f=erlpenferso mU n¢ada drinjk W eec urep erd ay.A bouwta y tomentmm in Peru and other Spanishs peaking 5. Jouma/o/Nature/VP~rd~. 5 2. No. countries,t he commonn ame for Uncada intom y thi¢ld ayo f doingt his,I begant o Planmte t¯hordSetsr.i ctuarnedI n~xo tomentosai s Ufia de Gato,i n English, notice the chronic udnary symptoms Oulrwvi¢,4~d ~ f~m CatsC raw.I t is importatnot n otet hatt here startintgo drninlsA~b outh alfw ayi ntot he tomemoua nd Guemu~P l=typodL 6. Joumaolt N aturaPlr odu~Vzo,L S t.N o. is anotherU ncadas peciest hatg rowsi n secondw eekt he symptomwse rev irtually 2:257-61.1M9=8I8A p¢N.e wO z.inovAic¢i d me lowlandso f the Peruvianr ainforestselirninated. ~ from ~ tom=~Zo==. knowna s Uncarlag uianensiTsh.i sh erbi s Since that initiale xpedment,a s I 7. RataM e=~,=V.o L5 1.R P-4 19-231,9 85T.h e aLsoc agedU fiad e Gatoa nd CatsC law. continuet o drink the tea dab/, my Nkalolcolf=U n¢adaton~a’nzdUT mlaz eir Uncadag uianensish as been shown to resistantcoe c oldsf,l u,a ndo thert ypeso f 8. ,~F armacEoe,L 5 ¢.v oL3 14as¢7.,1 976. I-roves omeo f the samec haractedstiacs~ infectiorne mainhsi gh.I am nowa blet o AlkaloiadnsdP rocyunko:f~= sI tU ncudsap . Uncada tomentosa with one major pedorhma ava ndm orpeh ysictazgdyn g fmrnPem. exceptionI.t does not containt he most workw ithoutth et i,-ecslo,r em usclIes 9. Bre~W.D ay/=,D C.AN~wWoddClaHse=r b forA K PracticSeu.m me1r9 92. importanatl kaloidI,s opteropodinTeh.i s wouldh ave normallye xperienceidn the 10.~~,Uma, PemJune 17, 1993. wouldm ostl ikelyr esulti n thiss pecies past. 11.B C, ome~’oU.m a.P em.N ovembe2~8 . beingl ess effectivef or immunes ystem Becauseo f the numerousb eneficial 1988. app6ca~nsI.t Is thereforiem potentto be elementisn thisp lant,t he manyy earso f 12.Dr.R /ctmG~e rberM.. O..VibmtlHeem~dn g. AldumP ul=adlG~n =upt,S ~IL aware that productsb eing marketeda s usea s a Iraddlonmaeld icinec,o uplewdi th 13.~ News, V~L t Summer 1989 CatsC law or Ut~ad e Gato can be either my experiencues ingt his herb.I have 14.Cat’C:r awQ uarterlVyo,L1 ,Summ1e9r8 9 Uncadat omentosao r Uncadag uianensis.come to believet hat Uncadat omentosa 15.K,H oMettmaattm~p . Lea;’BiologAic¢davJe~ thet ~g~a cc~’nebde,s ts eUinbgo ok has tremendoupso tentiaals a successful NaturaPlr odu~Okx f~’Sdd encPeu bic¯don=. 1981. VibrationHaela lZnbgy Dr.R icharGde rber, preventativaen d treatmenfto r many of 16.~ Lane.P h.D.S,h arkC artiLaRgees ea~¢ll M.D.,C arsC lawi s mentioneads a unique today’sse riouhse althp roblems. Sumn~ry. herbalr emedy that has been used for 17.PlantMs~ ’¢aV,o l.4 7,N o.4 :244-159,8 3. Ai~oid=o f ~ ~l=nend=. manyy earsb y nativeh ealerso f Peru.H e About the Author 16.Phytochem/V~o’L3y 0,, N o.5 : 1635-71,9 91. furthers tates,t he herb shows great Qu;novi¢A dd ~ born Unc=rlab orn promisfeo rt het reatmenotf Arthritiwsh en Pi-ulliNp. Steinbeirsg a graduatoef The 19.BuDS.o ¢./~Ba//o./ S.p er.V.o l6.5 .N o.6 :517- takeni nternalleyi,t herb y makinga teao r NutritionisItnss titutoef Amedcaa ndh as 520.1 989P.h ytochematncdaB lk )logi¢ai takingc apsuleso f the herb.D r. Gerber beena n owner/operatoofr s everalh ealth Researcohn Uncadtao memosa. aLsoe xplaintsh atE uropeasnt udiesh ave and naturalp roducts tores.H e has also 20.Act&P ham. .