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33 1998 Cumulative Index Authors Colucci d’ Amato C Gonzalez-Conejero R Corral J Goodrich JT Cote MP Al Jumah M Covelli V Granella F 197,426 Alfano V Craig WF CREAN Bs ordi cc i ctcceeenssn eee 426 Altum S ORIN Do os cccccicdtsscenczpcercoeuceee 28 POR OSON i55cae nc0seenreda rdenees 426 Cutler NR CHRMMN TEN OI inca scdiceicsescicansecdssadises 576 Anagnostopoulos D Cutrer FM Guidetti V 737 Aurora SK Dahlof C Danchot J Daroff RB Davidoff RA Hanssens Y Davies PTG Haque MA Bansevicius D de Arcaya AA I ors eee ne ee, Barbanti P de Lourdes Figuerola M Baudesson G de Rino F Becker WJ De Santo NG Bentti A-L deGrauw TJ Berciano J Deleu D Biousse V Demirkaya S Black DR Dodick DW [51 4 ot a ee nie tee ae Bousser M-G Dotson RM Hovanitz CA Bowyer SM MINE OR ocd ccathccnaterseeciecocseed Brucker MJ Ehrenreich H Ikemoto K Bruehl S El Amrani M Iniesta JA 139,589,679 Italian Collaborative 426,747 Study Group on Juvenile Headache Feleppa M 1.2. Spa Re ee ROR oe Carboni F Fenger K 1 SN Aor Rese 264 Cardenas MAI Ferini-Strambi L Uses csszdeasasadandoiee 125,335 Carides AD esd 4’, a a nnnnaane|aI Carlsson JY Klapper JA Carruthers A Klivényi P Carruthers J Cho Se ee een mee mes: 2 Castillo J Komoroczy R Cathcart S NNN az scn cis tead eietomcienatioe 95 Korezyn AD RIN OID oa dis ce cssncedeasatasascesesaeaes 264 COIN oo os sdisesessscsesecssiiciecsssenee 543,764 PO Graco ciissirccccnesncdeadcnisencenaces 249,519 Gervil M PRIN Woeoxchc tanoacentnee aceats 513 Geweke LO I a sesdcsdioensa tseaasress S11 Ghoname EA [SS eeBap eenTO nes sr2 8 Giglio JA LC | eeeee mere 249 Giordano E DPI ia cdecaadeusidussduentaxccbocceouactoes 519 [2 A eeeeere nn R eems 28 Langtry JAA Coddon DR Goldberg MR Collins SD Goldstar F n....ccs...ssccccccesecscacesccansest4e0c Cologno D Golzi V Headache INVERINS BAG ss oye s snes ces dopa yceteascezasccaees 197 SEDITION A Mie nS Merete Be re eR Pr 552 DAT, C)P RR a oe ef eee ate ne ie 747 NSU so sserne scacsevalatssonssivseseseesestiees 716 MIIEES SE ase: b-tonssnesanceeavasheeess 448 TOTTICN Co 0 Di leper poe yee rene rere ri Lo Ue eR A RS a er 3 ANNE M 2 os caiceacasnvecssanseececeeviecten 197 AO)D S! GaN EG ERE RECS terethee 340 INGURIND Iss oes coccssecoss eneneasnctepnttsecodeisan s 339 PIQPDSE WR ons wo cc ovsesets uscoocsssedsnecpasees 249,519 POPP NS a5. 20) etch. steeeceesstneeaes 142 RUEBEN = 2 cs - 07. sxe ceoekecavectesecaee 132 DiQ RCR CIEE so, 59-5 case asics oer saenieir te ton IuiptomRB =..3.22 sco 45,89,S19,S20 DRBSUERAIOI, Goo ccsccclecoscsecesetectosezseeee 494 I) 22B e OR AO 511 eter BOW os cons, ns Se 451,835 NSWNMER ASE oe citccescescscscsatoccanecasees 275,754 RRR nok 22a ee esl 21,625 Penni ee 181,720 PROBRBBINIUE -c asvccdutiassccaeeedcae ensatse s 33 STS)1 12 (22h a A 101 OS EET CME REE a aa er Ree oh 409 Pave soo ces Sosa waeeeeeest eee 108 Te Et| d s| RR Rn ERI 752 Long-term Safety of 1.1C SE] 5 a eis Seer pere ee eer ee Rene 586 SNSI VGES Ee oicc28s 35 acscvaui caccsseeeeee 446 Depakote in Headache ASE PIOI WY Elsd cessvasskicacserclestentecertessiead 605 Semenchuk EM................06 181,605,720 Prophylaxis Study Group.................. 633 Oa Oran TIS sof ssiocxs conse cacaentescxeced 670 SG] SN Spa a wR ORE PARE er 644 NWR Nc terol cous er sae eer eect cs clases ectece 108 ROD INS cise sgiiakes cts ceesvoveeo a vsseetamees 59 SITE 700.722 0]5 ee en SE 666 BRR MGE Cet: Aiai ea a ee 477 OGARIPO DIA. «8b distisscgesessistacstassesectecsess 576 PSUSE a) Sp ai oR Pope 443 DERISIE RON A os 0.3f sesczack ico evn ptiecectes 674 RABE ooo side ie rasves cep se easeneees 513 SADC OVERS 5) ioe. 5. eels. kacaeecoceeesseess 138 LS,E SC CE) 1S)S IS Sn RO ee 249,519 PON Bods azeceicys cereus 33 SHER CHE DY 6c hod Spdechsccesszases 506,752 PIANC IE ov. cscs nares 426 GEST yeA RR OMAR APR RABAT 173 SHGHIMANICA sc 6.2\ <sckddessccdsccesvascestcceteors 567 Maizels' M.........i0:.é80620- 439,522,543,764 OUBESSARG, 2 kona haiti 101 ISE RO fees eae oan cle occ eeynciasceore 446 Ma ATEATE acc cae ek pie 264 Opfer-Gehrking TL eee 108 PILOGESEGUEE SSD D aca cscontes sctacaicsasseeeseveee 633 WERE COIN ee 5.0 oe ert ct. cess 340 05/1173) QR ea ene Pe Senerr ep Ope ee leet nD 513 Singer RS ..4.....0cccsee000-00 135,342,589,681 NIAMNEG WV cccepstisidcconnds oicdioevedeuneee 38 PAGINGC O IMIR csesec cdo ccssucccractsessvessecvasscobs 576 SAAS EAU Oc sc sh ccavscrccrsmcrores 204,417 LESTE GR a Ra Renee Oe RE IEDR E ON = 326 Papaniastassiou |B 24. :.20.0..cseeceseshesseseees 728 SHIMON sills durcicis eerie 666 AULT CYC 0 2 ERC eae eee ee Re A erat 59 Lite eli U g CA marr err reB ear Baar eee Py 204 SHINES aco 2S vecsccsatvecu ent 616 DARIN oo). 2,50ee5 e ee 511 BAscai oo rescet eReote 747 OCR R SS orci <3 enous sat vostn ose poe 137 Manzoni GC .....c0s6.iscsc0es: 11,197,398,426 ESCH SE ae BiceRee 190,321,437 S Glamor GD) es. ccs.s-ccccscciscescscestesaeentes 326 PASEO DA ooo soscdscssncsscbioss2ts iAeZtos PRAPRON EEN os scesaedtceceeascsutocodaxsacceosoeee! 