LL n i h LL t i w II PP e r u T C U O H T LL I W e l AA b a r EE u c HH n I Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury PANACEA ON EARTH The three most powerful pages that can change your Life Y es That's right. The three pages that you have just started reading have the potential to change your life forever. For I am going to reveal to you the Panacea on earth. It will change the way you think about health and then you'll never be required to visit any hospital or health centre to cure dreaded diseases. It had been in use since ages. One can find its mention and use in the pages of mythology and world history. Let me give some of the endorsees of this humble little secret. 1) Lord Ganesha once swallowed a mighty demon and developed a burning sensation in his stomach. No God or doctor all over the cosmos could relieve him from his burning pain. Then 8800 sages gave him this food that we are talking about & he got immediate relief. 2) Jesus Christ asked his men and mankind to take this food to cure themselves of any disease. 3) This food was taken by Egyptian Kings and soldiers of Mesopotamian civilization to keep themselves healthy. 4) Shushruta who wrote “Shushruta Samhita” and is known as 'father of Surgery', used this to heal the injuries and wounds of his patients. 5) It was used during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya to heal and cure wounds and injuries. 6) The great Arab-traveler Ibn–e-battuta or Hajji Abu-Abdulla Muhammad was a Moroccan. He is known for his fascinating travels spanning thirty years. He started his journey at the age of twenty-one (1325) and ended it in 1355. During his travel in 1348, when he was in Damascus Syria ,he got sick. That time, the whole world was under a pandemic called Bubonic Plague, also known as Black-Death. It was the most devastating pandemic in human History. Ibn-e-Battuta too caught this plague. One of his professors helped him to get cured. This professor gave him the juice of this wonder food and other concoctions. He was back on his foot soon and left for India. 7) Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II, who built 'Hanging Garden of Babylon' to please his homesick wife Amytis of Media, once got very sick and lost his mental balance. He was sick for seven long years. Finally he got cured consuming fruits, vegetables and herbs and this food. This Humble little panacea on Earth is nothing else but, “WHEATGRASS” The famous inventor of Electric Bulb, Thomas Alva Edison also quoted, “until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so called scientific knowledge”. Intuitive intelligence of cats, dogs and other carnivores, tells them to nibble on grass whenever they fall sick. So a new question popping up in your mind would be:- How Wheatgrass Heals? Here I would like to shift your focus from mythology and history towards concrete facts and logic. Wheatgrass helps in healing by: 1.Restoring the damaged neurons. 2. Restoring the organ damage. 3. Behaviour modification. 4. Restoring the intuitive intelligence. 5. Complete mind–body cleansing. 6. Optimzing the hormonal balance. And to complete the answer I will tell you Why Wheatgrass Heals? Because it contains: 1. Power of sunlight in condensed form. 2. All the 92 nutrients out of 102 nutients in the appropriate ratio as needed by human body for perfect balance. 3. Mind–body–soul alignment through perfect vibrational energy. Truly said, by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, “Not the Doctor, but Nature Heals”. India’s first LIVE Wheatgrass delivery centre Open your Participate in own the new age wheatgrass health revolution. centre CENTRE Contact for Be a certified wheatgrass Wheatgrass therapist juicing kit Books, CDs etc. B-121, 2nd Floor, Green Field, Faridabad-121003 (Haryana) Ph.: +91-129-2510534, 9312286540. Website:www.biswaroop.com, www,indiabookofrecords.in HEAL PILL WITHOUT I C ncurable ure within Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury (Multiple Guinness World Records Holder) idea publication C Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury First Edition : 2011 ISBN No : 978-81-906243-0-5 Published by: Idea Publication B- 121, 2nd Floor, Green Fields, Faridabad-121003 Haryana (India) Tele fax:0129-2510534 idea publication Phone:+91-9312286540 (10am to 5pm, Sunday Closed) Website: www.biswaroop.com E-mail: [email protected] Graphics Designer : Shankar Singh Koranga Research & Development : Pratiksha Vats, Rachna Sharma Proof Reading : Rita Sharma, Anupama Sharma Cartoonist : Rahul, Amit, Manjeet DEDICATION Dedicated to my parents who have been the source of inspiration for my creative writing DISCLAIMER T his book is designed to provide information about the subject matter covered. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The author and publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The purpose of this workbook is to educate. Any perceived slight to specific individual or organization is unintentional. This book is the way to make better-educated decisions, to find the root cause of life's challenges and show ways to eliminate these causes. It also is intended to help you to establish your personal level of optimum health in the shortest amount of time. CONTENT 1. How To Read This Book?................................................................11 2. Medicine: Boon or Bane.................................................................13 3. Our Body, The Best Manager of its Chemistry.............................17 4. Whatever Disease, You May Be Suffering From You Will BeHealed22 5. Why Do We Get A Disease? (Part- I)..............................................23 6. More On Fast Food: An Eye Opener..............................................35 7. Why Do We Get A Disease? (Part– II)...........................................43 8. How Not To Cure A Disease?.........................................................47 9. Summary Till Now..........................................................................52 10. The Science of Super Health Simplified........................................55 11. Super Specialty Home Hospital ( The Soldiers) Step -1.............63 12. Super Specialty Home Hospital (The Repairman) Step -2.........73 13. Super Specialty Home Hospital (The Supreme Power) Step -3..79 14. Super Specialty Home Hospital (Construction) Step -4............93 15. Super Specialty Home Hospital (Application) Step -5...............99 16. Super Specialty Home Hospital (Cleansing) Step -6.................156 17. Guided Imaginary Method Step -7............................................164 18. Super Specialty Master Plan Step -8.........................................174 19. How To Master Any Emotion?.....................................................185 20. How To Maintain A Long Term Health?.....................................197 21. Super Specialty - Weight Loss And Six Pack Abs........................202 22. Wheatgrass And Bodybuilding....................................................202 23. Super Specialty –First Aids & Beauty Tips .................................214