~V oi1 3°N o.2 ;126-30, determinedt hat Uncariat omentosah as lectureda nd conductedw orkshopsi n 1992.I nhil~orEyf fecto f Rhymeo n PlatelAegtg regatainodnT htombods. veryl ow toxiciteyv eni f takeni n large altemativeh ealingm ethodsi ncluding thosei ndividualwsh o sufferf romp ainful Acupressuraen d PolaritTyh erapy. H~b~lann dN ozmaSna lemJ r~" DmaqP olyunsamraFlaeldl y Ac,dasn d[ :Xc~cm’o~n[:t hrCnh olcs,¢Dfooel,N otS aul." OliveL eafE xtract-Benetfhiets Hearta ndR etardIsn fections Lonag staploefM editerracnueiasni ne,thep roteciona otf t hev irusm,a naged Ina nothcears eD,o nalGda y,D .C., theo livaen di tso ilh aveb eelni nkedtor educteh ea biliotfyt hesoer ganismsN.D.,H .M.D.b,a sedi n Toronto, toa loweirn cideonfch ee ardti seaisne toc onveiyn fections. Canaduas,e d.ollievaeef x trafcotrc as- peoploeft hatr egioNno.w e videnicse Ana nimaslt udtyh ats amey earb y eso fc hronifca tiguaen di mmundee - mountitnhga ta ne xtracftr omo live Upjohsnc ienti(sAtnst imicrobialAgpernetsssisoynn dromHee.s awt hatt hese leaves-cooimle fsr omo livpeu lp-alsoandC honother1a9p6y9,m) i micktehde patienhtasd i mpairiemdm unfeu nc- hase xtenstihveer apebuetniecf iitns-, infectpiroonc easnsd c oursoeft reat- tiono,f tefnr oms treswsh,i cahl lowed cludilnogw eribnlgo opdr essurweo,r k- mento f tilec ommocno ld.R esults variovuisr aaln db acteriinafle ctitoons inga gainfsrte e-radaicctailv i(twyh ichshowetdh atc alciueml enolactoeu ld takeh old".W hatn’ese deidss omething causecse ldla magaen dl eadtso d egen-killv iruswehse ng ivewni thi1n5m in- tharti dtsh ep ersoofnb acterainadvl i - eratiorne)p,e llbiancgt earnidav iruses,uteosf i nfectiiotwn a;s a lseof fectiverali nfectioannsdn, o wI ’vfeo untdh e ande nhancitnhge i mmunsey stemosf whegni veeni ghhto urasf teirn fection.appropricaotmep ounsdt,a"t eDsr .G ay. AIDSp atients. Evetnh eni,t r esultien"d a d rastriec- "Olivlee aefx tradcote vse rwye llf or Thea ctivceo mponeonftt heo live ductioofnt hei nfectiporuosc eswsh"i le patienstusf ferfirnogtm h esien ciden- leafi so leurop(etihneb itteerl ementminimiztihnesg p reaodft hei nfection.tali nfectioDnrs.G. a"yu setdh ee xtract removefdr omo livewsh ent heya re Oleuropeainnt’isb actearcitailv itytoc ureh iso wnc hronsiicn usiftriosm processeTdh)el. e aafl scoo ntainnast - wasd emonstraitnea d s tudya tt he whichhe h ads ufferfeodro vetre ny ears. ural vitaminC helpersc alled VolcanIin stituotfe Agricultural ArnoldT akemotoB,. S.,a bio- bioflavonsouicdahss ,r utinl,u teolin,ResearicnRh e hovoIts,r aeRle.s earchercshemiswth od esignnsu tritiopnraol- andh esperidwihni,c ahr en eedefdo r testietdse ffeocnta bactesriimai ltaor gramisn A rizonuas,e do livlee afe x- tracitn h isw orkw itha maintenaonfct eh ec apillwaarlyl asn d Streptocoacncdfu osu ntdh aotl europein rheumatolofgoircs ats es protectaigoani nisntf ection. effectivkeillyl etdh eo rganiIstmd .i d of fibromyalglaan d Analysiosf oleuropeaitn t he thisb yd amagitnhge c ellm embrane UniversoiftM ye ssinianI taldye mon-oft heb acterciealll c,a usiinngt racel-chronifca tigusey n-, drome.H e comments: strattehda otl ivlee aefx trahcatsd is- lulacro nstituseunctahss p hosphorus, ~It’tsh em issilnign tkh at tinchte arbte nefiRtess.e archceorns- potassiaunmd,g lutamattoel ,e ako ut functiaosna sn a ntiviral cludetdh ato leuropienicnr eabsleodo d andi mpoveritshhec ell( Journoafl anda ntiretrovaigreanlt flowt ot heh earatn dl