670 NOHO 552s doce. ccccssssecnceses 45,680,754 IMatpaShVUt AGM 2c<ssectscsessesscvscevecsues 95 PERCH 02.3 Sle sac doe ccneecscesaee 181 Splermes BLE «cc cccscsecssstceees seem 317,517 DMARD Ti oo cae acs dbcscgescsandenpedoesee 716 gies tt Ly© 0 RN ne ORR EM ae RR ae 218 SW ee eh ac ticeoseccatcynagtitee as4 94 NTIS, fe| Ga He Aneel RON OR ERC 705 Lp7 70 2 Pa RE Ee a Se EE at 716 "e115 A aaNetre e 58 WIRE TIGIZ SP sskcscsccesiesdensseesssceoseks 616 BN iets aS es, cco ee Panes ee 426 no)F e1s- 277 DER ae eT ce4 09 EO 0, [ee Nees Vea ete ene SY 426 PN ERS 020 5 or, ice ieee soe Bel RIO IIAR ENE 523i ccb 0s cacsccsaconnedveneseeee d$ 20 WETS [Ch Aaa seye ee ane a 737 POM curtt lleess Se ewan 3 Stokes-Crowe LA i... ccccccosscsenacassanwases 654 LO MR ee ee ree ee eee RET 437 PRT RES OIVN iesi da sncs ccs botecswsttaee kecettae e 481 Stolt-NiGISGM A. i. cossccscs cacscevsceessvconccce 204 WARREN ete sec cea oc judo ste 270 PRAGA MGIIIN coisas idtvacdocdsuisevee. nee 125 SPEOVUN NeB ehe Secgne secs a teicvecz vensouvendocaeee d5 52 IP RERIITIOEOIIM 55.3 ccdsesscsccescencesesnesdeces 280 PORGOAU DY ccs cscs esp iavevesbesssecduesess 213 SUUEZENE BOER Mi ok... csccseccensscsesesasies 228 iY PESSLSLT E1 7 if a cc ce ee ER 446 PO eed Bos Nase dave aviidelreeNvSiOse t 737 SWADSOR IW cnc-sccsccaaslsescedhaldeessonad 89,108 Matraira= WOME D vis secss00cccssoecesssesseete 264 ROABAR MBM sft. s ecco:c olemane es 511 Gy| ea ee ae ee PRCT er6 44 INTBWTONUCHANIS LS.i s;ccss.s3scsese-dedscehscxken 728 BREE St ch ers ces savesduranagrvtreinnnasnet 477 easea bet eos oo, coc ha seve dvcgteveacee 280,446 i 22 oRa e GS7 Ramnonge 2 \vicsmianneaiantaes 565 WARSEYR UA Up esca rec. 5 cadesleshavessaswecissereace 280 ts COTTER |S aeR RE 28 LGV COB an pepe PRO creme ry th 644 H(S751 0419 Sl Se ae ee eR reer 705 iV fodU S)E h Cc De 264 Rapoport AM .......:c0.sscsssessscnceses 506,827 Tilt=t Freat Ie 6) lhe. os ticscnccvenevosnesees 340 NIC MIANIOI RY 5. sscessescsvececoscsscceosncucoones 616 PANCREAS A Coit bics scenes i 95 han pathera ys 32.555). keseecat. oaeed 446 NVICAAV AGIA o,f sacescceocteetsoateaseuntee 287 PRES ye orcas sca cosvnesnsvxees Vespenceveoeee 264 PRC ORATIGES BC oa. sic scesescsssccesessvovesaes 101 McnGIZADAL YE, ic. ...ceasceccs seb0y 0 5 PRCVMOLAS Do isssacacivscoetes orsseaateesaad 654 SRCON SEER be sc cov;x nce cizstvccataieeacNaeszeoaae s 11,398 PUMNRG 8 she as53 eos scacsescsvecsaissetecseeoee 21 [CUT] Se oe eR Be a 486 TRE EU GS NONE tie ess On he eae 132 BYRNES IN S25 oboe cee elena 728 PRADS OTIS a5 ohsivecsscusicoastorstaceecuee 662 TBR ey Cees 21,625 PMR te stole oeponceeapsneeseesavoceer 95 CCC | DEEe aSee ee e ec 567 GAL ccs | Dj Una eaE a 326 LLCC' S [2 aN a nee ae OS Pe 335 REGION cste ci dosesctsBuctiacdmeede e 181,720 |S 761 ea eee RR ERT STEEP oe) 173 CT), Cpe aS ene Demi EDT 426 RGINEOER OE 30 6 estsc oe 58,650 WiGBNGE eS feces esis ied Pueiekheepts te 644 1 CET a a ee RE 446 PROMORID 2 eesti ivestessiocagsasesteecskonnees 761 ING RROUNIE Lc g2.0o ccuiseeox-teecioesea redels e 521 Millan Guerrero RO.............cccceeeeeeeee $22 USULTZT LEC, 0 it| ESSN a oR RE 101 Bre) Set See Se ROE RWEE enero 486 Wiiesattatd SIM a. oic...sc.ccccccssseaccteeseeceecovess 3 COS! | | 5 Rno R 173 Te 1) ae a oe ee ERE Re 204 Mihtstkostas ID... oicccccseckcctecec 697 RONG IGA sesh Nia liciacieaetvanece 326 IWR OREI occas cv csssccatsnpe ncehsayeonee 552 MormatsiM «.<i....0c26.scs0cdsescssesdeseescooe 339 on 0g lS O a ORR IR REE 42 NEO A rec sessed cea: 513 WEONTISON IE oss ooes Sets ctsiec acdsee 299 Seep RE ae to aoe ela ane5 5 CEN ARNE 2285 205 «5s oc ose cecaante eee 446 TCN e)1 8 Qa ane aie eee ce: 89,108,225 “LD a eeEE E Py 477 Wealleptris 26. oon: ccc Reaves teocanenne 33 iLO Ae SR RRR ES RR RAE EAPO 190 PIO BORIS secctcssScstea cecdccassoucorntesbi bein 59 A72 504 1] DE eae ee 451 SIC LL)S e en oS 118 SRT ING se Sees St ties 5a tl tite ee 758 WARHIO NSB S o0s osc csadecloes ddsciencbeovietien d 136 INGKASIMAIK oi sicsscccsiscscsccenestosees 280,446 Sanchez del Rio M............cccceeseeeeee 697 NVAUARAUONY ccc5ie. os is cccriaw ce 446 782 November/December, 1999 VE) eee 426 RM IN 6 608 on. | Sd encnadaasiaanead 581 AMIE I acanci peaiiacacaaseetes edee 38 Subjects 1999 Wolff Award Anterior Cerebral Artery Cardiac Arrhythmia the occipital cortex is hyperexcitable in case report: migrainous stroke causing case report: fatal cardiac arrhythmia after migraine: experimental evidence [Aurora] bilateral anterior cerebral artery territory oral sumatriptan [Laine] 511 (July/ 469 (July/August) infarction [Demirkaya] 513 (July/August) August) a-Dihydroergocryptine Artificial Neural Network Cardiovascular Responses a-dihydroergocryptine in the prophylaxis headache interference as a function of cardiovascular responses to pain and stress of migraine: a multicenter double-blind affect and coping: an artificial neural net- in migraine [Hassinger] 605 (October) work analysis [Cathcart] 270 (April) study versus flunarizine [Bussone] 426 (June) Aura Cardiovascular Risk Factors potential neurogenic and vascular roles of headache and cardiovascular risk factors: Acne nitric oxide in migraine headache and aura positive association with hypertension case report: severe acne as a side effect of [Myers] 118 (February) [Cirillo] 409 (June) propranolol and nadolol in a migraineur [Bajwa] 758 (November/December) Autonomic Dysfunction Carteolol