Healing for the Rest of Us How To Be Healed When The Anointing Passed You By Jay Snell Healing for the Rest of Us How To Be Healed When The Anointing Passed You By Jay Snell Jay Snell Evangelistic Association PO. Box 59 Livingston, TX 77351 936-327-3676 Fax 936-327-6181 http://www.jaysnell.org [email protected] Healing For The Rest Of Us Copyright 1996 by Jay Snell Published by Jay Snell Evangelistic Association PO. Box 59 Livingston, TX. 77351 (936) 327-3676 Fax 936-327-6181 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by copyright law. First Printing 1996 Printed in the United States of America Table of Contents Chapter One Page 5 Why Jesus Must Heal Every Christian and The Eight Healing Delivery Vehicles He Uses To Do It Chapter Two Page 17 17 Why Physical Healing Is In The Lord's Supper and How It Works To Heal You Now Chapter Three Page 29 Why Your Body Has Already Been Redeemed From Sickness: Now, You Don't Have To Get Sick and Stay That Way Chapter Four Page 49 Why Your Healing Was Included in The Death of Christ and How This Functions To Heal You Now Chapter Five Page 61 Four Dynamite Acts of Faith You Can Do To Obtain Healing For Yourself and Your Loved Ones Now Chapter Six Page 77 I've Done What You Said, But I'm Still Not Healed. What Do I Do Now? Chapter Seven Page 91 Nine More Surefire Healing Steps You Can Take To Be Healed Now Chapter Eight Page 103 Why Jesus' Name Always Gets You Healed; Faith Building Truth About His Name You've Not Seen Before Chapter Nine Page 119 What Really Happens When Hands Are Laid On The Sick? How You Can Do It and Be Healed By It Now Chapter Ten Page 133 How To Activate Healing For Yourself and Your Loved Ones Now Chapter One Why Jesus Must Heal Every Christian and The Eight Healing Delivery Vehicles He Uses To Do It The death of Christ relates back in time to two great covenants in the Old Testament, the Abrahamic covenant and the Mosaic Law covenant. Many view Moses' Law as distinct and separate from the Abrahamic covenant, but it is not. According to the New Testament, Moses' Law was added to the Abrahamic covenant until the death of Christ. That being the case, we must ask two questions; namely, what is the relationship between the Law and the Abrahamic covenant, and what does this have to do with our subject, "Why Jesus Must Heal Every Christian." Here are the answers. Why Jesus Must Heal Every Christian In the Abrahamic covenant, God promised the human race some staggering things. Beginning with Abraham, God promised him, his physical descendants, and ultimately the whole human race, salvation for their soul, healing for their body, prosperity for their pocketbook, and well being for their families. In the New Testament era, we Christians are grafted into that same, identical Abrahamic system, so that what God promised Abraham belongs to every Christian reading these words. Every Christian, therefore, is entitled (right now) to healing for his body, prosperity for his pocketbook, and well being for his families in addition to salvation for his soul. These are the promises God made to Abraham, his physical seed, and prophetically, the Gentiles. See my book, What Are Abraham's Blessings, Anyway? About four hundred thirty years later, God added the Law to that Abrahamic covenant to deal with the sins of Abraham's physical descendants. In addition, He dealt with their sins in such a way that Abraham's seed did not lose their blessings of salvation for their soul, healing for their body, prosperity for their pocketbook, 5 and well being for their family. In other words, God added the Law to deal with their sin problem in a way that enabled them to maintain their Abrahamic Blessings of healing, prosperity and family well being, in addition to the salvation of their soul. Many view Moses' Law as a vehicle designed purely to make somebody guilty. For them, God designed it to bring guilt and damnation upon everybody by dreaming up a bunch of "thou shalt nots" that nobody can perform, making it a "ministration of death" and an "instrument of damnation." It would have been, had God not placed a sacrificial system with it. Built into the Law, however, God included a sacrificial system; consequently, when a Jew sinned in the Old Testament, he simply made the right sacrifice in the right spirit and the Abrahamic blessings of healing, prosperity, family well being and salvation continued in full force for him with no interruption. To put