owerebdl ood AppliBeadc terio1l9o7g2y),. bys lowindgo wnt heo r- pressuOrlee.u ropfeoiunni dn o livlee af Medicajlo urnalMiosrtt oWna lker, ganismr’esp roducctyi-ve extrachtasda strongeefrf etchta onl eu-D.P.M.r,e portseedv errale censtu c- . cle.O"l ivlee aefx trahcet, ropeiann dt hef lavonoiindt sh eiirs o- cessuessi nogl ivlee aefx tra(cTto wnsend latedp,u rififeodr (ml lFarma1c9o9,1 ).LettfeorrD octoarnsdP atienJtusl1,y9 96)..adds,% llowtsh ep atienti’msm une Olivlee afe xtramcaty a lsoh avea Fore xamplBee,r naFrrdi edlanDd.eCr.’,, systetmog oo nt hea ttack." heart-proteecftfiencdgtu et oi tsa n- ofS anM ateoC,a lifornuisae,do live MarkK onleee,d itoorf P ositive tioxidaabnitl itayc,c ordtiona g s tudyleafextraasac tp reventattrievaet mentHealtNhe wsa, W isconnseiwns letftoerr theA IDSc ommunitrye,p ortosn s uc- att heU niversoiftM yi lainn I talyA. fora 34-year--woolmda enx posetdo cessweist ohl ivlee aefx traicntt h et reat- highl eveolf l ow-densliitpyo proteitnheg enithaelr pevsi rubsy a ni nfected mento fA IDS-relaitleldn esseOsn.e (LDLt,h es o-cal"lbeadcd h olesterols,e"xuapla rtneDrr..F riedlapnudteh re r patiewnhtoa ddeodl ivlee aefx tratcot a resuolfta diehti gihn s aturaftae0d, o,1o livlee aefx traacsst o oans t hew om- hisr egulraerg irioifem ne dicatsiaowns int heb loodr-eas ulotfa diehti gihn anr ealizsehde h adb eene xposetdo hisH IVv irallo add ropf rom1 60,000 saturaftae’dt -ciosn sidear meadj orri sk thev irubsu tb eforaen ys ymptohmasd to3 0,00a0f teorn lyt wom onthsH.i s factofro rc oronarhye artd isease.appeareNdo.h erpelse siodnesv eloped Kaposis’asr colmeas ioanlss boe gatno Oxidatioonf LDL( anu ndesirableanda yearl atesrh ew ass tilsly mptom disappeAanro.t hpeart ientta,k inogn ly chemiccahla ngper oducbeyde xposurefreeD.r .F riedlahnadseu rs eodl ivlee af too xygeni)so neo ft hef actotrhsa t extrafcotr" eliminaatliltn ygp eosf i n- olivlee aefx trafcotr3 ’/:m onthssa,w hisv irallo acdu ti nh alafn da chieved fectioinnsc ludfiunngg abla,c terivail-, a signifiicnacnrte aisnhe i sw hitbel ood rala,n dp arasitic." counta, s ignt hath isi mmunsey stem wasg ainisntgr ength. i l~elea/iatnsde xtramcaty b eo f excellneunttr itivoanlaulae n dw ilgla in widea cclaims,a"y sS tepheLne vine, Ph.D.,P residenatn dD irectoorf Researacthf l~Ael lerRgeys earGcrho up inS anL eandrCoa,l ifornHiias.c om- panyn owm arkeatnso livlee afe xtract int wof ormsA:l ivaen dW elml (focro n- sumerasn)d P rolimv (eform edicparlo - fessionablost)hi; n 5 00-rcaagp sules. Dr.L evinseu ggesttask inogn ec apsule perd ayw ithm ealfso rh ealtmha inte- nancneo,t intgh aitt ’asd visatbolc eo n- sumee xtraam ounotfsp urew atewrh ile takintgh ee xtratcoth eltph eb odfyl ush outt oxinrse leasuendd etrh ei nfluence oft heo livlee aefx tract. $OURC~Pk,m onW ml~D .I’J,,4L",A mim~mbiAdn rilm,t~n" Ohven ..afE ztrx"~"~ L~}b’DonOm" P,,mnm( poly t~6).8 04S:F rmct~’Vou k~le nd C~choG ~ $$’+(’149 94l)q,~ L~..Pl.~.l-;, F+i-r ma’mad R hsF icau’"nHLl,q .~ ^n~rmo f C~’m*cWme nd 5on~ ~ tn Led’rodB ud of" OIr~~ L,"n ~,.m,4~+ ..6( 1991)8,0 .1415~: E . gen~s, "InV ’nmA mndndA ¢I~o ¢’Calcm~m+ +olsit,~"l s~s~Wlmd ~1+~m ,dQ ~mdm~/. p9 69( 1970)1,6 7.17B1.:J u~cnt.m ,l. "Smdtcosnf hek km:hamostm"I 1~+ ~nlimlcmPt,cA ldk om4 " /’&~/~~’ ~I I (Mtyl ~6~I fmm:~ I-Iog~eU i.~ p.O.B en ZI;.041W,m, ’UIW~1 $ .12~/t;e l4:1 4-~0-,4.