Hydrochloride autonomic dysfunction in migraineurs letter to the editor: the possible treatment Acoustic Neuroma [Mosek] 108 (February) of migraine with carteolol hydrochloride headache after resection of acoustic neuro- [Shapiro] 138 (February) ma [Mosek] 89 (February) Behavior objective behavior associated with an Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Acute Migraine Therapy “ordinary” mild headache: a surprising case report and subject review: changing acute migraine therapy: do doctors under- failure of pain onset to signal self-protec- pattern of headache pointing to cerebral stand what patients with migraine want tive or self-regulatory behavior [Hovanitz] venous thrombosis after lumbar puncture from therapy [Lipton] S20 (Supplement 2) 654 (October) and intravenous high-dose corticosteroids [Aidi] 559 (September) routes of administration of acute migraine Benign Cough Headache therapy [Loder] S35 (Supplement 2) case report: coexistence of chronic parox- C-fos ysmal hemicrania and benign cough attenuation by butalbital of capsaicin- Adolescents headache [Mateo] 437 (June) induced c-fos—like immunoreactivity in recurrent headache in adolescents: nonre- trigeminal nucleus caudalis [Cutrer] 697 ferred versus clinic population [Smith] Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo (November/December) 616 (October) benign paroxysmal vertigo in childhood: a long-term follow-up [Lindskog] 33 Chiari-1 Malformation American Medical Practice (January) case report: Chiari-1 malformation, historical review: the headache in migraine, and sudden death [Ziegler] 38 American medical practice in the 19th Botulinum Toxin A (January) century: a historical overview [McTavish] improvement of tension-type headache 287 (April) when treating wrinkles with botulinum Children With Migraine toxin A injections [Carruthers] 662 mast cell activation in children with Amino Acids (October) migraine before and after training in self- amino acids in the saliva of patients with regulation [Olness] 101 (February) migraine [Rajda] 644 (October) Brain Abscess case report: status migrainosus: an unusu- Chronic Daily Headaches Amlodipine al presentation of a brain abscess [Bruera] transformed migraine is a cause of chron- letter to the editor: amlodipine for 55 (January) ic daily headaches [Konno] 95 (February) migraine prophylaxis [Haugh] 138 (February) Butalbital Kaplan Award 1998: epidemiology of Anesthesia Dolorosa attenuation by butalbital of capsaicin- chronic daily headache in the general pop- short communication: relief of anesthesia induced c-fos—like immunoreactivity in ulation [Castillo] 190 (March) dolorosa with gabapentin [Rozen] 761 trigeminal nucleus caudalis [Cutrer] 697 (November/December) (November/December) chronic daily headache. how should it be included in the IHS classification? [Nappi] Angiotensin II Capsaicin 197 (March) letter to the editor: angiotensin II plasma attenuation by butalbital of capsaicin- levels are unaltered during spontaneous induced c-fos—like immunoreactivity in primary chronic daily headache: clinical migraine attacks ([Hasselblatt] 588 trigeminal nucleus caudalis [Cutrer] 697 and pharmacologic aspects. a clinic-based (September) (November/December) study in Oman [Deleu] 432 (June) 786 November/December, 1999 management of chronic daily headache pattern of headache pointing to cerebral EMG Responses utilizing a uniform treatment pathway venous thrombosis after lumbar puncture tension-type headache: pain, fatigue, ten- [Rothrock] 650 (October) and intravenous high-dose corticosteroids sion, and EMG responses to mental activa- [Aidi] 559 (September) tion [Bansevicius] 417 (June) case reports: chronic daily bilateral headache responsive to indomethacin Dagwood Sandwich Epidemiology [Solomon] 754 (November/December) letter to the editor: hearing the headache Kaplan Award 1998: epidemiology of person: the Dagwood sandwich [Singer] chronic daily headache in the general pop- Chronic Headache 681 (October) ulation [Castillo] 190 (March) musculoskeletal abnormalities in chronic headache: a controlled comparison of Dehydration epidemiology of migraine among students headache diagnostic groups [Marcus] 21 fasting headache, weight loss, and dehy- from randomly selected secondary schools (January) dration [Mosek] 225 (March) in Lodz [Split] 494 (July/August) circumstances of onset of chronic Demerol Epilepsy headache in patients attending a specialty medicolegal topic: home use of demerol case report: central nervous system super- practice [Karpouzis] 317 (May) for migraine [Professional Liability ficial siderosis, headache, and epilepsy Newsletter] 450 (June) {lannaccone] 666 (October) letter to the editor: musculoskeletal abnor- malities in chronic headache [Vernon] 521 Denial of Hospitalization Episodic Tension-type Headache (July/August) case report: death by managed care— weekend headache: a retrospective study denial of hospitalization for headache in migraine without aura and episodic ten- Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania [Young] 51 (January) sion-type headache [Torelli] 11 (January) case report: coexistence of chronic parox- ysmal hemicrania and benign cough Diagnosis