it differently, God added the Law to Abraham's covenant so that He could deal with the sin problem and at the same time maintain the blessings in that covenant for the seed of Abraham. To put it another way, He said that thou shalt not do such and such and that thou shalt do such and such. If someone broke a particular Law and made the proper sacrifice, the four Abrahamic blessings cited above, continued without interruption for that person. However, if a Jew committed a sin and did not perform the proper sacrifice in the right spirit, the blessings of Abraham shut down (immediately ceased) for him, then and there. He lost his healing, prosperity, the well being for his family and his salvation until he made the proper sacrifice. When he repented of his sin and demonstrated his repentance by sacrificing properly, the blessings of Abraham started over for him, beginning with the very moment of his sacrifice. When Jesus came, He became the final sacrifice for sin under Moses' Law. Therefore when a Jew receives Christ as his final sacrifice for sin under Moses' Law, the blessings in the Abrahamic covenant continue for him without interruption. He keeps what he had from birth in the Abrahamic covenant; namely, healing for his body, prosperity for his pocketbook, well being for his family and the salvation of his soul. 6 However, the Jew who does not accept Jesus as God's final sacrifice for sin under Moses' Law, but chooses rather to stay with the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats, loses all the blessings he was born with in the Abrahamic covenant because God no longer accepts the blood of bulls and goats. That Jew is as lost and on the road to hell as any Gentile heathen who ever lived. See this author's book, What've They Done With Abraham's Blessings? When a Gentile accepts Christ as his personal savior, he is grafted into the same Abrahamic covenant. He has, by grafting, the same salvation, healing, prosperity and well being for his family that the Jew has had since the book of Genesis. By grafting, we Gentile Christians become Abraham's seed. (I call them The Abrahamic Seed Group.) In addition, Gentiles are grafted into the Abrahamic blessing system on an equal footing with the Jews. Now, we are all, both Jew and Gentile, living and operating in the Abrahamic blessings. For a complete explanation of Gentile grafting, see my book, The Unbroken Force of Abraham's Blessings. Jesus Did Six Things To Moses' Law Which Abolished It The death of Christ was God's final sacrificial death for sin. His death ratified the Abrahamic covenant, on the one hand, and abolished the Mosaic Law covenant on the other hand. Actually, Jesus did six things to Moses' Law which abolished it. See the two passages below. Eph 2:14-16 14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: (KJV) 7 Col 2:14 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; (KJV) From the above Scriptures, we can see the six things Jesus did to the Law in his death. (1) He broke it down. (2) He abolished it. (3) He slew it. (4) He blotted it out. (5) He took it out of the way. (6) He nailed it to his cross. So the death of Jesus related to these two great institutional covenants of the Old Testament, the Abrahamic covenant and the Mosaic Law covenant. In his death, Jesus ratified one and abolished the other. In my book, How To Obtain Healing and Prosperity When You Don't Feel Worthy Enough, I give you a complete, faith building explanation of the above. Since Jesus' death ratified the Abrahamic covenant, which granted us healing for our bodies, it only makes sense that the Scriptures ought to spell it out, over and over, that (because of this ratification) God's will, for us, is our complete healing at all times. Do the Scriptures spell this out over and over? In point of fact, the Scriptures do spell it out. They spell it out by showing us that God has at least eight ways that He heals us. In this work, we refer to these eight ways as his Healing Delivery Vehicles. Of these eight Healing Delivery Vehicles, only one of them, "the anointing", requires nothing on the part of the one being healed. The other seven all require an act of faith on the part of the one being healed. Consequently, we must divide God's Healing Delivery Vehicles into two distinct sections or parts. Part One contains no requirement at all for the one being healed. Part Two of God's "Healing Delivery Systems" requires an act of 8