~04 Naturahle rbals upplemenotf fersa varietoyf remedies. any of us havee n- thatw oulrdi vavli rtualalnyyf ood." In addititoon f ightivnagr ious joyedo reganow ith Thew ildo reganios richm a long fungio,i lo fo regainsou sefualg ainst ourf oodsa t onep ointo r another.listo f mineraltsh ati ncludceasl - bacteriaan dp arasiteAss. I ngram But how much more would you cium,m agnesiuzmi,n c,i ronp,o tas-assert=so,i lo fo reganoa’n~t iseptic enjoiyt i fy our ealizjeuds th owb en-sium,p hosphorusc,o pper,b oron powerasr ei mmense..i.nihti bitthse eficialo reganoc an be to your and manganeseV.i taminCs and A growtohf them ajoritoyfb acteria, healthY?o uw ouldp robablsyp rin-(betac arotenaen)d n iacianl soa re somethitnhga tp rescriptainotni bi- klei t on moret hanj usty ourp izzacontainiend o regano. oticosf tefna ilt oa ccompliIsnht .h"e ands paghettrii,g ht? Judginfgr omi tsm ineraclo n- caseo fp arasiteosi,lo fo reganhoa s Oreganios oneo f them ostd i- tenatl onei,t i sn’hta rdt of iguroeu t hads uccessn eutraliziwnogr ms, verse healtha ids available.why oreganoi s such a valuableamoebaa ndp rotozoans. Unfortunatelhyo,w everm,u cho f commodity.C onsiders ome of Additionuasle sf oro reganaon d theo regantoh atc onsumearrse f a- oregano’ost heru sefulp urposesoilo fo reganaor em ulti-dimensional. miliarw ithc ontainosn lyt race andi t becomeesv enm oreo bvious.Theyh aveb eenf oundh elpfuli n quantitioefst het hea ctuaslp ecies "Oreganios one of Nature’scombatidniga rrheian,t estingaals of thatp lant,o r in somec ases,finesptr eservativsetsa,t"eI sn gramandd igestiporno blemass, w ella s nonea ta ll. in anotherb ook, Supermarketsoret hroaatn db reathdiinfgf iculties. Meanwhiler,e searcherhsa ve Remedies.T he authors uggestsOilo f oregancoa nb e of immediate uncoverendu merousb enefitst o thati f oreganios usedw ithf oodshelpa gainsbte e stingsa ndm any usingo reganaon de xtractoeidl o f sucha s meat,e ggs,m ilko r salad,venomobuist esu ntilm edicaalt ten- oreganoB.u t buyerb ewaret,h ese you" wilglr eatlhya ltt heg rowtohf tionc anb e reachedO.i lo f oregano significhaenatl tbhe nefiatrse u nat-microbeasn d,t hus,r educteh er isk hase venb eens uggestaesd a treat- tainablief theo reganios nott he forf oodp oisoning." mentf ord andrufdfi,a perra sha nd trues ubstance. Thek eye lemenitn oreganios othesrk ind asorders. Neverthelesst,r ue oil of theo il,w hichF osterp ointso ut Theb enefitosf oreganhoa ve oreganoof fermsa nye xcztinrge me-"containcsa rvacroaln dt hymola s gonel argeluyn noticeadn du nder- diest o a varietoyf ailmentsI.n the primaryc omponentsF.o"s ter publicizefdo r far tool ong.A s Herbal Renaissance,S teven attributtehse" fungiciadnadlw orm-Ingramn otes,o reganios "oneo f Fosterc reditosr eganaos havingexpellanptr opertieso"f oil of thew orld’fsi nestn aturamle di- "beene mployetdo treati ndiges-oregantoo carvacroaln dt hymol.cinest,h ati si fi ti st rueo regano." tion,h eadachedsm,r rhean,e rvous"Thestew op henolmsa yc onstituteSo whileo reganmoa yh oldt hea n- tensioni,n sectb ites,t oothache,asm ucha s9 0%o f( theo il)." swerf ora numbero f yourh ealth earacher,h eumatisamn,d c oughs HoweverI,n gradmi fferss,t at-questiobnes s,u ret hati t isi nf act due to whoopincgo ugha nd bron- ingt hatt hee dibloei lo f oregano,the realt hing.R emembert,h ese chiti(sp rimarifloyr i tsa