Estrogen Replacement headache [Mateo] 437 (June) impact of the International Headache cas€ report: estrogen replacement and Society criteria on the use of neuroimag- migraine aura [MacGregor] 674 (October) Chronic Tension-type Headache ing for headache diagnosis in a headache effect of guided imagery on quality of life clinic [Fabbrini] 747 (November/ Excedrin Migraine for patients with chronic tension-type December) letter to the editor: warning: the Excedrin headache [Mannix] 326 (May) Migraine warning label is inadequate to Divalproex Sodium warn consumers of the risk of medication Cluster Analysis safety of divalproex sodium in migraine rebound headache [Evans] 679 (October) use of cluster analysis to validate IHS prophylaxis: an open-label, long-term diagnostic criteria for migraine and ten- study [Silberstein] 633 (October) letter to the editor: response to “warning: sion-type headache [Bruehl] 181 (March) the Excedrin Migraine warning label is Droperidol inadequate to warn consumers of the risk Cluster Headache letter to the editor: droperidol analgesia in of medication rebound headache” letter to the editor: Viagra and cluster organic headache [Mendizabal] 763 [Hoffman] 679 (October) headache [Stein] 58 (January) (November/December) Fasting Headache cluster headache. premonitory symptoms ECT-Induced Headaches fasting headache, weight loss, and dehy- [Raimondi] 565 (September) use of percutaneous electrical nerve stimu- dration [Mosek] 225 (March) lation (PENS) for treating ECT-induced letter to the editor: treatment of cluster headaches [Ghoname] 502 (July/August) Fiorinal With Codeine headache with mirtazapine [Nutt] 586 letter to the editor: comparison of Stadol (September) EEG Coherence NS and Fiorinal With Codeine [Sohn] 137 low interhemispheric and high intrahemi- (February) spheric EEG coherence in migraine Commandments [Koeda] 280 (April) letter to the editor: ten commandments of Flunarizine headache medicine [Singer] 589 a-dihydroergocryptine in the prophylaxis Electrical Nerve Stimulation (September) of migraine: a multicenter double-blind use of percutaneous electrical nerve stimu- study versus flunarizine [Bussone] 426 lation (PENS) for treating ECT-induced Comprehensive Care (June) headaches [Ghoname] 502 (July/August) comprehensive/tertiary care for headache: a 6-month outcome study [Saper] 249 Electromagnetic Fields Fluoxetine (April) treatment of migraine with pulsing electro- fluoxetine for migraine prophylaxis: a magnetic fields: a double-blind, placebo- double-blind trial [Colucci d’Amato] 716 Corticosteroids controlled study [Sherman] 567 (November/December) case report and subject review: changing (September) Headache 787 Frequent Headache Society criteria on the use of neuroimag- Hypertension letter to the editor: prevalence of frequent ing for headache diagnosis in a headache headache and cardiovascular risk factors: headache in a_ population sample clinic [Fabbrini] 747 (November/ positive association with hypertension [Mendizabal] 58 (January) December) [Cirillo] 409 (June) Gabapentin Headache Doctor Hyperthyroidism short communication: relief of anesthesia short communication: the headache doc- case report: hyperthyroidism mimicking dolorosa with gabapentin [Rozen] 761 tor: the dog ate my pills and other tales of increased intracranial pressure [Herwig] (November/December) woe [Singer] 135 (February) 228 (March) General Arousal Headache During Pregnancy IHS Classification time-series analyses of general arousal and longitudinal prospective study of headache chronic daily headache. how should it be headache activity in the natural environ- during pregnancy and _ postpartum included in the IHS classification? [Nappi] ment [Cathcart] 213 (March) [Marcus] 625 (October) 197 (March) Genetic Risk Factors Headache in Adolescents an examination of the validity of the IHS prothrombotic genetic risk factors in recurrent headache in adolescents: nonre- classification system for migraine and ten- patients with coexisting migraine and ferred versus clinic population [Smith] sion-type headache in the college student ischemic cerebrovascular disease [Iniesta] 616 (October) population [Rokicki] 720 (November/ 486 (July/August) December) Headache Medicine Glaucoma letter to the editor: ten commandments of IHS Criteria letter to the editor: subacute angle-closure headache medicine [Singer] 589 impact of the International Headache glaucoma as a cause of headache [Lavin] (September) Society criteria on the use of neuroimag- 520 (July/August) ing for headache diagnosis in a headache Headache. The Most Common clinic [Fabbrini] 747 (November/ letter to the editor: response to “subacute Complaints December) angle-closure glaucoma as a cause of book review: headache. the most common headache” [Daroff] 521 (July/August) complaints [Becker] 683 (October) use of cluster analysis to validate [HS diagnostic criteria for migraine and ten- Guided Imagery Headache Treatment sion-type headache [Bruehi] 181 (March) effect of guided imagery on quality of life short communication: politically correct for patients with chronic tension-type headache treatment [Singer] 342 (May) Indomethacin headache [Mannix] 326 (May) case