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Preview Headway Pre-intermediate (1st edition). Student's Book

HEADWAY STUDENT'S BOOK PRE-INTERMEDIATE ,aM I* g^penence ^ ^ yat Internationa % % PYaminprs n f fhp John & Liz Soars STUDENT’S BOOK PRE-INTERMEDIATE John & Liz Soars Oxford University Press LANGUAGE INPUT Grammar Vocabulary Everyday English People Question forms 11) Animals p.M Social English p 12 p.7 - Wltui do you do? Using a bilingual dictionarv p. in Have a good weekend.' - Are you married? Words with more than one - Same to sou' Present Continuous meaning p. II) I'm enjoying the course. - a book to read to book a mom m 11 hotel 2 i ■■ K-- Present Simple Vocabulan networks p Numbets and prices p. I.s p n ' He comes from Majorca. - electrical goods Have.have got - a room in uiur house - Do you have . ’’ - I lin e you got. ' 3 I act tint) fiction Past Simple Irregular verbs p .25 1‘ime expressions p 25 p. 14 What ilul\ ou do Iasi night ’ \ crbs and nouns ih.it go - dales I'ast Continuous togetherp 24 - al six o'clock Ihe\iiii uas shining - tell ujoke - on Saturdav \\ oril> and prepositions that go together p.24 - listen to ntitsti Stop and Check WB p.20 4 Going .shopping Expressions of quantity Clothes, food, and Polite requests and pj(.~ some and an) professions p offers p 52 much anil mam Pood and cooking p .'O - ( an could I ' a lot of - Can could sou . a lew ami a little - I ll Articles a. the. anil the /era article 5 Plans .mil ainhitions Verb pattern', 111 Approaches to vocabularv Spelling p I'.'-' »ant hii|H' would like to do learning p 5' liki'/enjoylove doing \\ ord families p 5” doing to - photograph I’m going In he a dm lor - photographic Will III give von a lift 6 Descriptions II hat. . . like? Si uom ms p.45 Directions p j' p 411 Wlmi's Koine like? ■ love!) beautiful - prepositions nf plate . Comparative and superlative Antoni ins p 45 opposite behind adjectives - poor wealths - prepositions of movement - big bigger biggest - nd\ unttdx itlonii oier Stop and Check WB p.36 7 Fame I’resent Perfect Simple ill Irregular url's p 49 Short answers p.55 p.4X - to express experience I iomophones p. 55 - Ye\. I do Have von ever been to Russia ' - here hear - \o. I tan t. to express unfinished past Adverbs p.54 l i e lived here lor ten s ears - slots Is too 8 Pros and eons Have to Professions p 5« Imitations p.5fi - I have to work hard Nouns that go together p.(0 Rel using anil accepting Should - post olhce headache invitations p.(>4 - lie shoultl sec a doctor Make oi do? p.(>2 - make a plume i till - do the shopping SKILLS DEVELOPMENT READING SPEAKING LISTENING WRITING Topic Activity Topic Activity •Hello, people of the world'' - Discussion - People and animals Leav ing home - A father and his The writing input is in the People, the great communicator' p.v daughter talk p. 11 (jigsaw ) Workbook. The page p y Discussion - Liv mg in capital numbers in this column cities, and relationships between refer to the parents and children p 11 Workbook (WB) Writing letters (1) Informal letters WB p.'J How others see the British Discussion - Tourists in your Life in a Japanese school p 17 Linking words (1) WB p. 13 p 161 jigsaw 1 country p. 16 Describing a person Discussion - Strict schools p IN An extract from a James Bond Retelling a storv from pictures An interview with the biographer Writing a story (1) WB p. l‘J stor\. Tlu Mini u alt tin- Goltleii n-.' of Ian Fleming p.24 Gtitip :: A magazine article about the Talking about a favourite store Five radio advertisements p.31 Filling in forms famous stofe. Marks <5c Spencer p .'0 WB p.25 p.29 Group work - Devising an adv ertisement p.31 A questionnaire - How ambitious A class survey - How ambitious How different learners of English Writing postcards WB p.31 are you .' p 36 are you? p 36 organize their vocabulary Hie right person for you - An Discussion- Arranged marriages learning p.37 article from the Toda\ p.3V newspaper about computer dating p .