ntispas-thet ypeu sedf orc enturibeys v il- remedieasr eo nlya ttnbutteod g en- modiecf fects)." lagerosv erseaiss, i s devoiodf or uineo reganaon d oilo f oregano. ¯ The ancientG reeksw eFe- veryl owi n:thymoIln.s teadc,a r- Nonetheletshse,i rv alueasr em uch’ amongt hef irstt o takea dvantagevacroli s thea ctivei ngredient,tooi mportatnot o verlooOkr.e gano of oregano’mse dicinaqlu alities.whichi s edibleW.h ereash,e says,may be just the thingy ou are TheG reektse rmetdh eu sefuslp icethymohla sa toxitch reshold. searchifnogr ,o rm aybdei dn’rte al- orlganosm,e anin"gd elighotf the Ingrama ddst hatt heset wo izew ase vena vailablWeF. mountains." phenolwso rk" synergisticaalnldy," Althoutghhe rea rea widev ari-thati s ther easo"no ilo f oreganoReferences: etyo f planttsh ata rec onfusweidt h packsa doublpeu nchi n antisepticTheC urei s in theC upboabryd C ass IngraiDn¯,O . oregano--includimnagr joram, powera nde xplainwsh yi t is infi- SupermarketR emediesb y Cass thyme and sage--trueo regano nitelmyo rep otentth anc ommercial IngramD,. O.,w ithJ udyK ayG ray, growsw ildi n Mediterraneraen- phenoiln m icrobikaill linpgo wer." M.S. gionss uch as Greece.T he wild Allo f thish elpsm akeo reganoHerbalR enaissancbey Steven oreganios thes ourceo f surpris-oila signififcaacntto irnt reatiinng- Foster inglpyo tenoti lo fo regano. ternaaln de xternfauln gii,n cludingInformatiopnr ovidedb y North In The Cure Is in the athletef’oso tS.k inc onditiosnusc h AmericaHne rb& SpiceC o. CupboardC,a ssI ngramD,. O.,h as as psoriasiasn d eczemac an be writtean b ookt hat= s dedicatteod improvedw itht he treatmenats Sponsoredb y unveilintgh e healthb enefitosf well.I ngraemx plaintsh ea stonish- oreganoa nd oil of oregano.H e ingd iscovetrhya t" oilo f oregano NortAhm erican notest hat" wilodr eganios a venta-outrighdte stroyasl lv arietioefs blen aturamli neratlr easure-housfeu,ngia nd yeasts,r egardlesosf Her&b S pice containinag d ens=toyf mineralswheret heyr eside." CONSUMER BULLETIN Oxygen’. Literalltyh eB reatho f Life! O xygeni s thes inglmeo sti mportancth emicaclo m- PURIFICATION OF FLUIDS poundf oundi n ours olars ystemI.t sp resencien Aerobiocx ygecna np uriflyi quidssu cha s drinkinwga ter, oura tmospheirse w hate nableosu rp lanetto sus- ande xperiencterda velerasn dv acationehrasv eu sedi t for tainl ifea,n di tsp resenicneo urb odieosn t hec ellu- yearst o killt heb acteriaan do rganiswmh~i chf esteirn the lar levelc an meant he differencbee tweegno od drinkiwnagt ero f countrileisk eM exicaon dI ndia. healtahn da sickleyx istencOex.y geenn ergizceesl lss o they Approximatfeilvyed ropso f aerobiocx ygeand dedt o eight canr egenerataen,d i t combinewsi tho thers ubstanciens t he ounceosf w aterj,u icem,i lke,t c.i ss ufficiteonp tu riftyh el iquid body,a procesksn owna s oxidatiotno, d estroeyx cesosr toxic ande liminaatded itivleisk ec hlorianned k illb acteriFao.rl iq- materialwsh ichd evastatbeo dilyf unctionasn dd epletteh e uidst hata reg oingt o be storefdo ra longetri me,2 0 dropiss bodyo fl ife-giveinnegr gy. recommendteod e nsurteh ati t remainpsu re. Yet,j usta s scientisatnsdh ealtehx pertasr eb eginnitnog uncovetrh ei mportanocfe havinagn adequatseu pplyo f oxy- INFECTIOANN D BACTERIA genf ora healthbyo dya nda soundm ind,e nvironmenptoaill u- A labr eporftr omB ayloRre searcFho