reports: chronic daily bilateral Head Pain headache responsive to indomethacin Headache effects of visual stimuli and a stressor on [Solomon] 754 (November/December) comprehensive/tertiary care for headache: head pain [Martin] 705 (November/ a 6-month outcome study [Saper] 249 December) Intranasal Lidocaine (April) case report: intranasal lidocaine to prevent Hemicrania Continua headache following migraine aura historical review: the headache in posttraumatic hemicrania continua [Lay] [Maizels] 439 (June) American medical practice in the 19th 275 (April) century: a historical overview [McTavish] intranasal lidocaine for migraine: a ran- 287 (April) Histamine domized trial and open-label follow-up histamine as a therapeutic alternative in [Maizels] 543 (September) published cor- case report: chronic inflammatory migraine prophylaxis: a randomized, rection [editorial office] 764 (November/ demyelinating polyneuropathy presenting placebo-controlled, double-blind study December) with headache and _ papilledema [Guerrero] 576 (September) [Morrison] 299 (April) Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease Historical Review prothrombotic genetic risk factors in case report: central nervous system super- historical review: the headache in patients with coexisting migraine and ficial siderosis, headache, and epilepsy American medical practice in the 19th ischemic cerebrovascular disease [Iniesta] {lannaccone] 666 (October) century: a historical overview [McTavish] 486 (July/August) 287 (April) Headache Activity Italian Headache Clinics Hospitalization time-series analyses of general arousal and outcome of juvenile headache in outpa- letter to the editor: denial of hospitaliza- headache activity in the natural environ- tients attending 21 Italian headache clinics tion for headache [Sanders] 448 (June) ment [Cathcart] 213 (March) [Mazzotta] 737 (November/December) letter to the editor: reply to “denial of hos- Headache Clinic pitalization for headache” [Young] 448 Juvenile Headache impact of the International Headache (June) outcome of juvenile headache in outpa- 788 November/December, 1999 tients attending 21 Italian headache clinics Medication Rebound Headache intranasal lidocaine for migraine: a ran- [Mazzotta] 737 (November/December) letter to the editor: warning: the Excedrin domized trial and open-label follow-up Migraine warning label is inadequate to {Maizels] 543 (September) published cor- Kaplan Award 1998 warn consumers oft he risk of medication rection [editorial office] 764 epidemiology of chronic daily headache in rebound headache [Evans] 679 (October) (November/December) the general population [Castillo] 190 (March) letter to the editor: response to “warning: treatment of migraine with pulsing electro- the Excedrin Migraine warning label is magnetic fields: a double-blind, placebo- Late-Life (Migrainous) inadequate to warn consumers of the risk controlled study [Sherman] 567 Scintillating Zigzags of medication rebound headache” (September) late-life (migrainous) scintillating zigzags [Hoffman] 679 (October) without headache: one person’s 27-year optimizing migraine management [Lipton] experience [Fisher] 391 (June) Mental Activation S19 (Supplement 2) tension-type headache: pain, fatigue, ten- Lidocaine sion, and EMG responses to mental activa- cardiovascular responses to pain and stress case report: intranasal lidocaine to prevent tion [Bansevicius] 417 (June) in migraine [Hassinger] 605 (October) headache following migraine aura [Maizels] 439 (June) Metoclopramide amino acids in the saliva of patients with safety and efficacy of combined lysine migraine [Rajda] 644 (October) intranasal lidocaine for migraine: a ran- acetylsalicylate and metoclopramide: domized trial and open-label follow-up repeated intakes in migraine attacks an examination of the validity of the IHS [Maizels] 543 (September) published cor- {Pradalier] 125 (February) classification system for migraine and ten- rection [editorial office] 764 (November/ sion-type headache in the college student December) Middle Cerebral Arteries population [Rokicki] 720 (November letter to the editor: sudden onset of severe December) Lodz headache associated with polycythemia: epidemiology of migraine among students hyperdense middle cerebral arteries prevalence of migraine in schoolchildren from randomly selected secondary schools demonstrated by cranial computed tomog- and some clinical comparisons between in Lodz [Split] 494 (July/August) raphy [Ikemoto] 339 (May) migraine with and without aura [Mavromichalis]} 728 (November Lumbar Puncture Migraine December) case report and subject review: changing case report: Chiari-1 malformation, pattern of headache pointing to cerebral migraine, and sudden death [Ziegler] 38 Migraine Attacks venous thrombosis after lumbar puncture (January) pharmacokinetics of rizatriptan tablets and intravenous high-dose corticosteroids during and between migraine attacks [Aidi] 559 (September) mast cell activation in children with [Cutler] 264 (April) migraine before and after training in self- Lysine Acetylsalicylate regulation [Olness] 101 (February) Migraine Aura safety and efficacy of combined lysine case report: intranasal lidocaine to prevent acetylsalicylate and metoclopramide: potential neurogenic and vascular roles of headache following migraine aura repeated intakes in migraine attacks nitric oxide in migraine headache and aura {Maizels] 439 (June) [Pradalier] 125 (February) [Myers] 118 (February) letter to the editor: Tc 99m ECD-SPECT Managed Care letter to the editor: the possible treatment during migraine aura without headache case report: death by managed care— of migraine with carteolol hydrochloride [Wakutani] 446 (June) denial of hospitalization for headache [Shapiro] 138 (February) [Young] 51 (January) case report: estrogen replacement and low interhemispheric and high intrahemi- migraine aura [MacGregor] 674 (October) Management spheric EEG coherence in migraine optimizing migraine management [Lipton] {[Koeda] 280 (April) Migraine Characteristics S19 (Supplement 2) the prevalence and characteristics of 1999 Wolff Award: the occipital cortex is migraine in twins from the general popula- management of chronic daily headache hyperexcitable in migraine: experimental tion [Ulrich] 173 (March) utilizing a uniform treatment pathway evidence [Aurora] 469 (July/August) [Rothrock] 650 (October) Migraine in Children prothrombotic genetic risk factors in diagnosis of migraine in children attending Mast Cell patients with coexisting migraine and a pediatric headache clinic [deGrauw] 481 mast cell activation in children with ischemic cerebrovascular disease [Iniesta] (July/August) migraine before and after training in self- 486 (July/August) regulation [Olness] 101 (February) Headache 789 Migraine in Twins Misdiagnosis the prevalence and characteristics of letter to the editor: primary care physicians Nonspecific Migraine Therapies migraine in twins from the general popula- and misdiagnosis of headaches [Evans] emerging nonspecific migraine therapies: tion [Ulrich] 173 (March) 139 (February) targets and unmet needs [Rapoport] S27 (Supplement 2) Migraine Pathophysiology MMPI Changes understanding migraine pathophysiology MMPI changes associated with therapeu- Occipital Cortex through studying the mechanism of action tic intervention: a migraine control study 1999 Wolff Award: the occipital cortex is of rizatriptan [Goadsby] S2 (Supplement | ) {Fan] 581 (September) hyperexcitable in migraine: experimental evidence [Aurora] 469 (July/August) Migraine Prevalence Munchausen Syndrome the prevalence and characteristics of case report: headaches and face pains as a Oman migraine in twins from the general popula- manifestation of Munchausen syndrome primary chronic daily headache: clinical tion [Ulrich] 173 (March) [Solomon] 45 (January) and pharmacologic aspects. a clinic-based study in Oman [Deleu] 432 (June) Migraine Prophylaxis Musculoskeletal Abnormalities selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for musculoskeletal abnormalities in chronic Onset of Headache migraine prophylaxis [Landy] 28 headache: a controlled comparison of circumstances of onset of chronic (January) headache diagnostic groups [Marcus] 21 headache in patients attending a specialty (January) practice [Karpouzis] 317 (May) letter to the editor: amlodipine for migraine prophylaxis [Haugh] 138 letter to the editor: musculoskeletal abnor- Ophthalmoplegic Migraine (February) malities in chronic headache [Vernon] 521 case report: ophthalmoplegic migraine (July/August) with unusual features [O’Halloran] 670 histamine as a therapeutic alternative in (October) migraine prophylaxis: a randomized, Nadolol placebo-controlled, double-blind study case report: severe acne as a side effect of Oral Triptan Therapies [Guerrero] 576 (September) propranolol and nadolol in a migraineur emerging oral triptan therapies [Goadsby] [Bajwa] 758 (November/December) S40 (Supplement 2) safety of divalproex sodium in migraine prophylaxis: an open-label, long-term Naratriptan Ordinary Headache study [Silberstein] 633 (October) case report: naratriptan in the prophylaxis objective behavior associated with an of transformed migraine [Sheftell] 506 “ordinary” mild headache: a surprising fluoxetine for migraine prophylaxis: a (July/August) failure of pain onset to signal self-protec- double-blind trial [Colucci d’ Amato] 716 tive or self-regulatory behavior [Hovanitz] (November/December) National Control-Matched Survey 654 (October) precipitating factors of headache. a Migraineurs prospective study in a national control- Outcome Study autonomic dysfunction in migraineurs matched survey in migraineurs and nonmi- comprehensive/tertiary care for headache: [Mosek] 108 (February) graineurs [Chabriat] 335 (May) a 6-month outcome study [Saper] 249 (April) Migraine Without Aura Natural Environment weekend headache: a retrospective study time-series analyses of general arousal and Pain and Stress in migraine without aura and episodic ten- headache activity in the natural environ- cardiovascular responses to pain and stress sion-type headache [Torelli] 11 (January) ment [Cathcart] 213 (March) in migraine [Hassinger] 605 (October) Migrainous Scintillating Zigzags Neck-Shoulder-Arm Pain Pain of Cervical Radicular Origin late-life (migrainous) scintillating zigzags headache in patients