~N (jigsaw 1 The richest man in the world' - A Describing people and places p.41 Kate Leigh talks about living in Relative clauses (1) WB newspaper article about the Discussion - Who are the rich Madrid p.46 p. 34 Sultan of Brunei p.44 people in your country? p 45 Describing a place Paul Newman - actor, director, Roleplay - Interview ing a group of An interview with Paul Carrack. a Relative clauses (2) WB racing driver" - A magazine musicians p.55 pop musician p.54 P 41 article p 52 Writing a biography Two special teenagers - David, a Discussion - Teenagers and their Three people giving advice about Writing letters (2) WB p.45 computer programmer, and parents p.62 visiting their country p.63 Formal letters Kimora. a top model p 60 Discussion - Gi\ ing advice about visiting your country p.64 3 LANGUAGE INPUT Grammar Vocabulary Everyday English 9 Life m the 21m century Will Rail travel p.7(1 Travelling p.7(1 p. 65 - It mil com a lot of moncs Air travel p.7o - at the check-in desk lirst Conditional - at a railvvuv ticket - II1 tin more work. 1II office pass ini exarn.s. Time clauses when as soon as Stop and Check WB p.50 10 1 Ik « .i’> '.H' #t'lc Iheft to Male and female words p "5 Question tags p 76 P 71 - 1 turd to smoke, hut 1 don j - tu tor actres s It ’s a lovely dav isn 't it ' any more. - bikini swimming trunks Question forms (2) Who told yon dun ' Question', with a verb ■ preposition What are von looking at' 11 Ri u! .ill .• i■. ■ li1 r ' Passive Verbs and nouns that go Notices p .s5 p.77 ( >« «•( iilu is sold all in er together p N2 Out o f order the world. - win a match Ii iiw invented Words and prepositions that in IHM). go together p.M2 laugh at a joke 12 \.i\ • :11 ui • ■ ■ Verb patterns (2) Adverbs p.ytl Time p.‘)2 p.84 - ask tell somebody to tlo - clearly carefully - h s twenty past six. make let somebody do -td and -ing adjectives p '*1 - it sfi.yi decide' starttry.manage to do interested interesting Infinitives after adjectives It's raw to learn a language In/initi ve of purpose 1 (time to Oxford to learn English Stop and Check WB p.64 13 1 liuims and u .ilii\ Second ('anditional Multi-word verbs p vs Social expressions p. |(KI p.W II1 were the Queen, id - takeoff look after What a pity' Sever mind' have \ervant\. Might - / might go to university, but I 'm not sure 14 Present Perfect Simple 12) Word families and stress p. IDS Telephoning p MW p. Mil - to express present result - celebrate celebration 1 ve lost my w allet. - act uctne acting Present Perfect Continuous - i i c been learning inglisli for three years 15 All % ■ m: in , .I I-. 1. •. , Past Perfect Guessing the meaning of Savinggoodbvc p II* p. 1 III They bad met only one week unknown words p. 115 earlier. bring lake p 1 ll> Keported statements come g<> p. 1 16 - She said that she was leaving get p. 116 Keported questions - She > getting better - She asked me il / had seen John Stop and Check WB p.78 Jigsaw activities p. 119 Grammar section p. 120 Word list p. 132 4 SKILLS DEVELOPMENT READING SPEAKING LISTENING WRITING Topic Activity Topic Activity The road lo ruin?'- Discussion - How 'green' are you? John Baines talks about how he Linking words (2) WB An articic about the problem of p.68 tries to be 'green' p.68 p.49 transport p.6V Roleplay - How to solve the traffic Advantages and problems in your town p.69 disadvantages A survev on people's travel habits p.69 Dying for the vote' - Discussion - The role of men and The taxi-driver and the Duchess - Making notes to write a An article about the suffragette women in your country p.75 two people talk about when they composition WB p.55 movement in England p.74 were young p.76 (jigsaw) • Four newspaper articles p.SO Talking about a newspaper article A radio programme about the Writing a review of a (jigsaw) you have read p.81 world's most loved car. the book or film WB p.59 Volkswagen Beetle p.83 Two English heroes. King Arthur Heroes from your country p.88 An interview with a man who says Adverbs WB p.63 and Robin Hood p.89 (jigsaw) Discussion - UFOs p.91 he has seen a UFO and spoken to Writing a story (2) Retelling a storv from pictures the aliens in it p.91 p.91 Group work - Devising a story about meeting an alien p.92 The Dream Game- Group work - Analysing our A radio programme about people Writing letters (3) WB How our dreams can help us to dreams p.96 of mixed nationality p.99 p.69 understand our personality p.