undatisotna tetsh at tantsa ndd eforestatairoenr obbintgh ep reciouesl emenftr om aerobiocx ygeins s uccessfiunl k illinsge veraflo rmosf anaero- thev erya irw e breathet,h ew aterw e drinka,n de vent hef ood bic bacteriaS:t reptococcuGsu,a rdiLaa mbliaS,a lmonella, we eat. To make mattersw orse,t he hecticp ace of our CholeraE,. coli,P seudomonaasn d Staphylococcuasm,o ng stressed-ouatn,x iety-inducsioncgi etfyu rthedre pleteosu r others. owni nternraels ervooifr t hiso dorlescso,l orleasnsd t asteless Vaginailn fectioannsd d isordercsa na lsob e cl~redb y substantchea ti ss o essentifaolro urs urvival. addinage robiocx ygetno watert o makea n effectidvoeu che. Buts ciencmea yh aved evisead s olutiotno helpt urnt he tidei n thes trugglfeo ri mprovecde llulaorx idatioUnn.t ilr e- centlyt,h eo nlyw ayf ort heb odyt o obtaionx ygewna st hrough ENERGY LEVEL INCREASE Oneo f thed ifferencbeest weeann athleteb’osd ya ndt hat breathinbgu,t n owr esearchecrlsa imt o havei solatetdh ec om- of a persownh or eceivevse ryl ittleex ercisies, t hea mounotf pounadn dc ano fferi ti n thef ormo fa supplement. oxygewnh ichp ulsatetsh rougthh eb loodi n theirb odiesA.s A reportf rom the prestigiouRso bertW . Bradford stateeda rlieorx,y geins v itaflo rt hel ifea nde nergoyf c ellsa,n d ResearchI nstituteb,y RodrigoR odriquezM,. D.a nd the withouitt cellsb egint ob ecomuen healtahnyd w eak.I t is only MedicaDli rectoorf AmericaBni ologicHso spitalcso,n cludes logicatlo assumteh ata bodyr ichi n itss upployf oxygewni ll thato xygecna nb es tabiliziend a beneficinaoln -toxfiocr ma,n d havem oren ourishmeanntd t hereformeo,r ee nergy. severaclo mpaniehsa veb eene stablishtehda ta reb lazinag traili n thisn ewm arketN.e wt echnolotghya th asb eend evel- opeds tabilizoexsy geinn bothl iquiadn dt ablefto rm,a llowing EMPHYSEMA, ASThiVIA form orec onveniednots ageasn df urtheard dingt o thep rod- Anyonew ho has experienctehde t-aumao f thel osso f uct’asp peal. breatha ssociatweidt ha sthmae,m physemoar sinusd isorders To anyonweh oi s stills kepticaablo utt heb enefiotfs t ak- alreadkyn owsh owi mportanotx ygeni s to the body.P eople ing an oxygens upplementE,d McCabe,a uthoro f Oxygen withp oorl unga ctivitcya nh elpi mprovteh eirc onditiboyn b y- Th.erapiaensd,a pioneeirn theu se_osft abilizoexdy gens,a ys: -passitnhge b ronchipaals sagewsh,i cha reo ftein’ 6strictaendd, -5- "Naturec’osn stanste ekinogf equilibriiusbm e autifulillyl us- fortifyitnhge b loodd irectwliyt ha n oxygesnu pplement. trateidn thep henomenwohne res omeonset atesa n opinioonr Peoplweh os mokec ana lsoh elpt o alleviatthee e ffectosf fact,a ndi mmediateltyh erea ppearso n the scenes omeone smoked amagea nd oxygend eprivaticoanu sedb y cigarettes witht heo pposiotpei nioonr fact( OxygeTnh erapipe.s 7 2)." by takinagn oxygesnu pplemednati ly. He goeso n to sayt hata nyb adp ressh e hass eenr egard- ingo xyge"ni so nlya lacko f viewinag l argepri cturea,n"d h e urgeasn yonweh oi s "stiluln suraeb outth eh ealtbhe nefittsh at From wille volvef romo xygenatian dge ficienbto dyp roperlyt,o" trackd ownt hee xperttso findo utf ort hemselvheosw o xygen supplemenctasn a ssistth eb ody’osw np rocesosf oxygenation. Sincset abilizoexdy geins notc lassifiaesd a drug,I t can’bte prescribfeodra nyp articulialrl nesosr h ealtphr oblem. But evidences hown by