with neck-shoulder- headache in patients with neck-shoulder- without headache: one person’s 27-year arm pain of cervical radicular origin arm pain of cervical radicular origin experience [Fisher] 391 (June) [Persson] 218 (March) [Persson] 218 (March) Migrainous Stroke Neuroimaging Papilledema case report: migrainous stroke causing impact of the International Headache case report: chronic inflammatory bilateral anterior cerebral artery territory Society criteria on the use of neuroimag- demyelinating polyneuropathy presenting infarction [Demirkaya] 513 (July/August) ing for headache diagnosis in a headache with headache and _ papilledema clinic [Fabbrini]} 747 (November/ [Morrison] 299 (April) Mirtazapine December) letter to the editor: treatment of cluster Pediatric Headache Clinic Nitric Oxide headache with mirtazapine [Nutt] 586 diagnosis of migraine in children attending potential neurogenic and vascular roles of (September) a pediatric headache clinic [deGrauw] 481 nitric oxide in migraine headache and aura (July/August) [Myers] 118 (February) 790 November/December, 1999 PENS Precipitating Factors Quality of Life use of percutaneous electrical nerve stimu- precipitating factors of headache. a effect of guided imagery on quality of life lation (PENS) for treating ECT-induced prospective study in a national control- for patients with chronic tension-type headaches [Ghoname] 502 (July/August) matched survey in migraineurs and nonmi- headache [Mannix] 326 (May) graineurs [Chabriat] 335 (May) Pharmacokinetics Ramadan Headache pharmacokinetics of rizatriptan tablets Pregnancy the first-of-Ramadan headache [Awada] during and between migraine attacks longitudinal prospective study of headache 490 (July/August) {Cutler] 264 (April) during pregnancy and _ postpartum [Marcus] 625 (October) Rizatriptan Pituitary Adenomas letter to the editor: comparison of rizatrip- letter to the editor: headache associated Premonitory Symptoms tan and sumatriptan [O’Quinn] 59 with pituitary adenomas [Guerrero] 522 cluster headache. premonitory symptoms (January) (July/August) [Raimondi] 565 (September) pharmacokinetics of rizatriptan tablets Pituitary Macroadenoma Prevalence during and between migraine attacks case report: dramatic headache relief after letter to the editor: prevalence of frequent [Cutler] 264 (April) sumatriptan in a patient with a pituitary headache in a_ population sample macroadenoma [Shah] 443 (June) {Mendizabal] 58 (January) letter to the editor: comparison of rizatrip- tan and sumatriptan: a reply to O’Quinn et Politically Correct Primary Care al [Tfelt-Hansen] 340 (May) short communication: politically correct letter to the editor: teaching aids for pri- headache treatment [Singer] 342 (May) mary care [Maizels] 522 (July/August) rizatriptan: a new milestone in migraine treatment [Ferrari] SI] (Supplement 1) Polycythemia Primary Care Physicians understanding migraine pathophysiology letter to the editor: sudden onset of severe letter to the editor: primary care physicians headache associated with polycythemia: and misdiagnosis of headaches [Evans] through studying the mechanism of action of rizatriptan [Goadsby] S2 (Supplement | ) hyperdense middle cerebral arteries 139 (February) demonstrated by cranial computed tomog- pharmacologic profile and clinical efficacy raphy [Ikemoto] 339 (May) Primary Headaches in HIV of rizatriptan [Lipton] S9 (Supplement 1) primary headaches in HIV-infected Polyneuropathy patients [Mirsattari] 3 (January) safety and tolerability of the novel case report: chronic — inflammatory 5-HTisip agonist rizatriptan in demyelinating polyneuropathy presenting Prophylaxis of Migraine migraineurs [Dahl6f] S16 (Supplement 1!) with headache and _ papilledema o-dihydroergocryptine in the prophylaxis [Morrison] 299 (April) of migraine: a multicenter double-blind Rizatriptan, Clinical Efficacy study versus flunarizine [Bussone] 426 pharmacologic profile and clinical efficacy Population Sample (June) of rizatriptan [Lipton] S9 (Supplement !) letter to the editor: prevalence of frequent Rizatriptan, Pharmacologic Profile headache in a_ population sample Propranolol pharmacologic profile and clinical efficacy {Mendizabal] 58 (January) case report: severe acne as a side effect of of rizatriptan [Lipton] S9 (Supplement |) propranolol and nadolol in a migraineur Postherpetic Neuralgia [Bajwa] 758 (November/December) Rizatriptan, Safety and Tolerability case report: sphenopalatine ganglion block safety and tolerability of the novel for treatment of sinus arrest in postherpet- Prothrombotic 5-HTisin agonist rizatriptan in ic neuralgia [Saberski] 42 (January) prothrombotic genetic risk factors in migraineurs [Dahl6f] S16 (Supplement 1) patients with coexisting migraine and Postmeningitis Headache ischemic cerebrovascular disease [Iniesta] Routes of Administration postmeningitis headache [Neufeld] 132 486 (July/August) routes of administration of acute migraine therapy [Loder] S35 (Supplement 2) (February) Psychiatric Comorbidity Saliva Postoperative Headache psychiatric comorbidity is related to amino acids in the saliva of patients with letter to the editor: spinal puncture falsely headache induced by chronic