% Formal and informal letters An extract from Airport Talking about your experiences of A telephone conversation Writing letters (4) WB International about the early flying p. 105 between Justin and his mother p.73 days of air travel p. 105 Roleplav - Phoning a friend for a p. 109 Expressions in different chat p. 109 kinds of letters The man who could turn back the Discussion - Parables and fables A love song - Elvis Presley's The Writing a story (3) clock' - A parable w ith two p. 114 girl of My Best Friend p. 117 WB p. 77 possible endings p. 114 A love poem p.l 17 Appendix 1 - Irregular verbs p.141 Appendix 2 - Dependent prepositions p. 142 Appendix 3 —Verb patterns p.143 Question forms (1)- Present Continuous - Social English 2 This is Maggie. She is also a student in England. Ask People questions about her to get similar information. Use she and her. PRESENTATION 1 T.1a Read and listen to the text about Rob. a student in England. and I can speak the languages Example What's her surname? quite well. I also know a little j Spanish, so I can speak four a. come from? b. What studying? languages. I'm enjoying c. How many speak? the course a lot, but it's r d. Is enjoying very hard work! e. live? f. live with? I live in Durham Castle, g. course start? because the Castle is part ^ h. What after the course? of the University, with Tib Listen to Maggie, and write the answers to about thirty other students. ^ the questions you wrote. The course started two years Listen again to check your answers. ago, and I'm in my third year. Complete the following questions to Maggie. Use you After the course I'm going to and your. work in France, but I don't a. Which to?' know where yet. i don't go to a university. I studv at home.' b. • a job?" 'Yes, a part-time job.' ‘_______ to England?' 'Fifteen years ago." d. name?’ Dave.’ e. 'He's a taxi-driver.' 5 Match the questions and the answers. 3 Speaking and listening Work in small groups. 1 Where were you born? Ask and answer the following questions. 2 Are you married? a. Do you smoke? 3 What do you do? If you do. how many cigarettes do you smoke a"day? 4 How many children do you have? Are you smoking now? 5 How far is it from Dundee to Durham? b. Does your teacher smoke? 6 How do you come to school? Is he/she smoking now? c. Do you wear glasses? 7 Why are you learning English? Are you wearing glasses now? d. What are you wearing? What is your teacher wearing? a. By bus. e. Look at the other students. b. I'm a teacher. Who is laughing? Who is listening? c. Three. Who is speaking? Who is writing? d. In Australia. e. Because I need it for my job. f. About 120 miles. • Language review g. No, I'm single. Question forms 1 Look at the following question words. • Grammar questions What do you do? - I'm a student. Who is your teacher? - David is. She comes from Australia. Where is Melbourne? - In Australia. She's studying art. When do lessons start? - At 9.00. Why are you learning English? - Because I need it for - What tenses are the two verb forms in these my job. sentences? How do you come to school? - By bus. - What is the difference between them? Whose is this pen? - It’s Peter's. 2 What and which can be followed by a noun. How can be followed by an adjective or an adverb. PRACTICE What time is it? W hat kind of car do you have? Which pen do you want, the blue one or the red one? 1 Speaking and listening How old is she? 1 Work in pairs. How often do you play tennis? Ask and answer questions about each other. (Where do you live? Present Continuous What do you do? The Present Continuous is used to express an activity happening now or around now. Why are you learning Translate 2 Think of some questions to ask your teacher. I’m learning English because I need it for my job. I Are you married? / What do you like doing at the weekend? [ He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. I What sort of music do you like? I 2 Grammar He's smoking a cigarette now. Decide which is the correct verb form. a. Maria comes/is coming from Spain. b. She speaks/is speaking French, Spanish, and English. c. Today she wears/is wearing jeans and a T-shirt. ► Grammar reference: page 120. d. She smokes/is smoking twenty cigarettes a day. e. She doesn't smoke!isn’t smoking now. She's in class. Here are four questions which introduce the four paragraphs in the article. They are not in the fight SKILLS DEVELOPMENT order. Write down the correct question for each paragraph. Reading and speaking a. How are people and animals different? b. How many people are there? Pre-reading task c. What can people choose to do? Work in pairs. d. What is the biggest difference between people and 1 Write down the names of as many animals as you can. animals? What can they do that people can't? Check your lists of what people and animals can and Example can't do. What ideas did you have that are not in the Birds can fly. article? How do people communicate? 