researchersl ike McCabe and Gr dh Rodriquseuzg gesttsh atb y increasitnhge a mounotf oxygeinn a person’bsl ood,t hep otentiaflo ro xygenatiiosn a lsoi n- creasedT.h erea res everaplo sitiveef fectosf increasoexdy - 153W . CaliforniPaa,s adenaC,a .9 1105 genationa,n dm anyu sesf ora n oxygens upplemenTth.e fol- (818)5 77-2711 lowingt,a kenf romp ublishseodu rcesi,s a listo f someo f the wayso xygecna nh elpi mprovteh eq ualitoyf lifef orb otht he athletaen dt hea veragpee rson. ! FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - CONSULT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL FOR MEDICAL PROBLEMS Touteda s ’Nature’Psr ozac,’t his ancienth erbh as becomea recent mediad arlingd ue to its mood enhancingp roperties. n filep asty eari,t hasm adet hec overosf bothT imea nd "mosatn tidepresaslasnotr se ducyeo urs exd rive." I Newsweekb,e enw ritteunp in TheN ewY orkT imes,a nd "Fortunateelxyp,l"a iRnasy S aheliaMn.,D .," St.J ohn’wso rt evenb eenf eatureidn a segmenotn ABC’s2 0/20N.o ,i t’s haso nlya fews idee ffectasn,d a lla rer elativmeilnyo r...including nott he" comionugt "e pisoodfeE llen...iStt’.Js o hn’wso rt.dizzinestsi,r edneasnsd d rym outhI.n mosts tudiesh,e" a dds, Alsok nowna s Hypericupme rforatutmh,e h erbh asb een "theshea veo ccurriend f ewetrh an1 0%o ft heu sers." usedf orh undredosf yearsa s a remedfyo ra nxietayn d What’mso re,C asse xplainsS,t .J ohn’wso rtp roducetsh e mildd epressiHoonw.e veirt, w asn otu ntitlh eo nslaugohftr ecentsamea veragseu ccesrsa tea chievewdi thp rescriptdiroung sb,u t mediaat tentitohna tt hek anericpaunb libce gant ot aken oticoef withl esseirf,a nys,i dee ffecatnsda tl owecro st. thep ossibiliotfifeesr beydt hisw’e edlyi ttlpel antN.o w,e xplains ButS t.J ohn’wso rti sg oodf ori ssei nm oret hanf ightidneg- ChristophHeorb bsL,A .C.a,u thoorf St.J ohn’Wso rt:T heM ood pression.I n additiont o mood enhancements,a ys John EnhanciHnegr b," Somed octorisn theU .S.a ndE uropaer er ou- CammarataM,. D.,a uthoro f A Physician’Gsu idet o Herbal tinelrye commendianngde, v enp rescribiSntg.,J ohn’wso rtt op a- Wellnestsh,e h erbh asa lsop roveuns efuflo rt reatmeonft " bed- tientssu fferifnrgo md epression." wettin(gw hent hec ausei s notp hysicali)r,r itabcloel ons yn- St.J ohn’wso rtb loomosn h illasn df oresetd gense arleyv ery-dromep,a infumle nsesa ndm enstruasly mptoms." wherfer omJ unet oA ugustt,h ougiht sf lowerisnega soins c onsid- Accordintgo Hohbs",S t.J ohn’wso rti s renowneads a de- eredm ostp otenotn June2 4--nameSlty.,J ohn’Dsa y. pendabwloeu nd-healhienrgbt o easep aina ndi nflammatfioorna ll Accorditnog HylaC ass,M .D.,a uthoorf St.J ohn’Wso rt: kindosf e xternsakli nt raumian cludibnugr nsc,u tsa nda brasions, NatureB’lsu eBsu stert,h eh erbi s besth arvestwehde ni t flowers.as wella s musculaanrd n ervien juriseusc ha s strainssp,r ainasn d Shee xplaitnhsa tt heb uds" contatihne h ighescto ncentratoifonsp inchende rves." activien gredienstos,," a ddsC ass," producmtasd ee xclusively And,a ddsC ass,S t.J ohn’sw orta lsoc ontainism mune-en- fromt heb udsa reg eneraltlhyem ostp otent." hancinpgr opertimeask,i nigt a "promisitnrge atmenfto"ra wide Theh erb’"sp owerss,a"y sC ass,a"r ed erivefdr oma numberrangoef illnessaensda ilments--"sfkrionim n fectiotnoAs I DS." ofd iffereanctt ivien gredienitnsc,l"u dihnygp