substance migraine [Rajda] 644 (October) blamed for postoperative headache [Black] use in migraineurs [Radat] 477 446 (June) (July/August) Schoolchildren prevalence of migraine in schoolchildren Postpartum Public Education Seminars and some clinical comparisons between longitudinal prospective study of headache demographics of attendees at public edu- migraine with and without aura during pregnancy and_ postpartum cation seminars [Klapper] 752 (November/ {Mavromichalis] 728 (November [Marcus] 625 (October) December) December) Headache 791 Self-protective headaches: a questionnaire study [Vingen] Teaching Aids objective behavior associated with an 552 (September) letter to the editor: teaching aids for pri- “ordinary” mild headache: a surprising mary care [Maizels] 522 (July/August) failure of pain onset to signal self-protec- Stress tive or self-regulatory behavior [Hovanitz] effects of visual stimuli and a stressor on Tension-type Headache 654 (October) head pain [Martin] 705 (November/ tension-type headache: pain, fatigue, ten- December) sion, and EMG responses to mental activa- Self-regulation tion [Bansevicius] 417 (June) mast cell activation in children with Stroke migraine before and after training in self- case report: migrainous stroke causing improvement of tension-type headache regulation [Olness] 101 (February) bilateral anterior cerebral artery territory when treating wrinkles with botulinum infarction [Demirkaya] 513 (July/August) toxin A injections [Carruthers] 662 Self-regulatory (October) objective behavior associated with an Student Population “ordinary” mild headache: a surprising an examination of the validity of the IHS an examination of the validity of the IHS failure of pain onset to signal self-protec- classification system for migraine and ten- classification system for migraine and ten- tive or self-regulatory behavior [Hovanitz] sion-type headache in the college student sion-type headache in the college student 654 (October) population [Rokicki] 720 (November/ population [Rokicki] 720 (November/ December) December) Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for Substance Use Tertiary Care migraine prophylaxis [Landy] 28 psychiatric comorbidity is related to comprehensive/tertiary care for headache: (January) headache induced by chronic substance a 6-month outcome study [Saper] 249 use in migraineurs [Radat] 477 (April) Siderosis (July/August) case report: central nervous system super- letter to the editor: comprehensive/tertiary ficial siderosis, headache, and epilepsy Sudden Death care for headache [Jaffe] 518 (July/ [Ilannaccone] 666 (October) case report: Chiari-1 malformation, August) migraine, and sudden death [Ziegler] 38 Sinus Arrest (January) letter to the editor: response to “compre- case report: sphenopalatine ganglion block hensive/tertiary care for headache” [Saper] for treatment of sinus arrest in postherpet- Sumatriptan 519 (July/August) ic neuralgia [Saberski] 42 (January) letter to the editor: comparison of rizatrip- tan and sumatriptan [O’Quinn] 59 Therapeutic Gain Specialty Practice (January) letter to the editor: therapeutic gain: a cri- circumstances of onset of chronic tique [Spierings] 517 (July/August) headache in patients attending a specialty letter to the editor: comparison of rizatrip- practice [Karpouzis] 317 (May) tan and sumatriptan: a reply to O’Quinn et letter to the editor: response to “therapeu- al [Tfelt-Hansen] 340 (May) tic gain: a critique” [Goadsby] 518 Sphenopalatine Ganglion (July/August) case report: sphenopalatine ganglion block case report: dramatic headache relief after for treatment of sinus arrest in postherpet- sumatriptan in a patient with a pituitary Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome ic neuralgia [Saberski] 42 (January) macroadenoma [Shah] 443 (June) neuroimaging diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome: MRI contribution [de Arcaya] Spinal Puncture case report: fatal cardiac arrhythmia after 321 (May) letter to the editor: spinal puncture falsely oral sumatriptan [Laine] 511 (July/ blamed for postoperative headache [Black] August) Transformed Migraine 446 (June) transformed migraine is a cause of chron- Supraorbital Neuralgia ic daily headaches [Konno] 95 (February) Stadol NS supraorbital neuralgia. on the clinical man- letter to the editor: comparison of Stadol ifestations and a possible therapeutic case report: naratriptan in the prophylaxis NS and Fiorinal With Codeine [Sohn] 137 approach [Sjaastad] 204 (March) of transformed migraine [Sheftell] 506 (February) (July/August) letter to the editor: supraorbital neuralgia Status Migrainosus [Solomon] 680 (October) Trigeminal Nucleus Caudalis case report: status migrainosus: an unusu- attenuation by butalbital of capsaicin- al presentation of a brain abscess [Bruera] Te 99m ECD-SPECT induced c-fos—like immunoreactivity in 55 (January) letter to the editor: Tc 99m ECD-SPECT trigeminal nucleus caudalis [Cutrer] 697 during migraine aura without headache (November/December) Stimuli in Primary Headaches [Wakutani] 446 (June) sensitivity to various stimuli in primary 792 November/December, 1999

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