2 What can people do that animals can't? Why is writing a special kind of communication? Example We can write poetry. What do you think? 1 Do animals have a sense of past and future? 3 Look up the following words in your bilingual 2 How do animals communicate? dictionary and write down the translation. 3 In what ways are we looking after the world, and in jungle (n) to record (v) e.g. what ways are we destroying it? species (n) information in a book numerous (adj) sense (n) powerful (adj) to choose (v) joke(n) to look after (v) to destroy (v) \ \ d k > Reading Now read the article. tells jokes, gets married, has prisons, writes symphonies, elects presidents, or goes to the There are five billion people in the world and they moon. live in all different comers of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the tropical jungles on the equator. They have climbed the There is one thing above all that makes people highest mountains and walked on the sea bed. 20 animals different. People love to talk - talk - talk Some of them have even left the earth and visit We are the great communicators! And we can the moon. communicate so many things in so many ways - with our faces, our hands, our bodies, and our voices. Most important of all, we can record what The human species is the most numerous and th 25 we say and think in writing, so that we can ost powerful of all the animals on earth. How did communicate through time. We have a sense oy ^ this happen? In many ways, animals can do thin past and future, not just present. r better than we can. Dogs can smell and hear 1 better than we can. Cats can see in the dark. Bin n fly thousands of miles away and return to We are the only species that can change the world, the same place every year. But we are different and we are the only species that can choose either No other animal builds cathedrals, plays football" to look after our world or to destroy it. 3 <5 • Vocabulary The translation Using a bilingual dictionary Information in brackets 1 Look at this extract from the Oxford French (...) helps you to find Minidictionary. Notice how the entry is organized. the right translation. The part of speech (n = noun) book 'buUr n. livre in: (of tick- bookcase .bukkeis. n. bibliolh- «c.) carnet in. —s eque /. Other words made with (coinin.) comptes m. pi. v.t. bookseller — hoksetofr)' nr~ The pronunciation (reserve) relenir; {write libraire in. f. — book come afterwards. /down) inscrire. - v.i. retenir bookshop -buKJbp n lihrairte in phonetic symbols dcs places —able a. quon pcut relenir. (fully) ~ed. bookstall buksta-.l n. kiosquc complel. —ing office, guichel (a joumaux) m Nouns and verbs are m. in the same entry. — means Repeat the headword, so this word is bookable. Compare this with your own dictionary. Does your dictionary give as much information? Does it give the information in the same way? Look at the following. Is the word a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, or past tense? bread beautiful on hot in came TNU* »oU went never eat quickly write letter Write another example of each word class. What is the abbreviation for these word classes in your dictionary? 4 Many words have more than one meaning, and you must be careful when you use your dictionary to find the right definition. In the following sentences, the words in italics have more than one meaning. Look up each word, find the right meaning, and translate it. a. Guido’s is a popular restaurant, so you have to book a table in advance. b. I’m not a fan of the Rolling Stones. Their music is too loud. c. Wood doesn't sink in water. It stays on the top. d. Your mother is a very kind lady. e. Holland is a flat country. f. Car workers are on strike. They want more money. g. Don’t forget to turn the tap off. Water is Sg fcK expensive. i ply PAPER h. Do you have change for a five-pound note? i. I don’t like mean people. j. Give me a ring tonight. I’ll be home at 7.(X). k. There’s a branch of most banks in all big towns. I. There was a good play on television last night, m. My suitcase is in the car boot. 10

Liz and John Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon. Oxford University Press, 1991. — 1st edition. — 157 p.Учебник английского языка. Учебник предназначен для работы в аудитории для среднего уровня, содержит грамматич
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