ericainndo thedri - Shee xplainhso,w evetrh,a t" thirse markabhleer bh asn oty et anthrondee rivativxeasn,t honaensd e venf lavonoidwsh,i chc an beenw idelsyt udieidn thisc ountryB.u"t ,c ontinuCeass s," re- acta ss edatives. searcdho nea rountdh ew orlhda st estifiteodi tsp owers." "St.J ohn’wso rtc ontaian sn umbeorf chemicaclo mpounds," "Writtreenc ordosf theu seo ft heh erbg ob acka t leas2t, 000 agreeHso bbs",n ota singlpeu rifiseudb stanlciek em oderpnh ar-years[.A ndp]h ysiciaannsdh erbalishtasv eb eenr eportitnhge ir maceuticaanlt idepressdaon.tT sh ism eanst hatS t.J ohn’wso rt clinicuasleo fS t.J ohn’wso rtf ord epressfioorno ver5 0y earse,x"- mayh aves everaelf fectosn thec entranle rvouasn di mmunsey s- plainHso bbsH.o weveirt, s eemtsh ato nlyn ow~wiat hl ittlhee lp tems,h"e e xplains. fromt hep ress--Sits.J ohn’wso rtf inalgleyt tintgh er ecognitiiton Stillb,o tha dmitt hata lthougthh eh erbh asb eena rounddeservfeosr i tsa bilittyo treaotn eo f thew orld’mso stc ommon arounfdo rq uitseo met ime",s cientiasrtesn oty ets ureo f exactlyandt roubliinlgl nesses..m.aaynbde m uchm ore.W F how( it)w orks,s"a ysC ass. Shec ontinuepso,i ntionugt t hat" dozenosf clinicsatlu diesReferences: haved emonstraStte.Jd o hn’wso rt’rse markaabbliel ittyoa lleviateSt.J ohn’Wso rt:ThMeo odE nhanciHnegr bb y ChristophHeorb bs, mildt o moderatdee pression." L.A.C. And,a sH obbesm phasiz"eist,h asa tracrke corodf e ffectiveS-t.J ohn’Wso rtN:a tureB’lsu eBsu stebry H ylaC assM,. D. nessa nds afetfyo rt reatidnegp ressiaonndi tsa ccompanysiindge "SpotligShhti nesO n St.J ohn’sW ort"b y RayS ahelianM,. D., effect(ss,u cahs )a nxietayn di nsomniaH.ea" d dst hat",c omparedWI~OLFEO ODSS ept.1 997,p p.54-56. to thev arieadn ds ometimdeasn gerosuisd ee ffectosf pharmaceuA- PhysicianG’usi det o HerbaWle llnesbsy JohnC ammaratMa.,D . ticaaln tidepressSatn.Jt osh,n ’wso rti se xtremeslayf e." AccorditnogC assa,n estimat"e1d8 m illioAnm ericasnusf fer From fromd epressiaotn o net imeo r anotheirn theirl ives.A"n da s Hobbesx plainist ,t hisn umbemra yb ee venh igher---o1v5e%ro f thep opulatioorn4 ,0 m illioAnm ericans. ~I’og ett hrougthh ed aya nds urvitvhee n igh~t ,hew ritetsh,e Gre rth.-- majoritoyf thesem illion"sc ounotn pharmaceutidcraulg st o changber aicnh emistarnyd e vena ltepre rsonality." But,w hilteh espeh arfilaceumtaiycb aele sf fecti6v0e%t o8 05o f thet imei nt reatidnegp ressieoxnp,l aiCnass s",t hecya na lsoe xacat W HERE e REAT N UTRITION B EGINS stifpfr ice...[maanndyp] a tiensttso pt akintgh emb ecauosfes idee f- fects.S"p inceo mmosni dee ffectosf ,Prozatch,em ostw ideluys ed andi dentifioafbt lhee a ntidepresdsraungtsi ,n cluhdeea dachneasu,- sea,r ashedsi,a rrhesah,a kinsgh,o rt-tmeermmo rlyo ssa,n xieatnyd (6265)7 7-2711 insomniAan.d ," asi fa llo ft hisw eren’bta de nougha,d"d sC ass, 137 W CahfornlPaa sadenaC,A 91105 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - CONSULT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL FOR MEDICAL PROBLEMS

and other autoimmune and degenerative diseases? ~1+~ m,d Q~mdm~.p / 969 (1970), 167.171: B.Ju~n. ctm,l. "Smdtcs Natural herbal supplement offers a variety of remedies. oils steamed and collected drop by drop from leaves of a unique fruitless South American orange tree Aphrodisiac.
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